Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.

Newsletter Text V343        ©2014 All Rights Reserved
January 13, 2014

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter.

Newsletter Text V343

Before reading the new edition kindly take time to consider the following:

The following Liberty In Peril links, although unhighlighted, are all currently active.  ... At this time.  It is important, however to bookmark each.  Why?  Remember the nature of this publication, -- as well as the fact all sites are hosted free of charge on independent servers.  This means they can be removed at any time due to changes in terms of service or hacking attack.  Since this publication is unfunded, it is the goal to keep at least one up and running at all times. Bookmark!  -- If one is lost, you'll have access to another.  Should a site or sites not been updated, it may only mean this writer has temporarily lost Internet access.  Patience. ... Pesky issues all associated with an unfunded publication that aggressively challenges the status quo.

Please take time to bookmark the above URLs. The recent posting above had a mistaken URL for  It has been corrected.  It is now the same as the one posted on the homepage.  This publication is self-funded. Again, sites are hosted free of charge. That does mean they can be taken down at any time due to changes in terms of service, or hacking attack. Internet access for servicing and update may not always be available.  -- Again, foibles of an unfunded publication. Should you bookmark, at least one site should always remain available.  ... Until funding and better arrangements can be made.  10-6-13

Fifty years.  War On Poverty.  The supposedly 'Unconditional' War On Poverty launched by President Johnson in January 1964. Remember it like it was yesterday.  Many consider a failure.  Particularly, the Right.  Was it?  Let's review. The poverty rate in 1964 was 19%.  Today, reportedly, 15%.

Fascists such as Florida Republican Sen. Rubio conveniently, falsely claim the above statistic indicates failure.  Does it? The Senator, as all national socialists, deliberately misinterprets statistics and ignores program successes to force congruence with his self-serving, narrow minded ideological philosophy and agenda.

Let's consider the latter first.  Medicare, Medicaid, student loans, food stamps, educational programs, and many, many other such programs have benefited countless hundreds of millions of Americans.  Yes, there has been fraud, mismanagement.  Yes, that can, and should have been addressed long ago.  Regardless, millions have entered the middle class over the last fifty years as a result of the War On Poverty.  -- Hundreds of millions, the GOP conveniently, calculatedly ignores.  Or, doesn't care about.

Regarding the former, fifty years ago, a statistician defined poverty as a function of ability to purchase food, then about a third of income.  Today, a much smaller percentage.  Now, housing, healthcare expenses, and child care claim a far greater percentage of earnings.  Precisely, why the definition of poverty must be readdressed to reflect economic change in the last fifty years.

It does not.  Will not in the foreseeable future.  Too convenient for Republicans to distort to their advantage.  Besides, what president would want to preside at a time of change, that is, when the statistic truly reflects the level of poverty? ... When, if correctly calculated, would reflect a level of impoverishment much greater than 1964 levels.  Why? Simple. Consider the following:

The corporate management suite, shareholders, and the rich are enjoying prosperity at levels never before seen in the United States.  Apparently, why they claim the economy is in recovery.  ... That we're coming out of the Great Recession. Not Depression the rest of us have experienced since 2008, -- and going back decades earlier.

Corporate cash reserves deliberately remain at record levels.  Precisely, why there is so little hiring.  Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar to men.  Still face a remarkably resistant glass ceiling.  Despite progress and the fact it's now 2014, not 1964.

Money is nearly free to corporate interests.  Not so to the middle class who pay interest rates well in excess of the rates banks pay to borrow from the Federal Reserve.  Money, remarkably close to zero interest.  ... What do you pay on your credit cards?  Car loans?  Home mortgages?

Years ago, the ratio of CEO compensation to the average worker was 40 to 1.  Today?  Now, 350 to 1.  Indeed, it's been very good for the corporate management suite.  So too, for shareholders.  Stock Market gone absolutely wild. Returns, staggering.  At whose expense?  Think hard. Harder.

Class envy?  Hell, no.  Egregious class injustice in Nazi America.  A fascist police-state where government lackeys rule at behest of their corporate masters.  Reinforced by jackbooted law enforcement to maintain order and an unsustainable status quo.  Hear the rumble?  An unwanted dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looming on the horizon.

GOP fascists such as Sen. Rubio pontificate a return of power to the states from the federal government.  Does the Senator truly believe the states will do any better?  They'll line their pockets.  Abuse power as they always have, always will.  Temptation and greed, far too great deterrent to doing the right thing.  Without federal oversight, law enforcement remains out of control.  Inept, corrupt, abusive, self-serving, impressed with itself.  Other government agencies, just as bad.

Without federal checks and balances, corruption, abuse, and ineptness thrive.  Look how long it took to remedy Jim Crow. Still a long, long way to go, however.  Despite false assurances to the contrary by the Right, the courts, particularly, the Supreme Court.  Without federal intervention, change would never have occurred.

Fascists, such as Rubio, desperately wish to maintain an unsustainable status quo.  Why?  Simple.  An Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged national socialist ideology works for the corporate management suite, stockholders, and their government lackeys.  At expense and off the backs of the poor and middle class. The American Way.

If in fact the "Unconditional" War On Poverty failed, it did so because that war was indeed not unconditional.  Not in terms of insufficient spending, however.  But because virtually nothing was done to combat insatiable corporate greed, abuse of human chattel it calls "employees," gouging of consumers with unsustainable pricing, and manufacture of absolutely shoddy products.

The Nazi Right conveniently ignores the above.  Always has, always will.  ... How else can it so easily line its pockets?
-- Off the backs of people who produce and buy inferior products, cleverly designed  to last only so long.  Craftily engineered obsolescence, guarantied to line pockets of the corporate management suite, shareholders, and well-bribed government lackeys.

Falsely claims there is a 'free' market.  Nonsense.  A ruse.  There is none.  Those who have the wealth carefully control, manipulate a market they own.  Dictate to the masses what is in style, fashionable, good to eat, drink, drive, live in, own. Even what healthcare they should get at fabulously inflated prices.

All to line pockets of the insatiable fascist bastards who run and own our formerly great country.  Indeed, the corporate management suite, shareholders, and their lackeys in government.  ... Contrary to GOP propaganda, most shareholders are not pensioners, but truly the wealthiest of the wealthy.

Fascists such as Rubio, Rand, and many, many other Republicans falsely argue they want to to empower the masses by improving education and job training.  They don't.  Never have, likely never will.  How best to do this if they were indeed truly serious?  Think hard. Harder.

Force those who benefit most from such training and education to pay for it. Who?  Think hard. Harder.  Wake up.
-- The corporate management suite, shareholders, and their government lackeys.  Never happen.  It's cheaper to import foreign labor and/or export jobs.

Greedily accept nearly endless corporate welfare courtesy of egregiously looted taxpayers.  Now, the American Way. Nazi America.  Where profit and the almighty buck rule.  No matter cost to the poor and middle class.  No matter the fact an unwanted, dreaded second American revolution catastrophically looms on the horizon.

Republican fascists such as Speaker Boehner refuse to increase the minimum wage to a livable level.  Falsely claim those at minimum wage are young or in temporary jobs.  Absolute nonsense.  Simply, untrue.  Many who had good jobs and lost them are working for minimum wage, or close to it.

Even if true, since when does this self-serving fascist think it's the right of business to survive any way it can? Including looting and abuse of young and/or 'temporary' workers at a minimum wage who are keeping these businesses in business?  Forget?  ... Being in business is not a right.  It's a privilege.

The Speaker and other national socialists of his ilk clearly don't understand this.  Never will. The Speaker's family business was a bar.  Usually, an extremely lucrative enterprise.  Yet, clearly never enough for Mr. Boehner.  His arrogance, hubris, unbecoming a federal legislator.  ... If he and his family couldn't survive in business without what amounts to indentured servitude, capitalism clearly dictates they indeed have the right, the solemn obligation to fail. And should have.

Too big to fail?  Why was J.P. Morgan Chase given what amounts to a free pass?  Not prosecuted for doing absolutely nothing about the huge Madoff fiasco costing many billions?  Think it's enough to only fine the bank?  Not prosecute dear old Jamie and his henchmen?  Why aren't these bastards treated precisely as anyone who defrauds a bank?  Why the double standard?

Egregious deceptive trade practices occur right here, locally.  This publication is preparing exposes on a local bank and insurance company.  Will be published when government on both federal and state levels finally does or, more likely, does nothing about both issues.

The latest crisis in Congress regarding extension of long-term unemployment benefits warrants consideration.  Some 1.3 million unemployed lost coverage when benefits expired in December.  This was perpetrated by Republicans who falsely believe unemployment insurance encourages, facilitates continued unemployment.

This is insanity.  Benefits amount in most states to one third to one half of income.  Why, how could the unemployed remain unemployed and survive under such circumstances?  Readers are respectfully reminded unemployment is basically operated and controlled by the states with some federal financial assistance and oversight.

Employers ostensibly 'pay' the insurance, as Republicans continue to disingenuously remind all.  In reality?  The workers ultimately foot the bill in terms of reduced wages needed to pay for the insurance.  The cost is always passed on.  Unemployment insurance is not a gift.  Employees work for it.  GOP national socialists clearly understand this, conveniently ignore it, however.

Democrats wish to expend an additional $6.5 billion to extend these benefits three months.  For 1.3 million.  What happens after 90 days and most continue to remain unemployed?  Republicans are right this is not sustainable, yet remain unwilling to do what is necessary to permanently remedy the unemployment.  That is, rein in corporate greed and properly control a corporate system that designedly remains virtually laissez-faire.  Strikingly, so.

Gov. Rick "The Prick" Perry champions supposed financial prosperity in the State of Texas.  This hopelessly ignorant, fascist bastard needs to make a trip to the Highland Lakes.  Particularly, herePoverty remains endemic in the Kingsland-Buchanan Dam area.  The Governor has no clue.

The young remain unemployed.  In huge numbers.  Men receive no welfare in Texas.  Women, only if they have dependent children.  Food banks are overextended.  The young remain targets of law enforcement as reported in great detail elsewhere in this publication.  Particularly, the letters to our hopelessly inept, corrupt, and abusive Sheriff, -- and his goons.  Unwarranted, undeserved harassment of the young and inexperienced lines County coffers.

Yes, there are problems.  Alcohol and other drugs continue to claim lives and futures.  Without jobs that pay a living wage, nothing will change.  People must have productive things to do, occupy time.  If not, drugs, alcohol, and criminal behavior thrive.

On Christmas Eve, a disabled elderly friend gave this writer a smoked turkey he didn't want to deal with.  Immediately carved it, and with the help of another friend who bagged the meat, we distributed it to hungry people.  The next day, Christmas, the Red Barn held a free community dinner for local residents.

The food was second to none.  Interestingly, many residents in the area who desperately needed the food did not attend.  -- People this writer personally knows. Without question, should have been there.  Were quite aware that a community dinner had indeed been planned.  Also knew, all were welcome.  Shut-ins and those not wanting to attend could have had food delivered.  Hats off to the Red Barn for a job well done.

... On a far more poignant note and before leaving, went to the men's room to wash my hands.  ... Always remain quite careful to read the sign on the door before entering.  ... Imagine the reaction of this writer when I walked in and locked eyes with an elderly woman ensconced on the stall-less throne?

Her truly loving husband immediately greeted me, stating he was taking care of his wife.  Told him twice I was sorry for entering.  ... Wish he had just locked the door.  ... Bet he did as well.  Thought about it quite some time.  Truly hope I pass on.  ... Before being in such a situation.  In need of such personal care.  What a love story, however.  Obviously, they had been married quite some time.  Unlike more recent marriages.

... Almost did not attend.  Seriously considered avoiding a good friend shacked up with a truly great guy she admittedly is not in love with.  Worse?  Does not love.  Why does she stay?  Good question.  Simple answer.  Expediency.  Political and/or financial.  Tragic.  Only one of several women, however, in similar circumstances known to this writer.  Ladies? Life's too short.  Move on.  ... What needlessly convoluted webs we weave.

-- Likely be in the doghouse quite some time as a consequence of the above, no?  With several friends living under remarkably similar circumstances, hope to secure some small modicum of 'plausible' 'deniability.'   ... Now, sound like a government bureaucrat, don't I?  LOL.

 ... Hell hath no several women firmly believing they've been scorned.  -- What have I done?  LOL. What? Still remains good, albeit unsolicited advice.  Indeed, life is too short, ladies.  Time to move on.

Tim Chorney


Sheriff Bill Blackburn 9-8-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609