Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.  

Newsletter Text V318        ©2013 All Rights Reserved
July 24, 2013

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter. 

Publisher's Note:  Shortly after posting the last Newsletter, a friend quizzically asked what I was trying to accomplish in this publication.  Certainly, not the first.  Likely, not the last.  Always thought it obvious: first, aggressively expose corruption and abuse to the light of day; second, more importantly, aggressively expose the rise of fascism, nazism, national socialism in all its 'glory.'  This publication is intentionally designed to offend.  To effect desperately-needed change.  

While it is also quite obvious outrageous offenders in law enforcement and government always remain premier targets, it's apparently not so clear you, too, dear readers, are fair game.  Why? Simple. Because at least some of you have foolishly enabled these bastards to egregiously f--k not only yourselves, but the rest of us.

If, indeed, you are not guilty of the above, then this is not directed at you, and, -- you should not be offended. Conversely, if the opposite is true, then you are the problem and offense is intended.  Time to wake up.  Stand up for yourselves.  ... No personal offense, however, is intended, -- other than to the bastards who falsely believe they run and own, not only this hellhole County, but the state and country as well.  -- Most of you, dear readers, this writer does not even personally know.  

It's those of you who have enabled these bastards intentionally or inadvertently who remain the problem.  How? Through unbridled fear, aching indifference, most importantly, aggressive stupidity. Forget? You are the government.  Not the bastards who falsely believe they run and own us.  The Founders, indeed, quite clear.  No more complicated than that.  Not rocket science.  

Offended?  Hope so.  Have I lost you as a reader?  Certainly, hope not.  ... If I have, this publication is clearly not for you.  -- Read the fluff in the other local rags.  Forget?  This is not easy reading.  Never will be.  Never promised it to be. Often, it's offensive even to this writer.  ... How many times have I asked: did I write that?  Couldn't be, could it?  What an idiot, no? Political correctness?  What's that? Clearly, not in this writer's vocabulary.   TC  5-30-13

Newsletter Text V318

For nearly two months, all effort was expended to relaunch and upload five new Liberty In Peril websites. While much has happened the last two months, two of the very worst atrocities were perpetrated by fascists ensconced on the U.S. Supreme Court and here, at home, in Texas government.  
Seems the nazis enthroned on the Court believe racism to be no longer a problem in our formerly great country.  So much so that states, such as Texas with appalling records of discrimination against minorities, no longer have to answer to federal authorities.  Texas GOP fascists such as the Governor, Lt. Governor, Texas Attorney General, and 'legislators' including Sen. Troy Frasier seem to believe voter fraud is rampant in Texas.  It's not.  They've provided absolutely no proof.  None at all.

Certainly, there are far fewer instances of voter fraud than the exponential number of elderly, minorities, and others who will be disenfranchised when Voter ID is enforced in November.  Exactly what Republican fascists want and intend.  Elections are no longer fair, anyway.  Since districts are artificially created by the nazis in power.  To ensure election of Republican fascists.  The people are no longer fairly represented.  Why would, why should, they be in Nazi Texas?

This begs a most poignant, heartrending question.  Why vote?  Why?  No matter who attains office, either major political party, the outrageously corrupt and abusive bullsh-t never ends.  Fraud, outright theft, abuse of the citizenry for personal gain.  Lobbyist loot, that is legalized bribery, reigns.  Nazi America.  Nazi Texas.  Both Democrats and Republicans.

This writer has been looking quite some time for a damned good reason not to vote any longer.  Have finally found one.  It's not the futility of the vote.  Not at all.  In Nazi Germany, jackbooted government thugs demanded:  Papieren, Bitte!  Papers, Please!  Now, not only outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement thugs are demanding papers, but the jackass lackeys running the polls.  

Be goddamned if this writer will produce a drivers license for these bastards. Will vote with my feet and continue excoriating the jackbooted fascist thugs who have not only taken over our formerly great state, but nation as well.  ... A raucous, goosestepping, bootclicking, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!?  Governor?  Lt. Governor?  Attorney General?  Sen. Frasier?  ... And every other goddamned fascist who falsely believes they run and own our formerly great country?

Not to be outdone by an achingly fascist U.S. Supreme Court, the Texas Legislature passed in special session a highly restrictive abortion bill, quickly signed into law by our nazi Governor.  Seems these Republican fascists, who falsely claim to be Christians, firmly believe they own your uterus, ladies.  They perversely and truly believe it belongs to them. Can and will dictate to you what you can and cannot do with it.  

They know best don't they?  Freedom from religion, that is the Establishment Clause First Amendment no longer exists. These Republican fascists will impose their phony religious beliefs and principles on all.  Don't like it?  Tough. You live in a fascist police-state and remain unwilling to do anything about it.  ... Other than cowardly comply.  Most of you.  Both  men and women.

Our Neanderthal, knuckle-dragging Governor and his henchmen think you're too damned stupid to control your womb, ladies.  They'll do it for you.  Aren't you lucky?  Truly, blessed?  After all, these hopelessly hypocritical, extremely perversely jaded nazi bastards are looking out for the 'best' interests of the 'lil lady', aren't they?  Wake up, women. These fascist sons of bitches are royally, exquisitely, determinedly f--king you.  Haughtily, playing God.  Falsely, hawking, imposing their version of the Bible and perverse view of Christianity on all.  In direct violation of the Establishment Clause First Amendment.  Nazi courts are rubberstamping their (GOP) perversion of the Bill of Rights.
These very same GOP fascists condescendingly, patronizingly, haughtily instruct all women to cross their legs, keep their panties on, -- if you don't wish to become pregnant.  Generous, aren't they?  ... While tapping every piece of ass they can.  The very same married pieces of human excrement who cheat on their wives and tell you what you can and cannot do with your uterus, ladies.  Right, Governor?  Lt. Governor?  Attorney General?  And every other piece of crap who promoted or voted for this atrocity? A raucous Sieg Heil!?

These bastards haughtily claim to believe in freedom.  They don't.  Wouldn't know liberty if it bit them hard on the ass. Sadly, the seat of all wisdom in the Nazi Right.  They seem to have conveniently forgotten if there is no reproductive freedom, there is no freedom of all.  

This freedom to do with one's uterus as one pleases trumps all rights of the fetus, that is, unborn child.  These fascists who falsely profess to be Christian will never understand this.  Yet, will continue to impose their perverse inconsistent beliefs on all.  While continuing to stand by and do nothing as the not-so-great State of Texas continues to execute the condemned.  Many of whom, innocent.  -- Nazi courts dictate to defense attorneys what is and is not 'admissible.'  

Hypocrisy reeks.   Nazi Texas.  Nazi America.  Don't like vitriolic protected speech?  Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Egypt, and many other places may be more to your liking.  Far more palatable to your sensitivities.
Tim Chorney

Sheriff Bill Blackburn 7-10-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12
Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril 
The Llano Ledger


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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609