Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. April 10, 2006

Newsletter Text V261        ©1999-2006 All Rights Reserved
April 10, 2006

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (4-10-06).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Libby Claims "President" Leaked Information  April 6, 2006
Homeland Security Deputy Press Secretary Arrested  April 4, 2006
Runaway Gas Prices  April 4, 2006
DeLay To Resign  April 3, 2006
Moussaoui "Eligible" For Death Penalty April 3, 2006
Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Podilla Case April 3, 2006
Austin Police Officers Exonerated April 3, 2006
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Libby Claims "President" Leaked Information  April 6, 2006

As repeatedly reported in this publication, indicted former Cheney Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby claimed in grand jury testimony "Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney authorized his (Libby's) release of top secret information to former New York Times reporter Judith Miller.
... In an effort to discredit critics and make the case for the invasion of Iraq.

Grand jury documents just released today, however, indicate the ultimate authorization and source of the information was the "President."  -- Who authorized its release without review by CIA security experts.  Former CIA Director George Tenet was not in the loop or even aware of the "President's" action.  Interesting, isn't it?

Turns out, the source of the leak was indeed the "Leaker In Chief,"  -- the "President" himself.  Remember Mr. Bush's phony protestations of the leak some three years earlier?  Remember his feigned chagrin?  Remember his assurances the leaker would be "dealt with?"

... Amusingly, how do you know the "President" is lying?  -- His lips are moving.  The information conveniently, surreptitiously, and cowardly leaked by Mr. Bush was the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE).  He did it for self-serving political reasons.

His action was duplicitous and dishonest.  He didn't have the courage to inform the American public he had summarily declassified the material for no more than political reasons.  Political expediency.  How can this unabashed fascist be trusted when he's not upfront with the people?  Repeatedly, refuses to be candid and honest?

He lies, misleads, distorts reality, twists truth, deliberately deceives for crass, self-serving, political objectives.   Objectives that have absolutely nothing to do with national security and the best interests of the American people.   While disingenuously and hypocritically wearing "religion" on his sleeve.

Yet, the aggressively stupid public buys his perverse, convoluted BS, -- hook, line, and sinker.  Laughably, believes him to be a good and moral man.  While he lies like hell, and wantonly kills in Iraq under false pretenses.  ... A crusade by his own earlier, now disavowed, admission.  To say nothing of the torture the bastard authorized.

Sadly, he manipulated the public to discredit his chief critic at the time, -- former Ambassador Joe Wilson.  Husband of outed CIA operative Valerie Plame, whose identity was illegally disclosed by the Bush "Administration" in retaliation.

The agent's career was consequently destroyed.  Her safety and that of her associates deliberately compromised.  Yet, no one has been prosecuted for the offense.  In Nazi America.  Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells perversely sweet.

Homeland Security Deputy Press Secretary Arrested  April 4, 2006

Homeland "Security" and TSA Deputy Press Secretary Brian Doyle was recently arrested for soliciting sex with a 14-year-old "girl" online.  Mr. Doyle was successfully entrapped by a Florida police detective posing as a decoy.

Indeed, online predators are a severe and exponentially growing problem.  -- A parental problem that cannot be solved by police.  For every predator entrapped, thousands remain undetected, free to continue their crimes.

... To say nothing of the ongoing constitutional issue of entrapment repeatedly raised, still unresolved to civil libertarians, despite supposed court resolution claimed by its proponents over the years.

Worse, it's the under age-13 population of children that continue to remain most at risk.
-- Those 13 and older usually have already reached puberty and should have been informed of the risks by parents long before.

Parents are the only authorities that can effectively solve this outrageous epidemic that is so terribly devastating to children.  Parents can and should supervise and limit online access.  Password protect the computer so kids cannot get online when you're not there to supervise.

Never allow Internet access in children's rooms.  Put the computer in a "public" area of your home, such as the kitchen, living room, rec. room, etc..  -- So children never have private unsupervised access to the Internet.  Keep them out of "chat rooms."  Check their email.

If you suspect any untoward behavior at all, follow your gut and install "key-sniffing" software on their computer to determine what's going on.  Be careful how and when this is done, however.  -- If you're wrong, damage can be enormous.  ... It could kill communication and trust, precisely what's most needed at such a critical time of your children's lives.

Block and filter objectionable material.  Limit their disclosure of personal information.  Contact the parents of your children's friends.  Make sure they supervise and control Internet access in their homes.  Again, the police cannot solve this problem.  You can and must.

Complicating the issue of abuse are the mixed messages we send our children and the hypocritical insecurity most American adults bring to the subject of sex.  It used to be "children" did not legally own their reproductive organs until age 13 or 14.  ... The state did.  That is, the age of "consent" was legally defined to be shortly at or immediately after puberty.  Now, it's age 18.

Without question, it's a no-brainer to condemn any "sexual" activity under the age of 13.  It's also a no-brainer to condemn a 50-year-old man having sex with a teenaged girl.  It gets much more complicated, however, when the girl is 15 and the "man" 18.  The teenaged "man" is indeed considered a sex predator if there is more than three years difference in age.

Consequently and subsequently, he's labeled a "sex offender" the rest of his life, denied access to the best schools, jobs, and housing.  Forever branded.  This is not only wrong, it's insane.  Yet, the law makes no distinction between a 50-year-old offender and an 18 or 19-year-old kid.  Yet, the "kid" is considered a "man" if he commits an "adult crime," subject to adult penalties including execution for capital offenses.  While enjoying no adult privileges.  In Nazi America.

The Fascist Right, that is, the "Religious" Right, is directly responsible for such perverse views of sexuality, as well as those of "crime" and punishment.  The Right has deliberately forgotten sex is a biological function similar to eating, sleeping, breathing, urinating, defecation, etc..  Yet, the Nazi Right has turned it into much more.  ... An effective method of control.  Lifelong control.  What better tool of manipulation than sex?

Expecting a teenaged kid not to have sex with a peer is as ludicrous as asking him or her not to breathe.  At a time of life when hormones are indeed raging, it's easy to forget we are animals.  Animals at the top of the food chain, but animals nonetheless.

We like to think of ourselves as something more, but often not-so-intelligent animals we are.  That is not to say, however, we shouldn't have rules, laws, standards, etc..  -- But that sex is indeed an exceptionally strong biological urge, as strong as eating or breathing.  An urge that cannot be easily ignored or denied.  ... Like a trip to the rest room.

Interestingly and much to the chagrin of the Nazi Right, there is in fact a biological reason predicted by Darwin for older men having sex with teenaged girls.  Darwinian theory suggests survival of any species through reproduction is best ensured by pregnancies of the youngest fertile members of that species.

... Don't kill the messenger, however, but there is evidence of this in animal species.  It does not excuse older men having sex with teenaged girls, however, but it is a reason why this aberration occurs.  A fact that must be confronted and dealt with if the problem is ever to be solved.

Yet, the Right buries its head in the sand.  Refuses to accept reality.  Haughtily, believes our species to be high and mighty.  Exponentially above other lower species.  ... Amusingly, has yet to forgive the Creator for forcing them to squat while taking a dump.  -- Like others much lower in the food chain.  Tough, isn't it?  The damned indignity of it all, right, Mr. "President?"

As animals, humans are no different biologically regarding our need for sex than lower species.  Yet, we do, and should, aspire to be much more.  Precisely, why there are, and should be, standards, morals, rules, and laws controlling sexual behavior, particularly underage sexual behavior.  The question becomes how far to do we go with these rules?  How restrictive?  How repressive?  Especially, between consenting adults.

The "Religious" Right simplistically sees things in terms of "right and wrong."  Black and white.  No shades of gray.  No hues of brilliant color.  All or nothing "thinking."  -- Conveniently, makes life much easier for the Right Wing fascist.  Such an individual does not have to think, or make decisions.  Everything is already decided.

All problems are restrictively resolved.  Highly so.  The "comfort zone" of the fascist is remarkably and safely narrow.  Intentionally.  Worst of all, the fascist eagerly forces his perverse views on the rest of us through highly restrictive statutes, deliberately killing personal freedom in the name of "religion."  -- His religion.  Slyly, ignoring the fact the First Amendment not only ensures freedom of religion, but freedom from it as well.

The Right insists sex should be delayed until marriage.  Why?  Would you buy a car or truck without taking a test ride?  How do you know you're compatible?  Anyone who doesn't live with a potential partner a few years before marriage is figuratively out of his mind.

... Any idea how many women go nuts when an inconsiderate clod leaves his socks and underwear on the floor instead of putting them in the hamper?  Conversely, when the lady consistently leaves the cap off the tooth paste?  Repeatedly.  -- Humorous examples, but to the point.

How do you know you can tolerate one another without a "test ride?"  Indeed, love is not "enough."  Precisely, one reason why the divorce rate is approximately 50% overall, and 60% for new marriages.

-- Horny people feel compelled to get the rubber stamp approval of marriage, phony societal approval, often long before they're indeed ready to be married.  When the marriages unsurprisingly fail, the self-righteous Right then quickly and hypocritically points the finger.

Why is the Right insisting on keeping kids kids until age thirty and beyond?  Why?  Money issues aside, why have they extended the age acceptable for giving the lil' darlins' the boot out of the nest, incredibly to middle age?  Is it profound insecurity of parents and extreme awareness of their own mortality and a life span so incredibly short?  Irrationally, delaying the inevitable?

Why are they now cowardly and selfishly dumping their perverse problems and beliefs on their children?  Falsely, in the name of "religion" and supposed "righteousness."  Forcing those beliefs on others, as well, through statutes, regulations, and unwanted proselytization.  Why?

Money problems are no valid excuse for children remaining home until middle age, -- or returning to the nest for anything more than a short visit.  Where's the independence?  Self reliance?  Rugged individualism once in favor with the Republican Party?

Teenaged sexuality with peers and those older is not the most severe sexual abuse problem plaguing children.  It's the sick bastards having "sex" with much younger kids.  Despite the fact the "Religious" Right likes to label a pubescent 14-year-old a "little girl," she is not.  Far from it.

Many in fact have the body of a woman, and can pass for a 20, 21, or even 25-year-old.  Indeed, 14 going on 40.  Sadly, so.  Again, a parental problem.  Where are Mom and Dad???  Moreover, an infant is a "little girl."  So are toddlers.  So are children to age eleven or twelve.

It is these "little girls" and boys who are being severely damaged by sexual predators.  And the damage is indeed devastating and life long.  It is also extremely damaging to anyone who has a relationship with such an adult so abused as a child.

Decades ago, this writer had a long-term relationship with a woman who showed every classical symptom of early childhood sexual abuse.  Yet, she wouldn't admit it.  Life with such a person can be, and was, hell on earth.  Sadly, the predator was likely her father.  -- Pedophilia, exponentially complicated by incest.  Yet, nothing ever happened to the bastard.

Such sexual deviants do tremendous ongoing damage.  To date, there is no cure, no effective treatment.  Why are they ever let out of prison to re-offend after release?  More importantly, why aren't they permanently incarcerated in mental institutions for the criminally insane instead of sent to penitentiaries only to be released and re-offend?  Our children deserve better.  When will we finally wake up?  Do something substantive, instead of slapping a Band-Aid on an arterial wound?

Runaway Gas Prices  April 4, 2006

Notice the recent $.30 increase in the price of gasoline over the last several weeks?  ... Can... you...say... gouging?  Blame the "President," "Vice President," and their beloved cronies in the oil industry.  -- At a time when Big Oil is certainly enjoying record profits, while consumers are looted by the insatiably greedy.  Amusing, however, to watch hopelessly avaricious management and shareholders turning motorists upside down and indeed shaking the change out of their pockets, isn't it?  The aggressively stupid always get what they truly deserve.  And then some, no?

DeLay To Resign  April 3, 2006

Succumbing to enormous political pressure and nose-diving GOP approval poll figures, indicted former House Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Sugarland has announced he won't run for re-election and plans to resign mid-June.  Tough, isn't it?  ... Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Tommy.

Moussaoui "Eligible" For Death Penalty April 3, 2006

Succumbing to deliberately instilled rabid fear, the BS rhetoric of federal prosecutors, and pervasive gross ignorance of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, the jury hearing the Zacharias Moussaoui case "found" Moussaoui is indeed "eligible" for the death penalty because he supposedly lied to federal agents and did not incriminate himself.  -- In direct violation of the Fifth Amendment and its proscription against mandatory self-incrimination.

Intelligence officials, moreover, in direct contradiction to prosecutors, have repeatedly claimed Moussaoui was not involved in 9/11.  Information obtained during interrogation of captured al Qaeda officials supports this.  -- The enemy itself thought he was nuts and shunned him.  Should Moussaoui be killed by the state, all of us will have his blood on our hands.

Worse, an outrageously unconstitutional precedent will be set at the federal level.  Falsely accused citizens will be forced to incriminate themselves by police in direct violation of the Fifth Amendment, -- or risk being falsely charged and convicted of far more serious trumped up "crimes."  At both state and federal levels.  In Nazi America.

... Think it won't happen?  Wake up.  It already has.  Corrupt and abusive police and prosecutors don't care whether or not they've nailed the guilty.  Only that they get another notch on the belt.  Not every damned police officer or prosecutor is corrupt and abusive, however, just most of them.  The Moussaoui precedent, though, will facilitate an increase in police and prosecutorial malfeasance.  Count on it.

If Moussaoui is foolishly executed, he will get exactly what he wants, -- martyrdom.  He'll become a hero to radical Islamists.  This most disturbing case has been repeatedly covered on this website.  Click here for a series of recent articles.

Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Podilla Case April 3, 2006

American citizen Jose Podilla spent three and a half years in a military brig, denied access to counsel and the courts.  Now, in the criminal justice system, a divided Supreme Court delayed hearing the case against his earlier "detainment" by the Bush "Administration."  Convenient, isn't it?

In true Orwellian 1984 double-speak, the Nazi court ruled the "detainment" appeal may indeed be "hypothetical" since Podilla is now in custody of the criminal "justice" system and will not hear it until the criminal case is resolved. In Nazi America.  Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells perversely sweet.

This cowardly action by the outrageously fascist Court does not directly address the limits of presidential power during wartime, however.  The "Justices" responsible for this free pass for an equally fascist "President," though, should be immediately impeached, convicted, and removed from the bench.  Not a snowball's chance.   Clearly, the Constitution and Bill of Rights no longer exist in Nazi America.

Austin Police Officers Exonerated April 3, 2006

See the video of Austin's "Finest" beating the hell out of a man face down in a fire ant hill with his hands cuffed behind his back?  Two burly white police thugs beating the crap out of an Hispanic man much smaller in stature?  Austin Police Officer Christopher Gray and former Officer William Heilman stood trial on a misdemeanor charge of official oppression for the assault and battery of Ramon Hernandez.

Guess what?  An all-white six-member jury found both officers not guilty Friday.  ... In Nazi America.  ... Where police goons are indeed free to do as they please with impunity.  Terry Keel, defense counsel for both jack-booted thugs, claimed the "officers" were "justified,
-- considering the earlier flight, struggle, and supposed reaching for one of the officer's guns by the defendant.

... Hey, Counselor?  The man was face down in a fire ant hill with his hands cuffed behind his back.  All fight was gone.  He was subdued by both police thugs.  Yet, he continued to be beaten by them.  Wake up, jackass.  Your defense of the indefensible is stunning.  Unbecoming a former Travis County Sheriff and attorney who took an oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution.  ... Then again, what the hell is that, right, Counselor?

Had it been the other way around and a criminal was beating the crap out of an incapacitated police officer, the thug would have been rightfully charged with attempted capital murder of an officer.  A felony.

In Nazi America, however, the same protections against abusive police officers do not exist.  The public is forced to tolerate corrupt, abusive, violent "officers" who clearly and perversely get their cookies off abusing subdued, cuffed prisoners.

Sick Nazi bastards such as Gray and Heilman indeed have carte blanche to do as they please.  Backed by an aggressively stupid, cowardly citizenry that is more than willing to tolerate any behavior by police goons.

... As long as they're not the victims of it.  -- Despite the fact when an officer is desperately required, they're not there, or too damned afraid to take on the most violent offenders.  When badly needed and in trouble, you're on your own.  Tough, isn't it?

Sadly, in all too many cases, the only difference between police and the criminals they target is a badge.  Exoneration of jack-booted thugs such as Gray and Heilman is no victory for police.  Tragically, it will only make good officers targets of the criminal element.  Then again, wouldn't want to confuse the aggressively stupid public with the truth, would we?

A third officer involved in the assault will likely have all charges dropped against him.  The bastard will walk and likely continue his criminal behavior unscathed.  -- A criminal predator with a badge and gun.

This is the fourth recent case of Austin Police brutality that went unpunished.  In supposedly "liberal" Austin, "justice" is reserved for the "haves," certainly not the "have nots."  A problem that runs rampant across our formerly great nation.

Not to say, however, all cops are corrupt and abusive.  Hopefully, at least half of them are not.  Likely, a pipe dream, however, since the number of abusive officers is exponentially rising.  Certainly, not in the country, either, where there is absolutely no accountability.  -- Particularly, here in Llano and Burnet Counties where officers do as they please with impunity.

There are rumblings of a civil suit and possible federal investigation of civil rights violations by both offending Austin Police thugs.  Can only hope so.  Apparently, the only way abusive policing will end is if municipalities, counties, and the state are taken financially to the cleaners.  Repeatedly.  The only other unwanted alternative is a second American Revolution. In Nazi America.  Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells perversely and sickeningly sweet.

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609