The Llano Ledger

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*************February 12, 2001****************

Continuing review of Llano Memorial Healthcare System (LMHS) employee "expense reports", an additional $400 in Special Needs (employee hardship) grants were squandered by Hospital officials at a time of severe economic crisis. ... Wouldn't want the leeches to suffer, would we? A few employees, however, made out like bandits compared to their compadres. Case in point?

One was reimbursed an additional $1483.42, -- supposedly for "X-Ray School". Ever hear of an "X-Ray School" in session at a Best Western hotel in San Antonio? -- Where a Hospital employee was not only reimbursed for her rooms, but three squares as well? Repeatedly? ... At a time of severe economic crisis?

An additional $1203.27 was spent on seminars. After all, Hospital employees have to remain current and on top of their professional game, don't they? ... Think that occurred at a South Padre Island Beach Resort "seminar" attended by a leech employed in Human Resources? This indispensable Hospital employee was reimbursed for room service. -- Shrimp Feast Dinners and Michelob Lite. ... Fondly remember her when donating to the Hospital or paying an invoice.

Not to be outdone, former Hospital Administrator/CEO Ernie Parisi was reimbursed an additional $753.57, -- most of it "Disability Insurance". Hospital employees can't seem to get enough Christmas decorations and apparently don't save them year to year. -- Another $163.52 was found in Yuletide decoration vouchers.

At a time of severe economic crisis, $369.64 was spent on "decor" expenses for an upstairs addition at MFHC. Decorations in Oncology cost $98.18. ... Think critically ill cancer patients are concerned with decor? One Hospital employee was reimbursed $70.76 in "expenses" for a "Doctor's Day luncheon". ... Think this leech gives a damn about elderly Llano County citizens who go hungry because of medication expenses? Having not completely examined the last two years of records, however, the employee "expense report" tally stands at $88,555.49.

As highly critical as this writer has been of the fascist Right, i.e. the "President", his Republican cronies, and others, credit has to be given when deserved. Ole' George "The Tush" and his friends on Capitol Hill have rightfully skewered former President Bill Clinton for his pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.

Rich's former wife Denise had apparently "donated" funds in excess of $1.3 million to the former President. -- And apparently stood to gain substantial additional funds herself from her former husband should the pardon have gone through. Interesting, isn't it?

Republicans are conducting two independent congressional investigations. ... After eight years of continuous proctological examination of the former President, the GOP may have finally struck pay dirt. Fascinating, isn't it? Equally troubling, Ole' Bill apparently looted the White House of thousands of dollars of furniture. Proof-positive, isn't it, Democrats are no less greedy than their corpulent Republican colleagues?

GOP supporters, however, shouldn't crow too loudly. After all, President Ford legally and constitutionally obstructed justice by pardoning his predecessor, Richard Nixon. -- A white collar thug. Former President George H. Bush similarly pardoned former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger shortly before leaving office himself. Interesting, isn't it? Worse yet, the pardon was Iran-Contra-related and in Mr. Bush's best personal interests. -- Especially since Ole' George H. and his predecessor, Ronald Reagan, had lied like hell about their knowledge and involvement in the scandal. ... Think the current "President" will handle himself any differently?

Regardless, former President Clinton should be prosecuted if any quid pro quo is found between campaign contributions and the Rich pardon, -- provided such prosecution indeed be constitutionally permitted. Republicans, however, seem to have forgotten the same standard applies to them..

Precisely why Nixon and Weinberger should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. "Justice", however, was never allowed to follow its course in the cases of both scandals. Leading to further erosion of public confidence in government.

Now, of course, Republicans will dishonestly and disingenuously argue their transgressions were somehow innocuous and inconsequential. ... Wonder why a majority of Americans trusts neither major party?

State Rep. Ron Wilson of Houston recently introduced legislation allowing children aged 14 and older to vote in state elections. Although the bill doesn't have a snowball's chance of passage, Wilson is determined to make a point.

The fascist Right has indeed insisted on treating juvenile offenders as adults, -- to the point of executing individuals who have murdered as adolescents. Interesting, isn't it?

After all, if we're going to treat youthful offenders as adults, why not extend majority rights to them. .......No? Can't have that, now, can we? Sadly, in fact, children in the United States have few rights, are no more than chattel "owned" by their parents, and are of course free to do as they're told. -- Elian Gonzalez being proof-positive.

Precisely, as well, why the Religious Right reserves the "right" to beat the crap out of "their" children, -- disingenuously and dishonestly calling it "spanking". ... Rather than what it truly is, physical assault.

.... Ludicrously claiming having been physically assaulted themselves as children did no "harm", these very same geniuses then lament widespread violence in our country, wondering where in hell it came from. Interesting, isn't it? ... Pitiful as well.

Sadly, today's generation of parents insists on making the same mistakes earlier ones did. One particularly egregious example is unwisely and foolishly trying to delay the growing up process as long as possible. Precisely, why sex education, availability of contraceptives, and, most importantly, adequate medical care are denied to adolescents without parental permission. Then, of course, parents wonder why teenage pregnancy rates are as high as they are. ... Just say no, right?

Why would any sexually active kid willingly approach a parent holding such views? Consequently, the adolescent continues to engage in dangerous behavior, -- i.e. unprotected sex, risking pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases that can kill. Then again, why confuse a "parent" who has his head securely lodged up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day?

The law in Florida, however, has recognized the right of a "child" to obtain an abortion without parental consent for the last 10 years. Rightfully so. After all, if a "child" is old enough to have sex and become pregnant, why shouldn't she be able to decide for herself whether or not to abort?

The Religious Right, however, strongly disagrees and apparently claims in effect to "own" the uterus of not only underaged women, but ALL women. Interesting, isn't it? Worse yet, a Florida appeals court February 9 provided additional aid and comfort to these fascists by requiring parental notification 48 hrs before abortions performed on women under 18.

Think these young "girls" are going to willingly comply? Sadly, many will receive NO medical care as a result, and worse yet foolishly attempt to abort without benefit of a medical professional. -- Rather than risk parents finding out. ... Think all kids live in "Leave It To Beaver" households? Wake up, friends. Our children are indeed suffering for our ignorance and aggressive stupidity.

Danny O'Leary of Kingsland has submitted a letter to the editor and is to be commended for his courage. Be sure to check it out on Reader Letters V4.

As strongly asserted in Special Edition V65, the clock is indeed ticking... The combined visitor count of The Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 websites stands in excess of 70,300, -- another excellent week and true testament to the shameless willingness of the readership to "steal" this writer's labor. Certainly, you ought to be proud of yourselves. Nothing quite like "character", is there? Readers are reminded this writer receives no renumeration from the banner and pop-up advertising. They only pay for the website itself. There is no personal compensation, nor are there desperately needed funds for investigative expenses. Non-profit and outrageously unfunded by the readership it serves due to greed, gut-wrenching fear, and the continuing relentless intimidation of corrupt and abusive Llano County officials, this publication as always remains beholden to NO ONE.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Thu Jun 14, 2001 5:25pm EDT