The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V7

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**********************August 16, 1999**********************

Protect Lake Area Needs (PLAN) will have their annual meeting 7PM on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at St. Charles Catholic Church, Lee Hall, Kingsland. Full details of the announcement can be found in Information & Services as well as Newsbriefs. Llano County Commissioner Duane Steuven will discuss the need and plans for a new law enforcement center. Admission is free and the public is cordially invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.

The annual meeting will follow Mr. Steuven's presentation. The election and installation of Officers and Directors will take place at that time. Membership dues are only $5.00 annually per person. PLAN is a fine organization dedicated to public service and non-partisan in its approach to local issues. Why not consider joining?

In view of the Commissioners' Court refusal to order an independent study of the supposed need for a new jail, it is critical to taxpayers our officials be ready, willing, and able to defend their decision to proceed with the project. This is especially important since there are no firm cost figures, nor any financing arrangements decided upon. I commend both Mr. Steuven for his willingness to publicly address the issue, as well as PLAN for providing the forum.

Since the public is entitled to as much information as possible prior to the forum, _The Llano Ledger has sent a request for information under the Texas Open Records Act to Llano County Sheriff Nathan Garrett. For calendar year 1999, ten jail statistics, critical to the assessment of judicial and law enforcement practices and conduct were requested. The Open Records Act allows the Sheriff 10 days to respond. If he continues to stonewall, a complaint will be filed against him with the Texas Attorney General. At that time, I will also publish the text of the information request.

If he properly responds in a timely manner as required by law, I will publish his response as well as the request. I will also snail mail him a most interesting follow-up. I sincerely hope he will agree to meet with me, conduct a personal tour of the current jail facility, and point out existing deficiencies and why they cannot be fixed. I will also ask him to make his case for a new law enforcement center. If he agrees to meet, I will fully and accurately present his side to the readers of _The Ledger.

Sadly, Mr. Garrett has an apparently deep distrust of local media. Consequently, information is held closely to the vest, resulting in even greater friction. Over two years ago, _The River Cities Tribune ran a scathing editorial on the continuing difficulties experienced by its reporters getting information from the Sheriff. Private e-mail exchanges with a former editor of _The Highlander have also confirmed this problem. Incredibly while running for re-election, the Sheriff failed to participate in a radio forum sponsored by KHLB. Why? What is he so afraid of? If he's upstanding, non-abusive, and pristine, there shouldn't be anything to fear.

The jail-rapes of at least two female inmates continue to be investigated by _The Ledger. Numerous allegations of civil and constitutional rights violations by the Sheriff and his minions also continue to be investigated by this publication. Although there is sufficient friction from these two issues alone, the public is entitled to an accurate assessment of the supposed need for a new law enforcement center. With no independent study, it is critical the Sheriff make himself available to the media. How about it Nathan? Can you rise to the occasion?

On a closely-related subject, I call the attention of the readers to the Reader Letters section of this website. Harvey Klee of Bluffton has graciously submitted a scholarly, well-written, and thoughtful article on his Single Justice Precinct Proposal presented earlier to the Commissioners' Court. Since first learning of his proposal late last year, I have been a firm supporter of it. Prior to the launch of _The Llano Ledger, a relevant letter to the editor was printed in _The River Cities Tribune. In it, I was highly supportive of Klee's carefully crafted plan to save the taxpayers an enormous amount of money.

Needless to say, this is precisely why our Commissioners are so uninterested. After all, three of their cronies on the bench as well as their constables would get the boot. We can't have that, now can we? More importantly, Nathan and the "Boys" wouldn't be able to haul prisoners in front of one of their favorite "jurists", -- Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace Lanny Stephenson. With the other judges more mindful of Eighth Amendment proscriptions against excessive bail, how could Nathan and his minions overpopulate the jail so easily? -- After all, we do need a new jail, don't we? ... Stay tuned.

Tim Chorney, Publisher (Scroll down for earlier edition.)

**********************August 9, 1999***********************

The Llano Memorial Healthcare System apparently intends to build a new acute care facility in Burnet County, -- somewhere in the Marble Falls area. The announcement was made by Dr. Bill Willoughby, who is President of the Board of Directors. The proposed hospital is to have a 50 bed capacity. It will provide medical services currently unavailable in Llano Memorial Hospital. -- Mighty convenient for Burnet County residents, no? Our own citizens will be forced to travel.

While information is scanty and it is way too early to fully and critically analyze the proposal, a number of questions come to mind. What happens to Llano County taxpayers should the project fail? While the Llano Memorial Healthcare System is a quasi-governmental bureaucracy, the taxpayers could be left holding the bag. What about competition from Seton? Supposedly, a study has looked into all the possible ramifications. ... It will be most interesting to finally read a copy of it. More importantly, an independent study has yet to be done.

More pointedly, why indeed is a quasi-governmental Llano County bureaucracy considering providing Burnet County residents medical services currently unavailable to Llano County citizens in county? ... Bottom line considerations? More profit? Alleged long-term survival of the system itself? What about the convenience of our elderly? One of their legitimate complaints is having to travel for needed care. Now, they'll be forced to go to Marble Falls. Why shouldn't they be able to access it here?

Many of our county's elderly live on or near the lakes from Tow to Horseshoe Bay. For convenience and quick access, why shouldn't a new facility be centrally located in the lakes area of THIS county? -- If indeed it is needed at all? More pointedly, isn't it time for government to get out of private enterprise? Needless to say, this entire issue will be carefully investigated and followed by _The Ledger.

On the federal level (and on a totally different subject), the Clinton Administration is making plans for a massive computer monitoring system. As a privacy issue, this should be of great concern to all of us. The President supposedly wants to protect the nation's computer networks from terrorists, hackers, and hostile countries. The monitoring system will cover not only the military, but banking, finance, transportation, energy, and telecommunications. It will affect every public and private network across the U.S.. The Administration is planning to have it online within four years. The cost will be billions to build and maintain. Aren't we lucky?

More ominously, the government would have easier and more convenient access to telephone conversations, e-mail messages, banking transactions, and many other supposedly private communications. If enacted, it could be a nightmare for civil liberties. ... Whatever little privacy still remains could be gone.

While several groups are mobilizing to fight the proposed plan, the Washington, D.C. Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) has posted much of a 150 pg. National Security Council (NSC) document detailing the Federal Intrusion Detection Network (FIDNET) on its website. The URL is

Since we're all users of the Net and the telephone, the government's latest assault on civil liberties could have profound effects on all of us. _The Ledger will carefully follow the progress of Mr. Clinton's efforts.

Tim Chorney, Publisher (Scroll down for earlier edition.)

**********************August 2, 1999***********************

The Llano County Commissioners' Court has been a frequent target of this publication for good reason. The level of arrogance of our commissioners is, and has been, truly astounding. Hear the latest? Earlier last week, our illustrious officials decided to exempt certain county buildings from a no-smoking ban that's been in effect for quite some time. "Big deal.", you may be thinking. So what, no? Well surprise, surprise. ... The exemption only applies to the Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace building. Why? Our stalwart commissioners decided to accommodate the "needs" of a crony of theirs, -- our most honorable judge.

Justice of the Peace Lanny Stephenson has apparently been smoking in her offices and the courtroom for years. -- In violation of the law. ... Remember this is Llano County, isn't it? We can't have a judge who obeys the statutes, now can we? More pointedly, why enforce existing law when you can simply change it to suit the needs of our illustrious "jurists"? No? After all, she's the "judge", isn't she?

This is the same "magistrate" who requires men to remove their hats and caps while in her presence. What's next, Judge? How about requiring men to bow, and women to curtsy? Lanny has apparently forgotten she is merely a public servant, -- not a queen. Remarkable, isn't it? More pointedly, how can she expect people to respect the law, when she apparently has so little herself?

A number of stories have circulated around the county for years regarding the disruption of court proceedings necessitated by Ms. Stephenson's peculiarities. One particularly interesting one needs to be presented to the readers. During the course of a trial several years ago, the judge repeatedly declared "smoking breaks". As one might imagine, this became quite disruptive, delaying the proceedings. Incredibly, the "queen" queried her "subjects" as to whether or not anyone would object to her smoking in the courtroom. Needless to say, there were none. After all, who would? Subsequently, a woman allergic to cigarette smoke entered the courtroom. She objected to the judge, explaining her medical condition. Our illustriously arrogant "magistrate" overruled her.

It has been brought to my attention by credible sources there have been several complaints filed against Ms. Stephenson with the Judicial Council. One case allegedly involved the judge's refusal to return a plaintiff's collection awards and fees. Interesting, no? Remember the lawsuit filed against her by a Clinton job applicant? The suit was filed after she made disparaging remarks about the applicant to the FBI. Apparently, like everything else, it also died on the vine. Sadly, no one has the guts to stand up to our tyrants, and hold their feet to the fire regardless of the cost. Victims always cave in when the heat is turned up. ... Tyrants count on it.

Ms. Stephenson is also one of the "jurists" directly responsible for the supposed "overcrowding" problem in the jail. Apparently, this illustrious "magistrate" has never read the Eighth Amendment proscription against excessive bail. More pointedly, how else can our officials and their cronies saddle the taxpayers with an unneeded new law enforcement center? ... One hand does indeed wash the other, doesn't it? Apparently, our illustrious "judge" still considers herself a cop, -- an abusive one at that.

Worse yet, Sheriff Nathan Garrett is apparently moving prisoners incarcerated under excessive bail to Kerrville, deliberately making it more difficult for their attorneys to maintain contact. Most convenient, no? Way to go, Nathan. ... Ever read the Bill of Rights? Nah, why bother? Apparently, the "judge" and the sheriff think we're living in Nazi Germany, not the United States. Remarkably sad, isn't it? -- Got to build that new jail, now don't we?

Just as pointedly, too many of our illustrious officials are worthless tyrants, suffering from Aryan arrogance, -- with egos to match. Outrageously, they've resorted to physical as well as legal intimidation to silence their critics. No more. It doesn't work. After all, this isn't Nazi Germany. Honest, law-abiding citizens need not, and certainly will not, live in fear of abusive authority. Just as pointedly, this is 1999, -- not 1959. ... Time to wake up, Judge.

Intellectual honesty demands I disclose to readers the nature of two encounters I had with Ms. Stephenson. Fifteen years ago an intoxicated driver (mid-afternoon) deliberately ran over my dog, and didn't stop until he saw me writing down his tag number. Worse yet, he refused to pay the veterinarian bill. I went down to talk to Lanny. ... Not surprisingly, the perpetrator had already paid her a visit. Since he was a member of the Buchanan Dam Volunteer Fire Department, she made it quite clear, in no uncertain terms, there wasn't anything she could do.

While in the auction business back in 1989, I received a worthless check for some $160 from a Granite Shoals business. Since the sale was in Buchanan Dam, Lanny was the magistrate having jurisdiction. While I finally collected the cash after several hours of effort, I wasn't able to recover the bad check charge, -- $20 allowable by state statute. Not surprisingly, our illustrious "judge" refused to do anything. A deputy, overhearing what had happened, seriously suggested I redeposit the check and collect TWICE. I looked him straight in the eye and told him it would be theft. ... He blankly stared at me. ... This is Llano County, isn't it?

I have knowingly and willingly placed myself in physical and legal jeopardy starting this publication. Sadly, with the exception of _The Ledger, other area media have no apparent interest in the abuses long existent in this county. Being divorced with no children nor other dependents, I'm in an unique position to accept the risks associated with a publication such as this. I am certainly playing hardball, -- and intend to continue doing so. ... Regardless of the personal cost or consequences. It should be quite clear by now these are not idly spoken words.

It is time,however, for many others to stand by me and, at the very least, provide critical and timely information. For those of you already doing so, I am deeply grateful and admire your courage. I will continue to protect your identity regardless of the personal cost or consequences. -- Again, this is not an empty promise. More people, however, need to courageously step forward. Now.

Liberty isn't free, nor cheap, nor ever secure. It often exacts a high price from its proponents. The Founders clearly understood, and sought to facilitate this eternal struggle by providing the Bill of Rights and rest of the Constitution. Sadly, we seem to have forgotten this in our often paralyzing fear of authority. Bluntly put, if you have direct knowledge and refuse to step forward, you are a coward. Far better men have bled and died on the battlefield for the liberty you have taken for granted. Freedom demands eternal vigilance, nurturing, and tireless effort, -- by ALL, not some.

Public interest in _The Ledger has indeed been staggering. Although deeply grateful and truly humbled, this publication is NOT about self-gratification, personal glory, or selfish needs. ... It is about peacefully forcing desperately needed change in our community. Our corrupt and abusive officials have conveniently and self-servedly created a "black hole" in this county. It is, and will continue to be, the function of _The Llano Ledger, however, to expose the abuses, corruption, and waste sadly present, prevalent, and deeply embedded in the system. Physical and legal intimidation are outrageous and unacceptable tools used by tyrants to enforce their will. Such "tools" are intolerable in a supposedly "free" society.

Just as importantly, sunlight renders them ineffective. After all, should anything happen to an outspoken law-abiding dissenter, everyone will know who and why. More importantly, help me to help you. We no longer have to live like this. Things CAN be different. ... _The Llano Ledger will continue to target, investigate, and expose corrupt and abusive officials. Count on it.

Tim Chorney, Publisher

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:40pm EDT