The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V31

This Website Is Full. Starting With The December 25, 2000 Newsletter, All Future Editions Will Be Posted In The Llano Ledger 2, Found By Clicking

Publisher's Note: The cowardly failure of the community to financially support this publication is stunningly pitiful and selfish. Worse yet, the sickening defense and excuse of cowardice by some is appalling. If readers care so little for this community and each other, why should I? T.C.***

****March 27, 2000 Newsletter Continued****

Interestingly, the Superintendent admitted the egregious overappraisal of properties by the Appraisal District is the reason for our area being declared a property rich school district, resulting in the newly projected yearly figure of $3,200,000 in recapture or what is more commonly known as Robin Hood funds looted from taxpayers. Taxpayers will apparently be looted an additional $77,000 in recapture funds for 1997-98 as well, according to the Superintendent. Aren't we lucky? Chief Appraiser Gary Eldridge and his cronies are directly responsible for this ongoing fiasco. Kirkman, however, is not raising hell as a director to the Appraisal Board. Why??? Interesting, isn't it?

I asked the Superintendent if it isn't a bit disingenuous to claim a $.30/$100 recapture rate, when the School District is in fact receiving 5% of its revenue from state and federal sources? When taken into consideration, isn't the true recapture rate under $.20/$100? In response, Patton strongly asserted recapture is indeed well over $.30/$100, but couldn't or wouldn't provide proof.

Furthermore, he asserted LISD is spending $6,847 annually to "educate" each student. Interestingly, Patton provided no support of this figure either. The District, however, has an annual budget of $15,225,384. The current school population is 1655. Do the math: $15,225,384/1655 or $9,197.63 per student. Interesting, isn't it? ... Voodoo math, Jack? Care to clarify? ... I'll certainly publish any response.

Interestingly, the Superintendent provided an 8-page Texas Youth Commission report indicating a $40,150 yearly incarceration cost for youthful offenders. Yes, Jack. It's far cheaper to "educate" students than to incarcerate them. So what? There is no argument. Nonetheless, you've got egregious pork throughout LISD, sir. The waste is stunning. Time to wake up. Sadly, you and your cronies are not living in the real world. It is quite clear you're under intense stress and pressure from the Board, parents, taxpayers, the State, inept contractors at Packsaddle, etc.. The pressure, however, will only increase, -- especially from this publication. If you don't voluntarily share information and answer questions, the issue will be forced through formal open records requests. Hardball? You bet. Again, it's time to wake up, Jack.

Patton has also strongly asserted he's constantly confronted with egregiously unreasonable requirements from the State he KNOWS will not work. The Superintendent is absolutely right. I strongly urged him to provide documentation, and I would indeed present it to readers. Jack, you should clearly understand this publication presents the entire story. The good, bad, and the ugly. ALL of it. You can't cherry-pick, however. Indeed, readers are entitled to judge for themselves, cognizant of all the facts, -- not just what you want them to know. Most pointedly, when will our officials finally learn that honesty, candor, and forthrightness are the ONLY way to establish and maintain public trust? Sadly, they're concerned more with being sued and covering their ass, than with doing the jobs they were hired to do. Until this thinking changes, public distrust will continue to grow.

At posting time Monday, the visitor count stood in excess of 11,000. Another truly excellent record-breaking week, approximately twice the usual number of hits. Yet, there continues to be no financial support, despite snowballing readership. ... After all, why pay for it when you can get it for free? Right? Apparently, this community is COWARDLY willing to allow this writer to take the risk, do all the work, put up with the harassment, and swing in the wind. Damned pitiful and incredibly selfish. With growing public interest, our cowardly area businesses will sooner or later take advantage of the market represented by this expanding readership. While I can certainly understand the fear and subsequent reluctance of businesses to advertise, it is the failure of the readership to financially support this publication that disturbs me most. Indeed, WHERE is YOUR courage AND generosity? When will you do your part, instead of selfishly taking what you can get? If this publication is apparently good enough to be read by so many, why isn't it being financially supported?

As repeatedly asserted, the pop-up and banner advertising belongs to Maxpages. _The Ledger receives no income from either, and remains non-profit. As always, this publication needs and appreciates donations from readers. Sadly, no other publication is willing to challenge corrupt and abusive officials. Readers can expect continued aggressive, relentless, officious, tireless pursuit of our most egregious offenders. -- Figuratively speaking, a "take no prisoners" approach, regardless of whose toes are stepped on, feathers ruffled, tail feathers plucked, or beak tweaked. Things CAN change in our community. Be part of it. Help me to help you. Support this publication.

Tim Chorney, Publisher (March 20, 2000 Newsletter can be found on Newsletter Text V32; Scroll down for March 13, 2000 Newsletter.)

*************March 13, 2000*************

As often the case, something happens during the week necessitating a change in Newsletter topics. Sadly, this week was no exception. Thursday afternoon, I was sitting at a computer in the Llano Library when a loving father concerned about his son approached.

I've known the man for a few months, and he was in the library looking for a law book. His son is once again in jail, incarcerated on a felony charge. The boy claims he's innocent. Regardless of whether or not that's true, there are several other interesting issues raised by this sad and truly poignant case.

I begged the father to allow me to fully tell his son's story. He and his wife will carefully consider the request. As I pointed out, egregious abuses in the judicial system will never be corrected until they see the light of day. Not surprisingly, the case involves Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace Lanny "The Cop" Stephenson and, of course, is not a simple one. Bail was revoked on an earlier charge and, among other things, questions have arisen as to disposition of the funds. ... What else is new?

With the ongoing deliberate overloading of the jail, however, it is also not surprising the boy is incarcerated in Kerrville. -- Mighty convenient for the Sheriff and the "Judge", since it makes it more difficult for family and legal eagles to visit their clients. Apparently, there are egregious habeas corpus issues involved in this case as well as many others. After two weeks, the father reports his son still has no constitutionally required court-appointed attorney. Then again, "Her Majesty The Queen" has apparently never bothered to read the Bill of Rights or the U.S. Constitution. ... Readers should understand this precious document applies to all, -- whether guilty or innocent, -- even here in Llano County.

This writer maintains contact with several local attorneys. One has done some pro bono work for inmates incarcerated in Kerrville and has privately remarked it appears the Sheriff is conveniently using "overflow" transfers to make it more difficult for attorneys to see their clients. Counselor, it's time to submit a Letter to the Editor and publicly air your grievances. Sadly, this nonsense will never end until it is exposed in all its splendor and glory.

It's also time for our legal eagles to finally find a little backbone and stand up to the abuses. ... All of them. Otherwise, you're no better than the legal beagles masquerading as "prosecutors", -- highly selective in their prosecutions and egregiously abusive. Readers should never forget the judicial system is indeed the premier cash cow for the County. ... Our "prosecutors" and "judges" certainly haven't.

Another area attorney prepared a request for information under the Texas Open Records Act to be sent to District Attorney Sam Oatman requiring him, among other things, to disclose any contractual agreements his office has with the Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET). The attorney circulated his request among colleagues recently seeking their signatures on the document.

While there was considerable initial interest, needless to say all got cold feet. Their thinking (pitifully gutless excuse?) was: "We all have to work here." Well, DUH. ... WHAT does it take? WHEN will the legal community finally wake up? Gentlemen, it's certainly in the best interest of your clients to expose egregious prosecutorial abuse and corruption. Most pointedly, justice demands it. -- So does the oath you've sworn as officers of the court.

... Being the unabashed egregious public irritant, pariah, and fiercely independent maverick I am, it occurred to me it might be productive, or at the very least entertaining, to force the issue and see what happens. -- Rattle a few cages, and possibly pluck a tail feather or two in the process.

Since _The Llano Ledger receives no financial support from the readership or area businesses anyway due to gut-wrenching fear and greed, I'm in a unique position to raise a little hell, don't you think? Certainly NOT beholden to anyone, nor will I ever be. As long as the truth is aggressively pursued, however, I could care less who's offended, irritated, or gets a beak tweaked. ... Worse yet, I've never learned to duck fast enough when the excrement finally hits the fan. ... No doubt an art and science requiring careful cultivation and years of experience.

All joking aside, the following request was snail-mailed to our stalwart "prosecutor". It will certainly be most interesting to see if the District Attorney responds promptly, or has to be forced by the Attorney General.
Sam Oatman
District Attorney
33rd Judicial District of Texas
P.O. Box 725
Llano, Tx. 78643

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

March 12, 2000

Re: Texas Open Records Request

Dear Counselor:

Under the Texas Open Records Act, Ch.552, Gov't Code, Public Information, access to the following documents is respectfully requested:

1. All agreements, including those presently in existence or those which may have been in existence during the past ten (10) years, between the Texas Department of Human Services and the District Attorney's Office of the Thirty-Third Judicial District of Texas,

2. All agreements, including those presently in existence or those which may have been in existence during the past ten (10) years, between the Narcotics Enforcement Team of the Thirty-Third Judicial District of Texas and the District Attorney's Office of the Thirty-Third Judicial District of Texas, and,

3. Documentation of all sources of funding to the District Attorney's Office of the Thirty-Third Judicial District of Texas.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

cc: File

If Mr. Oatman stonewalls, obfuscates, or otherwise ignores the request, a complaint will be filed against him with the Open Records Division. Sadly and for all practical purposes, under Texas law, the District Attorney has more power than the Attorney General. He is, however, subject to the Open Records Act, and must file a request for ruling if he claims an exception to disclosure.

It could turn out to be an interesting legal battle during an election year if Oatman balks. Although he runs unopposed, the people indeed have a right to know, and this publication will do all it can to make sure they do. With additional material from the jail-rapes to be posted, this should certainly be a most interesting year. The first additional document to be published will be the Garrett deposition, -- in its ENTIRETY, not just excerpts. I'll get it up as quickly as possible. Please be patient, since it has to be entered keystroke by keystroke.

With profound regret and sorrow, I sadly report the passing of Pat Bernard, a staunch, outspoken supporter of _The Llano Ledger. Ms. Bernard was quite a fighter, and always sharply opposed the abuse, corruption, and injustice deeply embedded in the system. Indeed, she will be dearly missed. Deepest sympathy to her family and friends.


Special thanks to Harvey Klee for submitting three timely letters of interest this week. One may be found on Reader Letters Vol 3, and the other two on Reader Letters Vol 2. His eloquent treatment of several pressing issues has saved me significant time and effort, and I'm indeed appreciative.

_The Ledger visitor count stands in excess of 9400. Sadly, there continues to be no financial support, despite snowballing readership. ... After all, why pay for it when you can get it for "free"? Right? Apparently, this community is COWARDLY willing to allow this writer to take the risk, do all the work, put up with the harassment, and swing in the wind. Damned pitiful and incredibly selfish. With growing public interest, our cowardly area businesses will sooner or later take advantage of the market represented by this expanding readership. While I can certainly understand the fear and subsequent reluctance of businesses to advertise, it is the failure of the readership to financially support this publication that disturbs me most. Indeed, WHERE is YOUR courage and generosity? When will you do your part, instead of selfishly taking what you can get? If this publication is apparently good enough to be read by so many, why isn't it being financially supported?

As repeatedly asserted, the pop-up and banner advertising belongs to Maxpages. _The Ledger receives no income from either, and remains non-profit. As always, this publication needs and appreciates donations from readers. Sadly, no other publication is willing to challenge corrupt and abusive officials. Readers can expect continued aggressive, relentless, officious, tireless pursuit of our most egregious offenders. -- Figuratively speaking, a "take no prisoners" approach, regardless of whose toes are stepped on, feathers ruffled, tail feathers plucked, or beak tweaked. Things CAN change in our community. Be part of it. Help me to help you. Support this publication.

Tim Chorney, Publisher

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:23pm EDT