Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V409      ©2015 All Rights Reserved
April 20, 2015

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V409

Before reading the new edition kindly take time to consider the following:

The following Liberty In Peril links, although unhighlighted, are all currently active.  ... At this time.  It is important, however to bookmark each.  Why?  Remember the nature of this publication, -- as well as the fact all sites are hosted free of charge on independent servers.  This means they can be removed at any time due to changes in terms of service or hacking attack.  Since this publication is unfunded, it is the goal to keep at least one up and running at all times.  Bookmark!  -- If one is lost, you'll have access to another.  Should a site or sites not been updated, it may only mean this writer has temporarily lost Internet access.  Patience. ... Pesky issues all associated with an unfunded publication that aggressively challenges the status quo.

Please take time to bookmark the above URLs.  This publication is self-funded. Again, sites are hosted free of charge. That does mean they can be taken down at any time due to changes in terms of service, or hacking attack. Internet access for servicing and update may not always be available.  -- Again, foibles of an unfunded publication. Should you bookmark, at least one site should always remain available.  ... Until funding and better arrangements can be made.  TC 4-23-14

Newsletter Text V409
Due to personal circumstances as well as lacking Internet access 24/7,  this writer normally posts several days before the usual Monday 'official' publication date.

No matter what, no matter where, this publication will remain up and running.  For it to remain centered here, however, financial and/or material support must be provided.  Status quo, unsustainable.  Time to step up.  Now.

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainableThis publication needs your financial and material supportBoth.  Time to step up.  -- Need a place to park the Pace Arrow.  No hook-ups necessary.

April 20, 2015

Ongoing Personal Family Business:

TC 2-25-15:

The battle has been joined.  Nothing motivates this writer more than stonewalling, -- other than egregious injustice.  The lack of transparency remains stunning.  Speaks volumes.  Begs the question what are they so desperate to hide?  The following email, last of several, recently sent to the Chase corporate management suite, was conveniently, callously, cowardly ignored.  Imagine that.  Couldn't be, could it?

It's going to get ugly.  Very ugly.  Fully intend to expose these sons of bitches, all of them, for precisely whom and what they are.  Criminal complaints are being prepared.  Will be filed shortly against both my brother and his shyster with the out-of-state prosecutor and U.S. Attorney.  Later, a complaint will be prepared and filed with the State Bar.


Further Follow Up To Earlier Correspondence
JP Morgan Chase Executive Office
Agbana, George


Mr. Agbana:

Can you explain how a Chase check from an account you claimed I was not a beneficiary to found its way to a Kearney Federal Savings account owned by my late father?  Thought I'd give you and Chase one last chance to come clean as to what happened, how, and why.  ... Before sending criminal complaints to both the Essex County Prosecutor and the U.S. Attorney.

The Prosecutor has ignored two previous complaints.  -- May have been bought off, no?  Regardless, have a lot more now than before and intend to refile with her.  Since there appears to be bank fraud perpetrated by my brother and his shyster, this indeed becomes a matter for a U.S. Attorney.

There desperately needs to be a full audit of my father's estate for reasons already outlined in earlier correspondence.  Since the beneficiary money appears to be so unsubstantial, there is also the possibility my brother and his shyster looted those funds as well.  All the more reason to audit to see what went where and to whom.

Regardless, when and/or if this matter is settled, intend to publish every bit of material to date to expose my brother and his shyster to the light of day for precisely whom and what they are.  Hope they sue.  Will publish all discovery as well no matter the personal consequences.

If Chase has indeed broken no laws regarding this entire fiasco, it's time to come clean.  Hard to believe that even possible for a bank that has paid billions to federal regulators.  Then again, possibly ole Jaimie may have turned over a new leaf.

Then again, one would have to believe in the tooth fairy to think that, right, Mr Agbana?  One final point.  Why is it none of the principals involved in this fiasco can seem to get my name right?  Aggressive stupidity?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger



For 16 years this publication continues to be dedicated to exposure of corruption, abuse, ineptness, malfeasance, whenever, wherever it occurs.  Will continue no matter where, no matter how.  Unfunded, however, this writer remains here for one reason and one reason only.  Unfinished, unresolved out of state family business.

Finally received my father's death certificate from the Executor who is also a family member.  -- Three years after my father's death.  Prior to the last several weeks, all contact has been with my father's estate shyster.  This shyster, and now the Executor, have stonewalled all requests for information regarding my father's care and treatment the last several years of his life.

An earlier written request by this writer for a welfare check of my father by his local police department was ignored.  There has been no transparency.  The shyster has repeatedly refused to release inheritance funds he claims supposedly belong to this writer.  Has repeatedly provided false bank account information.

Recently received a PDF file sent by email by one of the banks involved.  This bank official states in no uncertain terms this writer is not a beneficiary to this account.  The Executor, again a family member, continues to falsely claim I am.  Apparently, this bank official provided the Executor notice of my recent inquiry. This family member then made snail mail contact with this writer for the first time in nearly three years.

His recent three letters include the very same false bank account information as well as a continually changing re-write of history as well as that of reality.  Truth, indeed, a moving target.  Apparently, he remains increasingly desperate.  A renewed complaint will be sent to the local prosecutor who has neglected to respond to the last two.

A complaint will also be sent to the U.S. Attorney since the shyster, my family member, and at least one of the banks appear to be in collusion and involved in bank fraud.

Complicating matters is the fact this family member suffers from severe emotional problems dating back decades.  While completing my masters degree, a professor informed this writer my family member was under extreme stress and in danger of having a break down.  My mother was so informed at the time.  Nothing was done.

Both the shyster and this family member appear to have taken advantage of an old man.  May have looted his estate.  Both have been informed by this writer an audit needs to be conducted.  Both are also quite aware upon resolution of this issue, this writer intends to expose both for whom and what they are in this publication.  Also, a complaint will be filed against the shyster with his state bar.

Tim Chorney


Todd Jones of Buchanan Dam has again been beaten by Llano County's 'finest.'  This time reportedly arrested for an alleged felony.  Desperately needs legal counsel.  Time to step up and offer this guy assistance.  If these jackbooted bastards are not held accountable, this abuse will continue unabated. Right, Sheriff?

Is this the type of jackbooted fascist police-state we all wish to live in?  This remains an out of control agency of thugs who need to be criminally investigated by an outside agency and reined in.  Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  They remain jackbooted terrorists.  With a mandate to wantonly harass, beat, shake down, and in at least several instances in the last ten years or so, kill.  They are and remain predators.

Tim Chorney


Subsequent to the above, Buchanan Dam resident Todd Jones provided this writer notarized copies of two affidavits of non-prosecution in cause/case numbers C15--098, unlawful restraint, and C15-099, assault by contact, for the two most recent charges involving Beverly Frasier.  -- The latest of repeated charges apparently brought by Llano County's 'Finest' on behalf of this very same woman.

What's the game, Sheriff?  Not the first time Frasier has backed off prosecution, right, Bill?  Couldn't be she's a stooge, could it?  Paid informant?  Pressured?  Bribed?  Got something on her, Bill?  Or, is she just nuts?

Interestingly, Jones showed me two Jackass-style police show videos regarding this latest fiasco featuring Llano County's 'Finest.'  -- Same officers involved in earlier extremely abusive phony arrests on highly questionable charges you and the County Attorney continue to drag your feet on prosecuting.  Why is that Sheriff?  No evidence?  -- Never stopped you jackbooted bastards from manufacturing fiction in the past, did it?

Why are your goons involved in production of police show 'entertainment' videos?  To deliberately influence the jury pool?  Deprive a defendant of civil and constitutional rights?  Get their cookies off behaving like juvenile jackasses?  Goddamned pathetic, Sheriff.  Unbecoming.  Best you have to offer?  Why are taxpayers paying for officers who self-servingly star in phony trumped up videos not worth the cost of media used to generate them?

Both videos were of incredibly low quality.  Heavily edited.  Poorly produced.  Rank amateurs.  Involving little more than self-serving commentary by your goons on their merry way to 'legally' f--k an innocent man.  Is this what now passes for witness testimony on the stand?  Or, do they simply perjure themselves as I've seen them repeatedly do?

How did the 'production crew' get advanced warning to know when to roll?  -- Conveniently coordinate matters with ole bought and paid for Bev?  Once again, you and the Boys have pathetically disgraced yourselves.  Have your goons no shame?  ... Nor you?  Nazi justice in Nazi Llano County.  A raucous bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous, treacherous Sieg Heil!?

Tim Chorney

Further restriction in Internet access necessitates an urgent request for area businesses to finally courageously step up and donate use of a wireless router 24/7.  In addition, being online for hours outside daily in the heat, cold, rain, wind, etc. has grown increasingly difficult and is taking its toll.

Businesses benefit from exposure of government malfeasance.  How many of you have privately complained to me of being abused by government officials?  All around this lake.  Throughout this entire area.  Looted by greedy tax appraisers and collectors, LCRA, building inspectors, etc..  Yet, you remain too greedy and/or cowardly to support this publication.

As those of you who have provided assistance know full well, I protect the identities of those who have provided assistance and/or information.  Always have, always will.  If you can't, won't support this publication, don't complain you're being screwed.  Rings hollow.  Find some backbone.  If things don't change in this hell hole, many, many, many more of you I've known for many years will sadly, tragically lose your businesses.

It's time to wake up.  Sadly, it's been each owner for himself, herself.  You don't look out for one another.  Don't help each other.  Cooperation?  What's that?  Lip service.  Don't hang together?  You'll hang alone.  With no water in the lake, law enforcement oppressing, shaking down, shamelessly looting the visitors who patronize your businesses?

Only a matter of time before even those of you hanging on likely will lose it all.  That, which you've worked your entire lives for, gone.  As your government masters, goddamned oppressors laugh their corrupt, abusive, sorry asses off all the way to the bank.  Time to wake up.  The concerted determined oppression is not only directed at the bottom of the foodchain as repeatedly covered in this publication, but at the top as well.

Government oppressors are, indeed, equal opportunity f--kers.  Cowardly hang low?  Keep your heads down?  Go along to get along?  Sadly, believe that will save you?  Think again.  You've been going down one by one.  This area can't afford this.  Won't survive this.  They've strangled the Golden Goose.  They're just too stupid to realize it.

Tim Chorney 3-17-15

Ongoing Personal Family Business:

Despite all pressing issues, including problems with insufficient Internet access being dealt with by this publication currently, complaints continue to be prepared against my brother and his shyster.  Will be filed with the Essex County Prosecutor and U.S. Attorney.  To be followed by a complaint to the state bar against the shyster.  Tim Chorney 3-31-15

Ongoing Problems With and Sites:

A sixth ticket has been submitted to Host-ed.  ... All six open and unanswered.  Still no FTP access necessary to update.  The twomini site is again down.  Don't know how long due to being offline four days myself.  Both sites have been a royal ongoing pain in the ass.  Within a few hours of contacting support, twomini was again up and fully operational.  Quickest turnaround to date.  Tim Chorney 3-31-15

Well, well, well.  The time has finally come.  Have waited for this opportunity years now.  Normally, this publication refrains from skewering, exposing local businesses to the light of day.  After all, this hell hole area needs all the cash flow it can get.  Some business owners are too damned stupid, greedy, short-sighted to have any appreciation what is in their best interests.

Recently received an eviction notice from J&S Foodmart, Hwy.261 Buchanan Dam.  What was it for?  Carousing?  Partying?  Noise?  Anything that interesting?  Hell, no.  Not at all.  The hopelessly clueless bastards that own this dump got a little too greedy.  Decided they were going to charge monthly for 'services' they hardly ever deliver.  In fact, haven't mowed or weed eaten since before the first of the year.  In response, left the following message for these goddamned greedy clueless turds:



"Now, $25 for mowing?  -- You haven't properly taken care of this dump since you bought it.  Haven't mowed in months.  Trash all over the place.  Septic violations.  Requiring a cook to clean out a grease trap?  Think kitchen patrons would appreciate that?  LCRA?

"You crap on your employees.  Precisely, why you have the turnover you have.  Why would anyone want to work for you?  Why?  Worse, you gouge your customers.

"This place remains a hell hole.  Grass as high as it is?  A fire hazard.  Think you wouldn't be sued? Wake up.

"$85/month?  For what?  No hook-ups.  Years ago you charged an additional $10/month for a dumpster I wasn't even using.  -- Burning all trash in my wood stove.  Greed, gentlemen.  Unbridled greed.  -- Think the community you allegedly serve has a right to know?  Force the issue?  Will be glad to publish all this.  No threat.  A promise.  Tim Chorney "

These two assholes reportedly had 9 stores.  Now, down to three.  There's a reason for this.  Not just a bad economy, however.  Businessmen, they're not.  They're charging $250/month for full hook-ups.  This place certainly is not the Edgewater, Poppy's Point, etc..  There are no amenities here.  None.  Not even wi-fi.  They don't even clean around the dumpster, leave cardboard outside it to save dumpster space.  Consequently trash blows all over the place.  Trash they never clean up.  The property owner next door complained some time back.  Nothing's changed.

A good cook was forced out primarily because, among other issues, she refused to clean out a septic grease trap.  Do you want a food handler cleaning out septic then handling your food?  This cook was instructed by the two assholes that own this dump to throw left over food away.  Not distribute it in back to the RV park.  She refused to do so.

The turnover is horrendous.  The prices so high I bought nothing in the store.  Just paid lot rent.  Hauled gasoline from another store a couple of miles away.  Not only is their gas at J&S overpriced there may be problems with moisture.  A local contractor just the other day reported to this publication he had such problems with it.

J&S is not competitive.  They loot as they please.  Despite the fact most business, other than on holidays and during the summer, comes from locals.  -- Locals these two guys are more than willing to egregiously f--k.  This has to change.  Otherwise, this business will not survive.  Time to get the word out.  If you've been f--ked over by this store let me know.  I'll protect your identity.  Particularly, interested in hearing from previous employees who've had problems getting paid.

... Hey, boys?  We're just getting started.  Much more to come.  Who better to expose all your sh-t to the light of day than someone who's lived there years?

 Tim Chorney 4-6-15

As promised and in follow-up to the above, do not dump trash in the dumpster behind J&S.  The turds have finally installed a security camera.  -- Took some pictures of my own, including not only the trash, security camera installation, grass a couple of feet high in places, but the septic issue as well outside the south wall opposite the kitchen.

Have not decided what to do with these photos, yet.  Possibilities?  Posting them in this publication, forwarding them to all the local chambers of commerce, the Better Business Bureau, LCRA, Texas Commission On Environmental Quality, etc..  Trouble is the latter government watchdogs aren't worth a sh-t and can be bought off.  Most often, are.  Have to consider any and all possibilities a bit further.

... As posted in earlier editions, they only go after people they believe can't fight back, -- like the guys neighboring the back of the store.  Financed and enforced by the jackbooted goons of the Llano County Sheriff's Office who enforce their regulations and loot poverty-stricken property owners.  Shake them down.  Right, Sheriff?  The biggest offenders are seldom, if ever reeled in.  Enjoy special treatment.

Trash dumping has indeed been an issue for years in this hell hole.  Well before the two jackasses who currently own this dump bought it.  Locking a dumpster is a pain in the ass.  Not only for store staff, but people in the RV park.  Prices have always been so high in the store, however, they should have more than paid for the cost of community trash removal.  LOL.

Hippie Bob, who died a couple of years ago, occasionally forwarded a plate number to the two owner assholes, enabling prosecution.  He was indeed pissed off as sh-t that he was being charged ten bucks a month for the dumpster.  He knew like I did the drunks in back more than paid for the dumpster in alcohol they purchased in the store.

Greed rules, however.  The bastards who own this dump can never get enough.  This Marine veteran didn't take particularly kindly to people enjoying spinning out on the gravel lot in back either.  Came out screeching at the top of his lungs at many an offender.  Put the fear of the Lord in more than a few of them.  Funny as hell to watch him in action.

Yet, when the two turds were recently offered a great deal on paving the lot, guess what, they declined.  Too goddamned cheap, hopelessly greedy.  Consequently, wild driving and the dust created remain an ongoing problem.  Indeed, a lawsuit waiting to happen if an RV, personal vehicle or property are damaged.  Worse yet, if someone is injured.  Then again, the two shysters couldn't care less.  Greed?  Stupidity?  Both?  You decide.

-- Bob was a good guy.  Died of cancer.  Sad to see him deteriorate over a long period of time.  Spent a considerable amount of money in the store as well as lot rent.  The two assholes who own the store didn't even have the decency to attend his funeral.  -- When in earlier advertising they claimed to "do people right," they certainly do.  Shamelessly, greedily, royally f--k  them.

-- Former owner ole Joe was achingly clueless.  A teacher, not a businessman.  These two turds?  Even worse.  Unsustainable.  If things don't change, this business will ultimately fail.  Won't be the poor economy that brings it down, however.  The lack of management will certainly facilitate this unfortunate fait accompli.

Bill Anderson, "Gypsy," was a disabled Vietnam combat veteran who lived here much longer than anyone else.  -- Worst case of post traumatic stress syndrome I've ever seen.  Lived very, very quietly.  Spent thousands each year in the store on beer, tobacco, food, etc..  Patronized the ATM as well on a regular basis.  Yet, when he died neither asshole who owns this dump saw fit to attend his services.  Imagine that.

On the contrary, they were more concerned his personal belongings, motor home, van, etc. be removed as quickly as possible.  Possibly, why a woman in the community with considerable property and an antique store, whose mother had built one of the local churches, took it upon herself to redistribute Gypsy's estate as she saw fit.  At the behest of both asshole owners?  Not clear.  If you have information, contact me.  Most of the estate went to another resident in the park, an employee of hers, -- whom Gypsy had privately accused of stealing on several occasions.

Insult to injury, this individual along with his wealthy benefactor gallingly sat in the first pew listening to a pastor who had egregiously been bamboozled.  As made quite clear to this woman and those who lived in the park, the estate was to have gone to a young woman Gypsy had been friends with for years.  She got nothing.  The pastor?  Indeed, a remarkably good, caring man, wound up leaving the area.  -- This church, without question, has been through so very many pastors over the years.

They never stay long.  Why?  Scuttlebutt is she insists on running the church herself.  Not allowing the pastor she hired to do so.  Indeed, a busy body.  This is Bible Country.  Extremely hard, if not in fact impossible, to kill a church.  Any church.  But, interestingly, this woman managed to do just that.  This exquisitely beautiful quite moderately ornate place of worship remains empty, unused at the moment.  Too bad.  Sad.

Apparent final kiss of death?  When she changed churches because she didn't like the music.  Think, however, there was far, far more to it.  Shortly after he left the church, attempted to email the pastor, who had been a friend, for further information.  Never heard from him.  He was indeed a good guy.  Something that cannot be said of many men of the cloth these days.  I had earlier made him fully aware of what had gone down after Gypsy's death.  Not surprisingly, he was not a happy camper.

This wealthy woman?  Pillar of the community?  Got royally screwed on the travel trailer she had financed for her former employee, as well as his medical bills she had paid.  -- When he absconded to Florida to be with family.  Not only that, the two jackasses who own this dump reportedly did not receive all the rent owed before he left.  Tough, isn't it?  Breaks your heart, doesn't it?

-- The store reportedly cashed the rent check she had given him.  Seems he paid the store some of the rent, pocketed the rest.  Despite the fact the check was clearly marked to be only deposited for rent.  Not cashed.  Nothing quite like aggressive stupidity, is there?  Or, facilitated theft.  -- Who the hell says there's no such thing as karma?  ... What goes around, indeed, comes around.  Doesn't it make your heart bleed?

A former church member months after Gypsy's death told me the young woman who was Gypsy's intended heir had gone to the church to confront the wealthy woman responsible for distribution of his estate.  Nothing came of it.  An estate was successfully stolen.  If this young woman reads this publication, she is urged to contact me.

Will take some time to find, make contact with former employees of this dump who had been egregiously f--ked.  Think they won't sing?  One already has.  A recent former employee claims he was unjustly stiffed some $84 for an alleged shortage.  No explanation offered.  Awaiting paperwork and a copy of the check for confirmation and then full disclosure in this publication.

This individual also strongly claims the new store manager is disabled, on SSI.  Allegedly, being paid in cash to avoid income limitations.  Again, awaiting confirmation from a second trusted source before full disclosure.  If you have information, courageously step forward.  The only way to end this goddamned outrageous ongoing 'management' bullsh-t charade, all of it, is for it to see the light of day.  I will protect your identity.

This person is not a manager.  Others have quit rather than put up with her crap.  Including one of the cooks and a long-term trusted clerk who had worked the counter for years.  Other employees have informed this publication she's running the dump into the ground.  Apparently, the two clueless turds who own this dump can't see past the tip of their nose.

The former employee also asserts another new employee he allegedly trained has mental issues, was reportedly suicidal before being placed on medication.  Is allegedly working long hours he is not being paid for.  One day I noticed the air hose had been left outside.  Theft of hoses has been a problem in the past.  I brought it in and gave it to him.

Looked at me cluelessly.  Then told him there had been a problem with theft in the past.  Told me he wasn't aware it had been outside.  Despite the fact he had been on duty since opening and responsible.  Readers, please don't misunderstand.  Couldn't care less what happens to the two assholes who own the store.  Simply despise thieves and pity the next person who desperately needed the air hose.

... Certainly, as well, despise thieves and liars about as much as the two clueless, achingly inept turkeys who own this dump.  Worse?  This new guy has reportedly made false accusations about fellow employees and those living in back.  Apparently, these two clueless assholes believe the lunatic.  Then again, they're apparently getting long hours of labor for apparently little to nothing.  Forget?  Greed rules.  Intelligence?  What's that?

Notice the speaker outside and the music?  This new employee is reportedly responsible for its installation.  Guess what?  There've already been complaints from people who live across the street and have to put up with the noise.  Like a good neighbor, J&S is always there to do you right.  ... Can-you-say, f--k you?

Much more to come.  Patience.  Including the story of a former night clerk who backed his SUV right up to the front door each night.  Reportedly, stole some $40 grand before getting caught.  Got fired.  Was not prosecuted.  Apparently, the boys were willing to take the loss rather than endure bad publicity.  Apparently, the thief had a side-kick who also reportedly got the boot.

Have seen the side-kick repatronize the store again the last couple of years, however.  Apparently, these two clueless owner assholes think everyone but them is stupid.  When, ludicrously, laughably, achingly incompetently, the direct opposite happens to be the case.  Again, much more to come.  Patience.

Tim Chorney 4-13-15

See the video?  North Charleston, SC Police Officer Michael Thomas Slager has been fired and arrested for murder.  Held without bail.  This sterling example of law enforcement's 'finest,' fired eight rounds at a fleeing Walter Lamer Scott.  ... After Tasering him.  Five slugs hit him in the back, two fatally.  The officer white, victim black.  Murder weapon?  Reportedly, a Glock.  Indeed, one of the finest handguns ever designed.  Preferred by many police.

The confrontation began with a stop for a broken tail light.  Seems the victim, as well, with reportedly no criminal record, had a warrant out, allegedly regarding a child support non payment issue.  Reportedly, contempt of court.  A bystander videoed the encounter with a cell phone.  Otherwise, the goddamned jackbooted thug would have literally gotten away with murder.

Yet, in Nazi Texas, the Legislature wanted to restrict private citizens' ability to record such encounters.  Clearly, to protect criminal officers, not prevent interference with their 'duties.'  The sponsor of this outrageous legislation reportedly removed it from consideration recently.  Due to ferocious opposition across the political spectrum all the way from the Right, through the Center, to the Left.  Indeed, most encouraging.  At least, the public hasn't lost all its marbles, -- yet.

Slager, if convicted of murder, can receive either life in prison or the death penalty.  Most people who murder cops get the death sentence.  Although opposed in principle to capital punishment, the very same standard needs to be applied to murderous law enforcement officers.  ... Until the death penalty is finally abolished in our formerly great country.  -- The only supposedly civilized nation still barbarically insisting on executing offenders.

It's amazing how our corrupt, abusive, inept government wastes extraordinary amounts of time and money.  The President admitted in a recent NPR interview the pending agreement with Iran only delays the Iranians from having the atomic bomb 13 years.  Why bother?  Why waste so much time, money, effort that only delays the inevitable?

Far better to have quietly warned the Iranians they would indeed be immediately incinerated if they ever used such a weapon against anyone.  Worse?  Why haven't the Israelis been forced to give up theirs?  Issued the very same warning?  To say nothing of the North Koreans.  Let all wonder whether or not the United States is indeed bluffing.  Maybe such a threat to do so has already been quietly conveyed.  Can only hope so.

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is a truly gifted, brilliant woman.  Started as an administrative assistant and rose to CEO.  She is a Republican considering running for President.  Speaking recently on the Glen Beck radio show she blamed “liberal environmentalists” for water problems in California.  Claims: “California is a classic case of liberals being willing to sacrifice other people’s lives and livelihoods at the altar of their ideology. It is a tragedy.”

Say what?  Kettle calling the pot black.  ... Hey, Carly?  Wake up.  Can't the very same be said of GOP national socialists?  Their concerted rape of the environment, corporate human chattel, as well as the middle class?  All for a buck.  Not surprisingly, at a time of record corporate profits and cash reserves.  Conveniently, forgotten?

Both parties are nearly identical.  The almighty buck always rules at expense of principle.  You don't know that?  You're pandering.  Pathetic.  Unbecoming, Madam.  Her hypocrisy remains seemingly endless, achingly clueless:

“Government has grown so huge, so powerful, so costly, so complex, it is literally crushing the life out of this country.  It is crushing small and family-owned businesses, which are the economic engine of our nation. It is crushing possibilities out of people’s lives by entangling them in a web of dependence from which they cannot escape. The weight, the cost and the power of government are literally crushing the potential of the nation."

You got it backwards, Madam.  It's the corporate management suite that lines the pockets of its bought and paid for shills in government to do precisely what you so hypocritically deplore.  To further line its pockets.  Corporate management suite profits. Control bought and paid for human chattel it calls labor.  To say nothing of its government lackeys it owns.  Conveniently forget, Madam?

Welfare, food stamps, WIC, Medicaid, etc. would indeed be unnecessary, at least dramatically reduced, if the fascist bastards in the corporate management suite and small business did not insist on wages that designedly keep employees in indentured servitude. ... While the top 1% laugh their asses off all the way to the bank.

You deliberately shamelessly self-servingly promulgate an Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged national socialist ruse conveniently cowardly embraced by people like you who are, or have been in the corporate management suite.  Not only achingly disingenuous, appalling, but intentionally deceptive.  Class envy?  Hell, no.  Egregious class warfare waged by the few against the many.  To line your bottomless pockets, impose your perverse ideological and religious views on an egregiously f--ked public.  Now you want to be President?  What for?  More of the same?

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. announced his run for the Presidency.  Inexplicably to "take America back."  From what, Senator?  It's already gone national socialist.  Your faith, trust, and belief in Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged national socialism are the problem.  Promising more of the same?  What about all your flip-flops over the years, sir?  You change with the seasons.  Check to see which way the wind is blowing.  How can the public truly know who and what you are?  What you stand for?

One clue certainly is your recent condescending combative 'interview' with a female reporter on a network program.  Is that how you would approach foreign leaders if elected President?  Can the nation truly afford what would likely turn out to be a clueless pompous jackass President intent on forcing the world to do his will?  Haven't we already had enough of that the last fifty years?

Two Georgia Department of Corrections officers resigned after a photo appeared on Facebook of a teenaged kid named Cortez Berry who had been beaten by other prisoners with a leash around his neck.  See the photo?  The prison refused to identify the guards or whether they were disciplined before they quit.

The guards did not even know the inmate had been beaten until the picture was posted on Facebook with a contraband cell phone.  Not certain either whether or not there is indeed a criminal investigation ongoing at time of writing.  Much more to come.  ... With extremely limited Internet access, patience.

Part 2:  The Rise And Fall Of National Socialism In The United States

Continuing the ongoing expose of the pernicious rise and fall of national socialism in our formerly great country, the corporate tycoons of the 30s, 40s, and 50s were more concerned with FDR's New Deal and Fair Deal policies and the rise of unions than Soviet communism.  Imagine that.  Religion, indeed, was a remarkably convenient way to combat these changes.

Without question, FDR imposed significant regulations for the very first time on a most recalcitrant uncooperative business community.  Unions had quite an impact.  So much so the corporate management suite launched a campaign to promulgate laissez-faire capitalism, unfettered 'free' enterprise to an unwilling, resistant public who did not, would not buy the ruse.  Certainly, knew bullsh-t when they saw it.

The American Liberty League was one such public relations firm that attempted to change this.  These people were financed by major corporations such as GM.  Dupont and others as well.  Became apparent to all at the time corporations were behind this blatant, naked attempt to sell corporate power to a public that just didn't buy it.

After all, things had improved for the masses after New Deal and Fair Deal policies were imposed by FDR.  The corporate management suite knew this.  Also knew its bought and paid for shills in the public relations industry had made no progress selling the company line.  Unlike today, the clergy were indeed the most trusted people in the country at the time.

The decision was made to employ them to sell this carefully constructed outrageous ruse to the public.  Quietly, deceptively did so.  Princeton University history Professor Kevin Kruse claims the idea was to link Christianity and capitalism.  Falsely claim they're soul mates.  An analogy was made that personal merits are indeed what drives success both in Christianity and the business community.

If you're good you attain heaven.  If not, you go to hell.  In business, if you're good, that is successful, you make money.  If not, your business fails.  The clergy was enlisted to sell this fallacious bullsh-t.  The problem is the analogy badly stretches credulity. ... Businesses fail all the time, -- much of the time to factors well beyond their control.  Having nothing to do about being good or bad, competent or not.

Example? Natural catastrophes having nothing to do with business competence.  A tornado, hurricane, earthquake, hail storm, etc..  Also, crippling business conditions imposed on small businesses and the public by the corporate management suite of Big Business.  Such as small businesses who failed when the Saudi oil cartel imposed an embargo in early 1973 and 1978.  At the time, tankers heavily laden with oil were seen anchored off our coasts until the price of gasoline doubled in price.

It was a ruse.  All a ruse.  Imposed by businesses too big to fail.  Bought hook, line, and sinker by a desperate, fearful public who needlessly spent hours in gas lines.  All in an effort by Big Oil to raise the price of crude, all fuel products.  Many businesses went under at the time.  Including one owned by this writer and his ex back then.  There was nothing we could do.  Had to start over.  As did many, many others.

What was sad is the fact the public never smartened up.  Accepted whatever they were told by their bought and paid for egregiously untrustworthy government on behalf of the corporate management suite running the show.  What has changed today is the fact a gullible public is finally beginning to wake up.  As the middle class has become an endangered species, there are now two extremes.  The 'haves' and 'have-nots.'

A pernicious zero-sum game where the top 1% take it all and the bottom 99% get f--ked.  Class envy?  Again, hell no.  Goddamned reality.  Class warfare waged by the few against the many.  Precisely, why an unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically remains looming on the horizon.  To be continued.  Much more to come.  Patience.

The effort to expose Wells Fargo egregious deceptive trade practices continues.  Several months ago to determinedly apply renewed pressure on our truly worthless, egregiously self-serving Texas Attorney General, now Governor, an excoriating email was sent to the bastard.  Copies of which were also passed on to both offending Wells Fargo officers.  A copy was also sent to the Davis campaign and others.

Voters did have a right to know as Attorney General, the GOP candidate for Texas Governor apparently selectively investigated, or not, bona fide complaints filed by citizens against banks too big to fail.  Possibly, Wells Fargo could have lined his pockets in some fashion.  That has yet to be determined.

The bastard and his office, no matter what, failed to respond to the complaint originally snail mailed over a year ago.  This material, figuratively targeting Wells Fargo and the governor 'wannabe' now Governor, had been posted and can be found by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the links well below.

Will continue to do all I can to publicly expose this to all, both in this publication and elsewhere.  Have done precisely that with the following email sent to David and Jeanita Denison, Owners/Operators, Driftwood Shores Resort.  A copy of it was also sent to offending Wells Fargo officer Amanda Right.  This latest material can be found by clicking on Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 32, 4-13-15.

The name of this publication was changed some ten years ago from The Llano Ledger to Liberty In Peril.  The reason?  Simple.  Cowardly failure of this community to stand up to tyranny that has only exponentially worsened the last decade.  Clearly, demonstrated as well by the cowardly failure of businesses to financially support this publication.  Either through advertising or other financial support.  Too afraid doing so would enrage the bastards who run and own this hellhole County.

-- Despite the fact these businesses were, and are, being egregiously f--ked by these very same bastards.  Tough, isn't it?  Impossible to entertain any sympathy for cowardice, however.  Especially in view of the fact this writer has placed himself in great jeopardy taking on these corrupt, abusive, inept criminal bastards.  Alone.

Exactly, why you see no investigative material highly critical of these sons of bitches in other local rags.  Sadly, cowardly, all advertising income immediately dries up.  Consequently, the bastards continue their criminal chicanery with impunity.  On a rampage.  Thus, you get what you truly deserve.  Always.  Precisely, why this earlier name change to Liberty In Peril remains appropriate.  -- Despite the fact this writer has not yet left the area.  Ten years after originally intending to do so.  Thirty years in this goddamned godforsaken hellhole.

This writer, then and now, remains primarily interested in state, federal, and international issues.  Another reason for this publication name change.  Despite the fact I stupidly cluelessly remain here, local issues mustbe addressed.  Can't be ignored.  That's where you come in dear readers.  Have the courage to inform this writer of local abuse, corruption, ineptness you are aware of, have personally experienced.

... Information these criminal bastards do all they can to conceal, cover up.  Otherwise, how can they effectively sustain the charade and intended result?  Loot confiscation through a boot heel on the throat of the citizenry.

The only way, short of an unwanted dreaded second American revolution, to force badly-needed change is to expose all this to the light of day.  These bastards are beginning to understand they have a problem.  No question, the growing rage of those they've abused, looted, egregiously f--ked.  It's time to stand up.  Expose this corruption to glaring sunlight.  Otherwise, as fools, cowards, you will remain under their thumb.  From the loftiest business owner to those on the bottom of the food chain.  Wake up.  Grow a pair.

Still don't think that likely to happen.  After all, you're bought and paid for.  Owned.  Not only by your government masters, but their masters.  The corporate management suite.  Your employers.  Think not? Wake up.   You're human chattel.  Corporate-owned, bought and paid for.  Precisely, why you cowardly, compliantly literally bare your asses for corporate inspection by the company doctor.  Willingly, compliantly, cowardly piss in a cup under employer supervision.  To sit in front of a keyboard or stock shelves all day.  You have no control of your lives.  You're owned.  Forget?  For a measly salary, no job security, reduced to no benefits.  At a time of record corporate profits and cash reserves.

Then, you gallingly complain about the oppression as you tolerate egregious theft of your labor.  Not only by your corporate masters, but their bought and paid for government lackeys.  Too cowardly to stand up, allow disclosure of your identity when you rightfully complain to this publication of being mercilessly f--ked.  Some of you falsely arrested, criminally assaulted, bogusly fined for 'offenses' you did not commit.  To line County coffers.  Keep the peasants in line and under control.  A fascist police-state.  Nazi America.

Again, yet another reason why this publication is called Liberty In Peril.  Most galling?  Nothing changes if you fail to step up and challenge corrupt, abusive, inept authority.  Too afraid, cowardly compliant to let the bastards know who you are.  Did it ever occur to the cowards out there if the identity of the accuser is kept under wraps the bastards will falsely claim it's all made up by this publication?  Thus, conveniently killing all credibility.  Wake up.

Cowardice is unbecoming, unworthy of our formerly great country.  Insult to injury?  There are the hopelessly deranged who believe the chicanery reported here to be manufactured anyway.  No matter the effort.  No matter the research.  No matter the proof.  Wake up.  This writer cannot do it alone.  Snowball's chance in hell.  Then again, cowardice, delusion is always amply, justly rewarded.  Always. You continue to 'enjoy' the very best government money can buy.  Literally.

Tim Chorney

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainableThis publication needs your financial and material supportBoth.  Time to step up.  -- Need a place to park the Pace Arrow.  No hook-ups necessary.

Tim Chorney

Special Edition 8-15-14

JP2 Linda Ballard Recording

Click herefor a most interesting conversation between JP2 Linda Ballard and LCRA Communications Supervisor Mitch Hibbs who at the time was investigating a complaint made by the Henderson family against the 'judge.'  The recording had been made by Hibbs and provided by Phyllis Henderson who had gotten it through an open records request.   During the course of the recording you will hear the 'judge' make a terroristic threat against the Henderson family which the investigator laughingly shrugged off as a joke.

Seems former LCRA Ranger Lance Bilski, stepson of Llano County Sheriff Bill Blackburn, had been harassing the Henderson family regarding their tire business, Henderson Tire.  Worse? There are unsubstantiated allegations, that although very much attached, Bilski may have indeed engaged in improprieties, that is, egregiously unprofessional conduct relevant to the Henderson complaint.  All this had been covered in Newsletter Text V346.

Publication of this material, however, should in no way be interpreted as endorsement of Ballard's opponent, Steve Lange, in the upcoming runoff.  It is not.  It is provided as a public service to expose the 'judge' for exactly whom and what she is.

Tim Chorney 4-15-14

Expose: Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices
Wells Fargo Opening Salvo 3-3-14
Wells Fargo Lynn Massey 3-2-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 2, 3-10-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 3, 9-15-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 4, 9-22-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 5, 10-6-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 6, 10-13-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 7, 10-20-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 8, 10-27-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 9, 11-3-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 10, 11-10-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 11, 11-17-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 12, 11-24-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 13, 12-1-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 14, 12-8-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 15, 12-15-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 16, 12-22-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 17, 12-29-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 18, 1-5-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 19, 1-12-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 20, 1-19-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 21, 1-26-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 22, 2-2-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 23, 2-9-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 24, 2-16-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 25, 2-23-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 26, 3-2-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 27, 3-9-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 28, 3-16-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 29, 3-23-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 30, 3-30-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 31, 4-6-15
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 32, 4-13-15

JP2 Candidate Shelly Comerford 2-9-14

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-23-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-16-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-8-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 2-3-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609