Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V371       ©2014 All Rights Reserved
July 28, 2014

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V371

Before reading the new edition kindly take time to consider the following:

The following Liberty In Peril links, although unhighlighted, are all currently active.  ... At this time.  It is important, however to bookmark each.  Why?  Remember the nature of this publication, -- as well as the fact all sites are hosted free of charge on independent servers.  This means they can be removed at any time due to changes in terms of service or hacking attack.  Since this publication is unfunded, it is the goal to keep at least one up and running at all times.  Bookmark!  -- If one is lost, you'll have access to another.  Should a site or sites not been updated, it may only mean this writer has temporarily lost Internet access.  Patience. ... Pesky issues all associated with an unfunded publication that aggressively challenges the status quo.

Please take time to bookmark the above URLs.  This publication is self-funded. Again, sites are hosted free of charge. That does mean they can be taken down at any time due to changes in terms of service, or hacking attack. Internet access for servicing and update may not always be available.  -- Again, foibles of an unfunded publication. Should you bookmark, at least one site should always remain available.  ... Until funding and better arrangements can be made.  TC 4-23-14

The website is no longer used by this publication.

Although unhighlighted, the following Liberty In Peril websites remain up and running:

After all these months since relaunch, still fighting to successfully keep these sites up and running.  The x10 site, however, has been jettisoned due to continuing security issues.   Hopefully, the additional month or so of continued operation despite these issues was sufficient fair warning to the readership.


Newsletter Text V371

The following email was sent to the Sheriff 7-23-14:

Bill Blackburn, Sheriff                      Copyright 2014 Tim Chorney, Publisher, Liberty In Peril
Llano County Sheriff's Office
2001 N. State Hwy. 16 Suite A
Llano, Texas 78643

July 23, 2014

Re: 11th Follow-Up To 11-27-12 Complaint-Sgt. Royce Graeter; J&S 11-26-12 Break-In


In follow-up to your continued hopelessly ignorant, arrogant, cowardly failure to respond to a complaint against one of your gutless, abusive, jackbooted thugs dating back to 11-27-12,  can you explain to my readers why Todd Jones of Roselea Dr., Buchanan Dam was cold-cocked in the head by one of your goons while his hands were cuffed behind his back just before midnight 7-21-14?  This 'officer' identified himself as 007.  Does this corrupt, abusive son of a bitch truly think he's James Bond?  That delusional?  ... Don't psych screen your jackbooted thugs, Bill?

The arresting officer identified himself to Jones as 755.  Who the hell is he, Sheriff?  The citizens of this hellhole County have a right to know the identity of an 'officer' who filed false charges of public intoxication, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct on a man who had not been drinking.  Whose speech was cogent, coherent, unslurred.  The bastard who arrested him knew this.  So did his 'backups.'  So did the entire neighborhood.

Why was he denied medical care for his injuries?  Is it because your thugs knew he would demand a toxicology blood draw at the hospital, Sheriff?  Why were the cuffs over tightened to the point both hands are swollen and the skin broken on his right hand the day after?  Why did at least four of your bastards show up hours after he ordered a woman off his property?

-- Not the first time this has happened, Bill.  With remarkably similar results.  Clearly, he did not assault her.  Otherwise, the sons of bitches who work for you and remain firmly planted on the taxpayer tit, would have charged him with assault.  They did not.  Why wasn't she hauled in for criminal trespass?  Why was she still parked up the block the next morning?  Only to be asked by another neighbor to move on?

Can you explain to my readers why Jones' wallet was not returned to him after he provided identification.  ... Only to be found the next day on the seat of his Jeep which your bastards searched without benefit of a warrant, -- missing $40.  Can you tell us which officer stole the cash, Sheriff?  Can you tell us who stole his cell phone?  At the time of his false arrest, Mr. Jones asserts his house was locked.

Why was it broken into through a window, Sheriff?  Why was the dog who had been outside at the time Jones was assaulted by one of your goons now in the house the next day?  Can you tell my readers which one of your goons broke in?  Your thugs were on the premises at least thirty minutes after Jones was hauled to jail.  Why, Sheriff?  Where was the warrant?

Can you say lawsuit, Sheriff?  Can you explain to my readers if it is indeed procedure for one of your goons to hold a stun gun to the head of a prisoner cuffed with his hands behind his back lying on the ground?  A prisoner he's just cowardly cold-cocked while his hands were cuffed behind his back?  Is this the definition of 'courage' embraced by the goddamned cowards who work for you, Sheriff?  Do your bidding?  Llano County's 'finest?'

... Only to inform the prisoner he'd like to get him in a dark alley and work him over?  Think this bastard would have been quite so 'brave' had the prisoner not had his hands cuffed behind his back without the benefit of at least three other 'law' 'enforcement' goons as backup?  Your thugs are criminals, Sheriff.  Cowards.  Despicable cowards.  Need to be prosecuted.  Won't happen in Nazi Llano County.  Next best thing?  Exposure.  To the glaring light of day.  On all four Liberty In Peril websites.

We're just getting started, Bill.  No threat, a promise.  Incidentally, the guy living next door your goons are also harassing is providing valuable information, has given permission to use his name, Carl Wayne Smith, also of Roselea Drive, Buchanan Dam.  The fodder is seemingly endless, Sheriff.  You may be interested to know the fiasco at the time of the Jones arrest was heard throughout the neighborhood.  Too bad it did not occur during the day when it could have been video recorded.  Will happen eventually, Bill.  Count on it being quickly uploaded to all four websites when it does.

Hard to believe your goons would so stupidly and quickly criminally assault and falsely arrest him so soon after Daughtery was skewered just the week before in this publication for official oppression of the very same individual.  That's well beyond hubris, Sheriff.  It's called aggressive stupidity.  Think it intimidates the neighborhood?  Quite the opposite.  It enrages it.  Think this publication will ever back off?  Can be intimidated?  Wake up, Sheriff.  The public is beginning to rise up.  Finding courage it never knew it had.  Tired of an unsustainable status quo.  You and your thugs will be tirelessly exposed for the abusive, corrupt, inept, criminal bastards you truly are.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

c. Liberty In Peril, all four websites


Amazing that a person can be charged with public intoxication on his own property, isn't it?  Routinely done by law enforcement since the accused is denied a Breathalyzer, blood test, any way to prove his innocence in this goddamned fascist police state we live in.

Conveniently used by these jackbooted bastards to evict people as well.  Saw it happen in person several years ago when deputies removed an habitual drunk from his mother's property. When he was cold sober.  A female deputy at the time told me she could arrest anyone for public intoxication if they just stick their head out the door to answer their knock.

Indeed, nazi justice in Nazi America.  Yet, if you don't answer the door as is your constitutional right if they have no warrant and there are no exigent circumstances, the violent criminal sons of bitches can still send in SWAT or knock the door down themselves and kill occupants.  With virtual impunity.  Makes me ashamed to be an American living in a goddamned fascist police-state.  ... All the more reason for this publication to succeed exposing these bastards for whom and what they are.  No matter the personal cost.

In follow-up to the outrageous Virginia sexting case covered in the last edition, Manassas City Police and the prosecutor received intense opposition, outrage, pressure nationwide to their plans to drag the 17 year-old-boy to a hospital, inject him to produce an erection they then intended to photograph.  Consequently, they will not execute the search warrant.  The charges remain pending, however.

Question?  Why haven't the prosecutor and the officers who forced this kid to drop his drawers and photographed his genitals been charged with felony manufacture and possession of child porn themselves?  The very same charges they filed against the kid. They knew better.  The kid is a kid.  Why haven't these adults been quickly arrested and charged for doing precisely the same as this 17-year-old? Why?  Why have and are they being protected?  Not held accountable?  Why?  Why the double standard?

There was absolutely no 'evidentiary' value to photographing this kid's genitals.  None.  Had their been, these outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept jackbooted sons of bitches would never have backed off from executing the warrant to inject him and make a second round of child pornography.  To supplement their original manufacture and possession of child porn perpetrated at the police station against this kid's will by these insane outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept 'officers.'  ... Hey, boys?  Get your cookies off abusing this kid, you perverse sons of bitches?  It's time to hold jackbooted law enforcement accountable for what they do.  Instead of making excuses, coddling the bastards.

After the Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court covered in an earlier edition of this publication, this writer came across an online Planned Parenthood signature drive in support of legislation introduced by Democrats in the Senate to reverse this atrocious decision.  Basically, this was a canned email to be sent to both U.S. Senators.  This message was well-written by Planned Parenthood and was designed to be electronically signed by those in support.  Interestingly, upon clicking on send, Cruz' office responded with a message it requires a phone number to send an online message.   Imagine that.   Refused to give this information.  Instead, sent ten zeros which the software subsequently accepted.  Was not sure the message was received, however.  Still not.

Earlier today, 7-20-14, this writer received a canned email from Sen. John Cornyn in response to the Planned Parenthood message.  Readers should understand the original Planned Parenthood message sent Cornyn was not saved by this writer since I had not personally written it and earlier had no intention of including it in this publication.  The following email from Cornyn changed matters.  Although disingenuous and not responsive, it was well-written and clearly demonstrative of the Republican viewpoint.  Precisely, why it was published below followed by a response from this writer subsequently sent the Senator:

Thank You For Contacting My Office
Friday, July 18, 2014 12:00 PM
 Mark as Unread Flag this message

    "" <>

Full Headers Printable View

Dear Mr. Chorney:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Protecting Women’s Health from Corporate
Interference Act (S. 2578).  I recognize the time and effort that you are dedicating to actively participating in the democratic process, and I appreciate that you and other concerned citizens have provided me with the benefit of your comments on this matter.

As you know, on June 30, 2014, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. in a 5-4 decision.  The Supreme Court concluded that the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraceptive coverage mandate cannot, under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, force privately held, family-owned companies that have a clearly identified religious conviction, to provide certain forms of contraception when there is a less burdensome means to providing similar access.  Therefore, the Supreme Court’s decision allowed Hobby Lobby to refrain from providing 4 of the 20 forms of contraception required by the ACA, because the government already has in place a less burdensome way of providing those 4 types of contraception through insurance providers.

S. 2578, which was introduced in the Senate on July 9, 2014, seeks to nullify the Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case, as well as diminish many of the protections offered by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  This legislation would force all employers to offer every government-mandated form of health service in their employment-based insurance plans, regardless of employers' religious beliefs.

I believe that all Texans and Americans have the right to practice their religious beliefs without obstruction from the federal government. Requiring faith-based entities and family-owned businesses to provide services that violate their religious beliefs or consciences infringes one of our most cherished liberties.  Furthermore, asking faith-based entities and employers to adapt their beliefs in order to comply with a government mandate, whether directly or indirectly, would set a dangerous new precedent. To be clear, nothing in the Supreme Court’s decision would allow any business to ban a woman from obtaining or using her chosen form of contraception.  Freedom of religion is a fundamental right provided to Americans of all faiths.  Policy decisions must never infringe on these rights, and we must ensure that the right of Americans to freely exercise their faith is always protected.

However, I also believe that we should always have an open dialogue on social issues, even when they are issues on which we may disagree.  I am always appreciative when Texans take the time to reach out and share their concerns.  Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

United States Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax: (202) 228-2856

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter at

Due to the nature of electronic communication, if you did not receive this e-mail directly from my office, I cannot guarantee that the text has not been altered.  If you have questions about the validity of this message, or would like to respond to this message, please use the web form available at my website,

The following was sent in response 7-20-14:

Your response to my earlier message forwarded by Planned Parenthood regarding the Protecting Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act (S. 2578) is outrageously disingenuous and unresponsive to the issue.

Indeed, the Supreme Court legislates its perverse ideological and religious views from the bench.  Constantly.  Particularly, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia, and Kennedy.  -- Outrageously national socialist, nearly always in favor of its corporate masters, creation of a fascist police-state, and deliberate, calculated infringement of liberty, more precisely, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion.  'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

The corporation whether closely held or not is no more than a legal entity, has no conscience, other than lining its pockets, its shareholders pockets at the expense, courtesy of its corporate-owned human chattel and consumers who are mercilessly looted with outrageous prices for shoddy, inferior products.

Does not attend church, mosque, temple, etc.  Does not employ the services of a cleric when it 'marries', that is, merges.  Nor when it dies, that is, fails.  To be in business is a privilege, not a right.  If an owner or the corporate management suite does not like the law, it can simply go out of business.

It does have the right to fail, that is vacate the business if it cannot accept the law.  As do the peasants in our formerly great country who live under your thumb.  That is, the corporate management suite and its bought and paid for government lackeys.   They can theoretically quit an abusive employer.   Problem?  They're all abusive, self-serving, treat employees as human chattel.  Shamelessly, loot their labor.

Liberty no more than an illusion, a delusion falsely promulgated by the corporate management suite and its government lackeys.  As is the myth of a free market.  The market is owned, controlled, manipulated by those with power, that is, the wealth to do so.  Indeed, a myth perpetrated by the Right to keep the peasants under control.  Under the false illusion they're supposedly free.  They're not.  Far from it.  Have increasingly few choices.   The 'freedom' to do what they're told.

For you, the Supreme Court, and the Radical Right to afford corporations, closely held or not, religious rights is outrageous and egregiously unconstitutional regardless of what our national socialist Court opines.  One reason of many that an unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looms on the horizon.  Hear the rumble?  Too deaf, Senator?

Women have worked for these benefits.  They are not easily replaceable by other providers as you falsely claim.  More to the point, the corporate management suite has no right to impose its perverse ideological and religious views on these employees, courtesy of its bought and paid for government lackeys.  This time, the United States Supreme Court.

It's not a matter of religious freedom.  Rather, an issue of freedom from religion.  Guarantied by the Establishment Clause, that is, church-state separation.  Conveniently ignored by this nazi Court and its defenders.  Think the corporate management suite won't take advantage of this outrageous Court decision to deny employees other rights and benefits they've earned?  Wake up, Senator.  You're bought and paid for.  Owned by your corporate masters.  It's them you serve, not the public.

Tim Chorney

Republican national socialists, desperate to force their perverse ideological and religious views on all have managed to close half of the abortion clinics in the not-so-great State of Texas.  Consequently, women are being denied desperately-needed care.  Are aborting later in their pregnancies, forced to go out of state to get this care.  After September, only six clinics will likely remain open.

Republican fascists are indeed waging a war against women.  Insist on denying them reproductive rights.  Clearly, want them barefoot and pregnant.  In the kitchen.  Precisely, why they, including both goddamned fascist Texas U.S. Senators, successfully recently stonewalled legislation introduced in the Senate that would have reversed the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing corporate employers to deny contraceptive coverage to employees that have clearly earned them through their labor.  Have falsely created religious rights for a corporate legal entity that clearly has no conscience.  Never will.  Is incapable of having one.  Profits, the only concern your corporate masters have.  ... And control of you, their indentured human chattel.

The War On Women waged by GOP nazis will be clearly used against these fascist bastards not only in upcoming mid-terms, but the 2016 presidential election.  It's time to expose these sons of bitches for whom and what they are.  They control your uterus, ladies.  You don't.  They believe you're too damned stupid to decide for yourselves.  They will do it for you.

There is indeed a war on women.  Waged not only by their corporate masters, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Republican Party, however.  But by their doctors as well.  Not just in terms of being charged more for 'services' than men before Obamacare.  The problem is  worse.  Far, far worse.  Johns Hopkins Hospital is supposedly one of the best in the world.   Think so?  You may not after the following.  If it happened there, think it's not happening across the country?

Dr. Nikita Levy, 54, is a graduate of Cornell University.  Had been affiliated with John Hopkins as a gynecologist since 1988.  Was fired back in February 2013 when a female employee approached hospital authorities with suspicions he was photographing and videotaping those who entrusted him with their care.  Over 8,000 women.  Ten days later, the bastard committed suicide.  Put a plastic bag over his head, inserted a helium gas line and suffocated.

A class action suit was filed.  Hopkins settled for $190 million.  Indeed, a piss hole in the snow.  Some $23,000 for each victim.  The damage done these women is profound.  Lead attorney Jonathan Schochor declared, "All of these women were brutalized by this.  ... Some of these women needed counseling, they were sleepless, they were dysfunctional in the workplace, they were dysfunctional at home, they were dysfunctional with their mates. This breach of trust, this betrayal - this is how they felt."

The attorney claimed these women were inappropriately touched, verbally abused by this 'physician.'  Some were summoned to his office for unnecessary pelvic exams.  AP usually does not report the names of sexual assault victims.  Myra James granted permission.  Said she had gone to him twenty years.  Now, is receiving no care at all, "I can't bring myself to go back.  You're lying there, exposed. It's violating and it's horrible, and my trust is gone. Period."  She further commented, "He was cold, and I was kind of scared of him. His bedside manner - he didn't have any.  But all my doctors were at Hopkins. I've had two surgeries there, my primary doctor is there. I was used to going there for everything."

The hospital tried to get women to see other providers after his firing.  They remain too traumatized  to do so.  Won't even see female doctors.  "Dropped out of the medical system, " according to the attorney.  Worse, they no longer are sending their kids to doctors.

Ladies, it's time to take control of your care.  Be in charge of that care.  Use a physician as no more than a consultant.  These bastards view themselves as gods, not just the technicians they truly only are.  Remain condescending, controlling.  Particularly, the older ones.  Younger ones are beginning to change.  Nowhere near or quickly enough, however.

The term "patient" is used to condescendingly, patronizingly control, manipulate.  You are clients ultimately in charge of your care, not them.  Carefully consider their advice, but rely on yourselves to make the ultimate decision regarding your care, not them.  Go to female physicians who have a far better understanding of your needs and concerns.  Have been there themselves.  Are usually far more compassionate caregivers to both genders than their male counterparts.

Recently, the American College of Physicians has declared routine pelvic exams to be unnecessary.  Received strong opposition from male gynecologists.  Interesting, isn't it?  It's how they make their money.  In the cases of at least some, get their cookies off.

Use your judgment, ladies.  If you're hemorrhaging, experiencing unexplained discharge, suffering pain, are possibly pregnant, seek care.  From a trusted care giver.  Take control.  Don't cede that control to anyone other than yourself.

The shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Russian-backed rebel-held Ukraine comes as a surprise?  How?  Sadly, the only surprise is it took this long to happen.  At time of writing, investigators are not allowed full access to the crash scene.  Bodies and evidence have been tampered with.  Moved.  The world community is outraged.  Again, what did they expect?

Virtually nothing was done after the Russian aggressor annexed Crimea.  Nothing done after Russian forces and equipment entered Eastern Ukraine.  Sanctions imposed by the United States, while better than nothing, remain lackluster, piss-poor.  The European community to date has remained unwilling to impose significant sanctions of its own.

History is repeating itself.  Remarkably similar to Nazi appeasement prior to the Second World War.  Sanctions should have been immediate and severe.  Cut off of all trade.  No matter the hardship, cost to the world community.  Russia should have been immediately suspended from all organizations including the UN.  -- The Charter changed by member nations, if necessary, to do so.

While economic hardship for the world community would have been costly, indeed severe for the European community, they had no choice.  Would have certainly been far worse for the Russian aggressor.  While Putin is indeed increasingly popular in Russia, it would not have lasted.  Not sustainable since his country has severe economic problems of its own that would have been quickly exponentially exacerbated by an immediate trade embargo.  Cut off of all outside income.   Instead, Europe chose to ignore dire history eight decades ago and concentrate only on immediate economic concerns.

Reaction of protesters to the flood of unaccompanied children across our borders is appalling.  Reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy eight decades ago.  Forget?  These are children.  Unaccompanied kids.  Sent by desperate parents.  Sent because they have no chance of survival in their countries of origin due to gangs, drug violence, corrupt, abusive, inept governments.

No parent in their right mind would send their kid on so desperate, dangerous a journey had they not made the judgment the alternative is worse.  Far worse.  Yet, protesters have no clue.  Or, simply don't care.  Conveniently forget American consumption of illegal substances and the failed War On Drugs is directly responsible for this fiasco.  Has created these gangs, corrupted all governments.  Including our own.  Has failed as clearly as prohibition of alcohol.

Many, if not most, of these protesters profess to be Christians.  Strongly suspect should Christ himself cross the border, these very same hypocritical fascist bastards would demand his immediate deportation.  Pitiful.  Pathetic.  Appalling. Un-Christian.  Have conveniently forgotten, "What you do to the least of my brethren, you do to me."

Republicans falsely believe immediate deportation would solve the problem.  They're clueless.  The situation is so desperate in their countries of origin they would return.  The alternative is death at the hands of the gangs.  The GOP and its shill protesters, as always, offer achingly oversimplistic analysis and solutions to enormously difficult problems.  Spares the true labor of thinking.  Determinedly, fruitlessly, stupidly sweep these issues under the rug.  Only to have them resurface over and over and over again.

To those of you insanely angry at these immigrants, your rage is achingly misplaced.  Should be more appropriately directed at your corporate masters and their bought and paid for government lackeys. They're the reason your pockets are empty.  Their greed and determined perverse ownership of bought and paid for human chattel. You.  Not an influx of desperate immigrants.  -- You're goddamned corporate masters and their bought and paid for government lackeys.  Including both Texas U.S. Senators.  They're the ones mercilessly looting you, haughtily turning you upside down, greedily shaking the change out of your pockets, falsely believe they run and own your sorry ass.  Clueless?  Wake up.

They do own your ass.  Most of you.  You've bought the bullsh-t.  Drunk the Kool Aide.  Did it ever occur to you why Republican fascists are fanning the flames regarding illegal immigrants?  Think hard.  Harder.  Still not hard enough.  Too much trouble?  Wake up.  Anything to divert attention from their corporate masters and beholden government lackeys increasingly and exponentially subjugating the peasantry, looting the living sh-t out of them, falsely propagandizing the public they do supposedly remain free.  -- 'Free' to do what you're told.  What your corporate masters and their government lackeys want.  Clueless.

What better way to divert attention from the truth and the perpetrators of this egregious f--king than to blame illegal immigrants?  Hitler and Mussolini did the same.  You've bought it.  Too damned compliant and cowardly to do anything about it.   Perversely, deluded.  Intentionally, so.   Much easier to blame immigrants, the homeless, the impoverished, the sick, the mentally ill who receive no treatment, etc., then to courageously challenge the bastards who are truly mercilessly f--king you.  Yet, you consider yourselves Christians?

Hear the latest?  Our idiot governor, ole' Rick "The Prick" Perry, intends to militarize the Texas-Mexico border with deployment of 1,000 National Guard troops.  At a cost of $12 million a month to Texans.  Sheriffs down there don't want this.  These troops are not police officers.  Clearly, the jackass in Austin has begun his 2016 Presidential campaign.  ... Hey, Rick?  Intend to have the boys shoot women and children crossing the border?  You're an idiot, Governor.  Losing ground.

Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback had it made.  Super GOP majorities in the legislature.  Freedom to do as he pleased.  He did just that.  Vigorously tried to create a financial nirvana courtesy of twice reducing income taxes, abolished all corporate taxes, raised taxes on the impoverished, intended to get rid of the income tax entirely.  Guess what?

Open GOP revolt.  100 centrist Republicans endorsed the Democratic nominee for governor.  Why?  The Governor's policies miserably failed.  Couldn't be, could it?  Forget the GOP mantra?  Tax reduction increases revenue.  Absolute bullsh-t.  The direct opposite occurred.  The state is in fiscal crisis.  Just can't be, can it?

Microsoft announced it will lay off 18,000 over the next year.  Some 13,000 the next six months.  ... Still think we're not living in a financial depression?

War crimes in Gaza continue to be perpetrated by the Israeli aggressor.  When will the world community step in?  Cut off all trade with Israel?  Isolate the war criminal government of this country and its population that have clearly failed to rein in its leadership?  The massacre continues unabated.  Israeli Defense Forces continue to bomb hospitals, kill innocent civilians, kids playing on a beach, etc..  Mostly civilians are being wantonly killed.

Readers should understand Gaza is a tiny strip of land with well over a million Palestinians living in a highly-populated, concentrated area.  There is nowhere to go.  No place to evacuate to.  No area safe from Israeli bombing.  Israeli claims that Hamas uses civilians as shields are disingenuous.  Again, this entire area is highly populated.  Extremely close.  Crowded.  There is nowhere for civilians to go to escape the fighting.  Nowhere.  They can't even leave the area entirely since Egypt and Israel have instituted a blockade the last seven years.  Block the exits.

In regard to Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declares,  "They just don’t care. It’s important to make that clear. They are responsible for all the civilian deaths, which we seek to minimize.”  This statement is false.  Simply, not true.  The Prime Minister ludicrously, gallingly blames the victim for the crime.

The Israeli aggressor knows it is using American-supplied highly sophisticated weapons and munitions in direct violation of unenforced U.S. export law that proscribes such offensive use in densely-populated areas.  So does Obama and his henchmen.  Yet, the war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli aggressor continue unabated.  Excused by our cowardly President and the bastards who serve him.  Particularly, Secretary of State John Kerry.

Gaza has been under siege, including naval blockade, by the Israeli aggressor the last seven years.  There is no freedom of movement, resupply.  No relief in sight.  Precisely, why Hamas continues the fight against the bastards oppressing Palestinians.  Until the Israeli aggressor and its American benefactor understand this and change the status quo, the carnage will continue.

Ever hear of War Reserve Stockpile Ammunition-Israel (WRSA-I)?  It's $1 billion of American ammunition stored in a secret location in Israel in case the aggressor runs out of munitions.  Remains congressionally-approved since the 1990s.  Quickly available to the aggressor should it need it.

Your taxpayer dollars at work?  Remember back in June when Islamists in Iraq captured American weapons abandoned by Iraqi troops as they cowardly fled?  Included some 52 American M198 howitzers valued at $500,000 each.  Are quite sophisticated weapons with GPS targeting and a range of 20 miles.  Can fire two shells per minute.  Guess who they might ultimately be used against?  ... How many U.S. 'advisors' remain in Iraq?  Not only howitzers were seized.  Guess what?  1,500 armored Humvees.  All courtesy of American taxpayers.

Targeting of innocent Moslems in the United States continues unabated according to Human Rights Watch.  They strongly claim the 'Justice' Department engages in "abusive counterterrorism sting operations" to entrap them.  The group researched dozens of cases from investigation to prosecution and found these people would not have broken any laws "if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts."

Further claims none of these individuals targeted had anything to do with terror or its financing prior to these stings.  Worse, they claim FBI targeted those disabled with intellectual, mental issues.  As well as the impoverished.  If true, these bastards are indeed predators with a gun and a badge.  The 'Justice' Department hotly denies the report.  Claims it's followed the law.  Has it?  If so, the law is egregiously unconstitutional.  Callously rubberstamped by a nazi U.S. Supreme Court.

Justice Department spokesman Marc Raimondi declared:

"The Department of Justice has been a steadfast ally of our nation's civil rights groups for decades. The report itself acknowledges that many of the decisions that the report criticizes are not only lawful but also specifically approved by federal judges, just as the material support statute that the report criticizes was upheld as constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. We do not and cannot target individuals solely for engaging in activities protected by the First Amendment, which includes free speech and religion."

The above ignores the fact 'judges' in the pocket of government prosecutors dictate what is and is not admissible in court.  What is, and is not 'proper' defense for defendants.  Intentionally hamstring defense counsel to guarantee desired verdicts.  Refuse to allow juries to decide what is and is not a proper defense.  Prosecutors, on the other hand, remain free to manipulate juries as they so please.  Insert fear as a factor to assure conviction by bamboozled juries.  There is no justice.  It's all kangaroo and clearly predetermined.  Nazi justice in Nazi America.

Anyone involved in, or perpetrating, a mob attack belongs in prison.  While incarceration is indeed required, prevention is far better.  How to prevent such crimes is a matter of contention for a Michigan 'Judge,' however.  Wayne County Judge James Callahan lightly sentenced a Detroit young man for such violence.  Six months in jail.  -- Despite the fact, his victim was beaten so badly he was in a coma for days.

Not only is this an issue, but the 'judge's' admonishment to the offender.  Callahan opined the 19-year-old kid needed a father, "someone to discipline you. Someone to beat the hell out of you when you made a mistake, as opposed to allowing you or encouraging you to do it to somebody else."    Yes, 'Judge.'  He desperately needed discipline.

Not physical assault.  To do so to a kid creates an individual who all too often uses violence to solve his problems.  The direct opposite of behavior you as a judge want to encourage, promulgate.  You create a bully.   Precisely, why violence rages nearly unabated not only throughout our formerly great country, but worldwide.

Precisely, why we, as sheep, remain so willing to allow our war-profiteering corporate masters to manipulate their government lackeys into engaging in pointless war after pointless war.  If the only way to discipline a kid is to "beat the hell" out of him, as you stupidly opine, you remain an abject failure as a parent.  Part of the problem.

Particularly, since the fascist police-state we now live in does nothing to protect kids from such violence, sanctioned abuse.  Ever occur to you this may be precisely why so many law enforcement thugs bully, wantonly assault and kill so many in our formerly great country?  With impunity.  Seldom, if ever, held accountable.

You're not fit to sit on the bench, 'Judge.'  An achingly ignorant anachronism.  You fuel the fire.  Rather than solve the problem.  Why are taxpayers looted to line your pockets?  Why are you still firmly planted on the taxpayer tit?  It's time to go.  Why haven't you done yourself and the community a favor and resigned in disgrace?

The California Highway Patrol is violently out of control.  See the video?  Was made by a passing driver of an unidentified officer straddling a 51-year-old women named Marlene Pinnock.  Repeatedly punching her in the head.  So much so, she was severely injured and hospitalized.  Insult to injury?  The California Highway Patrol seized her medical records including privileged conversations she's had with her doctors as well as references to her attorney.

Her attorney claims this is a violation of doctor-patient and lawyer-client confidentiality.  She's right.  Clearly, all in an effort to protect the still-unidentified law enforcement thug responsible for the injuries.  The public has a right to know the identity of this officer.  So it can protect itself.  Most ironic? Galling?  Records regarding injuries perpetrated by this criminal officer were given to the bastards responsible for the crime.  Law enforcement remains severely out of control.  Must be reined in.  Before too late.  ... Hear the rumble?

It's time for juries to courageously impose awards that are significant enough to bring the communities that finance these officers to their financial knees.  Other than an unwanted, dreaded second American revolution, the only way to end this outrageously criminal abuse of the citizenry since these bastards are seldom prosecuted.  When they are, usually only receive a slap on the wrist.

New York City Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo put Eric Garner in a choke hold 7-17-14.  Wound up killing him.  See the video?  Choke holds are against department policy for damned good reason.  They kill.  The officer was placed on "modified assignment," lost his gun and shield.  Question?  Why wasn't this bastard immediately arrested and charged with murder?  Why has he received special treatment never afforded the public?

Tim Chorney

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainableThis publication needs your financial and material supportBoth.  Time to step up.  -- Need a place to park the Pace Arrow.  No hook-ups necessary.

Tim Chorney

JP2 Linda Ballard Recording

Click here for a most interesting conversation between JP2 Linda Ballard and LCRA Communications Supervisor Mitch Hibbs who at the time was investigating a complaint made by the Henderson family against the 'judge.'  The recording had been made by Hibbs and provided by Phyllis Henderson who had gotten it through an open records request.   During the course of the recording you will hear the 'judge' make a terroristic threat against the Henderson family which the investigator laughingly shrugged off as a joke.

Seems former LCRA Ranger Lance Bilski, stepson of Llano County Sheriff Bill Blackburn, had been harassing the Henderson family regarding their tire business, Henderson Tire.  Worse? There are unsubstantiated allegations, that although very much attached, Bilski may have indeed engaged in improprieties, that is, egregiously unprofessional conduct relevant to the Henderson complaint.  All this had been covered in Newsletter Text V346.

Publication of this material, however, should in no way be interpreted as endorsement of Ballard's opponent, Steve Lange, in the upcoming runoff.  It is not.  It is provided as a public service to expose the 'judge' for exactly whom and what she is.

Tim Chorney 4-15-14

Expose: Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices
Wells Fargo Opening Salvo 3-3-14
Wells Fargo Lynn Massey 3-2-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 2, 3-10-14

JP2 Candidate Shelly Comerford 2-9-14

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-23-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-16-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-8-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 2-3-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609