The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V43

This Website Is Full. Starting With The December 25, 2000 Newsletter, All Future Editions Will Be Posted In The Llano Ledger 2, Found By Clicking


Publisher's Note: Accessing _The Llano Ledger website without generously providing financial assistance to this non-profit publication not only denies desperately needed funds for investigative expenses, but amounts to theft of this writer's labor. T.C.

*************June 5, 2000**********

A second "Statement" dated May 30 was received May 31 from our illustrious LISD Superintendent Jack Patton. The following snail-mail was sent in response:

Jack Patton, Superintendent
200 East Lampasas
Llano, Tx. 78643

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

Re: Bogus "Billing" "Statements"

June 1, 2000

Dear Mr. Patton:

Two unsigned "billing" "Statements" were recently received. Neither were LISD invoices, nor printed on School District stationary, but appear to have been sloppily created by an amateur hacker using oversize fonts. Both envelopes bore the return address of your office, however, and came shortly after open records requests.

Why are you dishonestly and unethically attempting to charge for copies and "research" NEVER requested nor agreed to? If there were to be fees for "research", postage & handling, unrequested copies, etc., they should have been agreed to PRIOR to the mailing of your outrageously non-responsive letter of April 28, 2000. Ch.552.2615, Gov't Code, Public Information.

More pointedly, why are you so desperately trying to discourage legitimate inquiry and scrutiny of School District operations and finances? What are you hiding, Jack? Outrageously stonewalling from the time of the first open records request last year, your latest juvenile attempt at intimidation is pathetic and clearly unprofessional. -- Just like your erratic, unprofessional combative conduct during our meeting of March 23. Foolishly squandering a golden opportunity to finally set the record straight regarding a variety of issues of concern to taxpayers, you arrogantly chose to continue stonewalling. Is this how you teach your students to take "personal responsibility"?

Other area media have irresponsibly ignored enormous waste and apparent corruption within the School District. Not so here, friend. Your outrageously non-responsive letter of April 28 and subsequent "billing" "Statement" provided great fodder for the website. Your arrogant refusal to answer long-standing questions of great concern to the community is glaring. Sadly, your earlier letter clearly demonstrated to readers your utter disregard and contempt for taxpayers responsible for financing an outrageously bloated governmental bureaucracy called LISD. Equally pointedly, your erratic behavior at our March 23 meeting and your subsequent phoney "billing" "Statements" raise serious questions regarding your fitness for office.

The 10-day clock provided by the Public Information Act is ticking on the latest open records request of May 25. Should you refuse to provide access to the documents requested, a complaint will be filed with the Open Records Division. Should they refuse to take action, not to worry, sir. Our apparently corrupt and abusive District Attorney and County Attorney are highly selective in their "prosecutions" and indeed protect their own. With a rubber stamp Board, there is essentially no oversight. School management is free to do as it pleases. Aren't we lucky, sir?

There will, however, be a steep public relations price to be paid. More importantly, your continued refusal to cooperate will only support and encourage further inquiry into the egregious waste and apparent corruption in the School District.

Your behavior and correspondence have indeed certainly provided great fodder for _The Ledger website. I'm deeply grateful. Regarding the latest "billing" "Statement" and as already asserted in _The Ledger, Hell will freeze over before you see a penny. Why not instruct one of your legal beagles to file a lien against my property? It would certainly present additional fodder, sir. More importantly, it would glaringly provide further evidence of your ineptness and unfitness for office.


Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
cc: File

The following letter, apparently in response but dated earlier, was received June 3:

Llano Independent School District
200 East Lampasas
Llano, Texas 78643

May 30, 2000

Mr. Tim Chorney
Rt. 2, Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

Dear Mr. Chorney:

I am responding to your letter dated May 25, 2000. I have put together an estimated charge for the research and processing of the information you have requested in this most recent request. The following will reflect this estimation:

1. 2000 copies @ 10cents = $200.00
2. research = $200.00
3. postage & handling = $10.00
TOTAL = $410.00

Mr. Chorney, when we receive the payment on your prior request for information, we will gladly begin processing your current request.

Please remit to:
Llano I.S.D.
200 E. Lampasas Street
Llano, Texas 78643

Jack Patton

Readers are advised there was no "enclosure" in Patton's latest letter. Apparently, he or his secretary forgot to send a third copy of the earlier bogus "Statement". Furthermore, NO copies or "research" have ever been requested of the Superintendent. Apparently he has continuing difficulties understanding the English language. The open records request sought access to documents and can be found in the May 30, 2000 Newsletter. With regard to the ongoing stonewalling, yet another open records complaint is being prepared and will be filed with the Open Records Division. ... Don't hold your breath, friends.

Furthermore, with apparently corrupt and abusive local prosecutors, i.e. the District Attorney and County Attorney, nothing will be done should the Open Records Division balk. Should the Division refuse to take action, however, the matter will be pursued directly with the Attorney General, -- for whatever the hell that's worth. After all, by statute the District Attorney enjoys enormous power, -- more so for all practical purposes locally than the Attorney General.

Sadly, Sam Oatman's influence extends even to the Open Records Division as has grown increasingly apparent. More pointedly, few officials can withstand the glaring light of day, right, Sam? Just as pointedly and as far as our "prosecutors" are concerned, I wouldn't waste time or effort filing a complaint with either. ... Highly selective in their "prosecutions", they only "take care of their own".

The point, however, has been clearly made by the Superintendent he in fact considers himself above the law and intends to stonewall and obfuscate all information requests. ... Like he's done for nearly a year. Sadly, Patton's incompetence and unfitness for office are repeatedly and glaringly apparent. Yet, he is the darling of the community due to the failure of the main-stream media to expose this "educator" for the bumbling, inept, governmental bureaucrat he truly is. Want fluff and feel-good propaganda? Read another publication. Want the truth? Read on.

Citizens should understand there has, and continues to be, enormous waste in the School District. Recently, the Board allegedly approved an additional $30,000 for lighting at the High School football field. Four new air-conditioned buses will be purchased for our little darlings at a price of $60,000 each. -- For long-distance trips, you understand. The cash cow knows no bounds. You don't really mind though, do you? After all, "it's for the children", isn't it? ... It doesn't matter at all if taxpayers are looted for outrageous pork. More pointedly, wonder if School officials will indeed get a kickback on the buses? So do I. Could never happen here though, could it? Nah. Never...

Equally pointedly, there is apparently past corruption within the School District, necessitating Patton's continued stonewalling. The $32,000 pressbox duplicate payment required because of a bankrupt contractor who was apparently unbonded, raises serious questions. All attempts to secure further information regarding this fiasco have been vigorously stonewalled and obfuscated by the Superintendent. A team player, Mr. Patton is apparently protecting his cronies, -- and predecessor.

Despite over a year of diligent effort, no credible, reliable sources have been secured within upper School management. Hopefully, that will change as Patton's true colors become evident. With his unprofessional combative approach to dissent, Patton's cronies may indeed be too afraid of their bumbling bureaucratic boss. ... If you are indeed a school employee and have direct knowledge, courageously step forward. Your identity will be protected.

Numerous questions remain regarding the yearbook fiasco resulting in an $11,630.85 past debt due to Taylor Publishing Company. Patton is again apparently protecting the party or parties responsible. Interesting, isn't it? When the excrement finally hits the fan, -- and it most certainly will, Jack, better quickly duck. All joking aside, friends, you're being looted. Worse yet, you're paying the salary of a bumbling governmental bureaucrat not only incompetent and unfit for office, but an official who has glaringly and arrogantly refused to be accountable to anyone, -- other than the rubber stamp School Board outrageously in his pocket. ... Or is it indeed the other way around? You decide.

At our earlier meeting of March 23, Mr. Patton strongly asserted he ordered a District-wide audit. Yet, he has refused access to the results. Why? Are they unflattering, -- or worse? Has a system-wide audit in fact been conducted? Good question. In addition to the recent $37,000,000 (interest included) for unneeded new facilities, the taxpayers were looted $15,225,384 this year for the "education" of our children. Yet, the Superintendent has essentially refused access to records germane to determining whether or not those funds have been properly spent.

He has accomplished this by arrogantly and arbitrarily imposing artificial, bogus fees for access to public documents in an effort to thwart the Public Information Act. Apparently, he is desperate to keep taxpayers from knowing the outrageous degree of waste in the District. --Or, more importantly, the apparent corruption. Again, friends, we're paying for this. Even if you don't own property and are renting, you're still paying. It is indeed reflected in your rent.

Our fine feathered friend, the Superintendent, has outrageously refused to take responsibility for his actions, -- as well as the lack thereof. Yet, he hypocritically holds his students to a higher standard he's not willing to be held to himself. Think your students are too naive, inexperienced, or stupid to fully appreciate the hypocrisy and irony of your actions, Jack? Think again, pal. They're way ahead of you.

Want to know why so many children have serious problems today? Look closely not only at their parents, but school administrators as well. Between uncaring parents and worthless administrators, our teachers don't stand a fighting chance. In view of this and numerous other issues, who the hell would want to be a teacher?

Mr. Patton, however, will continue to have his feet held firmly and aggressively to the fire. It will indeed be amusing and a pleasure to continue exposing this bumbling governmental bureaucrat for the incompetent, inept, stonewalling "educator" he truly is.

Since the point has been finally driven home to readers and the County Judge, the earlier pounding regarding a lack of financial support for this publication is no longer necessary. The truth, however, is still the truth, -- and it isn't very pretty nor will it be muzzled by our self-serving officials. With that in mind, the visitor count stands in excess of 17,500.

Despite the holiday break, yet another excellent week. With rare exception, however, this publication receives no financial support from the readership it serves due to greed, gut-wrenching fear, and the continuing intimidation of our abusive officials. Regardless, _The Llano Ledger remains beholden to NO ONE, and will continue to firmly and aggressively hold the feet of our worst offenders to the fire, -- with or without the financial support of the community.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
_The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:15pm EDT