Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.

Newsletter Text V359       ©2014 All Rights Reserved
May 5, 2014

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V359

Before reading the new edition kindly take time to consider the following:

The following Liberty In Peril links, although unhighlighted, are all currently active.  ... At this time.  It is important, however to bookmark each.  Why?  Remember the nature of this publication, -- as well as the fact all sites are hosted free of charge on independent servers.  This means they can be removed at any time due to changes in terms of service or hacking attack.  Since this publication is unfunded, it is the goal to keep at least one up and running at all times.  Bookmark!  -- If one is lost, you'll have access to another.  Should a site or sites not been updated, it may only mean this writer has temporarily lost Internet access.  Patience. ... Pesky issues all associated with an unfunded publication that aggressively challenges the status quo.

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Newsletter Text V359

Own a smart phone?  Marvel at its complexity, capabilities?  Enormous amount of data it stores?  --The Library of Congress has James Madison's collection of papers.  -- Approximately 72,000 pages.  Aware current smart phone models can hold 100 times that?  Like the convenience of carrying your personal records?  Having it all at your finger tips?  Enjoy walking into a store, having it offer you coupons, discounts, special deals electronically?  Truly treasure scanning a label and immediately offered a better price at another store?

Ever consider, however, the price you ultimately pay for this whiz bang technology?  Not a clue?  Couldn't care less?  Nothing to hide, so matters not at all?  Privacy, meaningless?  Irrelevant?  Beside the point?  Think so?  Or, might your approach be, "It's the money, stupid?"  ... "That's all that matters."  Wake up.  Your personal information gets collected by these vendors, sold to data brokers.  Passed on to millions.  Hacked by criminals.  Identities stolen.  Don't think so? Couldn't happen to you?  ... Not yet.  Wake up.  A matter of time.

The brokers of your personal information know everything there is to know about you.  Comfortable with that?  -- Where you work, live, health status, assets, bank accounts, entertainment sources, vacation getaways, what you do, drive, eat, where you eat. everywhere you go, whom you associate with, what books, magazines you read, whether or not you consume alcohol and how much, whether you smoke, websites you visit, sexual proclivities, personal interests, hobbies, etc..  Virtually everything there is to know about you.

This information is extremely valuable, circulated by the corporate management suite.  Shared.  You've foolishly forfeited privacy for convenience, 30 pieces of silver.  Still enchanted?  ... Too hopelessly ignorant to know better?  Fully understand how much personal risk this engenders?  Don't mind being cleverly manipulated to buy merchandise and services you may not even want or need to line pockets of those least needing the loot?

Worse?  Far worse?  Smart phones make it exceptionally easy for law enforcement to shake down innocent citizens.  Think not?  Wake up.  Gives them a most convenient treasure trove of all your personal data.  Centrally located.  Everything there is to know about you.  Usefully creates a timeline of all your activities, personal history.  Conveniently enables them to easily manufacture false charges with 'evidence' you've  stupidly, gullibly provided to line the pockets of cash strapped government courtesy of your phone.  They convolute and bastardize what's on that phone.  Use it against you.  Innocence?  Think that truly matters any longer?  Wake up.  We're living in what's become a fascist police-state.  Still don't get it?  That clueless?  Hopelessly, determinedly ignorant?

Truly believe they need a warrant to access your smart phone at a traffic stop?  Wake up. Think you're protected by the Fourth Amendment requirement of probable cause and a search warrant?  Wake up.  Not so.  You're not.  Surprised?  Why?  Two cases relevant to this issue were heard before the U.S. Supreme Court 4-29-14.  Before examining them in greater detail, why would you be surprised?  Why?  Still don't get we live in what has become a fascist police-state?  Where have you been? Where? Too clueless to care?

The problem dates back to the early 70s.  Richard Nixon was elected President in 1968.  Ole' "Tricky Dick" was installed in office by voters for one reason and one reason only.  The Vietnam War.  He lied to the public.  Assured voters he had a "secret plan" to end the war.  He didn't.  The war raged on for years.  To line the pockets of corporate war profiteers.  Get his cookies off exerting military power.  Couldn't, wouldn't, understand, comprehend the fact the war would be ultimately lost.  Inevitable, certainly after Tet in early 1968.  Couldn't be won.  His preoccupation with a military lost cause that cost the country dearly in terms of blood and lost treasure wasn't his only obsession, however. Far from it.

Being the old fascist bastard he had always been, Nixon was alarmed at the Warren Court.  Ludicrously believed it to be 'liberal', 'soft on crime,' 'communist.'  Conveniently ignored the fact police brutality, false imprisonment, deliberate sh-tting on the Bill of Rights by outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement ran rampant.  Remained a curse, a cancer for decades before Warren Court reforms in the 60s.  To say nothing of outrageously abusive treatment of human chattel owned by the corporate management suite.  Long-term rubber stamped by bought and paid for corporate-owned government lackeys.  Securely in the pocket of their corporate masters.

Nixon was determined to reverse course of this truly 'progressive' enlightened Court.  Return to the good old days of American nazism.  Immediately began appointing bona fide national socialists as vacancies occurred on the Court.  So did his successors.  In the last 45 years, all progress made during that one brief shining moment of Warren Court sunlight in the Sixties had been reversed by Republican fascists more interested in lining their pockets, those of their corporate masters, exponentially consolidating and increasing Executive power.  Keeping the population securely, repressively under their thumb.  Think not?  Wake up.

Incredibly, that wasn't enough.  -- Even obliterated badly-needed reforms made after Nixon was forced to leave office in disgrace.  Yet, the aggressively stupid, hopelessly cowardly public accepted this outrageously self-serving carefully orchestrated,  well engineered and implemented royal f--king of the public by GOP fascists.  -- Republican fascists apparently still enamored of the efficiency and power of the German Third Reich.  They knew there had never been a more efficient, controlled, profitable, 'secure' state.  Virtually no common crime.  They knew quite well of the centralized evil in such a state but delusionally believed they would be different.  ... Or, simply didn't care.  The buck and power, one and the same, always come first.  Always.

Coup de grace?  Justice for this nazi son of a bitch "Tricky Dick" Nixon was conseqently denied.  Was conveniently, constitutionally, and lawfully pardoned by the carefully chosen shill bastard he had appointed Vice President after his running mate and sitting Vice President, Spiro Agnew, was earlier forced to resign in disgrace for criminal activity.  The man who succeeded him?  Callously returned the favor?  Gerald Ford.  -- The GOP lackey who amusingly had been alleged by President Johnson to have played too much football without a helmet at Michigan.  ... Lyndon was right.

Proving there are two levels of justice in Nazi America.  One for the oligarchs and corporate management suite.  The other for the rest of us.  Worse, these Republican nazis craftily bastardized the Fourth Amendment, carving out egregious exceptions for their outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement lackeys.

The Fourth Amendment is clear:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Yet, lawyers before the Court and the fascist bastards legislating their perverse ideological and religious views from the bench have successfully managed to bastardize and eviscerate the meaning of this most precious one-sentence Amendment.  Essentially giving outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement goons carte blanche.  To virtually do as they please.  Anywhere they please.  Including your home, your car, your person.

Clearly, it was not enough that most 'judges' are no more than rubber stamps for police, securely in their pockets, with little to no separation between the courts and law enforcement.  Fascists, perniciously determined to create a police-state, would settle for nothing less than full subjugation of a supposedly free people.  Wake up.  You're owned.  Chattel.  Certainly, are not secure in your homes, vehicles, or on the streets from unreasonable search and seizure.  Quite the contrary.  Worse, equally pointedly?  You're 'free' to do what you're told.  What they tell you to do.

Ask any resort owner, any owner of commercial real estate at all how much pressure these local bastards in government place on them.  Ask residential property owners in Buchanan Dam and Kingsland who have been looted by bastards in the Sheriff's Office including Code Compliance Officer Les "The Pest" Daughtery and others in LCRA.

These outrageously corrupt and abusive jackbooted sons of bitches dictate to property owners what they can and cannot do with their property.  Loot the living sh-t out of them when they won't cave in.  JP2 Linda Ballard and others are no more than shills for the Sheriff's Office, LCRA, and the bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hellhole County.  "It's the money, stupid."  It's how they make 'their' money.  They do it the old fashioned way.  Steal it.  Loot it.  Legalized theft.

In effect, you are no more than prisoners in your homes since you can be stopped anywhere with absolutely no legitimate probable cause, searched, hauled to jail, sexually assaulted in custody by officers courtesy of a body cavity search falsely conducted for drugs and other contraband.  While this does not happen all the time, it does happen.  Remember the foreign female ambassador who recently endured such treatment at the hands of New York City's 'finest?'  Had anyone other than law enforcement goons done this to her, their sorry asses would have rightfully been jailed.  For sexual assault.  Not in Nazi America, however.  Instead, we perversely celebrate these criminal bastards, falsely call them 'heroes.'  They're not.  Far from it.  They're crap.  The worst this formerly great country has to offer.

Law enforcement, ignoring the cleverly and perniciously bastardized Fourth Amendment and its stringent requirements, haughtily states it has a right to examine the contents of your smart phone with no warrant.  For no more than a burned out tail light.  Worse?  More galling?  Haughtily states, if you don't want them to access your personal data, don't store it on your smart phone.

Clearly, these hopelessly clueless sons of bitches still can't hear the rumble.  ... That of a dreaded, unwanted second American revolution.  They don't, can't grasp the fact they work for us, we the people, not the other way around.  Clearly, remain too stupid to understand crime, sadly, is low level revolution.  Conveniently, ignore what nearly happened when an avowed racist stood up to nazi government when it recently tried to impound his cattle, killed two bulls, and destroyed his equipment.

Haughtily dismissed legitimate grievances this rancher indeed has against outrageously corrupt and abusive government.  Conveniently turned the tables and dismissed it as racism.  As abhorrent as this bastard's racist views indeed are, it in no way lessens the legitimacy of his complaints against this government.   As  Donald Stirling, Cliven Bundy remains too stupid, hopelessly ignorant to understand the profound evil of bigotry, however.  It's ultimate consequences.  Possibly, both have some clue now.

The Riley and Wurie cases recently heard by the Supreme Court clearly indicate the pernicious depth of bastardization of the Fourth Amendment by law enforcement and the courts who remain in their pocket.  Police falsely assert the public will only be in this position of warrantless search if they commit a crime.  Not so. The bastards lie.  Civil libertarians on both the Right and Left correctly assert some 12 million people are arrested each year.  Most are never convicted.  Most of these charges are misdemeanors, not felonies.

Yet, these outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement goons, in at least some of these cases, download without a warrant and permanently store everything on your electronic devices.  Guilt or innocence makes no difference.   Remains irrelevant.  They do so with impunity.  Seldom, any consequences.

Worse?  The courts have ruled these bastards are legally permitted to lie to 'suspects.'  With impunity.  No consequences.  Yet, the reverse does not apply.  Under these circumstances, how can any law enforcement thug be trusted?  How do you know when they're lying or telling the truth?  They have no credibility.  None at all.

Precisely why, when stopped by one of these goons, whether guilty or innocent, remain silent.  Give the son of a bitch no fodder.  No phony 'evidence' he or she can manufacture, convolute, bastardize and use against you.  Invoke your right to silence and legal counsel.  Don't aid and abet the thug in his or her effort to  unjustly f--k you to line pockets of the bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hellhole County.

Sadly, that's how stark and dire matters remain in Llano County and throughout the rest of our formerly great country.  Don't think so?  Forget?  We live in what has become for all practical purposes a fascist police-state.  Think there are not two radically different systems of justice dependent on whom and what you are?  Think again.  Wake up.

Years ago, a Burnet County Deputy informed this writer a former Burnet County Attorney and his wife, a Marble Falls business owner and successful politician in her own right, were stopped one night for DWI.  Guess what?  They were released.  Had it happened to anyone else in either of these two Counties, the driver and passenger would have been jailed on DWI and public intoxication, respectively.

Even the guilty have a right to remain silent and entitled to counsel.  Think not?  Wake up.  Read the Bill Of Rights.  There is a reason for this.  The Founders were not stupid.  Well aware of abuses.   Police and their judicial lackeys legislating their perverse ideological and religious views from the bench have indeed bastardized both rights.  Craftily, unconstitutionally carved out exceptions.

One of the worst?  Denial of defense counsel provided for the indigent in misdemeanor cases.  How many innocent people have thus been railroaded?  Royally f--ked for a 'crime' they did not commit due to lack of counsel?  Precisely, what outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement goons, local 'judges,' and the fascist bastards who falsely believe they run and own this hellhole County desperately want.  It's how they line their pockets.  Wake upForced blood draws?  It's called nazism.  What's next?  Forced surgery for anyone they suspect of swallowing contraband incapable of passing it?  ... Or, is that already happening in Nazi America?  Sadly, the list can go on and on and on.

Why do you think there remains so little respect or regard for these jackbooted thugs and their County masters?  Worse?  The Constitution demands the accused be properly charged.  They're not.  In far too many cases.  These goons think someone is guilty of something.  Do not, however, have any evidence to charge them.  Do the next best thing.  Manufacture and/or plant false 'evidence.'  Then, charge them with some unrelated offense they can convict them for in our nazi 'court' system.

Law enforcement falsely asserts they conduct warrantless searches only when they have legitimate probable cause.  That the public should not concern itself.  Again, these bastards lie.  If you accept this deception, you get what you truly deserve.  You're stupid, hopelessly ignorant.  Exactly, what these goons want and expect.  Compliance.  Control through fear.  They falsely claim they are at risk.  If so, it's because they egregiously abuse authority and citizens they have falsely sworn to protect and serve.

Worse?  It's how they get their cookies off, line their pockets, and those of their County masters.  It's the public that's at risk.  Unjustified beatings throughout the years and several highly questionable homicides by police in this area.  To say nothing of countless false arrests.  It's the people who are threatened by these jackbooted thugs, not the other way around.  To declare otherwise, is to deny reality.

Having read transcripts of oral arguments in both cases, seems Justices are concerned about warrantless searches of smart phones.  Even Scalia seems to have reservations for warrantless examination of a phone for a no seat belt traffic stop.  Alito appears to believe there is no such thing as privacy.  Others have more serious reservations.  While it is difficult to assess consensus, it seems this outrageously nazi Court may allow warrantless searches of cell phones limited to looking for 'evidence' directly related to the arrest.

Clearly, they did not explain exactly how that can be done without examining all the data on the phone.  Clearly, all nine would not have been appointed to the Court without being well to the Right, in the pocket of law enforcement, government lackeys and their corporate masters.  Five of them, however, are Extreme Nazi Right.  Thomas, Scalia, Alito, Roberts, and Kennedy.  All five remain an exigent threat to liberty.

Reading the transcripts and as expected, the nine form views, develop consensus, base rulings, and build on past rulings.  Consequently, it is extremely difficult and seldom happens that these fascists ever reverse outrageous past rulings.  Precisely, why abuse, corruption, and ineptness continue and thrive in this increasingly convoluted and hopelessly perverse system that bears remarkably little resemblance to justice.

The evisceration and bastardization of rights continue largely unchecked.  Akin to a malignancy perniciously insidious.  Insinuating itself throughout an entire system of government hopelessly corrupt, abusive, inept.  'Justices' seldom are willing to admit mistakes.  Rectify past wrongs.  Almost never.  Will be most interesting to see how this decision comes down later this term.

Regardless, innocent citizens can do far more to frustrate tracking by out of control government goons, their handlers and corporate masters.  To say nothing of hackers.  Perversely and for achingly wrong reasons, law enforcement is indeed right.  Leave nothing of consequence on computer hard drives as well as your phones.  Certainly, no address book entries on either.  No personal data.  No banking.  No credit or debit cards.  No drivers license or Social Security numbers.  Otherwise, you subject yourself to data theft, identity theft, tracking by law enforcement goons, government, and their corporate masters.  ... Forget cash remains legal tender in our formerly great country?

Is all this a pain in the ass?  Inconvenient?  Certainly.  Worse?  Galling.  Especially, for innocent citizens guilty of no crimes, determined to frustrate intrusion and evisceration of privacy by corrupt, abusive government lackeys and their corporate masters.  The steep price to be paid, however, to preserve liberty and rein in these hopelessly corrupt, abusive, inept, self-serving bastards.  Short of a revolution.

What search engine do you use?  Google?  Yahoo?  Others similar to both?  Are you aware they track, save all data including IPs, readily share it with government goons?  Still accept outrageously unconstitutional "National 'Security' Letters" in lieu of warrants?  Cave in to the bastards?  Too lazy, stupid, ignorant to find at least two search engines that don't?  Don't record and log IPs?  They do exist.  Are you aware there are operating systems and browsers that frustrate tracking and change IPs as you change URLs?  Encrypt data?  Wake up.  Smarten up.

-- Don't think you can commit crimes and get away with it, however.  ... You can't.  Government has unlimited funds, time, and resources.  Just make it as difficult as possible, time consuming, and costly for these outrageously corrupt and abusive bastards to deliberately f--k and loot the innocent.  Send them the message you're unwilling to tolerate it any longer.

Yet, those of you on the Right ludicrously remain stupidly, ignorantly, readily determined to fight and die for the sake of one mindless, insane, truly perverse 'principle.'  That is, the non-existent 'right' of the corporate management suite and their bought and paid for government lackeys to egregiously f--k the remaining 99% of the population.  Loot, control, manipulate, and subjugate them to the perverse will of their corporate masters.

People, who clearly are not oligarchs or members of the corporate management suite and never will be.   Including, amusingly, nearly all those on the Right.  Your willfully embraced stupidity, ignorance, stunning.  ... Are you anything more than pathetic 'wannabes?'  Jealous, envious of the oligarchs and their loot?  Truly believe if you support these legalized thieves you'll someday become one yourself?

... A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil! for those of you who think so.  Highly, highly, highly unlikely.  Have stupidly drunk the Kool Aide.  Too achingly clueless to understand what is happening in our formerly great country.  Insist on making excuses for these outrageously corrupt and abusive bastards in power.  Both the corporate management suite and their bought and paid for government lackeys.  Both political parties included.

Don't like the rhetoric?  Tone?  Tough.  Leave the country.  Iran, Syria, North Korea, etc. may be right up your alley.  Wake up.  The true threat to liberty and our formerly great country is no foreign power, terrorist organization, or the criminal element.  It remains as always bought and paid for out of control government lackeys run and owned by their corporate masters.

Another botched execution.  Oklahoma remains as bloodthirsty as Nazi Texas.  Why did prison officials draw the curtains when things went south?  The people have a right to know and view killings conducted by the state.  Should indeed be televised.  The clueless public needs to witness what is being done in their name.

Why draw the curtains?  Afraid the public would put an end to it?  You sons of bitches are proud of what you do in the execution chamber.  You falsely label it 'justice.'  It's not.  No more than vengeance most of us in Texas ignorantly support.  Did you know the United States is the last supposedly civilized country that still executes?  The last.

Amusingly, most of you who support this barbarism claim to be Christians.  Go to church each Sunday.  Get down on bended knee and thank the Good Lord for your good fortune.  ...  While you hypocritically judge, loot, and otherwise f--k your supposed brothers and sisters in Christ.  Equally and most pointedly, you haughtily and self-righteously  impose, force your perverse ideological and religious views on all.  After all, you know best.

Think Christ, should he return, won't be pissed off as hell at what he sees?  Certainly, won't have to look very hard.  Starting in church.  Wake up.  Your ignorance remains achingly unbecoming.  Un-Christlike.  Nazi.

There is no excuse or justification for what this condemned bastard did, however.  He shot a woman.  His cohorts buried her alive.  No one who does anything like this should ever be free again.  Nor is the heinousness of the crime a most convenient excuse for the State to drop to the level of the condemned and return the favor.  It's called nazism.  Barbaric.  Remains, as always, truly un-American.  A blemish, a stain on this godforsaken state and all others, including the federal government and military, who self-righteously and jubilantly practice, or reserve the right to practice, this barbarism.  Then, haughtily and falsely proclaim it 'justice.'

Senate Republicans successfully blocked a raise in the minimum wage.  What else could they do?  Forget?  They're bought and paid for.  Must do the bidding of their corporate masters.  Otherwise, the cash cow ends.  The corporate management suite and their GOP shills thrive on indentured servitude.  Refuse to pay a living wage.  Have become quite proficient at stealing labor.  Looting their poorly bought and paid for human chattel to line their bottomless pockets.  How else can the top 1% better use, abuse, manipulate, control, literally live off the labor of the bottom 99?  How?  Class envy?   Bullsh-t.  Egregious class injustice in Nazi America.

GOP nazis falsely opine jobs would be lost should businesses be forced to pay a livable wage.  Nonsense.  First, jobs are already deliberately exported.  Cheap foreign labor.  Greed rules.  Second, oligarchs who own the corporate management suite deliberately move their operations overseas to evade taxes.  Certainly, directly effects the labor money pool, that is, lessens it, interestingly at a time of record corporate cash reserves.  Results in less employment.  To line the pockets of the oligarchs.

Third, those who remain here lobby hard to increase H1b visas to import cheap foreign professional high skilled labor.  Why pay fair compensation to domestic professional labor when you can get foreigners to come here and work for a fraction of what Americans demand to be paid?  Are certainly worth.  Free market?  No such thing.  A useful myth perpetuated by self-serving oligarchs who own, carefully and craftily manipulate the market. Wake up.  You've been cleverly hoodwinked.  Dopes duped.

Fourth, unemployment remains extremely high at a time of record corporate cash reserves.  This indicates the corporate management suite has little intention of hiring.  They're too busy lining their pockets and those of shareholders as the human chattel they call labor are squeezed with longer hours, diminishing pay and benefits.  ... While increasing assets, holdings, buying subsidiaries, etc..  Raw greed.  The list can go on and on.  Wake up.  You've been had.  Stupidly, ignorantly bought a phony bill of goods, -- swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.  The bastards are laughing at you.  Basking in their glory and good fortune courtesy of your determined stupidity and ignorance.

On 5-2-14, the government haughtily trumpeted a supposedly large drop in unemployment, -- while announcing at the same time the number of those looking for work dropped.  Forget?  Those not looking for work, although still unemployed, are conveniently not included in the unemployment figures.  Disingenuous at best, isn't it?  At worst?  Deliberate fudging of statistics to make the unemployment problem look better than what it truly is.

It is highly likely raising the minimum wage to a livable level will have little, if any, effect on the already existent piss poor unemployment statistics deliberately generated and supported by corporate greed.  Who knows?  It might even increase employment since a little more money would be in ciculation, more goods and services thus demanded, resulting in increased employment.  The corporate management suite and shareholders, however, would be forced to share some small portion of the wealth should the minimum wage be raised.  Something they remain violently opposed to.  Forget?  Greed rules.  They've got to have it all.

... As actor Michael Douglas brilliantly portrayed and cleverly opined in a Wall Street film some 25 years ago, "Greed is good."  Indeed, the mantra of Wall Street, the corporate management suite, and the oligarchs who own it all.  -- The Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged mentality that is destroying our formerly great country and will ultimately sadly lead to the unwanted, dreaded second American revolution already catastrophically looming on the horizon.  ... Still can't hear the rumble?  That deaf?

Tim Chorney

JP2 Linda Ballard Recording

Click here for a most interesting conversation between JP2 Linda Ballard and LCRA Communications Supervisor Mitch Hibbs who at the time was investigating a complaint made by the Henderson family against the 'judge.'  The recording had been made by Hibbs and provided by Phyllis Henderson who had gotten it through an open records request.   During the course of the recording you will hear the 'judge' make a terroristic threat against the Henderson family which the investigator laughingly shrugged off as a joke.

Seems former LCRA Ranger Lance Bilski, stepson of Llano County Sheriff Bill Blackburn, had been harassing the Henderson family regarding their tire business, Henderson Tire.  Worse?  There are unsubstantiated allegations, that although very much attached, Bilski may have indeed engaged in improprieties, that is, egregiously unprofessional conduct relevant to the Henderson complaint.  All this had been covered in Newsletter Text V346.

Publication of this material, however, should in no way be interpreted as endorsement of Ballard's opponent, Steve Lange, in the upcoming runoff.  It is not.  It is provided as a public service to expose the 'judge' for exactly whom and what she is.

Tim Chorney 4-15-14

Expose: Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices
Wells Fargo Opening Salvo 3-3-14
Wells Fargo Lynn Massey 3-2-14
Wells Fargo Deceptive Trade Practices Salvo 2, 3-10-14

JP2 Candidate Shelly Comerford 2-9-14

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 2-3-14
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609