Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

  The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V447  Smart Phone Friendly Edition  ©2016 All Rights Reserved
February 5, 2016

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.
Newsletter Text V447

In the goddamned fascist police-state we now live in, a cop can unintentionally shoot and kill an innocent victim and guess who gets charged with manslaughter?  The person the cop was trying to kill.  Reread the last two sentences.  You read them right the first time.  Perry County, Pennsylvania Constable Clark Steele arrived at the home of Donald Meyer with an eviction notice, 1-11-16.

Meyer pointed a rifle at the Constable who then immediately opened fire shattering Meyer's arm, the round then passed through and hit his daughter, Ciara, 12, killing her.  Where the hell was the Constable's judgment?  Where?  Up his goddamned ass? The girl was standing behind her father.  Not clear he knew she was standing there.

The goddamned Constable had to have known the girl was there.  Had to have seen her.  Is he claiming to be blind?  What could this cowardly son of a bitch been thinking?  The gutless bastard had to have known what he was facing since Meyer reportedly had some history with law enforcement goons.  -- Shoot first, ask questions later.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Then protect the law enforcement thug no matter what.  A problem all across our formerly great country.

Time for creation of a truly independent federal agency dedicated only to investigating and prosecuting criminal jackbooted law enforcement officers.  Equally important?  Capital punishment statutes need to be overhauled to allow for execution of police who murder on duty.  Otherwise, carnage perpetrated by criminal officers will never end.

Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke pumped 16 rounds into black teenager Laquan McDonald under highly questionable circumstances.  Now, it turns out his dashcam had been tampered with.  ... As have other dashcams in the Chicago Police Department.  Couldn't be, could it?  The jackbooted thug certainly denies it.  Who'd 'a 'thunk' it, no?

The bastard has rightfully been charged with murder.  Has pleaded not guilty.  He and his family have received death threats.  When will the carnage end?  When will police brass finally rein in their goddamned jackbooted thugs?  When, Sheriff? Equally pointedly?  Why is it, Bill, the Llano County Jail population has steadily dropped recently now that you're running for re-election?  Thirteen booked, the last reporting period.

The crime rate has not changed.  Clearly, you've pulled your bastards back now the primary is quickly approaching.  Fewer innocent people are being ticketed and/or jailed to line County coffers.  This is temporary and will resume once the election is resolved.  A goddamned fascist police-state.  Precisely, why we desperately need a truly independent federal agency whose only job would be to investigate and prosecute criminal law enforcement thugs.  Clearly, Sheriff, the electorate is not holding you and your goons accountable.  Have bought your goddamned bullsh-t hook, line, and sinker.  Consequently, yet another generation of young are being victimized by the bastards who run and own this goddamned hell hole County.

Police hypocrisy is alive and well in Nazi America.  Police have no problems skirting the Fourth Amendment and its requirement for probable cause to obtain a warrant.  Yet, scream bloody murder when they get hacked and their documents published online.  Tough sh-t.  The Fraternal Order of Police is asking the FBI to investigate.  Doesn't your heart bleed?

Apparently, Ohio Gov. John Kasich  does not believe in smartphone encryption.  Refused to answer Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly when she rightfully pressed him on law enforcement constantly whining it needs a 'backdoor.'  Bullsh-t.  Needs to be immediately reined in.  Wings clipped.  Now.  There is no greater exigent threat to liberty than egregiously out of control law enforcement goons in the goddamned fascist police-state we now live in.  Not one.

No foreign power, no terrorist organization, no criminal element poses more of a threat to liberty than law enforcement.  No one.  If we don't solve this problem, the unwanted, dreaded second American revolution already catastrophically looming on the horizon will become reality.  ... As the second American revolution doomsday clock strikes ever closer to midnight.  In Nazi America.  The Fourth Reich.

Height of hypocrisy?  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently accused U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of supporting, encouraging terrorism.   Say what?  The jackbooted bastard seems to have forgotten Israel invented and implemented modern terrorist techniques in
the late 40s to steal Palestinian land and establish the State of Israel.

Has been stealing Palestinian land and murdering Palestinians ever since.  Then, this criminal son of a bitch has the nerve to accuse the Secretary General?

“The U.N. Secretary-General’s remarks give a tailwind to terrorism. There is no justification for terrorism."

... Unless you and your goons are perpetrating it courtesy of American tax dollars?  You're a piece of sh-t, Bebe.  A goddamned war criminal in need of prosecution at The Hague.  It's time to cut off all aid to this war criminal and his national socialist henchmen.

Think the criminal justice system isn't totally broken?  A farce?  Consider the following.  Kevin Bushrod Jr. suffers from post traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety.  Got stopped in Manassas, Va. for driving on a suspended license.  Indeed, a 'capital ' crime in Nazi America.  Worse? Tried to escape.  Think the following proper punishment for both offenses?  Got shot by the cop.  Spent the next six months in solitary confinement in a cell the size of ping pong table.

Insult to injury?  Bullsh-t coup de grace?  Bushrod, former top athlete at a bible college, got charged with armed assault on the cop.  His 'weapon?'  The goddamned car.  Only in Nazi America.  A goddamned fascist police-state.  Where a car that was not used intentionally or otherwise as a weapon can be conveniently relabeled a 'weapon.'

To stick it up the ass of a citizen suffering mental problems.  Aren't you proud?  This, the best jackbooted police 'officers' can come up with?  In Nazi America.  A goddamned fascist police-state.  Where jackbooted officers get their cookies off abusing, killing, looting the public they've falsely sworn to protect.

Luckily, Bushrod failed to commit suicide in the District’s Special Management Unit, a goddamned American gulag.  No thanks, however, to the 'guards.'  In most of these gulags, records regarding solitary confinement are not kept, updated, or reviewed.  Such confinement is not subject to challenge by an attorney.  Often, those so victimized are already mentally ill.  Their conditions exponentially worsen.  Where? Where else?  Wake up.  Nazi America.

Elmer Melchi is a hero.  A World War II veteran.  A paratrooper.  Landed behind enemy lines before D-Day.  This man was 92 and had cancer.  Had been initially denied permission to move into the same nursing facility as his wife, June Melchi, who is suffering from dementia.  To die with his wife.  Why was the move initially blocked?  Because it wasn't a VA-sanctioned facility.  Forget?  He only wished to die with his wife.

The bastards wouldn't initially allow it.  About a week before he died, she finally visited him at his hospice.  This is outrageous goddamned bullsh-t.  These men and women gave their all.  What the f--k is wrong with the Veterans Administration?  Despite all the negative attention over the last few years, they still have their heads securely, and seemingly permanently, lodged up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day.

The effort to expose Wells Fargo egregious deceptive trade practices continues.  Months ago to determinedly apply renewed pressure on our truly worthless, egregiously self-serving Texas Attorney General, now Governor, an excoriating email was sent to the bastard.  Copies of which were also passed on to both offending Wells Fargo officers.  A copy was also sent to the Davis campaign and others.

Voters did have a right to know as Attorney General, the GOP candidate for Governor apparently selectively investigated, or not, bona fide complaints filed by citizens against banks too big to fail.  Possibly, Wells Fargo could have lined his pockets in some fashion.  That has yet to be determined.

The bastard and his office, no matter what, failed to respond to the complaint originally snail mailed over a year ago.  This material, figuratively targeting Wells Fargo and the governor 'wannabe' now Governor, had been posted and can be found by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the links well below.

Will continue to do all I can to publicly expose this to all, both in this publication and elsewhere.  Have done precisely that with the following email sent to R. Renshaw, Librarian, Kingsland Library.  A copy of it was also sent to offending Wells Fargo officer Amanda Wright.  She has, indeed, been promoted to branch manager. Reverse Darwinism.  Survival of the unfittest.

This young woman has indeed been rewarded by the Wells Fargo corporate management suite for engaging in criminal deceptive trade practices and her undying loyalty to her corporate masters.  The process to update those already informed of this fiasco has finally been completed.  This latest material can be found by clicking on Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 87, 2-5-16.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America

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P.O. Box 151
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