Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

  The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V778  ©2022 All Rights Reserved
July 1, 2022

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Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

No matter what, no matter where, this publication will remain up and running.  For it to remain centered here, however, financial and/or material support must be provided.  Status quo, unsustainable. Time to step up.  Now.


... Hey, Sheriff? Is it true Llano County Attorney Becky Lange has advised you to stay out of the "Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764" fiasco?  That right, Bill?  Isn't that obstruction of justice?  Also true your deputies have advised the Bolens to accept the status quo and not force the no-trespassing issue with Greene?  If so, isn't that also obstruction and official oppression?  When will you do your job, Bill?  As an elected official, you answer to the public, forget?  -- No honor?  ... No honor at all? If the foregoing allegations are indeed true, didn't you swear an oath to uphold the law and Constitution?  Why aren't you doing so?  No guts?

Your deputy has been accused of abusing authority.  What action have you taken other than ignore the complaint?  Why aren't both Rodriguez and the County Attorney under criminal investigation?  The County Attorney appears to be obstructing justice, accepting the word of Greene in lieu of two surveyor companies who strongly assert otherwise.  Both the County Attorney and District Attorney have ignored complaints.  Par for the course in Llano County, isn't it?  Failed to do their jobs.  No surprise there, right, Bill?  Both receiving 'special consideration' up to and/or including a bribe from Greene?  Regardless, clearly, no justice in Nazi Llano County.  Bottom line?  Desperate need for an outside criminal investigation.  Conveniently, forget?  This County is ruled by men, certainly not rule of law and the United States Constitution.

Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute criminal law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose only mandate would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.  Until that happens, the criminal bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hell hole County will continue to do as they please.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril

Some salient quotes occurring later on in this edition vis a vis unfinished business County officials continue to ignore:

... "No justice.  Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court that would adjudicate only these cases.  Total independence.  The only way to rein in these criminals, particularly the murderers in blue.

Sadly, the achingly clueless bastards in law enforcement don't need a legitimate reason to kill.  Enjoy carte blanche to murder on the job.  Nearly always, with impunity.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Sue the living shit out of the jackbooted motherf--kers, the department, and the city.  Any officer engaged in, or threatening this kind of unnecessary violence needs to be criminally prosecuted.  Not protected and coddled.  Not put on paid leave, -- no more than a paid vacation.  Not sent home without pay to catch up on his beauty sleep.

Firing is egregiously insufficient.  How can the law enforcement community be trusted?  No foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the criminal jackbooted bastards in law enforcement.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Madam County Attorney?  "Sonny Boy?"

These are extremely dangerous times for our formerly great country.  ... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming.  -- As our legislators and other government officials figuratively 'fiddle while Rome burns.'

Not good enough.  Nowhere near.  Short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, only one way for these atrocities to end.  Again, time for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.

Local  and state authorities are egregiously incapable of handling these cases. Tend to protect their own.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Goes with the territory, doesn't it, Bill?  Precisely, why there is no faith or trust in your criminal jackbooted bastards.  Local authorities here in Nazi Llano County have their heads figuratively, securely lodged so far up their clueless ass their eyeballs are turning inside out.  Protect and coddle your clueless, out of control officers.  Imagine that.

Unadulterated, blatant ongoing horse shit.  ... Right, Bill?  F--k these jackbooted bastards.  Aren't worth a crap.  Continually abrogate their oaths of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Includes not only deputies, but the brass as well.  No principles.  No honor.  Lying, conniving, abusive, murderous jackbooted thieving thugs.  The American Civil Liberties Union needs to step up and represent the victims of abusive law enforcement.

To say nothing of innocent civilians all across our formerly great country who are victimized by abusive police.  Need far better representation than a public defender.  Forget?  It's how the bastards in government line government coffers.  All too often, looting the innocent.  Those on the bottom of the food chain.  ... Right, Sheriff?

No justice.  The American Way.  Nazi America.  When is this shit finally going to end?  All of it.  Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred twenty three weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.

Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.  Who the hell are they?

When will the goddamned 'law' 'enforcement' community finally stop making excuses for engaging in outrageous criminal activity including blatant murder, violent assault, sexual assault, theft, drug trafficking, etc.?  List can go on and on.  Protecting its own no matter what it does or doesn't do?  Convenient, isn't it, Sheriff?  Again, no foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than all branches and levels of government, -- including law enforcement.

Corruption within law enforcement remains an existential threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  So what else is new?  ... Right, Bill?  Same old duplicitous, aggressively stupid shit occurs right here in Nazi Llano County.  ... Doesn't it, Sheriff?

Think it'll change any time soon?  Don't hold your breath, readers.  Not how things work in Nazi America, right, Sheriff?  Highly reminiscent of how your goons operate though, isn't it, Bill?  Forget?  'Stupid is as stupid does.'  F--ked up is f--ked up no matter where, no matter how.  Problem throughout all law enforcement.

Including right here in Nazi Llano County, right, Sheriff?  Too many officers clearly have their heads securely lodged where the sun seldom shines.  Egregious insanity continues to be perpetrated by the criminal jackbooted bastards in blue.  Ongoing issue.  All over our formerly great country.

Not just in Dallas as in the Guyger case, but all over the nation.  No end to it.  Surprised?  Why?  In today's increasingly national socialist climate anything goes, right, Bill?  Live in a de facto fascist police-state, quickly transitioning to the Trump nazi's Fourth Reich.  Certainly, a problem here in Nazi Llano County, isn't it, Sheriff?  Your goons, however, aren't held accountable when they egregiously f--k up.  Ever.

Precisely why you refuse to release information on your deputies to the long-suffering public? That is, employment history, criminal background, results of drug testing, etc..  ... Got to protect your criminal jackbooted thugs preying on the citizenry with virtual impunity, right, sir?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to a Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.  Why are you protecting this clueless son of a bitch, Sheriff?

Why hasn't he been prosecuted for official oppression?  Where is financial compensation for the damage this jackbooted piece of human excrement is responsible for? Ferociously pointedly, why are the District Attorney and the County Attorney continuing to protect this jackbooted piece of shit?  He and others like him present an exigent threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

Equally to the point, why are your jackbooted pieces of human excrement refusing to enforce Berardi's property rights?  Your goons have failed to take action against Theresa Ahrens when she tore down a no trespassing sign and barrier on Berardi's property.  Have you, your goons, and/or Madam County Attorney been bribed by Johnny Greene?

Ahrens frequently drives all the way through Berardi's property.  Coup de grace?  When Berardi complained to Llano County Deputy Idle about the trespassing, the officer's response was insane.  Said the Sheriff told him to tell Berardi since Ahrens believes she owns his property she can't be charged with trespassing.  Perfect Catch-22, right, Sheriff?  You're not fit for office, Bill.  Bribed by Johnny Greene?

Why is Theresa Ahrens allowed by your goons to dictate what vehicles can and cannot be parked on Berardi's property?  Ahrens claims she has proof the property belongs to her where the vehicle was parked.  Has failed to produce it. Surveyors say otherwise.  Back up Berardi.  Yet, your jackbooted bastards refuse to enforce Berardi's property rights.  Why?  Somebody lining somebody's pockets, Sheriff?

Ms. Ahrens micro-mini portable 'house' is parked on an unused unmarked Llano County road.  Imagine that.  Madam County Attorney well-aware.  Has done nothing.  Shit squat.  Egregiously ignored her oath of office.  Someone bribing you, Becky?  Lining your pockets, Counselor?  Paying you not to sell the unused unmarked County road to Berardi?  Doesn't the County want and need the sale money, to say nothing of the resultant tax income?

No question, County and State agencies remain determinedly, concertedly, achingly incapable of criminal investigation of their own.  Precisely, why a new federal agency desperately needs to be created whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate only such cases.  Total independence.  Certainly, go a long, long way to cleaning up this cess pool County.  Rein in the outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept, self-serving assholes who run and own this hell hole.

Sheriff, you falsely claim the Kingsland County Commissioner has the authority to resolve this ongoing property rights issue.  Clearly, doesn't.  You, Madam County Attorney, and "Sonny Boy" are certainly an egregious impediment, continue to determinedly stonewall.  Someone's pockets are being lined.  Again, where's financial compensation for the damage Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 is directly responsible for to the Pace Arrow?  Why hasn't he been prosecuted for this damage, to say nothing of infringement of Berardi's property rights?  -- Just getting started, Sheriff.  Far more to come.

-- You're not doing your jobs, Sheriff.  You've got a loose vicious dog problem in Kingsland, Bill.  When will you and the troops finally do something about this ongoing issue?  Certainly, a recurring problem on Skyline, particularly on occasion at the intersection of Odessa.  Pedestrians, runners, and cyclists are at risk.  Too busy lining County coffers with bogus tickets?"

... Hey, Sheriff?  Reportedly, promote Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 to Sergeant?  If true, yet another classic example of survival of the unfittest in the law enforcement community.  Readers are reminded this is the very same idiot, clueless asshole responsible for thousands of dollars of damage to the Pace Arrow as reported in each edition of this publication.  Far more to Kingsland property owner James Berardi in a property dispute.  -- A dispute engineered by Johnny Greene, apparently financed by a bribe to the former County Attorney, current District Attorney, and Sheriff.  A federal investigation of Llano County government and the aforementioned allegedly corrupt and abusive bastards in this ongoing fiasco is desperately needed.  Tim Chorney.

... Small sampling of what's to come in this edition.  Read on.

The following email was sent to the District Attorney:

Copyright 2018 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Wiley B. "Sonny" McAfee
District Attorney
33rd and 424th Judicial Districts
Llano, TX 78643

March 9, 2018

Re:  Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


The enclosed emails were sent to the Llano County Attorney and Sheriff, respectively, vis a vis the above matter.  Remain unanswered.  The County Attorney appears to be protecting and defending the deputy at behest of Kingsland property owner Johnny Greene.  May have received some consideration from Greene up to and including a bribe.  Are the County Attorney, Greene, and the Deputy under criminal investigation?  If not, why not?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril


Copyright 2018 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Rebecca Lange, Llano County Attorney
Llano County Attorney's Office
Llano, Texas 78643

February 9, 2018

Re:  Berardi Property Rights Denial-Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


As you're well aware, we have an outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept Llano County Sheriff's Office here in Nazi Llano County.  Worse, you and your office aid and abet these SS jackbooted bastards in black.  The issue at the moment is the same it's been the last six months.

How is it two surveyor companies, the Appraisal District, the Tax Office, the Precinct 3 Commissioner, even the goddamned Sheriff himself now states Kingsland resident James Berardi owns the lots in contention all these months?

Yet, you ludicrously assert that's not the County's legal position.  It's not?  Why not?  You claim you're not a real estate expert.  Rather than accept the advice of two surveyor companies, the Precinct 3 Commissioner, the Appraisal District, the Tax Office, and even the Sheriff himself, you've inexplicably chosen to follow the advice of property owner Johnny Greene, -- who conveniently happens to be reportedly in the oil industry.

Question to be asked.  Could you have received any 'consideration' in return, -- up to and including a bribe?  Only way to know for sure is for the District Attorney to conduct a criminal investigation.  Apparently, there has been none.  If not, why not?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to this Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.

Our achingly useless, worthless, gutless Sheriff has ignored an email vis a vis the damage this jackbooted thug is responsible for.  Interestingly, his fellow officers believe him to be an idiot.  Yet, the Sheriff continued to defend this piece of human excrement until he realized  this entire fiasco would not be swept under the carpet.

Rodriguez is indeed an idiot.  Would you believe this piece of crap ordered the motor home to be moved on to an unmarked unused Llano County road? That motor home has indeed been moved back to where it was parked before Rodriguez forced it to be moved.  Why hasn't the County paid for the cost of moving it back?  To say nothing of the damage.

Equally pointedly, why is it the County has allowed Theresa Ahrens to park and live in her tiny cottage on that very same road?  Why hasn't she been evicted by the County?  Why was she assessed taxes on an adjacent improvement she doesn't own?

Why is it, Counselor, Johnny Greene is paying for the attorney retained by Ms. Ahrens?  Is Greene attempting to make this all go away by bribery?  Greene has also informed Berardi he is going to sue.  For what?  Has Greene lost his mind?

What about Wells who installed a $4500 septic system on a lot turns out he does not own as a result of Greene, an outrageously inept County, to say nothing of the Llano County Attorney who remains equally determinedly clueless?

How about Bolen who hasn't a pot to piss in, but was nonetheless f--ked over by Greene to say nothing of an egregiously inept County, to say nothing of you and your goddamned equally incompetent office?

None of this is going away, Counselor, -- any time soon.  Will not be swept under the carpet as all the other crap going on in this hell hole County.  Not a chance.  Expect a full expose in this publication whether or not this outrageous fiasco finally gets resolved.  Including full public exposure of both the Sheriff and his jackbooted thug.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril


Copyright 2017 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril

Bill Blackburn, Sheriff
Llano County Sheriff's Office
2001 N. State Hwy. 16 Suite A
Llano, Texas 78643

August 23, 2017

Re: Damage To Pace Arrow-Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764


Archive and retain all reports vis a vis damage to the Pace Arrow resulting from egregious abuse of authority perpetrated by Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764, on the Berardi property in Kingsland on 8-16-17.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril

Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred twenty three weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.  Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.

Who are they, Sheriff? Their past history?  An ongoing investigation remains a lame bullshit excuse.  How can you and your goons be trusted when you refuse to disclose information? Three hundred twenty three weeks.  Especially, your egregious failure to disclose the identity of the officers who pulled the trigger.  To cover your sorry ass, Sheriff?  Those of your thugs?  The people have a right to know what happened, how it went down.  You don't understand that, Sheriff?  Sadly, clearly, you answer to no one.  Including taxpayers.  Especially, taxpayers.

Until you and your goons come clean, doubt will remain this was indeed a good shoot.  The longer you drag your feet, the greater the doubt.  Think not?  Wake up.  Your credibility has tanked.  Isn't getting any better as this bullshit continues unabated.  Three hundred twenty three weeks.  Still no identification of the officers involved  ... Can't get your stories straight?  In line?  Discrepancy between LCSO and DPS? Wake up, Sheriff.  The public no longer buys the bullshit.  No longer trusts you.  On this and many, many other issues.  You have no credibility.  Absolutely, none.

Readers, this is but one of about four other highly questionable killings by law enforcement in Llano County in the last decade or so.  There was one within the City of Llano, another in a field near Fuzzy's Corner, Buchanan Dam, yet another in Point Tella, Buchanan Dam, still another in Tow.  If there are any others I may have neglected to mention, kindly email.

It's time the public be fully informed.  -- Know what we're dealing with here and how 'law' 'enforcement' operates in this hell hole County.  If these jackbooted bastards are not reined in, the life lost could be many  others courtesy of a law enforcement system that is no longer accountable to anyone.  ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

The Sheriff seems to have no clue the people who pay him and his goons are entitled to know whom is killing whom and why.  This shit always seems to be swept under the carpet.  Ignored.  The attitude of these jackbooted sons of bitches is trust us.  They can't be.  They've lied too many times.  Refuse to be accountable to anyone.  We live in a goddamned fascist police-state where law enforcement does as it pleases. Usually, with impunity.  This has to change.

The Texas Rangers have become rubber stamp to atrocities committed by law enforcement.  This also has to change.  No one is holding law enforcement accountable any longer.  No one.  No one in state or federal government. This is precisely why Ferguson triggered such an uproar.  There was no justice there.  None here.  None anywhere.  Officers are abusive, corrupt, inept.

Falsely ticket and arrest the innocent to line County coffers.  Court fees charged continue to be horrendous.  -- Aren't taxpayers already looted to pay these costs?  Aren't you not only double f--king those falsely accused, but taxpayers also hellaciously looted to pay the very same costs?   Yet, the criminal bastards in power in Llano continue to pile on the fees. This is nothing more than goddamned bullshit.  This money finds its way into the pockets of the corrupt, abusive bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hell hole.

Would you believe the last time the Sheriff's Office happened to be 'audited' during the Garrett regime, reportedly, auditors couldn't figure out what went where and why? Yet, surprise, surprise.  Nothing was done.  There has to be transparency.  There is none.  Why would these thieving bastards want any?  ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  How else could they so easily steal and loot with virtual impunity?  Worse, this reinforces jackbooted power in this goddamned, godforsaken hell hole County.

The public has a right to know the histories of the Sheriff's goons.  Clearly, the Sheriff doesn't think so.  That is, where they came from.  Why they left where they were.  What is happening here is the Sheriff is using 'personnel matters' as a convenient excuse to deny the public access to the history of outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept officers who are no more than criminals themselves.

He's protecting his outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted bastards.  Worse, the standards imposed by sheriff's offices statewide with the exception of metropolitan counties are well below those of DPS and city police departments.  Why?  So the corruption, abuse, ineptness, and outright stealing can continue unabated?  This has to change.  ... Can't have that, can we?  Sheriff?  TL?

The public should understand Llano County authorities have it all sewn up.  Did you know the Texas Attorney General does not have the authority to investigate and prosecute County authorities on his own?  The District Attorney has to call for an investigation by the Texas Rangers.  Then, the State can prosecute if it so chooses.

Consequently?  Guess what?  Nothing will happen.  Nothing ever does.  The goddamned corruption continues unabated until you, the public, pressure authorities.  Precisely, why we all enjoy the 'best' government money can buy. Literally.  Without question, the corrupt, abusive, inept sons of bitches are all bought and paid for.  Firmly clamped to the taxpayer tit.  Dependent on money looted from innocent citizens caught in their web.  Phony fines and court costs cleverly designed to f--k the innocent and enrich the pieces of shit who falsely believe they run and own Llano County. Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

Interestingly, the former Sheriff and District Attorney were reportedly forced to retire after an outrageous scandal involving a drunk driving police officer from out of town.  Including special treatment of the drunken son of a bitch that no other citizen caught doing the same would have been afforded. An honest, honorable Llano County Deputy suffered the consequences. Forget? Great officers do not last in this hell hole County. ... Right, Sheriff?  TL?  "Sonny Boy?"  Madam County Attorney?

With all ongoing abuse in this goddamned County, one thing remains for damned sure.  We're just getting started, Sheriff.  You will continue to be exposed for whom and what you and your corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted bastards have become, truly are, not what you phonies purport to be, that is, how you continue to f--k over a public you've falsely sworn to protect and defend.  -- Exposure, the only way short of an unwanted dreaded revolution to force desperately needed change in a goddamned fascist police-state. The Fourth Reich.

Have your jackbooted thugs been tested for steroids, Sheriff?  If you've nothing to hide, Bill, release the results of all drug testing.  'Personnel matters?'  Bullshit.  Looted taxpayers have the right to know.  They're footing the bill for all this goddamned corruption, abuse, ineptness. When will you and the boys end the shakedowns?  Looting of the innocent to line County coffers?  No honor at all?

Where are your swastika armbands, you fascist son of a bitch?  You and your thugs remain out of uniform.  Once again, Sheriff, and ad nauseum, did you and/or your goons pressure Schilling to exit the race?  Did you steal the election? If so, an aggressively stupid, achingly gutless public gets what it truly deserves.  One of the most corrupt, abusive, inept 'law' 'enforcement' agencies in our formerly great country.

While the business and church communities stood tall during the recent Kingsland flood catastrophe, there was one glaring exception.  On 10-17-18, the Antlers Coffee Shop closed due to storm-related failure of the Kingsland water system. Patrons, however, are routinely allowed to get online outside even when the shop is closed.

A long-term coffee shop customer entered the hotel lobby to ask the desk clerk whether wifi was still up and running after the catastrophe.  She said it was and told the patron he could get online inside the closed shop.  She then asked him to have another regular customer who had just arrived outside to come in and get out of the cold as well.

Antlers co-proprietor Rick apparently quickly got wind of both customers, made quite a jackass of himself emulating the petulant narcissist currently occupying the Oval Office.  Aggressive stupidity at a time the Kingsland business community is indeed suffering, can least afford it.  Further proof positive of the old adage 'can fix ignorant, can't fix stupid.'

Why would, why should both customers put up with this?  Think this hasn't happened to others?

TC 10-19-18


Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

Llano County DA "Sonny Boy" is in the news.  Received an award.  The DailyTrib reports:

"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission recognized District Attorney Wiley “Sonny” McAfee on August 22 for his efforts in prosecuting natural and cultural resource violations as well as environmental crimes. The commission named the 33rd and 424th district attorney the 2019 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Prosecutor of the Year. McAfee serves Burnet, Llano, Blanco, and San Saba counties. Elected in November 2012 and taking office on January 1, 2013, he has been instrumental in a number of high-profile cases involving Texas game wardens and Texas State Park police officers."

The District Attorney has ignored a complaint filed earlier by this publication regarding special treatment accorded Texas oil man Johnny Greene by the Llano County Attorney and Sheriff vis a vis a property dispute involving a local banker, three other local property owners with homes encroaching on land they don't own, one of which is on an unused Llano County road.  To say nothing of damage to a Pace Arrow motorhome on that property.  All a result of egregious abuse of authority by Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764.  The circumstances of this fiasco can be found above in each and every edition of this publication since this happened two and a half years ago.  The Sheriff, the County Attorney, and the District Attorney have all determinedly, concertedly ignored this ongoing, unresolved fiasco raising one ferociously pointed question.  How much were they bribed?

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.

Newsletter Text 778
July 1, 2022

Not all attorneys are greedy shysters.  Certainly, not the following rookie attorney who indeed stood tall.  Uncommon Valor.  Best of the very best.  Seatbelts on.  NBC News reports:

"A new attorney helped clear an innocent man of a murder sentence after 32 years in prison. Natlie Figgers logged 2,000 hours working for free to exonerate Thomas Raynard James after misidentification and suspect police work sent him to prison in Florida. Thomas Raynard James had been in prison 30 years by the time Natlie Figgers, a lawyer only two years out of law school, was approached by friends of his who were raising money for his defense in 2020. A Miami-area lawyer was able to transform the life of a man who spent 32 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit — and said her own life has also been transformed in the process."

Read on.  It's well worth your time.  It's reminiscent of a time decades ago when America was indeed young, strong, brave, and free.  Stood tall.  Placed principle ahead of greed.

"Thomas Raynard James had been in prison 30 years by the time Natlie Figgers, a lawyer only two years out of law school, was approached by friends of his who were raising money for his defense in 2020. He had been proclaiming his innocence throughout his life sentence for murder. Figgers, 32, was empathetic but apprehensive — she was a business and personal injury attorney. James’ case required a criminal lawyer. But Figgers learned no one would take his case. The few attorneys who were interested still required fees that made them inaccessible to James, known as “Jay” to his friends. She agreed to read up on the case weeks before she gave birth to her son. What she read convinced her that she should, despite her lack of experience, try to help James."

Uncommon Valor.

"And so, just six weeks after her son was born, Figgers began an 18-month investigation that would consume her. She banged on doors and rang doorbells. She poured over heaps of paperwork. She cold-called people who testified in the 1990 murder of Francis McKinnon and others related to the case, driving hundreds of miles to gather information and  talk to at least 75 people about the case in person. She said she logged more than 2,000 hours researching and interviewing people to build James’ case, pushing aside the car accident and company formation cases she normally takes on."

How many attorneys place principle ahead of profit, unbridled greed?  How many?

"Figgers shared all the information she uncovered with the Conviction Review Unit, an entity under the Florida Justice Institute, established in Miami in 1991 to identify, prevent and reverse wrongful convictions. The review unit assesses the provided evidence and, if a convincing case is made, recommends a person’s release from prison. Figgers piled on the evidence. And even though she believed she had supplied enough evidence in 2021 for James to walk free, Figgers continued to dig. “I couldn’t stop until he was out,” she said. “So, I kept giving them more. It became overwhelming evidence of his innocence.”

How many attorneys would do the same?  How many?

"For starters, nine sets of fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime — none belonged to James. Police and prosecutors relied on the testimony of Dorothy Wilson, the victim’s stepdaughter who was there at the time of the murder and who identified James as the shooter. The reality was another man named Thomas James lived nearby and had a violent criminal past. He was also friends with Vincent Cephas Williams, the other man convicted of robbing McKinnon that night. The Coral Gables police learned those names through a tip line. When they searched “Thomas James” in their criminal database, they instead found Thomas Raynard James, who “toiled in the drug trade,” James said, and had a gun possession charge. Police tagged James as McKinnon’s murderer, despite there being no physical evidence that Thomas Raynard James had been at the scene. Decades later, Figgers brought forward witnesses who connected the other Thomas James to Williams, the established robber. James contends that a case of mistaken identity and less-than-thorough police work ruined his life, adding that detectives did not follow up with witnesses’ claims that would have cleared his name. When he was arrested months after the murder, police used that he could not remember where he was on the night of the crime against him. “Who remembers where they were on a given night five months ago?” Figgers said. “I never asked anybody to believe what I was saying,” James said. “What I did was say for any and everybody to simply admit that if what I was saying was true, that I had been wrongly convicted. But the only way you can reach that conclusion is to delve into the depths of my situation. Natlie Figgers did. I owe her my life.”

Isn't it the job of the prosecution to make absolutely certain they're prosecuting the right person?  Doesn't justice demand it in what is supposed to be a democratic republic, not a fascist police-state where anything goes?  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Figgers, the wife of Freddie Figgers, an inventor and founder of Figgers Communication in Florida, where she had been head of HR, said releasing her emotions helped break the case, especially when in May 2021 she approached Dorothy Wilson, the prosecution’s crucial witness."

Seatbelts on:

“She didn’t want to give any statements,” Figgers said of Wilson. “She didn’t want to talk to people for years. When I went to interview her, she cracked the door open. I knew at that time she was giving me an opportunity to show her why she should do the right thing. It was such an emotional point for me, I couldn’t help but cry to her. And I told her, ‘If God tells you to give me a call when I leave, please give me a call. I’m going to answer. But I’m doing this because he is an innocent person. And I’m doing this because God put me here.’ And I left. “Ten minutes later, she called me. I was driving. I pulled over. She asked me: ‘Why did you cry like that? Who is he to you? Are you related to him?’ I told her no. She asked, “Is he paying you?’ I said, ‘No. I’m doing this pro bono.’ She asked me how did I know it wasn’t him? I said, ‘Because I know.’ And she said, ‘I know it wasn’t him, too.’”

Clearly, prosecutors failed to do their job.

 "With that admission and the other evidence Figgers compiled, the last step would be for James to take a polygraph test, corroborating the new evidence. He passed. It was the last convincing evidence the CRU needed to recommend that James be freed. Finally, on April 27, a judge in Miami ruled that James had been wrongfully imprisoned for 32 years for murder. He was sent home. James remembered feeling deliriously happy and relieved. He told NBC News, “If a person doesn’t allow the worst thing that can happen to get the best of him … ” His voice trailed off. “I’m not a better person because of what I went through,” he continued after composing himself. “I’m a different person. I get emotional talking about it; it’s overwhelming. I have emotions running wild, and I think it’s probably going to be that way the rest of my life.” The same, Figgers said, goes for her. She said she’s also realized that being emotionally connected to her clients’ cases can be effective. “This case really shaped me in a different way on how I take on cases,” she said. “And I like the fact that I’m going to treat every case differently moving forward, making sure that I listen closely to my client, more than ever before.” Herman Atkins, a Black man in California who was exonerated after spending 12 years in prison for a rape he did not commit, described attorneys like Figgers and others who take on exoneration cases as “special people.” They have a selflessness and a will to find justice that not every person has. It’s a shame they are needed because of the justice system in America. But if we didn’t have them, none of us who have been unjustly imprisoned would be freed.”

Attorneys take an oath to uphold the law and the United States Constitution.  Time for them to take it seriously.  Justice, not unbridled greed, needs to be the prime mover in what is supposed to be a democratic republic not a fascist police-state.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Figgers is quick to point out she was not alone in helping James secure his freedom. Tristram Korten reported an extensive feature for GQ about James’ case in 2021. There was Reid Rubin of the State Attorney’s office in Miami Dade County, who was receptive to the evidence Figgers submitted, and Christine Zahralban, the chief investigator of the Justice Project’s Conviction Review Unit, who worked diligently on the case, Figgers said. “Sometimes in this process, I doubted myself because I hadn’t done it before,” she said. “So, I just went off my gut and prayer. When I finally heard that he was going to be released — finally, way longer than it should have been — all I could do was say, ‘Thank you, God.’ It felt so real. I knew it was meant to happen.”

Time for attorneys to place principle ahead of greed.

"James said he lives with his 81-year-old mother and does not leave the house much as he tries to rebuild his life. Under the law, Florida provides a minimum of $50,000 in compensation for every year that someone who is wrongfully convicted is in prison, with a maximum of $2 million. However, a defendant is ineligible to receive compensation if they have been convicted of another violent felony, which James has. His family launched a website, Justice for Jay, and started an online fundraising campaign since Florida law prohibits him from filing a lawsuit against the state. He also released a book, “If These Walls Could Talk, Would You Listen?” about his time behind bars as an innocent man. “It’s better to be out here than in there. But it’s tough,” James said. As for Figgers, she has added an element to her firm. “Criminal law was an area of law that I avoided,” she said. “However, this cause is too important to avoid when so many wrongfully convicted are reaching out to me for assistance. Knowing you can save a life is something truly rewarding. Nothing compares to that.”

Time for attorneys here in Llano County to take notice.  Get out of bed with the greedy nazi bastards who delusionally believe they run and own this hell hole.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

What took so long?  The Associated Press reports:

"The Uvalde school district’s police chief was put on leave Wednesday following allegations that he erred in his response to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School that left 19 students and two teachers dead."

About time.

"Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Superintendent Hal Harrell said that he put schools police Chief Pete Arredondo on administrative leave because the facts of what happened remain unclear. In a statement, Harrell did not address Arredondo’s actions as on-site commander during the attack but said he didn’t know when details of federal, state and local investigations into the law enforcement response to the slayings would be revealed. “From the beginning of this horrible event, I shared that the district would wait until the investigation was complete before making personnel decisions,” Harrell said. “Because of the lack of clarity that remains and the unknown timing of when I will receive the results of the investigations, I have made the decision to place Chief Arredondo on administrative leave effective on this date.” A spokesperson for the Uvalde school district, Anne Marie Espinoza, declined to say whether Arredondo would continue to be paid while on leave."

Why?  The public is entitled to this information.  Lack of transparency remains appalling.

"Another officer will assume the embattled chief’s duties, Harrell said. Col. Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, told a state Senate hearing on Tuesday that Arredondo made “terrible decisions” as the massacre unfolded on May 24 , and that the police response was an “abject failure.” Three minutes after 18-year-old Salvador Ramos entered the school, sufficient armed law enforcement were on scene to stop the gunman, McCraw testified. Yet police officers armed with rifles waited in a school hallway for more than an hour while the gunman carried out the massacre. The classroom door could not be locked from the inside, but there is no indication officers tried to open the door while the gunman was inside, McCraw said. McCraw has said parents begged police outside the school to move in and students inside the classroom repeatedly pleaded with 911 operators for help while more than a dozen officers waited in a hallway. Officers from other agencies urged Arredondo to let them move in because children were in danger. “The only thing stopping a hallway of dedicated officers from entering Room 111 and 112 was the on-scene commander who decided to place the lives of officers before the lives of children,” McCraw said."

Why hasn't he been fired?  Why has he been protected and coddled to date?

Trouble in paradise:

"Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin pushed back on McCraw’s testimony casting blame on Arredondo, saying the Department of Public Safety has repeatedly put out false information about the shooting and glossed over the role of its own officers. McLaughlin called Tuesday’s Senate hearing a “clown show” and said he heard nothing from McCraw about state troopers’ involvement, even though McLaughlin said their number in the school hallway at points during the slaughter surpassed that of any other law enforcement agency. Delays in the police response as the shooting was happening has become the focus of ongoing investigations and public outcry. Law enforcement has at times offered confusing and sometimes contradictory details and timelines that have drawn anger and frustration. The Uvalde City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously against giving Arredondo — who is a council member — a leave of absence from appearing at public meetings. Relatives of the shooting victims had pleaded with city leaders to instead fire him. “Please, please, we’re begging you, get this man out of our lives,” said Berlinda Arreola, the grandmother of Amerie Jo Garza, a 10-year-old who was fatally shot in the attack."

The following should have immediately happened:

"Sen. Paul Bettencourt told the state Senate hearing that Arredondo should have stepped down straight away. “This man should have removed himself from the job immediately because, just looking at his response, he was incapable of it,” Bettencourt said."

No justice.  Precisely, why there is desperate need for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, and prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court that would adjudicate only these cases.  Total independence.  The only way to rein in these criminals, particularly the murderers in blue.

Sadly, the achingly clueless bastards in law enforcement don't need a legitimate reason to kill.  Enjoy carte blanche to murder on the job.  Nearly always, with impunity.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Sue the living shit out of the jackbooted motherf--kers, the department, and the city.  Any officer engaged in, or threatening this kind of unnecessary violence needs to be criminally prosecuted.  Not protected and coddled.  Not put on paid leave, -- no more than a paid vacation.  Not sent home without pay to catch up on his beauty sleep.

Firing is egregiously insufficient.  How can the law enforcement community be trusted?  No foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the criminal jackbooted bastards in law enforcement.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Madam County Attorney?  "Sonny Boy?"

These are extremely dangerous times for our formerly great country.  ... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming.  -- As our legislators and other government officials figuratively 'fiddle while Rome burns.'

Not good enough.  Nowhere near.  Short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, only one way for these atrocities to end.  Again, time for a new federal agency whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate such cases.  Total independence.

Local  and state authorities are egregiously incapable of handling these cases. Tend to protect their own.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Goes with the territory, doesn't it, Bill?  Precisely, why there is no faith or trust in your criminal jackbooted bastards.  Local authorities here in Nazi Llano County have their heads figuratively, securely lodged so far up their clueless ass their eyeballs are turning inside out.  Protect and coddle your clueless, out of control officers.  Imagine that.

Unadulterated, blatant ongoing horse shit.  ... Right, Bill?  F--k these jackbooted bastards.  Aren't worth a crap.  Continually abrogate their oaths of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Includes not only deputies, but the brass as well.  No principles.  No honor.  Lying, conniving, abusive, murderous jackbooted thieving thugs.  The American Civil Liberties Union needs to step up and represent the victims of abusive law enforcement.

To say nothing of innocent civilians all across our formerly great country who are victimized by abusive police.  Need far better representation than a public defender.  Forget?  It's how the bastards in government line government coffers.  All too often, looting the innocent.  Those on the bottom of the food chain.  ... Right, Sheriff?

No justice.  The American Way.  Nazi America.  When is this shit finally going to end?  All of it.  Wake up, Sheriff.  Again, where is dashcam video of the killing of Jeffrey Gray Wise, 52, of Austin by DPS and the Llano County Sheriff's Office?  Three hundred twenty three weeks, now.  A goddamned disgrace.

Why are you still sitting on this information?  What are you hiding, Sheriff?  What is the identity of the officers who killed Wise?  Too gutless to release this information to the public that pays your salary and that of your goons?  Reportedly, there were three officers involved in the shooting.  Who the hell are they?

When will the goddamned 'law' 'enforcement' community finally stop making excuses for engaging in outrageous criminal activity including blatant murder, violent assault, sexual assault, theft, drug trafficking, etc.?  List can go on and on.  Protecting its own no matter what it does or doesn't do?  Convenient, isn't it, Sheriff?  Again, no foreign power, no terrorist organization, not even the criminal element presents a greater threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than all branches and levels of government, -- including law enforcement.

Corruption within law enforcement remains an existential threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  So what else is new?  ... Right, Bill?  Same old duplicitous, aggressively stupid shit occurs right here in Nazi Llano County.  ... Doesn't it, Sheriff?

Think it'll change any time soon?  Don't hold your breath, readers.  Not how things work in Nazi America, right, Sheriff?  Highly reminiscent of how your goons operate though, isn't it, Bill?  Forget?  'Stupid is as stupid does.'  F--ked up is f--ked up no matter where, no matter how.  Problem throughout all law enforcement.

Including right here in Nazi Llano County, right, Sheriff?  Too many officers clearly have their heads securely lodged where the sun seldom shines.  Egregious insanity continues to be perpetrated by the criminal jackbooted bastards in blue.  Ongoing issue.  All over our formerly great country.

Not just in Dallas as in the Guyger case, but all over the nation.  No end to it.  Surprised?  Why?  In today's increasingly national socialist climate anything goes, right, Bill?  Live in a de facto fascist police-state, quickly transitioning to the Trump nazi's Fourth Reich.  Certainly, a problem here in Nazi Llano County, isn't it, Sheriff?  Your goons, however, aren't held accountable when they egregiously f--k up.  Ever.

Precisely why you refuse to release information on your deputies to the long-suffering public? That is, employment history, criminal background, results of drug testing, etc..  ... Got to protect your criminal jackbooted thugs preying on the citizenry with virtual impunity, right, sir?

Equally pointedly, why hasn't Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 been held criminally accountable for egregious abuse of power involving denial of property rights to a Kingsland property owner?  To say nothing of consequent resultant physical damage done to a motor home on that property.  Why are you protecting this clueless son of a bitch, Sheriff?

Why hasn't he been prosecuted for official oppression?  Where is financial compensation for the damage this jackbooted piece of human excrement is responsible for? Ferociously pointedly, why are the District Attorney and the County Attorney continuing to protect this jackbooted piece of shit?  He and others like him present an exigent threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

Equally to the point, why are your jackbooted pieces of human excrement refusing to enforce Berardi's property rights?  Your goons have failed to take action against Theresa Ahrens when she tore down a no trespassing sign and barrier on Berardi's property.  Have you, your goons, and/or Madam County Attorney been bribed by Johnny Greene?

Ahrens frequently drives all the way through Berardi's property.  Coup de grace?  When Berardi complained to Llano County Deputy Idle about the trespassing, the officer's response was insane.  Said the Sheriff told him to tell Berardi since Ahrens believes she owns his property she can't be charged with trespassing.  Perfect Catch-22, right, Sheriff?  You're not fit for office, Bill.  Bribed by Johnny Greene?

Why is Theresa Ahrens allowed by your goons to dictate what vehicles can and cannot be parked on Berardi's property?  Ahrens claims she has proof the property belongs to her where the vehicle was parked.  Has failed to produce it. Surveyors say otherwise.  Back up Berardi.  Yet, your jackbooted bastards refuse to enforce Berardi's property rights.  Why?  Somebody lining somebody's pockets, Sheriff?

Ms. Ahrens micro-mini portable 'house' is parked on an unused unmarked Llano County road.  Imagine that.  Madam County Attorney well-aware.  Has done nothing.  Shit squat.  Egregiously ignored her oath of office.  Someone bribing you, Becky?  Lining your pockets, Counselor?  Paying you not to sell the unused unmarked County road to Berardi?  Doesn't the County want and need the sale money, to say nothing of the resultant tax income?

No question, County and State agencies remain determinedly, concertedly, achingly incapable of criminal investigation of their own.  Precisely, why a new federal agency desperately needs to be created whose sole function would be to investigate, arrest, charge, prosecute corrupt, abusive, criminal officers, prosecutors, and judges in a special court whose sole function would be to adjudicate only such cases.  Total independence.  Certainly, go a long, long way to cleaning up this cess pool County.  Rein in the outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept, self-serving assholes who run and own this hell hole.

Sheriff, you falsely claim the Kingsland County Commissioner has the authority to resolve this ongoing property rights issue.  Clearly, doesn't.  You, Madam County Attorney, and "Sonny Boy" are certainly an egregious impediment, continue to determinedly stonewall.  Someone's pockets are being lined.  Again, where's financial compensation for the damage Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 is directly responsible for to the Pace Arrow?  Why hasn't he been prosecuted for this damage, to say nothing of infringement of Berardi's property rights?  -- Just getting started, Sheriff.  Far more to come.

-- You're not doing your jobs, Sheriff.  You've got a loose vicious dog problem in Kingsland, Bill.  When will you and the troops finally do something about this ongoing issue?  Certainly, a recurring problem on Skyline, particularly on occasion at the intersection of Odessa.  Pedestrians, runners, and cyclists are at risk.  Too busy lining County coffers with bogus tickets?

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

In follow-up to an outrageous case covered repeatedly here and elsewhere, The Associated Press reports:

"The former Minneapolis police officer who fatally shot an unarmed woman who called 911 to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home is scheduled to be released from prison next week, months after his murder conviction was overturned and he was resentenced on a lesser charge."

Nazi justice.  Since Roe has since been obliterated by a 6-3 Republican nazi-owned Supreme Court, we now live in a fascist police-state, not just a de facto one.  ... Hear the rumble?  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Mohamed Noor, 36, is scheduled to be released from custody Monday, 18 days shy of the fifth anniversary of the July 15, 2017, fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a 40-year-old dual U.S.-Australian citizen and yoga teacher who was engaged to be married. Noor was initially convicted of third-degree murder and manslaughter, but last year the Minnesota Supreme Court tossed out his murder conviction and 12 1/2-year sentence, saying the murder charge didn’t apply to the circumstances of this case. He was resentenced to four years and nine months on the manslaughter charge."

Nazi justice.  They protected and coddled this jackbooted bastard who murdered an innocent woman who reported a possible sexual assault.  How is anyone safe in a fascist police-state where nearly anything goes?

"In Minnesota, it’s presumed that a defendant with good behavior will serve two-thirds of a sentence in prison and the rest on supervised release, commonly known as parole. The DOC’s website says Noor will be on supervised release until Jan. 24, 2024."

Outrageous.  Galling.

"Damond’s father, John Ruszczyk, said Friday that the family was disappointed that Noor’s third-degree murder conviction was overturned. “His release after a trivial sentence shows great disrespect to the wishes of the jury who represented the communities of Minneapolis and their wish to make a statement about the communities’ expectations of police behaviour and actions,” Ruszczyk wrote in response to emailed questions from The Associated Press."

This shit destroys all faith and trust in law enforcement.

"Damond’s stepmother, Maryan Heffernan, said in a phone interview that the timing of Noor’s release — so close to the anniversary of Damond’s death — is painful. “We’re very disappointed. But we’re not surprised. We’ve been watching events in Minneapolis from miles away and we’re still bewildered about the charge being dropped and we’re still bewildered about the culture of the Minneapolis Police Department,” Heffernan said, adding that she believes Noor was the product of a “very dysfunctional department.” After his conviction, Noor began serving his time at Minnesota’s maximum-security prison in Oak Park Heights, but the Star Tribune reported he was transferred to a facility in North Dakota in July 2019 for his own safety. Department of Corrections spokesman Nicholas Kimball said Noor is still out of state, but did not specify where. “For safety reasons, we aren’t able to provide more detail than what is available on the public website, which is the scheduled date of release,” Kimball said."

Protected and coddled while his victim remains dead, family devastated.  Nazi justice.  Portend of far worse to come as our formerly great country continues to deteriorate.  ... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looms.  Too deaf to hear?  Or, too aggressively stupid and clueless to give a shit.

"It wasn’t clear whether Noor would return to Minnesota. His attorney, Tom Plunkett, declined to comment, saying, “at this point I just want to respect Mr. Noor’s privacy.”

Protecting and coddling a jackbooted bastard who literally got away with murder.  Galling.

"Damond’s killing angered citizens in the U.S. and Australia, and led to the resignation of Minneapolis’ police chief. It also led the department to change its policy on body cameras; Noor and his partner didn’t have theirs activated when they were investigating Damond’s 911 call. Noor testified at his 2019 trial that he and his partner were driving slowly in an alley when a loud bang on their police SUV made him fear for their lives. He said he saw a woman appear at the partner’s driver’s side window and raise her right arm before he fired a shot from the passenger seat to stop what he thought was a threat."

Gutless, lying piece of human excrement.

"Damond was a meditation teacher and life coach who was killed about a month before her wedding. Her maiden name was Justine Ruszczyk, and though she was not yet married, she had already been using her fiance’s last name. Her fiance, Don Damond, declined to comment on Noor’s upcoming release, but said during Noor’s resentencing that he had forgiven the former officer, and that he had no doubt Justine also would have forgiven him “for your inability in managing your emotions that night.”

Not good enough.  Nowhere near.  This shit happens all over this country.  Until these jackbooted gutless bastards are treated like any other civilian who murders, nothing will change.

"Noor, who is Somali American, was believed to be the first Minnesota officer convicted of murder for an on-duty shooting. Activists who had long called for officers to be held accountable for the deadly use of force applauded the murder conviction."

For damned good reason.  The conviction was appropriate.  Treatment and prosecution, -- equitable and just.  ... Not to be, however.  Sadly, so.

"John Ruszczyk said in his email to the AP that his family believes state investigators and the Minneapolis Police Department did not fully cooperate with the investigation into his daughter’s killing and he was disturbed by the agency’s culture. He said he believes the department accepts using violence as a way to control challenging situations, which he said contributed to her death. He cited a recent report from the state Department of Human Rights which found that the agency has engaged in a pattern of race discrimination for at least a decade, including using force more often on people of color. Federal authorities are also investigating whether the department engaged in a pattern of discrimination. “How could officers go out onto the streets in the roles of defenders of public safety and order with the attitude to their duties and obligations that allows them to shoot first and ask questions later?” he wrote."

Exactly, precisely the issue.  A 'shoot first, ask questions later' jackbooted mentality.

"Days after Noor’s conviction, Minneapolis agreed to pay $20 million to Damond’s family, believed at the time to be the largest settlement stemming from police violence in Minnesota. It was surpassed last year when Minneapolis agreed to a $27 million settlement in Floyd’s death just as Chauvin was going on trial."

Nowhere near enough, however, to change this outrageous jackbooted behavior.

"The killing of Floyd led to a reckoning over police brutality and discrimination involving people of color. The department is facing calls for more accountability and the state is recommending several changes as it seeks a court-enforceable consent decree. City leaders continue to debate how to change the system. She said that at his trial, the family was told that Damond’s death would lead to change, but when Floyd was killed, “we were absolutely shattered because nothing had changed. We felt that Justine’s death meant nothing ... She is forgotten.” But Heffernan said that Damond is remembered by people in Australia, and her family thinks of her her every day. On the anniversary of her death, they go quietly to her favorite beach and throw pink flowers — her favorite color — into the surf as the sun is rising. She also said that once a month during the summer, her family sends flowers to the site of Damond’s killing, as well as on her birthday and July 15 — the day of her death. “She touched a lot of people’s hearts, which I think is quite amazing,” Heffernan said."


Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

Yet, another jackbooted bastard in blue.  NBC News reports:

"An off-duty Rhode Island police officer who was running for state Senate is under investigation for allegedly attacking his female opponent during an abortion rights protest Friday night. Jennifer Rourke, who is running for the state's 29th District, said she had finished speaking at a rally outside the state house in Providence when she was attacked by officer Jeann Lugo. The assault was partially captured on video by journalist Bill Bartholomew with the Bartholomewtown Podcast. "I’m a reproductive rights organizer & State Senate candidate. Last night, after speaking at our Roe rally, my Republican opponent — a police officer — violently attacked me," Rourke wrote in a Twitter post that included the video. "This is what it is to be a Black woman running for office. I won’t give up." The video appears to show a man throwing two punches at a woman, hitting her once in the head. A campaign spokesperson told CNBC that Rourke went to the hospital for a CT scan. The Providence Police Department said it launched a criminal investigation into the incident and placed Lugo on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation and an administrative review."

Why is he being paid?

"Lugo, who has been with the department for three years, briefly addressed the incident on Twitter. "I will not be running for any office this fall," he posted. He was running for District 29 as a Republican. Lugo and Rourke could not immediately be reached Saturday for comment. Lugo said in a statement to CNBC that he was in "a situation that no individual should see themselves in" and tried to "protect someone that a group of agitators was attacking." "At this moment, there’s a pending internal investigation, and as the facts of the incident come to light, I request that my family and I have privacy," he said."

If there was no substance to the allegations, why were you put on leave?  Who is lying?  You or the video?  If you are indeed innocent, why drop out of the election?

"Providence was just one of many cities in the nation that saw protesters take to the streets after the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that guaranteed a constitutional right to abortion."

CBS News(AP) reports:

"A Rhode Island police officer accused of punching a woman at an abortion protest while he was off-duty was suspended from his job with pay Saturday while the Providence Police Department conducts a criminal investigation into his actions. Democratic state Senate candidate Jennifer Rourke, the chairwoman of the Rhode Island Political Cooperative, on Saturday morning tweeted video of the alleged assault. "I'm a reproductive rights organizer & State Senate candidate. Last night, after speaking at our Roe rally, my Republican opponent – a police officer – violently attacked me. This is what it is to be a Black woman running for office. I won't give up," she wrote.

"The Providence Police Department confirmed Saturday that Jeann Lugo, who was also vying for the Republican nomination for the same state Senate seat, was the officer in question. "The PPD is criminally investigating the behavior of an off duty officer last evening during a protest where a female was assaulted," the department said earlier Saturday. "The officer has served for 3 yrs and placed on administrative leave w/pay this morning, pending a criminal investigation and administrative review." Lugo told the Providence Journal that he was "not going to deny" the punching allegation, but added that "everything happened very fast." "As an officer that swore to protect and serve our communities, I, unfortunately, saw myself in a situation that no individual should see themselves in," he said in the email to the Boston Globe. "I stepped in to protect someone that a group of agitators was attacking." Lugo did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press."

Is that because he's lying?  Needs time to get his lies straight?

"Video of the event posted online shows two other individuals involved in a physical altercation at the protest right before a woman, apparently Rourke, is seen being hit. The video does not show what happened between Lugo and Rourke prior to Rourke being hit. "I'm a Black woman running for office," Rourke told the Journal. "There was no need, no need for any of this. I'm not going to give up." In a call with The Associated Press, Rourke said the incident occurred as she was attempting to escort a counterprotester who had agreed to leave. As she was leading the man off the premises, she said, another physical altercation broke out, at which point she was punched in the face multiple times by Lugo. Rourke said she has never interacted with Lugo before and did not know he would be at the protest. "I'm disappointed he chose to use violence in this way. As a police officer, he's trained to deescalate. He did not do what he was trained to do," she said. Rourke sought medical care and received a CT scan on Saturday afternoon. She said she was doing OK but was experiencing a lot of tenderness in her face and ringing in her ears. She said she had pressed charges against Lugo. At midday Saturday, Lugo tweeted that he was dropping out of the race. "I will not be running for any office this fall," he said."

Why drop out if you're indeed innocent?

"His Twitter account appeared to have been deactivated shortly afterwards."


"Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza tweeted that he had seen the video and called it "immensely disturbing." Elorza said he was "limited" in what he could say publicly, but added, "Those responsible will be held fully accountable."

Think so?

"The altercation occurred during a Friday protest outside the Rhode Island State House in Providence that was in response to the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that had provided a constitutional right to abortion."

NBC News reports:

"An off-duty Rhode Island police officer who was running for state Senate was arrested on an assault charge after allegedly attacking his female opponent during an abortion rights protest Friday night. Providence police patrolman Jeann Lugo, 35, was arrested on charges of simple assault and disorderly conduct, state police said Saturday. Lugo turned himself in, was arraigned and released, it said. Jennifer Rourke, who is running for the state's 29th District, said she had finished speaking at a rally outside the state house in Providence on Friday when she was attacked by Lugo. The assault was partially captured on video by journalist Bill Bartholomew with the Bartholomewtown Podcast. "I’m a reproductive rights organizer & State Senate candidate. Last night, after speaking at our Roe rally, my Republican opponent — a police officer — violently attacked me," Rourke wrote in a Twitter post that included the video. "This is what it is to be a Black woman running for office. I won’t give up." The video appears to show a man throwing two punches at a woman, hitting her once in the head. A campaign spokesperson told CNBC that Rourke went to the hospital for a CT scan. The Providence Police Department said it launched a criminal investigation into the incident and placed Lugo on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation and an administrative review. After turning himself in on the charges, Lugo was arraigned in front of a justice of the peace and released on his own recognizance, state police said in Saturday’s statement. He is due in district court July 8 for re-arraignment, police said. Online court records did not appear to show the case, and it was not clear if Lugo had an attorney late Saturday. Lugo, who has been with the department for three years, briefly addressed the incident on Twitter. "I will not be running for any office this fall," he posted. He was running for District 29 as a Republican. The account did not appear to exist later Saturday. Lugo and Rourke could not immediately be reached Saturday for comment. Lugo said in a statement to CNBC that he was in "a situation that no individual should see themselves in" and tried to "protect someone that a group of agitators was attacking." "At this moment, there’s a pending internal investigation, and as the facts of the incident come to light, I request that my family and I have privacy," he said then."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Highly reminiscent of our outrageously bought and paid for judiciary, Llano County prosecutors, Sheriff Bill Blackburn and his criminal SS jackbooted bastards in black who continue to egregiously disgrace themselves and the badge, do as they please regardless of the law and Constitution, carefully consider the following.  It's appalling.  Runs against the grain of everything our formerly great country once stood for.  No longer.

The abuse never seems to end.  CBS News reports:

"Connecticut man left paralyzed after video shows his head being slammed against back of police van; 5 officers placed on leave. The family of a Connecticut man who was severely injured while riding in a police van this month says he was left paralyzed after multiple officers ignored his repeated calls for help. Randy Cox was handcuffed and incapacitated when police in New Haven dragged him from the back of the vehicle. He was not wearing a seat belt and his head was slammed against the back of the van when the officer driving it made a sudden stop, a disturbing video shows. His family is now calling for justice and is pursuing damages against the city. "It made me sick to my stomach, to treat somebody like that," Cox's sister, Latoya Boomer, told CBS News. Cox was at a block party on June 19 when police arrived in response to a weapons complaint. Officers arrested Cox, who they say is an ex-felon and was carrying a firearm illegally. As they were taking him to jail, authorities say Officer Oscar Diaz was speeding and came to a sudden stop to avoid an accident, causing Cox to hit his head. "Help! I can't get up!" Cox was heard saying in the video. "I can't hear you," the officer replied as the man continued to beg for help. Despite Cox's repeated calls for help, it took the officer almost four minutes to check on him before calling an ambulance to meet him at the station. When the van arrived, several other officers were waiting and began berating Cox to get out. "Move your leg! Sit up!" one of them said. "Why you not listening, bro? I can't move!" Cox replied. "You're not even trying!" the officer said. About three minutes later, they pulled Cox by his feet and dragged him out of the van before forcefully hoisting him into a wheelchair. "You just drank too much," an officer told him. Cox was processed and dragged into a holding cell — about 10 minutes after the van arrived at the police station. "He's perfectly fine," one of the officers said."

Certainly, wasn't:

"Cox was placed on the floor, where an officer shackled his legs, but he couldn't move as he was paralyzed from the chest down. He remains hospitalized in intensive care. The five officers involved have since been placed on paid leave pending an investigation. "Mr. Cox was mistreated," Karl Jacobson, New Haven's assistant police chief, said at a recent news conference. "He should've received medical attention immediately. We can't defend anything that was released." The mayor's office announced several policy changes following the incident, including installing seat belts in all police department transport vans and requiring officers to buckle in detainees. Seat belts were already required in police cruisers. Boomer said she just couldn't finish watching the footage of how officers treated her brother. "At what point in time do you believe someone that's saying, 'I think my neck is broken?'" she said. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Cox's family, said he will seek a civil settlement from the city to cover Cox's medical care and lifelong injuries. "What we want is full justice," he said. "We want criminal accountability for those officers but we also want to see policy changes."

Sadly, this outrageous abuse never seems to end.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

... Hey, Sheriff?  Reportedly, promote Llano County Deputy Leroy Rodriguez, Badge #764 to Sergeant?  If true, yet another classic example of survival of the unfittest in the law enforcement community.  Readers are reminded this is the very same idiot, clueless asshole responsible for thousands of dollars of damage to the Pace Arrow as reported in each edition of this publication.  Far more to Kingsland property owner James Berardi in a property dispute.  -- A dispute engineered by Johnny Greene, apparently financed by a bribe to the former County Attorney, current District Attorney, and Sheriff.  A federal investigation of Llano County government and the aforementioned allegedly corrupt and abusive bastards in this ongoing fiasco is desperately needed.  Tim Chorney.

Raw nazism reigns supreme in a 6-3 Republican nazi-owned U.S. Supreme Court.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.  The Associated Press reports:

"The Supreme Court on Friday ended constitutional protections for abortion that had stood in America for nearly a half-century. The decision by the court’s conservative majority overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling and is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states. The ruling, unthinkable just a few years ago, was the culmination of decades of efforts by abortion opponents, made possible by an emboldened right side of the court that has been fortified by three appointees of former President Donald Trump. Both sides predicted the fight over abortion would continue, in state capitals and in Washington, and Justice Clarence Thomas, part of Friday’s majority, called on the court to overturn other high court rulings protecting same-sex marriage, gay sex and the use of contraceptives."

Clearly, sadly, the nazi element in the Republican Party is doing all it can to provoke an unwanted, dreaded second American revolution.  With increasing violence throughout the country instigated by these Republicans and their supporters, Democrats need to reconsider their opposition to the Second Amendment and a well-armed citizenry.  Sadly, the last best defense to outrageously corrupt and abusive government is the right to bear arms.

"Abortion foes cheered the ruling, but abortion-rights supporters, including President Joe Biden, expressed dismay and pledged to fight to restore the rights. “It’s a sad day for the court and for the country,” Biden said at the White House. He urged voters to make it a defining issue in the November elections, declaring, “This decision must not be the final word.”

Neither major political party is worth a shit.  For totally different reasons.  Yet, the nazi element in the Republican Party presents a far greater exigent threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties than the Democrats.  The electorate needs to wake up.  Return enough Democrats to the Senate and House to ensure not just a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, but a two-thirds majority to ensure the six Republican nazis on the Supreme Court are impeached, convicted, and removed from the bench.  With the loss of abortion rights, the female half of our population is no longer free.  Ladies, the nazi element in our formerly great country now owns your uterus, dictates what you can and cannot do with it.  That's certainly not liberty.  It's enslavement and unsustainable.  Moreover, if the female half of the population is no longer free, effectively neither is the male half.

"Alito, in the final opinion issued Friday, wrote that Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the 1992 decision that reaffirmed the right to abortion, were wrong the days they were decided and must be overturned. “We therefore hold that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey must be overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives,” Alito wrote, in an opinion that was very similar to the leaked draft. Authority to regulate abortion rests with the political branches, not the courts, Alito wrote."

Alito in his 'reasoning' sounds exactly as his autocratic, national socialist, achingly fascist forebears, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.  Readers are reminded abortion was indeed illegal in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.  Moreover, determined Republican gerrymandering throughout this country renders Alito's claim "authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives” achingly moot and fraudulent in Republican-owned anti-abortion states.

"The ruling is expected to disproportionately affect minority women who already face limited access to health care, according to statistics analyzed by The Associated Press. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department “will work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom.” He said in a statement that in addition to protecting providers and those seeking abortions in states where it is legal “we stand ready to work with other arms of the federal government that seek to use their lawful authorities to protect and preserve access to reproductive care.” In particular, Garland said that the federal Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of Mifepristone for medication abortions. “States may not ban Mifepristone based on disagreement with the FDA’s expert judgment about its safety and efficacy,” Garland said. More than 90% of abortions take place in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, and more than half are now done with pills, not surgery, according to data compiled by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights."

NBC News reports:

"In a scathing dissent to the Supreme Court’s ruling Friday that overturned Roe v. Wade and wiped out the constitutional guarantee of abortion rights, the justices on the bench’s liberal wing slammed the “draconian” opinion as a decision that will undeniably curtail women’s rights and turn back “their status as free and equal citizens.” The lengthy joint dissent written by Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan repeatedly slammed the court’s “cavalier” conservative majority for exercising “hypocrisy” in the way they interpret the Constitution. The justices predicted myriad terrible — and possibly deadly — consequences for women, particularly low-income women and women of color, in need of abortion care. Frequently, and with searing language, they concluded that the court’s majority had deemed that women are not deserving of equal protection under the law. “The majority would allow States to ban abortion from conception onward because it does not think forced childbirth at all implicates a woman’s rights to equality and freedom,” the justices wrote. “Today’s Court, that is, does not think there is anything of constitutional significance attached to a woman’s control of her body and the path of her life.” “Whatever the exact scope of the coming laws, one result of today’s decision is certain: the curtailment of women’s rights, and of their status as free and equal citizens,” they wrote. Later in their dissent, the justices were more concise, summing up the majority opinion: "It says that from the very moment of fertilization, a woman has no rights to speak of." At another point in their opinion, the justices highlighted what the decision will mean for women who will have to carry pregnancies due to abortion restrictions. “As of today, this Court holds, a State can always force a woman to give birth, prohibiting even the earliest abortions. A State can thus transform what, when freely undertaken, is a wonder into what, when forced, may be a nightmare,” they wrote. “With sorrow — for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection — we dissent,” they concluded in the last, blistering line of their dissenting opinion."

This is raw nazism imposed by the 6-3 Republican nazi element on the Supreme Court in direct violation of their oaths of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and rule of law.

"The court’s ruling does not make abortion illegal nationwide, but with access to the procedure no longer deemed a constitutional right, states can now move to ban it. About half the states have already indicated they would move to ban or restrict the procedure. Nodding to some of those laws, the court’s liberal justices laid out how state legislatures could now effectively force women to endure pregnancies that could kill them or make them carry terminally sick babies to term. “Enforcement of all these draconian restrictions will also be left largely to the States’ devices,” they wrote. “They have passed laws without any exceptions for when the woman is the victim of rape or incest. Under those laws, a woman will have to bear her rapist’s child or a young girl her father’s — no matter if doing so will destroy her life,” they wrote. “So too, after today’s ruling, some States may compel women to carry to term a fetus with severe physical anomalies — for example, one afflicted with Tay-Sachs disease, sure to die within a few years of birth.” They warned that, without a constitutional protection to hold them back, many states will surely go further — and could eventually target women receiving care, not just the doctors providing it, in legislation. “A State can of course impose criminal penalties on abortion providers, including lengthy prison sentences. But some States will not stop there. Perhaps, in the wake of today’s decision, a state law will criminalize the woman’s conduct too, incarcerating or fining her for daring to seek or obtain an abortion,” they wrote. The justices also lamented how the ruling will more dramatically affect low-income women, who may not be able to afford to travel for necessary out-of-state abortion care. “Today’s decision, the majority says, permits ‘each State’ to address abortion as it pleases,” they wrote. “That is cold comfort, of course, for the poor woman who cannot get the money to fly to a distant State for a procedure.” They also warned that some legislatures could move to block women from traveling out of state to receive an abortion or abortion medication. “Those without money or childcare or the ability to take time off from work — will not be so fortunate. Maybe they will try an unsafe method of abortion, and come to physical harm, or even die. Maybe they will undergo pregnancy and have a child, but at significant personal or familial cost,” they wrote. “At the least, they will incur the cost of losing control of their lives. The Constitution will, today’s majority holds, provide no shield, despite its guarantees of liberty and equality for all.”

Raw nazism.  Adolf and Benito likely wildly cheering on their fiery perches.  Hundreds of thousands of our best and brightest died fighting this goddamned cancer.  Second World War European Theater.

"In another section of their dissent, the court’s liberal wing took aim at what they called the majority’s “cavalier approach to overturning” precedents — explaining that they have only selectively overturned past rulings on issues that appeal to political and social conservatives. “Either the mass of the majority’s opinion is hypocrisy, or additional constitutional rights are under threat. It is one or the other,” they wrote. And in a final pointed stab, the dissenting justices wrapped their opinion with a seeming personal criticism of the court’s majority, comparing the justices — unflatteringly — to some of their conservative predecessors and suggesting that the court has become irreversibly political. “The American public, [past conservative justices] thought, should never conclude that its constitutional protections hung by a thread — that a new majority, adhering to a new ‘doctrinal school,’ could ‘by dint of numbers’ alone expunge their rights,” they continued. “It is impossible to conclude that anything else has happened here,” they said. “In overruling Roe and Casey, this Court betrays its guiding principles.”

NBC News reports:

"In searing remarks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday criticized the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade and suggested that Trump-appointed justices lied when they told lawmakers during their confirmation hearings that they respected the precedent of the 1973 ruling. "How about those justices coming before the senators and saying that they respected stare decisis, the precedent of the court, that they respected the privacy in the Constitution of the United States," Pelosi said at a news conference Friday. "Did you hear that? Were they not telling the truth, then?" Democrats have increasingly questioned the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, fueled by the push by Republicans to block a nominee by President Barack Obama and then to name a justice in the final months of President Donald Trump's term. Pelosi echoed that criticism, calling it a "Trumpian" court that is pushing the interests of Republicans. Pelosi appeared to refer to Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh who, during their confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, said they believed the landmark ruling that guaranteed abortion access across the country was "precedent." Gorsuch and Kavanaugh joined their fellow conservative justices in upholding a Mississippi law that banned most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy and overturning Roe. Gorsuch told senators in March 2017 that Roe was "a precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court" that has been reaffirmed. Kavanaugh told senators in September 2018 that Roe was "settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court, entitled the respect under principles of stare decisis," a legal doctrine that means “to stand by things decided” in Latin. Pelosi criticized the court and Republicans in stark, emotional terms, pinning the blame on former President Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for laying the groundwork for the end of Roe. "Today, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has achieved their dark, extreme goal of ripping away women’s right to make their own reproductive health decisions,” Pelosi said. “Because of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party and their supermajority on the Supreme Court, American women today have less freedom than their mothers.” “With Roe and their attempt to destroy it, radical Republicans are charging ahead with their crusade to criminalize health freedom,” Pelosi added, ripping into what she called a "Trumpian Supreme Court" and appearing to urge supporters of reproductive freedom to vote in the November midterm elections. “In the Congress — be aware of this — Republicans are plotting a nationwide abortion ban,” she said. “They cannot be allowed to have a majority in the Congress, but that’s their goal.” In especially impassioned remarks, Pelosi said the ruling was an “insult” to women across the country, appearing to fight back tears. “It’s a slap in the face to women about using their own judgment, to make their own decisions about their reproductive freedom,” Pelosi said."

The Speaker is strongly, caustically reminded the last best defense to outrageously corrupt and abusive government is indeed the Second Amendment, that is, the right to bear arms:

"Pelosi also contrasted the court's decision on abortion rights with a major ruling Thursday holding that the Constitution provides a right to carry a gun outside the home, handing a crucial victory to gun rights groups. "Such a contradiction," she said. "Yesterday, they say the states cannot make laws governing the constitutional right to bear arms. And today, they’re saying the exact reverse — that the states can overturn a constitutional right — for 50 years a constitutional right — for a woman having the right to choose. The hypocrisy is raging, but the harm is endless."

The Associated Press reports:

"The Supreme Court’s decision Friday to overturn the constitutional right to abortion has only further fractured an already deep division between the states, where contentious legal battles are almost certain to erupt as legislatures and attorneys general grapple with the new landscape of abortion access. Even before the opinion, lawmakers, activists and legal scholars were arguing over whether Republican-led states can enforce abortion bans beyond their borders and target providers, people who provide assistance and the women seeking abortions. That speculation could soon become reality as abortion opponents become more emboldened to try novel approaches to prevent women from crossing state lines to terminate a pregnancy. Meanwhile, Democrats are shoring up what remaining protections they have left in order to shield women who travel to get an abortion and ensure patients do not face penalties back home. Washington is barring the state from acting against doctors who perform such abortions, while California and Illinois are considering similar measures. Shortly after the decision was announced Friday, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican who has said he supports a woman’s right to choose, signed an executive order prohibiting state agencies from assisting another state’s investigation into people or businesses that receive or deliver reproductive health services that are legal in Massachusetts. The order also protects Massachusetts providers who deliver reproductive health care services from being disciplined based on potential out-of-state charges. In a statement, Baker said it was important to ensure that health care workers in the state can provide services “without concern that the laws of other states may be used to interfere with those services or sanction them for providing services that are lawful in the Commonwealth.” Connecticut enacted a law earlier this year to stymie lawsuits or criminal cases from other states over legal abortions for out-of-state residents. Its attorney general, William Tong, called overturning Roe “a very grave risk to women and patients across the country” and said he would be the first to sue if Republicans gain control of Congress and the presidency and enact a nationwide abortion ban. “This decision carves our nation in two — states that trust the personal and professional decisions of women and doctors, and states where craven politicians control and criminalize those choices,” said Tong, a Democrat. “Connecticut is a safe state, but we will need to be vigilant, aggressive and proactive to defend our rights.”

Goddamned right.

Far worse yet to come.  The Associated Press reports:

"The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision allowing states to ban abortion immediately stirred alarm Friday among LGBTQ advocates, who feared that the ruling could someday allow a rollback of legal protections for gay relationships, including the right for same-sex couples to marry. In the court’s majority opinion overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, Justice Samuel Alito said the decision applied only to abortion. But critics of the court’s conservative majority discounted that statement. And in a separate concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas said the court should review other precedents, including its 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, a 2003 decision striking down laws criminalizing gay sex and a 1965 decision declaring that married couples have a right to use contraception. “Let’s just be clear. Today is about this horrifying invasion of privacy that this court is now allowing, and when we lose one right that we have relied on and enjoyed, other rights are at risk,” said Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff in the landmark ruling legalizing same-sex marriage, who is now running as a Democrat for the Ohio House.

“And to ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,” Alito wrote. “Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.” Still, said Paul Dupont, a spokesman for the conservative anti-abortion American Principles Project, conservatives are optimistic about the potential for future victories on cultural issues, though getting more states to ban abortion is “a huge enough battle.” “If there is a thought that this could apply elsewhere, you know, they’re not going to say it here, and we’re just going to have to see,” Dupont said."

... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looms.  Too deaf to hear?  Or, too goddamned aggressively stupid.

"Many abortion opponents insist that overturning Roe will not affect access to birth control or LGBTQ rights. Other factors could protect those rulings too: The Obergefell decision that legalized same-sex marriage was based on equal protection, and hundreds of thousands of couples have relied on it to wed, a precedent that many courts would be loath to disturb. Still, a sharp increase in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in the U.S. and opposition to some forms of birth control from some quarters on the right have advocates concerned that those rights are vulnerable. The court’s three most liberal members argued that the majority decision “breaches a core rule-of-law principle, designed to promote constancy in the law” and “places in jeopardy” other rights. At the White House, President Joe Biden pledged to do everything in his power to defend a woman’s right to have an abortion in states where it will be banned. He warned that the ruling could undermine rights to contraception and gay marriage: “This is an extreme and dangerous path.” Then there is Thomas’ concurring opinion, which Sarah Warbelow, legal director for the pro-LGBTQ-rights Human Rights Campaign, called an invitation for “stirring up fringe organizations, fringe politicians who want to harm the LGBTQ community.” “There are clearly members of the court who have an outdated notion of what America looks like today and have a fantasy of returning to their painted idealism of a 1940s, 1950s America, certainly not what it really was in the 1940s and ’50s,” she said. “And that is terrifying.” Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, a Democrat, called the decision “dangerous” and warned that it carves the nation into two parts. He predicted there will be “a tsunami of radical litigation and legislation aimed at further eroding rights we have taken for granted.” “Make no mistake — this is just the beginning of a systematic right-wing effort to rewrite decades of bedrock legal precedent,” he said."

Precisely, why an unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looms.

NBC News reports:

"There appeared to be no let-up Saturday as Americans angered by the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade hit the streets for a second day of mass protests."

Nor should there be.  The nazi element in the Republican Party, including the six Republican nazis on the U.S. Supreme Court, delusionally believe they own your uterus, ladies.  Can dictate what you can or can't do with it.  Can they?

"From Washington, D.C., where the conservatives on the court Friday swept aside a half-century of precedent to do away with the law [constitutional right to abortion], all the way to the West Coast, there were angry, raucous protests against a ruling that almost immediately made access to abortions all-but-impossible in half the country. Those protests were, at times, met with counter-protests by anti-abortion activists elated by the ruling and determined to stop abortions from happening everywhere in the country. Outside the Supreme Court building, a small-but-growing group of protesters chanting "Women's rights are human rights" confronted a preacher who had waded into the mix and appeared to be trying to drown them out. "Listen to me, our religious convictions inform everything we do," the Rev. Jonathan Tremaine Thomas said. "Why are you trying to impose them on us?" 18-year-old Juliette Dueffert shouted back. "If you have a uterus, you can talk." "You're clearly trying to talk over us," another woman quickly chimed-in. Soon anti-abortion protesters arrived chanting "Abortion is racist" and "Abortion is oppression" and were met with loud booing as police officers stood by ready to move in if necessary."

A portend of far, far worse to come as nazism continues to grow throughout our formerly great country.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"In Mississippi, anti-abortion protesters descended on the state's last clinic, the Jackson Women's Health Center. There, shouting matches erupted between them and members of the “Pink House Defenders,” who are the volunteers that for years have been escorting women in need of abortions through the gauntlet of protesters that have been picketing the clinic for years. As protesters tossed gory photos of supposedly aborted fetuses from their pickup trucks and yelled at reporters covering the unfolding chaos, several defenders tried to block them from driving into the clinic parking lot and Jackson police officers quickly arrived to keep the warring parties apart. In the midst of the mayhem, an NBC News producer had a cellphone knocked out of her hands."

Again, a portend of far, far worse to come as nazism continues to grow throughout our formerly great country.

"It was Mississippi that set into motion the series of legal steps that resulted on the overturning of what had been a constitutional right to an abortion. Under a "trigger law" passed by Mississippi lawmakers back in 2007, the clinic now has less than 10 days before it has to shut down. “I will tell you this — any patients who contact us we will see them” as long as the clinic stays open, Diane Derzis, the chief executive officer of Jackson Women’s Health Organization, told local media after the Supreme Court ruling came down. “We will make sure we see them in those 10 days. A woman should not have to leave the state to receive health care.” In Rhode Island, the Providence Police Department tweeted that it was investigating allegations that an off-duty officer "assaulted" a woman during Friday's raucous protests outside the statehouse. The officer, who was not identified by the department, has been placed on "leave with pay" and a criminal investigation and administrative review is underway, the department said."

No transparency.  Precisely, why the jackbooted bastards in law enforcement cannot be trusted.  Worse, why is the bastard being paid?  Effectively, placed on paid vacation.

At least some prosecutors intend to stand courageously tall.  NBC News reports:

"Dozens of elected prosecutors said Friday they would refuse to prosecute those seeking, assisting or providing abortions after the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 ruling that guaranteed a constitutional right to abortion. Prosecutors from 29 states, territories and Washington, D.C., signed a joint statement that included signatories from states like Mississippi, Missouri and Wisconsin that have banned or are poised to ban abortion services following the reversal of Roe v. Wade. “Not all of us agree on a personal or moral level on the issue of abortion,” said the statement signed by 84 prosecutors, a group that included district attorneys and state attorneys general. “But we stand together in our firm belief that prosecutors have a responsibility to refrain from using limited criminal legal system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions. As such, we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well-settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortions.” The prosecutors said enforcing abortion bans would also "hinder our ability to hold perpetrators accountable, take resources away from the enforcement of serious crime, and inevitably lead to the retraumatization and criminalization of victims of sexual violence."

Indeed.  No question.

"Abortion bans have already been enacted in Kentucky, Louisiana, South Dakota and Missouri, with laws that would make it possible to charge abortion providers with some class of felony."

Outrageous nazism.

"Joe Gonzalez, a district attorney in Bexar County, Texas, which includes San Antonio, said “using limited resources to prosecute personal healthcare decisions would be a violation” of his oath. “Outlawing abortion will not end abortion; it will simply end safe abortions and prevent people from seeking the care and help they need for fear of criminal prosecution. I refuse to subject members of my community to that risk,” Gonzalez said in a statement."

Hat's off.  Uncommon Valor.

"Four other prosecutors from Texas signed the joint statement. Texas is one of the 13 states with so-called trigger laws, which were designed to snap into effect immediately or soon after a Roe reversal. In Missouri, another "trigger law" state, a statute that took effect Friday prohibits doctors from performing abortions and also makes it a felony to knowingly induce an abortion, punishable by up to 15 years in prison."

Goddamned nazism.

"Wesley Bell, prosecuting attorney for St. Louis County, was among those who signed Friday's joint statement saying they would not pursue charges against those involved with abortions. Bell was the only prosecutor from Missouri to sign the statement organized by Fair and Just Prosecution, a liberal group that advocates for criminal justice reform. Miriam Krinsky, the group's executive director, called the Supreme Court's abortion decision "a jarring betrayal" of generations of Americans. Elected prosecutors, she said in a statement, are "the last line of defense" in efforts to shield patients and providers from criminal charges as states begin banning the procedure."

The Associated Press reports:

"Democratic leaders across the nation vowed Friday to help women who travel to seek abortions and to shield patients and medical professionals from being pursued by authorities in states where the procedure becomes outlawed after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. On the West Coast, the Democratic governors of California, Washington and Oregon issued a joint “multi-state commitment,” saying they will work together to defend patients and care providers. In North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper, also a Democrat, emphasized the importance of the November election in the state where the GOP controls the General Assembly but lacks veto-proof majorities to severely restrict or outlaw abortion. “Democratic governors are the last line of defense against these types of extreme bills,” he said. It was a strategy echoed by President Joe Biden, who told the nation Friday that Democratic victories at the state level in November could thwart efforts to ban abortion. “Congress must act, and with your vote, you can act,” Biden said. California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the West Coast plan in a video statement with Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. “No matter who you are or where you come from, Oregon doesn’t turn away anyone seeking health care,” Brown said. All three states anticipate an influx of people seeking abortions, especially as neighboring conservative states move to outlaw or greatly restrict the procedure. The governors also pledged to “protect against judicial and local law enforcement cooperation with out-of-state investigations, inquiries and arrests” regarding abortions performed in their states."

Hat's off.  Uncommon Valor.  As our formerly great country continues to nazify.

"Elsewhere, some companies reiterated or announced plans to help pay for employees to travel to other states to get reproductive care. For example, Seattle-based Starbucks said it will reimburse abortion travel expenses for employees enrolled in its health care plan if a legal provider isn’t available in their home state or within 100 miles of their home. Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson also said he will work to ensure his state “welcomes any individual who comes here to access the fundamental right to reproductive justice,” adding that he is “already working to protect medical professionals who are prosecuted in other states for providing essential health care services that are legal and protected in Washington.” Ferguson says he has a team of 20 staffers working on abortion-access issues. In Sacramento, California, Newsom warned that conservative Supreme Court justices and Republican politicians “are coming after you” on issues beyond the abortion decision and another ruling this week that said Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense. Conservative leaders have telegraphed their intent to roll back laws and legal decisions on LGBTQ rights, on contraception, the environment and in other areas, Newsom said. “This is not just about women. This is not just about choice. It’s not just about reproductive freedom — they’re coming after you,” he said."

It's about liberty the nazi element in the Republican Party and the six Republican nazis on the U.S. Supreme Court remain so desperately intent on obliterating.  All civil and constitutional rights and liberties are in jeopardy courtesy of the traitorous, treasonous nazi element in our formerly great country.

"Newsom signed into law a bill intended to shield abortion providers and volunteers in California from legal decisions in other states that limit reproductive rights, part of a package of more than a dozen bills intended to make California a sanctuary for those seeking abortions. He said the state’s budget will include $20 million over three years to help pay for women from other states to get abortions in California. The money will go to nonprofits that help women pay for expenses such as travel, lodging and child care."

Hat's off.  Uncommon Valor.

"Oregon has codified the right to an abortion. State law was updated in 2017 and allows for late-term abortions and requires private medical insurance and state Medicaid to cover the procedure. A $15 million fund established by state lawmakers this year covers costs for abortion providers and patients without insurance coverage or traveling from out of state. The fund also seeks to expand abortion access in Oregon’s rural communities. Washington and Oregon border Idaho, which following Friday’s ruling will ban abortions except in cases of reported rape or incest, or to protect the mother’s life. Abortion has been legal in Washington state since a 1970 statewide ballot referendum. Another ballot measure approved by voters in 1991 affirmed a woman’s right to choose physician-performed abortion prior to fetal viability and further expanded and protected access to abortion in the state if Roe v. Wade was overturned. In California, abortion was outlawed in 1850, except when the life of the mother was in danger. The law changed in 1967 to include abortions in the case of rape, incest or if a woman’s mental health were in danger. In 1969, the California Supreme Court declared the state’s original abortion law to be unconstitutional but left the 1967 law in place. In 1972 – one year before the Roe v. Wade decision – California voters added a “right to privacy” to the state constitution. Since then, the state Supreme Court has interpreted that right to privacy as a right to access abortion. Local governments in the states said they were also ready to help protect and provide abortion access. Washington state’s most populous county will devote $1 million in emergency funding to help women traveling to the Seattle area seeking abortions following the overturning of Roe v. Wade."

All the above is certainly most encouraging as nazism continues to grow in our formerly great country courtesy of the nazi element in the Republican Party as well as the six Republican nazis on the U.S. Supreme Court.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

The Associated Press reports:

"Sen. Susan Collins was blasted Friday for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, as opponents targeted her votes to confirm two justices to the Supreme Court who were in the majority opinion allowing states to ban abortion. Critics of the Maine senator haven’t forgotten the key role she played in confirming Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, and she was ripped anew on social media."

For damned good reason.

"Some opponents took to name-calling and attacked Collins for being naive or complicit. Others called for her resignation. University of Maine professor Amy Fried said Collins “helped make this happen,” and the Maine Democratic Party said part of the blame lies at Collins’ feet. Collins was considered a crucial vote on Kavanaugh. She waited months before announcing her decision in a 45-minute floor speech. Shortly after her speech ended, Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin announced he, too, was voting for Kavanaugh. The Senate vote was 50-48. Mainers For Accountable Leadership, a liberal advocacy group, said Collins “must immediately apologize to these organizations who she dismissed and demeaned in her floor speech announcing her support of Kavanaugh.”

Needs to resign.  If not, immediately impeached, convicted, and removed from office.  An apology nowhere near corrects the damage done.

"Rachel Irwin, who works for Building Back Together, which promotes President Joe Biden’s policy agenda, called Friday’s abortion news Collins’ “legacy.” Collins, a Republican, has been a supporter of a woman’s right to an abortion. She has also crossed the aisle on key issues — including splitting with Republicans on former President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from several Muslim countries, the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and on whether to convict Trump after his impeachment following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021."

Where and when did she lose herself?

She clearly and stupidly believed the lies:

"The senator said in a statement Friday that she had received assurances from Kavanaugh and Gorsuch that Roe v. Wade was an established legal precedent."

The following is way too little, much too late:

“Throwing out a precedent overnight that the country has relied upon for half a century is not conservative,” she said. “It is a sudden and radical jolt to the country that will lead to political chaos, anger, and a further loss of confidence in our government.”

How could you so stupidly believe the lies of both nazi jurists?

"Collins’ statement came moments before Biden called the ruling “a tragic error.” She did not respond to a request for an interview Friday from The Associated Press."

Achingly, gutless.

"The senator in her statement took aim at Gorsuch and Kavanaugh for their about-face from what they told her privately and said in their confirmation hearings. “This decision is inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insistent on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon,” she said."

No excuse, Senator.  At the very least, you stupidly and naively believed the lies of two nazis.  Makes you unfit for office.  Need to resign in disgrace.

"The vote to confirm Gorsuch wasn’t as narrow as for Kavanaugh, whose nomination was nearly derailed by accusations of sexual assault that he denied. Senators approved Gorsuch’s nomination with a 54-45 vote."

Outrageous.  Traitorous, treacherous, treasonous.

"Collins voted against the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, saying that it was too late in Trump’s presidency and that his successor should’ve made a nomination to fill the vacancy. Despite the vitriol against Collins and coat hangers mailed to her office, she easily won a fifth term in 2020."

The electorate is indeed hopelessly stupid.  Too bad the rest of us have to suffer for it.

"She said she supports a bipartisan bill to codify the right to an abortion. “Our goal with this legislation is to do what the court should have done — provide the consistency in our abortion laws that Americans have relied upon for 50 years,” she said."

Way too little, much too late.

NBC News reports:

"The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will have lasting repercussions for women’s rights across the world, medical associations and rights providers warned, as abortion opponents appeared emboldened by the ruling. Criminalizing abortions would not prevent them, but make them more deadly, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Friday. “A staggering 45% of all abortions around the world are unsafe, making this a leading cause of maternal death,” a statement by the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency read. The World Health Organization also tweeted Friday that access to safe abortion care was “essential” and removing it would “put more women and girls at risk of illegal abortions and the consequent safety issues that would bring.”

Will certainly happen right here in the United States.  An egregious step backward in what is now a fascist police-state.  Since Roe has since been obliterated by a 6-3 Republican nazi-owned Supreme Court, we now live in a fascist police-state, not just a de facto one.  ... Hear the rumble? Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tweeted that he was “concerned and disappointed” by the ruling. He said it reduced both “women’s rights and access to health care.”

Indeed.  It has.

"The move was also described as a “catastrophic blow to the lives of millions of women, girls and pregnant people,” in a statement signed by more than 100 global health organizations, including the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, the World Association of Trainees in Obstetrics & Gynecology and the British Medical Association. “As organizations dedicated to providing and supporting health care, we know that restrictive laws do not reduce the need for abortion care,” the statement said. “Rather, such laws increase inequities in access; nurture an environment of fear, stigmatization and criminalization; and put women, girls and pregnant people at risk.”

Remain far better informed than the nazi element in the Republican Party and the six Republican nazis on the U.S. Supreme Court.

"MSI Reproductive Choices, a nongovernment organization providing contraception and safe abortion services in 37 countries around the world, also said in a statement that “decisions made in the U.S. have an impact far beyond their borders.”

Indeed.  Certainly, do.

"The ruling has also garnered national attention in China where a hashtag  — U.S. Supreme Court cancels constitutional right to abortion  — has been viewed by over 620 million people on the microblogging platform Weibo. “This decision is a regression in the protection of women’s rights and interests, causing an uproar around the world,” China Women’s News, a state-run newspaper, wrote in a statement on the platform."

Imagine that.  The Chinese have finally gotten something right.  LOL.  Can we stand it?  LOL.

"Elsewhere, Dr. Zoe Greaves, the chair of the medical ethics committee at the British Medical Association, a professional body for doctors and medical students in the United Kingdom, said she was concerned that the ruling would “remove women’s access to essential medical care, a fundamental human right as stated by the U.N.”

Certainly, not a human right even here in the United States, -- the richest nation in the world.

"In Kenya, abortion rights activist Phonsina Archane said she froze for a while in a state of panic while watching the news about the ruling.  “If this is happening in America, what about me here in Africa? It’s a very, very sad day,” she told The Associated Press. She added that she was worried the ruling will embolden abortion opponents across Africa who have charged into reproductive health clinics or threatened attacks. Abortion in sub-Saharan Africa is already more unsafe than in any other region of the world, and the overwhelming majority of women of child-bearing age live in countries where abortion laws are highly or moderately restricted, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a New York-based research organization that supports abortion rights."


"The decision was welcomed in some quarters, however. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life challenged the world to reflect on life issues. “The fact that a large country with a long democratic tradition has changed its position on this issue also challenges the whole world,” it said in a statement."

What a crock of shit.  Time to figuratively remove your head from your ass.  Your ignorance remains hopelessly appalling.  Truly believe you can dictate to a woman what she can and cannot do with HER uterus?  Not your uterus, her uterus.  That Aryan arrogant?

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Expansion of gun rights by U.S. Supreme Court.  The Associated Press reports:

"In a major expansion of gun rights after a series of mass shootings, the Supreme Court said Thursday that Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, a ruling likely to lead to more people legally armed. The decision came out as Congress and states debate gun-control legislation. About one-quarter of the U.S. population lives in states expected to be affected by the ruling, which struck down a New York gun law. The high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade split the court 6-3, with the court’s conservatives in the majority and liberals in dissent.

"The decision struck down a New York law requiring people to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a license to carry a gun in a concealed way in public. The justices said that requirement violates the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority that the Constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.” That right is not a “second-class right,” Thomas wrote. “We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need.”

"In a dissent joined by his liberal colleagues, Justice Stephen Breyer focused on the toll from gun violence. Since the beginning of this year, “there have already been 277 reported mass shootings — an average of more than one per day,” Breyer wrote. He accused his colleagues in the majority of acting “without considering the potentially deadly consequences” of their decision. He said the ruling would “severely” burden states’ efforts to pass laws “that limit, in various ways, who may purchase, carry, or use firearms of different kinds.” Several other conservative justices who joined Thomas’ majority opinion also wrote separately to add their views. Justice Samuel Alito criticized Breyer’s dissent, questioning the relevance of his discussion of mass shootings and other gun death statistics. Alito wrote that the court had decided “nothing about who may lawfully possess a firearm or the requirements that must be met to buy a gun” and nothing “about the kinds of weapons that people may possess.” “Today, unfortunately, many Americans have good reason to fear they will be victimized if they are unable to protect themselves.” The Second Amendment, he said, “guarantees their right to do so.” Justice Brett Kavanaugh, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts, noted the limits of the decision. States can still require people to get a license to carry a gun, Kavanaugh wrote, and condition that license on “fingerprinting, a background check, a mental health records check, and training in firearms handling and in laws regarding the use of force, among other possible requirements.”

The last best defense to outrageously corrupt and abusive government remains the Second Amendment.  The right to bear arms.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

Church-state separation abrogated.  The Associated Press reports:

"The Supreme Court said Monday that a high school football coach who sought to kneel and pray on the field after games was protected by the Constitution, a decision that opponents said would open the door to “much more coercive prayer” in public schools. The court ruled 6-3 for the coach with the court’s conservative justices in the majority and its liberals in dissent. The case was the latest in a line of rulings for religious plaintiffs. The case forced the justices to wrestle with how to balance the religious and free speech rights of teachers and coaches with the rights of students not to feel pressured into participating in religious practices. The liberal justices in the minority said there was evidence that Bremerton (Washington) High School Coach Joseph Kennedy’s prayers at the 50-yard-line had a coercive effect on students and allowed him to incorporate his “personal religious beliefs into a school event.” Dissenting Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that the decision “sets us further down a perilous path in forcing states to entangle themselves with religion.”

Indeed, it does.

"But the justices in the majority emphasized that the coach’s prayer came after the game was over and at a time when he wasn’t responsible for students and was free to do other things."

Think so?  A bit disingenuous, isn't it?  Forget?  This man is an authority figure to the student body.  Delusionally believe his actions have no coercive effect on students?

“The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the majority."

Certainly, you disingenuous Republican nazis on the court failed to show the same degree of tolerance in your obliteration of abortion rights in our formerly great country.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"Gorsuch noted that the coach “prayed during a period when school employees were free to speak with a friend, call for a reservation at a restaurant, check email, or attend to other personal matters” and “while his students were otherwise occupied.”

What a disingenuous crock of shit.  Conveniently, ignores the fact the coach is indeed an authority figure.  His behavior doesn't get ignored by students.  They certainly were well aware of his kneeling in prayer after a game.  Why are you Republican nazis on the Supreme Court so determined to force your perverse ideological and religious views on the rest of us who don't buy your disingenuous bullshit?  Aching hypocrisy.

More disingenuous bullshit:

"It would be wrong to treat everything public school teachers and coaches say and do as speech subject to government control, he wrote. If that were the case, “a school could fire a Muslim teacher for wearing a headscarf in the classroom or prohibit a Christian aide from praying quietly over her lunch in the cafeteria,” he wrote."

Disingenuously ignores the fact the coach is indeed an authority figure and his behavior does not go unnoticed by students.

The following is outrageously hypocritical double talk that deliberately ignores current reality:

"He closed by writing that: “Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic—whether those expressions take place in a sanctuary or on a field, and whether they manifest through the spoken word or a bowed head.”

Jesus Christ.  Wake up, you hopelessly clueless, national socialist, hypocritical fascist.  The female half of our population is no longer free courtesy of the 6-3 Republican nazi majority on the Supreme Court that recently obliterated the federal right to abortion.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

"The decision continues a pattern in which the court has ruled in favor of religious plaintiffs. Last week the court ruled that Maine can’t exclude religious schools from a program that offers tuition aid for private education, a decision that could ease religious organizations’ access to taxpayer money. In dissent, Sotomayor wrote Monday that players “recognize that gaining the coach’s approval may pay dividends small and large, from extra playing time to a stronger letter of recommendation to additional support in college athletic recruiting.” And she said “some students reported joining Kennedy’s prayer because they felt social pressure to follow their coach and teammates.” Sotomayor was joined in her dissent by Justice Stephen Breyer and Justice Elena Kagan.

"In a statement, the Bremerton School District and its attorneys at Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, said the decision undermines the separation required by the Constitution. The school district said in a statement that it had “followed the law and acted to protect the religious freedom of all students and their families.” Rachel Laser, the head of Americans United, said the decision “opens the door to much more coercive prayer in our public schools” and undermines the religious freedom of students. The school district’s attorney, Richard Katskee, said it is studying the decision and considering its next steps."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

1/6/21 congressional panel continues its hearings.  The Associated Press reports:

"Donald Trump hounded the Justice Department to pursue his false election fraud claims, contacting the agency’s leader “virtually every day” and striving in vain to enlist top law enforcement officials in a desperate bid to stay in power, according to testimony Thursday to the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. Three Trump-era Justice Department officials testified that Trump was fixated on voter fraud claims and insisted they pursue them despite being repeatedly told that none of the allegations had any merit. “He had this arsenal of allegations,” said Richard Donoghue, one top Justice official. “I went through them piece by piece to say, no, they were not true.” Another witness, Jeffrey Rosen, the acting attorney general in the final days of the Trump administration, said he was called by Trump or met with him virtually every day from the time he ascended to the post in late December 2020. The common theme he said, was “dissatisfaction about what the Justice Department had done to investigate election fraud.” The hearing brought attention to a memorably turbulent stretch at the department as Trump in his final days in office sought to bend to his will a law enforcement agency that has long cherished its independence from the White House. The testimony was aimed at showing that Trump not only relied on outside advisers to press his false claims of election fraud but also tried to leverage the powers of federal executive branch agencies. The scheme by Trump was a “brazen attempt” to use the Justice Department for his own political gain, said Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat and chairman of the Jan. 6 committee. “Donald Trump didn’t just want the Justice Department to investigate,” Thompson said. “He wanted the Justice Department to help legitimate his lies, to basically call the election corrupt” and to appoint a special counsel. The Justice Department resisted each demand."

Rightfully, so.  No truth to any of it.

"Testimony also centered on a tense Oval Office showdown on Jan. 3, 2021 in which Trump contemplated replacing him with a lower-level official, Jeffrey Clark, who wanted to champion Trump’s bogus election fraud claims. Donoghue and another senior Justice Department official, Steven Engel, warned Trump that there would be mass resignations at the department if Trump followed through with his plan. Only then did Trump relent. Clark’s name was referenced early in the hearing, with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, deriding him as a lawyer whose sole qualification was his fealty to Trump. A lawyer for Clark did not return an email ahead of the hearing. “Who is Jeff Clark?” Kinzinger asked rhetorically. “He would do whatever the president wanted him to do, including overthrowing a free and fair democratic election.” Barely an hour before the hearing began, it was revealed that federal agents this week searched Clark’s Virginia home, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to discuss it by name and spoke on condition of anonymity. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney confirmed the existence of law enforcement activity in Virginia, where Clark lives, but would not say what it was connected to.

"Thursday’s hearing focused on what happened next as Rosen, Barr’s top deputy, took over the department and found himself immediately besieged by Trump’s demands for action. In one phone conversation, according to handwritten notes taken by Donoghue and made public by lawmakers last year, Trump directed to Rosen to “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.” Around that time, Trump was introduced by a Republican congressman, Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, to Clark, who’d joined the department in 2018 as its chief environmental lawyer and was later appointed to run its civil division. Clark has been subpoenaed by the committee to give a deposition but was not [to] be among the witnesses Thursday. Clark, according to statements from other Justice Department officials, met with Trump despite being ordered not to by bosses at the department and presented himself as eager to aid the president’s efforts to challenge the election results. A report released last year by the Senate Judiciary Committee that painted Clark as a relentless advocate for Trump included a draft letter pushing Georgia officials to convene a special legislative session to reconsider the election results. Clark wanted the letter sent, but superiors at the Justice Department refused. The situation came to a head on Jan. 3, 2021, a Sunday, when Clark informed Rosen in a private meeting at the Justice Department that Trump wanted to replace him with Clark as acting attorney general. Rosen, according to the Senate report, responded that “there was no universe I could imagine in which that would ever happen” and that he would not accept being fired by a subordinate. Rosen then contacted the White House to request a meeting. That night, Rosen, Donoghue and Engel, along with Clark, gathered with Trump and top White House lawyers for a contentious, hours-long Oval Office meeting about whether the president should follow through with his plans for a radical leadership change at the department. According to testimony given by Rosen, Trump opened the meeting by saying, “One thing we know is you, Rosen, aren’t going to do anything to overturn the election.”

Blatant admission of criminal intent, isn't it?

"Donoghue and Engel made clear to Trump that they and large numbers of other Justice Department officials would resign if Trump fired Rosen. White House lawyers said the same. Pat Cipollone, then the White House counsel, said the letter that Clark wanted to send was a “murder-suicide pact.” “Steve Engel at one point said, ‘Jeff Clark will be leading a graveyard. And what are you going to get done with a graveyard,’ that there would be such an exodus of the leadership,” Donoghue told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “So it was very strongly worded to the president that that would happen.” Donoghue also sought to dissuade Trump from believing that Clark had the legal background to do as the president wished since he was not a criminal prosecutor at the department. “And he kind of retorted by saying, ‘Well, I’ve done a lot of very complicated appeals and civil litigation, environmental litigation, and things like that,’” Donoghue said. “And I said, ‘That’s right. You’re an environmental lawyer. How about you go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill.’”

NBC News reports:

"Former President Donald Trump said he wasn’t worried about weapons in the crowd on Jan. 6 because “they’re not here to hurt me,” Cassidy Hutchinson, a former senior White House aide, testified Tuesday before the House Jan. 6 committee. Frustrated that his supporters couldn't get through magnetometers at his rally at the Ellipse that morning, Trump aired his fury to allies backstage, Hutchinson recalled in pre-recorded video played as she testified before the panel Tuesday. "I don’t f’ing care that they have weapons," Hutchinson testified that Trump said. "They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f’ing mags away."

How about that?  Stunning, isn't it?

"Trump then urged his supporters, knowing some of them were armed, to march to the Capitol. On the morning of Jan. 6, police radio conversations played at the hearing revealed Secret Service and Washington, D.C. police officers had observed rally attendees outside the magnetometers with AR-15 semi-automatic rifles and other weapons. More broadly, Hutchinson testified that Trump and Meadows ignored warnings of potential violence ahead of the insurrection and that Trump wanted to march to Congress with the supporters who ultimately staged the riot. And, she said, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone repeatedly pressed her to try to stop a march to the Capitol. "We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable if Trump goes to the Capitol," she said he told her. Cipollone said he was concerned about the possibility of obstructing the count of electoral votes that day and "that it would look like we were inciting a riot or encouraging a riot."

Precisely, what happened.

"The committee has been trying to get Cipollone to testify, who has refused."

Sad, isn't it?  If there's nothing to hide, why the lack of transparency?

"After Trump encouraged the crowd to march to the Capitol, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., called Hutchinson, she testified. "You told me this whole week you weren't coming up here," McCarthy told her. "Why would you lie to me?" Hutchinson assured McCarthy that Trump wasn't coming to the Capitol, she said. The panel used her testimony Tuesday and at prior recorded sessions to show that the idea of Trump going to the Capitol was debated at the highest levels of the White House in the days preceding the insurrection — and that Trump wanted to go. Four days before Jan. 6, Rudy Giuliani told Hutchinson that then-President Trump planned to go to the Capitol, Hutchinson testified. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and a Trump confidant, had just left a meeting with then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. As Hutchinson walked Giuliani out of the White House, he asked if she was excited about Jan. 6, Hutchinson testified. “We’re going to the Capitol,” Hutchinson testified that Giuliani said. And then referring to Trump, he said, “The president is going to be there. He's going to look powerful.” Hutchinson said she relayed the discussion to Meadows. "Things might get real, real bad on Jan. 6th," Hutchinson testified that Meadows told her in response."

Certainly, did get extraordinarily violent.

"At the time, according to prior testimony before the panel, Giuliani was at the forefront of a campaign to invalidate the 2020 election, in part by stopping the count of electoral votes at the Capitol."

Called treason.

"Hutchinson’s testimony represents the committee’s strongest argument yet about whether Trump intended to incite an insurrection. At age 25, she was in unusually close proximity to the power players in Trump’s West Wing, including Meadows, for whom she worked on legislative affairs and as an executive assistant. The committee members praised Hutchinson for volunteering testimony in four recorded sessions and at Tuesday’s hearing, portraying her as anomalously brave amid a field of Trump administration officials who have been less forthcoming."

They had something to hide.  Obviously, she didn't.

“The same people who drove the former President’s pressure campaign to overturn the election are now trying to cover up the truth about January 6th,” Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said at the hearing. “But thanks to the courage of certain individuals, the truth won’t be buried. The American people won’t be left in the dark. Our witness today, Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, has embodied that courage.” In recorded testimony from a prior deposition, played at a committee hearing last week, Hutchinson leveled bombshell allegations that several members of Congress sought pardons for themselves and colleagues following the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol."

Clearly, they knew they had engaged in criminal activity.

"Hutchinson’s appearance Tuesday was shrouded in mystery: The hearing was announced Monday and her name was withheld by the panel — a break from panel’s past practice of giving notice of hearings a week ahead of time and with an accompanying list of witnesses. Committee members see her as a pivotal figure because of her proximity to Meadows, the former congressman and Trump gatekeeper who was in frequent communication with the then-president and his allies who worked to reverse the outcome of the 2020 election. Lawmakers say Trump acted illegally in that effort, which included a plan to certify fake electors and resulted in the storming of the Capitol. As Meadows’s executive assistant, Hutchinson had access to documents and conversations that could shed new light on the actions and motives of Trump White House officials, lawmakers and outside allies of the former president. “I don’t know Cassidy Hutchinson, and I can’t speak to how things worked at the White House, but when Meadows was on the Hill he always insisted that she be in *every* meeting he had, no matter how small,” Brendan Buck, a onetime House GOP leadership aide, wrote on Twitter. “It was odd then, and [doesn’t] seem to be working out for him now.”

The truth always has a way of revealing itself.  ... Sooner or later.  Clock is ticking.  Time to get a move on.  Prosecute the kingpin himself and all his henchmen.

The Associated Press reports:

"Former President Donald Trump dismissed the presence of armed protesters headed to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and even endorsed their calls to “hang Mike Pence,” a key former White House aide told House investigators Tuesday, describing chaotic scenes inside and outside the executive mansion as Trump argued to accompany his supporters. Trump was informed that some of the protesters in the crowd outside the White House had weapons, but he told officials to “let my people in” and march to the Capitol, testified Cassidy Hutchinson, who was a special assistant to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Hutchinson depicted a president flailing in anger and prone to violent outbursts as the window to overturn his election loss closed and as aides sought to rein in his impulses. Told by security officials that it wasn’t safe to go to the Capitol after he addressed his supporters, he lunged toward the steering wheel of the presidential SUV. Hutchinson said she was told of the altercation in the armored vehicle — dubbed “The Beast” — by Meadows’ deputy shortly after it happened. It wasn’t clear what Trump would have done at the Capitol as a violent mob of his supporters was breaking in. But there were conversations about him “going into the House chamber at one point,” Hutchinson said. As his supporters laid siege to Congress, both Trump and Meadows appeared unconcerned about cries in the crowd to “hang Mike Pence!” The president tweeted during the attack that Pence didn’t have the “courage” to object to President Joe Biden’s victory as he presided over the joint session of Congress that day. Hutchinson quoted Meadows as saying that Trump “thinks Mike deserves it.” And as for the rioters, Meadows said, “He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong.”

Stunning, isn't it?

"Hutchinson’s explosive testimony – featured in a surprise hearing announced just 24 hours earlier -- came as the House committee investigating the Capitol insurrection holds a series of hearings to inform the public about what happened as Trump’s supporters beat police, broke in through windows and doors and interrupted the certification of Biden’s victory. “As an American I was disgusted,” Hutchinson told the committee, reacting to Trump’s tweet about Pence. “It was unpatriotic, it was un-American, and you were watching the Capitol building get defaced over a lie.” “I still struggle to work through the emotions of that,” she added. Hutchinson quoted Trump as directing his staff, in profane terms, to take away the metal-detecting magnetometers that he thought would slow down supporters who’d gathered in Washington. In videotaped testimony played before the committee, she recalled the former president saying words to the effect of: ”“I don’t f-in’ care that they have weapons.” “They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f-in’ mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here,” Hutchinson testified. Before they left the Ellipse, where Trump had addressed them between the White House and the Washington Monument, she said, she received an angry call from House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, who had just heard the president say he was coming to the Capitol. “Don’t come up here,” McCarthy told her, before hanging up. In the days before the attack, Hutchinson said that she was “scared, and nervous for what could happen” after conversations with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, Meadows and others. Meadows told Hutchinson that “things might get real, real bad,” she said. But she described him as unconcerned as security officials told him about the people at Trump’s rally who had been caught with weapons - including people wearing armor and carrying automatic firearms. Giuliani told her it was going to be “a great day” and “we’re going to the Capitol.”

Trump raw insanity:

"As a White House insider, she told stories of a raging president who was unable to acknowledge his defeat. At the beginning of December, Hutchinson said, she heard noise inside the White House around the time an Associated Press article was published in which then-Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department had not found evidence of voter fraud that could have affected the election outcome. She said she entered a room and noticed ketchup dripping down a wall and broken porcelain. The president, it turned out, had thrown his lunch at the wall in disgust over the article and she was urged to steer clear of him. The 25-year-old, who was a special assistant and aide to former Trump chief of staff Meadows, had earlier provided a trove of information to congressional investigators and had sat for interviews behind closed doors. The committee called the surprise hearing this week after she agreed to give public testimony. In excerpts of her closed-door testimony, Hutchinson told the committee in recent months that she was in the room for White House meetings where challenges to the election were debated and discussed, including with several Republican lawmakers. She revealed that the White House counsel’s office cautioned against plans to enlist fake electors in swing states, including in meetings involving Meadows and Trump lawyer Giuliani. Attorneys for the president advised that the plan was not “legally sound,” Hutchinson said. During her separate depositions, Hutchinson also testified about her boss’ surprise trip to Georgia weeks after the election to oversee the audit of absentee ballot envelope signatures and ask questions about the process."

The Associated Press reports:

"The House Jan. 6 committee held a surprise hearing Tuesday delivering alarming new testimony about Donald Trump’s angry, defiant and vulgar actions as he ignored repeated warnings against summoning the mob to the Capitol and then refused to intervene to stop the deadly violence as rioters laid siege. Witness Cassidy Hutchinson, a lesser-known White House aide, rebuffed Trump’s team warnings against testifying and provided first-hand knowledge of what she saw and heard in the run-up to the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection, a proximity to power that gives stunning new details in the panel’s year-long investigation. With calm, detailed recollections, Hutchinson testified about a defiant Trump who knew there were guns and other weapons in the rally crowd at the White House, sent his supporters to the Capitol anyway and tried unsuccessfully to physically pry the steering wheel from his presidential limousine driver so he could join them. Before joining the White House, Hutchinson had worked in some of the most conservative Republican offices on Capitol Hill. She was hired as special assistant to the president and promoted up to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows."

Get this:

"Trump was angry and defiant on the morning of Jan. 6, as he assessed the size of the crowd for his rally in front of the White House, upset that not everyone who had answered his summons to come to Washington could get in to see him because of the security lines. Hutchinson said Trump said armed rallygoers were "not there to hurt him." Told that guns, knives and other weapons were being confiscated from the security screenings, Trump didn’t care. “They’re not here to hurt me,” the president said. He wanted to take away the magnetometer stations to allow more people inside the grounds, regardless of their weaponry. “Take the effing mags away,” an agitated Trump barked at security moments before taking the stage, Hutchinson recalled."


"Trump’s lawyers at the White House were trying to tamp down the president’s speech to the crowd he had summoned for his “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, and they were trying to stop his plans to go to the Capitol that day when Congress would be certifying the election results for Joe Biden’s victory. Hutchinson testified that lawyer Eric Herschmann said it “would be foolish” to include some of the language the defeated president wanted to add to his speech — comments like fighting for Trump, or him telling the crowd “I’ll be there with you.” Herschmann warned such language shouldn’t be included for legal concerns and because of the optics it would portray. That language ultimately stayed in the script as Trump rallied the crowd to “fight like hell” and promised he would join them at the Capitol. Days before Jan. 6, White House counsel Pat Cipollone suggested there were “serious legal concerns” if Trump went to the Capitol with the crowd, Hutchinson recalled. “We need to make sure this doesn’t happen,” she recalled Cipollone saying in the run-up to the rally. The morning of Jan. 6, Cipollone restated his concerns that if Trump did go to the Capitol to intervene in the certification of the election, “We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable.”

Get this:

"Hutchinson then described what happened after the rally as Trump climbed into the presidential limousine, the “beast,” as it is called, as relayed to her later by Trump’s deputy chief of staff for operations. Trump, inside the vehicle, tried to pry the steering wheel away from the driver, demanding to be taken to the Capitol."

Fascinating, isn't it?

"The hearing opened with a calm, even-spoken Hutchinson explaining her job responsibilities advising Meadows, often handling his cell phones, as the committee showed an architectural rendering of the layout of the West Wing.

"Hutchinson described fielding a desperate phone call as she stood backstage at Trump’s rally that day from House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, who was upset that Trump had sent the crowd to the Capitol when she had promised they would not go. She also told of helping the White House staff mop up ketchup off the walls of the Oval Office dining room after Trump, learning that his attorney general, William Barr, told The Associated Press there was no fraud on a scale to tip the presidential election, apparently hurled a plate of food at the wall. In one gripping scene Hutchinson recalled walking Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani out of the White House when he asked if she was “excited about the 6th.” “We’re going to the Capitol, it’s going to be great, the president’s going to be there, he’s going to look powerful,” she recalled Giuliani saying. When she returned inside and told Meadows of that conversation, he told her a lot was going on." “Things might get real, real bad,” Meadows told her, she recalled."

Sure did.

The Washington Post reports:

"The congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection held a surprise hearing Tuesday that featured a key witness: Cassidy Hutchinson, who was a top aide to former president Donald Trump’s last chief of staff, Mark Meadows. Hutchinson is not a household name, but she has become central to the committee investigation — sitting for taped interviews and being the only live witness at the Tuesday hearing. In live testimony, Hutchinson provided an intimate, detailed and shocking look inside the West Wing and at the president specifically on the day of the attack.

"Here are some of her most stunning revelations about Trump:
1. Trump knew his supporters had weapons — and encouraged them to march on the Capitol. And he tried to go, too. Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified on June 28 that former president Donald Trump waved off security concerns during the Jan. 6 rally. Hutchinson testified that Trump was informed that his supporters were in D.C. armed to the teeth. On the morning of Jan. 6, she said, Meadows and Trump were informed that Trump’s supporters came to his “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse armed with weapons — pepper spray, knives, brass knuckles, stun guns, body armor, gas masks, batons and blunt weapons, the committee detailed. The committee also played police calls reporting people with AR-15s. Hutchinson said Tony Ornato, the deputy chief of staff who served as a liaison for Secret Service, told Meadows on the morning of Jan. 6 “something to the effect of ‘And these f---ing people are fastening spears on top of flagpoles.’ ” Trump was mad that the Secret Service wasn’t letting these armed supporters through security, said Hutchinson, who was in a tent with the president before his rally speech. “I was in the vicinity of a conversation where I overheard the president say something to the effect of, ‘You know, I don’t even care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me,’ ” Hutchinson said. Trump then got onstage and repeatedly told his supporters: “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol.”

Get this:

"THE ATTACK: The Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol was neither a spontaneous act nor an isolated event.
2. Trump wrestled with Secret Security agent to go to the Capitol. Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified on June 28 that former president Donald Trump demanded he go to the Capitol on Jan. 6. After the speech, Trump got back in his heavily fortified limousine and literally tried to wrestle the steering wheel away from the head of his Secret Service detail to go to the Capitol, according to Hutchinson, who said she was repeating what she heard from Ornato. (Secret Service decided it was too dangerous.) Here’s how Hutchinson relayed what she heard from Ornato about the moment: “The president said something to the effect of ‘I’m the f-ing president. Take me up to the Capitol now,’ to which [Robert Engel, the head of the Secret Service detail] responded, ‘Sir, we have to go back to the West Wing.’ The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm, said, ‘Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going the Capitol.’ Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel,” Hutchinson testified, and said Ornato motioned to his clavicles to describe a kind of choking motion."

Think the following sane behavior?

"3. Trump threw dishes — regularly. Former Mark Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson said on June 28 former president Donald Trump threw his lunch against the wall in response to an interview. Hutchinson was also in the room on Dec. 1, 2020, when Trump learned that his then-attorney general, William P. Barr, said in an interview with the Associated Press that there was no evidence of widespread election fraud that would call into question Joe Biden’s win. “I remember hearing noise coming from down the hallway, so I poked my head out of the office,” Hutchinson testified. She said she saw the White House valet inside the dining room, changing the tablecloth on the dining room table. “He motioned for me to come in, and then pointed toward the front of the room, near the fireplace mantle, where I first noticed there was ketchup dripping down the wall and there’s a shattered porcelain plate on the floor.” She went on: “The valet had articulated that the president was extremely angry at the attorney general’s AP interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall.” Under questioning from Cheney, Hutchinson said this was not the first time the president had thrown dishes when he was mad."

Outrageously pathetic:

"4. Trump didn’t want to call off the rioters. Cassidy Hutchinson told lawmakers on June 28 that former White House counsel Pat Cipollone was concerned about “potentially obstructing justice." In the days leading up to attack, Hutchinson testified, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone was frantically warning that if anyone from the White House, let alone the president, went to the Capitol on Jan. 6, they’d be charged with federal crimes. She said he told her, in language that sounded almost like begging: “Please make sure we don’t go up to the Capitol, Cass. … We are going to get charged with every crime imaginable.” Fast forward to Jan. 6, and the rioters had broken into the Capitol. Back at the White House, Hutchinson said she saw Cipollone “barreling down the hallway” looking for her boss, Meadows. She overheard the conversation: “I remember Pat saying to him, something to the effect of, ‘The rioters have gotten into the Capitol, Mark, we need to go down and see the president now.’ And Mark looked up [from his phone] and said ‘He doesn’t want to do anything, Pat.’”

Outrageous, isn't it?

"She said Cipollone continued to pressure Meadows to convince Trump to call off the rioters: “Something needs to be done, or people are going to die, and blood is going to be on your f---ing hands. This is getting out of control.” They both marched out of the office, down to the dining room where Trump was, she testified."

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.  Forfeiture of liberty.  At the hands of outrageously corrupt and abusive government.

The effort to expose Wells Fargo egregious deceptive trade practices continues.  Several years ago to determinedly apply renewed pressure on our truly worthless, egregiously self-serving Texas Attorney General, now Governor, an excoriating email was sent to the bastard. Copies of which were also passed on to both offending Wells Fargo officers. A copy was also sent to the Davis campaign and others at the time.

Voters did have a right to know as Attorney General, the GOP candidate for Governor apparently selectively investigated, or not, bona fide complaints filed by citizens against banks too big to fail.  Possibly, Wells Fargo could have lined his pockets in some fashion.  That has yet to be determined.

The bastard and his office, no matter what, failed to respond to the complaint originally snail mailed several years ago.  This material, figuratively targeting Wells Fargo and the governor 'wannabe' now Governor, had been posted and can be found by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the links well below.  ... Governor? Wells Fargo bribe you to look the other way?

Will continue to do all I can to publicly expose this to all, both in this publication and elsewhere.  Have done precisely that with the following email sent to Matt Turner, Matt Turner Video Services, Marble Falls, TX.  A copy of it was also sent to Wells Fargo officer Amanda Wright.  She has, indeed, been promoted  branch manager. Reverse Darwinism.  Survival of the unfittest.

This young woman has indeed been rewarded by the Wells Fargo corporate management suite for engaging in criminal deceptive trade practices and her undying loyalty to her corporate masters. The process to update those already informed of this fiasco has finally been completed. This latest material can be found by clicking onWells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 240, 2-8-19.

The name of this publication was changed some fifteen years ago from The Llano Ledger to Liberty In Peril.  The reason?  Simple.  Cowardly failure of this community to stand up to tyranny that has only exponentially worsened the last decade and a half.  Clearly, demonstrated as well by the cowardly failure of businesses to financially support this publication.  Either through advertising or other financial support.  Too afraid doing so would enrage the bastards who run and own this hellhole County.

-- Despite the fact these businesses were, and are, being egregiously f--ked by these very same bastards. Tough, isn't it?  Impossible to entertain any sympathy for cowardice, however.  Especially in view of the fact this writer has placed himself in great jeopardy taking on these corrupt, abusive, inept criminal bastards. Alone.

Exactly, why you see no investigative material highly critical of these sons of bitches in other local rags.  Sadly, cowardly, all advertising income immediately dries up.  Consequently, the bastards continue their criminal chicanery with impunity.  On a rampage.  Thus, you get what you truly deserve.  Always.  Precisely, why this earlier name change to Liberty In Peril remains appropriate.  -- Despite the fact this writer has not yet left the area.  Ten years after originally intending to do so.  Thirty years in this goddamned godforsaken hellhole.

This writer, then and now, remains primarily interested in state, federal, and international issues.  Another reason for this publication name change.  Despite the fact I stupidly cluelessly remain here, local issues must be addressed.  Can't be ignored.  That's where you come in dear readers.  Have the courage to inform this writer of local abuse, corruption, ineptness you are aware of, have personally experienced.

... Information these criminal bastards do all they can to conceal, cover up.  Otherwise, how can they effectively sustain the charade and intended result? Loot confiscation through a boot heel on the throat of the citizenry.

The only way, short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, to force badly-needed change is to expose all this to the light of day.  These bastards are beginning to understand they have a problem.  No question, the growing rage of those they've abused, looted, egregiously f--ked.  It's time to stand up.  Expose this corruption to glaring sunlight.  Otherwise, as fools, cowards, you will remain under their thumb.  From the loftiest business owner to those on the bottom of the food chain.  Wake up.  Grow a pair.

Still don't think that likely to happen.  After all, you're bought and paid for.  Owned. Not only by your government masters, but their masters.  The corporate management suite.  Your employers.  Think not? Wake up.   You're human chattel.  Corporate-owned, bought and paid for.  Precisely, why you cowardly, compliantly, literally bare your asses for corporate inspection by the company doctor.  Willingly, compliantly, cowardly piss in a cup under employer supervision.  To sit in front of a keyboard or stock shelves all day.  You have no control of your lives.  You're owned.  Forget?  For a measly salary, no job security, reduced to no benefits.  At a time of record corporate profits and cash reserves.

Then, you gallingly complain about the oppression as you tolerate egregious theft of your labor. Not only by your corporate masters, but their bought and paid for government lackeys.  Too cowardly to stand up, allow disclosure of your identity when you rightfully complain to this publication of being mercilessly f--ked. Some of you falsely arrested, criminally assaulted, bogusly fined for 'offenses' you did not commit.  To line County coffers.  Keep the peasants in line and under control.  A fascist police-state. Nazi America.

Again, yet another reason why this publication is called Liberty In Peril.  Most galling? Nothing changes if you fail to step up and challenge corrupt, abusive, inept authority.  Too afraid, cowardly compliant to let the bastards know who you are.  Did it ever occur to the cowards out there if the identity of the accuser is kept under wraps the bastards will falsely claim it's all made up by this publication?  Thus, conveniently killing all credibility. Wake up.

Cowardice is unbecoming, unworthy of our formerly great country.  Insult to injury?  There are the hopelessly deranged who believe the chicanery reported here to be manufactured anyway.  No matter the effort.  No matter the research.  No matter the proof.  Wake up.  This writer cannot do it alone.  Snowball's chance in hell.  Then again, cowardice, delusion is always amply, justly rewarded.  Always. You continue to 'enjoy' the very best government money can buy.  Literally.

Tim Chorney

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
United States Of America

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainable. This publication needs your financial and material support. Both.  Time to step up.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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