Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

  The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V435  Smart Phone Friendly Edition        ©2015 All Rights Reserved
November 13, 2015

 For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.
Newsletter Text V435


As always, when a cop does something heroic or of great benefit to the community, it always leads in this publication.  A Somerville, Mass. woman named Robin Sutherland was recently having a really bad day.  Had learned her 90-year-old mother was going into hospice.  Apparently distracted, got stopped for going 40 in a 30 mile an hour zone by Somerville Officer Ashley Catatao.

The officer had gone back to her cruiser to write a warning.  When she returned to Sutherland's car, she found the woman crying.  Ms. Sutherland remarked to the officer: "I just realized when we lose my mother I'm the older generation now and it just hit me."

The officer told her to take it easy and sent her on her way.   Later that day, Sutherland got the surprise of her life.  A bouquet of flowers and a note reading:

"I'm very sorry about your mother. I hope you find comfort in knowing she lived a long life and will continue to live on in your heart and in your memories."

It was signed: "Officer who pulled you over this morning."

Hat's off, Officer Catatao.  What an incredible, gesture.  Didn't escape notice of the Mayor, Deputy Police Chief, and the community.  Nor should it have.  This is policing at its very best.  Indeed, a judgment call.  -- There are times when such an infraction would have warranted a ticket.  Clearly, not in this case.

It's amazing how candidates for political office expect, demand special treatment by media.  Dr. Ben Carson, running for President as a Republican, is a case in point.  Mr. Carson claims he was offered a scholarship to West Point.  First, the service academies offer no scholarships to students.  Taxpayers foot the bill.  Worse and secondly, he never applied to this fine service academy.

This candidate has made other unverifiable claims regarding a supposedly violent past.  Media has not been able to confirm any of these claims.  Carson faults the media for making the effort.  Why?  What does he expect?  Anyone who runs for office knows he or she will be fully vetted.  It's part of the game.  Has to be.  The public has a right to know whether or not a candidate is credible.  Has character.  -- The function, duty of media.  No one else will do it.

No one else has the resources and capability.  We certainly don't want prosecutors and/or law enforcement investigating all candidates for office.  The possibility of abuse would be staggering, off putting.  Horrendously intimidating.  Yet, the public has a right to know background, history, credibility, trustworthiness, etc. of those so eager to serve in public office.

Carson was questioned on Face The Nation regarding the West Point fiasco.  Carefully parsing his words, sounded like a shyster lawyer:

"I said it was offered. I didn't say I received it."

Come on, Doc.  You can do better than that.  You wouldn't be mimicking former President Clinton, -- or his wife, currently running for President, would you?  Further attempting to ludicrously bullsh-t his way out of the fiasco, disingenuously continued:

"For people that try to take this and twist it and make it seem like something dishonest, that seems like dishonesty itself.  ... The whole point is to distract the populace, distract me.  ... If you've got a real scandal, if you've got something that's really important, let's talk about that."

That the best you can come up with, Ben?  What is wrong with nearly all politicians?  What are they so afraid of?  Tell it like it is, -- or how you think it is.  Like  "The Trumpster."  "The Donald."  Who?  Who else?  -- Pretty boy, Donald Trump.  ... The guy with the hair, perfect "do."  Forget?  Perfect example.  Classic example.  Precisely, why "The Donald" is doing as well as he is in the polls.  Exactly, why Saturday Night Live invited him to host.  Likely, why he fairs as well as he does during debates and opinion polls, -- despite the fact he is a goddamned bigot.

Amazing how 'judges' legislate their perverse ideological and religious views from the bench.  Back in 2010, Texas State Trooper Chadrin Mullenix, without permission of his superiors and in direct violation of an order, opened fire on Israel Leija, Jr. from an overpass, killing him.  Yes, the driver was fleeing.  Yes, there was a warrant for his arrest.

Since when, however, does a cop become judge, jury, and executioner?  The U.S. Supreme Court threw out a lawsuit against the bastard, 11-9-15. Without oral arguments.  Despite the fact this officer disobeyed a direct order, did not wait as instructed to see whether or not a spike strip would indeed stop the fugitive.  When Leija hit the strip his vehicle overturned several times.  Was determined he died from gunshot wounds inflicted by the Trooper.

Where's the goddamned accountability?  Why are jackbooted law enforcement thugs held to a different standard?  Given a pass, indeed, a free ride?  No question, the Supreme Court is tone deaf, oblivious to the carnage inflicted by out of control officers who are no more than criminals themselves.  All over our formerly great, formerly free country.

The Court upheld bogus police immunity.  Despite the fact the jackbooted bastard fired six rounds at the fugitive.  Four of them hit him in the upper body.  ... Then, the Nazi Right, that is, the phony law and order national socialist community, wonders why an outraged public is determinedly questioning police tactics and a failure to hold these jackbooted thugs accountable?

Equally to the point, law enforcement now considers itself military.  Us against them.  -- They're the good, the rest of us the enemy.  What a crock of sh-t.  They wantonly shoot to kill.  Whether justified or not.  Knowing full well they'll be protected by prosecutors and the jackasses who warm the bench.  Where?  Where else?  Nazi America.  A goddamned fascist police-state.

... Where day is night, night is day, and sh-t smells perversely sweet.  All ass backwards from what once was, should be.  What drives this goddamned bullsh-t?  Two factors.  Fear.  Money.  Abject cowardice, unlimited greed.  Right, Sheriff?

A bought and paid for FCC, clearly under control of its corporate masters, recently ruled it cannot force Internet companies to honor Do Not Track requests by browser users.  Can't?  Why not?  Simple.  Wake up.  It's how these bastards make their money.  They track.  Know everything there is to know about you.  Want to put an end to this bullsh-t?  Use Tor browser.

Sen. Ted "Screws Loose" Cruz has his panties in a wad over the President's refusal to approve the Keystone pipeline:

"Today, President Obama once again confirmed what most of us already knew: he does not care about American jobs or the American economy. He remains controlled by a radical environmentalist agenda, which seeks the elimination of whole segments of our economy.

"Approving Keystone would have been a step in the right direction. America needs a strong pro-jobs energy agenda that will free us from the Obama economy's persistent stagnation and spur economic growth. This is why I introduced the American Energy Renaissance. We must empower the private sector to create good-paying jobs by harnessing our nation's energy resources and removing federal impediments to energy exploration, development and trade."

Sadly, this guy has his head securely lodged up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day.  First, the Senator ignores the fact the only jobs created would be short-term, -- those employed to build the pipeline.  The United States would not otherwise benefit from this crude since it would be sent overseas, not refined or consumed here.  Had this not been the case, the Senator indeed would have had a point.

Second, this is "dirty" crude.  Would have increased the carbon burden, unduly contributed to global warming.  ... Which most idiots in the GOP do not believe is happening anyway.  -- Are too damned aggressively stupid and hopelessly ignorant to be confused by the consensus in the scientific community.  After all, they've bought the Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged myth hook, line, and sinker.  Drunk the Kool Aide.

The President finally did the right thing regarding this fiasco.  Too bad he delayed the decision for years due to political expediency, rather than adhering to sound science.

Austin's 'finest' have again been caught abusing those they've supposedly sworn "to protect and serve."  Seems there's a video of two helmeted officers shoving  a guy against a storefront, followed by two other officers doing the same to yet another citizen.  One winds up pinned to the ground.  The other is repeatedly punched.  A woman who had been questioning the officers during the fiasco was cuffed by a female officer.  Be interesting to see what comes of all this.  No goddamned free speech, no First Amendment in the presence of Austin's 'Finest.'

Jaywalking is allegedly what triggered the fiasco.   Other officers apparently joined the melee after the victims refused to show ID.  ... In Nazi Texas, you are only required to identify yourself, not show ID unless you're driving.  Really pisses off law enforcement when someone knows the law.  Refuses to give up rights the bastards know they're entitled to.

The guy being beaten up against the storefront by several of these bastards yelled, "I'm down!  What did I do?"  Doesn't matter in a goddamned fascist police-state.  With impunity, police usually do as they please.  The law needs to be changed to force removal of arrests that do not result in prosecution from someone's record.

Why should innocent citizens be forced to endure for a lifetime the consequences of an unjust unwarranted arrest imposed by out of control, highly abusive jackbooted thugs who get their cookies off conducting such arrests?  Certainly, unjustly add to government coffers, by all too often forcing unjust plea bargains, get bogus convictions in court courtesy of biased 'judges.'  Equally pointedly, sovereign immunity statutes must be changed that protect criminal officers from lawsuit.  This has to change.

-- Otherwise, an unwanted dreaded second American revolution already catastrophically looming on the horizon could become reality.  There needs to be a new totally independent federal agency created to impose accountability on criminal law enforcement.  Staffed by prosecutors unbeholden to any law enforcement agency.  In addition,  cases against criminal officers need to be heard in a court totally independent from any law enforcement agency.  Where the judge is beholden to no one.

Be interesting to see how the Chief handles all this.  Austin officers have a terrible reputation for being some of the most abusive and violent in the state.  -- Apparently, Llano County's 'finest' have been unduly ignored.  Nor given due recognition for being some of the most violent, corrupt, and hopelessly inept in our formerly great state.  Right, Sheriff?

Remember Kaci Hickox?  The ebola nurse N.J. Gov. Chris Christie forcibly quarantined against her will after returning from Africa?  Despite the fact she was symptom free?  She's finally sued the Governor, saying Christie had, "no medical epidemiological or legal grounds to hold me."  He didn't.  Precisely, why the bastard needs to be sued.  Exceeded his authority.  Had no just cause to inflict what amounted to false imprisonment.  Time to hold these national socialist bastards accountable.

Wantonly shoot a citizen if you're a cop?  In some, if not most communities, you get a free pass.  Certainly, in Milwaukee.  Officer Christopher Manney was not prosecuted.  Now, claims to be suffering from post traumatic stress.  Would you believe he wants to go on disability retirement pay?  Who'd 'a 'thunk' it, no?  Will receive 75% of his annual $71,000 salary tax free.  While his murder victim is in his grave.  The son of a bitch belongs in prison.  Who says crime doesn't pay?  Who?

Never ends.  Egregious police brutality.  Worse?  Murder committed by 'officers' on duty.  Two Louisiana cops have been charged with murder in the shooting death of a six-year-old boy.  Officers Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse Jr. were charged with second degree murder, 11-9-15.  The boy was shot and killed buckled in his seat in his father's SUV after a chase.

Video from the officer's body camera shows Christopher Few with his hands in the air.  Both officers, nonetheless, opened fire wounding the driver, killing the boy.  The jackbooted bastards are in jail on $1 million bond.  Question.  Why in the hell was bond set?  Both remain an exigent threat to society.  Should be held until trial to protect the public.

Few was unarmed.  Knew at least one of the officers.  These two sons of bitches have a history of use of excessive force.  A 2013 arrest with six officers involved, including these two, involving excessive force resulted in a lawsuit that still has not been resolved.  Question.  Why were these two bastards still on the job? Why?

A gag order has been issued.  Witnesses and victims are not to talk to the media.  Why?  To give both murderers and their shills in law enforcement and the district attorney's office a chance to get their stories straight?  Certainly, not to get at the truth.  No longer matters in the fascist police-state we now live in.  ... Only that someone, anyone gets convicted.  Except in the case of an abusive cop.  Conversely?  Guilt?  Innocence of an arrested citizen?  No longer matters in Nazi America.  Only that someone, anyone, gets nailed.

Equally pointedly, why does government protect officers who are, and remain, an exigent threat to society?  Again, time to change sovereign immunity statutes that protect these abusive bastards.  Hold them fully accountable.  Instead of coddling, extending special treatment, -- benefit of the doubt they don't deserve.  Haven't earned.

Too many are egregiously abusing authority.  Why?  Because they can. Right, Sheriff?  Think there won't eventually be a lawsuit that will bankrupt this goddamned County?  The best County money can buy.  Literally.

JP Morgan Chase recently suffered the largest data breach in history.  Why?  Primarily?  Two reasons.  First, because they wouldn't spend sufficient money to adequately encrypt and protect all data.  Second, they insist on collecting data they don't need.  Why?  Because it generates a nearly endless source of revenue when shared and/or sold.

Three cyber thieves have been charged.  Personal information of over 100 million people was stolen.  When will the bastards who run this goddamned corporation be criminally prosecuted?  They remain as responsible for this theft as the three hackers themselves.  Why does the corporate management suite nearly always receive a free pass?  No matter what they do,  -- or don't do?  Simple.  They own not only the human chattel that work for them, but the bought and paid for government lackeys who securely remain in their pocket.

Do business with a bank?  Give them whatever information they demand but don't need?  You get what you truly deserve.  F--ked.  ... Right, Amanda?

Following up on numerous reports in this publication regarding egregious abuse of asset forfeiture by police amounting to no more than legalized theft, the Institute for Justice just released a new report stating this practice has seen a "meteoric, exponential increase" in the last ten years.  It's easy money stolen from innocent citizens to line police coffers as well as the pocketbooks of other government entities.  Legalized theft in Nazi America.  A goddamned fascist police-state.

It's done with no due process.  You don't have to be accused or convicted of a crime.  Getting it back is extremely difficult and costly in terms of legal expenses.  If you know of any incidence of this criminal bullsh-t perpetrated by Llano County's 'finest,' courageously step forward.  It's time to expose every goddamned incident of this criminal activity to the light of day.

Sad, isn't it?  Watch GOP candidates rail against 'illegal' immigration during the latest debate?  Imagine the pique of a Native American listening to these goddamned hypocritical national socialists pontificating this outrageous, clueless bullsh-t.  Conveniently forget?  Most of us in this formerly great country are descendants of immigrants.  This process has gone on for some 500 years.

That is, immigrants have been stealing land from aboriginal inhabitants of this continent for centuries.  Not only did we steal their land, we killed them.  Took what we wanted as we pleased.  After all, we're Americans, aren't we?  Entitled.  Forget?  We're 'owed.' Then took great umbrage when people we conveniently labeled "savages" fought back.  Imagine that.  The nerve.  Equally pointedly?  We're still f--king them on reservations.  Have broken every goddamned treaty we ever signed.  Indeed, the American Way.  ... As American as mom and apple pie.

The Nazi Right, that is Republican national socialists, insanely claim we did them a favor.  Brought 'civilization' and Christianity to hopeless 'savages.'  Since GOP nazis truly and psychotically believe in American 'exceptionalism,' they haughtily claim we indeed did Native Americans a 'favor.'  Sadly, these hopelessly ignorant clueless sons of bitches who cluelessly believe this bullsh-t have their heads so securely lodged up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day, their eyeballs are turning inside out.

... So when you hear clueless Republican turds like Cruz, Trump, etc. rail against 'illegal' immigration, ask them and their sick sycophants who authorized the theft of Indian land, the killing of Native Americans the last five centuries or so.  So they and their descendants including Trump, Cruz, and every other goddamned cowardly national socialist who rails against 'illegal' immigration can haughtily and hypocritically pontificate this phony bullsh-t during a 'debate.'  Worse?  Cowardly, unchallenged by the 'moderators' running the dog and pony show.

Icing on the cake?  Coup de grace?  These GOP national socialists claim to be 'pro family' and 'Christian.'  They're not.  Think so?  Wake up.  They're fascists.  -- Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  ... 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

By their own admission, they're determined to to break up 'illegal' immigrant families.  Some of whom, indeed, American citizens.  Yet, not one goddamned debate moderator, to the best of my knowledge, has directly and pointedly challenged this egregious hypocrisy.  Why not?  Cowardice?  Aggressive stupidity?  Achingly abject ignorance?  Bottomless greed?  Think hard. Harder.  Wake up.

Prime mover of the yellow belly Nazi Right?  Again, think.   What else?  The corporate bottom line in tandem goose step to their perverse ideological and religious beliefs.  Surprised?  Adolf and Benito must be smiling from their fiery perches.  Both perversely considered themselves 'Christians.'  ... Raising one exceptionally pointed, achingly poignant, hopelessly catastrophic question.  Who really won the Second World War, European Theater?

To its great credit, Germany, after the War, promptly came to its senses, quickly straightened itself out.  What happened to us?  Somewhere along the way we lost ourselves.  ... To Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged national socialism.  -- Embraced by both parties, but particularly GOP fascists.  It's killing our country.  Precisely, why an unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looms on the horizon.

Exceptionally poorly controlled, virtually uncontrolled laissez-faire capitalism has intentionally, deliberately, designedly become a zero-sum game.  'Winner Take All.'  The top 1%.  Class envy?  Hell, no.  Egregious class injustice.  Where?  Where else?  Nazi America.  The Dream?  All but dead.  On life support.  A raucous, boot clicking, goose stepping, treasonous, traitorous, treacherous Sieg Heil! to Sen. Ted "Screws Loose" Cruz, Donald Trump, and all the other national socialists in the GOP.

-- Who are doing their damnedest to drive our formerly great country into the ground.  To line their bottomless pockets.  Get their cookies off abusing power.  The Democrats are no better.  The President has deported a record number of 'illegal' aliens during his regime.  Hillary Clinton promises to expand Obama's policies.

On economic issues, they're marginally more progressive than GOP national socialists, but remain equally beholden to their corporate masters.  Why not?  They're bought and paid for.  Pockets, lined.  Again, time for a third party.  Neither major party currently serves the public.  Only themselves and their corporate masters.

The bigot that he is, Trump is basically calling for renewal of 'Operation Wetback.'  Forget?  Wants to forcibly remove millions of Hispanics, both 'illegals' and American citizens as done decades ago.  Back in 1954 during the Eisenhower Regime.  One of the darkest times in U.S. history.  Should this bastard be elected and attempt to repeat history, think there would be a far different public reaction this time around?  Could trigger the unthinkable.  A second American revolution.

The effort to expose Wells Fargo egregious deceptive trade practices continues.  Months ago to determinedly apply renewed pressure on our truly worthless, egregiously self-serving Texas Attorney General, now Governor, an excoriating email was sent to the bastard.  Copies of which were also passed on to both offending Wells Fargo officers.  A copy was also sent to the Davis campaign and others.

Voters did have a right to know as Attorney General, the GOP candidate for Texas Governor apparently selectively investigated, or not, bona fide complaints filed by citizens against banks too big to fail.  Possibly, Wells Fargo could have lined his pockets in some fashion.  That has yet to be determined.

The bastard and his office, no matter what, failed to respond to the complaint originally snail mailed over a year ago.  This material, figuratively targeting Wells Fargo and the governor 'wannabe' now Governor, had been posted and can be found by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the links well below.

Will continue to do all I can to publicly expose this to all, both in this publication and elsewhere.  Have done precisely that with the following email sent to Sherri Crawford, Broker, Highland Lakes Realty.  A copy of it was also sent to offending Wells Fargo officer Amanda Wright.  She has, indeed, been promoted to branch manager. Reverse Darwinism.  Survival of the unfittest.

This young woman has indeed been rewarded by the Wells Fargo corporate management suite for engaging in criminal deceptive trade practices and her undying loyalty to her corporate masters.  The process to update those already informed of this fiasco has finally been completed.  This latest material can be found by clicking on Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 75, 11-13-15.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America

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