The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V35

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*************April 10, 2000**************

In a follow-up to the LISD "tour" fiasco two and a half weeks ago, Superintendent Jack Patton has NOT responded with answers to numerous questions. Consequently, a formal request for information under the Texas Open Records Act is being prepared and will be sent shortly to our illustrious "educator".

Interestingly, my "tour" of LISD facilities coincidentally occurred on a day school officials had received a terroristic threat from a Junior High student. Neither the Superintendent nor all three principals, however, saw fit or had the guts to inform this writer. Why wasn't this information immediately disclosed? More pointedly, why wasn't the "tour" cancelled and rescheduled for a another more appropriate time? ... How could all four "geniuses" possibly think silence was to their advantage? *****

For over a year, this publication has repeatedly called for both an independent audit of all County finances as well as a criminal investigation of our illustrious officials. Not surprisingly, there has been little to no public interest. There are and have been, however, serious questions raised regarding the judgement and fitness of ALL our stalwart stellar "leaders" as well as their aggressively stupid apologists and shills.

Furthermore, there is no legitimate "need" for a new law enforcement center and jail. More pointedly, County Judge J.P. Dodgen and his cronies on the Commissioners' Court know damn well there is indeed no widespread public support for this egregious boondoggle. ... Ever wonder why the "Judge" and his pals are so opposed to a bond election, and apparently intend to force matters through issuance of certificates of obligation??? -- Despite problems with the books???

Indeed, where is our illustrious District Attorney? Why hasn't this "prosecutor" ordered an independent audit of all County finances as well as a criminal investigation of our corrupt and abusive officials? Sadly, Sam, you're part of the problem, sir. Time to bend over and grab your ankles, friends. The shaft is once again on the way. Since there is NO public interest or outrage, taxpayers will get exactly what they so richly deserve, -- fleeced by a law enforcement center for which there is no need. Enjoy. *****

The Garrett Deposition has finally been completely posted. It's quite substantive and sadly illustrative of the "Good Old Boy" mentality pervasive throughout all Llano County government. ... So what else is new, right? Since it indeed raises numerous serious questions regarding the Sheriff's competence and fitness for office, however, analysis and commentary will be spread over several Newsletter editions.

Mr. Garrett's egregious lack of knowledge and indifference to daily operation of the jail is extraordinarily glaring. So is his utter disregard and lack of understanding of sexual assault, -- despite attendance at numerous DPS classes. ... Apparently, your prisoners are no more than "trash", right, Nathan? ... She got what she "deserved", didn't she, sir?

For over a year, this publication has repeatedly received credible allegations regarding alleged spousal battering of the Sheriff's wife, Connie. Allegations, however, are NOT fact. They are ONLY allegations. In his deposition (pp. 127-128), Mr. Garrett has denied being a wife-beater. If the charges in fact are true, the Sheriff should be incarcerated in his own jail. If untrue, however, this matter needs to be finally put to rest, -- definitively. If you have direct knowledge, proof, evidence, relevant medical records, etc., kindly step forward. I WILL indeed protect your identity. Again, this matter MUST be quickly, fully, and finally resolved. Fairness to the Sheriff, his family, and the rest of the community demands it. Most importantly, the taxpayers are entitled to know the true character of the Sheriff, -- no matter what it turns out to be.

For years prior to launch of this publication, I've also received numerous credible allegations regarding the alleged use of excessive force by the Sheriff when he was a Deputy. Interestingly, one case involved an elected official, a former County Attorney. On Page 17 of the Garrett Deposition, however, the Sheriff acknowledged an unrelated formal complaint of use of excessive force filed with the FBI by Boone Avey. I have not been able to locate Mr. Avey, -- not yet. If you know him, kindly pass on the message. If you yourself have been a victim of excessive use of force by the Sheriff or any other officer, kindly step forward.

By his own admission in the Deposition, Mr. Garrett was twice arrested and incarcerated in the 1970's (pp. 17-19). The first charge was Disorderly Conduct. This usually means fighting. The second charge was either Public Intoxication or Disorderly Conduct. ... The Sheriff couldn't remember according to his sworn testimony. Credible response? You decide.

On Page 128 of the Garrett Deposition, Ms. Jones asked:
Q. Did you ever hit your children?
A. I've spanked them.
Q. Have you beat them?
A. No.
Q. Bruised them?
A. No. Maybe their bottoms.

Sheriff, what the hell do you call bruising their bottoms? "Good" discipline, sir? Had this behavior been inflicted on an adult, it would be called assault and battery, and your sorry ass would have been in jail. When it happens to a child, however, it's called "loving" parenting. Interesting, isn't it? Yet, we self-righteously, piously, and hypocritically lament widespread violence pervading society. WHERE the hell do you think our children learn to use violence as a tool or method of "controlling" behavior and inflicting their will on others?

-- From the boob tube alone? -- Or from violent electronic games? Wake up, friends. ... It would be laughable, if not so terribly tragic. More pointedly, striking a child is the ONLY way to punish or discipline? How sickeningly perverse. I'm indeed glad I consciously as well as conscientiously decided to have no children. ... Certainly wouldn't want to be part of the problem, would I? As previously reported, we had AT LEAST 73 prisoners incarcerated from Jan. 1 to Nov. 10, 1999 on various physical assault charges alone. HELLO? Time to wake up. ... Most, if not all, were physically assaulted as children.

Having spent years as a non-parent carefully watching successful moms and dads interact with their children, however, there is no doubt the very best NEVER need strike their offspring to elicit acceptable behavior. They patiently and lovingly take the time to teach their children what's expected, rather than lash out. Ever watch a good teacher handle a classroom full of unruly students, -- at any grade level? The class is quickly and skillfully brought under control WITHOUT the use of force. Wake up, friends. Inept abusive parents, however, having themselves been beaten as children, quickly respond violently to unwanted or unacceptable behavior.

When the parent's back is turned, however, the little darling quickly reverts to the objectionable behavior, "necessitating" another beating. Yet, these "geniuses" never seem to understand the longterm ineffectiveness and serious damage inflicted when physically assaulting their children. ... Sickeningly professing their parental "love" while doing so. ... And it is physical assault, friends, despite the pious self-righteous deluded label of "spanking". The violent parent, however, foolishly rationalizes this insanity by strongly asserting if it was good enough for THEM while growing up, it's good enough for THEIR children.

After all, they "turned out all right", didn't they? ... DID they? ... Did they really? What damned aggressive stupidity and egregious shortsightedness. Sadly, the insanity and cycle of violence are never broken, and continue from generation to generation. Yet, these sick deluded "geniuses" then wonder why we live in such a violent society and blame everyone but themselves. Nauseatingly pitiful.

Equally pointedly, both the fascist Right and socialist Left foolishly offer oversimplified analysis and solutions to enormously difficult problems. The Right seems to ludicrously think punishment is extremely effective in the long-term control of behavior. This is simply NOT so. Consider the extremely high re-offending rates of felons despite years of incarceration. Laughably, the Right seems to think treating offenders like animals will result in their release as model citizens. Equally foolishly, the socialist Left thinks ALL prisoners can be rehabilitated and released to society. Again, NOT so. The purpose of incarceration should be to protect others from our most egregiously violent and incorrigible offenders.

Equally pointedly, it is myth perpetuated by the fascist Right that all prisons are "country clubs". "Country clubs", however, are reserved on the federal level for white collar criminals. After all, we enjoy coddling scoundrels who loot us millions at a keyboard or with a stroke of a pen. ... Provided it's millions. Write a bad check if you're a woman, and the "punishment" could be rape in the Llano County Jail.

... And guess what? No one, but the rape victim is held responsible. Right, Sam? Right, Nathan? Right, Don? Right, Holland? How about it, Melvin? Okay with you, sir? What about it, John? Is this a fine example of "law and order", "Gentlemen"? The stench of kangaroo justice grows egregiously putrid in this County. This does NOT excuse Theft By Check. It does, however, excoriate rape as acceptable "punishment" for any crime in this country. More pointedly, where the hell is the "personal responsibility" of our illustrious officials? Sadly, it's reserved for the unwashed masses. Right, Boys?

Tragically, the case of Elian Gonzalez is quite illustrative of how our society and others view children. Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has outrageously repeatedly asserted children "belong" to the state. In this country, however, children "belong" to their parents. At least many think so, don't they? CAREFULLY consider the word "belong". Does anyone "own" a child? Indeed, parents are or should be held ultimately responsible for their minor children. The socialist Left in our country, however, asserts schools and government have a "legitimate" interest and "right" to interfere in the upbringing of children. Conversely, the fascist Right thinks it "owns" their children and treats them like chattel, outrageously as personal property. Interesting, isn't it? After all, we all "know" children have no rights, don't we? -- Other than to do what they're told, right?

Elian's mother died valiantly struggling to get him to freedom. Of course that apparently means absolutely nothing to the vast majority of Americans who think he should be returned to his father. Selfish parental rights frequently come before what is indeed best for the child, don't they? After all, we see it day after day in our own corrupt courts, don't we? Regardless, for those who think children are chattel and "owned" by their parents, think Castro agrees? Wake up. The boy "belongs" to Fidel and will "volunteer" to work in sugar cane fields by the time he's eleven. If Mr. Gonzalez had any guts and truly gave a damn about his own kid, he would have strongly insisted Elian remain in the United States.

Sadly, the blindness and selfishness of the fascist Right in this country is stunningly appalling. Equally pointedly, the socialist Left is no better. Outrageously, they're apparently paying the legal bills accrued by Mr. Gonzales. ... Also apparently, with the blessing of the fascist Right. Interesting, isn't it? Indeed, politics makes for strange bedfellows, doesn't it? Bottom line? Elian will return as a pawn in the hands of Fidel.

Both political extremes in this country, however, are repugnant and abusive, and indulge in oversimplistic "all or nothing" thinking. To an extremist of any persuasion, ALL is clearly black or white. There are no shades of gray, nor color allowed. No valid differences of opinion. No right of self-expression. No creativity. -- Just the strait jacketed rigidity of mindless ideology. Damned pitiful and egregiously stifling. Extraordinarily chilling as well. Few issues are simple, or can be easily resolved. A glaring example is homicide. We rightfully have numerous legal and moral prohibitions against this act. Yet, we have necessary exceptions such as self-defense, wars, etc.. Clearly, even killing is not considered a black or white issue. Time for our mindless ideologues to finally wake up.

With rare exception, the cowardly failure of the community to financially support this publication is stunningly pitiful and selfish. Worse yet, the sickening defense and excuse of cowardice by some is appalling. If readers care so little for this community and each other, why should I? The visitor count stands in excess of 12,400. Another excellent week. Yet, there has been egregiously little financial support to date. Nearly all of you have been quite willing to COWARDLY allow this writer to take the risk, do all the work, put up with the harassment, and swing in the wind. Mighty neighborly, don't you think?

Despite an explosively expanding readership, businesses are too afraid to advertise. As repeatedly asserted, the banner and pop-up ads belong to Maxpages and pay for the website. _The Ledger receives no income from either. If you want desperately needed change in our community, financially support this publication. Regardless, _The Llano Ledger panders to NO ONE, and will remain unbeholden. If you don't give a damn about the community, each other, or this publication, why the hell are you reading this? Find something better to do. Want feel-good fluff and propaganda? Read another publication.

Tim Chorney, Publisher

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:21pm EDT