Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. October 10, 2005

Newsletter Text V235        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
October 10, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (10-10-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Tom DeLay Rams Energy Bill Through House   October 7, 2005
POW Treatment Amendment Tacked To Spending Bill   October 6, 2005
CIA Gets Free Ride For 9/11 Lapse    October 5, 2005
Bird Flu Pandemic Used As Ruse?   October 4, 2005
Family Friendly    October 4, 2005
Iraq Deception    October 4, 2005
Harriet Miers Nominated To Supreme Court    October 4, 2005
Tom DeLay Indicted, -- Again    October 3, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Tom DeLay Rams Energy Bill Through House   October 7, 2005

Indicted former Majority Leader Cong. Tom DeLay rammed the "President's" energy bill through the House, 212-210.  -- After keeping the vote open nearly an hour to secure passage on an extremely close vote.  Interesting, isn't it?  This bill includes billions in corporate welfare to energy companies enjoying record profits.  -- While citizens are shafted without the Vaseline and looted $3 a gallon for gas.  ... As American as Mom and apple pie.

POW Treatment Amendment Tacked To Spending Bill   October 6, 2005

Senate Republicans, led by Arizona Sen. John McCain, tacked on an amendment to a military spending bill that prescribes proper treatment of "detainees" by American soldiers.  Interesting, isn't it?  Embattled Republican Sen. Bill Frist successfully blocked the last such attempt.

This time, however, it is attached to a $445 billion military spending bill that must pass.  The "President," though, is threatening a veto.  -- This, despite the fact the Senate voted, 90-9, to pass the legislation.

Sadly, the fascist currently occupying the Oval Office insists on mistreatment and torture of "detainees."  ... If not by American forces in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, then certainly by "rendition," -- where "detainees" are kidnapped and flown to Third World countries to be tortured and abused.

Sadly, the Nazi in the White House blindly ignores the risk such treatment of "detainees" poses American personnel in this conflict and future ones.  -- Our men and women would be subject to the very same treatment and worse.

Apparently to Mr. Bush and his henchmen, our soldiers are expendable, of little to no value other than cannon fodder for suicide and/or IED bombers.  -- Or convenient cover for the "President's" outrageously self-centered, cowardly political ass.  After all, why should he care?  Neither he nor his loved ones are doing the fighting and dying.  Your kids are.

CIA Gets Free Ride For 9/11 Lapse    October 5, 2005

That's right.  CIA Director Porter Goss announced no one will be disciplined at the Central Intelligence Agency for the 9/11 intelligence lapse.  ... Including former CIA Director George Tenet.  Convenient, isn't it?

"Personal responsibility" is reserved for the unwashed masses.  Certainly, not those in the highest echelons of inept, corrupt, and abusive government.  ... Again and sadly, as American as Mom and apple pie.

Bird Flu Pandemic Used As Ruse?    October 4, 2005

During a nearly one-hour press conference, the "President" near the end eagerly deflected nagging Miers and Iraq questions with an unduly long response to one on the spreading bird flu problem.

Interestingly, he claimed the government is considering options for massive quarantines enforced by the military.  What is this?  A convenient excuse to impose martial law and usurp an already bastardized and eviscerated Bill of Rights?

Shoot to kill those who refuse to comply?  In Nazi America?  Wake up, George.  Your legacy is abominable and barreling downhill.

Should martial law be declared, time for history to repeat itself.  A second American Revolution.

Family Friendly    October 4, 2005

In European countries, women receive 14 weeks of paid maternity leave.  Conversely, in the United States, new mothers only get short-term unpaid leave, -- if there are more than fifty employees in the company.  Otherwise, they forfeit their jobs if they don't immediately return.  "Family friendly," isn't it?  Blame Republicans and Democrats who have never met a business they couldn't provide extensive corporate welfare to.  Especially, hypocritical and shameful for Republicans, however, -- who falsely claim the GOP is family friendly and oriented.

Iraq Deception    October 4, 2005

Last week, Generals Abizaid and Casey testified in front of Congress the number of battle-ready Iraqi battalions has dropped from three to one.  -- This, despite two and a half years of re-building the Iraqi army at the expense of billions of U.S. dollars.  ... And constant reports the Iraqis are being trained and increasingly taking over combat operations.

In the "Presidential" radio address Saturday morning, Mr. Bush again claimed the war in Iraq is going swimmingly well and progress is indeed being made.  Contradicting Abizaid and Casey.  Interesting, isn't it?  A "President," seriously-challenged with the truth and reality, apparently took both generals to the wood shed over the weekend and figuratively beat the crap out of them.

Amusingly on Sunday morning talk shows, both men sheepishly reversed their assessment and sickeningly adopted the "Presidential" line.  Honor?  Truth?  What the hell's that?  When generals responsible for combat operations are muzzled, look out.  -- Troops needlessly die.

Compounding the weekend's BS, Mr. Bush claimed in a news conference earlier today thirty Iraqi battalions are "ready" to take on a leading role against insurgents.  ... Hey, George?
-- Nose growing longer?  ... Forget Christians are not supposed to lie?

Compounding constant "Presidential" deliberate abrogation of truth, civil works projects in Iraq are not being completed.  They're running out of money.  Why?  Funds are diverted to security absolutely necessary for civilian contractors and troops doing the work.

... If security is indeed better and things improving, why is money being diverted to security?  Reservists are refusing to go to war, ignoring call-up notices.  Yet the Army is letting them slide.  Why, Mr. "President?"

The "President" is deliberately misleading the American people.  -- Getting away with it, since the public is too damned stupid to realize the wool is indeed being pulled over its eyes.  Amusing, isn't it?

More comical, the most outrageously fascist "President" in recent history, is the most liberal when it comes to spending.  In the last five years since ole' George "The Tush" stole the 2000 election with the help of his fellow Nazis on the Supreme Court, he added $3 trillion to the national debt.  -- That's trillion with a "t."  ... Only approximately $200 billion of it is Iraq war spending, however.  Interesting, isn't it?

Harriet Miers Nominated To Supreme Court    October 4, 2005

... Harriet who?  That's right.  A little-known Counsel to the "President" has been nominated by Mr. Bush to replace retiring Supreme Court "Justice" Sandra Day O'Connor.  Less is known about Ms. Miers than John Roberts.  Exactly, as intended by ole' George "The Tush."  ... Easier to slip her past the Democrats.

Interestingly, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid suggested the nomination to the "President."  Imagine that.  Miers has no judicial record.  Bush already claimed in a news conference earlier today he will resist Congressional efforts to release her writings as "Presidential" counsel.  -- As Roberts, another "stealth" candidate the "President" is desperate to ram on the High Court with little to no inquiry.

While Democrats have unsurprisingly held their fire on Miers, Republican fascists are already decrying the nomination.  ... Since she has no track record, they're unsure whether she'll faithfully follow in the footsteps of Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas, -- eviscerating civil and constitutional rights and liberties and the right of women to do with their uterus as they damn well please.

While bashing Democrats for demanding the personal views of Roberts, Republican fascists are now hypocritically demanding the views of Miers.  Interesting, isn't it?  Nothing quite like hypocrisy, no?

Already, Miers has deceived the American people.  -- She claims she will not "legislate" from the bench.  Miers is either deluded, or lying to herself and the public.  There is no such thing as "impartiality."  All "judges" bring their personal views and beliefs to the bench.  Every damned one of them.  As hard as they try, personal bias always affects judicial opinion. Always.

If not, the "President" could have nominated someone in the Center or Left.  -- It would have made no difference if impartiality was indeed achievable.  It is not.  Precisely, why the "President" named a fascist crony to the position.

Sadly, both sides play this game when in power.  The Democrats certainly have when they've occupied the White House.  -- "Justice" Ginsberg was urged not to answer hot button issues when nominated by Clinton.  ... And did not.  Consequently, Republicans never learned precisely how Centrist to Left she indeed was and is.

In a news conference earlier today, the "President" disingenuously claimed not to have known Miers' position on abortion.  Incredible, isn't it?  Mr. Bush is seriously-challenged in regard to reality and the truth.  The "President" has known Miers for years.  She advised him during Congressional passage of the outrageously unconstitutional "Partial Birth" statute, -- that was subsequently thrown out by the courts.

For George to claim he does not know her position on abortion is disingenuous at the very least.  At worst and most likely the truth, the "President" bold-facedly lied.  ... As he repeatedly does with the situation in Iraq.

Miers is an Evangelical "Christian" who converted late in life.  Sadly, Evangelists are the most fervent fascists of all.  Their perverse beliefs are blatantly homophobic, anti-gay rights, anti-privacy, anti-abortion, anti-civil and constitutional rights.  They warmly embrace and support police and prosecutors who are corrupt and abusive.  Cowardly, look the other way.  Worse, they proselytize their perverse beliefs and desperately lobby to make them law.

Miers is now "pro-life."  Was strongly opposed to recent removal of anti-sodomy laws in Texas.  Is sixty years old, never been married, has no children.  Could she be a closet gay, hypocritically hiding her sexual preference?  If so, her cowardice would preclude her from service on the High Court.

Her background must be carefully investigated. She must be aggressively questioned by Senators.  Access to her legal writings as Counsel to the "President" must be demanded by the Senate.  After all, as Counsel she works for the people of the United States, and they indeed have a right to know.

If the "President" insists on executive privilege, she should not be confirmed.  Placement of an additional Nazi on the Supreme Court would seriously undermine the balance of the Court, and directly threaten what's left of the liberty this country used to enjoy.

Democrats need to get off their ass and seriously probe the views of the "President's" latest Supreme Court nominee.  If they continue to sit on their hands as they did with Roberts, there is the strong possibility the clock will be turned back forty years.  -- Not only on abortion rights, but all civil and constitutional rights and liberties. In Nazi America.

Tom DeLay Indicted, -- Again    October 3, 2005

A newly-empaneled Travis County Grand Jury indicted Cong. Tom DeLay on a money laundering charge.  Last week, the former grand jury nailed him for conspiracy.  Not surprisingly, DeLay and his GOP cronies are screaming bloody murder.  ... Tough, isn't it?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609