The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V92

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*************May 14, 2001************

Before addressing the main thrust of this edition, several issues need to be discussed first.

LISD Superintendent Jack Patton strongly asserted last Monday morning, May 7, he did not know by whom or when the results of the May 5 School Board election would be canvassed. This bumbling bureaucrat and sad excuse for an "educator" disingenuously lied, or is egregiously incompetent. Not surprisingly, the vote was quite conveniently canvassed by the School Board on May 8, -- the day after Ole' Jack made misleading statements at a meeting attended by this writer and Fred Mraz. Interesting, isn't it? Nothing quite like the fox guarding the chicken coop, no? Then again, this is Llano County. With outrageous voting irregularities and improper conduct by School officials during the campaign, however, the issue is far from closed...

Be sure to check out Announcements. A news release from the American Legion was received and posted. All are encouraged to attend a brief Memorial Day service.

To his credit, Gov. Rick Perry pushed through and finally signed into law a hate-crimes bill that former Gov. George Bush and his fascist cronies managed to scuttle during the last legislative session. The law will more severely punish crimes motivated by hate, against victims based upon their "race, religion, color, gender, disabilities, sexual preference, age and national origin and ancestry". About time. Apparently, more moderate "conservatives" of the GOP managed to prevail over the extremist fringe.

The latter hasn't quietly retreated with its tail between its legs, however. Kelly Shackelford, President of the Free Market Foundation seems to think a "24-year-old male in a protected class could be better protected against an attack than a 7-year-old girl." Utter nonsense and clearly reflective of Mr. Shackelford's true agenda: the imposition of his religious and moral values on those who do not agree with his distorted views of reality. -- Specifically, the desire to deny any legal protection to those who engage in consenting adult homosexual behavior. The continuing bashing, beating, and murder of gays and lesbians, however, clearly indicate the need for additional protection under the law. Interestingly, our legislators have finally woken up. ... When the hell will the Religious Right?

Just as importantly, the new law recognizes the fact bigotry is alive and well in this country. Sadly, unlike thirty years ago, the issue has been determinedly relegated to the closet by those on the Extreme Right. No more. Not even here in Texas. Fascists, masquerading under the "conservative" label and disingenuously thumping their Bibles, must be aggressively challenged and exposed for what they truly are. It's time to wake up before the extremist fringe completely obliterates liberty and values this country used to stand for.

Even the Governor, however, has reservations about the bill he just signed. Not to worry, sir. The law doesn't "divide" people. It protects those who cannot protect themselves. If there indeed is any division, it is created solely by those who have no tolerance for racial minorities or homosexuals. Worse yet, bigotry relegated to the closet is much harder to fight. Precisely why hate-crimes legislation was so desperately needed, -- despite the self-serving whining of the Extreme Right.

Sadly, extremists are not the only dangerous threat to "protected classes". Nationwide, law enforcement has had more than its share of problems. Yet, corrupt and abusive prosecutors show no willingness to hold murderous officers to the same standard required of the citizenry.

Most recent case in point? The killing of a 19-year-old black man by Cincinnati Officer Stephen Roach. Outrageously, the officer will only answer to two misdemeanor charges. Interesting, isn't it? ... Had it been the other way around, the man would have already been on death row for capital murder.

In regard to the Atwater v. Lago Vista case decided by a glaringly fascist U.S. Supreme Court several weeks ago allowing "officers" to incarcerate fine-only offenders, our cowardly Legislature not surprisingly has done absolutely nothing. --Lawmakers allowed a pending bill to die before the deadline, succumbing to corrupt and abusive law enforcement. Interesting, isn't it? Where in hell was our outstanding Governor on this one? Apparently, Ole' Rick could care less.

Sadly, the evisceration and bastardization of the Bill of Rights will only continue under the current "Administration". After all, the "President" has begun the process of appointing extreme Right Wing fascists to the federal judiciary. ... "Jurists" who will indeed legislate from the bench, imposing their distorted principles, despite hypocritical promises not to do so.

-- People like Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen who has been nominated to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. ... Or University of Utah professor Michael McConnell who strongly opposes abortion rights and church-state separation. This turkey has been nominated to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and apparently has not read the First Amendment in quite some time. Hopefully, Democrats will finally find some spine and strongly oppose some of the "President's" more radical appointments.

While supposed "conservatives" in Texas strongly support property rights, apparently, the "President" does not. Ole' George is backing efforts to give the federal government authority to seize private property needed to construct power lines. Interesting, isn't it?

Hey, George? ... Sounds like the agenda is Nazism rather than "conservatism". Then again, one has to closely examine where the "President's" bread is buttered. -- And how and by whom his pockets have been lined.

Although the drug war was lost some thirty years ago and has led to the evisceration and bastardization of the Bill of Rights, the "President" doesn't seem to have gotten the message. --Although he himself apparently had some serious problems with alcohol years ago and would not categorically state during the Presidential campaign that he had never used cocaine. ... "Don't do as I do, do as I say." -- Right, George?

For the sake of clarification and intellectual honesty, new readers are reminded this writer has repeatedly asserted his (writer's) strong opposition to all drug use, including the abuse of alcohol and tobacco.

Ole' George has nominated John P. Walters as the new drug czar. Walters has the reputation for being an extremist, favoring stiff incarceration of drug-related offenders. -- Mandatory sentencing, leaving judges with no discretion. ... Precisely why our prisons are overcrowded and pressed for sufficient bed-space for far more serious crimes.

The "President" has pledged "an all-out effort to reduce illegal drug use in America." Translation? Law enforcement will receive even greater latitude, and the assault on liberty and the Bill of Rights will continue unabated in an effort to provide supposed "security" for the masses. In reality, corrupt and abusive law enforcement, jurists, and defense attorneys will become even richer than they already are. Honesty? Where?

The Extreme Right has conveniently forgotten the failure of Prohibition during the 1920's and numerous ancillary problems generated and accrued as a result, in what was originally a noble effort. The "President", however, seems to think he somehow has the answer others have found elusive for thousands of years. Interesting, isn't it? Aryan arrogant, as well. Then again, par for the course, considering the "incumbent", isn't it?

In comments made after the announcement, Walters clearly demonstrated his glaring naivety and oversimplistic approach to an enormously difficult problem by engaging in the same old tired rhetoric, strikingly reminiscent to that of earlier failed efforts made over the last thirty years:

"Our country has made great progress in the past in reducing drug use, and we will do it again. ... We will especially protect our children from drug use, we will help the addicted find effective treatment and remain in recovery, we will shield our communities from the terrible human toll taken by illegal drugs, and we will stop illegal drug use and the drug trade from funding threats to democratic institutions throughout our hemisphere. ... Our efforts rest on the knowledge that when we push back the drug problem gets smaller. ... This fact is beyond question today, even if it is not always beyond denial."

Most pointedly, what planet does this man live on? ... What in hell indeed has he been smoking, injecting, snorting, or drinking? The Right seems to think drug use dropped during tough "law-and-order" Republican Administrations. Nonsense. It only overloaded the jails and prison system. Worse yet, the Bill of Rights has been eviscerated and bastardized in the process by corrupt and abusive law enforcement and the judiciary. ... This from a Party that hails from Lincoln and hypocritically prides itself on "individual rights". -- While shamelessly shitting on constitutional rights and outrageously attempting to deny women the right to do with their uterus as they damn well see fit. Fascinating, isn't it?

Now, we're going to have even more of the same. Yet, according to the "President" and Walters, apparently, it's going to be a kinder and gentler evisceration of the Constitution and its guaranties. "Civility", according to Ole' George "The Tush". Aren't we lucky?

Interestingly, the "President" is quite concerned with the moral issue involved in the use of drugs. ... Hey, George? People have, and will continue to use chemical substances whether legal or not. -- As your own apparent use of cocaine years ago as well as a conviction for driving while under the influence demonstrate.

With all due respect, sir, remove the splinter from your eye first before hypocritically attempting to impose your sense of morality on others. More pointedly, why not literally clean up your own house first? After all, why the hell was your underage daughter drinking in an Austin nightclub while supposedly protected by Secret Service agents?

Not only does it raise serious questions regarding her judgment, it speaks volumes about the agency itself. Strange how Republicans have remained remarkably silent in the last few months, while rightfully, aggressively, and loudly eviscerating Clinton for eight years. Glaringly, the double standard is well at work. ... Precisely why there is virtually no difference between both major political parties.

Sadly, the failed drug war has led not only to the evisceration of rights and liberty, but also to the egregious corruption of the law enforcement community. Think the outrageously abusive Nazi tactics of the 33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET), carefully chronicled in past Newsletter editions, will improve during the Bush "Administration"? Think again.

The "President" and his fascist cronies could care less about rights and liberty. All Ole' George and company apparently are concerned with is lining their pockets, exercising abusive power, and imposing a distorted view of reality on others. Freedom? What the hell's that?

Equally pointedly, George, insanity indeed is doing the same stupid thing repeatedly expecting different results. ... Sounds remarkably similar to the drug war, doesn't it, sir? Then again, a dolt wouldn't know, and couldn't care less. More importantly, never confuse the "President" with the truth. After all, the "Chief Executive" has more than enough to do walking down the street while chewing gum at the same time.

As strongly asserted in the last two Newsletters, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet. Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day? Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

Friends, serious consideration is given by this writer to simply walking away from The Ledger due to a glaring lack of financial support from the readership. As strongly asserted in Special Edition V65, lacking any vested interest and no longer owning property in Llano County, why continue in the absence of financial assistance from a cowardly and selfish community? -- Despite a Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 visitor count exceeding 105,200? ... Over two years, now. For what?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue May 15, 2001 1:05pm EDT