The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V69

This Website Is Full. Starting With The December 25, 2000 Newsletter, All Future Editions Will Be Posted In The Llano Ledger 2, Found By Clicking


Publisher's Note: To conserve space, the Lawson Deposition is continued in The Llano Ledger 2 and can be found by clicking In a few weeks, all future editions will be posted on the second website. This website will continue to be used for Newsbriefs, Reader Letters, Information And Services, etc., until completely full. In addition, all material will remain permanently posted for reader reference and convenience. T.C. December 11, 2000.

*************December 11, 2000***************

Before continuing review of LMHS employee "expense reports", the following is an open letter to the Llano County Sheriff:

Nathan Garrett, Sheriff
Llano County Sheriff's Department
100 West Sandstone St.
Llano, Tx. 78643

Re: Deputy Shane Dollar

December 9, 2000

Dear Sheriff:

Eight years in office and another four on the way, isn't it time to finally get control of a few "cowboys" in the Department, sir? ... Or they just doing the master's bidding?

Sadly, you and your minions know damn well hitchhiking is lawful in the State of Texas. Wake up. The Fourth Amendment clearly requires officers have probable cause to stop a citizen on a public road, detain, and demand identification.

Sadly, Deputy Shane Dollar mistakenly seems to think an unfamiliar face observed hitchhiking is sufficient probable cause to unconstitutionally harass an innocent citizen. Better educate the "Boys", Sheriff. Now. After all, it's nearly 2001, not 1950. -- As you may already know, the incident occurred Saturday afternoon, December 9, in Kingsland.

When this stellar officer was asked for a business card and assuredly advised he'd be featured in Monday's Newsletter, he indeed got a little more than bargained for. More importantly and to the point, how many other innocent citizens have had to put up with this crap, Nathan? Ever bother to ask your officers? Even care? -- Or they just following the example set by you as a Deputy and now as Sheriff? The Constitution? What the hell's that, right, sir?

When pointedly confronted, Mr. Dollar disingenuously and lamely claimed he was only going to offer a ride and feared for his safety. Really? Assuredly, Sheriff, the officer's explanation was phony and rang hollow.

Had it not, this open letter would never have been written. ... The safety of any officer is of great importance and concern to this writer. In fact, another incident last year involving a Deputy just outside Llano was never reported on the website or to you personally because the officer's explanation was indeed legitimate and credible. The substance of Mr. Dollar's statements and nervous demeanor after being confronted, however, belied his assertions. A member of the Department only six months, apparently, he has a lot to learn.

Worse yet, the Deputy disingenuously claimed not to have known this writer prior to the incident, -- despite having passed by numerous times for months without ever offering a ride. One way or the other, Nathan, this nonsense has to end. Should it not, a "Rogues' Gallery" for errant officers will be established on The Llano Ledger website.

With credit reports, criminal background, employment history, and other highly personal information easily available at little to no expense on the Internet, an extensive picture of abusive officers can be drawn for edification of the public. After all, Llano County citizens are indeed entitled to know the truth about a few scoundrels commissioned "To Protect and Serve", -- themselves. Hardball? You bet. Think I'm joking? Think again.

Innocent citizens indeed have the right to travel unimpeded and unharassed by officers lacking probable cause. As asserted for nearly two years on this website, however, most of your Deputies are in fact honorable and do good work. Sadly, it takes but a handful of corrupt, inept, abusive officers to trample rights with a boot-heel on the throat of liberty.

Again, Sheriff, time to wake up. Evisceration of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment guaranties is unacceptable in a constitutional republic. -- Or, more pointedly, doesn't that mean anything to you and the "Boys"? ... Despite oaths of office demanding no less? ... Conveniently forget? This isn't rocket science, nor Nazi Germany. Not yet. Adolph and Benito, however, would have been proud. After all, we're well on our way, aren't we, sir?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

A copy of this edition will be mailed to the Sheriff. Any response will be posted in its entirety without editing.

Not surprisingly, orderliness of LMHS records leaves much to be desired. Incredibly, the employee "expense reports" are filed alphabetically, -- instead of by fiscal quarter. ... Go figure. Consequently, the examination of vouchers to date extends back only approximately six months.

An additional $13,571.71, however, was found in the most recent records inspection, -- lasting only an hour courtesy of Ernie Parisi fiat. The grand total so far is $28,742. ... At a time, when the Hospital is in dire financial distress.

An additional $1,050.00 was found in "Special Needs" expenses. Readers will recall these are grants given to Hospital employees for hardship. ... Again, at a time when the Hospital has serious financial problems of its own.

A seminar in Dallas cost $105. Outrageously, $98 was spent on a float for Aqua Boom. Many vouchers for food at far more expensive restaurants than McDonalds were found. ... Wouldn't want anyone to "suffer", would we? Vouchers totalling $1,056.25 dating back to June 30 were found for LMHS Administrator/CEO Ernie Parisi. Interesting, isn't it? Again, at a time when the Hospital is hurting.

Community Relations Director Mary Rhodes ran up $1,052.98 in expenses dating back to June 7. ... Wouldn't think the Hospital was struggling, would you? After all, where are the cutbacks for management? Couldn't have that, could we? Chief Financial Officer Mindy Smith racked up at least $693.57 in expenses dating back to June 30. Where's the belt-tightening, Ernie? Mindy? Mary? ... Reserved only for the "peasants"?

Despite egregious waste and worse, the Llano Memorial Healthcare System Foundation is arrogantly and ironically sponsoring a fundraiser for the Hospital, -- "Light Up the Tree of Life for Llano Memorial Hospital". Truly fascinating, isn't it? -- Hell, if it weren't so damned tragic, the mismanagement and waste would be laughable. While the Hospital is looted by the greedy, the Foundation is attempting to jerk additional funds from citizens frightened at the prospect of losing a desperately needed facility. Pitiful. G--damned pitiful.

Dear readers, it is time to demand an independent audit. While federal cutbacks have indeed greatly contributed to the current crisis, the problem runs much deeper. There have been egregious mismanagement, waste, and outrageous financial irregularities.

Partial access to cellphone records for the current calendar year was provided. The figure stands at $3,704.29. The inspection of these records is incomplete, however. These expenses are NOT part of the employee "expense reports". Time to wake up, friends. We, the taxpayers, own LMHS. We're being looted.

As strongly asserted in Special Edition V65, the clock is indeed ticking... The visitor count stands in excess of 44,800, -- another excellent week and true testament to the shameless willingness of the readership to "steal" this writer's labor. Certainly, you ought to be proud of yourselves. Nothing quite like "character", is there? Readers are advised this writer receives no renumeration from the banner and pop-up advertising. They only pay for the website itself. There is no personal compensation, nor are there desperately needed funds for investigative expenses. Non-profit and outrageously unfunded by the readership it serves due to greed, gut-wrenching fear, and the continuing relentless intimidation of corrupt and abusive Llano County officials, this publication remains as always beholden to NO ONE.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 12:50pm EDT