The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V27

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**************February 14, 2000***************

As promised earlier, this edition will cover the more serious charges filed against prisoners incarcerated in the Llano County Jail from Jan. 1 to Nov. 10, 1999. Statistics for unidentified warrants and judgements are also presented. Preliminary analysis and commentary will follow:
Figure 1. Table For Listed Charges. (Jan. 1 to Nov. 10, 1999)(Prisoner Incarceration Times Are Days Average Stay.)

Family Violence
19 Pris. 1.3 Days Av.
Simple Assault
2 Pris. 1 Day Av.
17 Pris. 11.6 Days Av.
Assault By Threat
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Assault By Physical Contact
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Attempted Aggravated Assault
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Aggravated Assault
6 Pris. 18 Days Av.
Aggravated Assault On Public Servant
2 Pris. 11 Days Av.
Assault With Bodily Injury
11 Pris. 4.2 Days Av.
Assault Class C
2 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Assault Class B
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Assault Class A
10 Pris. 2.7 Days Av.
Attempted Sexual Assault
1 Pris. 36 Days Av.
Aggravated Sexual Assault
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Attempted Murder
1 Pris. 3 Days Av.
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
15 Pris. 12.2 Days Av.
Burglary Of Vehicle
2 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Theft B
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Theft A
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
9 Pris. 17.1 Days Av.
Sale Of Stolen Property
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Hindering Secured Creditor
1 Pris. 63 Days Av.
Harboring A Runaway
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Furnishing Alcohol To Minor
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Child Abandonment
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Child Endangerment
1 Pris. 3 Days Av.
Injury To A Child
3 Pris. 52 Days Av.
Aggravated Sexual Assault Of Child
6 Pris. 27.2 Days Av.
Criminal Mischief
7 Pris. 9.1 Days Av.
Illegal Alien
5 Pris. 2.2 Days Av.
Sale Of Alcohol Without License
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Unlawful Carrying Of Weapon
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Failure To Stop & Render Aid
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Hunting At Night
1 Pris. 7 Days Av.
1 Pris. 46 Days Av.
Bond Forfeiture
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Hindering Apprehension
1 Pris. 17 Days Av.
Evading Arrest
5 Pris. 6.3 Days Av.
Resisting Arrest
1 Pris. 1 Day
Disorderly Conduct
20 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Voluntary Modification Of Probation
4 Pris. 7 Days Av.
Probation Violation
14 Pris. 29 Days Av.
Parole Violation
1 Pris. Stay Unknown
Impersonating Public Servant
1 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Interference With Public Duties Of Officer
3 Pris. 1 Day Av.
Possession of Marijuana
19 Pris. 2.7 Days Av.
Delivery Of Marijuana
16 Pris. 2.5 Days Av.
Possession Of Cocaine
5 Pris. 54 Days Av.
Possession Of Controlled Substance
16 Pris. 7.3 Days Av.
Delivery Of Controlled Substance
1 Pris. 9 Days
Delivery Of Methamphetamine
1 Pris. 3 Days Av.
Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia
1 Pris. 3 Days Av.
Drug Felony Judgement
1 Pris. 50 Days Av.
Unidentified Warrants
29 Pris. 9.3 Days Av.
Unidentified Bench Warrants
8 Pris. 29 Days Av.
Unidentified Judgements
20 Pris. 4.3 Days Av.

Since the booking records were incomplete and contained errors, this is NOT a scientific study. It does, however, provide valuable insight into local law enforcement and jurisprudence. As stated in an earlier edition, no prisoner is counted twice. While prisoners are often incarcerated on numerous charges, the most serious one was selected and included in the compilation.

Due to the sheer volume of material, however, analysis and commentary will take several additional Newsletter editions. A summary compilation table will also be presented in the near future. Jail stats will also be compared in a coming edition to NET statistics published earlier. Sadly, there is a lot more to come. -- Much of it unflattering to local officials.

For the balance of this edition, however, several salient features will be briefly discussed. Notice the Evading Arrest statistics? Wonder what the charge means? Good question. Four of the five prisoners arrested were ONLY incarcerated on that particular charge with no additional charges. What was the probable cause to arrest these prisoners? Again, another excellent question. Talking to numerous former prisoners as well as others in this county, many officers clearly have no understanding of the Fourth Amendment and its requirements.

Notice the Bond Forfeiture stats? Sadly, they involve a woman in her forties who was allegedly beaten with a nightstick by a Deputy while her hands were cuffed behind her back. Having spent considerable time investigating her allegations, I believe them to be true.

Since my involvement occurred shortly before her case was to proceed to trial, however, there was insufficient time to locate a former roommate eyewitness who had left the area. In addition, there was a neighbor who also witnessed the beating, but apparently was too afraid to step forward and do the right thing. Sad, isn't it?

Worse yet, the woman had a court-appointed attorney who did not act in her best interests. Sadly, this is an all-too-familiar problem, -- especially here in Llano County. Who cares? Right? After all, prisoners get what they deserve, don't they?

The woman's case was plea bargained. A less serious charge, Disorderly Conduct, was conveniently dropped. Although Disorderly Conduct usually involves fighting, it is a "catch all" charge extremely useful to abusive officers and their corrupt handlers. Readers should understand the woman had the nerve to peacefully verbally challenge JP 2 Lanny Stephenson regarding continuing harassment she was suffering at the hands of local law enforcement. Our illustrious "Judge" laughed at her.

"Her Royal Highness" was apparently seriously displeased, however, and later dispatched the offending officer to the woman's house without a warrant. The Deputy was unaccompanied by backup. Interesting, isn't it? The bogus charge was Disorderly Conduct for having had the audacity to verbally challenge the "Judge" earlier that day. ... The "Queen" apparently has never read the First Amendment, -- or the rest of the U.S. Constitution.

As usual, the woman's case involved numerous charges and was finally "settled". The plea bargain results, of course, in a considerable cash contribution to County coffers. The Jail and JP offices are indeed the premier cash cows for the County. This is precisely why the Sheriff and other County officials are passionately and piously arguing for a new facility. ... The more beds, the more money to be made by our corrupt and abusive officials.

Justice? What the hell is that? As our illustrious "leaders" might say: "It's the MONEY, stupid." Sadly, taxpayers here are about to be fleeced as surely as others were, and are, in Austin, -- shamelessly looted by an egregious boondoggle called the Travis Criminal Justice Center. Currently, the facility is at over twice proposed cost, -- and rising. Think it won't happen here? Think again.

The Sheriff and I briefly discussed the beating incident the day I toured the jail. While I refused to name the officer or the woman, Mr. Garrett quickly informed me he knew exactly who I was talking about. He wasted no time strongly asserting he wouldn't "tolerate" such behavior from an officer. Really? In addition, he also stated he himself was there at the time of the alleged incident, and that it didn't occur. Interesting, isn't it?

If this woman suffers any further harassment, everything I've gathered on the offending officer will be immediately published. Equally pointedly, this Deputy has absolutely no regard or respect for the Fourth Amendment and its probable cause requirements. In fact, he routinely stops motorists at whim. Indeed because of this, he hauls in more than his share on outstanding warrants. At what price? -- The harassment of numerous truly innocent citizens he had no business stopping? More pointedly, do we really want to live in a fascist police state? Sadly, Nazi Germany was the most efficient power ever, -- and certainly one of the most abusive. Do we want that here? Time to wake up.

Although remarkably similar to Barney Fife, unlike Fife, this abusive officer is a liability and a lawsuit waiting to happen. While prisoners are seldom in a position to sue, this egregiously abusive officer will eventually target an innocent citizen who will have the willingness, determination, and, more importantly, the means to sue.

In the course of the last 10 months, I've had the opportunity to meet several fine Deputies. An abusive officer is clearly a black eye on others who are extremely professional in their conduct. Apparently, the Sheriff does not have the guts to correct the problem. Why aren't other honorable, professional officers demanding this issue be quickly resolved in-house? Just as importantly, doesn't the oath you've sworn demand it?

The Sheriff is clearly aware he has a problem with this officer. Similarly, Mr. Garrett was, or should have been, equally aware of the problems in the jail resulting in the rapes as well as other inappropriate improper activities. Since the citizens indeed have the right to know exactly what was tolerated in the jail, District Judge Sam Sparks Summary Judgement ruling will be presented in its entirety on this website. Excerpts from the Sheriff's deposition by Austin attorney Iris Jones will also be published.

This will indeed be a very interesting year. Since the Sheriff and District Attorney are running unopposed, many may wonder what is the point? The point is principle, honor, and the precious right of the people to know what's being done in their name. Just as importantly, exposure of abuse to the light of day is the ONLY way to ensure it is not repeated. Sadly, we're still living with the vestiges and legacy of "Ligon's Law". Most pointedly, this has to change.

There is an interesting letter from the Attorney General's Office to LISD Superintendent Jack Patton on Reader Letters Vol 2. Be sure to check it out.

... Courage? What's that? In Llano County? What do I want, the world or what? Sadly, WHERE indeed is the courage of the readers? The visitor count stands at over 7300. If this publication is apparently good enough to be read by so many regularly, WHY isn't it being financially supported? -- Especially in a booming economy? Sadly, our community is COWARDLY willing to allow this writer to take the risk, do all the work, put up with the harassment, and swing in the wind. ... 'Ain't greed grand? ... 'Ain't' fear faux pas? -- Especially here in Texas? Apparently not. For those who already provided assistance, thanks. For the rest, shame on you. Where indeed is YOUR courage?

As repeatedly mentioned, the pop-up and banner advertising belongs to Maxpages. _The Ledger receives no income from either, and remains non-profit. As always, this publication needs and appreciates donations from readers. Sadly, no other publication is willing to challenge corrupt and abusive officials. Readers can expect continued aggressive, relentless, officious, tireless pursuit of our most egregious offenders. -- Figuratively speaking, a "take no prisoners" approach, regardless of whose toes are stepped on, feathers ruffled, tail feathers plucked, or beak tweaked. Things CAN change in our community. Be part of it. Help me to help you. Support this publication.

Tim Chorney, Publisher

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:26pm EDT