Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.  

Newsletter Text V324        ©2013 All Rights Reserved
September 2, 2013

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter. 

Publisher's Note:  Shortly after posting the last Newsletter, a friend quizzically asked what I was trying to accomplish in this publication.  Certainly, not the first.  Likely, not the last.  Always thought it obvious: first, aggressively expose corruption and abuse to the light of day; second, more importantly, aggressively expose the rise of fascism, nazism, national socialism in all its 'glory.'  This publication is intentionally designed to offend.  To effect desperately-needed change.  

While it is also quite obvious outrageous offenders in law enforcement and government always remain premier targets, it's apparently not so clear you, too, dear readers, are fair game.  Why? Simple. Because at least some of you have foolishly enabled these bastards to egregiously f--k not only yourselves, but the rest of us.

If, indeed, you are not guilty of the above, then this is not directed at you, and, -- you should not be offended. Conversely, if the opposite is true, then you are the problem and offense is intended.  Time to wake up.  Stand up for yourselves.  ... No personal offense, however, is intended, -- other than to the bastards who falsely believe they run and own, not only this hellhole County, but the state and country as well.  -- Most of you, dear readers, this writer does not even personally know.  

It's those of you who have enabled these bastards intentionally or inadvertently who remain the problem.  How? Through unbridled fear, aching indifference, most importantly, aggressive stupidity. Forget? You are the government.  Not the bastards who falsely believe they run and own us.  The Founders, indeed, quite clear.  No more complicated than that.  Not rocket science.  

Offended?  Hope so.  Have I lost you as a reader?  Certainly, hope not.  ... If I have, this publication is clearly not for you.  -- Read the fluff in the other local rags.  Forget?  This is not easy reading.  Never will be.  Never promised it to be. Often, it's offensive even to this writer.  ... How many times have I asked: did I write that?  Couldn't be, could it?  What an idiot, no? Political correctness?  What's that? Clearly, not in this writer's vocabulary.   TC  5-30-13

Newsletter Text V324

Someone far wiser than this writer recently opined the definition of insanity is repeating the very same behavior over and over again, -- expecting a different result.  Sounds like government at all levels, doesn't it?  Remarkably, despite the fact our masters in government appear so aggressively stupid, they had to have had some minimum modicum of ability to get elected in the first place.  To move up the bureaucracy if unelected.  Yet, we repeatedly see the idiots who rule us do the very same stupid things over and over and over again.  Why?  Despite the fact such actions, ill-considered decisions often lead to catastrophic consequences.  ... Such as five major, horrendously costly, undeclared wars since the end of the Second World War.

Now, at time of this writing 8-27-13, we see the jackass currently occupying the Oval Office contemplating yet another military venture that could easily become horrendously catastrophic in the Middle East.  -- Mr. Obama is not stupid.  In fact, extremely well-educated, experienced.  Yet, the President remains determinedly aggressively stupid.  

... As every president since the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  ... Hard to believe it's nearly 50 years, 11-22-13.  Still mourn the loss of this truly gifted man.  Sadly, the last President with heart, soul, wisdom, and boundless intent to do the right thing as an executive, a leader, -- no matter personal or political cost.  Those qualities died that terrible day in Dallas.  Tragically, as well, why he was assassinated.

Today, sadly, we have a president who has backed himself into a corner.  Has cowardly stood by and watched the Syrian dictator wantonly kill thousands of his own people.  While we apparently have provided some support to rebels, they clearly have not received the heavy weapons they desperately need to defeat the dictator and his henchmen. Remarkable, isn't it?  Where have we heard this before?  Where?  The President apparently believes weapons will wind up in the wrong hands, so does nothing, or at least, as cowardly little as possible.  ... Until pushed to the wall, -- apparent use of chemical weapons.  On a massive scale.  What did he expect?

Clearly, every president since Truman in Korea, with the exception of Kennedy, believed might makes right.  Including, Obama.  A non-partisan issue. That the United States, as a superpower, must exert its military prowess if it is to remain a superpower.  Where does this phony, aggressively stupid, faulty belief come from?  Where?  Why has the Radical Right believed this the last 63 years, or so? It's not conservative.  Quite the opposite.  It's a fascist principle worthy of a defeated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan.  Not the United States.  Never was in the past. Yet, the Right has embraced the very principles defeated at the end of the Second World War.  Why?

It's not only the power, it's the money, stupid.  -- To shamelessly steal and bastardize a Clinton slogan.  Amusingly, the Right falsely accuses Obama of being on the Left, a liberal.  He's not.  No longer.  Never truly was.  Rather, he's a 'liberal,' a 'progressive' in sheep's clothing.  Conveniently, cowardly, says one thing, does another.  The bottom line, however, is the bottom line.  Literally.  Protect his masters in the corporate community.  At all costs.  Including the best interests of those who sent, and returned the jackass to office.  Lip service.
Worse?  The President has determinedly embraced the perverse values and philosophy of the Extreme Right on a number of key issues.  Whether it's his continued prosecution of the ongoing disaster in Afghanistan, warrantless NSA domestic spying on the American people, willingness, perverse eagerness to go to war to save face, line the pockets of the corporate community.  His masters.  

Even Obama Care is cleverly designed to line the pockets of the outrageously corrupt and abusive insurance cartel, the hopelessly greedy healthcare provider community including physicians, clinics, and hospitals.  To say nothing of the pharmaceutical community.  -- Including anyone who manufactures or sells anything even remotely related to healthcare.  Remains a cash cow.  

Prices demanded, imposed, and gotten are always exponentially higher than reality.   The public is stupid, hopelessly cowardly. Will pay anything, give a pound of flesh to get one additional second of life.  Bankrupt their families.  These bastards in this industry thrive on this.  Line their pockets.  Blood money.  Literally.  Wake up. You're being fleeced.

The President and his henchmen have done absolutely nothing to rein in limitless greed.  Not only of Big Oil which continuously gouges at will the consumer, but the healthcare industry who can never get enough.  Will likely get even more when Obama Care goes into full effect.  By design.  Clever, isn't it?

Equally pointedly, he's deliberately intent on lining the pockets of the corporate community by imposing, forcing individuals to purchase insurance, give up personal information the corporate community cannot and will not protect. Will share.  ... Does not need since pre-conditions will no longer supposedly be considered for coverage.  A Leftist? How?  Wake up.  This is not Left.  No question, it's hard Right.  Look who ultimately benefits.  The corporate management suite.  The President a liar, a fraud.  The American Way.

To continuously, relentlessly, disingenuously claim the President is on the Left is simply, clearly no longer true, unadulterated BS.  Convenient, self-serving distortion of reality by the Right.  At least, not on the above issues which will certainly cost the 'peasants' dearly.  Will clearly line the pockets of the corporate community, the management suite, and shareholders.  The people?  Who cares?  They'll take the ungreased shaft, mercilessly rammed up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day.  The American Way.  

Determinedly, intentionally line the pockets of the bastards who don't need it.  In a system where there is no true free market.  Where the supposedly 'free' market is owned and operated, manipulated by the relative few who control the wealth.  ... Despite disingenuous claims to the contrary by Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged fascists such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and many, many others.

The view expressed by this writer in this publication is not Left.  Remarkably, amusingly, it's where the Center was forty years ago.  The Left, as it was known then, no longer exists.  Clearly.  Without question.  To claim otherwise is to falsely re-write history.  The Nazi Right, however, ignorantly believes it's Left, -- since they've moved so far to the Right.  Right, Rush? Rand? Sean? Glen? Ted, et al?

Blinders? Clearly on.  Unparalleled, determined narrowmindedness.  Mindset?  Simple.  Extremely, simple. Determinedly, simple.  Achingly, simple.  ... Either, or.  Right, or wrong.  Black, or white. No shades of gray.  No brilliant hues of color.  Not to the Extreme Right.  Clearly, incapable of any thought broader than the simplest of simple.  They remain determined not to be confused with the truth, under any circumstances.  Embrace stupidity, relish ignorance.  ... As one unnamed comic opined years ago, you can fix ignorant, you can't fix stupid.  Right, Rush?  Sean?  Glen?  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!?

Insist on over simplistic analysis and solutions to enormously difficult problems.  Apparently, requires too much effort to thoroughly think things through.  Sad, isn't it?  Remain, insist on being self-serving, self-aggrandizing, lining their pockets off the backs of the 'peasants' who do the work.  Put up with the bull.  Live paycheck to paycheck.  This is precisely why we currently have the problems we have.  Yet, the Right remains clueless.  Determinedly, refuses to look in the mirror.   ... Afraid it'll crack?

Why outrageously corrupt, abusive, self-serving, inept government officials such as Nancy "The Pansy" Pelosi, Harry "The Greed" Reid, John "Blamer"  Boehner, Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell, etc. are tolerated and returned to office. Repeatedly.  Why their corporate masters are tolerated by these government leeches, as well as the cowards who   work for and are owned by these very same corporate masters.  -- The haughty bastards who falsely believe they own it all.  ...They do, don't they?  After all, most of you have cowardly given them your all, haven't you?  Sadly, just to survive, one day to another.  Think they live like that?
Wake up.  Part of the reason Obama is considering action against Syria for recent apparent use of chemical weapons is to line the pockets of his corporate masters.  -- The corrupt, abusive, hopelessly greedy bastards in the corporate community who falsely believe, again, they own us all.  They don't.  Class warfare as falsely opined by the Nazi Right? Hell, no.  Egregious class injustice in Nazi America.
The President needs to be extremely careful.  One never knows where any given military action will ultimately lead.
Remember, Mr. President.  Neither you, your henchmen, or your corporate masters are doing the fighting and dying. Phony, falsely 'patriotic' words spoken by you, the Vice President, and others after such a catastrophe are achingly empty. Ring hollow.  Remain worthless, are of no value.  Other than to perpetrate, perpetuate an unacceptable status quo.

Yet, doesn't stop, prevent the President from applying and trumpeting principles and rhetoric that failed decades ago. Mr. Obama wishes to 'punish' the Syrian dictator through 'limited measures.'  Who the hell is he kidding?  We 'punished' the North Koreans over sixty years ago.  Guess what?  They're still in power.  Still abusing their citizens. Occasionally kill South Koreans.  With impunity.  

Presidents Johnson and Nixon fought a carefully escalated, 'measured,' 'limited' war in Vietnam.  Guess what?  We lost.  How did 'punishment' work there?  How did it work in both Iraq wars?  Currently, far more violence on a daily basis than during the Saddam regime.  'Punishment' worked there?  How?  How well did it work in Afghanistan, Mr. President?  How many of our best and brightest died and continue to die there?  For what?  The Taliban remains strong, defiant. Think the bastards won't retake the country when we leave?

Think the Syrian tyrant won't savagely take out revenge on his own people should you launch military strikes?  Think Israel won't be shelled and rocketed should any conflict break out?  Think Iran won't respond either militarily or through terror?  It's too late Mr. President.  The time to have intervened was when fighting first broke out between rebels and the Syrian dictator.  ... If it was to have been done at all.  

Then again, how is it our problem?  Why are you going to war without a Declaration of War by the Congress?  There is no immediate exigent threat from Syria against the United States.  You have no constitutional authority to launch such a war without a Congressional Declaration.  Conversely, sadly, there will be an exigent threat should you bomb, -- at least from terror.  Wake up, Mr. President.  You're about to repeat the very same mistakes every president made while prosecuting the last five undeclared wars starting with Korea.

Not surprisingly, the Obama Regime is talking out both sides its mouth.  Earlier, the Administration claimed it would act only with UN support and cooperation of allies.  Now, having been rebuffed by so many, Administration officials claim they'll go it alone.  Aryan arrogance.  Might makes right.  The corporate management suite must line its pockets, after all.  

Congress is unhappy.  Should be.  To date, 
8-30-13,  it's largely been left out of the debate.  So much so members have sent letters to the President in protest.  Apparently, the jackass in the Oval Office remains intent on doing as he pleases.  A tyrant.  The President and his eleven predecessors have determinedly, conveniently forgotten who constitutionally declares war.

Then again, war is in the best interests of their corporate masters.  Generates virtually unlimited corporate earnings. Casualties?  The corporate management suite couldn't care less.  It's the money, stupid.  Translation?  The power. Nazi America.

Bottom line,  Mr. President?  Do you really think a 'limited' barrage of cruise missiles will deter a desperate, degenerate, insane, psychopathic dictator?  Or, encourage far worse?  Wake up.  Time to think out of the box.  Reject perverse group-think.  The insanity of your advisors, -- who, like you, are not doing the fighting and dying.

Who's advising this pending military action, Mr. Obama?  Who?  It's truly amazing how a group of extremely well-educated, experienced individuals, assembled as a group, quickly lose all perspective, conveniently forfeit all principle, develop perverse group-think mentality.  Consequently, gave us Korea, Vietnam, both Gulf Wars, and Afghanistan.  Now, we're about to get Syria.  Aren't we lucky?  

Ferociously pointedly, who the hell appointed the United States world policeman?  Who?  Who granted carte blanche to do as we please?  Impose our will?  Who?  What?  Military might?  Aryan arrogance?  Corporate best interests?  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!, Mr. President?

Sadly, poignantly, the chickens are finally coming home to roost.  All this turmoil in the Middle East, all of it, including terror, traces its roots to carte blanche granted by the United States, the UN, and Europe to Israeli terrorists who seized, that is stole, Palestinian land in 1948 to establish the modern State of Israel.  Have continued stealing it ever since.  Literally, sadly, outrageously, to this very day.  

Think we, as Americans, would have tolerated the same?  Here?  Excrement has, and continues to  hit the fan in the Middle East.  Sooner or later that entire region will likely blow sky high.  Unfortunately, sadly, literally.  Europe, the United States, and the UN will only have themselves to blame.  Remember?  They created the monster.

At time of posting, the President appears to have backed off, -- at least temporarily.  Will seek approval of Congress. To date, 9-1-13, Mr. Obama has been rebuffed in Britain, faces majority opposition here at home, Congress clearly unhappy.  The idiots advising the President don't want him to seek congressional approval.  Stunning, isn't it?  Clearly, these ignorant bastards have never read the Constitution.  There is no exigent threat from Syria against the United States.  The President must have congressional approval to attack under such circumstances.  Should he do so without congressional approval, he should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.    

Tim Chorney

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12
Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril 
The Llano Ledger


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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609