The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V95

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************June 4, 2001***********

*****Additional School District Expenditures***** The Llano School District is planning to spend an additional $500,000 on additions to existing construction projects, already costing some $3 million. Of course, Superintendent Jack Patton and his cronies on the School Board have not clearly indicated where the money's coming from. ... Guess what? The taxpayers will again be looted.

*****Double Trouble*****

Apparently, the Bush twins are a chip off the old block, aren't they? Certainly, party animals, no doubt. The "President" has once again been embarrassed by his wayward offspring. Both have been charged with underage alcohol-related offenses. ... Seems Barbara and Jenna recently illegally attempted to purchase alcohol at an Austin restaurant. Interesting, isn't it? Several weeks ago, Jenna, indeed, had pleaded no contest to a similar earlier charge. Nothing quite like aggressive stupidity, -- or Aryan arrogance. Even more fascinating is the fact both young women are victims of a zero-tolerance underage drinking law signed by the "President" when he was governor.

Where's the indignation of the Religious Right? Had it been Chelsea Clinton, all hell would have broken loose. Ole' Bill and Hillary would have been mercilessly skewered and condemned as unfit parents. ... Nothing quite like the double standard, is there? --As long as it's a Republican, no problem. Right? After all and according to the "President", it's just a "family matter", isn't it? ... Not flaunting of the law, as it would be for a family of godless Democrats. Certainly not, since Republicans commit no crimes. The double standard is quite amusing. Then again, this is the United States, where day is night, night is day, and manure smells sweet.

All joking aside, both recent Bush escapades are proof positive underage drinking laws do NOT work. It's particularly outrageous minors can be held criminally liable as adults and even die for their country as soldiers, but have no legal right to consume alcohol until age 21. The law is unworkable and deliberately makes "criminals" out of those who do no more than consume. It protects no one and falsely provides "comfort" to parents who have not taught their children by example the proper use of alcohol, -- in moderation. ... Right, Mr. "President"?

No amount of punishment or punitive measures will stop underage drinking. It is, has been, and always will be considered a "right" as well "rite" of passage by young people. As deplorable as that is, it is a fact of life. ... Should the State of Texas make it a capital crime to consume alcohol underage, young people will certainly continue to drink even if their peers are executed. Time for the Right to wake up and cease trying to impose its morality and standards on others.

*****Democrats Control Senate*****

With the Senate reverting to Democratic control, it will be quite interesting to see if the "President's" fascist agenda passes muster. Already, the House is sniping at Mr. Bush's "faith-based initiatives". John J. DiIulio Jr., Director of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives for the White House could not demonstrably assert whether pending legislation bans all proselytization by religious groups receiving funding. If such bans do not exist, those receiving assistance could be forced to accept religious indoctrination in exchange for a meal, clothing, shelter, etc., -- in clear violation of church-state separation required by the First Amendment.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with people accepting indoctrination freely, to make federal assistance contingent upon such, however, (whether directly or subtly implied) is clearly fascist, abusive, and unconstitutional. Since it is indeed a tenet of Christianity to fervently proselytize, it will be next to, if not, impossible for Christians to offer charitable assistance without forcing their views on others.

... Not all do, however, but far too many. While charitable activities by Christian groups are indeed valuable, provide a public service, and certainly ought to continue, they should not be funded by federal money unless and until recipients can be assured dogma will not be forced on those seeking aid.

After all, the United States is NOT a theocracy. There is indeed a plurality of spiritual views and beliefs, as well as those who hold none at all. Can you imagine how the Right would squeal if Satanists and other non-mainstream religions receive federal funding intended for charitable distribution? Why should anyone have to subscribe to any particular faith in order to receive charitable aid from government?

... And it is absolutely necessary for government to involve itself in charitable activity. While capitalism is by far the best economic system, it is also incredibly cruel to those on the bottom of the food-chain. If religious groups could adequately handle the load, they would already be doing so. The "President" and his cronies on the Extreme Right wouldn't be hell-bent on forcing faith-based initiatives funded by government if the churches were fully up to task.

Sadly, too many of the "faithful" are far more intent on lining their pockets, than in caring for their less fortunate "brothers" and "sisters". Many of these fascists indeed blame indigents for their plight, falsely accusing them of not wanting to work, rather than forcing employers to pay a liveable wage. Precisely why, Medicaid is going broke in Texas, despite welfare reform and the resultant return of most recipients to the workforce. Interesting, isn't it? Wouldn't want to confuse the Right with the truth, however. After all, they can't see past their nose. ... And deep pockets.

In addition to nagging church-state separation issues, it will be extremely difficult for religious groups to keep federal funds independent and apart from their own finances. Especially churches suffering financial difficulties of their own. Another extremely serious problem is a provision in pending legislation that would allow churches to discriminate in hiring practices, permitting them to give special preference to members of their own faith.

Amazing, isn't it, Republicans are strongly in favor of this type of discrimination? ... While violently opposed to Affirmative Action. The latter, however, when properly run only levels the playing field and does not force employers to hire less-qualified minorities. -- Despite strong assertions to the contrary by the Right. ... Proof positive of the existence and prevalence of closet bigotry. -- A form of discrimination far more difficult to combat and expose to the light of day. Exactly, as the Right wants it, however.

Closet prejudice is not just against blacks and other racial minorities. Gays have suffered immensely at the hands of the Extreme Right. Fascinating, isn't it, how un-Christian some of these bigots can become? Florida State Rep. Allen Trovillion, a Winter Park Republican and devout "Christian" assured four gay activists back in April "God will destroy you." -- Sadly, this pathetic excuse for a human being arrogantly thinks he speaks for God. ... Can you imagine homosexuals seeking assistance at his church, should the "President's" faith-based initiatives pass? -- Precisely why the Founders, in their wisdom, wrote the First Amendment and its guarantees of separation of church and state. ... Freedom of religion, as well as freedom FROM it.

*****Jeffords Receives Death Threats*****

Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont has received death threats after bolting from the Republican Party last week. Apparently, the Right is running scared. Tough, isn't it? The "President" is still reeling from the defection and his staff is looking for ways to make him appear more centrist to voters. ... Hey, George? It's going to take more than "symbolism over substance", sir.

Whatever the hell happened to taking "personal responsibility"? Most pointedly, Republicans are blaming Jeffords rather than taking a good hard look at their increasingly fascist principles. Then again, wouldn't want to confuse the Right with the truth, would we? ... Especially Sen. Trent Lott, who was quite miffed at the audacity of Jeffords to bolt a party intolerant of anything other than the party line. Sadly, the GOP has moved well past "conservatism", embracing fascism and increasingly controlled by the Religious Right. Jeffords was too polite to say so, simply asserting the party had moved too far to the right for his personal taste. Interesting, isn't it?

*****McCain Meets With Daschle*****

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Dem. SD spent the past weekend with Sen. John McCain at McCain's Arizona residence. While the Arizona senator has repeatedly asserted he is, and will continue to be a Republican, his recent pow wow with the Democratic Leader has fueled speculation he may bolt and run for president as an Independent. At the very least, the maverick politician appears willing to work with Democrats to ensure moderates of both major parties continue to be heard in the Senate. Apparently, McCain also wants to see some of the Democratic agenda passed. Interesting, isn't it? Politics certainly makes for strange bedfellows, no? All joking aside, Mr. McCain is an outstanding politician and would make a fine president.

*****Democrats Promise Investigation Of Gasoline Prices*****

Democratic Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan is promising an investigation of skyrocketing gasoline prices. Levin is due to become chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations this week. About time, the Democrats aggressively pursue Big Oil and the outrageous gouging, no? Certainly, will be a campaign issue, should the "President" run for "re-election".

*****China Thumbs Nose At U.S.*****

Remember the EP3 spy plane held by China since April 1? Intending to embarrass Ole' George "The Tush" Bush, Beijing will not allow the aircraft to be repaired and flown off the island. The plane will have to be dismantled and removed in crates. Where the hell is the indignation of the Fascist Right?

... Had it been Clinton and not the current "incumbent", criticism would have been intense and prolonged. Yet, the "President" is gutlessly extended unlimited slack by "conservatives". Fascinating, isn't it? Truly, fascinating. The double standard, although expected, is indeed stunning to behold. Nothing quite like hypocrisy.

Then again, this is the legacy of Ronald Reagan... Aren't we lucky? To add insult to injury, the "President" is seeking to renew most favored nation status for the communist regime. -- Has to take care of his cronies in big business; doesn't he?

*****Tel Aviv Bombing*****

A Palestinian suicide bomber killed 21 young people including himself Friday in Tel Aviv. The terror will not end until land taken by the Israelis in 1967 is returned to the Palestinians. Israeli bulldozing of Palestinian homes and continued settlement of Palestinian seized territory is heavily contributing to the problem. Imagine how Americans would react if Canadians or Mexicans settled northern or southern portions of the U.S.? There is NO excuse for the killing of innocent citizens by terrorists. There IS, however, a reason why the killings continue. It's time for Americans to wake up.

Our "President" has employed a hands-off policy on the Middle East since having taken office after a stolen election. ... Hey, George? The chickens are coming home to roost, no? Belatedly, the "President" has ordered Secretary of State Colin Powell to take a more active interest in Middle Eastern affairs. Fascinating, isn't it? Mr. Powell is certainly a gifted leader and will serve his country well in the Bush "Administration". ... Too bad the General had not considered running for president himself.

*****Tax Cut*****

As reported recently in this publication, the "President's" tax cut heavily favors the rich and Corporate America according to statistics released by Citizens For Tax Justice. Even the Republicans have not challenged the study. Interesting, isn't it? Those making $44,000 or less receive only 15.6% of the entire tax cut pie. The rest is reserved for the "haves". ... Who says the GOP is not the party of the rich and big business? Remember the rebates promised by Ole' George? Think you'll get one? Think again. Half the people in the bottom 60% of income earners will receive no rebate. Fascinating, isn't it?

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last five Newsletters, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet. Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty. If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Despite the lack of financial assistance from a cowardly and selfish community, the Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 visitor count stands in excess of 113,300. ... Over two years, now. For what?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Jun 4, 2001 5:38pm EDT