Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. June 13, 2005

Newsletter Text V218        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
June 13, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (6-13-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

William Prior Confirmed   June 9, 2005
Marines Claim American Contractors Fire On Them   June 9, 2005
"President" Calls For "Patriot" Act Renewal   June 9, 2005
Tobacco Racketeering Case Blown By "Justice" Department   June 8, 2005
"Intelligence" Committee Approves "Patriot" Act Extension   June 8, 2005
"Judge" Janice Rogers Brown Confirmed  June 8, 2005
U.S. Supreme Court Nixes Medical Marijuana  June 6, 2005
Sex Offenders Banned   June 6, 2005
Church-State Separation Abrogated   June 5, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

William Prior Confirmed   June 9, 2005

Bush judicial nominee William Prior has been confirmed, 53-45, by the U.S. Senate.  -- Mainly, along party lines.  ... As part of an agreement gutlessly made by Democrats to avoid a "nuclear meltdown" in the Senate.  As Priscilla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown, Mr. Prior is a Right Wing fascist determined to "legislate" his perverse extremist views from the bench.

Now, that all three have been gutlessly confirmed, be interesting to see what comes next.  ... As more fascists are nominated by the "President" for lifetime judicial appointments, -- including Supreme Court nominees.  Should cowardly Democrats acquiesce, the future of our once great country will be dire.

Marines Claim American Contractors Fire On Them   June 9, 2005

U.S. Marines in Iraq claim a convoy of 16 American security contractors fired on them.  Released contractors claim this is not true, and assert they were physically abused after taken prisoner.  -- Held incommunicado for weeks and abused similarly to prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.  While too early to reasonably assess, why were these American contractors subsequently released if they had indeed engaged U.S. Marines in combat?  Someone is obviously lying.  ... More to come.

"President" Calls For "Patriot" Act Renewal   June 9, 2005

Once again, the "President" has lied to the American people.  Calling for congressional permanent renewal of the USA "Patriot" Act, Mr. Bush claimed this outrageously unconstitutional law has led to the capture of terrorists.  Where?  How? When were they brought to "justice?"  In what court? How many?  ... If so, at what cost?  The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments?

Incredibly, the "President" claims some 400 people have been charged under the "Patriot" Act, over 200 "terrorists" convicted.  Mr. Bush liedWhere were they convicted?  -- In secret kangaroo FISA "courts," reminiscent of those in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union?  Who were their attorneys?  Where are those supposedly convicted now incarcerated?

The United States Constitution prescribes public open trials, access to attorneys, the right of defendants to see all evidence against them, access to witnesses for their defense, the right to confront their accusers in open court, fair and full due process, etc..

These rights have been deliberately abrogated by our fascist "President," his henchmen, the courts, and Congress not only by the "Patriot" Act but also other equally unconstitutional statutes and Executive Orders.  In Nazi America.

Now, Mr. Bush wants the most onerous unconstitutional provisions of the "Patriot" Act soon to expire, permanently renewed.  The "President" ludicrously claims this outrageously unconstitutional law "protects" freedom.

Should Mr. Bush truly believe this, his mental stability and fitness for office should immediately be called into question.  In the perverse sick world of the fascist, day is night.  Night is day.  Good is bad, bad is good, and manure smells sickeningly sweet.

Tobacco Racketeering Case Blown By "Justice" Department   June 8, 2005

In a stunning reversal, "Justice" Department attorneys have reduced the amount of compensation sought in a tobacco racketeering case from $130 billion to $10 billion.  The Bush "Administration" has once again taken extremely good care of its corporate cronies, -- at public expense.  Democrats have demanded an investigation.  ... Who says the GOP isn't the party of Big Business and the rich?  -- Not that Democrats are any better.

"Intelligence" Committee Approves "Patriot" Act Extension   June 8, 2005

A congressional "intelligence" committee approved changes in the soon-to-expire USA "Patriot" Act that would expand already existent law enforcement powers to seize business and personal records with no warrant.  In direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.

"Judge" Janice Rogers Brown Confirmed  June 8, 2005

The U.S. Senate confirmed Bush judicial nominee Janice Rogers Brown, 56-43, -- largely along party lines.  Ms. Brown is a Right Wing fascist with a history of "legislating" her perverse extremist views from the bench.  As any bona fide fascist, Brown conveniently champions corporate interests over individual rights.  -- Precisely, why the "President" nominated her two years ago for an office for which she is grossly unfit.

U.S. Supreme Court Nixes Medical Marijuana  June 6, 2005

Not surprisingly, the U.S. Supreme Court unconstitutionally ruled, 6-3, the federal government can prohibit physician prescription and patient use of medical marijuana. No question, this is a continued, planned, deliberate, blatant attack on personal liberties and rights by the Court.  In addition, it is a states rights issue and another outrageous abrogation of the Tenth Amendment by an increasingly fascist Court.

Circumstances will only worsen, however, as the "President" stacks the judiciary with fascist "judges" who "legislate" their perverse "religious" views from the bench.  ... As do Scalia, Thomas, Owen, etc..  -- An increasingly "activist" judiciary, salivating at the prospect of forcing their convoluted ideology, based on fascism, on the rest of us.

For years, Republicans were champions of states rights and reduced federal centralized authority.  No longer.  As the GOP and Mr. Bush cunningly consolidate power, however, Washington has become increasingly repressive imposing its exceptionally narrow-minded views on the states and citizenry.

... Don't cooperate,  and states lose federal funds.  Individuals are imprisoned for long sentences on trumped up chicken shit charges.  Nearly all "crimes" have been conveniently "federalized."  Long gone is the day of "rugged individualism" and initiative, previously championed by the Republican Party.

The Republicans have clearly, deliberately, and foolishly stifled both, choosing instead to aid, abet, champion, and empower large corporations, the rich, and government elite.  Initiative, entrepreneurship, self-starters, etc. are not encouraged in a fascist police state.

In fact, quite the opposite, -- in a repressive iron-fisted oligarchy where government, big business, and "religion" are perniciously blended to control the masses.  Perversely, craftily, and cunningly "justified" by bastardization and deliberate convolution of "religion" for political advantage.

This is not, however, to disparage and condemn all religion and spirituality.  Far from it.  ... Just the perverse fascists, members of the "Religious" Right.  -- Bona fide Nazis who deliberately eviscerate and bastardize the message of the founder of Christianity 2000 years ago, for conveniently self-serving political purposes.

-- Sick Nazis who won't rest until all constitutional rights and liberties are permanently lost in our once great country.  -- Profoundly disturbed wackos who are hopelessly insecure and desperately crave ersatz "security" provided by a fascist police state. In Nazi America.

Sex Offenders Banned   June 6, 2005

Property developers are considering imposing deed restrictions banning their houses from sale or occupation by "sex offenders."  Builders selling such a home would be required to run background checks on buyers, and would be financially penalized should they sell to a "sex offender."

"Sex offenders" would not be allowed to visit or stay at any such home.  Should they, the property owner would be financially penalized.  Any "sex offender" who buys a home would be forced to relinquish it to the developer if caught.

Any property owner, selling a home in the development in the future, would be required to run a background check on all potential buyers.  Would be financially penalized if they subsequently sell to a "sex offender."

Good idea?  Why not extend the policy to all felons?  After all, "safety" and "security" would be "improved," no?  Why not extend things further, to all convicted of a misdemeanor?  Better yet, why not banish all offenders from the United States, period.  Give 'em the boot, no?  "Security" demands it, doesn't it?

Quickly, most of the population would no longer be here.  Even if the policy only extended to convicted "sex offenders" much of the population would be gone.  Released "sex offenders" heavily populate the United States.  Are ubiquitous, in every community.  If developers, builders, land owners, government, etc. heavily restrict where "sex offenders" live, quickly they'll be no place for millions and millions of them.  What then?

Where will government consequently ship these miscreants?  Prisons are already overpopulated and underfunded.  Who will pay?  The already outrageously overburdened taxpayer?  How much further can they bleed those footing the bill?  Most importantly, do we really want to live in a fascist police state?

"Sex offender" status does not only extend to those sexually assaulting and abusing children or adults.  A 21-year-old "man" having sex with a "girl" one day short of her 18th birthday, if convicted, is labeled a "sex offender."  And screwed for life.

... Hey, guys and gals?  Better carefully check the ID of any young partner.  Be sure it's not phony.  -- Could cost you a lifetime of misery and hurt.

Hey, guys?  Don't urinate in public.  Anywhere in public.  No matter how "private."  No matter how bad you have to go.  Better piss in your pants.  Why?  An overzealous cop, "doing his job," could haul your sorry ass into jail on a charge of indecent exposure.  If convicted, you're labeled a "sex offender" and royally  f**ked for life.  In Nazi America.

Church-State Separation Abrogated   June 5, 2005

Once again, church-state separation has been egregiously abrogated by a fascist Republican.  At a church gymnasium in Fort Worth, Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed legislation into law that would force late-term pregnant women to give birth, and require "minors" obtain parental permission before an abortion.

Needlessly with great hoopla, also signed the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
... "Needlessly," since a constitutional amendment needs no signature from the Governor and is automatically presented to the electorate for ratification.  -- Did so with fervent approval, however, from clergy, and perverse "Amens!" from the congregation.

Clearly, the Governor is a shill for the Fascist Right.  Certainly, does all he can to establish a "Christian" theocracy in our once great country.   -- In direct violation of the First Amendment and Establishment Clause.

Without question, the Governor and the Right believe they own a woman's uterus, and are more than willing and able to dictate to her what she can, and cannot, do with it.  Reproductive freedom is direly threatened in the United States, and will disappear altogether if the Right gets its way.  Should that occur, time for a revolution.

Chillingly, the Governor and his fascist cronies believe an impregnated woman under 18 and her fetus are property of her parents.  No more than chattel.  Precisely, why another roadblock to reproductive freedom and liberty in general has been erected by these shameless Nazi bastards.  -- Nazis, Hitler would certainly have been proud of.

After all, abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany.  ... Die Fuhrer wanted as many little Nazi sons of bitches running around as possible.  Outraged at the tone? You should be.  Wake up.  Freedom is dying a quick death in our formerly great country.  -- To be replaced with a fascist police state.  ... Iron-fisted fascist control over what used to be rights and liberties. In Nazi America.

Stung and irritated by public criticism of his signing of the amendment banning gay marriage conveniently done for political purposes at a church gymnasium, the Governor advised all in opposition to consider leaving the state.  ... Claiming those opposed might find happier digs elsewhere.

... Hey, Ricky?  Wake up.  Fascism is unbecoming, -- even for a Texas state official.  Since when is exercise of the First Amendment a reason to leave the state?  Your Aryan arrogance and ersatz "moral superiority" are amusingly haughty, and speak great volumes of your perverse embrace of fascist principles.

Don't like or can't tolerate stiff opposition?  Why not leave the state yourself, Governor.  Resign in disgrace, sir.  Do so today.  The State of Texas would be the better for it.

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609