Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

  The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V826  ©2023 All Rights Reserved
June 2, 2023

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Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

No matter what, no matter where, this publication will remain up and running.  For it to remain centered here, however, financial and/or material support must be provided.  Status quo, unsustainable. Time to step up.  Now.


... Hey, Sheriff? Is it true Llano County Attorney Becky Lange has advised you to stay out of the "Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764" fiasco?  That right, Bill?  Isn't that obstruction of justice?  Also true your deputies have advised the Bolens to accept the status quo and not force the no-trespassing issue with Greene?  If so, isn't that also obstruction and official oppression?  When will you do your job, Bill?  As an elected official, you answer to the public, forget?  -- No honor?  ... No honor at all? If the foregoing allegations are indeed true, didn't you swear an oath to uphold the law and Constitution?  Why aren't you doing so?  No guts?

Your deputy has been accused of abusing authority.  What action have you taken other than ignore the complaint?  Why aren't both Rodriguez and the County Attorney under criminal investigation?  The County Attorney appears to be obstructing justice, accepting the word of Greene in lieu of two surveyor companies who strongly assert otherwise.  Both the County Attorney and District Attorney have ignored complaints.  Par for the course in Llano County, isn't it?  Failed to do their jobs.  No surprise there, right, Bill?  Both receiving 'special consideration' up to and/or including a bribe from Greene?  Regardless, clearly, no justice in Nazi Llano County.  Bottom line?  Desperate need for an outside criminal investigation.  Conveniently, forget?  This County is ruled by men, certainly not rule of law and the United States Constitution.

Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute criminal law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose only mandate would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.  Until that happens, the criminal bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hell hole County will continue to do as they please.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril

Some salient quotes occurring later on in this edition vis a vis unfinished business County officials continue to ignore:

... "No justice.  Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court that would adjudicate only these cases.  Total independence.  The only way to rein in these criminals, particularly the murderers in blue.

Sadly, the achingly clueless bastards in law enforcement don't need a legitimate reason to kill.  Enjoy carte blanche to murder on the job.  Nearly always, with impunity.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Sue the living shit out of the jackbooted motherf--kers, the department, and the city.  Any officer engaged in, or threatening this kind of unnecessary violence needs to be criminally prosecuted.  Not protected and coddled.  Not put on paid leave, -- no more than a paid vacation.  Not sent home without pay to catch up on his beauty sleep.

Firing is egregiously insufficient.  How can the law enforcement community be trusted?  No foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the criminal jackbooted bastards in law enforcement.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Madam County Attorney?  "Sonny Boy?"

These are extremely dangerous times for our formerly great country.  ... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming.  -- As our legislators and other government officials figuratively 'fiddle while Rome burns.'

Not good enough.  Nowhere near.  Short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, only one way for these atrocities to end.  Again, time for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.

Local  and state authorities are egregiously incapable of handling these cases. Tend to protect their own.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Goes with the territory, doesn't it, Bill?  Precisely, why there is no faith or trust in your criminal jackbooted bastards.  Local authorities here in Nazi Llano County have their heads figuratively, securely lodged so far up their clueless ass their eyeballs are turning inside out.  Protect and coddle your clueless, out of control officers.  Imagine that.

Unadulterated, blatant ongoing horse shit.  ... Right, Bill?  F--k these jackbooted bastards.  Aren't worth a crap.  Continually abrogate their oaths of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Includes not only deputies, but the brass as well.  No principles.  No honor.  Lying, conniving, abusive, murderous jackbooted thieving thugs.  The American Civil Liberties Union needs to step up and represent the victims of abusive law enforcement.

To say nothing of innocent civilians all across our formerly great country who are victimized by abusive police.  Need far better representation than a public defender.  Forget?  It's how the bastards in government line government coffers.  All too often, looting the innocent.  Those on the bottom of the food chain.  ... Right, Sheriff?

No justice.  The American Way.  Nazi America.  When is this shit finally going to end?  All of it.  Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred seventy one weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.

Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.  Who the hell are they?

When will the goddamned 'law' 'enforcement' community finally stop making excuses for engaging in outrageous criminal activity including blatant murder, violent assault, sexual assault, theft, drug trafficking, etc.?  List can go on and on.  Protecting its own no matter what it does or doesn't do?  Convenient, isn't it, Sheriff?  Again, no foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than all branches and levels of government, -- including law enforcement.

Corruption within law enforcement remains an existential threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  So what else is new?  ... Right, Bill?  Same old duplicitous, aggressively stupid shit occurs right here in Nazi Llano County.  ... Doesn't it, Sheriff?

Think it'll change any time soon?  Don't hold your breath, readers.  Not how things work in Nazi America, right, Sheriff?  Highly reminiscent of how your goons operate though, isn't it, Bill?  Forget?  'Stupid is as stupid does.'  F--ked up is f--ked up no matter where, no matter how.  Problem throughout all law enforcement.

Including right here in Nazi Llano County, right, Sheriff?  Too many officers clearly have their heads securely lodged where the sun seldom shines.  Egregious insanity continues to be perpetrated by the criminal jackbooted bastards in blue.  Ongoing issue.  All over our formerly great country.

Not just in Dallas as in the Guyger case, but all over the nation.  No end to it.  Surprised?  Why?  In today's increasingly national socialist climate anything goes, right, Bill?  Live in a de facto fascist police-state, quickly transitioning to the Trump nazi's Fourth Reich.  Certainly, a problem here in Nazi Llano County, isn't it, Sheriff?  Your goons, however, aren't held accountable when they egregiously f--k up.  Ever.

Precisely why you refuse to release information on your deputies to the long-suffering public? That is, employment history, criminal background, results of drug testing, etc..  ... Got to protect your criminal jackbooted thugs preying on the citizenry with virtual impunity, right, sir?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to a Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.  Why are you protecting this clueless son of a bitch, Sheriff?

Why hasn't he been prosecuted for official oppression?  Where is financial compensation for the damage this jackbooted piece of human excrement is responsible for? Ferociously pointedly, why are the District Attorney and the County Attorney continuing to protect this jackbooted piece of shit?  He and others like him present an exigent threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

Equally to the point, why are your jackbooted pieces of human excrement refusing to enforce Berardi's property rights?  Your goons have failed to take action against Theresa Ahrens when she tore down a no trespassing sign and barrier on Berardi's property.  Have you, your goons, and/or Madam County Attorney been bribed by Johnny Greene?

Ahrens frequently drives all the way through Berardi's property.  Coup de grace?  When Berardi complained to Llano County Deputy Idle about the trespassing, the officer's response was insane.  Said the Sheriff told him to tell Berardi since Ahrens believes she owns his property she can't be charged with trespassing.  Perfect Catch-22, right, Sheriff?  You're not fit for office, Bill.  Bribed by Johnny Greene?

Why is Theresa Ahrens allowed by your goons to dictate what vehicles can and cannot be parked on Berardi's property?  Ahrens claims she has proof the property belongs to her where the vehicle was parked.  Has failed to produce it. Surveyors say otherwise.  Back up Berardi.  Yet, your jackbooted bastards refuse to enforce Berardi's property rights.  Why?  Somebody lining somebody's pockets, Sheriff?

Ms. Ahrens micro-mini portable 'house' is parked on an unused unmarked Llano County road.  Imagine that.  Madam County Attorney well-aware.  Has done nothing.  Shit squat.  Egregiously ignored her oath of office.  Someone bribing you, Becky?  Lining your pockets, Counselor?  Paying you not to sell the unused unmarked County road to Berardi?  Doesn't the County want and need the sale money, to say nothing of the resultant tax income?

No question, County and State agencies remain determinedly, concertedly, achingly incapable of criminal investigation of their own.  Precisely, why a new federal agency desperately needs to be created whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate only such cases.  Total independence.  Certainly, go a long, long way to cleaning up this cess pool County.  Rein in the outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept, self-serving assholes who run and own this hell hole.

Sheriff, you falsely claim the Kingsland County Commissioner has the authority to resolve this ongoing property rights issue.  Clearly, doesn't.  You, Madam County Attorney, and "Sonny Boy" are certainly an egregious impediment, continue to determinedly stonewall.  Someone's pockets are being lined.  Again, where's financial compensation for the damage Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 is directly responsible for to the Pace Arrow?  Why hasn't he been prosecuted for this damage, to say nothing of infringement of Berardi's property rights?  -- Just getting started, Sheriff.  Far more to come.

-- You're not doing your jobs, Sheriff.  You've got a loose vicious dog problem in Kingsland, Bill.  When will you and the troops finally do something about this ongoing issue?  Certainly, a recurring problem on Skyline, particularly on occasion at the intersection of Odessa.  Pedestrians, runners, and cyclists are at risk.  Too busy lining County coffers with bogus tickets?"

... Hey, Sheriff?  Reportedly, promote Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 to Sergeant?  If true, yet another classic example of survival of the unfittest in the law enforcement community.  Readers are reminded this is the very same idiot, clueless asshole responsible for thousands of dollars of damage to the Pace Arrow as reported in each edition of this publication.  Far more to Kingsland property owner James Berardi in a property dispute.  -- A dispute engineered by Johnny Greene, apparently financed by a bribe to the former County Attorney, current District Attorney, and Sheriff.  A federal investigation of Llano County government and the aforementioned allegedly corrupt and abusive bastards in this ongoing fiasco is desperately needed.  Tim Chorney.

... Small sampling of what's to come in this edition.  Read on.

The following email was sent to the District Attorney:

Copyright 2018 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Wiley B. "Sonny" McAfee
District Attorney
33rd and 424th Judicial Districts
Llano, TX 78643

March 9, 2018

Re:  Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


The enclosed emails were sent to the Llano County Attorney and Sheriff, respectively, vis a vis the above matter.  Remain unanswered.  The County Attorney appears to be protecting and defending the deputy at behest of Kingsland property owner Johnny Greene.  May have received some consideration from Greene up to and including a bribe.  Are the County Attorney, Greene, and the Deputy under criminal investigation?  If not, why not?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril


Copyright 2018 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Rebecca Lange, Llano County Attorney
Llano County Attorney's Office
Llano, Texas 78643

February 9, 2018

Re:  Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


As you're well aware, we have an outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept Llano County Sheriff's Office here in Nazi Llano County.  Worse, you and your office aid and abet these SS jackbooted bastards in black.  The issue at the moment is the same it's been the last six months.

How is it two surveyor companies, the Appraisal District, the Tax Office, the Precinct 3 Commissioner, even the goddamned Sheriff himself now states Kingsland resident James Berardi owns the lots in contention all these months?

Yet, you ludicrously assert that's not the County's legal position.  It's not?  Why not?  You claim you're not a real estate expert.  Rather than accept the advice of two surveyor companies, the Precinct 3 Commissioner, the Appraisal District, the Tax Office, and even the Sheriff himself, you've inexplicably chosen to follow the advice of property owner Johnny Greene, -- who conveniently happens to be reportedly in the oil industry.

Question to be asked.  Could you have received any 'consideration' in return, -- up to and including a bribe?  Only way to know for sure is for the District Attorney to conduct a criminal investigation.  Apparently, there has been none.  If not, why not?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to this Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.

Our achingly useless, worthless, gutless Sheriff has ignored an email vis a vis the damage this jackbooted thug is responsible for.  Interestingly, his fellow officers believe him to be an idiot.  Yet, the Sheriff continued to defend this piece of human excrement until he realized  this entire fiasco would not be swept under the carpet.

Rodriguez is indeed an idiot.  Would you believe this piece of crap ordered the motor home to be moved on to an unmarked unused Llano County road? That motor home has indeed been moved back to where it was parked before Rodriguez forced it to be moved.  Why hasn't the County paid for the cost of moving it back?  To say nothing of the damage.

Equally pointedly, why is it the County has allowed Theresa Ahrens to park and live in her tiny cottage on that very same road?  Why hasn't she been evicted by the County?  Why was she assessed taxes on an adjacent improvement she doesn't own?

Why is it, Counselor, Johnny Greene is paying for the attorney retained by Ms. Ahrens?  Is Greene attempting to make this all go away by bribery?  Greene has also informed Berardi he is going to sue.  For what?  Has Greene lost his mind?

What about Wells who installed a $4500 septic system on a lot turns out he does not own as a result of Greene, an outrageously inept County, to say nothing of the Llano County Attorney who remains equally determinedly clueless?

How about Bolen who hasn't a pot to piss in, but was nonetheless f--ked over by Greene to say nothing of an egregiously inept County, to say nothing of you and your goddamned equally incompetent office?

None of this is going away, Counselor, -- any time soon.  Will not be swept under the carpet as all the other crap going on in this hell hole County.  Not a chance.  Expect a full expose in this publication whether or not this outrageous fiasco finally gets resolved.  Including full public exposure of both the Sheriff and his jackbooted thug.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril


Copyright 2017 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Bill Blackburn, Sheriff
Llano County Sheriff's Office
2001 N. State Hwy. 16 Suite A
Llano, Texas 78643

August 23, 2017

Re: Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


Archive and retain all reports vis a vis damage to the Pace Arrow resulting from egregious abuse of authority perpetrated by Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764, on the Berardi property in Kingsland on 8-16-17.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril

Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred seventy one weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.  Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.

Who are they, Sheriff? Their past history?  An ongoing investigation remains a lame bullshit excuse.  How can you and your goons be trusted when you refuse to disclose information? Three hundred seventy one weeks.  Especially, your egregious failure to disclose the identity of the officers who pulled the trigger.  To cover your sorry ass, Sheriff?  Those of your thugs?  The people have a right to know what happened, how it went down.  You don't understand that, Sheriff?  Sadly, clearly, you answer to no one.  Including taxpayers.  Especially, taxpayers.

Until you and your goons come clean, doubt will remain this was indeed a good shoot.  The longer you drag your feet, the greater the doubt.  Think not?  Wake up.  Your credibility has tanked.  Isn't getting any better as this bullshit continues unabated.  Three hundred seventy one weeks.  Still no identification of the officers involved  ... Can't get your stories straight?  In line?  Discrepancy between LCSO and DPS? Wake up, Sheriff.  The public no longer buys the bullshit.  No longer trusts you.  On this and many, many other issues.  You have no credibility.  Absolutely, none.

Readers, this is but one of about four other highly questionable killings by law enforcement in Llano County in the last decade or so.  There was one within the City of Llano, another in a field near Fuzzy's Corner, Buchanan Dam, yet another in Point Tella, Buchanan Dam, still another in Tow.  If there are any others I may have neglected to mention, kindly email.

It's time the public be fully informed.  -- Know what we're dealing with here and how 'law' 'enforcement' operates in this hell hole County.  If these jackbooted bastards are not reined in, the life lost could be many  others courtesy of a law enforcement system that is no longer accountable to anyone.  ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

The Sheriff seems to have no clue the people who pay him and his goons are entitled to know whom is killing whom and why.  This shit always seems to be swept under the carpet.  Ignored.  The attitude of these jackbooted sons of bitches is trust us.  They can't be.  They've lied too many times.  Refuse to be accountable to anyone.  We live in a goddamned fascist police-state where law enforcement does as it pleases. Usually, with impunity.  This has to change.

The Texas Rangers have become rubber stamp to atrocities committed by law enforcement.  This also has to change.  No one is holding law enforcement accountable any longer.  No one.  No one in state or federal government. This is precisely why Ferguson triggered such an uproar.  There was no justice there.  None here.  None anywhere.  Officers are abusive, corrupt, inept.

Falsely ticket and arrest the innocent to line County coffers.  Court fees charged continue to be horrendous.  -- Aren't taxpayers already looted to pay these costs?  Aren't you not only double f--king those falsely accused, but taxpayers also hellaciously looted to pay the very same costs?   Yet, the criminal bastards in power in Llano continue to pile on the fees. This is nothing more than goddamned bullshit.  This money finds its way into the pockets of the corrupt, abusive bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hell hole.

Would you believe the last time the Sheriff's Office happened to be 'audited' during the Garrett regime, reportedly, auditors couldn't figure out what went where and why? Yet, surprise, surprise.  Nothing was done.  There has to be transparency.  There is none.  Why would these thieving bastards want any?  ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  How else could they so easily steal and loot with virtual impunity?  Worse, this reinforces jackbooted power in this goddamned, godforsaken hell hole County.

The public has a right to know the histories of the Sheriff's goons.  Clearly, the Sheriff doesn't think so.  That is, where they came from.  Why they left where they were.  What is happening here is the Sheriff is using 'personnel matters' as a convenient excuse to deny the public access to the history of outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept officers who are no more than criminals themselves.

He's protecting his outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted bastards.  Worse, the standards imposed by sheriff's offices statewide with the exception of metropolitan counties are well below those of DPS and city police departments.  Why?  So the corruption, abuse, ineptness, and outright stealing can continue unabated?  This has to change.  ... Can't have that, can we?  Sheriff?  TL?

The public should understand Llano County authorities have it all sewn up.  Did you know the Texas Attorney General does not have the authority to investigate and prosecute County authorities on his own?  The District Attorney has to call for an investigation by the Texas Rangers.  Then, the State can prosecute if it so chooses.

Consequently?  Guess what?  Nothing will happen.  Nothing ever does.  The goddamned corruption continues unabated until you, the public, pressure authorities.  Precisely, why we all enjoy the 'best' government money can buy. Literally.  Without question, the corrupt, abusive, inept sons of bitches are all bought and paid for.  Firmly clamped to the taxpayer tit.  Dependent on money looted from innocent citizens caught in their web.  Phony fines and court costs cleverly designed to f--k the innocent and enrich the pieces of shit who falsely believe they run and own Llano County. Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

Interestingly, the former Sheriff and District Attorney were reportedly forced to retire after an outrageous scandal involving a drunk driving police officer from out of town.  Including special treatment of the drunken son of a bitch that no other citizen caught doing the same would have been afforded. An honest, honorable Llano County Deputy suffered the consequences. Forget? Great officers do not last in this hell hole County. ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

With all ongoing abuse in this goddamned County, one thing remains for damned sure.  We're just getting started, Sheriff.  You will continue to be exposed for whom and what you and your corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted bastards have become, truly are, not what you phonies purport to be, that is, how you continue to f--k over a public you've falsely sworn to protect and defend.  -- Exposure, the only way short of an unwanted dreaded revolution to force desperately needed change in a goddamned fascist police-state. The Fourth Reich.

Have your jackbooted thugs been tested for steroids, Sheriff?  If you've nothing to hide, Bill, release the results of all drug testing.  'Personnel matters?'  Bullshit.  Looted taxpayers have the right to know.  They're footing the bill for all this goddamned corruption, abuse, ineptness. When will you and the boys end the shakedowns?  Looting of the innocent to line County coffers?  No honor at all?

Where are your swastika armbands, you fascist son of a bitch?  You and your thugs remain out of uniform.  Once again, Sheriff, and ad nauseum, did you and/or your goons pressure Schilling to exit the race?  Did you steal the election? If so, an aggressively stupid, achingly gutless public gets what it truly deserves.  One of the most corrupt, abusive, inept 'law' 'enforcement' agencies in our formerly great country.

While the business and church communities stood tall during the recent Kingsland flood catastrophe, there was one glaring exception.  On 10-17-18, the Antlers Coffee Shop closed due to storm-related failure of the Kingsland water system. Patrons, however, are routinely allowed to get online outside even when the shop is closed.

A long-term coffee shop customer entered the hotel lobby to ask the desk clerk whether wifi was still up and running after the catastrophe.  She said it was and told the patron he could get online inside the closed shop.  She then asked him to have another regular customer who had just arrived outside to come in and get out of the cold as well.

Antlers co-proprietor Rick apparently quickly got wind of both customers, made quite a jackass of himself emulating the petulant narcissist currently occupying the Oval Office.  Aggressive stupidity at a time the Kingsland business community is indeed suffering, can least afford it.  Further proof positive of the old adage 'can fix ignorant, can't fix stupid.'

Why would, why should both customers put up with this?  Think this hasn't happened to others?

TC 10-19-18

Newsletter Text 826
June 2, 2023

Uncommon Valor.  As always, when an officer does something heroic and/or of exceptional value to the community, it leads in this publication.  Always.  The Associated Press reports:

"A New York City police officer is speaking out against the use of “courtesy cards” by friends and relatives of his colleagues on the force, accusing department leaders of maintaining a sprawling system of impunity that lets people with a connection to law enforcement avoid traffic tickets. Though not officially recognized by the NYPD, the laminated cards have long been treated as a perk of the job. The city’s police unions issue them to members, who circulate them among those who want to signal their NYPD connections — often to get out of minor infraction like speeding or failing to wear a seat belt."

Outrageous, isn't it?  Although certainly nowhere near the worst in law enforcement corruption, it remains corruption and a needless black eye on the force and those officers, unabusive officers, who indeed abide by department regulations, the law, and U.S. Constitution.  Hat's off, Officer Mathew Bianchi.  Uncommon Valor.  A clean cop.  A good cop.

"In a federal lawsuit filed in Manhattan this week, Officer Mathew Bianchi described a practice of selective enforcement with consequences for officers who don’t follow the unwritten policy. Current and retired officers now have access to hundreds of cards, giving them away in exchange for a discount on a meal or a home improvement job, he said. In the Staten Island precinct where he works, a predominantly white area with a high percentage of cops and other city workers, Bianchi said multitudes of people he pulled over for traffic infractions flashed him one of the cards. “I see card after card. You’re not allowed to write any of them (up),” he told The Associated Press. “We’re not supposed to be showing favoritism when we do car stops, and we shouldn’t be giving them out because the guy mows my lawn.”

No kidding.  No question.  A clean cop.  A good cop.

Get this.  It's truly appalling:

"Bianchi said he was reprimanded on numerous occasions for writing a ticket to a relative or parent of an officer. In some cases, his commanding officer would personally review body camera footage to see if he was giving those with cards a “hard time,” the lawsuit states. The final straw came last summer, when Bianchi wrote a ticket to a friend of the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer, Chief Jeffrey Maddrey, according to the lawsuit. Three days later, Bianchi said he was ousted from his job in the traffic unit and moved to a night patrol shift. The top chief, a long-time ally of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, is currently facing a department trial over allegations that he improperly voided the arrest of a former officer accused of menacing children with a gun."

How about that?

"A spokesperson for the NYPD said the department would review the lawsuit. Inquiries to Maddrey were not returned."

Surprised?  Not possible to credibly defend the indefensible.

"John Nuthall, a spokesperson for the Police Benevolent Association, the NYPD’s largest union, didn’t deny the existence of courtesy cards but said it was up to management to decide department policy."

Jesus Christ.  What a crock of shit.  Goddamned gutless.

“The law and NYPD policies afford police officers discretion in taking enforcement action,” Nuthall said. “Each police officer determines how to exercise that discretion based on the specifics of each case.”

This goes well beyond that, Mr. Nuthall.  Time to wake up, sir.  It's precisely this kind of shit that leads to distrust of the law enforcement community.  -- Not to neglect to mention all the other abuse, corruption, and the murder of innocent unarmed civilians perpetrated by the jackbooted bastards in blue.  ... Right, Sheriff?  -- Such abuse, corruption, and violence occurring even here in Llano County, sir.

"The city’s police unions have long faced media scrutiny over the cards, both over the appearance of corruption and over their appearance for sale on eBay. Bianchi said it was common for officers to receive stacks of cards from different union delegates. Dozens of courtesy cards are currently listed for sale online. The ubiquity of the cards means that those without connections to law enforcement are less likely to get off with a warning, since officers are expected to write a certain amount of tickets, Bianchi said. In his experience, he said minority motorists were less likely to have access to the cards."

Hat's off, Officer Mathew Bianchi.  Uncommon Valor.  A clean cop.  A good cop.

Uncommon Valor.  Seatbelts on.  Before getting on with the usual fare, NBC News(AP) reports:

"Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Regiment made a desperate retreat as North Korean troops closed in around them. A wounded, 18-year-old Army Pfc. Luther Herschel Story feared his injuries would slow down his company, so he stayed behind to cover their withdrawal. Story’s actions in the Korean War on Sept. 1, 1950, would ensure he was remembered. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military honor, which is now displayed alongside his portrait at the National Infantry Museum, an hour’s drive from his hometown of Americus, Georgia."

Indeed, Uncommon Valor.

"But Story was never seen alive again, and his resting place long remained a mystery. “In my family, we always believed that he would never be found,” said Judy Wade, Story’s niece and closest surviving relative. That changed in April when the U.S. military revealed lab tests had matched DNA from Wade and her late mother to bones of an unidentified American soldier recovered from Korea in October 1950. The remains belonged to Story, a case agent told Wade over the phone. After nearly 73 years, he was coming home."

Uncommon Valor.

"A Memorial Day burial with military honors was scheduled Monday at the Andersonville National Cemetery. A police escort with flashing lights escorted Story’s casket through the streets of nearby Americus on Wednesday after it arrived in Georgia. “I don’t have to worry about him anymore,” said Wade, who was born four years after her uncle went missing overseas. “I’m just glad he’s home.”



"Among those celebrating Story’s return was former President Jimmy Carter. When Story was a young boy, according to Wade, his family lived and worked in Plains on land owned by Carter’s father, James Earl Carter Sr. Jimmy Carter, 98, has been under hospice care at his home in Plains since February. Jill Stuckey, superintendent of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park, said she shared the news about Story with Carter as soon as she heard it. “Oh, there was a big smile on his face,” Stuckey said. “He was very excited to know that a hero was coming home.”

Indeed.  Imagine the suffering of the family all these decades.

Consider the following.  It's heartrending:

"Story grew up about 150 miles south of Atlanta in Sumter County, where his father was a sharecropper. As a young boy, Story, who had a keen sense of humor and liked baseball, joined his parents and older siblings in the fields to help harvest cotton. The work was hard, and it didn’t pay much. “Momma talked about eating sweet potatoes three times a day,” said Wade, whose mother, Gwendolyn Story Chambliss, was Luther Story’s older sister. “She used to talk about how at night her fingers would be bleeding from picking cotton out of the bolls. Everybody in the family had to do it for them to exist.” The family eventually moved to Americus, the county’s largest city, where Story’s parents found better work. He enrolled in high school, but soon set his sights on joining the military in the years following World War II. In 1948, his mother agreed to sign papers allowing Story to enlist in the Army. She listed his birthdate as July 20, 1931. But Wade said she later obtained a copy of her uncle’s birth certificate that showed he was born in 1932 — which would have made him just 16 when he joined. Story left school during his sophomore year. In the summer of 1950 he deployed with Company A of the 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment to Korea around the time the war began. On Sept. 1, 1950, near the village of Agok on the Naktong River, Story’s unit came under attack by three divisions of North Korean troops that moved to surround the Americans and cut off their escape. Story seized a machine gun and fired on enemy soldiers crossing the river, killing or wounding about 100, according to his Medal of Honor citation. As his company commander ordered a retreat, Story rushed into a road and threw grenades into an approaching truck carrying North Korean troops and ammunition. Despite being wounded, he continued fighting. “Realizing that his wounds would hamper his comrades, he refused to retire to the next position but remained to cover the company’s withdrawal,” Story’s award citation said. “When last seen he was firing every weapon available and fighting off another hostile assault.”

Uncommon Valor.

"Story was presumed dead. He would have been 18 years old, according to the birth certificate Wade obtained. In 1951, his father received Story’s Medal of Honor at a Pentagon ceremony. Story was also posthumously promoted to corporal. About a month after Story went missing in Korea, the U.S. military recovered a body in the area where he was last seen fighting. The unidentified remains were buried with other unknown service members at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Hawaii. According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, more than 7,500 Americans who served in the Korean War remain missing or their remains have not been identified. That’s roughly 20% of the nearly 37,000 U.S. service members who died in the war. Remains of the unknown soldier recovered near Agok were disinterred in 2021 as part of a broader military effort to determine the identities of several hundred Americans who died in the war. Eventually scientists compared DNA from the bones with samples submitted by Wade and her mother before she died in 2017. They made a successful match. President Joe Biden announced the breakthrough April 26 in Washington, joined by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol. “Today, we can return him to his family,” Biden said of Story, “and to his rest.”

... When America was young, strong, brave, and free.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

More of the same.  Never ends.  In follow-up to a particularly egregious case covered earlier here and elsewhere, The Associated Press reports:

"A Mississippi grand jury has indicted two former police officers on murder charges and another ex-officer on a manslaughter charge in the death of a Black man seen on video being pinned down and repeatedly shocked with stun guns during a New Year’s eve arrest."

What took so long to indict the sons of bitches?

"Officials in the state capital of Jackson released body camera footage Wednesday that showed then-officers Avery Willis, Kenya McCarty and James Land struggling to handcuff Keith Murriel as he was apparently stunned numerous times over 10 minutes. The officers had tackled Murriel while arresting him for allegedly trespassing at a hotel shortly before midnight on Dec. 31, 2022, authorities said. McCarty and Willis have been charged with second-degree murder, and Land with manslaughter, court records showed. All three were placed on administrative leave after the incident. McCarty was fired in February, and Willis and Land in April. McCarty and Willis are Black, and Land is white, according to Melissa Faith Payne, a city spokesperson."

The following is appalling:

"The video shows McCarty kneeling with her knee on Murriel’s back before Murriel flips around, and the three officers attempt to lock his hands behind his back. The 41-year-old man is seen pleading with officers to stop shocking him with stun guns. After handcuffing Murriel, officers then laid the man horizontally on the back seat of a patrol vehicle, the video showed. He died after being taken into custody. Willis’ body camera footage showed him talking to another officer after the encounter. “I hope (he) is asleep. Because if he’s asleep, it’ll be a good ride,” Willis said, using a racial slur to refer to Murriel. “It was funny seeing (his) feet in the air.”

Clearly, bigotry remains alive and well.  Pitiful.

"Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said at Wednesday’s news conference that the city was now releasing body camera footage because a Mississippi Bureau of Investigation probe of the death had been completed. The officers — all ex-members of the Jackson Police Department, or JPD — were indicted on May 12. “We believe we have seen actions that are excessive, disheartening and tragic,” Lumumba said. ”And we believe that is not representative of the vision of public safety that not only this administration wants to put forward, but we believe the men and women of JPD want to put forward.” The city released the footage less than one week after former Jackson Chief James Davis announced his retirement. After Murriel’s death, Davis initially said the man had a “medical emergency.” Lumumba said Davis’ departure was not related to the incident."

That right?

"Acting Police Chief Joseph Wade pledged transparency in speaking with reporters at Wednesday’s appearance."

Think so?  Why did it take this long to indict these former officers?  Protected and coddled as long as possible?

“I would ask the citizens of Jackson to continue to support the dedicated, hard-working men and women of the Jackson Police Department who put their lives on the line every single day,” he said. “We will continue to have accountability measures in place, not only from the bottom up but from the top down as we move forward.”

No credibility.  Had it been the other way around, that is an officer killed, the killer would have been quickly indicted and prosecuted.  No equal justice.  No equal treatment.

ABC News reports:

"Three former Jackson Police Department officers were indicted by a grand jury last week on homicide charges in the death of Keith Murriel, a Mississippi man who died in police custody on Dec. 31, 2022. Hinds County District Attorney Jody E. Owens, II, announced the charges against former officers Kenya McCarty, Avery Willis and James Land in a press conference on Wednesday. “All three officers have been indicted for homicide,” Owens said. “The District Attorney's office would like to acknowledge the brave actions of the entire Jackson Police Department. And we do not think the actions of a few represent the bravery of so many.”

That right?

"Daryl Washington, an attorney representing the family of Murriel, told ABC News in a statement on Thursday that the indictment brings “a level of comfort” to the family. “It’s been an extremely difficult time for the family, knowing that Keith’s death was totally preventable,” Washington said. “Although the family would much rather have Keith here with them, there is a level of comfort knowing that the officers have been indicted for the egregious crime they committed last December,” he added. “We know that this is only the first step in a long process, but we are encouraged by the thorough investigation that was conducted and believe the officers will be held fully accountable for their wrongful actions.”

Certainly, hope so.  We'll see.

"The hardest thing for the family is hearing Keith telling the officers to stop," Washington told ABC News on Thursday."

No question.

"Members of Murriel’s family, who, according to Washington, have been calling for months on the MBI to release the body camera video, filed a wrongful death lawsuit in April against officers involved in this case. “We chose not to release the video at that time because we did not want to compromise the ongoing investigation,” Lumumba said."

All these months?

“We wanted to make it clear while we were releasing this video that we are on the side of justice and want to see justice take place,” he added."

No credibility.  All these months?  Wake up.

The following rings hollow and remains self-serving:

"Newly appointed Jackson Police Department Chief Joseph Wade offered his condolences to Murriel’s family during the press conference on Wednesday and pledged to be transparent."

The department hasn't been transparent all these months, Chief.  This case is not rocket science.  Why all the stonewalling?

The following remains achingly hollow self-serving bullshit with no credibility:

“We strive at the Jackson Police Department to create community trust. When we fail, we create community distrust,” Wade said, urging the community to continue to support the officers who “put their lives on the line every day.” “We at JPD will continue to be transparent and we will continue to have accountability measures in place – not only from the bottom up, but from the top down as we move forward,” he added."

The department failed miserably to date, Chief.  Why all the stonewalling?

Get this:

"Former Jackson Police Chief James Davis announced his retirement on Friday and Wade was named interim police chief. Lumumba publicly disagreed with Davis in February after police released a statement saying that Murriel experienced a “health emergency” that led to his death. According to a Jackson Police Department news release given to the ABC affiliate, WAPT, in January officers responded at about 7:30 p.m. on Saturday Dec. 31 2022, to a call for service in the 500 block of E. Beasley Road. "While at the location, officers successfully took an individual into custody who experienced a medical emergency," JPD said in the release, according to the affiliate. "American Medical Response was summoned to the location to render aid; unfortunately, the individual was pronounced deceased on the scene." Asked during the press conference on Wednesday if Davis’ departure had anything to do with the backlash over the incident that led to Murriel’s death, Lumumda said, “no.” “I shared that, you know I had a different take on it, but that had nothing to do with his decision to retire and my decision to accept his retirement,” he added."

Hard to believe.  Not credible.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

Someone on the take in DEA?  The Associated Press reports:

"The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has allowed one of the nation’s largest wholesale drug distributors to keep shipping highly addictive painkillers for nearly four years after a judge recommended it be stripped of its license for its “cavalier disregard” of thousands of suspicious orders fueling the opioid crisis."

Someone on the take?  Pockets lined?  Unbridled greed?

"The DEA did not respond to repeated questions from The Associated Press about its handling of the case against Morris & Dickson Co. or the involvement of a high-profile consultant the company had hired to stave off punishment and who is now DEA Administrator Anne Milgram’s top deputy."

How about that?

"But the delay has raised concerns about how the revolving door between government and industry may be impacting the DEA’s mission to police drug companies blamed for tens of thousands of American overdose deaths. “If the DEA had issued its order in a timely manner, one could then credibly believe that its second-in-command was not involved despite an obvious conflict of interest,” said Craig Holman, an ethics expert at the watchdog group Public Citizen in Washington. “The mere fact that its action has been delayed four years just raises red flags. It casts the entire process under grave suspicion.”

No question.

"Last week, after the AP reached out to the DEA for comment, the agency broke its silence on the issue and abruptly notified Morris & Dickson that it has decided to revoke its registration to distribute controlled substances, according to two people familiar with the development who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the exchange. However, no final order has yet been published. The company has described revocation as a “virtual death sentence” and is almost certain to challenge the decision in federal court. Louis Milione, who was named DEA’s principal deputy administrator in 2021, did not respond to requests for comment. He retired from the DEA in 2017 after a storied 21-year career that included two years leading the division that controls the sale of highly addictive narcotics. Like dozens of colleagues in the DEA’s powerful-but-little-known Office of Diversion Control, he quickly went to work as a consultant for some of the same companies he had been tasked with regulating, including Morris & Dickson."

How about that?  No conflict of interest?  Not bought and paid for?  Hasn't lined his pockets?

"Milione was brought in by Morris & Dickson as part of a $3 million contract to save its registration to supply painkillers after the DEA accused the company in 2018 of failing to flag thousands of suspicious, high-volume orders. Testifying in 2019 before federal Administrative Law Judge Charles W. Dorman, Milione argued that Morris & Dickson “spared no expense” to overhaul its compliance systems, cancel suspicious orders and send daily emails to the DEA spelling out its actions. But those efforts were too little, too late, the judge wrote in a 159-page recommendation which has not been previously reported and was recently obtained by the AP. Anything less than the most severe punishment, he said, “would communicate to DEA registrants that despite their transgressions, no matter how egregious, they will get a mere slap on the wrist and a second chance so long as they acknowledge their sins and vow to sin no more.” “Acceptance of responsibility and evidence of remediation are not get-out-of-jail-free cards that erase the harm caused by years of cavalier disregard,” Dorman wrote. “Allowing the respondent to keep its registration would tell distributors that it is acceptable to take a relaxed approach to DEA regulations until they are caught, at which point they only need to throw millions of dollars at the problem to make the DEA go away.”

The following indeed rings hollow considering the amount of damage done those suffering addiction, not to neglect to mention all those who died from overdose:

"Shreveport, Louisiana-based Morris & Dickson, the nation’s fourth-largest wholesale drug distributor with $4 billion a year in revenue and nearly 600 employees, has said losing its license would effectively shut it down and have a “catastrophic” effect on patients in 29 states. In a statement to AP, the company said it has invested millions of dollars in compliance systems, executives and advisors. “If DEA attempts to revoke our license for previous actions, the company will vigorously appeal and seek a stay in federal court,” it said. “We are confident we will achieve an outcome that safeguards the supply chain for all of our healthcare partners and the communities they serve.”

The following is appalling:

"Neither Milgram nor two DEA administrators who preceded her have taken any enforcement action since Dorman’s 2019 recommendation, allowing Morris & Dickson to continue operating even as it pursued a potential settlement. Former DEA officials told AP a nearly four-year wait in such a case is highly unusual, noting it rarely takes the agency more than two years to issue a final order. Milgram’s management of DEA since the Biden nominee came into office nearly two years ago has been called into question on another front. AP reported last month that a federal watchdog is investigating whether the agency improperly awarded millions of dollars in no-bid contracts to hire Milgram’s past associates. As for Milione, federal ethics rules bar government employees from taking part in decisions that could benefit companies where they previously worked. DEA spokesperson Christina Pryor declined to comment, but a person familiar with Milione’s work said he recused himself from issues related to Morris & Dickson after returning to the DEA in 2021. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about DEA officials’ recusals."

The report goes on and on in great detail.  The level of corruption at the highest levels of government and industry remains stunning, -- although no surprise.

In follow-up with additional information, The Associated Press reports:

"The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration stripped one of the nation’s largest drug distributors of its license to sell highly addictive painkillers Friday after determining it failed to flag thousands of suspicious orders at the height of the opioid crisis."

Was it paid off by the corporation to delay such action?

"The action against Morris & Dickson Co. that threatens to put it out of business came two days after an Associated Press investigation found the DEA allowed the company to keep shipping drugs for nearly four years after a judge recommended the harshest penalty for its “cavalier disregard” of rules aimed at preventing opioid abuse. The DEA acknowledged the time it took to issue its final decision was “longer than typical for the agency” but blamed Morris & Dickson in part for holding up the process by seeking delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its lengthy pursuit of a settlement that the agency said it had considered. The order becomes effective in 90 days, allowing more time to negotiate a settlement."

Why aren't the bastards in jail?  Prosecuted?  Like any street dealer would have been?  Why special treatment?

"DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said in the 68-page order that Morris & Dickson failed to accept full responsibility for its past actions, which included shipping 12,000 unusually large orders of opioids to pharmacies and hospitals between 2014 and 2018. During this time, the company filed just three suspicious order reports with the DEA."

How about that?  Yet, no prosecution.  Special treatment.  Someone paid off?

The following is well beyond appalling:

"Milgram specifically cited testimony of then-president Paul Dickson Sr. in 2019 that the company’s compliance program was “dang good” and he didn’t think a “single person has gotten hurt by (their) drugs.”

Jesus Christ.  Yet, no prosecution?

“Those statements from the president of a family-owned and operated company so strongly miss the point of the requirements of a DEA registrant,” she wrote. “Its acceptance of responsibility did not prove that it or its principals understand the full extent of their wrongdoing ... and the potential harm it caused.”

Yet, no prosecution?

"Shreveport, Louisiana-based Morris & Dickson traces its roots to 1840, when its namesake founder arrived from Wales and placed an ad in a local newspaper selling medicines. It has since become the nation’s fourth-largest wholesale drug distributor, with $4 billion a year in revenue and nearly 600 employees serving pharmacies and hospitals in 29 states. In a statement, the company said it has invested millions of dollars over the past few years to revamp its compliance systems and appeared to hold out hope for a settlement."

A settlement?  Why no prosecution of those responsible?  Why special treatment not accorded a street dealer or pusher?  Too big to fail?  What a crock of shit.

Think the following groveling sufficient?

“Morris & Dickson is grateful to the DEA administrator for delaying the effective date of the order to allow time to settle these old issues,” it said. “We remain confident we can achieve an outcome that safeguards the supply chain for all of our healthcare partners and the communities they serve. ... Business will continue as usual and orders will continue to go out on time.” Morris & Dickson’s much larger competitors, a trio of pharmaceutical distributors known as the Big Three, have already agreed to pay the federal government more than $1 billion in fines and penalties to settle similar violations. Cardinal Health, AmerisourceBergen and McKesson also agreed to pay $21 billion over 18 years to resolve claims as part of a nationwide settlement. While Morris & Dickson wasn’t the only drug distributor who the DEA accused of fueling the opioid crisis, it was unique in its willingness to challenge those accusations in the DEA’s administrative court."

Aryan arrogance of these drug pushing bastards.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Get this.  It's stunning.  Spot on, yet callously ignored by the DEA as reported earlier in this edition:

"In a scathing recommendation in 2019, Administrative Law Judge Charles W. Dorman said Morris & Dickson’s argument that it has changed its ways was too little, too late. Anything less than the most severe punishment, the judge said, “would communicate to DEA registrants that despite their transgressions, no matter how egregious, they will get a mere slap on the wrist and a second chance so long as they acknowledge their sins and vow to sin no more.”

Think the bastards in DEA and these corporations weren't lining their pockets?  Get this:

"But as the ensuing years passed, neither the Biden-nominated Milgram nor her two predecessors took any enforcement action. Past DEA officials told the AP such decisions usually take no more than two years. As the pills kept flowing, Morris & Dickson attempted to stave off punishment, appealing directly to Milgram to order a reopening of the proceedings, arguing it would introduce new evidence showing it had implemented an “ideal” compliance program with the help of a consultant who is now second-in-command at the DEA, Louis Milione. The DEA said that Milione has recused himself from all agency business related to Morris & Dickson."

Nowhere near enough.

"Milione retired from the DEA in 2017 after a 21-year career that included two years leading the division that controls the sale of highly addictive narcotics. Like dozens of colleagues in the DEA’s powerful-but-little-known Office of Diversion Control, he went to work as a consultant for some of the same companies he had been tasked with regulating."

No problem with that?  None?

"Milione was hired by Morris & Dickson in 2018 as part of a $3 million contract and later testified that the company “spared no expense” to overhaul its compliance systems, cancel suspicious orders and send daily emails to the DEA spelling out its actions. A footnote of the DEA’s order Friday said that since Milione returned to the DEA as principal deputy administrator in 2021, he has not had any contact with Milgram or other agency staff about the Morris & Dickson case due to his prior involvement with the company."

Nowhere near sufficient.  No justice.  None.

Abuse alcohol or other drugs?  You place your life in danger and the lives of those around you.  Prohibition of alcohol turned out to be a massive failure.  Gave us the Mafia.  Drug prohibition continues to finance the drug cartels.  Yet, if we continue to stick it to low level offenders, why aren't we sticking it to corporate management at the very top of the food chain who are lining their pockets pushing their drugs at such a truly massive level?

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

No seeming end to the needless carnage.  ABC News reports:

"A Mississippi mom is demanding justice after she says her 11-year-old son was shot and injured by a police officer who responded to their home. Nakala Murry said she was asleep when, around 4 a.m. Saturday, she heard a knock on her window and saw her daughter's father standing there. "I noticed he was kind of irate. And from dealing with him in the past, I know the irate version of him, what it could lead to," she told ABC News' "GMA3" on Thursday. Murry said she gave her phone to her 11-year-old son, Aderrien, and told him to call his grandmother. "He called the police first, and then he called my mom," she said. "My mom also called the police." Officers responded to their home in Indianola, about 100 miles northwest of Jackson, and Murry said the police yelled for her to open the door. "My child's father was still there -- he was like, 'Don't open the door.' I was telling him that I'm going to open the door," she recalled. "He ran toward the back," Murry said, and the police "started kicking on the door with their foot, like they were trying to break it down." "I opened the door. When I opened it, [an officer's] gun was up. He was telling me to come out," she said. "I went out, I got out of the way. I walked out toward the end of my driveway where my mom was. And I heard a shot and I saw my son run out toward where we were." "He fell, bleeding," she said. "I put pressure on it to stop, help stop the bleeding." Aderrien, who was shot in the chest, has since been released from the hospital. "He's in pain, but overall, he's doing well," Murry said."

Get this:

"The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, which is investigating, said officers responded to a domestic disturbance and a minor was significantly hurt from an "officer-involved shooting." The results of the investigation will be shared with the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office, the agency said."

No transparency.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.

"Murry's attorney, Carlos Moore, said the Indianola officer who shot Aderrien should be fired and prosecuted for aggravated assault. Moore also called for the firing of the Indianola police chief and said the body camera footage should be released. Aderrien "looks like a child -- he's very short and [his] stature is very thin. There's no way he could have been confused for a man," Moore told "GMA3." "We're demanding justice," Moore said. "We want immediate termination. We want prosecution and we want the family to get some answers."

No question.

"The Indianola police did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment."


NPR reports:

"Aderrien Murry, 11, called 911 for help at his home in Indianola, Miss., last weekend. But after police arrived, an officer shot him in the chest. The boy is recovering, but his family is asking for answers — and they want the officer involved to be fired."

Readers will recall:

"Aderrien's mother, Nakala Murry, says she told her son to call her mother and the police after the father of one of her other children appeared at their house in the early hours of Saturday, May 20. She was concerned for her safety, Murry said — but when police arrived, things went terribly wrong. An officer ordered people out of the home, and then shot Aderrien after he left his room, she said. Her son doesn't understand what happened, Murry said. "His words to me were: 'Why did he shoot me? What did I do?' and he just started crying," she said at a news conference at Indianola City Hall earlier this week. The Murry family wants police body camera footage of the incident released. At rallies in Indianola this week, they also called for both the officer who shot Aderrien and the police chief to be fired. The officer involved is Sgt. Greg Capers, according to Murry's attorney, Carlos Moore. Indianola City Attorney Kimberly Merchant confirmed the name to local newspaper The Enterprise-Tocsin this week, saying he has been removed from active duty."

Why hasn't all video been released?  Who is law enforcement protecting?  This case isn't rocket science.

"No child should ever be subjected to such violence at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve," Moore said on Thursday. The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is investigating the shooting, in which it says a minor "received significant injuries." The agency provided few details in response to a request from NPR, citing the ongoing gathering of evidence."

They're protecting and coddling an officer.  Stonewalling.

"Several Indianola officials, including Mayor Ken Featherstone, did not respond to NPR requests for comment about the shooting incident."

Not possible to credibly defend the indefensible.  ... Right, Sheriff?  -- Such abuse, corruption, and violence occurring even here in Llano County, sir.

"Nakala Murry says two police officers came to her home on BB King Road in Indianola after she asked her son to call 911. Her child's father had come to the house, and she realized he was "irate," she said. Worried about what could happen, she gave her son a phone and told him to call for help. That brought the police. "The officers never came all the way inside of the home," Murry said, adding that the police officers stayed just outside the doorframe. A light was on in the living room just inside the door, she added. The police asked everyone inside to come out with their hands up, Murry said. She added that authorities were told twice that no one had a gun in the house — once by her son on his 911 call and again by herself, speaking to officers at the door. But when an empty-handed Aderrien came from his room into the living room, Murry says the officer — who already had his gun out, Murry said — shot him. Her son was running, she said, and he was shot in an instant. She rushed to help her son, putting her hands on his wound to try to stop the blood flowing out. The officer also tried to render aid, and police called an ambulance. Aderrien was taken to a hospital, where he was put on a ventilator. His injuries include a collapsed lung, a fractured rib and a lacerated liver, Murry said. "This cannot keep happening," she said, referring to the police use of deadly force. "This is not OK." "My baby almost lost his life," Murry said. "It was scary, it's traumatic," she added, noting that two other children were also in the house at the time. In the aftermath of her son being shot, Murry said, no one from the city reached out to her."

Couldn't be covering their ass, could they?

'Fox guarding the chicken coop':

"When the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation finishes its inquiry, "agents will share their findings with the Attorney General's Office," press secretary Bailey C. Martin told NPR."

The following indeed seems to be the bottom line:

"To her, Murry says, the key issue in this case isn't race — Murry, Aderrien and Capers are all Black — but police training and attitudes. "You're here to protect and serve," Murry said. "In this case, we didn't feel protected. We felt like victims." In the U.S., police are more likely to use fatal force on Black people than any other ethnic group, according to Statista — which notes that fatal police shootings have continued on a worrying upward trend."

Yet, the stonewalling continues unabated.

NPR reports:

"The family of Aderrien Murry has filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Indianola, Miss., and at least two police officials, after an officer shot 11-year-old Murry in the chest after the boy placed a 911 call on May 20. The boy has been recovering from his wounds, which include a collapsed lung, a fractured rib and a lacerated liver. The family's lawsuit seeks at least $5 million in damages, accusing the police department of gross negligence and reckless disregard, and failing to properly train and supervise its officers. The family has called for the officer involved to be fired, along with Police Chief Ronald Sampson. They also want police body camera footage of the incident released. Officers who responded to the domestic disturbance call acted in a way, the suit alleges, that was "so outrageous that it shocks the moral and legal conscience of the community."

"The lawsuit filed by Carlos Moore, the family's attorney, accuse the police of violating Aderrien Murry's civil rights — specifically the Fourth Amendment's protection against the use of excessive force and the 14th Amendment's guarantee of due process. "What we do know is he obeyed the officer's command," Moore said of Aderrien, according to member station Mississippi Public Broadcasting. "He came out of his room with nothing in his hands and was shot." "He was not a threat to anyone. He was just obeying the command." The officer who fired his weapon is Sgt. Greg Capers, according to the court documents. Last week, Indianola City Attorney Kimberly Merchant told local newspaper The Enterprise-Tocsin that Capers had been removed from active duty."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

Nothing quite like egregious injustice lasting decades, is there?  The Associated Press reports:

"A California man who spent 33 years in prison for attempted murder has been declared innocent and freed, the Los Angeles County district attorney announced Thursday. Daniel Saldana, 55, was convicted in 1990 of opening fire on a car containing six teenagers who were leaving a high school football game in Baldwin Park, east of Los Angeles. Two students were wounded but survived. The attackers mistook the teens for gang members, authorities said. Saldana was 22 at the time of the shooting and worked full-time as a construction worker. He was one of three men charged with the attack. Convicted of six counts of attempted murder and one count of shooting at an occupied vehicle, Saldana was sentenced to 45 years to life in state prison. Saldana appeared with District Attorney George Gascón at a press conference announcing his exoneration Thursday. He said he was grateful to be freed. “It’s a struggle, every day waking up knowing you’re innocent and here I am locked up in a cell, crying for help,” Saldana said, according to the Southern California News Group. “I’m just so happy this day came,” he added."

Indeed.  What took so long?  Being freed after decades of injustice is nowhere near sufficient.  Sue the living shit out of the bastards.  Here's precisely why:

"Gascón’s office began investigating after learning in February that another convicted attacker told authorities during a 2017 parole hearing that Saldana “was not involved in the shooting in any way and he was not present during the incident,” the DA said. A former deputy district attorney was present at the hearing “but apparently did nothing” and failed to share the exonerating information with Saldana or his attorney as required, Gascón said. That caused Saldana to spend an additional six years in prison before the DA’s office reopened the case and declared him innocent, Gascón said. The district attorney didn’t disclose other details of the case but he apologized to Saldana and his family. “I know that this won’t bring you back the decades you endured in prison,” he said. “But I hope our apology brings some small comfort to you as you begin your new life.” Gascón added: “Not only is this a tragedy to force people into prison for a crime they did not commit, but every time that an injustice of this magnitude takes place, the real people responsible are still out there to commit other crimes.”

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

A nazi gets his.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

The Associated Press reports:

"Oath Keepers extremist group founder Stewart Rhodes was sentenced Thursday to 18 years in prison for orchestrating a weekslong plot that culminated in his followers attacking the U.S. Capitol in a bid to keep President Joe Biden out of the White House after winning the 2020 election. Rhodes, 58, is the first person convicted of seditious conspiracy in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack to receive his punishment, and his sentence is the longest handed down so far in the hundreds of Capitol riot cases. It’s another milestone for the Justice Department’s sprawling Jan. 6 investigation, which has led to seditious conspiracy convictions against the top leaders of two far-right extremist groups authorities say came to Washington prepared to fight to keep President Donald Trump in power at all costs. “The Justice Department will continue to do everything in our power to hold accountable those criminally responsible for the January 6th attack on our democracy,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement."

Get this:

"In a first for a Jan. 6 case, the judge agreed with the Justice Department that Rhodes’ actions should be punished as “terrorism,” which increases the recommended sentence under federal guidelines. That decision could foreshadow lengthy sentences down the road for other far-right extremists, including former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who have also been convicted of the rarely used charge. Before announcing Rhodes’ sentence, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta described a defiant Rhodes as a continued threat to the United States and democracy. The judge expressed fear that what happened on Jan. 6 could be repeated, saying Americans will “now hold our collective breaths every time an election is approaching.” “You are smart, you are charismatic and compelling and frankly that’s what makes you dangerous,” the judge told Rhodes. “The moment you are released, whenever that may be, you will be ready to take up arms against your government.”

Certainly, appears to be the case:

"Rhodes did not use his chance to address the judge to express remorse or appeal for leniency, but instead claimed to be a “political prisoner,” criticized prosecutors and the Biden administration and tried to play down his actions on Jan. 6. “I’m a political prisoner and like President Trump my only crime is opposing those who are destroying our country,” said Rhodes, who appeared in Washington’s federal court wearing orange jail clothes. Mehta fired back that Rhodes was not prosecuted for his political beliefs but for actions the judge described as an “offense against the people of the country.” “You are not a political prisoner, Mr. Rhodes,” the judge said. Another Oath Keeper convicted of seditious conspiracy alongside Rhodes — Florida chapter leader Kelly Meggs — was sentenced later Thursday to 12 years behind bars. Meggs said he was sorry he was involved in the riot that left a “black eye on the country,” but maintained that he never planned to go into the Capitol. The judge found Meggs doesn’t present an ongoing threat to the country the way Rhodes does, but told him “violence cannot be resorted to just because you disagree with who got elected.” Other Oath Keepers are expected to be sentenced Friday and next week."

Readers will recall:

"A Washington, D.C., jury found Rhodes guilty of leading a plot to forcibly disrupt the transfer of presidential power. Prosecutors alleged Rhodes and his followers recruited members, amassed weapons and set up “quick reaction force” teams at a Virginia hotel that could ferry guns into the nation’s capital if they were needed to support their plot. The weapons were never deployed. It was one of the most consequential Capitol riot cases brought by the government, which has sought to prove that the attack by right-wing extremists such as the Oath Keepers was not a spur-of-the-moment protest but the culmination of weeks of plotting to overturn Biden’s victory. Rhodes’ January 2022 arrest was the culmination of a decades-long path of extremism that included armed standoffs with federal authorities at Nevada’s Bundy Ranch. After founding the Oath Keepers in 2009, the Yale Law School graduate built it into one of the largest far-right antigovernment militia groups in the U.S., though it appears to have weakened in the wake of the Oath Keepers’ arrests."

Indeed, an extremely well-educated nazi.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"The judge agreed to prosecutors’ request for a so-called “terrorism enhancement” — which can lead to a longer prison term — under the argument that the Oath Keepers sought to influence the government through “intimidation or coercion.” Judges in less serious Jan. 6 cases had previously rejected such requests. Prosecutors had sought 25 years for Rhodes, arguing that a lengthy sentence was necessary to deter future political violence. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy pointed to interviews and speeches Rhodes has given from jail repeating the lie that the 2020 election was stolen and saying it would be again in 2024. In remarks just days ago, Rhodes called for “regime change,” the prosecutor said. Rhodes, of Granbury, Texas, plans to appeal his conviction."

More shyster excuse-making bullshit:

"Defense lawyer Phillip Linder told the judge that prosecutors were unfairly trying to make Rhodes “the face” of Jan. 6, adding that Rhodes could have had many more Oath Keepers come to the Capitol “if he really wanted to” disrupt Congress’ certification of the Electoral College vote."

NPR reports:

"The founder of the far-right Oath Keepers group has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in a seditious conspiracy to disrupt the electoral count, the stiffest punishment to date to stem from the violent assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. A jury in Washington, D.C., convicted Stewart Rhodes last November of the politically charged sedition charge and multiple other felonies.

"During the trial, the Justice Department presented the jury with thousands of messages from Rhodes and other Oath Keepers before, during and after the events of Jan. 6, including Rhodes' comments that "we aren't getting through this without a civil war" and "the final defense is us and our rifles.

"Rhodes, a graduate of Yale Law School, pledged to appeal his conviction and sentence. His decision to testify in his own defense last year backfired after prosecutor Kathryn Rakoczy drew him out on inconsistencies in his account of his actions leading up to the Capitol siege and his penchant for conspiracy theories.

"In more than 20 minutes of remarks, Rhodes cast himself as a political prisoner and said the experience had been "surreal," likening himself to the protagonist in a Franz Kafka novel. "I believe this country is incredibly divided and this going to make things worse. I consider every J 6er to be a political prisoner because all of them are grossly overcharged." Rhodes, who was interrupted by the judge and asked to wrap up, said his goal in prison is to become "an American Solzhenitsyn," referring to a Soviet dissident who spent time in a labor camp, and "to expose the criminality of this regime."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

Another senseless, needless killing.  CBS News(AP) reports:

"A police officer who fatally shot a homeowner who had called 911 to report intruders outside his southern New Jersey home has been indicted on a manslaughter charge. The count against Mantua Township Police Officer Salvatore Oldrati was handed up Tuesday by a state grand jury and was made public Wednesday night. He faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. The charge stems from the Sept. 14, 2021, death of Charles Sharp III, 49, who called 911 around 1:30 a.m. to report he had spotted two burglars in his backyard and that one of them had a handgun."

Why did it take nearly two years to indict this officer?  Why was he protected and coddled?  Had it been the other way around, and the officer killed by a civilian, the civilian would have been quickly indicted, prosecuted, and convicted.  Why no equal justice?

"Oldrati and another Mantua officer, Cpl. Robert Layton, soon responded to the home in different vehicles. Sharp, an Air Force veteran, had remained on the phone with the 911 dispatcher and was standing in his front yard when the officers arrived. Layton got there first, with Oldrati arriving a short time later. As Oldrati got out of his police vehicle, Layton yelled, "He's got a handgun on him, right there," the attorney general's office said in a press release. Oldrati then fired his service weapon multiple times, hitting Sharp several times. Sharp was taken to a hospital but was pronounced dead there a short time later. Layton did not discharge his service weapon, authorities said, and neither he nor Oldrati were injured. A replica .45-caliber firearm was recovered near Sharp, authorities said. Investigators determined that Oldrati gave no verbal commands or warnings before shooting Sharp."

A 'shoot first, ask questions later' jackbooted bastard mentality of law enforcement.  ... Right, Sheriff?  -- Such abuse, corruption, and violence occurring even here in Llano County, sir.

"When residents call 911 for service, they are concerned, they need assistance, they seek protection - and they trust the officers responding to their calls will respond accordingly and help them," state Attorney General Matthew Platkin said in a statement. "Tragically, that did not happen here." The case was reviewed by the grand jury, which is mandated in cases where a civilian dies during an encounter with a law enforcement officer. The Office of Public Integrity and Accountability investigated the incident and presented its findings to the panel. "Less than five seconds elapsed between when Officer Oldrati stepped out of his police vehicle and when he began firing at Mr. Sharp," Thomas Eicher, the office's executive director, said in the statement. " ... The grand jury determined that his conduct was not justified and warranted the return of an indictment for manslaughter." Oldrati's attorney, Christopher St. John, said he was surprised and disappointed by the indictment, and his client was "extremely disappointed." "However, I'm very confident that once an actual jury, a petit jury, is able to view all of the evidence in its entirety, that Sal will be exonerated," St. John said."

Should that happen, no more than legalized murder.  Yet, another black eye for the jackbooted bastards in law enforcement.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

The following?  Inexplicable.  NBC News reports:

"The family of a New York woman who was followed into her apartment and stabbed more than 40 times has filed a lawsuit accusing police officers of idly standing by her door as she was fatally attacked. Christina Yuna Lee, 35, died Feb. 13, 2022, in her Chinatown, Manhattan, apartment. Police have said Assamad Nash followed Lee into her apartment around 4:20 a.m., stealthily trailing her up six flights of stairs and forcing entry into her unit. Once inside, he repeatedly stabbed her, authorities previously said. Nash has pleaded not guilty to murder and other charges. A complaint filed May 12 in New York County Supreme Court by Lee's aunt and administrator of her estate, Boksun Lee, accuses members of the NYPD of negligence in the slow response and failure to provide immediate medical care. The NYPD on Friday said did not comment on the case, citing pending litigation."

Stonewalling.  Well over a year.

"Neighbors called 911 after hearing Lee's screams, and one of those calls came in at 4:22 a.m., the suit states. Three minutes later, two unnamed members of the NYPD from the 5th precinct, located about three blocks from Lee’s apartment, arrived to Lee’s unit and heard her shouting for help “until she abruptly stopped screaming,” the complaint said. Instead of breaking into the unit, the officers spoke to Nash through the closed door, the complaint said. “Despite having reasons to believe Ms. Lee’s life was in imminent danger,” the officers “failed to gain entry to Ms. Lee’s apartment or otherwise provide her with any potentially life-saving police or medical assistance at that time,” the complaint said. Seven other members of the NYPD arrived at 5:30 a.m. — more than an hour after a neighbor called 911 and the first officers heard the woman screaming, the complaint said. At 5:40 a.m. — one hour and 20 minutes after Lee was attacked — members of the NYPD Emergency Services Unit forced entry into Lee’s apartment, the lawsuit said. She was found fatally stabbed and pronounced dead at 5:55 a.m., according to the suit. The complaint said that during and after the attack, responding NYPD members “denied and/or reasonably delayed providing Ms. Lee with police assistance and emergency medical treatment causing her pain and suffering and contributing to her death.” It also accused New York City of failing to maintain Sara D. Roosevelt Park, located near Lee's apartment, which had "significant public safety conditions." The complaint noted a stabbing death that happened just outside the park Oct. 16, 2021. Court documents said the “dangerous conditions” in the public park operated by the city “contributed to the harm and suffering” of Lee."

Why all the foot dragging?

"The suit alleges wrongful death, conscious pain and suffering, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, denial or delay of medical care, and negligent hiring, screening, retention, supervision and training of the officers. The suit further says that the defendants violated the New York State Constitution in depriving Lee of her life without due process of law. The family seeks a jury trial, punitive and unspecified compensatory damages. Lee, a Rutgers University graduate, was a senior creative producer at Splice, a digital music platform, Variety reported. Nash, who was not named in the suit, was charged with first-degree murder, burglary and sexually motivated burglar[y]. He pleaded not guilty in March 2022. Prosecutors said that Nash had an extensive record in New Jersey and that at the time of Lee’s killing, he was out on supervised release in three open cases. If he is convicted, he faces a sentence as long as life without parole."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

In follow-up to yet another egregious case covered here and elsewhere, NBC News reports:

"A Florida deputy accused of recklessly deploying a stun gun on a man who was covered in gasoline and became "a human fireball" has been charged in the incident at a gas station last year. Osceola County Deputy David Crawford was charged this week with one count of culpable negligence with personal injury, a first-degree misdemeanor, according to the State Attorney of the Ninth Judicial District."

Why the delay?  Protecting and coddling the jackbooted bastard as long as possible?  Stonewalling?

"Jean Baretto had second- and third-degree burns to at least 75% of his body after the February 2022 incident at an Orlando gas station. Deputies were pursuing Baretto, who was "accused of violating traffic laws as he 'popped wheelies' in traffic while on his dirt bike," and a struggle ensued, the state attorney's office said. Baretto was pumping gas when Crawford tackled him and "become smothered in gasoline," according to Mark NeJame, Baretto's attorney. Crawford then deployed his Taser, setting Baretto on fire and turning him into "a human fireball," NeJame said. Baretto will require lifelong care, his attorney said, adding that the man has accrued more the $7 million in medical expenses. NeJame says the charge "is but a first tiny step." "Law enforcement is supposed to protect us, not incinerate us," NeJame said. "This was a grossly excessive use of force that should of and could have been avoided."

The following rings achingly hollow:

"The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office said it is letting the criminal justice system decide if Crawford committed a crime. "Over a year ago, we investigated this case and sent our findings over to the State Attorney’s Office to review. We feel it’s appropriate to let the criminal justice system determine if Deputy Crawford did a criminal act that could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt," the statement read. Crawford joined the agency in 2012. If convicted, Crawford can face up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000, according to the state attorney’s office."

That's all?

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

... Hey, Sheriff?  Reportedly, promote Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 to Sergeant?  If true, yet another classic example of survival of the unfittest in the law enforcement community.  Readers are reminded this is the very same idiot, clueless asshole responsible for thousands of dollars of damage to the Pace Arrow as reported in each edition of this publication.  Far more to Kingsland property owner James Berardi in a property dispute.  -- A dispute engineered by Johnny Greene, apparently financed by a bribe to the former County Attorney, current District Attorney, and Sheriff.  A federal investigation of Llano County government and the aforementioned allegedly corrupt and abusive bastards in this ongoing fiasco is desperately needed.  Tim Chorney.

Texas Republicans are clearly most unhappy with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Couldn't be, could it?  LOL.  What took so long?

The Associated Press reports:

"A Republican-led investigation on Wednesday accused Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of committing multiple crimes in office — including felonies — during an extraordinary public airing of scandal and alleged lawbreaking that plunged one of the GOP’s conservative stars into new political and legal risk."

Doesn't your heart bleed for the son of a bitch?  LOL.

"For more than three hours, investigators presented findings alleging Paxton sought to hide an affair, misused his office to help a donor, skirted protocols “grossly outside” norms and built a culture of fear and retaliation in his office. Investigators told the GOP-led House General Investigating Committee that there was evidence that Paxton repeatedly broke the law over the years, including by misusing official information, abusing his official capacity and retaliation."

Surprised?  Wake up.

"The dramatic turn of events in the Texas Capitol unleashed a new test of Paxton’s durability in a way he has not previously confronted despite a felony indictment in 2015 and an ongoing FBI investigation. The House committee’s investigation has been quietly going on for months and did not come to light until Tuesday."

What took so long?

"Wednesday’s hearing amounted to a remarkable rebuke from Republicans in a building where Paxton has long maintained defenders and allies, including Abbott, who lauded Paxton while swearing him in to a third term in January. Paxton called the hours of testimony by investigators “false,” accused the committee of misleading the public and attacked Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan as a “liberal.” Paxton also has claimed repeatedly since Tuesday that Phelan has been drunk on the job, something Phelan’s office has brushed off as an attempt by Paxton to “save face.” “It is not surprising that a committee appointed by liberal Speaker Dade Phelan would seek to disenfranchise Texas voters and sabotage my work as Attorney General,” Paxton said in a written statement. The hearing came as Paxton is seeking legislative approval for more than $3 million in taxpayer dollars to a settle a whistleblower lawsuit with top aides who accused him of corruption. The whistleblowers’ lawyers on Wednesday thanked the committee for recognizing that their clients “suffered real harm in retaliation” for accusing Paxton and called on lawmakers to fund the deal."

Why should taxpayers be looted to pay for Paxton's f--kups?  His alleged criminal activity?  Paxton was indicted on felony charges eight years ago.  Why hasn't he been tried yet?

Clearly, the heat is on.  What took so long?  The Associated Press reports:

"Following years of scandal, criminal charges and corruption accusations, Texas’s Republican Attorney General, Ken Paxton, finds himself on the brink of impeachment, and a GOP-led panel is heading the charge."

How about that?

"In a unanimous decision, a Republican-led House investigative committee that spent months quietly looking into Paxton recommended impeaching the state’s top lawyer Thursday on 20 articles, including bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust. The House could vote on the recommendation as soon as Friday. If it impeaches Paxton, he would be forced to leave office immediately. The move sets up what could be a remarkably sudden downfall for one of the GOP’s most prominent legal combatants, who in 2020 asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory. Only two officials in Texas’ nearly 200-year history have been impeached. Paxton has been under FBI investigation for years over accusations that he used his office to help a donor. He was separately indicted on securities fraud charges in 2015, but has yet to stand trial. The articles of impeachment issued by the investigative committee, which include three Republicans and two Democrats, stem largely from Paxton’s relationship with one of his wealthy donors. They deal heavily with Paxton’s alleged efforts to protect the donor from an FBI investigation and his attempts to thwart whistleblower complaints brought by his own staff."

Despite all the other allegations against Paxton, it is this above aforementioned donor that presents quite a problem for him:

"But what has unleashed the most serious risk to Paxton is his relationship with another wealthy donor, Austin real estate developer Nate Paul. Several of Paxton’s top aides in 2020 told the FBI that they had became concerned the attorney general was misusing the powers of his office to help Paul over unproven claims that an elaborate conspiracy to steal $200 million of his properties was afoot. The FBI searched Paul’s home in 2019 but he has not been charged and his attorneys have denied wrongdoing. Paxton also told staff members that he had an affair with a woman who, it later emerged, worked for Paul. The impeachment charges cover myriad accusations related to Paxton’s dealings with Paul. The allegations include attempts to interfere in foreclosure lawsuits and improperly issuing legal opinions to benefit Paul, and firing, harassing and interfering with staff who reported what was going on. The bribery charges stem from Paul allegedly employing the woman with whom Paxton had an affair in exchange for legal help and Paul allegedly paying for expensive renovations to Paxton’s Austin home. Other charges date back to Paxton’s still-pending 2015 felony securities fraud indictment, including lying to state investigators. The eight aides who reported Paxton to the FBI were all fired or quit, and four later sued under Texas’ whistleblower law, In February, Paxton agreed to settle the case for $3.3 million. But the Texas House must approve the payout and Phelan has said he doesn’t think taxpayers should foot the bill. Shortly after the settlement was reached, the House investigation into Paxton began. The probe amounted to rare scrutiny of Paxton in the state Capitol, where many Republicans have long taken a muted posture about the accusations that have dogged him. Only twice has the Texas House impeached a sitting official: Gov. James Ferguson in 1917 and state Judge O.P. Carrillo in 1975."

The Associated Press reports:

"After years of legal and ethical scandals swirling around Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton, the state’s GOP-controlled House of Representatives has moved toward an impeachment vote that could quickly throw him from office. The extraordinary and rarely used maneuver comes in the final days of the state’s legislative session and sets up a bruising political fight. It pits Paxton, who has aligned himself closely with former President Donald Trump and the state’s hard-right conservatives, against House Republican leadership, who appear to have suddenly had enough of the allegations of wrongdoing that have long dogged Texas’ top lawyer. Paxton has said the charges are based on “hearsay and gossip, parroting long-disproven claims.”

Think so?

"Here is how the impeachment process works in Texas, and how the 60-year-old Republican came to face the prospect of becoming just the third official to be impeached in the state’s nearly 200-year history: Under the Texas Constitution and law, impeaching a state official is similar to the process on the federal level: the action starts in the state House. In this case, the five-member House General Investigating Committee voted unanimously Thursday to send 20 articles of impeachment to the full chamber. The next step is a vote by the 149-member House, where Paxton faces grim math. A simple majority is needed to impeach. That means only a fraction of the House’s 85 Republican members would need to vote against Paxton, if all 64 Democrats did. The House can call witnesses to testify, but the investigating committee already did that prior to recommending impeachment. The panel met for several hours Wednesday, listening to investigators deliver an extraordinary public airing of Paxton’s years of scandal and alleged lawbreaking. If the full House impeaches Paxton, everything shifts to the state Senate for a “trial” to decide whether to permanently remove Paxton from office, or acquit him. Removal requires a two-thirds majority vote. But there is a major difference between Texas and the federal system: If the House votes to impeach, Paxton is immediately suspended from office until the outcome of the Senate trial. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott would appoint an interim replacement. The GOP in Texas controls every branch of state government. Republican lawmakers and leaders alike have until this week taken a muted posture toward the the myriad examples of Paxton’s misconduct and alleged law breaking that emerged in legal filings and news reports over the years. It’s unclear when and why exactly that changed. In February, Paxton agreed to settle a whistleblower lawsuit brought by former aides who accused him of corruption. The $3.3 million payout must be approved by the House and Republican Speaker Dade Phelan has said he doesn’t think taxpayers should foot the bill. Shortly after the settlement was reached, the House investigation into Paxton began. The five-member committee that mounted the investigation of Paxton is led by his fellow Republicans, contrasting America’s most prominent recent examples of impeachment. Trump’s federal impeachments in 2020 and 2021 were driven by Democrats who had majority control of the U.S. House of Representatives. In both cases, the impeachment charges approved by the House failed in the Senate, where Republicans had enough votes to block conviction."

The Associated Press reports:

"Texas’ Republican-led House of Representatives impeached state Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday on articles including bribery and abuse of public trust, a sudden, historic rebuke of a GOP official who rose to be a star of the conservative legal movement despite years of scandal and alleged crimes. Impeachment triggers Paxton’s immediate suspension from office pending the outcome of a trial in the state Senate and empowers Republican Gov. Greg Abbott to appoint someone else as Texas’ top lawyer in the interim. The 121-23 vote constitutes an abrupt downfall for one of the GOP’s most prominent legal combatants, who in 2020 asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn President Joe Biden’s electoral defeat of Donald Trump. It makes Paxton only the third sitting official in Texas’ nearly 200-year history to have been impeached."

What a disgrace.

Not surprisingly:

"Paxton, 60, decried the move moments after scores of his fellow partisans voted for impeachment, and his office pointed to internal reports that found no wrongdoing. “The ugly spectacle in the Texas House today confirmed the outrageous impeachment plot against me was never meant to be fair or just,” Paxton said. “It was a politically motivated sham from the beginning.”

Think so?  Wake up:

"Paxton has been under FBI investigation for years over accusations that he used his office to help a donor and was separately indicted on securities fraud charges in 2015, though he has yet to stand trial. His party had long taken a muted stance on the allegations — but that changed this week as 60 of the House’s 85 Republicans, including Speaker Dade Phelan, voted to impeach."

What took so long?  Why didn't this happen years ago?

“No one person should be above the law, least not the top law officer of the state of Texas,” Rep. David Spiller, a Republican member of the committee that investigated Paxton, said in opening statements. Another Republican committee member, Rep. Charlie Geren, said without elaborating that Paxton had called some lawmakers before the vote and threatened them with political “consequences.”


"Lawmakers allied with Paxton tried to discredit the investigation by noting that hired investigators, not panel members, interviewed witnesses. They also said several of the investigators had voted in Democratic primaries, tainting the impeachment, and that they had too little time to review evidence. “I perceive it could be political weaponization,” Rep. Tony Tinderholt, one of the House’s most conservative members, said before the vote. Republican Rep. John Smithee compared the proceeding to “a Saturday mob out for an afternoon lynching.”

The nazi element in the Republican Party can't, won't be confused by the truth.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Paxton is automatically suspended from office pending the Senate trial. Final removal would require a two-thirds vote in the Senate, where Paxton’s wife, Angela, is a member. Representatives of the governor, who lauded Paxton while swearing him in for a third term in January, did not immediately respond to requests for comment on a temporary replacement. Before the vote, Trump and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz came to Paxton’s defense, with the senator calling the impeachment process “a travesty” and saying the attorney general’s legal troubles should be left to the courts."

Expect better from the nazi element in the Republican Party?  The Senator is caustically reminded Paxton was indicted on felony charges eight years ago.  Has yet to go to trial.  No justice.

Gets worse.  Get this:

“Free Ken Paxton,” Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social, warning that if House Republicans proceeded with impeachment, “I will fight you.”

Doesn't your heart bleed for the Trump nazi?  A raucous boot clicking, goose stepping treasonous, treacherous, traitorous Seig Heil!, Mr. 'President.' Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"In one sense, Paxton’s political peril arrived with dizzying speed: The House committee’s investigation came to light Tuesday, and by Thursday lawmakers issued 20 articles of impeachment. Rice University political science professor Mark P. Jones said the swift move to impeach kept Paxton from rallying significant support and allowed quietly frustrated Republicans to come together. “If you ask most Republicans privately, they feel Paxton is an embarrassment. But most were too afraid of the base to oppose him,” Jones said. By voting as a large bloc, he added, the lawmakers got political cover."

Gutless.  For decades, too few stood tall.  Partisanship nearly always trumps principle.  Both political parties not worth a crap, -- for totally different reasons.

"To Paxton’s longstanding detractors, however, the rebuke was years overdue."

No question.  Been eight years since the bastard was indicted on felony charges.  Still no trial:

"In 2014, he admitted to violating Texas securities law, and a year later he was indicted on securities fraud charges in his hometown near Dallas, accused of defrauding investors in a tech startup. He pleaded not guilty to two felony counts carrying a potential sentence of five to 99 years. He opened a legal defense fund and accepted $100,000 from an executive whose company was under investigation by Paxton’s office for Medicaid fraud. An additional $50,000 was donated by an Arizona retiree whose son Paxton later hired to a high-ranking job but was soon fired after displaying child pornography in a meeting. In 2020, Paxton intervened in a Colorado mountain community where a Texas donor and college classmate faced removal from his lakeside home under coronavirus orders. But what ultimately unleas[h]ed the impeachment push was Paxton’s relationship with Austin real estate developer Nate Paul. In 2020, eight top aides told the FBI they were concerned Paxton was misusing his office to help Paul over the developer’s unproven claims that an elaborate conspiracy to steal $200 million of his properties was afoot. The FBI searched Paul’s home in 2019, but he has not been charged and denies wrongdoing. Paxton also told staff members he had an affair with a woman who, it later emerged, worked for Paul."

Think this might now be a turning point where Paxton is finally held accountable for all his alleged crimes?

"The impeachment accuses Paxton of attempting to interfere in foreclosure lawsuits and issuing legal opinions to benefit Paul. Its bribery charges allege that Paul employed the woman with whom Paxton had an affair in exchange for legal help and that he paid for expensive renovations to the attorney general’s home. A senior lawyer for Paxton’s office, Chris Hilton, said Friday that the attorney general paid for all repairs and renovations. Other charges, including lying to investigators, date back to Paxton’s still-pending securities fraud indictment. Four of the aides who reported Paxton to the FBI later sued under Texas’ whistleblower law, and in February he agreed to settle the case for $3.3 million. The House committee said it was Paxton seeking legislative approval for the payout that sparked their probe. “But for Paxton’s own request for a taxpayer-funded settlement over his wrongful conduct, Paxton would not be facing impeachment,” the panel said."

Better late than never.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Carefully consider the following.  The Associated Press reports:

"An Indiana board decided Thursday night to reprimand an Indianapolis doctor after finding that she violated patient privacy laws by talking publicly about providing an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim from neighboring Ohio. The state Medical Licensing Board voted that Dr. Caitlin Bernard didn’t abide by privacy laws when she told a newspaper reporter about the girl’s treatment in a case that became a flashpoint in the national abortion debate days after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer. The board, however, rejected accusations from Indiana’s Republican attorney general that Bernard violated state law by not reporting the child abuse to Indiana authorities. Board members chose to fine Bernard $3,000 for the violations, turning down a request from the attorney general’s office to suspend Bernard’s license. The board issued no restrictions on her practice of medicine."

Raw nazism.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.  The nazi element in the Republican Party cannot, will not be confused by the truth:

"Bernard has consistently defended her actions, and she told the board on Thursday that she followed Indiana’s reporting requirements and hospital policy by notifying hospital social workers about the child abuse — and that the girl’s rape was already being investigated by Ohio authorities. Bernard’s lawyers also said that she didn’t release any identifying information about the girl that would break privacy laws."

The doctor did indeed stand tall:

"The Indianapolis Star cited the girl’s case in a July 1 article that sparked a national political uproar in the weeks after last summer’s Roe v. Wade decision put into effect an Ohio law that prohibited abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. Some news outlets and Republican politicians falsely suggested Bernard fabricated the story, until a 27-year-old man was charged with the rape in Columbus, Ohio. During an event at the White House, President Joe Biden nearly shouted his outrage over the case."

Justifiably so.  What did the nazi element in the Republican Party expect a ten-year-old girl to do?  Continue the pregnancy?  That's the issue here.  Certainly not the following disingenuous, hypocritical bullshit:

"Medical board President Dr. John Strobel said he believed Bernard went too far in telling a reporter about the girl’s pending abortion and that physicians need to be careful about observing patient privacy. “I don’t think she expected this to go viral,” Strobel said of Bernard. “I don’t think she expected this attention to be brought to this patient. It did. It happened.”

What a crock of shit.  Why are these fascist bastards so eager to force their perverse religious views on the rest of us?  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Bernard’s lawyer Alice Morical told the board Thursday that the doctor reported child abuse of patients many times a year and that a hospital social worker had confirmed with Ohio child protection staffers that it was safe for the girl to leave with her mother. “Dr. Bernard could not have anticipated the atypical and intense scrutiny that this story received,” Morical said. “She did not expect that politicians would say that she made the story up.” Amid the wave of attention to the girl’s case last summer, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, who is stridently anti-abortion, told Fox News he would investigate Bernard’s actions and called her an “abortion activist acting as a doctor.”

What a crock of shit.  Disingenuous bullshit expressed by a shyster with an agenda.  Expect better of the nazi element in this country?  Readers are reminded abortion was indeed illegal in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

"Deputy Attorney General Cory Voight argued Thursday that the board needed to address what he called an “egregious violation” of patient privacy and Bernard’s failure to notify Indiana’s Department of Child Services and police about the rape. “There’s been no case like this before the board,” Voight said. “No physician has been as brazen in pursuit of their own agenda.”

Isn't this precisely what you and the attorney general are doing, sir?  Your hypocrisy is stunning.

"Voight asked Bernard why she discussed the Ohio girl’s case with the newspaper reporter and later in other news media interviews rather than using a hypothetical situation. “I think that it’s incredibly important for people to understand the real-world impacts of the laws of this country about abortion,” Bernard said. “I think it’s important for people to know what patients will have to go through because of legislation that is being passed, and a hypothetical does not make that impact.”

Goddamned right.  The nazi element in this country cannot, will not be confused by the truth.  Their national socialist agenda comes first.  So does imposition of their perverse religious views on the rest of us.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Board member Dr. Bharat Barai opposed finding that Bernard violated privacy laws, saying that she released no direct protected identifying information such as the girl’s name or address. He disagreed with the board majority’s view that the combination of information about the rare instance of a pregnant 10-year-old girl could have exposed her identity. “We are trying to suppose that yeah this could have been done and maybe somebody could have discovered it,” Barai said."

No kidding.  LOL.

"During Thursday’s hearing lasting some 13 hours, Rokita’s office kept up a running commentary on its official Twitter account, with one post saying: “When Bernard talked about the high priority she puts on legislation and speaking to the public, she did so at the expense of her own patient. This shows where her priorities are as an activist rather than a doctor.”

That's a crock of self-serving shit, sir.  What it does is expose your insane agenda to determinedly force your perverse religious views on the rest of us.

"Bernard objected to Voight saying her choice to publicly discuss the case led to the misconduct allegations. “I think if the attorney general, Todd Rokita, had not chosen to make this his political stunt we wouldn’t be here today,” Bernard said."

That's right.  No question.  Nothing quite like the truth.

"Lawyers for the attorney general’s office repeatedly raised questions about whether the policy of Bernard’s employer, Indiana University Health, to report suspected child abuse to authorities in the state where the abuse occurred complied with Indiana law. Officials of IU Health, which is the state’s largest hospital system, testified that the Indiana Department of Child Services has never objected to the hospital policy."

Shysters cannot, will not be confused by the truth.  Their agenda comes first.

Here's the problem with raw nazism:

"The Indiana board — with five doctors and one attorney present who were appointed or reappointed by Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb — had wide latitude under state law allowing it to issue reprimand letters or suspend, revoke or place on probation a doctor’s license."

Raw, concerted abuse of power.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Ohio’s law imposing a near-ban on abortion was in effect for about two months, before being put on hold as a lawsuit against it plays out. Indiana’s Republican-dominated Legislature approved a statewide abortion ban weeks after the Ohio girl’s case drew attention, but abortions have continued to be permitted in the state while awaiting an Indiana Supreme Court decision on the ban’s constitutionality. Bernard unsuccessfully tried to block Rokita’s investigation last fall, although an Indianapolis judge wrote that Rokita made “clearly unlawful breaches” of state confidentiality laws with his public comments about investigating the doctor before filing the medical licensing complaint against her."

Nothing quite like a double standard, is there?  The hypocrisy reeks.  Expect better of the nazi element?  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

The following is an issue that needs resolution.  NBC News reports:

"Poor and incomplete data collection makes it difficult to know the full scope of people held in solitary confinement in U.S. prisons and jails. But a first-of-its-kind analysis is aiming to become a benchmark for tracking the practice — part of a larger effort as cities, states and the federal government weigh how to limit its use. About 122,840 people in federal and state adult prisons and federal and local jails were placed in restrictive housing — informally known as solitary confinement — for 22 hours or more on a given day in mid-2019, according to a new report released Tuesday based on the most recently available government data. That amounts to about 6% of the total U.S. prison and jail population at the time. The report — prepared by Solitary Watch, a nonprofit watchdog group, and Unlock the Box, an advocacy campaign — relies on self-reported figures from states and the federal government's Bureau of Justice Statistics as well as a survey sent to all U.S. jails from the Vera Institute of Justice, a nonprofit criminal justice advocacy group.

"The overall figure amounts to more than 1 in 20 incarcerated people in solitary confinement in the United States, said Solitary Watch Director Jean Casella, adding that the report is still an incomplete picture because not all states provide their restrictive housing numbers to the federal government and local jails are not generally compelled to log incidents. The report also does not include uses of solitary confinement in immigration detention centers or youth facilities, where data is also limited. "Until a better system is developed and is mandated, what we're going to have is this snapshot," Casella said. "And since there's no penalty for not reporting to the [Bureau of Justice Statistics], we're fortunate we have this many states even doing it at all."

Here's the problem:

"Prison staff and correctional officer organizations have countered that isolating inmates can be a necessary tool in preventing serious harm to the inmates or others. But studies have shown it also heightens the risk of self-harm and suicide and may not be effective in combating recidivism."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

The effort to expose Wells Fargo egregious deceptive trade practices continues.  Several years ago to determinedly apply renewed pressure on our truly worthless, egregiously self-serving Texas Attorney General, now Governor, an excoriating email was sent to the bastard. Copies of which were also passed on to both offending Wells Fargo officers. A copy was also sent to the Davis campaign and others at the time.

Voters did have a right to know as Attorney General, the GOP candidate for Governor apparently selectively investigated, or not, bona fide complaints filed by citizens against banks too big to fail.  Possibly, Wells Fargo could have lined his pockets in some fashion.  That has yet to be determined.

The bastard and his office, no matter what, failed to respond to the complaint originally snail mailed several years ago.  This material, figuratively targeting Wells Fargo and the governor 'wannabe' now Governor, had been posted and can be found by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the links well below.  ... Governor? Wells Fargo bribe you to look the other way?

Will continue to do all I can to publicly expose this to all, both in this publication and elsewhere.  Have done precisely that with the following email sent to Matt Turner, Matt Turner Video Services, Marble Falls, TX.  A copy of it was also sent to Wells Fargo officer Amanda Wright.  She has, indeed, been promoted  branch manager. Reverse Darwinism.  Survival of the unfittest.

This young woman has indeed been rewarded by the Wells Fargo corporate management suite for engaging in criminal deceptive trade practices and her undying loyalty to her corporate masters. The process to update those already informed of this fiasco has finally been completed. This latest material can be found by clicking onWells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 240, 2-8-19.

The name of this publication was changed some fifteen years ago from The Llano Ledger to Liberty In Peril.  The reason?  Simple.  Cowardly failure of this community to stand up to tyranny that has only exponentially worsened the last decade and a half.  Clearly, demonstrated as well by the cowardly failure of businesses to financially support this publication.  Either through advertising or other financial support.  Too afraid doing so would enrage the bastards who run and own this hellhole County.

-- Despite the fact these businesses were, and are, being egregiously f--ked by these very same bastards. Tough, isn't it?  Impossible to entertain any sympathy for cowardice, however.  Especially in view of the fact this writer has placed himself in great jeopardy taking on these corrupt, abusive, inept criminal bastards. Alone.

Exactly, why you see no investigative material highly critical of these sons of bitches in other local rags.  Sadly, cowardly, all advertising income immediately dries up.  Consequently, the bastards continue their criminal chicanery with impunity.  On a rampage.  Thus, you get what you truly deserve.  Always.  Precisely, why this earlier name change to Liberty In Peril remains appropriate.  -- Despite the fact this writer has not yet left the area.  Ten years after originally intending to do so.  Thirty years in this goddamned godforsaken hellhole.

This writer, then and now, remains primarily interested in state, federal, and international issues.  Another reason for this publication name change.  Despite the fact I stupidly cluelessly remain here, local issues must be addressed.  Can't be ignored.  That's where you come in dear readers.  Have the courage to inform this writer of local abuse, corruption, ineptness you are aware of, have personally experienced.

... Information these criminal bastards do all they can to conceal, cover up.  Otherwise, how can they effectively sustain the charade and intended result? Loot confiscation through a boot heel on the throat of the citizenry.

The only way, short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, to force badly-needed change is to expose all this to the light of day.  These bastards are beginning to understand they have a problem.  No question, the growing rage of those they've abused, looted, egregiously f--ked.  It's time to stand up.  Expose this corruption to glaring sunlight.  Otherwise, as fools, cowards, you will remain under their thumb.  From the loftiest business owner to those on the bottom of the food chain.  Wake up.  Grow a pair.

Still don't think that likely to happen.  After all, you're bought and paid for.  Owned. Not only by your government masters, but their masters.  The corporate management suite.  Your employers.  Think not? Wake up.   You're human chattel.  Corporate-owned, bought and paid for.  Precisely, why you cowardly, compliantly, literally bare your asses for corporate inspection by the company doctor.  Willingly, compliantly, cowardly piss in a cup under employer supervision.  To sit in front of a keyboard or stock shelves all day.  You have no control of your lives.  You're owned.  Forget?  For a measly salary, no job security, reduced to no benefits.  At a time of record corporate profits and cash reserves.

Then, you gallingly complain about the oppression as you tolerate egregious theft of your labor. Not only by your corporate masters, but their bought and paid for government lackeys.  Too cowardly to stand up, allow disclosure of your identity when you rightfully complain to this publication of being mercilessly f--ked. Some of you falsely arrested, criminally assaulted, bogusly fined for 'offenses' you did not commit.  To line County coffers.  Keep the peasants in line and under control.  A fascist police-state. Nazi America.

Again, yet another reason why this publication is called Liberty In Peril.  Most galling? Nothing changes if you fail to step up and challenge corrupt, abusive, inept authority.  Too afraid, cowardly compliant to let the bastards know who you are.  Did it ever occur to the cowards out there if the identity of the accuser is kept under wraps the bastards will falsely claim it's all made up by this publication?  Thus, conveniently killing all credibility. Wake up.

Cowardice is unbecoming, unworthy of our formerly great country.  Insult to injury?  There are the hopelessly deranged who believe the chicanery reported here to be manufactured anyway.  No matter the effort.  No matter the research.  No matter the proof.  Wake up.  This writer cannot do it alone.  Snowball's chance in hell.  Then again, cowardice, delusion is always amply, justly rewarded.  Always. You continue to 'enjoy' the very best government money can buy.  Literally.

Tim Chorney

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
United States Of America

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainable. This publication needs your financial and material support. Both.  Time to step up.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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