Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.

Newsletter Text V344        ©2014 All Rights Reserved
January 20, 2014

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V344

Before reading the new edition kindly take time to consider the following:

The following Liberty In Peril links, although unhighlighted, are all currently active.  ... At this time.  It is important, however to bookmarkeach.  Why?  Remember the nature of this publication, -- as well as the fact all sites are hosted free of charge on independent servers.  This means they can be removed at any time due to changes in terms of service or hacking attack.  Since this publication is unfunded, it is the goal to keep at least one up and running at all times.  Bookmark!  -- If one is lost, you'll have access to another.  Should a site or sites not been updated, it may only mean this writer has temporarily lost Internet access.  Patience. ... Pesky issues all associated with an unfunded publication that aggressively challenges the status quo.

Please take time to bookmark the above URLs. The recent posting above had a mistaken URL for  It has been corrected.  It is now the same as the one posted on the homepage.  This publication is self-funded. Again, sites are hosted free of charge. That does mean they can be taken down at any time due to changes in terms of service, or hacking attack. Internet access for servicing and update may not always be available.  -- Again, foibles of an unfunded publication. Should you bookmark, at least one site should always remain available.  ... Until funding and better arrangements can be made.  10-6-13


No more powerful intoxicant than power.  Precisely, why it's so easily abused.  Combined with strong measure of testosterone, becomes conducive to outrageous liberties taken by leaders and/or staff.  -- People elected for strength of conviction, ability to get things done, execute office responsibilities properly, fairly, without favor.

True leader?  One who feels no need to get even when he or she does not get their way.  Shrugs off lack of support by a rival party member.  Takes criticism with a smile.  Without firing the big guns.  Doesn't mean, however, he or she shouldn't be strongly assertive, stand boldly for what they believe in.

What doesit mean?  It means a leaderand/or associates don't shut down lanes causing a disastrous traffic jam across the George Washington Bridge.  In retaliation for lack of political support.  Worse?  This impediment to traffic flow may have contributed to the death of an individual EMS was hindered from quickly reaching.

While it is not yet clear whether N.J. Gov. Chris Christy may have been in any way involved in this entire fiasco, officials who worked for him certainly were.  The Governor, despite all his bluster and seeming willingness to tell it like it is, cowardly fired his deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, without doing so in person.

What was he afraid of?  Threw her under the bus.  If the Governor was involved, had knowledge, think she won't stick it to him?  Already, there is talk of impeachment.  Even if Mr. Christy was not involved, he has certainly displayed a penchant for bullying behavior in his regime.  Indeed, set stage for such abuse by subordinates.

Don't the people deserve better?  Think the very same kind of abuse doesn't occur in Texas?  Is usually better covered up, however.  Even when not, the public stupidly accepts outrageous behavior exhibited by people in power who knowbetter.

Gov. Rick "The Prick" Perry got away with video-taped verbal abuse of a female state trooper years ago.  Suffered no political consequences, whatsoever.  She should have hauled the bastard to jail.  Would have served him right. Certainly, would have arrested any peasant who had displayed such disorderly conduct.  Then again, the Governor clearly does not live in the same world as the rest of us.


Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.  Eight years in a coma after suffering a stroke.  Dead at 85.  This man has quite a legacy.  Israelis called him "The Bulldozer."  Palestinians, "The Butcher," a war criminal.  Certainly, lived a colorful life.  Remained a diehard Zionist who always put Israel first.  No matter what it took.  Literally.

Including the lives of Palestinians, their land, homes, dreams.  Considered Arafat to be a terrorist.  ... While conveniently, hypocritically ignoring the fact he and the founders of the Israeli State in 1948 developed and implemented modern terroristic tactics.

Stole Palestinian territory to form the modern State of Israel.  Ruthlessly killed Palestinians defending their homeland. Continued to steal land and kill them the next half century.  Savagely.  With absolutely no regard for human rights. None at all.  Commandeered Palestinian houses to this very day to serve as outposts.

In 1982, as Defense Minister, Sharon was found "indirectly" responsible for the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians in Lebanon.  -- By his own government.  Not just Palestinian authorities.  This marked a change in this writer's thinking.  Before this, had always supported the Israelis.  Admired them.

The atrocities in Lebanon perpetrated by Sharon, the Israelis, and their shills provoked a profound second look into how the modern Israeli State was formed.  -- Land stolen.  ... Innocent Palestinians defending their homeland killed by the Israeli aggressor using terroristic tactics it had so brilliantly developed and implemented.

Aided and abetted by the European community, the United States, and the United Nations in 1948 and decades after. The repression and atrocities committed against Palestinians have been horrendous.  Carefully covered in earlier editions of this publication.

The United States has not been an honest broker of peace in the region.  Quite the opposite.  Precisely, why we suffered the 9/11 atrocities nearly 13 years ago.  Yet, the leadership of our formerly great country is too arrogant, short-sighted, hopelessly ignorant to understand this.  Precisely, why the War On Terror will continue indefinitely.  Will remain costly in terms of blood and treasure.    Why should anything change?

Why should Palestinians cooperate?  Additional land is stolen.  New Israeli settlements continue.  Why shouldn't Palestinians fight?  We would. Would never tolerate what has been done to these people.  Yet, we remain too aggressively stupid to understand. Too arrogant.

Can't comprehend why our policies are considered imperialistic by much of the world.  Ignore the fact American-supplied weapons are being used by the Israeli aggressor offensively.  In direct violation of U.S. law which prohibits such use.

Sadly, the worst is yet to come.  It's time to rethink American policy.  It's past time to become an honest broker of peace in the region.  Nothing will change any time in the near future, however.  We can't see past the tips of our nose. Remain determinedly, stupidly, hopelessly myopic.

Regarding U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's effort to broker peace between the Israeli aggressor and the Palestinians, Israel Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon opined in an Israeli publication Kerry is "acting out of misplaced obsession and messianic fervor."

Clearly, the Israeli aggressor does not want peace.  Ferociously opposes statehood for the Palestinians.  Why are American taxpayers looted some $10 billion annually to support a country that aggressively steals territory and wantonly kills Palestinians?


The ongoing chemical contamination of the water supply in nine West Virginia counties is a sad reminder there is no expedient to which a corporation will not resort to avoid compliance with safe standards.  Why?  Simple.  The bottom line. Most of the time, they get away with it.  Until catastrophe strikes.

The Governor of West Virginia is hostile to regulation.  Why?  Simple.  Money.  Big money.  Precisely, why most Republicans are staunchly opposed to all regulation, particularly, EPA.  ... Until theirchild, grand child, wife, husband, brother, sister, father, mother, etc. gets sick or dies.

Jackasses on the Right in Texas support the coal industry no matter contamination, pollution, health issues raised. Why?  Again, simple.  Money.  Cost of electricity.  Until theirloved one gets sick, dies.  Ignorance, profound.  Greed, unlimited. Worse?

They'll insanely figuratively fight to the death for the right of power companies to shove an ungreased shaft up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day.  Gougeconsumers as they please.  Egregiously, so.  After all, they have a right, don't they?  -- Certainly,  according to the Nazi Right.

Despite minuscule 'regulation,' after deregulation, they remain clearly a cartel.  Cleverly, determinedly designed to loot consumers.  Do these deluded 'free' market jackasses on the Right truly believe the gouging would stop no matter the cost of fuel?  Even if the cost dropped closer and closer to zero?

We need to take a hard look at regulation.  Get rid of abjectly asinine rules.  Embrace others desperately needed to protect health and safety.  Rebuild EPA, better yet, abolishit.   After carefully creating a new agency with input from all sides to best determine what regulation isdesperately needed.

If we maintain status quo, that is, continued evisceration of all regulation in favor of the corporate bottom line as envisioned by the GOP, we will experience smog, contamination currently at a level or worse 'enjoyed' by the Chinese. By then, it will have been too late.

The chemical implicated in the West Virginia debacle is used in the coal mining industry to 'clean'coal.  Purportedly leaked from a tank that had not been inspected since 1991, that is, 23 years.  Is this in the best tradition of the GOP? ... Which clearly wants little, to no regulation?  Equally pointedly, where the hell are the Democrats?  Lining their pockets as well?


The Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from Arizona regarding an abortion law outlawing all abortion after 18 weeks.  Fortunately, it was at least temporarily blocked from implementation.  Other such cases may be considered by the Court, however.  This law is not only an egregious violation of the Fourth Amendment right to privacy, universally ignored Ninth Amendment guaranty of citizen rights and liberties, but a direct violation of First Amendment guaranty of freedom fromreligion.  The Establishment Clause.  Church-state separation.  Republican fascists in Arizona, Texas, and many other states remain determined nonetheless to force their perverse views of religion on all.  ... Remarkably similar to what is expected, done in Islamic states.

The Court, as well, heard an appeal from "counselors" restricted to remain 35 feet away from those attempting to enter abortion clinics.  A sympathetic Court seems to think these "counselors" benevolently attempt to dissuade women from getting an abortion.  Are entitled to do so as guarantied by First Amendment free speech rights.

Clearly, these 'Justices' suffer a serious, heartrending, physical malady themselves they can't seem to overcome or get treatment for.  That is, their heads are figuratively lodged so far up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day, their eyeballs are turning inside out.  Egregiously disrupting vision, ability to see straight.  ... Right, Clarence, Tony Baloney, No Veto Alito, Johnny Boy?

These fascist bastards continue to conveniently forget the killing perpetrated by protesters at abortion clinics.  The fact women and their caregivers are harassedby these Right Wing fascist sons of bitches.  Screamed at.  They don't need, or want, "counseling" from the Nazi Right.  They wish to be left the hell alone.  Free to do with their uterus as they damn well please.

You can't fraudulently yell fire in a theater.  Can't threaten anyone with death or bodily harm.  Can't physically or verbally harass or intimidate anyone in public.  None of that is protected speech.  None of it.  Yet, nazis on the Supreme Court apparently intend to reverse an earlier decision and allow precisely that for their compadres on the Right who oppose abortion.

The nine royalty who warm their seats on the bench don't tolerate such protest in the Supreme Court. Why should women seeking an abortion and their caregivers be subjected to worse? … Smell the stench? Unbridled hypocrisy?

These fascist sons of bitches who call women and caregivers at abortion clinics baby killers conveniently ignore the innocent executed by the state, the innocent killed in wars launched to line pockets of corporate war profiteers and their government lackeys, the innocent killed by jackbooted law enforcement nearly never held accountable, etc..

Instead, they cowardly, arrogantly choose to dictate to women what they can and cannot do with theiruterus. Impose their egregiously perverse religious views on those who do not agree. 'Ain't' ignorance of these fascists grand? A raucous Sieg Heil!, Governor?


Marlise Munoz, only 33, is sadly, tragically, achingly, brain dead.  Has been unconscious since November 26, apparently caused by a pulmonary embolism. She was 14 weeks pregnant at the time.  Her husband and family want her off life support.  Have sued to have her removed.

John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth remains intransigent.  Cites a Texas law that prohibits a pregnant woman from being removed from life support.  The woman is brain dead.  Did not wish to remain on life support under such conditions.  Had been a paramedic.

Doctors at the hospital are considering keeping her in intensive care until they can deliver the baby.  Who the hell is the State of Texas, a hospital, or medical personnel to dictate to a woman what she can and cannot do with heruterus? Force a woman who is brain dead, that is, dead, to bring a fetus to term?  Against her earlier-stated wishes.

To use, abuse, butcher her corpse to force the religious views of our fascist Governor and the Nazi Right on the unwilling?  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!?  Right, Governor?  ... Sounds like we're living in an Islamic state, doesn't it, Rick?  You and the boys proud?


Law enforcement throughout the nation retain carte blanche to wantonly kill on the job with impunity.  Former California police officers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli  were acquitted January 14 of all charges in the atrocious beating death of Kelly Thomas.  In Nazi America, anything goes.  A video recorded the savage beating, clubbing, and Tasing of this victim by the two jackbooted bastards responsible for his murder.


Abuse by police is not limited to the poor, mentally ill, young, or homeless, however.  Justin Bieber had his Calabasas, Ca. mansion raided by 12 of Los Angeles' 'finest,' a felony  search warrant served for an alleged egging incident.  ... As in eggs reportedly thrown at a neighborhood residence.  Isn't this a bit of overkill?

Lt. David Thompson opined "We hope maybe understanding the gravity of this will change some of the behavior." There is no question Bieber has behaved like a jackass.  Apparently, for some time.  A felonyraid to make the point? For throwing eggs?  Looking for 'evidence?'  What?  An empty egg carton?

Hey, Lt.?  What probable cause did you and the boys have to conduct a felonyraid for an alleged egg throwing incident?  Think the felony arrest for cocaine possession of a guest in the house will stand?  Bet it will.  Despite the phony probable cause to enter in the first place.  After all, we live in a fascist police-state where anything goes.

... You and the boys achingly incapable of legitimatelynailing Bieber for all the alleged bull?  Thatineffective?  Or, is it hopelessly terminal aggressive stupidity, sir?  Aryan arrogance? … No swastika armbands?  You're out of uniform.  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!, Lt.?

Think the very same kind of egregious abuse of law enforcement authority does not occur here in Llano County? Courtesy of the Sheriff and his jackbooted thugs? Take time to click on each of eight links to letters to Blackburn listed at the bottom of each Newsletter edition as well as on the homepage.

It is not good honorable law enforcement that is the problem here and elsewhere, but the direct opposite. It is a Sheriff and his henchmen who harass, intimidate, and falsely arrest innocent people to line County coffers that is the problem. Also, equally pointedly, it enables these corrupt, abusive, sad, sick souls to get their cookies off abusing power. Right, Bill?


According to a 1-7-14 federal appeals court decision, net neutrality is null and void.  What that means is ISPs such as Verizon are now free to slow down and/or block access to sites that are not lining its pockets.  -- Unless FCC appeals, or declares common carrier status for the Internet.  ... Otherwise, consumers wind up getting increasingly looted for deteriorating 'service.'  -- From an increasingly avaricious, corrupt, abusive corporate management suite.  Aren't we lucky?  Truly blessed?


A Snowden leak indicates NSA is collecting millions of foreign text messages and has implanted some 100,000 computers overseas with malware capable of surveillance, as well as initiation of cyber attacks.  Purportedly, includes a radio transceiver which allows NSA to communicate up to eight miles away.  Internet access unnecessary.  Precisely, how it was able to launch a cyber attack against non-Internet connected Iranian centrifuge computers.

Unsurprisingly, NSA is extremely good at deception.  Quite accomplished, gifted liars.  Of 54 plots NSA falsely claimed had been averted due to warrantless meta data collection, the committee investigating found not one was true.  Yet, warrantless collection of meta data on every American citizen continues.  Nazi America.  A fascist police-state.  A surveillance state.  Big Brother gone wild.

Appears as well, the corporate management suite has cooperated with NSA regarding sharing of private information. Reportedly, has also enabled NSA spying with a back door.  Now, is screaming bloody murder as it continues to lose overseas business.  Has already lost trust of a gullible, gutless American public.  Tough, isn't it?  Doesn't your heart bleed for these bastards?  ... Hey, guys?  How about better shielding all computers?  So NSA can't access non-Internet connected machines of innocent citizens in our formerly great country with radio tranceivers?  Treasonous, traitorous bastards.


On 1-17-14, the President again disgraced himself in a speech before employees at the Department of 'Justice.' NSA is certainly high-fiving.  Civil libertarians?  Freedom?  Again, eviscerated in best interest of a surveillance state, that is, an egregiously fascistpolice-state.  A raucous Sieg Heil!, Mr. President?

Mr. Obama is an attorney, constitutional scholar, former professor.  Prior to succumbing to the intoxicating effects of power, the President was strongly opposed to warrantless domestic spying.  Clearly, no longer.  This man, whom this writer is ashamed to admit he voted for first term, is a liar.

The President and his treasonous jackbooted goons at NSA continue to falsely claim, despite evidence to the contrary, that warrantless blanket collection of meta data of all Americans has prevented a terrorist attack.  Mr. Obama's own committee unequivocally states of 54 examples cited by NSA not one was true.  Not one.

Yet, the fascist warming the seat in the Oval Office intends to continue collection of warrantless meta data.  Unbridled hubris.  Abject ignorance of the Fourth Amendment clearly stated requirement of probable cause and a warrant signed by a judge.  In an open court system, not a kangaroo secret rubber stamp 'court.'

Despite inefficacy of this warrantless, outrageously unconstitutional collection of meta data, the President wants this information stored outside of government?  Why?  Why bother?  After all, it's noneof the government's business. Innocent citizens.  Blanket warrantless collection.  No probable cause of any crime committed.  Egregiously ignored Fourth Amendment. Surveillance state.  Nazi America.

The President falsely continues to claim such warrantless blanket data collection can aid in arrest of terrorists after the crimes are committed, or prevent additional attacks.  Abject bullsh-t.  The President and his goons have provided no credible evidence.  Even if true, at what price security?  Implementation of a surveillance state?  A fascist police-state? At expense of liberty?  Death is the better alternative.

Limit warrantless search from three to two degrees of separation?  Ludicrous.  An innocent citizen at two degrees wishes his or her data perused?  With no probable cause a crime has been committed?  Subject to secret FISA 'Court' 'supervision?'

An outrageously fascist secret 'court' that acts as rubber stamp for the President and his henchmen?  This, progress? Are you kidding, Mr. President?  No supervision by anycourt if there is a "true emergency?"  What the hell is that? Anythingthe President and NSA traitors determine it to be?

A "judicial finding?"  Nota warrant signed by a judge notin your pocket, Mr. President?  No routine legal representation of opposition before this secret nazi 'court?'  Only when issues are 'novel?'  What unadulterated perversely convoluted bullsh-t.  You've disgraced yourself, Mr. President.  Continue to abrogate your oath to protect and defend the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.

Regarding "National 'Security' Letters" in lieu of judicially signed search warrants, the President offered no change other than some trace opening of transparency.  What transparency, Mr. President?  What?  Will you finally allow those served with such a kangaroo warrantless "Letter" to inform others?

Don't the people have a right to know whom is abused and for what, Mr. President?  Secrecy?  Sounds like Nazi Germany, former Soviet Union.  "National 'Security?'"  Hell, no.  Imposition of a fascist police-state, consolidation of Executive power.

As Franklin wisely opined over 230 years ago, anyone willing to trade liberty for 'security' deserves and winds up with neither.  A raucous Sieg Heil!, Mr. President?  ... Why are you offering relief to foreign leaders, and at least some of their citizens, from spying you deliberately impose on the American public?  Continue to outrageously, disingenuously defend?  Despite noevidence such warrantless spying has prevented any attacks?

Equally pointedly, why are prosecutors at all levels of government allowed to use subpoenas to conduct fishing expeditions?  Why aren't these outrageously corrupt and abusive bastards forced to at least seek rubber stamp approval from a judge?  That is, required to provide probable cause for egregiously invading privacy of the innocent?

The President has repeatedly disgraced himself.  Deliberately, repeatedly abrogated his oath to protect and defend the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.  Should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.  Serves no one other than himself and his corporate masters.  … Or, is it the other way around?  Doesn't matter in Nazi America, does it? After all, the end result remains the same.

Indeed, the true threat to liberty and national security of our formerly great country is no foreign power or terrorist organization.  Rather, it is our egregiously out of control government at all levels, all branches.  The Founders? Spinning in their graves.  Wouldn't recognize the evil spawned by fascists in both parties who have hijacked all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.


Savages in Ohio suffocated a prisoner to death, taking 25 minutes to do so.  Not surprisingly, the states are having problems securing pharmaceuticals to kill death row inmates.  Tough, isn't it?  What ethical drug manufacturer here or abroad wants its healthcareproducts used to kill?

Consequently, butchers in the states have run out of chemical killing agents.  Resorting to charlatans to concoct untested drug mixtures to kill.  -- These the very same hypocritical bastards who attend church.  Thank the Good Lord each Sunday on bended knee, for their good fortune.  'Ain't' nazism grand?

... After all, the criminal bastard got what he deserved, didn't he?  Raped and killed a pregnant woman.  Why not stick it to him like he did his victim?  Savages on the Right certainly think so.  How are theyany different than him?  How?

Tim Chorney


Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609