The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V86

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*************April 2, 2001***********

Earlier last week, e-mail "pleasantries" were exchanged with Jimmy Stephenson, Editor of the Llano News. ... Apparently, Ole' Jimmy got a little more than bargained for, however. All joking aside, plagiarism charges made by this publication in the March 19, 2001 Newsletter remain unanswered.

Fascinating, isn't it? Quickly pommeling his "bloodied" beak, the Editor wisely retreated. Too bad, though. Just when things were beginning to get interesting. The entertaining exchange can be found on Reader Letters Vol 4. ... Enjoy.

On a more serious note, the following e-mail was sent to State Senator Troy Fraser:

Troy Fraser
State Senator
Texas Senate
Austin, Tx.

Re: Public Information Act

April 2, 2001

Dear Senator:

For well over a year, this publication has not been able to access documents sought under the Texas Public Information Act. On May 25, 2000 an Open Records Request seeking access to Llano Independent School District (LISD) records was filed with Superintendent Jack Patton.

The documents sought involved outrageous financial irregularities costing taxpayers at the very least thousands. The May 25, 2000 Open Records Request, however, was only the latest of several earlier unsuccessful attempts to access the same information, for well over a year, now.

As earlier, Patton stonewalled the latest request dated May 25, 2000, unethically attempting to extort $515.90 for copies and "research" never requested. Despite this demonstrable fact, the Open Records Division callously refused to take action, disingenuously throwing the complaint into the purview of the General Services Commission.

Numerous hardcopy documents and e-mails were exchanged with Open Records Administrator Hadassah Schloss in regard to this matter and other matters unrelated. Despite months of effort by this publication and due to outrageous foot dragging by both the Open Records Division and General Services Commission, the Superintendent of Schools has successfully circumvented the Texas Public Information Act.

The apparently corrupt and abusive influence of District Attorney Sam Oatman is clearly evident in the intransigence and refusal of both the Open Records Division and General Services Commission to take action and force disclosure of public documents as required by Ch.552, Gov't Code, Public Information.

After all, the Superintendent had only followed the example of the District Attorney, who himself unethically and illegally stonewalled an unrelated Open Records Request dated March 12, 2000 in a strikingly similar fashion.

Bottom line? The Superintendent has deliberately and willingly attempted to extort $515.90 for "access" to public information. -- In an effort to protect himself and his cronies from the consequences of thousands of dollars, at the very least, in financial irregularities.

In fact, in documents dated April 28, 2000 and May 30, 2000, Patton unethically and illegally attempted to sell access to public information for the sum of $515.90. Had anyone other than a public official such as the Superintendent attempted such blatant extortion, he or she would have already been indicted and convicted. ... Rightfully so.

In Llano County, however, all such "unpleasantry" is conveniently swept under the rug. After all, the District Attorney and County Attorney protect their own. Furthermore, the Attorney General has expressed no interest and ignored all messages to date.

Sadly, the "Good Old Boy" system is deeply entrenched in this hell-hole of a county. No support or help can be expected from equally corrupt state authorities, -- as the last year of effort has clearly demonstrated.

Not only do County officials desperately suppress legitimate inquiry into outrageous irregularities and abuses, they do what they can to stifle free speech. There is no First Amendment in Llano County.

After all, a corrupt and abusive County Judge, Commissioners' Court, and County Attorney ejected this writer from a public computer for exercising free speech highly critical of County officials.

The ejection came September 5, 2000. The fascists running this County brazenly dictate what speech is, and is not, acceptable on computers in the Llano County Library System. Fascinating, isn't it?

Sadly, open records stonewalling is also a problem in the Llano Memorial Healthcare System (LMHS) as well as the Hospital Foundation. The Administrator/CEO is outrageously dragging his feet, allowing 1hr. inspection of employee "expense reports", monthly.

-- Despite the fact the sought documents were pulled months ago and left unguarded in the Diane Gage Learning Center between visits. Worse yet, they clearly indicate the Hospital is being egregiously looted. Interesting, isn't it?

The Public Information Act apparently means nothing in the State of Texas. Changes made in the last legislative session two years ago did nothing to encourage compliance. Most pointedly, no one is willing to enforce it.

Sadly and despite millions at its disposal, MSNBC's Dateline was in fact forced to wait months by the "Open" Records Division to access public data. Apparently, unfunded publications have even less of a fighting chance. The stench of kangaroo justice is indeed growing increasingly putrid, Senator.

Numerous e-mails have been sent to your office in regard to this and other matters. To date, however, no response has been received. Clearly, my readers deserve better. ... Or, are you indeed part of the problem?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

cc: Llano Ledger website
cc by e-mail: John Cornyn, Attorney General, State of Texas; Katherine Minter Cary, Chief, Open Records Division; June B. Harden, Assistant Attorney General, Open Records Division; David Mendoza, Legal Assistant, Open Records Division; David Short, Investigator, Open Records Division; Ann Dillon, Acting Executive Director, General Services Commission; Hadassah Schloss, Open Records Administrator, General Services Commission; Jack Patton, Superintendent, LISD; Jerry Durr, Administrator/CEO, LMHS

Problems of fascism not only exist within Llano County government per se, but also within the School District itself. Although the Superintendent has been repeatedly targeted for open records cover-up of egregious financial irregularities, the problem runs much deeper and wider.

Disgruntled parents and students are increasingly complaining of heavy-handed, unconstitutional abuses within the schools, -- particularly the High School. This writer has recently been provided a copy of Student Handbook 2000-2001, Llano High School, Llano, Texas. ... Indeed, an eye opener.

While minors are traditionally not accorded the same constitutional rights afforded the rest of us, the Llano Independent School District (LISD) seems particularly determined to impose its iron fist, -- regardless of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments.

... Nothing quite like an in-house "civics" lesson in fascism, right, Mr. Patton? More pointedly, dumb 'em down, now, while you still can, no? After all, you and your cronies are damn determined that graduates will indeed enter society compliant and willing shills of abusive government. Right, Jack?

Over the next few weeks, the Handbook will be extensively quoted. Most pointedly, the community is indeed entitled to know the extent looted taxes are used to foster iron-fisted fascism within the District, -- particularly the deliberate evisceration of constitutional rights.

Interestingly, School Administrators are apparently not required to live up to the same high standards demanded of students. ... Hey, Jack? Kindly take a look at p.33 of the Handbook under Section II-Student Code of Conduct, Requirements, 2. Students are prohibited from: t. Committing extortion. H-E-L-L-O?

... Doesn't apply to you or your cronies, though, does it, sir? Most pointedly, how do you justify an unethical illegal attempt to extort $515.90 from this writer for "access" to public documents, -- in a deliberate effort to cover up outrageous financial irregularities?

-- Another thing, Jack. ... We're just getting started, pal. Despite the abuses, waste, and egregious financial irregularities, no one in fact wants your head on a platter. Nor that of any of your inept compadres.

What the community desperately demands, however, is immediate responsive change and unfettered access to public information. Just as importantly, parents want prompt, complete, unobstructed access to their children's records as well as due process when it comes to handling behavioral problems.

When, not if, this occurs, the approach of this publication to the School District will finally change. Until then, expect pressure to be ratcheted up. ... Wake up, sir. Things WILL indeed change, -- with or without you.

Friends, serious consideration is given by this writer to simply walking away from The Ledger due to a glaring lack of financial support from the readership. As strongly asserted in Special Edition V65, lacking any vested interest and no longer owning property in Llano County, why continue in the absence of financial support from a cowardly and selfish community? -- Despite a combined Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 visitor count exceeding 88,800? ... Two years, now. For what?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Apr 2, 2001 4:38pm EDT