The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V93

Accessing The Llano Ledger Website Without Generously Providing Financial Assistance To This Publication Not Only Denies Desperately Needed Funds For Investigative Expenses, But Amounts To Theft Of This Writer's Labor.

*************May 21, 2001************


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Be sure to check out Announcements. A news release from the Kingsland American Legion was received and posted. All are encouraged to attend a brief Memorial Day Service.

Continuing review of Hospital employee expense reports, an additional $3,061.63 was found in seminar expenditures. Readers are advised the total figure to date is thousands of dollars less than reality, since prior to this edition only expenses listed on actual vouchers had been included.

For the most part, the numbers listed on Llano Memorial Hospital Seminar Travel Request Authorization Forms have not been included since it was not clear in many cases who paid the tuition itself, or whether the entire amount was indeed approved by Management. In other words, the majority of seminar expenses reported earlier were for food, lodging, transportation, and not the expense of the class itself.

... The quality of recordkeeping is indeed that poor. Rather than risk grossly under reporting the expenditures, however, a decision has been made to report the total amounts found in the paperwork from this point forward. Should the Administrator or any other Hospital official wish to clarify the issue, unlimited space is offered for response. ... Should there ever be an independent audit, auditors would have one hell of a time. With the sloppiness of the records, an enormous amount of money could have been stolen. Yet, investigators would have considerable difficulty determining who got what, and what went where.

Another $1,320.00 was found in Special Needs expenses, -- employee hardship grants. One individual received $500.00 for the "death of a spouse". Another was given $500.00 for losses incurred in a "fire". Still yet another received $300.00 when the employee's father died. One drew $20.00 for the death of a "Secondary" Family Member. ... What is a secondary family member, you ask? Indeed, it is a father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, or grandparent. Think all this proper in a Hospital facing serious financial difficulties? Wonder why those of you with insurance or capable of paying cash are being excessively looted by healthcare providers? Wake up, friends. ... Someone has to pick up the tab.

Food for a Doctors Day extravaganza cost $297.63. Why the hell didn't the physicians chip in? Can't have that now, can we? Wouldn't want any doctor to go broke, would we? Incredibly, another $251.67 was found in Christmas decoration expenses. An Employee of the Year received $500.00. -- That's right, $500.00. An Employee of the Second Quarter drew $25.00. Hospital officials can't seem to spend enough on Aqua Boom float expenses. Another $209.95 was squandered on materials, -- in addition to what was spent earlier.

One employee was reimbursed $190.84 for taking a test for a "Surgical Technician Certificate". Another was given $9.88 for photos. Still yet another received $171.77 for postage. One received $435.92 for "Various Marketing Projects". A whopping $1,056.13 was spent on SSRHC, -- whatever the hell that is.

During the latest inspection, an additional $27,096.54 was found in employee expense reports, bringing the grand total so far to $170,089.76. -- For a period of time dating back approximately two years. Interesting, isn't it?

Access was finally provided to the January 25, 2001 joint Board meeting minutes. The Hospital is still experiencing serious financial difficulties: "Mike Oatman, Parrish, Moody & Fikes, p.c. gave report to the two Boards. Bad Debts appear to be one of the main reasons for our losses......If you take out the Bad Debts, you would not see a loss. He pointed out that one reportable condition involves the segregation of duties regarding payroll, accounts receivable posting and bank reconciliation. It was noted that charges were not being billed on a timely basis, better tracking records on the medical records and supporting documentation is maintained for all patient accounts." ... Think they'll ever get it right?

Switching gears, criticism of the law enforcement community has been most pointed for quite some time in this publication. ... With good reason. Credit, however, must be given when due. ABC's Prime Time recently had its producers return "lost" wallets full of cash to 20 police officers in Los Angeles as well as another 20 in New York City. To the credit of both police departments all 40 wallets were turned in without any cash or other valuables pilfered by officers. This is indeed a tribute to the honesty and honor of all 40 officers, -- provided they were not tipped off.

In addition, the Granite Shoals Marshal recently graciously offered and provided a ride to this writer. Although the immediate purpose of The Ledger is to expose corrupt and abusive government officials to the light of day, the ultimate goal has always been to force badly needed change as well as to reinforce existent desirable behavior.

Switching gears again, the "President's" daughter, Jenna, pleaded no contest to a minor in possession of alcohol charge recently. Readers will recall the "Party Girl" had been ticketed in an Austin nightclub several weeks ago while her Secret Service guards allegedly waited outside. She was ordered to pay $51.25 in court costs, attend six hours of alcohol awareness classes, and perform eight hours of community service.

Apparently, the media has a hands-off approach, and with the exception of CBS News, neglected to mention the fact the young lady became rattled by photographers posted outside the courtroom and asked officers stand in front of the door windows to ensure no photographs be taken. .. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, no?

The Fascist Right has been remarkably silent about the First Daughter's indiscretion. Interesting, isn't it? Can you imagine the uproar had Chelsea Clinton found herself in a similar situation? Ole' Bill and Hillary would have been slammed as unfit parents by the "holier than thou" crowd in the Republican camp. Then again, there is a double standard at work here, isn't there? No matter. After all, the "Party Girl" is only a chip off the old block, isn't she?

Regarding "Presidential" appointments, Democrats are beginning to stand their ground. The Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked on the nomination of Theodore Olson for Solicitor General. To keep it alive, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott will have to pull the appointment out of Committee and bring it to the floor for consideration. -- The Solicitor General argues the government's best interests before the Supreme Court.

Readers will recall Mr. Olson represented "President" George "The Tush" Bush during his Florida election suit before the highest court of the land last year. -- Apparently, irking Senate Democrats and contributing to the blocking of his nomination as Solicitor General. Tough, isn't it? All joking aside and far more seriously, he has been accused of giving false testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his ties to a fascist rag known as The American Spectator.

The U.S. Supreme Court has once again displayed its fascist colors as well as the exquisite usefulness of the Catch-22 philosophy, ruling since the government states marijuana has "no currently accepted medical use", there is no exception for medical marijuana. "Brilliant", no? ... If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit. Of course, the most "scholarly" of the justices wrote the unanimous decision, Clarence Thomas.

This buffoon, who apparently has had some serious problems of sexual harassment in his past, has chosen to ignore medical research and the will of the voters of nine states who voted to legalize medical marijuana. ... Whatever the hell happened to states' rights? -- A favorite battle cry of the Fascist Right and Republican Party? ... A battle cry that conveniently ignores the corruption and abuse at local, county, and state levels of government. Most pointedly, wouldn't want to confuse the Right with the truth, would we?

Then again, where are the Democrats? They've cowardly sat on their hands and have done nothing to force the issue. After all, it's not politically expedient in the current fascist atmosphere of the body politic. Neither party truly cares anyway about the pain and discomfort of people suffering from AIDS, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and other diseases that would benefit greatly from the use of medical marijuana.

The House ratified the "President's" Executive Order banning financial support of foreign family planning organizations that discuss or advocate abortion rights. -- Another example of the Religious Right imposing its distorted views on others. Had it occurred in this country, it would have been declared unconstitutional.

Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill piously proclaimed: "When the very same organization offers U.S. family planning with one hand and abortion with the other, the message is the United States and its partners are perfectly comfortable with abortion". ... Hey, Henry? Abortion IS legal in the U.S.. Wake up, sir. Who the hell are you to impose your views of morality on anyone else? Domestically or overseas. A bit Aryan arrogant, isn't it? -- Especially hypocritical in view of the fact you've had your own problems with marital indiscretions in the past, leading to the breakup of a marriage other than your own.

Certainly amazing, isn't it, Democrats are giving these "holier than thou" Republicans slack regarding their sexual peccadillos? Another case in point is Republican New York City Mayor Rudy Guliani and his ongoing affair with a mistress, much to his wife's chagrin. The divorce has become a public spectacle. ... Hey, Rudy? Are your attorney's crude comments regarding your wife an example of Christian love and charity? Where in hell is the outrage of the Religious Right? After all, they were all over Clinton for his indiscretions. At least, the Clintons remained together. ... Almost forgot. It's quite all right as long as a Republican is doing the screwing around, no? Precisely why this writer is a political independent and has condemned both major parties.

The "President" finally released his long-awaited energy "plan". Not surprisingly, it generously rewards Big Oil for millions in campaign contributions. Of equal significance, readers are reminded Ole' George made a portion of his fortune in the oil business. The "Vice President" as well worked years for Halliburton, a major oil corporation, as Chief Executive Officer, and retired an extremely rich man as a result of energy profits. Therefore, it should come as no surprise the "President's" best interests lie with his cronies in the oil business and not with American energy consumers.

Reportedly with gasoline approaching $2 a gallon on the average nationwide, refineries have doubled their profits over last year. Worse yet, the Republicans have no stomach for eliminating the 18 cents per gallon federal excise tax on gasoline. Interesting, isn't it? Especially in view of the fact the GOP has been so anxious to return some of the people's money in tax cuts.

The Democratic Governor of California has strongly asserted price gouging has caused his state's annual power costs to jump from some $6 billion in 1999 to an estimated $50-60 billion for 2001. Time for a congressional investigation on gouging to determine if Gov. Davis is no more than a wild-eyed socialist, isn't it? -- As has been claimed by many Right Wing fascists in this state who have been greedily lining their pockets at the expense of energy consumers nationwide.

Although oil companies have apparently been in the process of creating an artificial energy shortage for quite some time, isn't it a bit strange things have come to a head since Ole' George stole the "Presidential" office? Worse yet, Mr. Bush seems to have no concern for the environment and is quite willing to risk the unspoiled tundra of Alaska to line the pockets of his cronies in Big Oil.

Yet, his brother Jeb, the governor of Florida, has come out strongly against any new exploration off the coast of the Sunshine State. Interesting, isn't it? Think the "President" will go along? -- Or that an exception for Florida will fly with the American public?

Of even greater concern is Ole' George's indifference to alternative energy. Apparently, funding for research in that area will be reduced some 60%, depending upon which type and if public pressure doesn't force some moderation in the meantime. In addition, the "President" has apparently forgotten the catastrophe on Three Mile Island back in 1979 and is calling for a revival of nuclear energy.

--Without first solving the waste problem. And it is indeed a problem. Texas has already been forced to accept nuclear waste and will undoubtedly accept more should the dolt who currently occupies the Oval Office get his way. Readers are reminded there are 103 operating nuclear reactors in the U.S.. The waste is estimated at some 45,000 tons, and will remain dangerously radioactive for some 200,000 years. There is much more to be presented on this website in regard to the "President's" energy "plan". It will be posted over the next few weeks as time and space allow.

As strongly asserted in the last three Newsletters, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet. Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day? Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

Friends, serious consideration is given by this writer to simply walking away from The Ledger due to a glaring lack of financial support from the readership. As strongly asserted in Special Edition V65, lacking any vested interest and no longer owning property in Llano County, why continue in the absence of financial assistance from a cowardly and selfish community? -- Despite a Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 visitor count exceeding 107,800? ... Over two years, now. For what?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Fri May 25, 2001 12:41pm EDT