Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V369       ©2014 All Rights Reserved
July 14, 2014

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V369

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Newsletter Text V369

Republicans have ferociously targeted Obamacare.  So have Independents such as this writer.  When criticism comes from the government itself, however, certainly draws rapt attention from all.  The Inspector General in a recent report declared from October through December 2013 there were 2.9 million "inconsistencies" in data provided by Obamacare applicants.  That is, data provided didn't match what the government already had.  The IG reports 2.6 million have yet to be resolved.

Why is this so important, in fact, critical?  What people pay for insurance, that is, what government subsidies they receive to pay premiums is dependent on income and citizenship status.  The IG reports the exchanges continue to have problems verifying both.  Republicans have complained for months people are receiving subsidies they may not be entitled to.  Might indeed be true.  How can most of these "inconsistencies" still remain unresolved?  How?  Six months after open enrollment ended?  Worse, there continues to be problems with the exchanges themselves.  Not all software issues have been corrected.  Why not?  Thousands still have been denied enrollment.

Policyholders may receive a rude awakening next April filing taxes, -- if the IG report remains credible.  They may have to return subsidy money they were not entitled to.  Those running the exchanges are reporting difficulty resolving these problems even when documentation submitted is appropriate.  -- This according to the IG report as well.  Also, some 89% of these problems could not be resolved by those running the federal exchanges.

There were some 330,000 cases that did reportedly get resolved.  Approximately, 10,000  were resolved during the IG audit itself.  That amounts to approximately 1% of the total according to the report.  None of this reflects what's happening on the state level.  There, four of the fifteen states could not resolve their "inconsistencies."  Those states were Nevada, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

The IG has consistently been a straight shooter, supposedly free of political pressure and undue influence.  Usually, trusted by both major political parties.  Particularly, why the above is disturbing, and likely a portend of severe problems to come, -- quite possibly, as early as fall enrollment, if not, by tax time next April.  There is indication as well premiums will likely skyrocket as these issues continue to be unresolved.  Greed rules, forget?  ... Any excuse at all.  Forget?  The 'Affordable' 'Care' Act assures insurance companies their pockets will be handsomely lined.

Still not clear of the supposed 8 million enrolled just how many continue to pay premiums.  The Obama Regime has sat on this information.  Equally disturbing, again, the IG reports computer problems still plague the exchanges, have not been resolved.  ... As we quickly approach open enrollment this fall.  Apparently, Obama continues to brush aside these ongoing difficulties in the interest of political expediency.  The IG report is clear evidence things are not quite so rosy as the President would have us believe.

This will be an issue for quite some time to come.  Email your experiences both good and bad.  Since the President has not been forthcoming with data, even anecdotal information would be better than nothing.  Especially, since the IG report raises more questions than it answers.  Seeming inconsistencies in some of the statistics remain troubling as well.  Can only wonder whether this report sugarcoats reality, that is, things may be far worse than reported.  We'll see.  Until more information becomes available, the IG will continue to be given the benefit of the doubt.

Federal workers responsible for processing open records requests claim the Obama Regime is censoring and delaying information release to an extent far greater than any administration in the past including the Nixon Administration.  This was recently reported by the Washington Times.   From an administration that pledged transparency.   While the Times is indeed a mouthpiece for the Right, they seem to have gotten this particular issue right.

Wisely protected identities of those providing information, fearing retaliation from the White House.  Worse, these workers claim the White House is able to track in real time those who seek derogatory information.  This needs to be investigated by an independent prosecutor if true.  All this, reportedly a result of a memo dated 4-15-2009 written by White House Counsel Gregory Craig distributed to all federal agencies detailing how FOIA requests should be handled.

The President and his henchmen seem to be unduly interfering with Freedom of Information Act requests.  If so, will certainly give Congress additional ammunition should Republicans retake the Senate in the fall and the House decides to impeach the President early next year.  Most troubling of all?  The Obama Regime apparently wants a heads-up well in advance before derogatory information is released.

The insanity in the Middle East continues, rages unabated.  Three Israeli teenagers were murdered.   The Prime Minister declares Hamas to be responsible.  No formal charges, no trial, yet Mr. Netanyahu destroyed homes of those he believes responsible using American-built aircraft and munitions in direct violation of U.S. export law that bans such offensive use of these weapons.  -- A law no cowardly American President seems willing to enforce.  The Palestinians owning these houses knew better than remain at home at the time of bombing.

The continued destruction of Palestinian property owned by people in highly-populated areas who had absolutely nothing to do with the murders inflames resentment and hatred of the Israeli aggressor.  So did the murder of a Palestinian teenager, committed by Israelis seeking revenge.  The fact the Israeli State condemned this murder, arrested six Israelis rings hollow.

Remains meaningless.  Be interesting to see if anything comes of it.  One thing certain, there have been no news reports Netanyahu has razed their homes.  Unlike what was quickly done to Palestinian suspects.  A double standard.  One for the Palestinians.  Another for the Israeli aggressor.  Has been the case for decades.

Readers should understand autopsy reports indicate the Palestinian was burned alive.  Evidence of smoke inhalation, 90% of his body covered by burns.  Your tax dollars, that is, foreign aid  fund  a country that engages in such practices, applies a double standard when it comes to atrocities committed by both sides.

Consider the thoughts of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed at the funeral of the three Israeli teenagers:

"Throughout the history of our people, we have proved time and again -- in view of the horrors that we have experienced, the grief and sorrow -- the force of life that pulsates within us overcomes the forces of death.   ... They sanctify death, we sanctify life.  ... They sanctify cruelty, and we mercy and compassion. That is the secret of our strength."

That's absolute nonsense, Mr. Prime Minister.  Simply, untrue.  You sanctify Israeli  life.  At expense of Palestinians whose land you've stolen and continue to steal since 1948.  Your people lost that land generations ago due to your excesses.  Yet, you seem to think you retain a God-given right to land you rightfully lost due to these excesses and abuses.

You continue to bulldoze and bomb Palestinian houses, kill and abuse Palestinians who seek only to survive and re-take that which you have so callously and brutally stolen from them since 1948.  You treat Palestinians who happen to be Israeli citizens as second class citizens unworthy of living on land which is rightfully theirs.  Not yours.

Soon after the funeral of the three murdered Israeli kids, the Prime Minister further declared:

"May God avenge their blood.  ... Whoever was involved in the kidnapping and the murder will bear the consequences.  ... We will neither rest nor slacken until we reach the last of them. And it does not matter where they will try to hide.  ... Hamas is responsible. Hamas will pay, and Hamas will continue to pay."

Indeed.  Abundantly, so.  The Israeli aggressor quickly bombed and destroyed Palestinian property and homes in direct retaliation.  No trial.  No charges.  No due process.  Clearly, the Israeli way.  Kill and destroy first.  Ask questions, conduct investigations, and hold trials next.  Dozens of institutions were closed in Gaza.  Hundreds of Hamas activists and supporters arrested.

Indeed, a fascist police-state implemented in occupied territory by the Israeli aggressor.  Sadly, has been so for decades.  Will likely continue for quite some time.  Due to blind support by our formerly great country, which clearly believes Israel can do no wrong.  Despite Israeli atrocity after atrocity after atrocity.

Insult to injury?  Gallingly, Netanyahu during his cabinet meeting 7-6-14 declared:

"Experience proves that in moments like these, one must act calmly and responsibly, not hysterically and hastily."

-- Too late Mr. Prime Minister.  You've already done so.  Your phony 'restraint' is unadulterated bullsh-t.  Indeed, way after the fact.  Especially, after a day later, you now order your military to "take off the gloves."  You're a phony, Mr. Prime Minister.  Indeed, a sham.

Israeli air strikes have increased.  As of Wednesday evening 7-9-14, reportedly 72 Palestinians killed, 0 Israelis.  Mostly, innocent civilians.  By anyone's standards, a massacre.  Courtesy of U.S.-supplied aircraft and munitions used in direct violation of U.S. export law prohibiting such offensive use of these arms.  By Israeli admission, the air assault is twice that in intensity of 2012.  Financed by looted American taxpayers.

Hamas is indeed fighting back launching rockets.  Pitifully, outmatched, however.  Yet, keep fighting.  Taking it to the enemy.  Think this won't increase terror in the area and elsewhere?  Israeli President Shimon Peres strongly declared:

"Terror is a boomerang.  I know that we will eventually get our hands on the murderers and they will be punished."

Yes, Mr. President, indeed, they should be.  The problem, however, is the fact the Israeli aggressor is destroying property of and killing innocent Palestinians in the process.  Sadly, you will pay a heavy price for this, -- an exponential increase in terror in the area.  You will be less secure, more at risk.  Especially, as more and more Americans see the Israeli aggressor for what it is.

Clearly, the Palestinians will never stop fighting for what is rightfully theirs.  Clearly, you and others in the Israeli government cannot understand this, remain determinedly clueless, hopelessly ignorant.  Certainly, extremely vulnerable.  With an exponential ratio of enemies surrounding you.  It is time to make peace.  Allow Palestinians to have their state.  End the abuse and indiscriminate killing.  Otherwise, you will eventually wind up in the sea.  With or without American aid.

Indeed, "terror is a boomerang," Mr. President.   Who better to know than the Israeli aggressor who invented and implemented modern terroristic tactics in 1948 and has perfected them ever since?  Your enemies have adopted and implemented the very same tactics you so effectively used against them the last 66 years.  Indeed, your use of terror all these decades has indeed boomeranged. On you.

The killing of teens on both sides by the other is murder.  Those responsible need to be captured and tried.  If, indeed, Hamas was involved in these murders, in fact it amounts to commission of war crimes.  Should be prosecuted no matter what.  So should the murder of the Palestinian teen.  Insult to injury?

The 15-year-old American cousin of the murdered Palestinian teen killed in revenge by Israelis was savagely beaten by Israeli security forces.  See the video of the bastards beating him?  While in police custody?  The United States is 'outraged' and expects a quick investigation.  Why?  Doesn't happen here in the United States when law enforcement goons commit similar atrocities.  All the time.  The hypocrisy, stunning.

The only way, the only chance at the very least of ameliorating Middle East savagery on both sides is to stop funding the Israeli aggressor.  Cut off all financial and military aid.  Otherwise, we continue to fuel the fire.  This insane continued funding simply encourages the Israeli aggressor as well as the lunatics on the other side.  Extremists on both sides must be reined in.

Without endless American military aid, the Israeli aggressor would be forced to end the atrocities, the abuse, the virtual enslavement of Palestinians.  Highly-sophisticated U.S. technology enables these atrocities and abuse.  We continue to be on the wrong side of history.  Will continue to dearly pay for such imperialistic policies vis a vis terror.  Terror, indeed, the 'poor man's' only 'successful' 'defense' against such imperialistic policies.  Yet, we remain clueless.  Aggressively stupid, ignorant of reality.

Immediately, cut off the flow of money directly spent on Israeli weaponry.  Fund only humanitarian projects on both sides.  Become an honest, truly impartial broker of peace in the area.  Our formerly great country can't continue to financially and militarily support the Israeli aggressor, yet expect Palestinians to willingly live under the boot heel of that aggressor.  Things just don't work that way, never will.  -- If the shoe indeed were on the other foot, we wouldn't tolerate it.  It's time to wake up.  Now.  Before too late.

Amazing how American jurisdiction extends across the universe, isn't it?  Who the hell is the United States government to dictate to an American citizen what he or she can and cannot do in another country?  Especially, when legal in that country.   What about jurisdiction of foreign governments in their country?  No longer exists?  Clearly, our formerly great country has great problems recognizing that authority.  Indeed, it's called American imperialism, Mr. President.  Unless, of course, it is that of major powers such as China, Russia, etc., where you clearly have no choice.

Yet, our nazi government haughtily dictates to smaller, less powerful nations.  Sometimes, rightfully so.  Certainly, in the case of an American pedophile intending to fly to Thailand or some other country to sexually abuse a child.  Despite the fact that local authorities overseas often look the other way, these kids need to be protected.  When our government arrests such an individual planning to do so overseas, it does the right thing.  Children, foreign or domestic, must be shielded from such predators.  This is, certainly, a legitimate function of government.

Where things get much more complicated, stickier, dicier is when someone intends to go overseas to allegedly fight jihad.  The operant word, -- allegedly.  Shannon Maureen Conley is 19.  Intended to shack up and marry a Tunisian who claims to be fighting for ISIS, now renamed the Islamic State.  As readers know quite well, the Islamic State is extremely repressive, cruel, brutal, hopelessly psychotic.  So much so, even al Qaeda has rejected them as too extreme.

Yet, this young American woman wants to join this Tunisian, she allegedly met online, as a nurse's aid in Syria.  The FBI had been aware of this quite some time.  Had tried to talk her out of it.  Repeatedly.  To no avail.  Apparently, they had nothing to arrest her for, otherwise they would had already done so.  Far, far earlier than April 8.  ... How do you arrest someone for what amounts to no more than an "intent" to be a nurse's aid in a country we are not at war with?  How?

Indeed, how can you justify such an arrest?  Difficult even for the FBI to so bastardize the law and Constitution to quickly, easily do so.  Clearly, they couldn't or wouldn't.  When she finally tried to board a plane to travel overseas April 8 from Denver International Airport, however, they arrested her.  Suddenly, they had all they needed.  Imagine that.

Charged her with conspiracy.  What conspiracy?  Conspired to do what?  Live with a guy and offer her services as a nurse's aide in a country we are not at war with?  To aid a foreign terrorist organization.  How?  By granting humanitarian aid?  By whose definition?  A government that has condemned Palestinian groups such as Hamas as a terroristic organization simply because they ferociously fight for independence from a U.S. ally that forces them to live under their boot heel?  Worse, while ignoring repeated atrocities committed by that very same ally, the Israeli aggressor?  How does our government have any credibility?   Any at all?

This woman hadn't even left the country.    Yet, they conveniently now accuse her of repeatedly telling them of her alleged plans to commit terrorism.  On multiple occasions.  Allegedly, for months.  If true, why wasn't she long before arrested?  Why did the FBI allegedly desperately try to repeatedly get her to change her mind?  Repeatedly, involving her parents and the mosque?

Why is her arrest only now unsealed?  Some three months after the fact?  What was this government trying to hide by falsely invoking bogus "national 'security'" restrictions on the court?  Whose ass were they desperately trying to cover?  Agents who may have botched the entire fiasco?  None of this makes any sense.  Clearly, someone's lying.  Guess who?

The question remains as to the propriety of this arrest.  More to the point, just how far does American jurisdiction extend?  How much control does and should our government have over what happens overseas in foreign jurisdictions?  Especially, since our formerly great country has turned into no more than a fascist police state itself?  These questions need to be asked and resolved. Not cowardly swept under the rug.

Including, precisely what does it take to get out from under the thumb of a government that has turned into little more than a fascist police-state?  Other than an unwanted, dreaded second American revolution already catastrophically looming on the horizon?  Although little is known of this case at this time due to government secrecy, bogus "national 'security'" bullsh-t imposed by these government goons to cover their sorry, inept, corrupt, abusive asses, this young woman had apparently not renounced American citizenship to get out from under their boot heel.  Indeed, a Catch-22.

Had she done so, would have had her passport immediately revoked, would not have been free to leave the United States no matter what.  Indeed, immediately raises the question does the United States own its citizens?  In other words, what does it take to leave the country permanently as this young woman seemed intent on doing?  Free herself from the clutches of an increasingly corrupt, abusive, inept United States government?  Despite the fact she clearly and stupidly intended to figuratively jump from the frying pan into the fire vis a vis outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept government.

A most interesting question in light of the fact that illegal aliens, particularly women and children, are now desperately trying to get into a country that clearly does not want them.  So much so, U.S. citizens are trying to block their movement by government officials.  Militia groups plan to get involved.  What has happened to our formerly great country?

This migration continues despite the fact our border patrol continues to kill them on the Mexican side of the border.  With virtual impunity.  Yet, they still keep coming.  Unabated.  Interesting, isn't it?  Clearly, they have no clue as to what has truly happened to our formerly great country, that is, its ongoing nazification.

What is sad is the fact this young woman intent on leaving the United States to become a nurse's aide for the Islamic State has a public defender.  Will likely be urged to plead guilty to a lesser charge.  Instead of aggressively fighting these charges to determine exactly where the limits of American jurisdiction truly are.  Had her intentions been to fight American troops, it would have been a no-brainer.  Treason.

It is far from clear at this point these allegations of her terroristic intentions by FBI agents are credible.  If so, why wasn't she charged with treason?  Too hard for you bastards to prove?  Not easy to fabricate credible false 'evidence?'  Especially, since they repeatedly met with her, heard what she had to say, repeatedly allegedly tried to get her to change her mind?  If true, why bother?  Why not have simply arrested her?  Didn't take this government some five months to determine what contacts she had with this Tunisian and when.  Forget?  This is a 19-year-old misguided woman.  Not a seasoned battle-hardened terrorist.

Yet, did not act on any of it until she was on the jetway.  Again, some five months after first becoming aware of her.  Their credibility is sorely in question.  Since we are not at war with Syria, the limits of American jurisdiction should and must be questioned.   On principle.  Where are the limits of American jurisdiction?  Extend across the universe?  This is clearly yet another attack on free speech, association, liberty.  Misguided or not.

No matter what, this woman and defense counsel will not be allowed to put on a viable defense.  A 'judge' in the pocket of the government will dictate what is and is not acceptable. Instead of allowing a jury to decide.  Likely, she will be railroaded by the fascist police-state we now live in.  Exactly, why this outrageously corrupt and abusive government has been as successful as it has been prosecuting terrorists, would-be terrorists, and the truly innocent.  They do it the old fashioned way.  They railroad them.

No due process.  Don't allow them to robustly defend themselves in court.  Dictate what that 'defense' should be.  Deny access to exculpatory classified documents.  Refuse to allow a jury to decide.  Haughtily decide for them.  Precisely, why GOP insistence on military tribunals and Gitmo is not only unnecessary, but aggressively stupid.  The bastards have a far better chance of scoring a 'conviction' in an ordinary court.  That's how corrupted and intentionally perverse this system of 'justice' has become.  Where it now appears there is a better chance of 'justice' in a military kangaroo 'court.'

Indeed, day is night, night is day, and sh-t smells perversely sweet in Nazi America.  All ass backwards.  All a result of the continued nazification of all our country formerly held dear, inviolable.  We've lost ourselves.  Have allowed fear to turn this country into no more than a fascist police-state.  Consolidation of Executive power.  Creation of a dictatorship.  This is just the beginning, however.  Things will get far worse.

As far as the judgment of this young woman is concerned?  Yes, it must be questioned, as well.  Ferociously, so.  What the hell could she possibly have been thinking?  Having any affiliation with a group too psychotic even for al Qaeda?  Remains beside the point, however.  She is an adult.  Should be free to travel where she pleases as many, clearly not all Americans are.  Should she subsequently be involved in combat against American forces?  Then all bets are off.  She becomes a legitimate target.  Since she plans to become a nurse's aide in a country we are not at war with, she should be free to go.  If not, who is?  Begs the question does the government truly believe it owns our cowardly, compliant, sheepish, hopelessly sorry asses?  Or, do we?

Edward Snowden is clearly the gift that keeps on giving.  This courageous whistle blower, national hero, disclosed more documents to the Washington Post.  Comfortable with your baby pictures in NSA databanks?  How about your medical records?  Resumes?  Personal letters, emails?  No problem?  This data dump by Snowden reportedly included some 160,000 intercepted conversations.  Still comfortable?  No problem with nazi government looking over your shoulder?  Up your sorry cowardly ass?

The collection period was 2009-2012.  Reportedly, 90% of the material was from ordinary people, not targets of NSA.  Still comfortable?  Unfazed?  No problem?  Use a foreign proxy server, log into a mail account while out of the country?   This nazi spy agency defines you as a foreigner, considers you fair game.  Speak a foreign language?  NSA considers you an alien.  A target.   Reportedly, half the files included names, email addresses, etc., the bastards clearly marked as belonging to Americans.

The dump included over 5,000 photos of innocent, untargeted people.  Lurid irrelevant documents including love affairs gone wrong, religious conversions, personal problems, etc. were retained by these nazis.  All kept despite the fact these outrageous fascist bastards labeled them as useless.  Still comfortable?  Blasé?  Aggressively stupid?  Some 7,900 documents from 11,000 online accounts. Innocent people.  Record keeping frighteningly remarkably similar to those kept by the Third Reich in the 1930s, 40s.

Reportedly, amendments imposed back in 2008 by the outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept, corporate bought and paid for Congress to the FISA statute supposedly 'authorized' such data collection.  The government falsely claimed this material was beyond the reach of Snowden.  Clearly, it wasn't.  You've been lied to.  Hoodwinked.  Drunk the Kool Aide.  Bought the bullsh-t.

No Fourth Amendment.  Gone.  Poof.  The traitorous sons of bitches in Congress and a nazi President obliterated it.   Every fascist bastard who voted for this and signed it into law should be tried for treason.  Egregiously violated their oaths of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  Readers?  Again and ad nauseum, you've been bamboozled, royally f--ked.  Yet, remain too stupid, cowardly to fully appreciate the damage done by these traitors.  The loss of liberty.

FISA must be immediately repealed.  So should the charter of NSA.  Both actions necessary to ensure national security.  That's not to say, however, there should be no surveillance.  It must be done with a warrant signed by a judge.  True probable cause.  Overseas spying should and must be limited only to our enemies.  Certainly, not our allies and other neutral countries who have been no threat and not likely to become one.  Otherwise, liberty remains eviscerated here, no one trusts us overseas including our allies.

What happened to Germany vis a vis NSA cellphone spying on the Prime Minister and reported sale of documents by an alleged German intelligence service traitor to American agents is appalling.  The former is unquestionably true.  The latter is still being investigated by German prosecutors.  If also true, would be nothing less than an egregious betrayal of trust between two erstwhile allies.  Gallingly, glaringly unacceptable.

Yet, the United States simply doesn't get it.  Cannot understand such behavior is not just horrific, but exceptionally counterproductive.  -- We'll wind up with 'allies' who have absolutely no trust in us.  That is, we'll have no allies at all.  The perverse mindset of U.S. government mentality is brilliantly exemplified by an interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently had with Der Spiegel:

"The U.S. will never sign a no-spy agreement (a German demand) with any other countries, not with you, not with Britain or Canada.  ... But that doesn't mean that the two countries and their intelligence agencies shouldn't clarify what's appropriate and what isn't."

That's absolute bullsh-t, Madam Secretary. Double talk.  Indeed, "double speak" in the very worst sense of the phrase.  Precisely, why our formerly great country is no longer trusted.  The fact NSA intercepted her cellphone is proof positive, alone, such an agreement must be signed and enforced.  If the United States indeed paid off a German traitor for information, relations will no longer be the same between our two countries.  Could not be.  Horrendous loss.

Too clueless to appreciate the severity, long-term consequences of this self-imposed crisis?  Precisely, why you and others who think like you are unfit for public office.  Indeed, Madam Secretary, you are an anachronism.  Could not be trusted as President.  Sadly, you've drunk the Kool Aide, bought the bullsh-t.

Or, is it merely political expediency and unquenched ambition?  Either way, you remain glaringly unfit for the presidency.  Do the country and yourself a favor.  Find something else to do.  Haven't the American people had enough of the Clintons?  Follow the fine example of Barbara Bush who amusingly but wisely opined before her son Jeb reportedly considered running, the public has indeed had enough of the Bush dynasty.  They have.  So too, of you and your husband.   Haven't you both done enough damage?

Our government no longer serves the best interests of its people.  Only itself and its corporate masters.  Can no longer be trusted.  Has lied and betrayed its citizens.  To say nothing of long-term allies.  We live in what has become no more than a fascist police-state.  If this does not change, the unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming on the horizon will sadly become reality.  Wake up.  Before too late.

Tim Chorney

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America

Cannot do it alone. Impossible. Not sustainableThis publication needs your financial and material supportBoth.  Time to step up.  -- Need a place to park the Pace Arrow.  No hook-ups necessary.

Tim Chorney

JP2 Linda Ballard Recording

Click here for a most interesting conversation between JP2 Linda Ballard and LCRA Communications Supervisor Mitch Hibbs who at the time was investigating a complaint made by the Henderson family against the 'judge.'  The recording had been made by Hibbs and provided by Phyllis Henderson who had gotten it through an open records request.   During the course of the recording you will hear the 'judge' make a terroristic threat against the Henderson family which the investigator laughingly shrugged off as a joke.

Seems former LCRA Ranger Lance Bilski, stepson of Llano County Sheriff Bill Blackburn, had been harassing the Henderson family regarding their tire business, Henderson Tire.  Worse? There are unsubstantiated allegations, that although very much attached, Bilski may have indeed engaged in improprieties, that is, egregiously unprofessional conduct relevant to the Henderson complaint.  All this had been covered in Newsletter Text V346.

Publication of this material, however, should in no way be interpreted as endorsement of Ballard's opponent, Steve Lange, in the upcoming runoff.  It is not.  It is provided as a public service to expose the 'judge' for exactly whom and what she is.

Tim Chorney 4-15-14

Expose: Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices
Wells Fargo Opening Salvo 3-3-14
Wells Fargo Lynn Massey 3-2-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 2, 3-10-14

JP2 Candidate Shelly Comerford 2-9-14

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-8-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 2-3-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609