The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V73

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*************January 8, 2001*************

The following e-mail was sent to the General Services Commission:

Jim Muse, Executive Director
General Services Commission
P.O. Box 13047
Austin, Tx. 78711-3047

Re: Open Records Stonewalling

January 4, 2001

Dear Mr. Muse:

On May 25, 2000 an Open Records Request seeking access to Llano Independent School District (LISD) records was filed with Superintendent Jack Patton. The documents sought involved outrageous financial irregularities costing taxpayers at the very least thousands.

Patton stonewalled the request, unethically attempting to charge for copies and "research" never requested. Despite this demonstrable fact, the Open Records Division refused to take action, throwing the complaint into the purview of the General Services Commission.

Numerous hardcopy documents and e-mails were exchanged with Open Records Administrator Hadassah Schloss in regard to this matter and other matters unrelated. Despite months of effort by this publication and due to outrageous footdragging by both the Open Records Division and General Services Commission, the Superintendent of Schools has successfully circumvented the Texas Public Information Act.

The apparently corrupt and abusive influence of District Attorney Sam Oatman is clearly evident in the intransigence and refusal of both the Open Records Division and General Services Commission to take action and force disclosure of public documents as required by Ch.552, Gov't Code, Public Information.

From the substance of recent correspondence from Ms. Schloss, she apparently intends to take no further action against Patton. -- Despite recent correspondence from the Superintendent she knows to be false.

Mr. Patton's letter of October 27, 2000, finally received November 29 from the General Services Commission, is a remarkably well-written work of fiction, cleverly designed to distort reality and obfuscate the truth.

The Superintendent falsely claimed: "We have not provided you copies of Mr. Chorney's responses because we have have not received any from him." Sadly, Mr. Patton is a liar. A scathing letter dated June 1, 2000 was sent in response to his correspondence of May 30, 2000 and April 28, 2000. In those two letters, he brazenly and unethically attempted to charge for copies and research never requested. Ms. Schloss is in possession of all this correspondence. Should she have misplaced them, additional copies will be furnished.

Patton further falsely claimed: "Our School District has provided many public documents to Mr. Chorney through the years." Not only is this statement untrue, it is nonsense. This publication has only been in existence one year and nine months. He further ludicrously claims: "We have never denied him "access" to records." If true, why hasn't he honored the Open Records Request dated May 25, 2000, currently the issue in dispute?

His next assertion is not only nonsense, but a bald-faced lie: "In fact, Mr. Chorney never came by to inspect the documents that he requested to see." Bluntly, Patton is a liar. "Access" was NEVER granted. The May 25, 2000 Open Records Request has NEVER been honored by the Superintendent.

Regarding the same precise issue, Patton again falsely claims: "He has failed to respond to our estimates or review the documents he requested access to see." Once again, the Superintendent is a liar. Sadly, his statement is outrageously untrue, -- and he knows it. Documentation already furnished to the office of the Open Records Administrator proves his statement to be false. Yet, she has refused to take action.

Mr. Patton clearly espouses the clever philosophy: "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS." Pitifully, this inept and bumbling bureaucrat has egregiously failed on both counts. The truth is still the truth. No amount of distortion changes it. When will your agency finally wake up? ... Or is the GSC as corrupt as the "Open" Records Division?

Outrageous financial irregularities lie at the heart of the stonewalled Open Records Request of May 25, 2000. Patton's egregious obfuscation is apparently a desperate attempt to protect his cronies and other officials from exposure.

The Texas Public Information Act means nothing if the Open Records Division and General Services Commission are unwilling or unable to enforce it. Sadly, our apparently corrupt and abusive County Attorney and District Attorney have no interest and protect their own. Worse yet, taxpayers are being looted to fund two state agencies impotent in the face of inept bureaucrats outrageously stonewalling the release of public information.


Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

cc: Llano Ledger website
cc by e-mail: Hadassah Schloss, Open Records Administrator, General Services Commission; State Sen. Troy Fraser; Katherine Minter Cary, Interim Division Chief, Open Records Division; June B. Harden, Assistant Attorney General, Open Records Division; David Mendoza, Legal Assistant, Open Records Division; David Short, Investigator, Open Records Division; John Cornyn, Attorney General, State of Texas; Jack Patton, Superintendent, LISD.

Months ago, domestic violence was addressed at length in this publication. Most victims of this horrendous crime are women. ... Not always, however. A growing number of men have been assaulted by wives and girlfriends.

Saturday morning, this writer had the opportunity to talk to a Marble Falls man who had been horribly battered by the woman he is living with. In a recent drunken rage, she swung a BB gun at his head, nearly knocking out an eye.

The injury required emergency medical care, -- and numerous stitches. It has not yet completely healed. Equally sickening, he brought my attention to human bite marks clearly visible on his right forearm.

Still think this abuse doesn't go on? Think again. From the substance of the conversation, the man is not a coward. He was brought up not to strike a woman, -- and will not. The attending physician questioned both the victim and his girlfriend. As most victims, the man protected his batterer. Both stories, however, did not jive. Yet, the physician took no action and did not report the injury to law enforcement.

The victim by his own admission, however, had been repeatedly assaulted by this woman , --often in front of her children. Having pushed her away during one violent episode, she had him falsely arrested and jailed.

Although the battering took place in Burnet County, similar cases occur all over the United States. Unlike women, battered men do not often get the help or have the resources available to women.

Every violent incident, however, should be reported to law enforcement. Every one. Without exception. If not, the violence will never end. The victim was repeatedly urged to report the abuse. Although fully understanding his life is indeed in danger, he is quite reluctant, however, to "ruin" this woman's life. -- Sadly, an agonizingly frequent but mistaken response from female victims of domestic abuse as well. Interesting, isn't it?

If you're battered, get out. Now. Don't wait. Report the abuse. If you don't, the batterer will not stop. -- Despite assurances to the contrary. -- Despite promises to change. Either you or someone else will continue to be victimized. Worse yet, consider the message the battering sends to your children. ... Think history doesn't repeat itself?

As strongly asserted in Special Edition V65, the clock is indeed ticking... The combined visitor count of The Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 websites stands in excess of 56,100, -- another excellent week and true testament to the shameless willingness of the readership to "steal" this writer's labor. Certainly, you ought to be proud of yourselves. Nothing quite like character, is there? Readers are advised this writer receives no renumeration from the banner and pop-up advertising. They only pay for the website itself. There is no personal compensation, nor are there desperately needed funds for investigative expenses. Non-profit and outrageously unfunded by the readership it serves due to greed, gut-wrenching fear, and the continuing relentless intimidation of corrupt and abusive Llano County officials, this publication remains as always beholden to NO ONE.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Fri Jan 12, 2001 4:27pm EST