Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.

Newsletter Text V345        ©2014 All Rights Reserved
January 27, 2014

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V345

Before reading the new edition kindly take time to consider the following:

The following Liberty In Peril links, although unhighlighted, are all currently active.  ... At this time.  It is important, however to bookmark each.  Why?  Remember the nature of this publication, -- as well as the fact all sites are hosted free of charge on independent servers.  This means they can be removed at any time due to changes in terms of service or hacking attack.  Since this publication is unfunded, it is the goal to keep at least one up and running at all times.  Bookmark!  -- If one is lost, you'll have access to another.  Should a site or sites not been updated, it may only mean this writer has temporarily lost Internet access.  Patience. ... Pesky issues all associated with an unfunded publication that aggressively challenges the status quo.

Please take time to bookmark the above URLs. The recent posting above had a mistaken URL for  It has been corrected.  It is now the same as the one posted on the homepage.  This publication is self-funded. Again, sites are hosted free of charge. That does mean they can be taken down at any time due to changes in terms of service, or hacking attack. Internet access for servicing and update may not always be available.  -- Again, foibles of an unfunded publication. Should you bookmark, at least one site should always remain available.  ... Until funding and better arrangements can be made.  10-6-13


Syrian peace conference in Switzerland begins 1-22-14.  Why?  What for?  To what end?  Not all principals are in attendance.  Some didn't want Iran there, including the United States.  Why?  Simple.  Iran would not agree to preordained departure of the Syrian dictator as a condition of attendance.  Why would they?  To date, had strongly supported the bastard both politically, and apparently, logistically.

Why insist on a 'peace' conference with a predetermined outcome anyway?  Guaranties failure.  Is that what the UN, Europe, other Middle Eastern countries, and the U.S. want?  Claim not.  That claim does not jive with reality, however.  Why the tap dance?  To what end?  Why waste time, money, effort, etc. to conduct what amounts to a sham?

This question is asked since the war has gone on three years, countless tens of thousands have been brutally tortured, starved, raped, killed by the war criminal who refuses to cede power under any circumstances.  Precisely, why the only solution to ongoing atrocities is clearly military.  Not diplomacy.  Sadly, so.  Poorly-armed and trained rebels are obviously not capable of taking down this guy any time soon.  Ending the carnage.

The United States has refused to give them the heavy weapons they desperately need to defeat the bastard.  ... Fearing they would wind up in the hands of terrorists.  Consequently, the regime has been most successful starving, torturing, and killing the opposition.  --  While Europe, the UN, and/or the United States wrings its hands and does little to nothing.  ... Other than talk.

Had the Obama Regime indeed been serious about solving this problem three years ago, it would have heavily lobbied for UN and congressional approval of a massive attack against sophisticated Syrian air defenses, obliteration of its air force, and all military installations.  Given the bastard one hell of a bloody nose.

Made it much harder for him to kill his people.  That was never done.  A missed opportunity.  Consequently, reportedly, at least tens of thousands of Syrians have been starved, tortured, abused, raped, killed.  The carnage will continue.  Highly unlikely the 'peace' conference will accomplish anything.  How can it?  It has no teeth.  There is no reason for the dictator to cooperate, that is, ride off into the sunset.

It was too late for meaningful change when Obama finally threatened military action after the bastard killed his people en masse with nerve agent months ago.  Garnered no support in the United States or Britain, however.  Again, it was too late.  Yet, it did get his attention.  Precisely, why he took the easy way out and agreed to give up chemical weapons that were indeed becoming a liability.  He knew damn well he could continue abusing, raping, starving, torturing, killing his people with conventional weapons.  With virtually no consequences.  The sham in Switzerland?  Proof positive.

The carnage in Syria is indeed a military problem.  A problem that needs to be addressed by the world community.  Not our problem alone.  Complicating matters exponentially is the fact now the opposition seems to be heavily al Qaeda laden. Unlike three years ago.  Precisely, why it was so aggressively stupid and cowardly of the President to have dragged his feet, again, three years ago.  The President and his henchmen can't seem to differentiate between going to war to line pockets of war profiteers and using military force to end atrocities committed by a tyrant.  Big, big difference.

As serious as the ongoing carnage and atrocities perpetrated truly are, the Syrian fiasco indeed exemplifies a far greater insidious issue.  The utter failure of U.S. policy in the Middle East.  All originating with support of the Israeli aggressor in 1948 and ever since, -- that is, to steal Palestinian territory, destroy their homes and property, systematically abuse and kill them, deny them a state unbeholden to the Israeli aggressor.

Again, precisely, why there will be no Middle East peace settlement any time soon, no foreseeable end to the War On Terror.  All these issues are perversely intertwined.  The Israeli aggressor and its shill, the United States, clearly do not want change.  Fight to maintain an unsustainable status quo.  Who pays the ultimate price?  Palestinians, as well as Israelis killed and/or maimed who do not approve of the abusive tactics of their leadership.  ... While American taxpayers continue to be looted to finance the fiasco.  In direct violation of U.S. weapons export laws that prohibit such offensive use.


Our increasingly arrogant and long-in-the-tooth Gov. Rick "The Prick" Perry truly believes Texas is an independent nation.  A force of its own.  Free to ignore international law, and the wishes of the United States government.  At least, in terms of treaty violations.  "The Prick" and his savages executed a Mexican national convicted of killing a cop in 1994.  -- A prisoner who had not been properly advised of his right to contact the Mexican consulate for legal assistance.  In direct violation of international law and a treaty.

Although the Nazi Right cheers such executions while conveniently ignoring murders committed by law enforcement goons, the stakes are of far greater significance and consequence than the issue of capital punishment in Nazi America, however.  "The Prick" and his savages arrogantly, aggressively stupidly ignore the possible ultimate consequence of such hubris.  What's that?  Wake up.

An American can be accused of a capital or lesser crime overseas only to be denied access to the American consulate and legal assistance of the United States government.  Clearly, "The Prick" is too damned stupid, hopelessly ignorant to understand, doesn't care, or both.  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!, Rick?

Not surprisingly as an increasingly fascist police-state, our formerly great country is the last supposedly civilized nation still barbarically imposing the death penalty.  Certainly, no longer matters whether the executed are guilty or not.  Just as long as someone, anyone, is killed by these savages.  Certainly, perversely allows these hopelessly convoluted sad sick souls to get their cookies off fraudulently exercising the power of life and death.  Haughtily playing God.

Coup de grace?  "The Prick" is considering yet another run for President.  Aren't we 'lucky?'  Hurrah for abject ignorance, hopeless aggressive stupidity.  Three cheers.


Social upheaval.  Worldwide.  Vicious in places, tepid in others.  Sleepily, about to arise elsewhere.  Five were killed earlier last week in Kiev.  Protest is spreading throughout other cities in the Ukraine.  American officials are warning the leadership to eschew violence.  Protesters seem hellbent to force the issue, however.  -- Tired of the status quo and subservience to Russia.

The media has made quite an issue of the recent five killings.  Seems to have forgotten Baby Boomers lost four of their own at Kent State alone in 1970.  The Guardsmen responsible for those four massacred back then were never prosecuted for murder.  Were protected, coddled.  Many at the time thought those kids got exactly what they deserved for protesting the Vietnam War.

Things don't look good in Egypt.  People there have apparently capitulated to a military coup and the junta now ruling the roost.  A recent phony election rubber stamped the fiasco.  Social unrest in Syria has turned into a full blown civil war with a dictator abusing, raping, torturing, murdering his own.  ... While a helpless world community powerlessly looks on and wrings its hands.

As mentioned above, the United States endured quite a bit of turmoil in the 60s.  Protesters then were mostly sons and daughters of the World War II generation.  -- What Tom Brokaw euphemistically referred to as "The Greatest Generation."  In some ways, they clearly were.  Got us out of the Great Depression.  Defeated Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.  Suffered over 400,000 killed in action.  Many more maimed.

Returned from war clearly suffering from the effects of the carnage.  Some were never the same.  Never recovered.  Others went to college, trade schools, took advantage of the GI Bill, etc..  Patched up their lives as best they could.  Raised families.  Successfully found good paying jobs.  Lived comfortably.  Did the best they could with the hand dealt them.

Others self-medicated with alcohol, viciously abused their wives and children.  Even in families without a problem with drugs and alcohol, the effects of war were acutely felt.  If not on the surface, clearly just below.  The war and its senseless violence had instilled in many of these men a callousness profound, most deep.  Many beat the hell out of their kids.  ... Perversely, seemingly just for the hell of it.  Became preoccupied with material gain having endured the Great Depression, severe lack that came with it.

Conversely, some perversely gave their children everything they never had as kids themselves.  Leaving at least some of the Baby Boomer generation with a sense of entitlement.  Others denied their children, forced them to scrounge for a buck.  Do it themselves.  So tightfisted with money they denied their wives a vacation and the better things in life they could well afford.  All in desperate fear of a return to poverty.

This Depression Era generation that so valiantly won the Second World War and returned this nation to prosperity, however, had a much darker sinister side that went far beyond the problems described above.  It tolerated no change.  Feared it.  Violently fought against it.  Not only in the home, but the streets.  Tolerated no dissent.

Made what's happened in the Ukraine the last several days look like a picnic.  It wasn't.  The young today have no memory of law enforcement goons at the time beating the hell out of college kids protesting the war.  The Greatest Generation cowardly not only ignored these abuses perpetrated on its young, but the abuses that occurred concurrently at the time vis a vis the civil rights movement.  Indeed, a tempestuous era fraught with danger.

Today, some 45 years after all this rage, people in our formerly great country are beginning to wake up.  All the excesses decried by the young nearly fifty years ago are finally coming to fruition.  Chickens coming home to roost.  Egregious class injustice.  Determined income disparity.  Drug laws that have incarcerated millions to no avail and corrupted every law enforcement agency in our formerly great country.  Record corporate profits at a time of severe unemployment and under employment.  A healthcare system that works only for the privileged few.  Law enforcement that remains at record levels of corruption, abuse, and ineptness.  A nazi nanny state where government dictates to all.  A surveillance state cleverly woven into a fascist police-state to consolidate Executive power.  A corporate management suite that literally owns its bought and paid for government lackeys.  To say nothing of human chattel it euphemistically calls "employees."  ... Have only scratched the surface.  The list can go on and on.

To the surprise, chagrin of this writer at the time, Baby Boomers capitulated soon after Kent State to the status quo demanded by their elders.  Amusingly, fascists on the Right at the time and ever since haughtily, falsely claim they grew up.  Too stupid, hopelessly ignorant to understand Baby Boomers sadly capitulated to cowardice. Refused to grow up, kowtowed to egregiously corrupt, abusive, inept political leaders at the time.  It's called cowardice, not maturity.

Conveniently, cowardly, consequently, subsequently embraced greed and the irrational fears of their parents.  Predilections, prejudices as well.  The fruit indeed does not fall far from the tree.  Too difficult, costly to courageously stand up, continue the struggle.  Do the right thing.  Refuse to cooperate with a system cleverly designed to loot money from the needy, line pockets of the hopelessly greedy.  Cowardly forfeiting all power and ground gained after years of struggle, effort to provoke desperately needed change.  Cowardly capitulated to a system even then dying on the vine.

Some 45 years later, the very same exigent problems back then have exponentially grown.  Instead of correcting the problems a half century ago, Baby Boomers cowardly turned tail.  Left problems the young and their offspring will be forced to deal with today and in the foreseeable future.  At far greater expense, effort, pain, suffering, loss.

Remains quite striking to see each president repeat the same mistakes made by his predecessors.  Time after time after time after time.  Despite promising not to do so while running for office.  Has absolutely nothing to do with realities confronted after taking office, however.  Rather, it is intoxication of power, personal greed, ego, place in history, etc..  To claim otherwise as many have, excuses the foibles of these bastards. Egregiously ignores their faults.

Places unwarranted faith in highly-flawed mortals.  Patronizingly, condescendingly, cowardly allows these bastards to continue to abuse power, abrogate civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  Go to war to line the bottomless pockets of war profiteering corporations that truly care about only one issue.  The bottom line.  Precisely, what the Founders so feared.  Exactly, why they spin in their graves.  Wouldn't, don't recognize the evil, corrupt, abusive, inept government they inadvertently spawned.  -- The best government money can buy.  Literally.

The President of Afghanistan has refused to sign an agreement authorizing our troops to remain.  Has clearly told us we should feel free to leave.  Wishes us to stop killing innocent civilians, raiding their homes.  It's time to honor his wishes, Mr. Obama.  Indeed, time to go, Mr. President.  The carnage has gone on too long.  It's their problem, not ours, Mr. President.  Time to change American policy in the entire region.  The only way of having some semblance, some chance of ever ending the failed War On Terror.

Clearly glad not to be a kid today.  The legacy we've left them is unsustainable, abusive, eviscerates liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  In so many ways, our formerly great country is a failed state.  Time for change.  The alternative is unacceptable.  What's that?  Wake up. The unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming on the horizon.  ... Still can't see?  Hopelessly blind?

Tim Chorney


Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609