The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V63

This Website Is Full. Starting With The December 25, 2000 Newsletter, All Future Editions Will Be Posted In The Llano Ledger 2, Found By Clicking


Publisher's Note: Posting of the October 30, 2000 Newsletter has begun early. Be sure to read the current October 23, 2000 edition on Newsletter Text V62. This website is over 90% full. To conserve space, the Lawson Deposition is continued on The Llano Ledger 2 and can be found by clicking In a few weeks, all future editions will be posted on the second website. This website, however, will continue to be used for Newsbriefs, Reader Letters, Information And Services, etc., until it is completely full. In addition, all material will remain permanently posted for reader convenience and reference. T.C. October 25, 2000.

*************October 30, 2000**************

The following letter was snail-mailed to LMHS:

Ernie Parisi, Administrator/CEO
103 W. Lampasas
Llano, Tx. 78643

Re: Open Records Request

October 25, 2000

Dear Mr. Parisi:

This is a request for information under the Texas Public Information Act, Ch.552, Gov't Code, Public Information. Access to following documents is respectfully requested:

1. All employee "expense reports" for the last five calendar years.

In an effort to delay and make access to information as difficult as possible, once again sir, you have chosen to disingenuously and dishonestly employ semantics and sophistry to stonewall the earlier Open Records Request of October 11, 2000.

Just as pointedly, it does not take a rocket scientist or an attorney to read and understand the English language. The earlier Open Records Request clearly sought all documents germane to Hospital expenditures on employee expenses.

Certainly, sir, you're intelligent enough to know damn well the "expense reports" are and were included in the request. ... Or have I mistakenly given you too much credit?

You have foolishly chosen, however, to obfuscate and delay the request by petulantly and arbitrarily requiring further written response to access the documents. This publication has gladly and cheerfully complied, and sincerely thanks you for the additional fodder for the website.


Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

cc: Llano Ledger website

Relieved there're only two weeks to go? Sick of the disingenuous promises and phony crowing by both major Presidential candidates? Luckily, there's been relatively little media advertising in Texas since Bush clearly has the Lone Star State sewn up. Apparently, Al "The Bore" Gore and George "The Tush" Bush wisely know dollars are far better spent elsewhere. Aren't we lucky? ... Of course, there may be a last minute blitz.

Impressed with the debates? Think we learned anything new? With the exception of the last, the first two were canned, well-choreographed, and painstakingly rehearsed. The third, however, was a bit more interesting and free-wheeling, giving both candidates an opportunity to confront one another.

Sadly, the questioning in all three pageants, however, was outrageously "softball" in substance. Of course, that's precisely what both wanted. Despite favorable poll results, Ole' George's performance left much to be desired. The glaring lack of substance and specifics came as no surprise. The Governor's lack of experience and knowledge of national and foreign issues stood out in all its "glory".

-- Not that the Veep's performance was any better. Poor Al couldn't find himself. Concerned about his supposed aggressiveness during the first televised charade, he went to the opposite extreme during the second "love-fest". Still unsure of himself and poorly served by his handlers, he somehow found the middle ground during the final encounter.

Not surprisingly, Presidential debates are no more than beauty contests. Not a supporter of either candidate, this writer, however, thinks Gore would have cleaned the Governor's clock had he taken off the gloves and ratcheted up the rhetoric during the first debate. It would have certainly made for a far more interesting and meaningful encounter. Viewers would in fact have clearly had the opportunity to see the substance or lack thereof of both candidates.

More importantly, had Nader, Brown, and Buchanan been invited to the debates, there would have been fireworks. The independents would not have allowed the Governor and Veep to remain safely enshrouded in their carefully choreographed and constructed cocoons.

All three are gifted debaters and would have seriously embarrassed Gore. Bush would have been flat on his ass. Of course, we'll never know since the Democrats and Republicans have a stranglehold on the Presidential election.

Think your taxes will drop if either Gore OR Bush is elected? Think again. Should Gore get the nod, expect further erosion of Second Amendment rights. Think environmental laws, rules, and regulations are unreasonable and burdensome? Sadly, you haven't seen anything yet. Wait. It will get far worse if Al becomes President.

Should Ole' George occupy the Oval Office, abortion rights will be seriously placed in jeopardy. Religious zealots will certainly have their best chance of outrageously and arrogantly telling a woman what she can and can't do with her uterus. The Governor, as President, would certainly do his best to appoint fascist justices to the Supreme Court. -- Justices similar to Scalia, Thomas, and Rehnquist who outrageously "legislate" from the bench. Of course, if you're a right wing fascist you NEVER call it "legislating". Disingenuously, dishonestly, and amusingly, the Right prefers the "strict constructionist" label. Bulls--t is bulls--t, whether it comes from the Right or Left, no?

Think Ole' George's conservative? Think again. While federal spending has dropped over the last few years, spending here in Texas has sharply increased. Healthcare is a serious problem nationwide. There are approximately 15% of us without insurance. Recent studies indicate the uninsured are not receiving adequate care, despite federal laws preventing hospitals from denying indigent treatment.

Medicaid in Texas is, and has been, in crisis. Strangely, the Governor has ignored the issue. Why? Simply put, it's directly related to welfare reform. While the economy is indeed booming for the "haves", the "have-nots" are relegated to minimum wage jobs without healthcare benefits. ... Remember, we've become a service economy.

Should the Governor become President, think he'll ignore his elderly constituents and continue denying them prescription drug coverage? Don't bet on it. The pressure will be enormous on any future occupant of the White House, -- regardless of party affiliation. The endless greed of pharmaceutical corporations guaranties it. -- So does the outrageous avarice of healthcare providers, -- surely, sadly, and ultimately leading to socialized medicine.

Should the election be as close as current polls seem to indicate, it will be because of the overwhelming negatives of both candidates. Pundits whined about the relatively large number of undecided voters prior to the debates. While those at both political extremes may be satisfied with Bush or Gore, those truly in the center are certainly not.

Interestingly, there has been little anticipatory salivation by either the Democrats or Republicans regarding congressional races. Think the First Lady will win New York despite nearly eight years of negative political baggage? We'll see.

Certainly looking forward to the retirement of Ole' Bill come January 20, though. Despite having never voted for nor supported the President, the relentless political assault by the fascist Right for eight years has been stunning, -- and tiresome. Particularly surprising since the President gave the GOP most of what if wanted during its "Contract With (ON) America." In fact, Ole' Bill's been a better Republican and more "conservative" than Bob Dole. ... Clearly, why he won a second term, -- retiring the former Senator.

Politically speaking, while this writer couldn't care less who the President has or does not have sex with as long as it's a consenting adult, his handling of the affair after disclosure was abominable. Instead of courageously telling the press his personal life was nobody's g-ddamned business, he chose instead to lie to the American people. While his impeachment by a hypocritical House was outrageous and constitutionally abusive, the President should have done what was honorable, and resigned in disgrace. -- Not for having had illicit sex, but for having lied to the people.

While Ole' Bill would indeed be wise to keep his fly zipped, the affair was in fact nobody's business, -- but his and that of the First Lady. The hypocritical ranting of the Extreme Right was intensely amusing, especially considering the outrageous philandering by many of his most outspoken and ardent critics. ... Amazing how easily we always spot the speck in the other guy's eye, isn't it?

Sadly and crudely put, the problem with most men is they think with the little head hanging between their legs rather than the big one sitting on their shoulders. ... Their thoughtless aggressive stupidity causes enormous pain to wives needlessly and outrageously aggrieved and betrayed. If the First Lady is willing, however, to tolerate the philandering, it is her business and choice.

While the fascist Right hypocritically champions monogamy, it engages in as much philandering as everyone else. -- One reason the divorce rate has hovered at 50% for the last 30 years and at 60% for recent marriages. While monogamy may work for some, it clearly does not work for all, and certainly not for a lifetime. The problem with society is that we can't either accept or admit this fact. In fairness to men, many have been victimized by philandering wives. ... One reason of many why this writer is SO damned grateful to have wisely remained single after being divorced years ago.

All joking aside, it is Chelsea however, who is the ultimate victim of the President's behavior. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand she must have been mortified to say the least. Most pointedly, how could Ole' Bill have even looked his daughter in the eye? Then again, we have a President who disingenuously and dishonestly argued the meaning of the word "is" during prosecutorial questioning.

Employment of sophistry and abuse of semantics are outrageously dishonest and designed to insult the intelligence of their intended target, -- whether this writer or you, dear readers. This is precisely why this publication has aggressively and relentlessly held the feet of LMHS Administrator/CEO Ernie Parisi to the fire. With gusto. Hey, Ernie. Time to finally wake up, pal. You're making a jackass of yourself. Indeed, a sorry spectacle. Credibility? What the hell's that, right, sir?

Amazing how often Republicans think they're above the law while hypocritically accusing Democrats of all kinds of legal indiscretions. Recent case in point? Alleged poll site electioneering by Lt.Gov. Rick Perry in Austin last week. Seems dear Ole' Rick conducted a press conference crowing about Ole' George in vicinity of the polling area, immediately and conveniently after early voting.

Apparently, State statutes prohibiting electioneering at polling sites do not apply to the Lt.Gov.. Interesting, isn't it? Had it been a state official supporting Gore, Nader, Brown, or Buchanan, think he or she would have fared as well? The Aryan arrogance of the Right is indeed stunning. Whatever happened to "personal responsibility", L.T.? Oh. Almost forgot. It doesn't apply to Republicans, -- only the unwashed, right, sir?

The Democrats are not without their share of hypocrisy, however. See the recent mailing by the State Democratic Executive Committee on behalf of incumbent State Rep. Bob Turner? Seems Ole' Bob is unhappy about a Steve Freyar letter sent to voters. The incumbent is essentially accusing the challenger of distorting reality. ... So what else is new? ... Regardless of party affiliation?

Hey, Bob. Where the hell were you when Llano County jail-rape victim Tina Wisdom was outrageously denied justice not only by a District Attorney solely interested in protecting the Sheriff's ass and "Good Old Boys" who "run" the jail, but also by sovereign immunity statutes?

Readers are reminded a federal jury in Austin found that a rape had indeed occurred in the Llano County Jail, but failed to award cash damages due to sovereign immunity statutes that protect and coddle corrupt and abusive officials.

Where the hell was Turner? His head was apparently lodged in a bodily orifice that seldom sees the light of day. Simply put, Ole' Bob did NOTHING legislatively to correct the injustice and see to it that it never occurred again.

Now, he seeks re-election. -- Along with our outstanding District Attorney Sam "The Sham" Oatman and his well-protected chum, Sheriff Nathan Garrett. Don't 'cha love it? Both will remain in office despite the outrageous miscarriage of justice in the Jail. After all, this is Llano County, isn't it? ... Survival of the unfittest, least competent, and most abusive.

Nearly forgot to mention the County Attorney. Ole' Cheryll, also running unopposed, will remain in office as well. Nothing quite like the "Ice Princess", is there? The lack of ethics and egregious disregard for the First Amendment by this sad excuse for a "prosecutor" is indeed stunning. Then again, this is Llano County, isn't it? -- Where taxpayers pay to get screwed, right, Counselor?

Wouldn't want Precinct 3 Commissioner Duane "The Pain" Steuven to feel neglected, would I? This equally sad excuse for an elected official is running unopposed and will be returned to office. -- Despite his deliberate shafting of Precinct 2 Constable Bob Cowart and the disenfranchisement of the vote. -- Despite his enthusiastic support of an expensive unneeded new Law Enforcement Center, outrageously overbudget shortly after funding. -- Despite apparently no action by him and his pals on the Commissioners' Court on removal of unlawful $1/page copying charges designed to loot citizens and thwart the Public Information Act.

-- Despite egregious violation of the oath he swore to uphold the Constitution when he, his outstanding cronies on the Commissioners' Court, in collusion with the County Judge and County Attorney all cowardly elected to piss on the First Amendment. Remarkable, isn't it? Readers are reminded this writer was ejected from Llano County Library System computers for publishing the unflattering truth about dear Ole' Duane and his equally corrupt and abusive pals. The First Amendment? What the hell's that, right, Duane? Wouldn't want to confuse yourself with the truth, would you, sir? Go back to sleep, Commissioner, you and your pals have another four years to abuse and loot the taxpayers.

At the very least, however, why the hell not finish paving the roads in Kingsland? Especially, since affected residents are willing to foot the bill. -- I'm tired of listening to their complaints. Where the hell's the money going, sir?

...Damned near forgot. Citizens aren't supposed to ask pointed questions. -- They're only required to drop their drawers, bend over, and take the shaft, while corrupt and abusive white collar thugs laugh their asses off all the way to the bank.

Posting of next week's edition, November 6, 2000, will begin shortly. Look for it on Newsletter Text V64 at the bottom of the Table of Contents. The visitor count stands in excess of 35,200, -- another excellent week and true testament to the shameless willingness of the readership to "steal" this writer's labor. Certainly, you ought to be proud of yourselves. Nothing quite like "character", is there? Readers are advised this writer receives no renumeration from the banner and pop-up advertising. They only pay for the website itself. There is no personal compensation, nor are there desperately needed funds for investigative expenses. Non-profit and outrageously unfunded by the readership it serves due to greed, gut-wrenching fear, and the continuing relentless intimidation of corrupt and abusive Llano County officials, this publication remains as always beholden to NO ONE.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 12:56pm EDT