Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V360       ©2014 All Rights Reserved
May 12, 2014

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Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V360

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Newsletter Text V360

This country is flooded, awash in gasoline.  No shortages.  No gas lines.  No interruptions, threatened, pending, promised, or otherwise.  Absolutely, none.  Can buy it anywhere.  Notice the steep increase in price, though, the last several weeks?  On a product the public must have.  Remains plentiful.  Ubiquitous.  What 'free' market?  Where?  Rule of supply and demand?   Where?   A ruse.  Absolutely no justification, legitimate reason for this ongoing gouging since 1973.  Unabashed looting.  Ungreased shaft rammed hard up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day by the energy community and its bought and paid for government lackeys.

Record profits.  Unbridled corporate greed.  Off the backs of an egregiously looted public.  Further proof positive a 'free' market economy remains no more than a charade.  The market is manipulated by the corporate management suite and the oligarchs who own it.  Why do these greedy bastards do this?  Because they can.  Lines their pockets.  Protected by bought and paid for government lackeys securely in their pockets.  For a must have product the bastards know a gullible public will pay almost anything for.  Think the gouging in healthcare any different?

Natural gas?  Plentiful.  So much so, the industry disingenuously 'fears' price drops.  Where?  Where has that happened?  Have home heating costs dropped throughout the country?  They haven't.  In fact, gone up.  Further proof, the 'free' market remains a myth.  Supply and demand? Equally so.  Consumers continue to be gouged.  Mercilessly looted.

Where is effective regulation?  Indeed, a legitimate function of good government.  Despite phony assertions to the contrary by the GOP.  ... Protection against such egregious blatant contrived treasonous traitorous exceptionally well-engineered f--king of the American public?  Where?  Non-existent.  Intentionally, so.  By design.  Consequently, the public gets turned upside down, change shaken out of their pockets.  Again, on a product they must have.

When the temperature drops and people shiver, the bastards in the industry know they can charge virtually anything they want.  And do.  It's properly called nazism. Not capitalism.  Think the healthcare industry doesn't do the same?  Like the energy industry, they enjoy a captive audience.  Know the sick and dying will spend their last dime.  And do.  For one additional moment of life.

Senate GOP fascists and their Democratic partners remain desperate to force through the Keystone Canadian tar sands pipeline from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.  -- Despite the irritating, cowardly failure of the President to approve or disapprove the fiasco, choosing instead to further 'study' a proposed project already studied some five years.

Should this pipeline be ultimately approved and built, truly believe fuel prices will stabilize?  Not continue to skyrocket?  Force Big Oil to stop enriching Middle Eastern oil producers who hate the United States with damned good reason and continue to line their pockets at our expense?  Wake up.   Determined ignorance is unbecoming. You've been bamboozled.  Sold a bill of goods.  Dopes duped.

What will you get in return?  Lower fuel prices?  Not a chance.  Guarantied supply of 'reasonably priced' gasoline?  Do you truly believe that?  In the energy industry, supply and demand intentionally only reliably and consistently work to increase prices as demand goes up.  Seldom the other way around.  When the cost of crude drops and supplies increase, the price of gasoline seldom goes down.  Certainly, never drops as fast as it rises.  Intentionally, designedly, cleverly so.  It's called gouging.  Manipulation of the market, giving the lie to a 'free' market economy.  It's not.  It's always manipulated. Always.  You've been bamboozled.  ... "But what can we do?," whine an aggressively stupid hopelessly ignorant and cowardly public.  Wake up.

Why is Canadian oil priced at approximately the same level as that gouged by Middle East producers?  Why is the price of crude consistently nearly the same no matter where it comes from?  No matter the fact the cost of producing and shipping it varies wildly from country to country?  Why haven't prices dropped since the United States is producing more crude than ever before?  Demand down.  So much so states want to increase gas taxes.  You've been hoodwinked.  Sold a phony bill of goods.  Dopes duped.  The corporate cartel rules.  Here and abroad.  Does as it pleases.  Remains protected by its bought and paid for government lackeys. Wake up.  The fix is in.  Always has been.  You don't know that?

Think BLM isn't already licking its chops, salivating at the prospect of a further federal land grab?  Think private property owners from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico will be fairly compensated for commandeered land?  Wake up.  You're being egregiously blatantly royally f--ked by the corporate management suite, their bought and paid for government lackeys, and the oligarchs who own it all.  Will continue for one reason and one reason only.  The public is aggressively stupid.  Buys the bullsh-t.  Too cowardly and corporate-controlled to rise up.

Tar sands oil is 'dirty' oil.  What that means is far more energy is required to produce it than other supplies of crude.  Widens the carbon footprint.  Leading to increased global warming.  ... Almost forgot.  The Nazi Right believes global warming to be a ruse.  Despite the fact the preponderance of increasingly violent weather and temperature extremes is exactly what has been predicted by the scientific community.  -- Who base science on fact, rather than political ideology, expediency, and corporate greed.  As does the GOP.  Then again, wouldn't want to confuse the hopelessly ignorant with the truth, would we?  They've already drunk the Kool Aide.

What about fracking?  Long-term issues of pollution of drinking water not a concern?  What about geological disturbances, that is, earthquakes generated by waste water under extremely high pressure injected deep within the earth?  No concern about long-term ramifications?  None?  What happens, when or if, it is determined severe damage has been done?  Unconcerned?  "It's the money, stupid?"  Money to be made now?  No concern for the future and possible consequences?  Think an "I'm sorry" makes it should this become catastrophic?  Guess who pays?  Clearly, no careful consideration has been given to all these issues.

Coup de grace?  Reportedly, most Canadian tar sands oil traveling through the proposed pipeline will not be consumed in the United States.  Will go overseas and be priced at cartel rates.  Other than short-term jobs created to build it, how does the U.S. ultimately benefit?  Who pays to clean up and repair damage should a leak occur?  This fiasco, further proof we do not think long-term.  Only, here and now.

Reportedly, some forty federal agencies have heavily-armed paramilitary units.  Why?  Are they expecting a second American revolution?  One enlightened Republican in Utah wants to do something about it.  Rep. Chris Stewart believes BLM has no business using such units in its raids.  He's right.  Wants these agencies to use local law enforcement instead.  Why does outrageously corrupt, abusive, inept government believe it needs military and/or paramilitary groups to be used against its people?  Why?

Reportedly, the federal government employs some 120,000 officers in these agencies.  If true, think this isn't overkill?  No pun intended.  There's no question.  We're overpoliced.  At all levels of outrageously corrupt, abusive, achingly inept government.  Employed to subjugate.   Further establish a fascist police-state.  Consolidate power.  Abuse, shake down innocent citizens.  The true threat to liberty.  Not any foreign power, terrorist group, or the criminal element.  Worse?  A gullible, hopelessly cowardly public is royally f--ked, that is, egregiously looted to pay for it. You don't know that?

Once again, the U.S. Supreme Court displayed its true colors.  Shamelessly, further bastardized The Establishment Clause, First Amendment, that is, de facto church-state separation.  In a 5-4 decision 9-5-14, nazis on the Court ruled there is no constitutional prohibition against blatantly sectarian prayers that highly stress, no more than promulgate Christianity at the beginning of Greece, N.Y. Town Council meetings.  At 120 meetings, reportedly, only four were non-Christian.  Yet, this nazi Court opines this does not amount to determined establishment of Christianity as state religion in the not-so-great State of New York.

The five fascist bastards legislating their outrageously perverse ideological and religious views from the bench?  Usual suspects:  Kennedy, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia. Who else?   With the other four in sharp dissent.  This is a country of many religions and in some cases, none.  Incredibly, the five nazis don't care or fully comprehend the significance and impact their ruling in defense of blatantly sectarian Christian prayer will ultimately have.  It deliberately, determinedly, craftily excludes, Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, Unitarians, Wiccans, and many, many others.  ... As falsely denied but clearly and disingenuously intended by the fascist bastards on the Court, as well as the Greece Town Council.

Doesn't matter in Nazi America.  They haughtily do as they please.  Routinely, legislate their perverse ideological and religious views from the bench.  Raucously, gleefully sh-t on all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  The message from this Court ruling and the Greece Town Council is amply clear.  Achingly, simple.  If you remain unwilling to march in goosestep with their outrageously perverse, immoral, highly un-Christian religious views, you are excluded.  Hear the rumble?

Since no enforcement of church-state separation as required by The Establishment Clause, First Amendment can be expected from this nazi Court, there are creative polite and not so polite ways to deal with this shameless proselytism perpetrated by these supposedly religious, achingly clueless, unadulterated hypocritical phonies.  Polite?  Walk out as the blatantly sectarian prayer is uttered.

Not so polite?  Turn your back and stand your ground.  -- Both likely to get you killed or beaten by their fervent but achingly intolerant 'believers.'  Worse?  These hopelessly ignorant clueless bastards are too aggressively stupid to understand the disrespect is not directed against the Creator, but the fascist hypocrites who wouldn't know or understand Christ's message if it bit them hard on the ass.

This, the very same perverse religious mentality that in the not so great State of Texas forces doctors who perform abortions to effectively sexually assault women with an unnecessary trans vaginal ultrasound.  The doctors themselves clearly state their opposition to what amounts to sexual assault by an unnecessary procedure forced by Republican nazis in the Texas Legislature, signed into law by ole' Rick "The Prick" to discourage women from getting abortions.

No more than deliberate imposition of their perverse ideological and religious views on these women.  No more than effective practice of medicine without a license.  Direct violation of the First Amendment Establishment Clause and the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.  To say nothing of the Fourteenth  Amendment.   Doesn't matter in Nazi Texas.  Achingly Aryan arrogant national socialist sons of bitches insist, and do as they please.  Protected by an equally nazi 'court' system.

Equally galling?  The outrageously hypocritical fascist bastards in the Legislature refused to pass a bill that would require stress tests, digital rectal exams, and rectal prostate ultrasounds of those among them and other men suffering from erectile dysfunction and seeking a prescription for Viagra.  Clearly, what's good for the goose is not good for the gander, however.  Literally.

Especially, when one of these nazi bastards can't get it up.  Can't have that, can we?  Quite all right for women to be forced to be sexually assaulted by their doctors in order to discourage abortion, but not for these nazi bastards themselves to take it hard up the ass by their doctors to ensure their supposed health and well being?  A goddamned double standard.  A clear example, proof positive of the achingly f--ked up deliberately engineered unequal nazi nanny state imposed by the Nazi Right.  To not so cleverly impose its perverse ideological and religious agenda on all.

... Hey, boys?  Is this why you've sickly, perversely embraced national socialism?  Makes you feel more like a 'man?'  Particularly poignant since you can't get it up?  Is this why you subjugate the "little woman?"  The manly thing to do?  What happens when the Viagra no longer works?  What legislation will you then impose in retaliation?  You sad, sick, pathetic excuses for 'men' are truly sorry sons of bitches.  Not men.   Boys.

Disrespect, abuse, physical and sexual assault of women and girls appear to be exponentially increasing.  Here and abroad.  Rubber stamped by outrageous laws here and abroad.  Think what happens in India, Nigeria and elsewhere, that is, kidnapping, gang rape, sale, murder of women and girls isn't exponentially increasing, spreading worldwide?  It starts, indeed has its roots in what's happening in the Texas Legislature and Governor's Office.  That is, imposition of sick, perverse religion.  Forcing its convoluted, twisted, phony views and beliefs on all.  By fiat, or in some cases, literal force.

Nazi TexasNazi America.  Where every goddamned fascist son of a bitch expects, demands his or her perverse religious views be imposed on all.  By law.  -- Where GOP nazis including the Governor and Legislature effectively practice medicine without a license.  Dictate to the "little woman" what's best for her.  Haughtily, patronizingly consider her too damned stupid, hopelessly ignorant to decide for herself.  ... Hear the rumble?

Coup de grace?  'Justice' Kennedy writing for the majority opines such blatantly sectarian prayer to be "tradition."  So was slavery, Jim Crow, institutionalized racism, and many, many other outrageous and egregiously unconstitutional "traditions" in our formerly great country.  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, achingly hypocritical, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!, 'Judge?'

You, sir, are an embarrassment, a disgrace, a throwback.  So are the other four bona fide national socialists on the Court.  Adolph and Benito, indeed, must be smiling from their fiery perches.  ... No, correction, laughing their asses off.  No question, nazism is not dead.  Resurrection of the profound evil in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy is occurring right here, right now.  The birth of the Fourth Reich.

The problem with this ruling, and all similar, is not religion, spirituality, a supreme being, or even the act of prayer itself.  It is the fact it is blatantly deliberately sectarian, desperately disingenuously cleverly designed to ultimately establish Christianity as state religion.  If not, then its proponents should have absolutely no objection to rotating public prayer on a regular basis to all beliefs.

All of them.  Including agnostics, human secularists, atheists, even Satanists.  Should all have their say.  Should the allegedly 'Christian' Fascist Right object, their true colors and agenda would immediately be obvious.  Apparent to all.  Think they would give the time of day, be willing to listen, hear what an agnostic or secularist might have to say?  Think they wouldn't hoot, holler, walk out if an atheist, worse yet, a Satanist addressed a public meeting with a few thoughts?

They demand freedom of speech for themselves, yet deny it to others.  Falsely claim their religious liberty is being infringed.  How?  Simply because the public doesn't wish to be proselytized at a public meeting?  Since when have any of their churches been closed down by government?  Since when have they been denied freedom of speech to preach whatever venom and/or fascist bullsh-t they choose in church?  They're free to do so.  Will remain so.  Those of us who ferociously disagree with their egregious distortion of reality, nonetheless, will always fight and remain willing to fight for their right to free speech.

That is, fight for their freedom and right to express these perverse convoluted views.  The line is drawn, however, when they insist, blatantly determinedly force these views on an unwilling public.  Despite ferocious opposition repeatedly expressed to them by those targeted for public proselytism.  Worse?  Proselytism imposed by fiat, that is, statutes that enjoy the force of law.  Are cleverly designed to force their perverse ideological and religious views on the rest of us by government decree.

Two recent egregious examples?  The sonogram law and forced closure of abortion clinics that don't meet phony standards not so cleverly set by religious nazis determined to deny women the right to do with their uterus as they damn well please.  If they truly cared about women's health, they'd back off since childbirth is far more dangerous and risky than abortion.  Clearly, it's no more than imposition of their perverse religious views on all.  Not what's truly in the best interests of women.

Why shouldn't churches lose tax exempt status when they engage in elective politics?  Why should they be allowed to use tax exempt money to  f--k women out of the right to do with their uterus as they damn well please?  Deny them birth control?  Not only the general public, but the women who work for them?  Why should they be allowed to force their perverse religious and ideological views on these women, their employees and others, by perversely denying them abortion and contraceptive services?  Access to such care they've earned?  Paid for through their labor? Not the severely lacking generosity, glaringly missing charity of those denying them these constitutional rights.

Use tax exempt money to similarly deny the LGBT community the same rights and privileges the rest of us enjoy?  Why should tax exempt dollars  be used to impose their egregiously Fascist Right perverse ideological and religious beliefs on all of us?  Why should they be granted tax exempt status only to use these lost tax dollars to impose their perverse beliefs on those they don't approve of?  Don't want to abort or use contraception?  Don't.  Don't force that egregiously perverse belief, however, on your employees and the rest of us.  Doing so is achingly un-American, truly national socialist.

The Right has no clue what religious liberty means.  It does not mean carte blanche to proselytize those unwilling to drink the Kool Aide.  ... Which is exactly what happened at Greece Town Council meetings.  -- Where blatant sectarian prayer was disingenuously used to force their perverse religious views on the unwilling.  In a public setting.  At a public meeting.  Why do these fascists feel so compelled to wear their religion on their sleeve and force it on others at a public meeting that has absolutely nothing to do with religious belief but on how to execute legitimate functions of government?

Sadly, these pathetically sick nazis falsely and dangerously believe they're one and the same.  That's the bottom line of all this.  The true threat to liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  Precisely, why a nazi Supreme Court ignored The Establishment Clause, instead  rubber stamped their perverse religious views, intentionally deliberately bastardized church-state separation required and demanded by the First Amendment.  A sad, sad day for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties under relentless vicious attack from the Right.  Ludicrously, it's not religious liberty at risk as opined by these nazis, but freedom from perverse and immoral religious beliefs forced on the rest of us by them.  They've ignorantly gotten it achingly assbackwards.

The Right falsely argues the Founders were ubiquitously Christian.  Simply, not so.   Some were.   Many, not.   Others, Unitarians, that is, theists.   Some didn't believe at all.   One was so angry with Christianity and its abuses he edited his own version of the Bible.   Spiritual beliefs among the Founders were not homogeneous.

Far from it.  Precisely, why they wrote the First Amendment.  Wisely including not only freedom of religion, but freedom from it.  The Establishment Clause.  To claim otherwise is to bastardize the Amendment and re-write history.  -- As the Right and a nazi Supreme Court remain perversely hellbent on doing.  To exclusion of those who do not agree.  Haven't drunk the Kool Aide.  Don't buy the bullsh-t.

... Continuing with a few additional thoughts regarding the insanity of the Right, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin remains poster girl.  Is the gift that keeps on giving.  Seems the former running mate of John McCain has no clue torture is indeed a war crime punishable by death.  At a recent NRA function, Ms. Palin opined, “If I was in charge they would know waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

Clearly, the former governor is clueless.  Hopelessly ignorant.  Japanese Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita was executed at the end of the Second World War for war crimes.  One of them?  Waterboarding.

Each time Ms. Palin opens her mouth to remove a foot she demonstrates precisely how badly, indeed, the educational system has achingly failed.  Not to be outdone by drivel spewed that NRA members were forced to endure, however, she more recently patronizingly condescendingly opined Hillary Clinton as grandmother-to-be will likely reverse her support of abortion rights.

... To think the former governor, had she been elected vice president, would have been a heartbeat away from becoming president should anything have happened to Mr. McCain.   A shuddering thought.  This woman is an embarrassment to Republican women.  Many of whom would do an excellent job as president.  Certainly, far better than any of the boys.  -- Low levels of testosterone and unbridled nazism in these sad excuses for 'men,'  indeed a most dangerous combination.  Lethal to rational thought and progress, certainly anathema to improvement of the human condition.

As their ladies know quite well and continuing in a more outrageously humorous vein, the 'boys' of the Grand Old Party need frequent vigorous athletic activity to be at their best.  Buffed.  Manly.  Jock support?   Not a problem.   An elastic band and walnut shell indeed will do.  ... Right, Governor.  -- Of anyone, "The Prick" should know, shouldn't he?  The fit?  Exquisite.  Just what the trainer ordered.  More important?  Protects the family jewels.

Should things continue to deteriorate, however, as appears to be the case, there'll come a time when a thimble and thread will more than suffice.  ... Already happening, Rick?  Too bad.   Reverse Darwinism.  ... Not just survival of the unfittest any longer. No, no, no.  -- Proper scientific term for this phenomenon? Devolution.   No surprise, is it?  Sadly, the GOP has been going backward for years.  Then again, in all fairness, the Democrats are no better.   Aren't we lucky?

Small  comfort,  Governor?  ... Does the shell chafe?  -- Don't know it's impolite to scratch in public, sir?   ... Re-adjust, ah, uhmm, ahhh, what shall we say, personal 'matters' in full public view?

What will these poor bastards do when the Viagra no longer works?  Good question.  One thing for sure, -- be no need to protect the family jewels.  Won't matter.  Don't work anyway.

Cannot do it alone. ImpossibleThis publication needs your financial and material supportTime to step up.  -- Need a place to park the Pace Arrow.  No hook-ups necessary.

Tim Chorney

JP2 Linda Ballard Recording

Click here for a most interesting conversation between JP2 Linda Ballard and LCRA Communications Supervisor Mitch Hibbs who at the time was investigating a complaint made by the Henderson family against the 'judge.'  The recording had been made by Hibbs and provided by Phyllis Henderson who had gotten it through an open records request.   During the course of the recording you will hear the 'judge' make a terroristic threat against the Henderson family which the investigator laughingly shrugged off as a joke.

Seems former LCRA Ranger Lance Bilski, stepson of Llano County Sheriff Bill Blackburn, had been harassing the Henderson family regarding their tire business, Henderson Tire.  Worse?  There are unsubstantiated allegations, that although very much attached, Bilski may have indeed engaged in improprieties, that is, egregiously unprofessional conduct relevant to the Henderson complaint.  All this had been covered in Newsletter Text V346.

Publication of this material, however, should in no way be interpreted as endorsement of Ballard's opponent, Steve Lange, in the upcoming runoff.  It is not.  It is provided as a public service to expose the 'judge' for exactly whom and what she is.

Tim Chorney 4-15-14

Expose: Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices
Wells Fargo Opening Salvo 3-3-14
Wells Fargo Lynn Massey 3-2-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 2, 3-10-14

JP2 Candidate Shelly Comerford 2-9-14

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 2-3-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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