Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

  The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V833  ©2023 All Rights Reserved
July 21, 2023

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Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

No matter what, no matter where, this publication will remain up and running.  For it to remain centered here, however, financial and/or material support must be provided.  Status quo, unsustainable. Time to step up.  Now.


... Hey, Sheriff? Is it true Llano County Attorney Becky Lange has advised you to stay out of the "Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764" fiasco?  That right, Bill?  Isn't that obstruction of justice?  Also true your deputies have advised the Bolens to accept the status quo and not force the no-trespassing issue with Greene?  If so, isn't that also obstruction and official oppression?  When will you do your job, Bill?  As an elected official, you answer to the public, forget?  -- No honor?  ... No honor at all? If the foregoing allegations are indeed true, didn't you swear an oath to uphold the law and Constitution?  Why aren't you doing so?  No guts?

Your deputy has been accused of abusing authority.  What action have you taken other than ignore the complaint?  Why aren't both Rodriguez and the County Attorney under criminal investigation?  The County Attorney appears to be obstructing justice, accepting the word of Greene in lieu of two surveyor companies who strongly assert otherwise.  Both the County Attorney and District Attorney have ignored complaints.  Par for the course in Llano County, isn't it?  Failed to do their jobs.  No surprise there, right, Bill?  Both receiving 'special consideration' up to and/or including a bribe from Greene?  Regardless, clearly, no justice in Nazi Llano County.  Bottom line?  Desperate need for an outside criminal investigation.  Conveniently, forget?  This County is ruled by men, certainly not rule of law and the United States Constitution.

Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute criminal law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose only mandate would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.  Until that happens, the criminal bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hell hole County will continue to do as they please.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril

Some salient quotes occurring later on in this edition vis a vis unfinished business County officials continue to ignore:

... "No justice.  Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court that would adjudicate only these cases.  Total independence.  The only way to rein in these criminals, particularly the murderers in blue.

Sadly, the achingly clueless bastards in law enforcement don't need a legitimate reason to kill.  Enjoy carte blanche to murder on the job.  Nearly always, with impunity.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Sue the living shit out of the jackbooted motherf--kers, the department, and the city.  Any officer engaged in, or threatening this kind of unnecessary violence needs to be criminally prosecuted.  Not protected and coddled.  Not put on paid leave, -- no more than a paid vacation.  Not sent home without pay to catch up on his beauty sleep.

Firing is egregiously insufficient.  How can the law enforcement community be trusted?  No foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the criminal jackbooted bastards in law enforcement.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Madam County Attorney?  "Sonny Boy?"

These are extremely dangerous times for our formerly great country.  ... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming.  -- As our legislators and other government officials figuratively 'fiddle while Rome burns.'

Not good enough.  Nowhere near.  Short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, only one way for these atrocities to end.  Again, time for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.

Local  and state authorities are egregiously incapable of handling these cases. Tend to protect their own.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Goes with the territory, doesn't it, Bill?  Precisely, why there is no faith or trust in your criminal jackbooted bastards.  Local authorities here in Nazi Llano County have their heads figuratively, securely lodged so far up their clueless ass their eyeballs are turning inside out.  Protect and coddle your clueless, out of control officers.  Imagine that.

Unadulterated, blatant ongoing horse shit.  ... Right, Bill?  F--k these jackbooted bastards.  Aren't worth a crap.  Continually abrogate their oaths of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Includes not only deputies, but the brass as well.  No principles.  No honor.  Lying, conniving, abusive, murderous jackbooted thieving thugs.  The American Civil Liberties Union needs to step up and represent the victims of abusive law enforcement.

To say nothing of innocent civilians all across our formerly great country who are victimized by abusive police.  Need far better representation than a public defender.  Forget?  It's how the bastards in government line government coffers.  All too often, looting the innocent.  Those on the bottom of the food chain.  ... Right, Sheriff?

No justice.  The American Way.  Nazi America.  When is this shit finally going to end?  All of it.  Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred seventy eight weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.

Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.  Who the hell are they?

When will the goddamned 'law' 'enforcement' community finally stop making excuses for engaging in outrageous criminal activity including blatant murder, violent assault, sexual assault, theft, drug trafficking, etc.?  List can go on and on.  Protecting its own no matter what it does or doesn't do?  Convenient, isn't it, Sheriff?  Again, no foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than all branches and levels of government, -- including law enforcement.

Corruption within law enforcement remains an existential threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  So what else is new?  ... Right, Bill?  Same old duplicitous, aggressively stupid shit occurs right here in Nazi Llano County.  ... Doesn't it, Sheriff?

Think it'll change any time soon?  Don't hold your breath, readers.  Not how things work in Nazi America, right, Sheriff?  Highly reminiscent of how your goons operate though, isn't it, Bill?  Forget?  'Stupid is as stupid does.'  F--ked up is f--ked up no matter where, no matter how.  Problem throughout all law enforcement.

Including right here in Nazi Llano County, right, Sheriff?  Too many officers clearly have their heads securely lodged where the sun seldom shines.  Egregious insanity continues to be perpetrated by the criminal jackbooted bastards in blue.  Ongoing issue.  All over our formerly great country.

Not just in Dallas as in the Guyger case, but all over the nation.  No end to it.  Surprised?  Why?  In today's increasingly national socialist climate anything goes, right, Bill?  Live in a de facto fascist police-state, quickly transitioning to the Trump nazi's Fourth Reich.  Certainly, a problem here in Nazi Llano County, isn't it, Sheriff?  Your goons, however, aren't held accountable when they egregiously f--k up.  Ever.

Precisely why you refuse to release information on your deputies to the long-suffering public? That is, employment history, criminal background, results of drug testing, etc..  ... Got to protect your criminal jackbooted thugs preying on the citizenry with virtual impunity, right, sir?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to a Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.  Why are you protecting this clueless son of a bitch, Sheriff?

Why hasn't he been prosecuted for official oppression?  Where is financial compensation for the damage this jackbooted piece of human excrement is responsible for? Ferociously pointedly, why are the District Attorney and the County Attorney continuing to protect this jackbooted piece of shit?  He and others like him present an exigent threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

Equally to the point, why are your jackbooted pieces of human excrement refusing to enforce Berardi's property rights?  Your goons have failed to take action against Theresa Ahrens when she tore down a no trespassing sign and barrier on Berardi's property.  Have you, your goons, and/or Madam County Attorney been bribed by Johnny Greene?

Ahrens frequently drives all the way through Berardi's property.  Coup de grace?  When Berardi complained to Llano County Deputy Idle about the trespassing, the officer's response was insane.  Said the Sheriff told him to tell Berardi since Ahrens believes she owns his property she can't be charged with trespassing.  Perfect Catch-22, right, Sheriff?  You're not fit for office, Bill.  Bribed by Johnny Greene?

Why is Theresa Ahrens allowed by your goons to dictate what vehicles can and cannot be parked on Berardi's property?  Ahrens claims she has proof the property belongs to her where the vehicle was parked.  Has failed to produce it. Surveyors say otherwise.  Back up Berardi.  Yet, your jackbooted bastards refuse to enforce Berardi's property rights.  Why?  Somebody lining somebody's pockets, Sheriff?

Ms. Ahrens micro-mini portable 'house' is parked on an unused unmarked Llano County road.  Imagine that.  Madam County Attorney well-aware.  Has done nothing.  Shit squat.  Egregiously ignored her oath of office.  Someone bribing you, Becky?  Lining your pockets, Counselor?  Paying you not to sell the unused unmarked County road to Berardi?  Doesn't the County want and need the sale money, to say nothing of the resultant tax income?

No question, County and State agencies remain determinedly, concertedly, achingly incapable of criminal investigation of their own.  Precisely, why a new federal agency desperately needs to be created whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate only such cases.  Total independence.  Certainly, go a long, long way to cleaning up this cess pool County.  Rein in the outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept, self-serving assholes who run and own this hell hole.

Sheriff, you falsely claim the Kingsland County Commissioner has the authority to resolve this ongoing property rights issue.  Clearly, doesn't.  You, Madam County Attorney, and "Sonny Boy" are certainly an egregious impediment, continue to determinedly stonewall.  Someone's pockets are being lined.  Again, where's financial compensation for the damage Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 is directly responsible for to the Pace Arrow?  Why hasn't he been prosecuted for this damage, to say nothing of infringement of Berardi's property rights?  -- Just getting started, Sheriff.  Far more to come.

-- You're not doing your jobs, Sheriff.  You've got a loose vicious dog problem in Kingsland, Bill.  When will you and the troops finally do something about this ongoing issue?  Certainly, a recurring problem on Skyline, particularly on occasion at the intersection of Odessa.  Pedestrians, runners, and cyclists are at risk.  Too busy lining County coffers with bogus tickets?"

... Hey, Sheriff?  Reportedly, promote Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 to Sergeant?  If true, yet another classic example of survival of the unfittest in the law enforcement community.  Readers are reminded this is the very same idiot, clueless asshole responsible for thousands of dollars of damage to the Pace Arrow as reported in each edition of this publication.  Far more to Kingsland property owner James Berardi in a property dispute.  -- A dispute engineered by Johnny Greene, apparently financed by a bribe to the former County Attorney, current District Attorney, and Sheriff.  A federal investigation of Llano County government and the aforementioned allegedly corrupt and abusive bastards in this ongoing fiasco is desperately needed.  Tim Chorney.

... Small sampling of what's to come in this edition.  Read on.

The following email was sent to the District Attorney:

Copyright 2018 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Wiley B. "Sonny" McAfee
District Attorney
33rd and 424th Judicial Districts
Llano, TX 78643

March 9, 2018

Re:  Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


The enclosed emails were sent to the Llano County Attorney and Sheriff, respectively, vis a vis the above matter.  Remain unanswered.  The County Attorney appears to be protecting and defending the deputy at behest of Kingsland property owner Johnny Greene.  May have received some consideration from Greene up to and including a bribe.  Are the County Attorney, Greene, and the Deputy under criminal investigation?  If not, why not?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril


Copyright 2018 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Rebecca Lange, Llano County Attorney
Llano County Attorney's Office
Llano, Texas 78643

February 9, 2018

Re:  Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


As you're well aware, we have an outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept Llano County Sheriff's Office here in Nazi Llano County.  Worse, you and your office aid and abet these SS jackbooted bastards in black.  The issue at the moment is the same it's been the last six months.

How is it two surveyor companies, the Appraisal District, the Tax Office, the Precinct 3 Commissioner, even the goddamned Sheriff himself now states Kingsland resident James Berardi owns the lots in contention all these months?

Yet, you ludicrously assert that's not the County's legal position.  It's not?  Why not?  You claim you're not a real estate expert.  Rather than accept the advice of two surveyor companies, the Precinct 3 Commissioner, the Appraisal District, the Tax Office, and even the Sheriff himself, you've inexplicably chosen to follow the advice of property owner Johnny Greene, -- who conveniently happens to be reportedly in the oil industry.

Question to be asked.  Could you have received any 'consideration' in return, -- up to and including a bribe?  Only way to know for sure is for the District Attorney to conduct a criminal investigation.  Apparently, there has been none.  If not, why not?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to this Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.

Our achingly useless, worthless, gutless Sheriff has ignored an email vis a vis the damage this jackbooted thug is responsible for.  Interestingly, his fellow officers believe him to be an idiot.  Yet, the Sheriff continued to defend this piece of human excrement until he realized  this entire fiasco would not be swept under the carpet.

Rodriguez is indeed an idiot.  Would you believe this piece of crap ordered the motor home to be moved on to an unmarked unused Llano County road? That motor home has indeed been moved back to where it was parked before Rodriguez forced it to be moved.  Why hasn't the County paid for the cost of moving it back?  To say nothing of the damage.

Equally pointedly, why is it the County has allowed Theresa Ahrens to park and live in her tiny cottage on that very same road?  Why hasn't she been evicted by the County?  Why was she assessed taxes on an adjacent improvement she doesn't own?

Why is it, Counselor, Johnny Greene is paying for the attorney retained by Ms. Ahrens?  Is Greene attempting to make this all go away by bribery?  Greene has also informed Berardi he is going to sue.  For what?  Has Greene lost his mind?

What about Wells who installed a $4500 septic system on a lot turns out he does not own as a result of Greene, an outrageously inept County, to say nothing of the Llano County Attorney who remains equally determinedly clueless?

How about Bolen who hasn't a pot to piss in, but was nonetheless f--ked over by Greene to say nothing of an egregiously inept County, to say nothing of you and your goddamned equally incompetent office?

None of this is going away, Counselor, -- any time soon.  Will not be swept under the carpet as all the other crap going on in this hell hole County.  Not a chance.  Expect a full expose in this publication whether or not this outrageous fiasco finally gets resolved.  Including full public exposure of both the Sheriff and his jackbooted thug.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril


Copyright 2017 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Bill Blackburn, Sheriff
Llano County Sheriff's Office
2001 N. State Hwy. 16 Suite A
Llano, Texas 78643

August 23, 2017

Re: Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


Archive and retain all reports vis a vis damage to the Pace Arrow resulting from egregious abuse of authority perpetrated by Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764, on the Berardi property in Kingsland on 8-16-17.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril

Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred seventy eight weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.  Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.

Who are they, Sheriff? Their past history?  An ongoing investigation remains a lame bullshit excuse.  How can you and your goons be trusted when you refuse to disclose information? Three hundred seventy eight weeks.  Especially, your egregious failure to disclose the identity of the officers who pulled the trigger.  To cover your sorry ass, Sheriff?  Those of your thugs?  The people have a right to know what happened, how it went down.  You don't understand that, Sheriff?  Sadly, clearly, you answer to no one.  Including taxpayers.  Especially, taxpayers.

Until you and your goons come clean, doubt will remain this was indeed a good shoot.  The longer you drag your feet, the greater the doubt.  Think not?  Wake up.  Your credibility has tanked.  Isn't getting any better as this bullshit continues unabated.  Three hundred seventy eight weeks.  Still no identification of the officers involved  ... Can't get your stories straight?  In line?  Discrepancy between LCSO and DPS? Wake up, Sheriff.  The public no longer buys the bullshit.  No longer trusts you.  On this and many, many other issues.  You have no credibility.  Absolutely, none.

Readers, this is but one of about four other highly questionable killings by law enforcement in Llano County in the last decade or so.  There was one within the City of Llano, another in a field near Fuzzy's Corner, Buchanan Dam, yet another in Point Tella, Buchanan Dam, still another in Tow.  If there are any others I may have neglected to mention, kindly email.

It's time the public be fully informed.  -- Know what we're dealing with here and how 'law' 'enforcement' operates in this hell hole County.  If these jackbooted bastards are not reined in, the life lost could be many  others courtesy of a law enforcement system that is no longer accountable to anyone.  ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

The Sheriff seems to have no clue the people who pay him and his goons are entitled to know whom is killing whom and why.  This shit always seems to be swept under the carpet.  Ignored.  The attitude of these jackbooted sons of bitches is trust us.  They can't be.  They've lied too many times.  Refuse to be accountable to anyone.  We live in a goddamned fascist police-state where law enforcement does as it pleases. Usually, with impunity.  This has to change.

The Texas Rangers have become rubber stamp to atrocities committed by law enforcement.  This also has to change.  No one is holding law enforcement accountable any longer.  No one.  No one in state or federal government. This is precisely why Ferguson triggered such an uproar.  There was no justice there.  None here.  None anywhere.  Officers are abusive, corrupt, inept.

Falsely ticket and arrest the innocent to line County coffers.  Court fees charged continue to be horrendous.  -- Aren't taxpayers already looted to pay these costs?  Aren't you not only double f--king those falsely accused, but taxpayers also hellaciously looted to pay the very same costs?   Yet, the criminal bastards in power in Llano continue to pile on the fees. This is nothing more than goddamned bullshit.  This money finds its way into the pockets of the corrupt, abusive bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hell hole.

Would you believe the last time the Sheriff's Office happened to be 'audited' during the Garrett regime, reportedly, auditors couldn't figure out what went where and why? Yet, surprise, surprise.  Nothing was done.  There has to be transparency.  There is none.  Why would these thieving bastards want any?  ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  How else could they so easily steal and loot with virtual impunity?  Worse, this reinforces jackbooted power in this goddamned, godforsaken hell hole County.

The public has a right to know the histories of the Sheriff's goons.  Clearly, the Sheriff doesn't think so.  That is, where they came from.  Why they left where they were.  What is happening here is the Sheriff is using 'personnel matters' as a convenient excuse to deny the public access to the history of outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept officers who are no more than criminals themselves.

He's protecting his outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted bastards.  Worse, the standards imposed by sheriff's offices statewide with the exception of metropolitan counties are well below those of DPS and city police departments.  Why?  So the corruption, abuse, ineptness, and outright stealing can continue unabated?  This has to change.  ... Can't have that, can we?  Sheriff?  TL?

The public should understand Llano County authorities have it all sewn up.  Did you know the Texas Attorney General does not have the authority to investigate and prosecute County authorities on his own?  The District Attorney has to call for an investigation by the Texas Rangers.  Then, the State can prosecute if it so chooses.

Consequently?  Guess what?  Nothing will happen.  Nothing ever does.  The goddamned corruption continues unabated until you, the public, pressure authorities.  Precisely, why we all enjoy the 'best' government money can buy. Literally.  Without question, the corrupt, abusive, inept sons of bitches are all bought and paid for.  Firmly clamped to the taxpayer tit.  Dependent on money looted from innocent citizens caught in their web.  Phony fines and court costs cleverly designed to f--k the innocent and enrich the pieces of shit who falsely believe they run and own Llano County. Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

Interestingly, the former Sheriff and District Attorney were reportedly forced to retire after an outrageous scandal involving a drunk driving police officer from out of town.  Including special treatment of the drunken son of a bitch that no other citizen caught doing the same would have been afforded. An honest, honorable Llano County Deputy suffered the consequences. Forget? Great officers do not last in this hell hole County. ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

With all ongoing abuse in this goddamned County, one thing remains for damned sure.  We're just getting started, Sheriff.  You will continue to be exposed for whom and what you and your corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted bastards have become, truly are, not what you phonies purport to be, that is, how you continue to f--k over a public you've falsely sworn to protect and defend.  -- Exposure, the only way short of an unwanted dreaded revolution to force desperately needed change in a goddamned fascist police-state. The Fourth Reich.

Have your jackbooted thugs been tested for steroids, Sheriff?  If you've nothing to hide, Bill, release the results of all drug testing.  'Personnel matters?'  Bullshit.  Looted taxpayers have the right to know.  They're footing the bill for all this goddamned corruption, abuse, ineptness. When will you and the boys end the shakedowns?  Looting of the innocent to line County coffers?  No honor at all?

Where are your swastika armbands, you fascist son of a bitch?  You and your thugs remain out of uniform.  Once again, Sheriff, and ad nauseum, did you and/or your goons pressure Schilling to exit the race?  Did you steal the election? If so, an aggressively stupid, achingly gutless public gets what it truly deserves.  One of the most corrupt, abusive, inept 'law' 'enforcement' agencies in our formerly great country.

While the business and church communities stood tall during the recent Kingsland flood catastrophe, there was one glaring exception.  On 10-17-18, the Antlers Coffee Shop closed due to storm-related failure of the Kingsland water system. Patrons, however, are routinely allowed to get online outside even when the shop is closed.

A long-term coffee shop customer entered the hotel lobby to ask the desk clerk whether wifi was still up and running after the catastrophe.  She said it was and told the patron he could get online inside the closed shop.  She then asked him to have another regular customer who had just arrived outside to come in and get out of the cold as well.

Antlers co-proprietor Rick apparently quickly got wind of both customers, made quite a jackass of himself emulating the petulant narcissist currently occupying the Oval Office.  Aggressive stupidity at a time the Kingsland business community is indeed suffering, can least afford it.  Further proof positive of the old adage 'can fix ignorant, can't fix stupid.'

Why would, why should both customers put up with this?  Think this hasn't happened to others?

TC 10-19-18

Newsletter Text 833
July 21, 2023

Imagine having to survive the following, -- then live with the aftermath.  Seatbelts on.  ABC News reports:

"January 8, 2011, started out like any other day on Florida State University’s campus for sophomores Amy Cowie and her twin sister, Ashley. Although the identical twin sisters had different majors—Amy was pre-dental while Ashley was majoring in interior design—the two did their best to take every pre-requisite class together that they could. They lived together in a dorm room on campus and had rearranged the room when they moved in so their beds could be closer together. They joined the same sorority and shared the same circle of friends. They were rarely seen apart. “It was the most unconditional love,” said Amy Buckley, 29, whose maiden name is Cowie. “She is my literal other half. It’s your DNA. You’re just walking with somebody and you wouldn’t even have to talk – you just knew what that person was thinking and feeling. It was just a beautiful, perfect relationship.” Like many twins, the two were often mistaken for the other, but each had her own unique personality. Amy describes her twin sister as pretty, funny and smart, but the biggest thing that comes to mind, when Amy thinks of Ashley, is her compassion. “She was very observant, listening to you and taking in what you were going to say,” Amy said of Ashley. "She would see the person that other people didn’t see. She really wanted to help people and to make a difference and make everyone feel included.”

Seatbelts on.  There is an extremely important point to the following.  As painful as this material is, there is a most poignant life's lesson to be learned, appreciated, and treasured:

"On January 8, the twin sisters celebrated new sorority members’ initiation at a banquet dinner and afterward they went with a handful of friends to hang out at Amy’s boyfriend’s apartment, inside a fraternity house at Florida State. While they were at the fraternity apartment complex, Ashley told Amy that she would be right back. Ashley walked down the hall to Amy’s boyfriend’s room to use his restroom. She opened the door to find him sitting at his desk fiddling with a shotgun he owned. The second she entered the room, the loaded gun went off. The bullet hit Ashley in the chest and killed her instantly.  Amy’s boyfriend and a friend ran to Amy, she recalls, and told her, “There was an accident.” “I ran down the hallway,” she recalled. “That door opened. It was very smoky, very cloudy. It smelled very strong of fire. I saw her legs. I went and looked at her and she had a glazed look over her eyes.” Amy recounted the tragic events of that evening in detail, from her screams for 911 to attempting to perform CPR on her twin. “I was on my knees and I was yelling for them to call 911,” she said. “Then I tried to give her CPR. I know this is graphic, but blood literally bubbled into my mouth. I knew that I wasn’t going to do anything.” Amy’s friends called 911 and moved her into another room away from Ashley until help got there. She recalls sitting on a bed, covered in her twin sister’s blood. “I was sitting on the bed and a cop was sitting with me,” Amy said. “I didn’t want to look. I was just screaming, ‘No don’t tell me. Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me.’ Another cop came into the room. I looked at the cop out of the corner of my eye and he looked at the guy and shook his head ever so slightly like, ‘No, she’s not going to make it.’” Amy continued to sit in that room with the police, while they moved Ashley's body out of the building. “I kept yelling at them to send me to the hospital and to medicate me because I didn’t know what I was going to do,” Amy said. “I had my eyes closed because I was so afraid I was going to see a body bag.”

The loss, utterly devastating:

"After the accident, Amy left Florida State University and moved back in with her parents in her hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. The grief was all-consuming and paralyzing. “It’s like you’re standing outside your body. It doesn’t feel real. I mean, it was so exhausting,” Buckley said. “It wasn’t even day by day at that point. It was hour by hour.” “I would go days and be like, ‘Oh, God, it’s been three days since I talked to her. Now it’s been a week. I never went an hour without talking to her. I’d only slept in a room by myself a handful of times.” Hearing the word “twin” would trigger her, she said. To help cope with the grief, Amy began extensive therapy and began taking medication. Her therapist diagnosed her with post-traumatic stress disorder and helped her get the proper treatments she needed. Amy says most importantly, her therapist encouraged her to create an action plan for her future and give her hope on leading a fulfilling life down the road. “I would hold onto my session with her, and I knew I had to just make it a few more days and then I would see her again,” Amy said. “I just had to make it to that next appointment.” While dealing with this initial grief, Amy was also having to deal with something else: a trial. The state of Florida tried the man who shot Ashley, Amy's ex-boyfriend, on multiple charges – including manslaughter. The state attorneys were fighting to give him 20 years – one for every year of Ashley’s life. Amy and her family attended each day of the trial – reliving the events of that January 9, 2011, morning. Amy took the stand at the trial and delivered an emotional victim testimony. “I didn’t want to wash her blood out of my hair because it was all I had left of her,” Amy testified. "I became a twinless twin." On June 15, 2012, a judge sentenced the man who shot Ashley to 20 years in prison and 10 years' probation. “It felt like we truly got justice for her,” Amy said."

There are a number of different ways this could have turned out for the surviving twin.  Not all of them positive and productive considering the devastating loss, overwhelming grief.  With extensive therapy, proper medication, and excellent counseling, however, Amy chose to dedicate her life to helping others similarly afflicted:

"Now, over a decade after losing her twin sister, Amy has learned a lifetime of lessons on grief and feels it’s her mission to begin to help other people. While the grief will always be there, she said, the way she has learned to live with it has changed. Grief is "like a hamster wheel in the back of my head just going, going, going and it never stops,” Amy says. “It’s always going to be there. But what changes is you.” “You learn how to feel better,” she added. “You know how to cope better, you know your triggers. You learn how to live a better life with that grief.” "Amy graduated with a degree from the University of North Florida. She went on complete an online master’s degree in social work from FSU. Amy, who is now married with two children, says she has a “beautiful life,” but she acknowledges that it took hard work to get to where she is today. “I worked my butt off to get to where I am. I kept putting one foot in front of the other,” Amy said. “I was determined, no matter what, that I was going to make my life happy no matter what happens to me.” “I had a different idea of what my future would look like when I still had a twin on this Earth," she added. "But I’ve opened up this new jar and I can still be happy and I can still have a family and it’s beautiful.”

"Amy started her own grief blog, which she named “Lemonade Instead,” hoping to create a safe space for all types of grievers to share their loss and trauma. “I feel like it would be a waste if I never tried to help people with the grief in the trauma and the experiences that I've gone through,” she said. “It's what I know about and what I’m good at.” “I never felt like I had somewhere where I could talk about my grief but I could also talk about how I could make my life into something positive,” she said. Her writing offers advice to both people who are grieving and those who are dealing with a grieving loved one."

Profound insight:

"For those who are grieving, Amy offers three key tips.

"1. There’s no direct path: “It’s up to you. There’s no book for it. There’s no timetable.” Amy says. “I think the biggest thing is you have to be confident in your mental health and know that whatever you want or need is okay.”

"2. You don’t have to explain yourself and your pain: “The big thing for me was realizing how I chose to grieve doesn’t change my love for that person or my experience with the person or their impact on the world,” Amy said. “You don’t need to explain yourself. You don’t need to feel guilty for going to a restaurant. Guilt comes from viewing how the majority of other people grieve, but that doesn’t mean that’s how you have to.”

"3. Do things that make you feel good: Amy said she tried several different ways of grieving before finding a therapist and treatment planned that worked for her. When grieving, it’s important to do what’s best for you at that time. “You learn how to make sure that you have those happier days more so than those sad days,” Amy said.

"For those who have a friend or loved one who is grieving, Amy gives three points of advice.

"1. Know who the griever is: “Ask them to guide you through it,” Amy said. “Each person is going to be different. Know your audience. Ask them to tell you if things you say make them feel bad or good. Ask them, What do you need from me and what do you want from me?”

"2. There are no right words – but there are words that can help: “There are no right words. If there were I’d be shouting them from the rooftops,” Amy said. Amy says to use words that don’t diminish or compare a person’s pain with yours. Also, it’s important not to overpromise support. Here are some of her suggestions: Instead of “I’m here for you. Call me anytime.” Try “I will support you the best way I can.”Instead of “I understand your pain,” try “I don’t understand your pain. You’re important to me and so is your pain.”

"3. Don’t take anything personally: “Don’t be offended if the griever doesn’t respond to messages. It’s just one more thing for them to worry about,” Amy said. “Your relationship with that person is going to have to be a give. You’re not taking from that relationship at this time. You have to give and there will be a time when it’s a two-way street again.”

What more positive way to handle unbearable grief than to aid and support those having suffered the same?

"Amy hopes by opening up about these aspects of grief, trauma and mental health that she can ultimately help other people navigate their grief and put one foot in front of the other to a fulfilling life. “We’re all going to have these lemons at some point in our life. Life throws us horrible things,” Amy said. “And it really comes down to choosing what we’re going to do with it.” Editor’s note: Shannon McLellan attended Florida State University with Amy and Ashley Cowie and remains a friend of Amy Buckley. Editor's note: This was originally published on June 17, 2020."

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office certainly has some long-term issues in desperate need of resolution.  Here's another.  In follow-up to last week's edition of this publication, NBC News reports:

"A Los Angeles County sheriff’s office deputy punched a mother who was holding a 3-week-old infant during an arrest last year, in a case that has been referred to prosecutors, the sheriff said. The woman was punched twice in the face on July 14, 2022, after she and other women with children were being arrested on alleged child endangerment after a traffic stop, Sheriff Robert Luna said. “I found the punching of the woman in these circumstances completely unacceptable,” Luna said at a news conference. The deputy was not identified. The incident occurred before Luna was sheriff. He was elected in November, defeating then-sheriff Alex Villanueva. Luna was sworn in as sheriff in December."

Why no transparency?  Why wasn't the deputy identified?  The public is entitled to know the identity of its oppressors.  Forget?  It's looted to pay their salaries.

"The woman was punched after deputies pulled over a vehicle because it was driving without headlights just before midnight on July 13, 2022, in Palmdale, Luna said. Deputies smelled alcohol and made the “discretionary decision” to arrest three women passengers who had three babies in their arms but not in car seats, as well as the driver, on felony child endangerment, Luna said. Body camera video released Wednesday shows one of the women telling deputies “you’re not taking my baby,” and there is a struggle. At least one deputy says the child is being hurt, the mother says to let go and that “you’re breaking his ... leg,” and a deputy appears to punch her twice in the face, the video shows."

Jackbooted piece of shit.

"Luna said the incident was brought to his attention over the weekend by one of his area chiefs. He said he took action but was prohibited by state law from disclosing disciplinary actions."

The public is entitled to this information.  Forget?  You don't work for yourselves, Sheriff.  You work for the public.  It's looted to pay your salaries.

"Luna said the deputy has been relieved of field duty. He said he directed the department to refer the matter to the Los Angeles Country District Attorney's Office for criminal consideration. He said the FBI would also be looking into it. Laura Eimiller, a spokesperson for the FBI's Los Angeles field office, said the FBI was in contact with the sheriff's department "and will review the facts to determine whether a violation of federal law occurred.” The district attorney’s office said Wednesday night that a case had not yet been presented to it."

Get this:

"The video released Wednesday also shows a different woman having her baby taken from her as she is sitting on the ground, holding the child wrapped in a blanket. For several minutes, the video shows the woman talking to the deputies standing around her about the traffic stop. A deputy tells her she was endangering her child and a female deputy asks, “are you going to give up the baby nicely, or am I going to have the[m] grab him, and they’re going to grab your hands? I don’t want to do that, but those are your two options.” Deputies take the baby away and put the woman in handcuffs as she is seated, the video shows.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, whose district includes Palmdale and Lancaster, called the video released Wednesday “gut wrenching.” She said there have been calls for more transparency in policing in the Antelope Valley. "Disciplining deputies, including firing them, is an immediate but short term fix," Barger said in a statement. "Investing in training and increased supervision yields long lasting change."

Certainly, need to be held criminally accountable as well.  Forget?  No one is above the law.  Including officers who engage in criminal activity.

The Washington Post reports:

“You’re not taking my baby. I’m not about to let you take my baby,” a woman, holding her 3-week-old child in her arms, plea[d]s with police officers as they surround her during a traffic stop. Amid the struggle, a male deputy raises his arm. He then punches the woman twice in the face as she held the baby, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna, speaking at a news conference Wednesday where he revealed body-cam footage of the incident. “She was still holding the infant in one of her arms when she was struck in the face. That’s what my observation is,” he said. The woman was then placed in handcuffs, video shows. Luna said the incident — which he condemned as “unacceptable” — occurred just before midnight on July 13, 2022 in the city of Palmdale, after deputies carried out a traffic stop when they noticed a car driving without its headlights switched on. After stopping the vehicle, deputies smelled alcohol and found four women and three infants inside the car along with a male driver, he said. “The infants were being held in the arms of the mothers without the use of child car seats,” he said, adding that deputies decided to arrest the driver and all adult passengers for felony child endangerment. The driver, whose license was already suspended, was also arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, he said. At one point, “a use of force occurred on two of the women,” Luna said. “One of these uses of force involved a mother and her 3-week-old infant, who was refusing to let go of her child. During the encounter a deputy punched the female twice in the face.”

"Luna said that while the incident took place one year ago, he only learned of it several days ago. He said once he was made aware of it, he “took swift action,” that state law “precludes me from disclosing disciplinary actions taken in this matter.” The incident is the latest example of violence by law enforcement officials in the United States, and in the Los Angeles area, where tensions between law enforcement, communities and elected officials remain high. In January, the deaths of three men in rapid succession after encounters with Los Angeles police officers stirred painful memories of the department’s problematic history of violence and prompted newly incumbent Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D) to call for “urgent change.” In 2022, there were only 15 days when police did not shoot and kill someone in the United States, according to a Washington Post database. In a statement Wednesday, Bass, who has called for police reform, branded the video footage “enraging and disturbing.” During her campaign, Bass called on police to take a less aggressive approach to policing — especially in communities with a high concentration of people of color. On Wednesday, Bass called for those involved in the Palmdale incident to be held “appropriately” accountable. “The idea that you would assault a mother with a child in her arms and then subject that child to the child welfare system just because the child didn’t have a car seat is an abuse of power,” she said. Bass thanked Luna for his transparency and said the release of the footage “represents a step toward progress — but also a reminder that we have a long way to go.”

No question.

NPR reports:

"The deputies used force on two of the women to arrest them and pry their children from their arms, as seen in the troubling 8 1/2-minute video. None of the people involved have been publicly identified. The majority of the body-worn camera footage in the July 2022 incident focuses on the arrest of a different woman, who is sitting on the ground holding her baby and pleading with officers not to take her away. She repeatedly asks the officer to look at her and listen to her, and offers to call someone to take the child home. "I am a mother. I take care of this baby by myself, and I've done a damn good job 'cause look how big she is, look how healthy she is," she says, to which the officer says he's not accusing her of doing a bad job. "But that's what you are ... you don't have to take all of our kids." At one point, a female deputy kneels down beside the woman and tells her she doesn't want to have to "snatch her and have my partners grab your arms." "We're gonna take the baby one way or another, and I don't want to be rude about it," she says, adding that "it's nothing personal." Several law enforcement officers surround the woman as she asks them to be reasonable. They talk for several minutes, as she points out that she was just trying to get home and hadn't previously done anything wrong. The deputy wearing the camera tells her that the baby had been in danger, and that he is trying to do what's best for the children. "Taking my child from me is not what's best," she says. About six minutes into the video, at least two deputies lean over the woman and try to grab the child out of her arms as she screams and yells "please." They carry the child away, handcuff the woman and walk her over to a police car. Then the deputy wearing the camera walks over to another car, where a different woman is standing with a baby in her arms as two deputies stand over her. She is visibly upset, telling them they'll have to shoot her dead before they can take the baby. Her screams get louder as the deputies move in, and at one point she tells them the baby is just three weeks old and that they're hurting him. Then more deputies move in, and one can be seen bringing his fist behind his head and throwing two punches. The angle of the video obscures the woman's face, but she screams in anguish and yells "Don't punch me, bro" several times. Within seconds she is being held down against the police car and handcuffed, the baby nowhere to be seen.

"Los Angeles officials are slamming the actions of the deputies, especially the one who threw the punches, while praising Luna for bringing the incident to light. Mayor Karen Bass called the video enraging and disturbing, and said the acts shown in it must be condemned openly. "The idea that you would assault a mother with a child in her arms and then subject that child to the child welfare system just because the child didn't have a car seat is an abuse of power," she said in a statement shared with NPR. "When a child goes into the child welfare system, it can take months for that child to be returned. That process can result in lifelong trauma for both the mother and the child." She said the sheriff's release of the video represents "a step towards progress — but also a reminder that we have a long way to go." Janice Hahn, the chair of the LA County Board of Supervisors, commended Luna for sharing the video but said "it should have been released immediately by the prior Sheriff." She tweeted that the deputy does not belong in the sheriff's department, and that she trusts that Luna will act quickly to discharge him. Transparency and accountability start at the top, LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger said in a statement, calling for measures that will make things better in the long-term."

The Associated Press reports:

"The FBI has opened criminal investigations into violent encounters involving Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies, including one in which a deputy punched a woman in the face as she held her baby. Federal authorities visited the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department headquarters to take documents related to the probes, according to an email obtained by the newspaper, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday. Department officials confirmed the visit and told the newspaper they planned to cooperate with investigators. The second case being scrutinized by the FBI involves a deputy who threw a woman to the ground by her neck last month in a grocery store parking lot after she started recording an arrest with her cellphone. In addition to the federal investigations, the California Department of Justice has agreed to review the case of 18-year-old Andres Guardado, who was shot in the back three years ago by a sheriff’s deputy in the city of Gardena, south of Los Angeles, the email said. An FBI spokesperson would not confirm that agents were conducting a criminal investigation into either incident."

Why not?  Why the lack of transparency?  One reason of many why law enforcement cannot be trusted.

"The internal county email obtained by the newspaper said that “federal criminal investigations have been opened concerning the recent incidents” in Palmdale and Lancaster, north of Los Angeles."

What took so long?  Why the delay?

"The Palmdale case involved a July 2022 traffic stop but did not become public until this week, when Sheriff Robert Luna called a news conference to release body camera footage and announce that the deputy involved had been relieved of duty. The eight-minute video was taken during the traffic stop after Palmdale deputies spotted a vehicle being driven at night without any headlights. When they pulled it over, the deputies smelled alcohol and saw four women inside, three of them with babies in their arms rather than in car seats, authorities said. The deputies began to arrest the women on suspicion of felony child endangerment, and used force on two of the women when they resisted giving up their babies. The bulk of the video shows a tense conversation between a group of deputies and one woman who clutches her baby while sitting cross-legged on the ground. The deputies are heard saying that the woman was riding in a car driven by someone without a valid license, and that her baby was not in a car seat. After several minutes of back-and-forth, deputies pry the woman’s hands apart, and she begins screaming as the child is removed from her arms. Nearby, another woman holding a baby begins screaming and cursing at officers before deputies announce they plan to arrest her too. As at least two deputies hold the woman by her wrists and arms, a third male deputy can be seen throwing two punches toward her head while she is still holding her baby. It is unclear in the video whether the punches connected with the woman’s head, but she howls in pain."

Jackbooted motherf--kers.  Precisely, why law enforcement cannot be trusted.

"The FBI is also investigating a June 24 case when deputies responded to 911 calls reporting a robbery in progress at a grocery store in Lancaster. They encountered a man and a woman who they said matched the descriptions of the suspects given to 911, according to authorities. As the deputies handcuffed the man in the parking lot, the woman began taking video with her phone. Within seconds, one of the deputies rushes toward her and reaches for her arm, seemingly in an attempt to take the phone. “You can’t touch me,” she screams. The deputy throws her on the ground, and video shows him arguing with her, and at one point threatening to punch her. He then pepper-sprays her in the face and handcuffs her."

Jackbooted motherf--ker.  Precisely, why law enforcement cannot be trusted.

"The man who was handcuffed was ultimately cited on suspicion of resisting an officer, attempted petty theft and interfering with a business. The woman was hospitalized for the effects of the pepper spray and for abrasions to her arm. She was released but cited on suspicion of assaulting an officer, as well as battery on allegations that she had assaulted store loss prevention personnel, the newspaper said. Luna has vowed to overhaul the nation’s largest sheriff’s department since taking charge in December."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

In follow-up to an horrendous case covered repeatedly here and elsewhere, ABC News reports:

"The two Black men who were allegedly tortured and assaulted in an incident by five Rankin County, Mississippi, deputies and one Richland police officer, spoke out Thursday for the first time about the January interaction they say left one of them shot in the mouth. Michael Jenkins, 32, and Eddie Parker, 35, were at their residence on Jan. 24 when they say five Rankin County deputies and one Richland Police Department officer entered without a warrant to conduct a drug raid. The deputies and officer beat the men, threw eggs at them and shocked them with Tasers for roughly 90 minutes while handcuffed, according to the lawsuit filed by the men last month in collaboration with Black Lawyers for Justice. The officers also attempted to sexually assault the men with a sex toy before making them shower together before Jenkins was eventually shot in the mouth, the lawsuit read. Jenkins spoke to the press publicly for the first time Thursday, detailing what he described as his constant nightmares and rough road to recovery since being released from the hospital. "It's been rough," Jenkins said, having a hard time speaking. "It's been terrible." Parker agreed, stating he will continue to fight for justice. The lawsuit is against the sheriff's department and related parties, and seeks $400 million in damages. "I knew I had to fight to get justice because I ain’t got no other choice but to," Jenkins said. All deputies allegedly involved have since resigned or been terminated from the Rankin County Sheriff's Department. Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey spoke last month about the termination of the remaining four deputies on the force allegedly involved in the incident, and told the press the department is cooperating with "all investigation efforts related to this incident and provided all information and data requested in a timely manner." "This will continue until all investigative efforts are complete and justice is served," he continued. "We cannot, however, confirm or deny any specific facts related to this incident because of active and ongoing investigations." While Bailey did not include the deputy who resigned and the four deputies terminated in his statement, the defendants in the plaintiffs' lawsuit include Rankin County Deputies Hunter Elward, Brett Mc'Alpin and Christian Dedmon, and three unidentified deputies under the name "John Doe." Both men referred to Mc'Alpin and Dedmon acting as "ring-leaders" during the press conference. Parker shared he was in his bedroom when he heard the news of the deputies' terminations. “When I saw it, I knew it was real," he said during the press conference. "I mean it was a long time coming, but I knew it was real because it was a moment I’d been waiting on. I took it as ‘about time’ and I knew it was coming, just didn’t think it would take so long.”

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

In follow-up to yet another egregious case covered repeatedly here and elsewhere, ABC News (AP) reports:

"Two former officers of a federal women’s prison in California pleaded guilty Thursday to multiple counts of sexual abuse, the latest to be prosecuted following an Associated Press investigation last year resulting in prison sentences for the former warden and chaplain. Andrew Jones, a former cook supervisor at Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, pleaded guilty to six felony charges of sexual abuse of three women he supervised, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Thursday. Nakie Nunley, a guard at the prison call center, pleaded guilty to four charges of sexual abuse and five lesser felonies of abusive sexual contact of five women. Both also pleaded guilty to making false statements to the government. The two men will enter pleas and be sentenced at later dates. They are at least the seventh and eighth former employees charged with abusing inmates after an investigation by The Associated Press last year revealed a harrowing culture of rampant abuse and cover-up at the facility 40 miles (64 kilometers) east of San Francisco."

Outrageous.  Gets worse.  Get this.  Readers will recall:

"Ray Garcia, the prison's former warden, was convicted in December of molesting inmates and forcing them to pose naked in their cells. He was sentenced to serve six years in prison. All sexual activity between a prison worker and an inmate is illegal as inmates cannot give consent. Correctional employees enjoy substantial power over inmates, controlling every aspect of their lives. In one example, Nunley wrote in his plea agreement that in May 2021 he called an inmate he supervised into his office and told her he could make her time in prison easier or more difficult. She complied with his request."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

Appalling jackbooted violence.  ABC News(AP) reports:

"A suburban St. Louis police officer charged with assault and kidnapping for allegedly beating a man until his jaw broke was arrested Monday, St. Louis County police said. The charges stem from a July 4 arrest that Northwoods officer Samuel Davis made without informing dispatchers or writing a report, according to the probable cause statement. St. Louis County police said Davis, 26, handcuffed a man, then turned off his own body camera before driving him to a secluded spot outside the north St. Louis town. Davis then pepper-sprayed the man, beat him with a baton and told him not to return to Northwoods. A witness called 911 after finding the bloodied man. Police said the victim's jaw was broken, among other serious injuries. St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell issued a warrant for Davis' arrest Friday, and police arrested him Monday in Fayetteville, North Carolina. “These actions put a black eye on all law enforcement officer[s] who are doing their jobs the right way and who are tired of their profession being dragged through the mud because of the bad actions of a few," Bell said in a statement."

Sadly, abusive officers remain a problem all across this country.

"St. Louis County police said Davis is being extradited to St. Louis, where he will be held on a $750,000 cash-only bond. Online court records and the names of any lawyers representing Davis were not immediately available Monday. Northwoods police Chief Dennis Shireff told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Davis has been suspended as the investigation plays out. Calls The Associated Press made to the Northwoods mayor and police department were not immediately returned Monday."


Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

The following if true and substantiated is well beyond appalling.  Moreover and ferociously pointedly?  If indeed true, goddamned raw racist nazism.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

ABC News reports:

"The Inspector General of the Texas Department of Public Safety is conducting a full investigation into allegations that Texas troopers were ordered to push back those attempting to cross the border, including children, into the Rio Grande River and deny people water during extreme heat, Texas DPS spokesperson Travis Considine confirmed to ABC News. The allegations were outlined by a trooper medic for Texas DPS in an email sent to his superior earlier this month that was first reported by the Houston Chronicle on Monday evening. ABC News has obtained the original email from July 3 detailing some of the alleged conditions witnessed at the U.S. southern border in Texas, as migrants and asylum seekers attempt to cross into the country. Amid scorching heat and treacherous conditions, officers at the border assigned to Texas' Operation Lone Star have been told to push back exhausted and hungry groups of people including families "seeking refuge" and nursing infants, according to the email from the trooper. Some had been caught in or injured by the razor wire deployed along the border, including children and even a pregnant and miscarrying young woman, according to the email."

Hard to believe this could possibly be true.  Yet, the lack of transparency is well beyond appalling, indifferent, troubling, and Aryan arrogant.  It's law enforcement management that clearly does not truly give a damn:

"ABC News has reached out to the trooper directly and to the The Texas State Troopers Association, the union representing the Texas troopers, but requests for comment were not returned."

Why not?  Why no transparency?

"Asked about the allegations that Texas National Guard soldiers pushed back migrants into the Rio Grande, the Texas Military Department's office of public affairs told ABC News in a statement on Tuesday that "there is no order or directive instructing Service Members to push illegal immigrants back into the river or deny them drinking water." "The Texas National Guard mission is to work alongside our Texas law enforcement partners to prevent, deter and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry," the statement said and directed any other inquires to Texas DPS."

If indeed untrue, why has Texas DPS remained gutlessly silent?  Why the lack of transparency?  The public expects and deserves the truth no matter what that truth ultimately turns out to be.

Get this:

"The email was sent to a sergeant with the subject line "Weekly Event Log and Operational Concerns" on the afternoon of July 3. Razor wire deployed by DPS along the Rio Grande is forcing people to cross in riskier sections of river -- and on a number of occasions, those attempting to cross get caught up and badly cut, according to the email."

If indeed true, goddamned appalling.  Raw racist nazism.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

The following is well beyond appalling.  It's goddamned un-American:

"A spokesperson for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's office declined to comment on the specific allegations but defended the use of razor wire when asked about the allegations outlined in the Houston Chronicle report. "Texas is deploying every tool and strategy to deter and repel illegal crossings between ports of entry as President Biden's dangerous open border policies entice migrants from over 150 countries to risk their lives entering the country illegally," Andrew Mahaleris, press secretary for Abbott's office told ABC News in a statement on Tuesday. "The absence of razor wire and other deterrence strategies encourages migrants to make unsafe and illegal crossings between ports of entry, while making the job of Texas National Guard soldiers and DPS troopers more dangerous and difficult. President Biden has unleashed a chaos on the border that's unsustainable, and we have a constitutional duty to respond to this unprecedented crisis."

There is no greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the racist nazi element in the Republican Party.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

The Democrats have gutlessly failed to effectively stand up to the nazi element in the Republican Party.  Empty, hollow, meaningless rhetoric:

"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded to the Houston Chronicle report in a tweet on Tuesday afternoon, saying that if the allegations were true it would be "atrocious, barbaric, and downright wrong." She also addressed the report during the White House briefing on Tuesday and criticized the policies of the Abbott administration in Texas. "We're talking about the bedrock values of who you are as a country and the indecency, the human decency that we're seeing, potentially if this is true, is just wrong," the press secretary said."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

... Hey, Sheriff? Reportedly, promote Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 to Sergeant?  If true, yet another classic example of survival of the unfittest in the law enforcement community.  Readers are reminded this is the very same idiot, clueless asshole responsible for thousands of dollars of damage to the Pace Arrow as reported in each edition of this publication.  Far more to Kingsland property owner James Berardi in a property dispute.  -- A dispute engineered by Johnny Greene, apparently financed by a bribe to the former County Attorney, current District Attorney, and Sheriff.  A federal investigation of Llano County government and the aforementioned allegedly corrupt and abusive bastards in this ongoing fiasco is desperately needed.  Tim Chorney.

We need to find a better way.  A far better way.  None the less, the following is an example of Uncommon Valor.  The Washington Post reports:

"Katie Bourgeois had been incarcerated for a few months in a Louisiana prison earlier this year when she learned she was pregnant. “I felt panicked — I didn’t have anyone who would help, and I didn’t want my baby to get sent away with Child Protective Services,” said Bourgeois, 30, who was serving time for drug charges. “I wasn’t sure what to do or where to turn.” Bourgeois knew she would give birth to her baby while she was locked up at the Louisiana Transition Center for Women — a privately-run educational and training corrections facility in Tallulah, La., for inmates within one year of being released. Bourgeois’s due date was in mid-May, about seven weeks before her release date in July. Bourgeois told some of the other women at the facility about her predicament, and several of them mentioned that there was a corrections officer who was kind and might be willing to help her. The officer, Roberta Bell, was known to love babies. “Everyone said she was sweet and always kept her word,” Bourgeois said. One morning, while inmates were lined up to receive their daily medications, a friend of Bourgeois’s approached Bell and explained the situation. Bell, who did not know Bourgeois, said she walked right over to Bourgeois and offered to help. “I knew it was the right thing to do,” Bell said. “When I asked Katie if she’d like me to come and get her baby when it was time, you could see the relief on her face,” she added. “She said, ‘Miss Bell, I’d love for you to take my baby, because I don’t have anyone else to do it.’” Bell said that sealed her commitment. She told Bourgeois that she’d take in the newborn for about two months while Bourgeois finished her prison time. “I knew that God wanted me to follow my heart, and I knew I couldn’t allow a baby to go to protective services when Katie really wanted that child,” she said."

Here's precisely why we need to find a better way, a far better way:

"Bell also knew it violated the rules of her employment, because corrections officers are not allowed to give their personal contact information to inmates."

A matter of security.  Officer security.

"She said she thought she might get permission under the circumstances. Bell told her supervisor about her plan to look after Bourgeois’s baby until her release in July. Bell said that during the day, she could leave the baby at a nearby day care that was run by a friend. “[My supervisor] said it sounded like a conflict of interest because I worked there, but that he’d talk to some people in charge,” Bell said. “I didn’t hear back about it.” Officials at the Louisiana Transition Center for Women and the corporation that operates the prison, Security Management, did not respond to several calls and emails from The Washington Post requesting comment about Bell’s employment. Bell, meanwhile, watched Bourgeois’s belly grow, and she waited. On May 16, when Bourgeois went into labor and was sent to a hospital for the delivery, Bell said she was called into a meeting with administrators at the facility. “The captain said, ‘We’ve learned that your contact information was given to an inmate,’ and he told me it was against the rules,” Bell recalled. “He asked if I was still going to go through with [caring for the baby], and I told him that if the hospital called me, I was going to go and get that child.” She said she wanted to help Bourgeois and decided to face whatever consequence came her way. Bell said she was hoping the consequence would not be steep. She had worked in juvenile and women’s corrections as a guard for about eight years and always enjoyed her job, which was only a 20-minute commute each day across the Mississippi border. “I was aware it would be seen as a conflict of interest, but I am a woman of my word,” said Bell, who had worked at the facility for almost four years. “I wanted to do the best thing for Katie and her child.”

Uncommon Valor.

"She said she was terminated on the spot."

Sadly, for damned good reason.  Yet, an example of Uncommon Valor.

"The following day, May 17, Bourgeois gave birth to a seven-pound boy and named him Kayson. Bourgeois was sent back to prison to complete the remaining two months of her sentence, which she was serving for using drugs while on parole, she said. She gave the hospital permission for Bell to get her son. “I knew that Miss Bell really cared, and that Kayson would be in good hands,” she said, adding that she wasn’t allowed to see or talk to Bell. Once Bell got a call and was told that she could pick up the baby, she raced over to the hospital, filled out paperwork and showed the hospital her identification. Once everything was verified, she scooped up Kayson, buckled him into the new car seat she had bought and took him home. She also had loaded up on diapers, wipes and baby outfits. Some of the other corrections workers at the facility brought her a bassinet for him to sleep in. About 700 women were incarcerated at the transitional prison, said Bell, adding that she learned to feel compassion for them while she worked there. “So many of them have been used and abused and have had hard lives on the streets,” she said. “I found that if I showed them a little love, it went a long way. I sensed that Katie was a good person who had just made some bad choices in her life.” About 58,000 pregnant women are incarcerated every year, according to a 2017 study done by the Pregnancy in Prison Statistics Project. Bell said that by helping Bourgeois, she hoped to give her some solid reasons to rebuild her life and find new purpose."

Uncommon Valor.  Yet, we need to find a better way.  A far better way.

“I do know one thing — she has a beautiful little boy,” said Bell. “He’s a good little boy who doesn’t cry much,” said Bell, noting that she spent weeks feeding Kayson every 2 to 4 hours. When Bourgeois was released from prison on the Fourth of July, “it was further confirmation that I’d done the best thing for them both,” said Bell, 58. She was waiting for Bourgeois in the prison parking lot that day to pick her up. She said she couldn’t wait to show her how much Kayson had grown. Mother and son are staying with Bell at her home in Vicksburg, Miss., until Bourgeois can find employment and save enough to live on her own, she said, adding that Bourgeois is considering becoming a hairstylist. “She and Kayson are welcome to stay here for as long as they need to,” said Bell, who also looks after her grandchildren every summer. “I’m excited for Katie and what the future holds for her.” Bell said she recently obtained a job helping one of her neighbors care for an elderly parent for eight hours a day while she considers future employment options. “Losing my job has been hard — my kids have been helping me out," she said. She said she is reminded that she did the right thing every time she holds Kayson. "To see his little face and his smile — it was just a joy,” she said. “And now, to watch Katie with him and see all of that love and the promise of a new beginning has made it all worthwhile.”

Hopefully, the following will come to pass.  If so, yet another example of Uncommon Valor and the very best humanity has to offer:

"Bell said her dream is to start a group home for women who have recently been released from prison and have no place to go. Bourgeois said she would help. “How can I thank this woman? She’s a stranger who showed so much love,” Bourgeois said. “If not for this angel, I don’t know what I would have done. I feel like I’ve found a friend forever in Miss Bell.”

Indeed, Uncommon Valor.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Disingenuous, delusional U.S. Supreme Court justice defends the indefensible.  The Associated Press reports:

"Justice Brett Kavanaugh pointed to the mixed U.S. Supreme Court decisions this term as he sought Thursday to dispel notions that it is partisan, even after conservatives brought about the end of affirmative action in college admissions and struck down President Joe Biden’s student loan debt relief program."

Disingenuous bullshit.  No more than a lie.  ... So what else is new?  LOL.

“The court is an institution of law. It’s an institution of law not of politics, not of partisanship,” Kavanaugh said at a judicial conference in Minnesota, in the first public remarks by a justice since the court recessed for the summer late last month."

A lie.  Sad, isn't it?  Direct opposite is the truth.

"The Supreme Court has been reshaped by the three justices nominated by President Donald Trump, including Kavanaugh. Although Kavanaugh sided with the conservative majorities in the affirmative action and student loan rulings, as well as last summer’s ruling overturning the nationwide right to abortion, he was also part of the mixed conservative and liberal majorities this term that backed Black voters in Alabama and preserved a federal law aimed at keeping Native American children with Native families."

Doesn't negate the nazism imposed by these fascist bastards in their earlier decisions.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"And the term was marked by other notable surprises, rejecting conservative positions in a North Carolina redistricting case that could have reshaped elections across the country, while backing the Biden administration in a fight over deportation priorities."

No more than 'symbolism over substance' in these cases to quote the late not-so-great Limbaugh nazi.  Pure disingenuous tokenism.

Blowhard bullshit:

“We have lived up, in my estimation, to deciding cases based on law and not based on partisan affiliation and partisanship,” Kavanaugh said."

No truth to it.  Certainly, not in the abortion case.  No more than disingenuous bullshit.  Remains no greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the six Republican nazis on the Court.  Take quite a bit more to obviate that.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

“We don’t caucus in separate rooms. We don’t meet separately. We’re not sitting on different sides of the aisle at an oral argument. ... We work as a group of nine.”

No truth to the very last part of the above quote.  Rulings scream otherwise.  Is this 'justice' no more than a congenital liar, -- like the Trump nazi who nominated him?

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

The effort to expose Wells Fargo egregious deceptive trade practices continues.  Several years ago to determinedly apply renewed pressure on our truly worthless, egregiously self-serving Texas Attorney General, now Governor, an excoriating email was sent to the bastard. Copies of which were also passed on to both offending Wells Fargo officers. A copy was also sent to the Davis campaign and others at the time.

Voters did have a right to know as Attorney General, the GOP candidate for Governor apparently selectively investigated, or not, bona fide complaints filed by citizens against banks too big to fail.  Possibly, Wells Fargo could have lined his pockets in some fashion.  That has yet to be determined.

The bastard and his office, no matter what, failed to respond to the complaint originally snail mailed several years ago.  This material, figuratively targeting Wells Fargo and the governor 'wannabe' now Governor, had been posted and can be found by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the links well below.  ... Governor? Wells Fargo bribe you to look the other way?

Will continue to do all I can to publicly expose this to all, both in this publication and elsewhere.  Have done precisely that with the following email sent to Matt Turner, Matt Turner Video Services, Marble Falls, TX.  A copy of it was also sent to Wells Fargo officer Amanda Wright.  She has, indeed, been promoted  branch manager. Reverse Darwinism.  Survival of the unfittest.

This young woman has indeed been rewarded by the Wells Fargo corporate management suite for engaging in criminal deceptive trade practices and her undying loyalty to her corporate masters. The process to update those already informed of this fiasco has finally been completed. This latest material can be found by clicking onWells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 240, 2-8-19.

The name of this publication was changed some fifteen years ago from The Llano Ledger to Liberty In Peril.  The reason?  Simple.  Cowardly failure of this community to stand up to tyranny that has only exponentially worsened the last decade and a half.  Clearly, demonstrated as well by the cowardly failure of businesses to financially support this publication.  Either through advertising or other financial support.  Too afraid doing so would enrage the bastards who run and own this hellhole County.

-- Despite the fact these businesses were, and are, being egregiously f--ked by these very same bastards. Tough, isn't it?  Impossible to entertain any sympathy for cowardice, however.  Especially in view of the fact this writer has placed himself in great jeopardy taking on these corrupt, abusive, inept criminal bastards. Alone.

Exactly, why you see no investigative material highly critical of these sons of bitches in other local rags.  Sadly, cowardly, all advertising income immediately dries up.  Consequently, the bastards continue their criminal chicanery with impunity.  On a rampage.  Thus, you get what you truly deserve.  Always.  Precisely, why this earlier name change to Liberty In Peril remains appropriate.  -- Despite the fact this writer has not yet left the area.  Ten years after originally intending to do so.  Thirty years in this goddamned godforsaken hellhole.

This writer, then and now, remains primarily interested in state, federal, and international issues.  Another reason for this publication name change.  Despite the fact I stupidly cluelessly remain here, local issues must be addressed.  Can't be ignored.  That's where you come in dear readers.  Have the courage to inform this writer of local abuse, corruption, ineptness you are aware of, have personally experienced.

... Information these criminal bastards do all they can to conceal, cover up.  Otherwise, how can they effectively sustain the charade and intended result? Loot confiscation through a boot heel on the throat of the citizenry.

The only way, short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, to force badly-needed change is to expose all this to the light of day.  These bastards are beginning to understand they have a problem.  No question, the growing rage of those they've abused, looted, egregiously f--ked.  It's time to stand up.  Expose this corruption to glaring sunlight.  Otherwise, as fools, cowards, you will remain under their thumb.  From the loftiest business owner to those on the bottom of the food chain.  Wake up.  Grow a pair.

Still don't think that likely to happen.  After all, you're bought and paid for.  Owned. Not only by your government masters, but their masters.  The corporate management suite.  Your employers.  Think not? Wake up.   You're human chattel.  Corporate-owned, bought and paid for.  Precisely, why you cowardly, compliantly, literally bare your asses for corporate inspection by the company doctor.  Willingly, compliantly, cowardly piss in a cup under employer supervision.  To sit in front of a keyboard or stock shelves all day.  You have no control of your lives.  You're owned.  Forget?  For a measly salary, no job security, reduced to no benefits.  At a time of record corporate profits and cash reserves.

Then, you gallingly complain about the oppression as you tolerate egregious theft of your labor. Not only by your corporate masters, but their bought and paid for government lackeys.  Too cowardly to stand up, allow disclosure of your identity when you rightfully complain to this publication of being mercilessly f--ked. Some of you falsely arrested, criminally assaulted, bogusly fined for 'offenses' you did not commit.  To line County coffers.  Keep the peasants in line and under control.  A fascist police-state. Nazi America.

Again, yet another reason why this publication is called Liberty In Peril.  Most galling? Nothing changes if you fail to step up and challenge corrupt, abusive, inept authority.  Too afraid, cowardly compliant to let the bastards know who you are.  Did it ever occur to the cowards out there if the identity of the accuser is kept under wraps the bastards will falsely claim it's all made up by this publication?  Thus, conveniently killing all credibility. Wake up.

Cowardice is unbecoming, unworthy of our formerly great country.  Insult to injury?  There are the hopelessly deranged who believe the chicanery reported here to be manufactured anyway.  No matter the effort.  No matter the research.  No matter the proof.  Wake up.  This writer cannot do it alone.  Snowball's chance in hell.  Then again, cowardice, delusion is always amply, justly rewarded.  Always. You continue to 'enjoy' the very best government money can buy.  Literally.

Tim Chorney

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
United States Of America

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainable. This publication needs your financial and material support. Both.  Time to step up.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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