Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Much of it achingly heartbreaking.  

Newsletter Text V316        ©2013 All Rights Reserved
June 7, 2013

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a donation to P.O. Box 151, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (5-7-13).

For new readers:  Fascism, nazism, national socialism defined as the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion. 'Justified' by perversion and bastardization of the latter. 

Publisher's Note:  Shortly after posting the last Newsletter, a friend quizzically asked what I was trying to accomplish in this publication.  Certainly, not the first.  Likely, not the last.  Always thought it obvious: first, aggressively expose corruption and abuse to the light of day; second, more importantly, aggressively expose the rise of fascism, nazism, national socialism in all its 'glory.'  This publication is intentionally designed to offend.  To effect desperately-needed change.  

While it is also quite obvious outrageous offenders in law enforcement and government always remain premier targets, it's apparently not so clear you, too, dear readers, are fair game.  Why? Simple. Because at least some of you have foolishly enabled these bastards to egregiously f--k not only yourselves, but the rest of us.

If, indeed, you are not guilty of the above, then this is not directed at you, and, -- you should not be offended. Conversely, if the opposite is true, then you are the problem and offense is intended.  Time to wake up.  Stand up for yourselves.  ... No personal offense, however, is intended, -- other than to the bastards who falsely believe they run and own, not only this hellhole County, but the state and country as well.  -- Most of you, dear readers, this writer does not even personally know.  

It's those of you who have enabled these bastards intentionally or inadvertently who remain the problem.  How? Through unbridled fear, aching indifference, most importantly, aggressive stupidity. Forget? You are the government.  Not the bastards who falsely believe they run and own us.  The Founders, indeed, quite clear.  No more complicated than that.  Not rocket science.  

Offended?  Hope so.  Have I lost you as a reader?  Certainly, hope not.  ... If I have, this publication is clearly not for you.  -- Read the fluff in the other local rags.  Forget?  This is not easy reading.  Never will be.  Never promised it to be. Often, it's offensive even to this writer.  ... How many times have I asked: did I write that?  Couldn't be, could it?  What an idiot, no? Political correctness?  What's that? Clearly, not in this writer's vocabulary.   TC  5-30-13

Newsletter Text V316

Obama NSA Verizon Domestic Spying
Sen. John Cornyn

Obama NSA Verizon Domestic Spying

The Obama Regime has confirmed multiple news reports NSA is domestically spying on millions of Verizon wireless customers.  Billions of calls, emails, IP addresses, etc. monitored.  What it euphemistically calls transactional records.  This information allows the jackbooted bastards at NSA to easily identify individual users. Determine precisely where all communication originated, that is, where and when.

During the Bush Regime this was allegedly restricted to incoming calls from overseas.  Many of us suspected this was untrue.  Now, our nazi government is confirming long-term suspicions. Reportedly, this expansion has gone on the last seven years.  Came to light recently because Obama and his henchmen obtained FISA Court permission for an extremely wide-ranging fishing expedition April 25, soon after the Boston Marathon bombing.

The hypocritical nazi bastard currently occupying the Oval Office and his henchmen received this rubberstamp approval from The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  Approval of what amounts to an extremely wide-ranging USA 'Patriot' Act National 'Security' Letter requesting records of millions of Verizon customers.  No probable cause.  No individual suspicion as required by the Fourth Amendment.  

Coup de grace?  When a target receives a National 'Security' Letter, he or she is denied the right to disclose that fact.  Direct abrogation of the First Amendment right to free speech.  Nazi government covering its nazi ass.  Nothing, absolutely nothing to do with "national 'security.'" Rather, it's power. Absolute power.  Nazi power.  Power that would have brought a smile to the face of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

The bastards who run and own our formerly great country use these Letters to escape the Fourth Amendment requirement for probable cause.  By refusing to allow anyone victimized by receipt of one these Letters to publicly disclose this fact, the corrupt and abusive bastards who send them do not have to suffer exposure as the dictatorial sons of bitches they truly are.  What truly surprises this writer is no one to date has told our nazi masters to go to hell.  

The first to do it will be a national hero.  Should be awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor.  The government would crucify the poor bastard, however, -- as it's doing to Bradley Manning.  ... Another hero exposing the outrageously corrupt and abusive sons of bitches for precisely whom and what they are.  At horrendous personal cost. Including abuse during months of incarceration.     

The nazi in the Oval Office is a hypocrite because he campaigned against such abuse when running for president in 2008. In office, he is no better than a dictator.  A tyrant.  Worse, than the bastard who preceded him.  Has clearly and repeatedly abrogated his oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Not for "national 'security'" as falsely claimed.  To exercise and consolidate Executive power and establish a fascist police-state.

Readers, you've been cleverly duped by your government.  Repeatedly.  You've cowardly bought the "national 'security'" bullsh-t hook, line, and sinker.  You've stupidly been willing to trade liberty for security, -- only to wind up with neither as predicted by Franklin well over two hundred years ago. Will you apologists for this bastard currently occupying the Oval Office and his accomplices in Congress
ever wake up?

The FISA Court, 'authorized' by the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, is a ruse.  It is no open court.  It is
not constitutionally separated from the Executive as required by the Constitution.  It is based at the 'Justice' Department, at last report in a windowless, inaccessible room.  It rubberstamps nearly all requests by its Executive masters.  There is no due process.  No adversary proceedings by those opposed to what the government wants.  In fact, no access at all.  This is yet another example of kangaroo justice, nazi justice in our formerly great country.

The leadership of both major political parties currently defend what NSA is doing.  Warrantless, fishing expeditions conducted against millions of innocent Americans.  At present, GOP Senator Lindsey Grahmn is supporting what our nazi President and his henchmen are doing.  Why?  Simple. It's not only a continuation of earlier Bush "The Tush" and "Slick Dick" Cheney policy, but an
expansion.  A raucous, bootclicking, goosestepping, treasonous, traitorous Sieg Heil!?

At time of writing, cowardly, gutless GOP nazis in the House remain deafeningly silent.  Where are calls for impeachment hearings?  Won't happen, will it?  After all, the President and his henchmen are following long-term Republication policy to establish a fascist police-state.  ... The President is conveniently handing them a victory without a fight.  Mr. Obama has not only betrayed his oath of office, but the American people as well.

... The above was not to be part of this edition.  Was quickly and easily written as the story broke earlier today, June 6, 2013.  The following is not quite so easy to address.  This writer does not ordinarily know or care what day it is.  Today is different.  Finally dawned after the above was written.

On June 6, 1944, many of our best and brightest courageously died on the hellhole beaches of Normandy fighting the German Nazi bastards who threatened all mankind at that time in history. Some 2,000 died within the first 24 hours or so.  Incredible courage.  Daring.  Did the seemingly impossible.  At horrendous personal cost.  Fortunately, the beginning of the end for the Third Reich.

On June 6, 1964, forty-nine years ago this evening, twenty years to the day of the D-Day assault, a young, soon-to-be high school kid sat down and began reading The Longest Day.  The story of the invasion. That kid did not put the book down until it was finished early the next morning.

Nearly seventy years after that terrible day on those bloody beaches, we have a President who has egregiously sh-t on the Bill of Rights.  What so many men bled and died for so many years ago.  The President disingenuously, if not delusionally, if not evilly, rationalizes this egregiously callous evisceration of the Fourth Amendment.  Falsely, calls it a "national 'security'" matter.  The President is a liar.  

No matter the rationalization, no matter the alleged threat, -- intentional, designed, craftily engineered or otherwise, abrogation of the United States Constitution can never be justified.  Never.  

No matter the circumstances, no matter how dangerous. The President has become a dictator.  His job is to follow the United States Constitution, not protect us against ourselves.  

Not get his cookies off exercising power not granted him by the Constitution.  He should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.

... Those men who so bravely died on those beaches nearly seventy years ago today must be spinning in their graves.  They never could have foreseen the rise of the Fourth Reich right here, right now, in our formerly great country.  While Republicans lead the charge, Democrats aid and abet them every step of the way.  The nazification of our formerly great country.  Clearly, the lessons of Hitler and Mussolini have long since been forgotten.  

Seems the story is worse than originally written.  Apparently, the President and his henchmen have also been tapping ISPs to data mine.  There needs to be an immediate investigation and congressional hearings on just what happened and why.  

Sen. John Cornyn

It's truly amazing how aggressively stupid a United States Senator can remain.  One would think
anyone would be capable of smartening up when repeatedly confronted with the truth and circumstances that don't, and will never, work.  

Yet, aggressive stupidity, abject ignorance reign supreme as our formerly great country sadly continues to deteriorate.  

Years ago, an extremely creative gifted comedian once quipped you can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid.  He's right.  Case in point?  The senior Senator from the no longer, not-so-great State of Texas. John Cornyn.

Peruse the Senator's latest editorial dated 5-29-13 in one of the local rags?  Pathetic.  Achingly, misses the point.  Panders to women whom the GOP intentionally, designedly, patronizingly sh-ts on. Do you really think women are
that stupid, John?  Forget they run circles around you, me, and all men?

Sexual assaults in the military were the target of the editorial.  No question, rightfully so.  Indeed, a severe problem for
both genders.  Men are sexually assaulted, John.  Even in the military.  Many, many in the military.  Women have repeatedly pointed this out.  The brass have repeatedly acknowledged this.  Yet, nowhere in your editorial is that fact addressed.  Why not?

Why?  Why didn't you address this issue?  Don't think it can and does occur?  Too uncomfortable for a man of your status and accomplishment to think about?  Or, were you pandering for the lost GOP female vote.  Think such pandering will return women to the fold?

Think they'll return en masse when you fascists dictate to them what they can and cannot do with
their uterus?  Force your perverse religious views on them and others in direct violation of church-state separation as demanded by the First Amendment, Establishment Clause?  

Force their unwilling doctors to in effect sexually assault them by requiring an unnecessary but mandatory trans vaginal ultrasound in order to get an abortion?  You bastards who practice medicine without a license by dictating what doctors can and cannot do?  For perverse religious reasons?

Sadly, John, we're just getting started.  The Senator opines:

"The U.S. military is known for its strong integrity, rigorous standards and commitment to excellence, yet the disturbing prevalence of sexual abuse is victimizing thousands of women and damaging the military's image."

Conveniently forget the thousands of
men suffering the same fate as women, Senator?  "Strong integrity?"  Where?  Was it demonstrated by pictures of our troops urinating on the corpses of the enemy they had just killed?  Is it demonstrated by those who killed while torturing "enemy combatants?"  

Was it demonstrated by Navy SEALS who summarily executed bin Laden despite the fact he offered no resistance?  Is it demonstrated by 'interrogators' who waterboarded KSM, what, some 183 times? Was it demonstrated by ole George "The Tush" Bush who baldfacedly lied  when he said we don't torture?

Wake up, Senator.  Clearly, you
don't live in the same reality as the rest of us.  Nor by the same rules. Forget Japanese Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita was executed at the end of the Second World War, for among other things, waterboarding American POWs?  Reportedly, Yamashita claimed he didn't even know his troops were doing it.  No excuse.  

When will "The Tush" and "Slick Dick" Cheny be prosecuted domestically or at The Hague for
their war crimes?  When?  Never happen.  Not in Nazi America.  We protect and coddle our war criminals. Build libraries for them.  See that they live in the lap of luxury the rest of their lives.  Even provide  heart transplants when far younger patients are denied and allowed to die.  Nazi bastards. Land of the free? Home of the brave?  No longer.  Land of the enslaved. Home of the cowardly.  A raucous Sieg Heil!, Senator?

The Senator remarks:

"The statistics are appalling.  According to the Department of Defense, nearly one in four women in the military reports having experienced unwanted sexual contact since joining.  In 2012, there were over 3,000 reports of sexual assault involving service members, but with thousands of cases going unreported, the Pentagon believes this is only a fraction of the true number."

Again, John, what about the
men?  Not to diminish the atrocities committed against women, but what about the men victimized?  No concern for them, Senator?  Or, again, are you callously, self-servingly pandering for the lost female vote?

As you rightly claim, the military has not done enough.  Neither, have you, that is, Congress.  As well as the President.  Barring recruitment of felony sex offenders is
not enough. It is incomprehensible the military is not already doing that.  It is unbelievable the military does not already dishonorably discharge those convicted of sexual offenses in the military.  What could they possibly be thinking?

All fixes described in your editorial are band aids.  You gloss over root causes of this cancer in the military. The Combating Military Sexual Assault Act of 2013 is a start, but will
not solve this problem. The culture of the military needs radical overhaul.

"We need to understand the forces at work in the military that lead to sexual abuse, and we need to get out in front of this problem.  This bill is designed to make that happen."

How, Senator?  
How?  Despite all the training, education, instruction, etc., there remains one stark, immutable fact.  Troops are asked, ordered to do horrendous acts.  As in the case of the Second World War, absolutely necessary for survival of our nation.  

Military personnel who kill, maim, and destroy during the course of their duties quickly become desensitized.  Anything goes.  Want food?  Take it. Want sex?  It's yours.  Want to overpower?  Rape. Sexually assault.  Gender?  Doesn't matter.  Anything goes.  Rules of war?  
What are they?  

Even our nazi government
won't abide by the Geneva Conventions.  Doesn't think it has to.  Why should our troops think any differently?  They're following the example of the not-so-great 'leadership' of our formerly great country.  

None of this is justification.  None of it.  All of it, however, is fact.  Precisely, why prosecutions, punishment, discharge, etc., while necessary, are not enough.  Mindset must be changed.  How?  Not easy.  Not simple.  

Some solutions, however, are simple.  Don't go to war to line pockets of war profiteers, or enforce political will. Go to war for one reason and one reason only, to ensure national survival.  Sadly, with exception of the brief period after 9/11, we had no just reason to go to war since the end of the Second World War. None at all.  

We went to war in Korea and Vietnam to line pockets of war profiteers.  Urged on by the hopelessly paranoid
Nazi Right, horrendously fearful of communism which had already been failing for decades. 

The fascist element ludicrously claims Reagan 'defeated' communism.  Abject bullsh-t. Simply, not so.  

Communism defeated itself.  Through its excesses.  

As Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged nazism, that is, capitalism.  Currently, apparently enduring, -- its death throes.  We'll see.  One way or the other things must change.  Status quo remains unsustainable.  

Most important?  Again, we must stop going to war to line pockets of war profiteers and enforce political will.  Only for legitimate self-defense, survival. Neither party will ever agree, however. Consequently, the carnage and waste will continue unabated.  Precisely, why it has gone on and continues to go on since Korea.

Saddest of all?  Most achingly pathetic?  The Senator concludes:

"To quote the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, 'We're losing the confidence of the women who serve that we can solve this problem.'  We must not lose that confidence, and I would add that we need those women to help us solve this problem.  Both the moral rectitude and military strength of our country depend on it."

Is that the
best you have, Senator?  Patronizing, achingly condescending, sexist bullsh-t?  John, why are you still in office?  Why?  You have nothing to offer.  Nothing at all.  No substance.  No ideas.  No creativity.  Nothing creative.  Again, nothing at all.  You remain a vacuum.  Stale.  Rudderless. Freshness, long since gone. You offer no solutions.  Have none.  Remain hopelessly clueless.     

To repeat: "... and I would add that we need those women to help us solve this problem."  How, John? How?  By turning their M-16 on the bastards raping them?  How do they solve the problem when it is a command problem?  When the commanding officer reverses the conviction of the rapist?  Or, refuses to bring charges at all?  There is no justice, Senator.  None at all.  Not for the women assaulted, or the men who have also been raped by the sick bastards admitted into the military and allowed to remain.

It's time to go, John.  You
are the problem.  The aching lack of leadership.  Why are we paying your salary and perqs?  Why?  Why do you remain firmly planted on the taxpayer tit?  Why?  Haven't you taken enough?  Stolen more than enough from the public, courtesy of legalized bribery, that is, lobbyist loot?  We can't afford you any longer, Senator.  You and your colleagues are killing this country.

Recent EMAIL TO HACKER 5-14-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 6-4-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-21-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 5-9-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 4-26-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 3-18-13
Sheriff Bill Blackburn 11-27-12
Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril 
The Llano Ledger


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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609