The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V5

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**************************July 12, 1999*********************

The First Lady's apparent intention to run for the Senate from New York has ignited a firestorm. As many of you may remember, Robert Kennedy did the same in the 60's, successfully beating Jacob Javitts. Interesting, no? As a high school kid, I won a $1 bet with a classmate. -- My friend was SO sure Javitts would win. Like Mrs. Clinton, Kennedy was severely criticized as a carpetbagger. Will history repeat itself? ... Hard to say, no? After all, Mrs. Clinton's "negatives" are, and have been, quite high, -- unlike Kennedy's.

More importantly, the First Lady's failure to reimburse the government for the cost of flying to New York is a serious problem. The Republicans and others are justified in their criticism. Of course, the Republicans have their own problems. After all, the taxpayers of Texas are paying for the Governor's DPS protection while he's campaigning out of state. While Mr. Bush is certainly entitled to protection, it should be paid for by his campaign war chest when he's elsewhere. To his credit, the Governor has decided to forfeit his pay while gone.

Of course, the cost of Secret Service protection for the President and his family also skyrockets during any campaigning. Again, war chest funds should certainly be used to reimburse the government for the additional expense. The problem is exacerbated when Secret Service protection is extended to all major candidates later in the campaign.

My objection is not to the protection of our candidates. Clearly, all must be physically protected. It is a question of who pays. With war chests bulging, why shouldn't our candidates be required to reimburse at least part of the cost? ... It might even have the beneficial side effect of reducing the enormous amount of political advertising extending now even to the Net. All joking aside, it is time to rethink how our taxes are spent.

Sadly, all this illustrates how outrageously cavalier our officials have become regarding the expenditure of taxpayer dollars at all levels of government. Budget time is fast approaching for our county taxing entities. -- Rest assured they're about to pick your pocket again. Time to bend over and grab your ankles. Not surprisingly, the Llano Central Appraisal District is considering another increase in its operating budget. Why? What for? How much is enough?

When will the taxpayers finally demand "welfare reform" for the leeches who are sucking the lifeblood from us? Our illustrious Chief Appraiser Gary Eldridge is still presiding over a staff that continues to outrageously overappraise property in the Lakes Area of Llano County. Taxpayers on or about the lakes are continually forced to unfairly support and carry the burden of the rest of the county. Most convenient, no? Outrageous? Certainly.

Just as importantly, this deliberate overappraisal of property, due to both the incompetence and greed of the Appraisal District, is directly responsible for this area being declared a property-rich school district. Consequently, each year we continue to be shafted by Mr. Eldridge and his cronies to the tune of an additional $2 million or so. Welcome to what has "affectionately" become known as Robin Hood. This is money directly looted from the taxpayers and sent to Austin. While the problem originated prior to the ascendance of our current Chief Appraiser to the throne, Mr. Eldridge certainly continues to perpetuate the problem and is directly responsible for this ongoing fiasco.

Nothing has changed since I first addressed Appraisal District abuses in the April 12 edition. Apparently, our arrogant illustrious Chief Appraiser and his cronies are deaf as well as abusive. As long as Eldridge and his minions get theirs, no problem. Right? More pointedly, why should they care when we apparently don't? What Eldridge wants, Eldridge gets. When will we, the people, finally wake up?

Tim Chorney, Publisher (Scroll down for earlier edition.)

**************************July 6, 1999**********************

Jack Patton has finally replaced retired former Superintendent of Schools Dr. Lawrence Lane. The Llano Independent School District (LISD) has apparently outrageously paid both men for the last three months. Why? The offices of President as well as Governor don't merit such treatment. Why does the office of Superintendent? LISD certainly generously spends our tax dollars, doesn't it? Yet, despite an annual expenditure of some $10,000 per student, they're continuously crying poverty.

Interestingly, Mr. Patton has ordered a review of all LISD policies. More importantly, why hasn't he called for an independent audit of school finances, -- if for no other reason than to protect himself? The same could be asked of new School Board members Bob Poole and Mark Stephenson. Don't these individuals fully understand there will be no ducking, cover, or escape when the excrement finally hits the fan? ... And it most certainly will.

After all, the enormous waste and egregiously poor judgement of school officials reported in the May 3 edition of this newsletter only scratches the surface. The deeper I dig, the murkier the muck becomes. Recently, it was brought to my attention the $32,000 pressbox cost overrun (resulting from duplicate payments for services), was apparently due to the divorce and subsequent bankruptcy of the contractor. Interesting, no?

If true, why wasn't the contractor bonded? Does LISD routinely do business with unbonded contractors and vendors? If so, is that indeed lawful and in the best interest of the taxpayers? Relentless "stone-walling" has made it impossible to as yet confirm this allegation. ... Rest assured, the digging will continue. If you have direct knowledge, come forward.

As reported earlier (May 3), the LISD Transportation and Custodial unit was split into two separate departments. Transportation and Maintenance are now supervised by two individuals, -- one newly appointed, the Maintenance Manager. Aren't we lucky? The taxpayers are now forced to pay an additional salary at a time when LISD is shrilly crying poverty. Why? Mr. Patton, Dr. Lane, Assistant Superintendent Judith Robbins, as well as other school officials have steadfastly "stone-walled" information requests made under the Texas Open Records Act.

These requests are germane to questions raised by the past employment history and possible previous association of newly appointed LISD Maintenance Manager Sid Schmidt and Superintendent of Schools Jack Patton in two other school districts. Readers should understand information requests have been sent by this publication to those districts as well. To date, there has been no response.

These allegations and others have been made by several credible sources. If untrue, why hasn't our illustrious new Superintendent immediately put them to rest by communicating their lack of merit to this publication? Mr. Patton and his cronies have apparently chosen to "stone-wall". Why? What else are they hiding?

At the very least, there has been an enormous amount of waste and egregiously poor judgement displayed by school officials to date. Taxpayers need to demand an independent audit of all school finances. This should be immediately done to prevent any additional waste, -- or worse.

It has also been brought to my attention retiring Business Manager Cynthia Bauer has not been handling the bond money for some time. Requests for information to determine who is have been steadfastly "stone-walled". Interesting, no?

All requests have been made under the Texas Open Records Act. As previously reported, the Act provides civil and criminal penalties for officials who do not provide information in a timely fashion. More importantly, what do our officials have to hide?

If an independent audit is ever ordered and finds evidence of criminal activity, what then? After all, District Attorney Sam Oatman has an "impressive" track record: He (1) pre-emptively and conveniently dismissed a rape indictment returned by the Llano County Grand Jury against a jail trusty, (2) ignored the rape of a second female jail inmate, (3) allowed the quiet resignation under questionable circumstances of a former victims' assistance coordinator employed by his office, (4) continues to tolerate and encourage ignorance of constitutional rights by police officers under his jurisdiction, (5) skillfully guided a Burnet County Grand Jury to a "no bill" after the "investigation" of the Burnet Consolidated Independent School District (BCISD). ... Sadly, I've only scratched the surface. Mr. Oatman's egregious arrogance, ignorance of the U.S. Constitution, and apparent support of our corrupt and abusive officials are quite staggering in their impact, aren't they? -- Apparently, we can expect no justice from our illustrious District Attorney.

While the investigation of LISD by this publication is only in its early stages, the level of "stone-walling" to date has been impressive. It is a clear indication there is much our officials don't want the public to know. While always reluctant to publish allegations, it is my hope doing so will put additional pressure on our officials and force them to be more forthcoming. More importantly, doing so may encourage disgruntled county and school employees to come forward as well. After all, it is the people in the "trenches" who best know what is truly going on. ... Are you tired of the waste, corruption, and abuse? Step forward.

As stated repeatedly, _The Llano Ledger is a public service. For this publication to be most effective, community participation, involvement, and support are absolutely required. Despite vastly superior resources, no other area publication to date is apparently willing to target our corrupt and abusive officials.

The banner advertising in _The Ledger only pays for the website. With no funding, this publication has resorted to admittedly aggressive, unconventional, and creative tactics to target, investigate, and expose our most egregious examples of waste, abuse, and corruption. If our area papers were doing their job, there would be no _Llano Ledger.

With no financial resources available, however, _The Ledger has to be a community effort. Simply put, if we, the people, want badly needed change in our community, it is up to each of us to make it happen.

I urge all with direct knowledge of any waste, abuse, or corruption in any area of Llano County government to courageously contact this publication. As promised repeatedly, I will protect your identity, -- regardless of the personal cost or consequences. Just as importantly, I thank those who have already done so and am deeply grateful. More of you, however, will have to follow suit if there is to be any meaningful change. Sadly, the only way to end corruption, waste, and abuse is to expose it to the light of day. Our illustrious officials certainly won't. -- They'll only perpetrate it.

Tim Chorney, Publisher (Scroll down for earlier edition.)

**********************June 28, 1999**************************

The Llano Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) has created a firestorm in Llano over the last several weeks. Llano City Councilman Roger Pinckney has made quite a name for himself submitting information requests and challenging LEDC every step of the way. My hat is off to Mr. Pinckney. He is doing exactly what he was elected to do. In fact, he's a breath of fresh air.

Of course, the councilman is paying the price for his boldness. Reaction has been swift and searing. LEDC has not only challenged his motives, but called his conduct into question as well. Why? What are they trying to hide? Who are they protecting? What are they so afraid of? City Manager Philip Cook is also unhappy about information requests being made by Pinckney and others in the community. Why?

Mr. Cook is certainly aware of the Texas Open Records Act, isn't he? If not, I respectfully suggest he access the Texas Attorney General's website and click on the Search icon. A vast amount of material on the Act can be found, with civil and criminal penalties reserved for officials who fail to respond in a timely fashion. The URL is

Interestingly, one LEDC official considers Mr. Pinckney's conduct to be "imperial" and "bordering on harassment". Is that right? Why? Why shouldn't the councilman attempt to get at the truth, whatever that may be? Again, what are they hiding? Why such raw sensitivity to justifiable and determined questioning?

Like Pinckney, former Texas Supreme Court Justice Bob Gammage has had the audacity to question LEDC and its motives. Llano Mayor Terry Hutto's reaction was swift and personal. Why? If Hutto isn't able to handle the heat, why is he mayor? Sadly, Pinckney and Gammage have been subject to attack, -- much of it on a merely personal level.

In fact, it was patronizingly suggested to Pinckney he look up "teamwork" in the dictionary. -- A touch of Aryan arrogance, no? After all, "teamwork" is only a euphemism for the "Good Old Boy" system currently securely in place in the city as well as the rest of the county.

The Founders wisely guarantied free speech in the First Amendment. Their primary concern was to ensure government be constantly questioned, challenged, poked, probed, and prodded by the people. Apparently, the mayor and city manager of Llano have conveniently and arrogantly forgotten the government is ultimately the people, -- not our illustrious officials.

Unlike a fascist police state, a republic is not, nor was it ever designed to be orderly, politically correct, or neat and tidy. The Founders wisely intended intense and constant questioning of government and its institutions. ... It's called liberty, and we, the people, seem to have forgotten this.

The Llano County Commissioners' Court is sadly in need of someone like Mr. Pinckney. The Court is a prima facie example of the "Good Old Boy" system in practice. For at least the last two January's our illustrious County Judge J.P. Dodgen has declared January "Crimestoppers Month". Judge, why not consider placing a Crimestoppers sign in the Llano County Jail? After all, we've had at least two rapes of female inmates. -- Possibly more.

More pointedly Mr. Dodgen, how could you as a sworn official have stood by and publicly said nothing when our illustrious District Attorney Sam Oatman conveniently and pre-emptively dismissed a rape indictment returned by the Llano County Grand Jury against an inmate trusty? It's called "kangaroo" justice, sir. Yet, you remained defiantly, deafeningly, and cowardly silent, -- like the rest of our illustrious commissioners. Why? Were these women only "trash" to you and your cronies on the Court?

Sadly, "justice" is non-existent in this county. ... Oh, I almost forgot. As long as you and the "Boys" get yours, no problem. Right, Judge? What about the supposed need for a new law enforcement center? Why haven't you and your associates on the Commissioners' Court ordered an independent outside study, unbeholden to you and the commissioners? After all, the "feasibility" study previously ordered is a sham and merely a rubber stamp for you and your friends. ... Do you really think the people in this county are as stupid as you apparently think they are?

Equally pointedly Judge, why were county taxpayers forced to "donate" $1500 to the Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET)? After all, this agency has a well-earned reputation for abusing, harassing, and terrorizing innocent citizens on our highways and elsewhere. Interestingly, credible sources are asserting NET is losing cases in court after its former Co-Commander Brent Nichols in effect repeatedly pleads the Fifth Amendment under oath.

If true, why is NET continuing to assert Nichols' demotion and employment probation are not for reasons criminal in nature, but merely "administrative"? There are too many unanswered questions, and the "stone-walling" continues unabated. Yet, the taxpayers are outrageously forced to pay for all these ongoing fiascos. Sadly, the stench of fascism, and "kangaroo" justice grows increasingly putrid in this county with each passing day.

Tim Chorney, Publisher

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:41pm EDT