Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. October 31, 2005

Newsletter Text V238        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
October 31, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (10-31-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Lewis "Scooter" Libby Indicted October 28, 2005
Miers Withdraws October 27, 2005
Cheney Champions Torture Exemption For CIA October 26, 2005
2000 Killed In Action October 25, 2005
Rosa Parks Dies October 25, 2005
Good Night And Good Luck October 25, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Lewis "Scooter" Libby Indicted October 28, 2005

"Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted on two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements, and one count of obstruction of justice in the CIA leak investigation.  ... Let the games begin.

According to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, Libby allegedly falsely claimed Meet The Press moderator Tim Russert had informed him Valerie Plame was indeed a CIA agent.  A lie, in the view of Fitzgerald, and in direct contradiction to Russert's grand jury testimony and public statements made by Russert.  Fitzgerald claims to have evidentiary statements from several "Administration" officials who reportedly discussed Plame's identity with Libby prior to any conversations Libby had with Russert.

Russert claimed under oath he never discussed the matter with Libby.  Interestingly, the original source of Plame's identity seems to be "Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney.  Cheney apparently broke no law, however, since both he and Libby have proper security clearance to discuss classified matters.  Fascinating, isn't it?

The Special Prosecutor also claims Libby's alleged lying interfered with his investigation, making it impossible to determine who is ultimately responsible for illegally leaking Plame's identity to the media.  Consequently, the obstruction charge.

Pundits, unwisely reading between the lines, claim Fitzgerald's investigation is all but over, and Bush Assistant Chief of Staff Karl Rove is home free.  Interesting, isn't it?  Libby faces thirty years and over $1 million in fines if convicted.  ... Think the Special Prosecutor won't intensely pressure Libby to turn on those higher up the food chain?

Sadly, this fiasco has gone on for over two years.  Had the "President" truly wished to get to the bottom of it, he would have quickly ordered an internal investigation, determined exactly what happened, and immediately hung the offender(s) out to dry.  He did not.  He stood behind Cheney, Libby, Rove and others, stonewalling all questions from reporters.  For two years.

While dangerous to speculate, a few underlying issues have become clear.  The "President" and his henchmen do not easily tolerate dissent or criticism.  When former Ambassador Joseph Wilson sharply questioned Bush's reasons for going to war in Iraq, the wheels were apparently quickly set in motion to discredit and destroy the whistle-blower.

When the corrupt and abusive bastards in the White House couldn't accomplish this goal, they apparently chose instead to strike back at the Ambassador by disclosing the identity of his wife, a CIA undercover agent.

Not only did they put her and her foreign contacts at risk, they destroyed her career.  All in an apparent effort to silence her husband, the Ambassador, who had the audacity to blow the whistle on the "President's" reasons for going to war.

Although we may never know for sure, care to bet the "Vice President" didn't inform Libby and others with a wink and a nod Wilson's wife was indeed an undercover CIA agent?  With the express intention that information be disclosed to the media in retaliation for Wilson's whistle-blowing?

Think Cheney, one of the architects of the Iraq invasion executed under demonstrably false pretenses, incapable of such deception and beyond such a dirty trick?  Think the most corrupt and abusive "Administration" since Richard Nixon incapable of such duplicitous behavior?  If so, there's a bridge for sale in Brooklyn...

Reacting to the indictments, the "President" disingenuously claimed Libby must be "presumed innocent" and entitled to "due process" as any other citizen. ... Unless of course, you're Jose Podilla or others held for years as "enemy combatants" with no access to the courts.  Also, the "President" is desperate to distance himself from his good friend "Scooter," ordering staff to have no contact with him.

Most disturbing of all, the Special Prosecutor eviscerated First Amendment freedom of the press while failing to indict anyone for illegally disclosing the identity of a CIA agent.  Investigative reporting, already a lost art and science due to brilliantly effective, relentless financial pressure from the Fascist Right, was dealt a crippling blow by the prosecutor and his shills in the judiciary.  For nothing.  Not even an indictment on the leak issue which sparked the original investigation.

What source will come forward with vital information if their identity is not protected by reporters?  If those reporters are not, in turn, protected by a judiciary and prosecutors willing to abide by the First Amendment and its protection of freedom of the press?

Actions by this fascist prosecutor and his shills in the judiciary to imprison New York Times reporter Judy Miller for three months will have profound long-term effects on investigative reporting and efforts of the media to expose governmental corruption and abuse.

... Precisely, what this Special Prosecutor and his shills in the judiciary apparently want.  Especially true, since Fitzgerald was unwilling to immediately indict Libby and "Administration" Assistant Chief of Staff Karl Rove for illegally disclosing the identity of the CIA Agent, and conspiracy.  ... Despite the fact both men did discuss the agent's identity with reporters to manipulate the media and falsely discredit a whistle-blower.  Why has this fascist prosecutor protected both men to date from the most serious charges of all?

Miers Withdraws October 27, 2005

Pressured for weeks, Harriet Miers finally asked the "President" to withdraw her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, citing pending executive privilege problems as an excuse.  The "President" quickly obliged, -- supposedly "reluctantly."  Interesting, isn't it?

The "President" works for the American people, not himself.  Consequently, the "Chief Executive" should not have claimed executive privilege, and immediately released all requested Miers documents to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  He did not.  Why?

The "President" has conveniently forgotten we live in a democratic republic, not a dictatorship.  His "Administration" is tragically the most secretive and closed in American history.  Sadly, he makes ole' "Tricky Dick" Nixon look like a choir boy.

Had he truly believed in Miers, the "President" should not have cowardly and supposedly "reluctantly" accepted her request for withdrawal.  Although clearly unqualified due to her anti-abortion views and ideology, confirmation hearings should have been allowed to proceed.

Republicans and Democrats then would have had an equal shot at her.  She would have received the up or down vote Bush and his Nazi henchmen and shills shrilly and repeatedly claim to supposedly want of all judicial nominations.  Instead, the "President" succumbed to pressure from his extremist base.  The Fascist Right, not the Democrats, is directly responsible for this fiasco.  -- Miers was clearly not "conservative" enough in their perversely jaded view.

The "President" cowardly capitulated to the Nazi Right.  The Right demands a genuine, bona fide fascist on the Court and will settle for nothing less.  Amusingly, the Right, in our formerly great country, is spoiling for a fight.  Hopefully, they'll get it.

If Democrats don't finally rise to the occasion, their party will become extinct.  Civil and constitutional rights and liberties are under ferocious attack.  Should the "President" nominate a Rehnquist, Scalia, or Thomas, the Democrats should filibuster.

If unsuccessful, they should walk out of the Senate, denying remaining Republican fascists a quorum.  Additionally, all business should come to a grinding halt as Democrats use every procedural technicality to block, stonewall, and frustrate all GOP Senate business.

Hardball?  No question.  There is no choice.  If Republican fascists are not challenged and finally beaten back, the only alternative will be a repeat of 1776.  A Nazi theocracy and fascist police state will never fly.  Will not be tolerated.  Not now.  Not ever.

Cheney Champions Torture Exemption For CIA October 26, 2005

That's right.  "Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney is currently floating a trial balloon exempting CIA operatives from torture restrictions.  -- At the same time, Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan categorically claims the "President" does not support torture or the use of it by American personnel.  Interesting, isn't it?  In Nazi America.  Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells perversely sweet.

2000 Killed In Action October 25, 2005

Sadly, two thousand soldiers have been killed in Iraq.  For what?  Protecting and defending the cowardly political ass of the "President" of the United States.  Worse, Mr. Bush does not have the courage to admit the invasion was, and is, a terrible, pathetic, horrific mistake.

The "President" has the blood of all casualties on his hands.  Including that of innocent Iraqis as well as the enemy.  -- A number well into the tens of thousands.  Mr. Bush has foolishly turned Iraq into a haven for terrorists.  A training ground.

He stupidly, needlessly, and perversely put U.S. troops in harm's way, no more than sitting ducks for an enemy brilliantly engaging in urban guerilla warfare.

For self-serving political reasons, the "President" continues to disingenuously and falsely link Iraq to 9/11.  There is no link.  There was no link.  The "President," however, uses this false assertion to defend and "justify" an unjust, unprovoked invasion launched under false pretenses.

In effect, Mr. Bush has instigated and fueled a civil war in Iraq.  The latest election, on the Iraqi Constitution, was fraught with irregularities and fraud.  So much so, nearly a week and a half was required to announce results.  ... Results that supposedly indicate ratification, 79%-21%.

The "President" continues to falsely assert "progress" is being made in Iraq.  While reality dictates otherwise.  Insurgents are launching 100 attacks daily, as opposed to 60 per day last year.

Progress?  ... Either the "President" has his head hopelessly lodged in a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day, -- or is lying.

The "President" ludicrously advises Americans should brace for more casualties.  Condescending and patronizing, isn't it?  Mr. Bush also claims the best way to honor the memory of those lost is to "complete the mission."  ... BS, George.

The best way to honor 2,000 needlessly dead military personnel is to courageously admit the invasion was, and is, a horrendous, stupid, costly mistake.  Executed under false pretenses and done for self-serving political reasons, not "national security."

Worse, the "President's" reckless actions in Iraq have damaged the U.S. military, -- likely for decades.  Recruitment is down.  Quotas are not met.  Retention of National Guard and Reserves have become a problem as troops are repeatedly rotated in and out of Iraq.

Military personnel still don't have adequately armored vehicles and personal body armor.  Returning veterans are not receiving sufficient badly-needed medical and psychiatric care.  The list can go on and on.

The long-term ramifications for the military will be severe and costly.  Sadly, the current military state of affairs pales earlier accusations made against Clinton years ago by the Right for supposedly eviscerating the military.

Time for the American people to finally wake up.  Time for Congress to wisely tie all purse strings and effectively end the war, -- as it wisely did decades ago in Vietnam.  Time for the public to acknowledge the fact the "President" knowingly and willingly eviscerated civil and constitutional rights and liberties, falsely in the name of "national security."

Ironically, our supposedly "conservative" "President" has exponentially expanded the national debt to line the pockets of his cronies in the corporate community, hopefully secure GOP votes by dangling government handouts to irritated, demanding hurricane survivors and the elderly community.

-- Handouts that amount to crumbs compared to the corporate welfare generously bestowed on the business community.  Or the waste in military procurement practices.  In Nazi America.  Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells perversely sweet.

Rosa Parks Dies October 25, 2005

Civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks died at the age of 92.  On December 1, 1955, Ms. Parks heroically refused to give up her bus seat to a white man, launching the civil rights movement.  -- A tremendous, unparalleled act of courage in the Deep South fifty years ago.

Subsequently, the Supreme Court ruled segregation unconstitutional.  American apartheid seemingly received the boot.

Sadly, however, a half century later, bigotry, prejudice, and racism are still quite alive and well.  ... Have cowardly retreated to the closet, where far more difficult to combat and root out.  Examples?

While fascists in the White House and GOP praise the legacy of Rosa Parks, they quietly and hypocritically work behind the scenes to eviscerate Affirmative Action, welfare and educational benefits, housing, etc..

-- In the case of Affirmative Action, a principle that no more than attempts to level the playing field when properly implemented.  ... Can't have that, can we?

Good Night And Good Luck October 25, 2005

See the recent black and white movie trailer advertised all over the networks?  Harks back over fifty years to a dark time remarkably similar in some respects to today.  Neo-fascists at the time, such as Sen. Joe McCarthy, paranoidly saw a "red under every bed."  Deliberately whipped up long-entrenched national socialist views temporarily buried during the tyranny of Adolph Hitler and the Second World War.

Anyone and everyone questioning government policy and corporate abuses were suspected and labeled a communist, -- or communist sympathizer.  Careers were ruined.  Personal lives destroyed.

Neither major political party would take on McCarthy.  Nor would President Eisenhower, a former Allied Supreme Commander in the European Theater and a Republican.  Even the press, with one extremely notable exception, was gutless and afraid of the increasingly rabid Senator.

Legendary newsman Edward R. Murrow fearlessly took on McCarthy and was responsible for the end of the McCarthy era.  Courageously brought down an exceptionally evil and duplicitous icon at tremendous personal risk.  Fast forward half a century.

Today, we have a fascist ensconced in the Oval Office.  The media, laughably and falsely labeled "liberal," has given Mr. Bush a free ride the last six years.  ... Pathetically afraid of the Fascist Right and its exponentially growing power.  -- Money "talks" and successfully silences dissent.  Even in the supposedly "liberal" media.  Supremely ironic, isn't it?

... With an unprovoked, unjust war, launched under false pretenses going increasingly south, indictments of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, pending indictments of White House insiders this week, an embattled Miers Supreme Court nomination in trouble, and many, many other crippling issues, when will mainstream media finally wake up and take on the fascist currently occupying the White House?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609