Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. February 28, 2005

Newsletter Text V203        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
February 28, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (2-28-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Condi Rules  February 24, 2005
Middle East Truce Broken   February 24, 2005
European "Presidential" Trip A Dud   February 24, 2005
Abu Ali Charged  February 24, 2005
Standardized Testing-T.A.K.S.   February 22, 2005
Bush Betrayed February 21, 2005
Hillary Clinton Remake  February 21, 2005
Legitimizing American Mistake In Iraq   February 21, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Condi Rules   February 24, 2005

How to put this delicately...?  ... And reasonably politically correct?

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, absolutely resplendent in remarkable commanding attire including black stiletto boots, recently reviewed the troops.  ... Did she ever.

Imagine remarks from the Fascist Right had it been Hillary?  No question, the Deputy Fuhrer, loyal and royal warrior she is, was indeed ready for combat. Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.

Middle East Truce Broken   February 24, 2005

Not surprisingly, the Middle East truce quickly ended with a suicide bombing at a Tel Aviv club Friday evening.  Four Israelis killed, many others injured.  Islamic Jihad, based in Syria, claims responsibility.  Israel quickly announced it holds Syria personally responsible, has delayed withdrawal from five West Bank cities indefinitely.  Several individuals have been arrested by Israeli and Palestinian authorities.  Be interesting to see if Israel shows restraint,  -- or wantonly kills, using American-made weapons in highly-populated areas in direct violation of U.S. export law.  ... Then again, the Nazi occupying the White House would conveniently look the other way.

European "Presidential" Trip A Dud   February 24, 2005

Mr. Bush's largely ceremonial trip to Europe to "mend fences" yielded remarkably little of substance.  ... Particularly noteworthy, Ole' George's admonishment of Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Amusingly, the hypocritical jackass occupying the Oval Office had the gall to criticize Putin for the loss of rights in Russia.  Imagine that.

... Hey, George?  What about the loss of rights here?  Wake up, pardner.  The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments were deliberately eviscerated by you and your congressional cronies through passage of the USA "Patriot" Act, Homeland "Security" Act, Class Action "Fairness" Act, and other equally unconstitutional Executive Orders.  Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.

No slouch, however, Putin certainly gave as hard as he got, caustically reminding the American "President" of the indisputable fact ole' Daddy Bush The First skillfully tapped his "conservative" cronies on the U.S. Supreme Court.  -- To conveniently secure the 2000 election for his wayward boy.  ... After the jackass lost the popular vote.  ... Successfully, however, abrogating the will of the voters in 2000.  -- 'Ain't' "democracy" grand?

Abu Ali Charged   February 23, 2005

Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, 23, an American citizen, has been incarcerated in Saudi Arabia for the last two years.  Reportedly, tortured with scars on his back to prove it.  For months, his frantic family desperately tried to get the American government to pressure Saudi Arabia to release him.

Apparently, the Bush "Administration" was conveniently using its outrageously barbaric ally to hold Abu Ali until ready to prosecute, here at home.  The U.S. Attorney reportedly knew he had been tortured, and allegedly made chilling comments about his fingernails having been supposedly ripped out by interrogators.

The prisoner was recently returned and indicted for allegedly plotting with al Qaeda to assassinate the "President", either by shooting or detonating a car bomb near the "Chief Executive."  Supposedly, an al Qaeda operative provided a cell phone and lap top to facilitate the plot.

Problem?  The terrorist operative with whom Abu Ali is supposed to have conspired has been dead two years, killed in a shoot out.  -- A dead star witness for the "prosecution."  Others named by the government are incarcerated overseas, problematic at the very least to haul into court, here.  If the government refuses to produce them and/or witnesses for the defense for any reason, including "national security," Ali would be unconstitutionally denied a fair trial.
... Exactly, what Bush and his equally fascist henchmen desperately want.  Kangaroo justice.

When the charges were read in open court, Abu Ali's family derisively laughed.  Pointedly, believes the charges against the former valedictorian and Virginia citizen to be concocted and ludicrous.  His mother and father have already intensely and publicly ridiculed the American government.  Abu Ali, himself, challenged the judge to examine his scarred back, claiming he had been beaten and tortured by Saudi goons.  Interesting, isn't it?  Sadly, smacks of rendition.

The Bush "Administration" has a policy of "rendering" "detainees" to countries run by dictators for "interrogation."  ... Where torture is legal and aggressively employed to get "detainees" to admit to anything the "interrogator" wants.  Be interesting to see if this barbaric policy by our "Christian" "President" comes back to figuratively bite the Nazi occupying the White House hard on the ass.

Standardized Testing-T.A.K.S.    February 22, 2005

Indeed, the chickens always come home to roost.  Always.  Tough, isn't it?  As Texas governor, Ole' George "The Tush" Bush was a tireless proponent of standardized testing for school children.  Still is.  Despite unwanted, unintended consequences.

... Then again, don't confuse the Right with the truth.  Amusingly, stalls their "thinking" process, hopelessly gumming up the works.  Joking aside, teachers are "teaching the test."  District coordinators are aggressively coaching educators to improve test results, -- at the expense of providing students a full education, including inculcating and developing thinking ability.
-- Who'd a' 'thunk' it?

Now, the Right is screaming bloody murder.  What did it expect?  Not only is government funding dependent on district test performance, pressure also comes from colleges.
-- Admissions competition is fierce.  This additional pressure reaches down into the secondary and primary levels.  Why wouldn't they "teach to the test," whether T.A.K.S., -- or the S.A.T.?

Standardized testing of school children, required for graduation, was originally implemented to solve employee problems experienced by the business community.  ... Many high school graduates can't read, write, or do the simplest tasks.  Imagine that.

The knee-jerk reaction of Texas legislators, however, was to impose standardized testing by statute.  Sadly, it backfired.  Solution?  Not simple.  -- Much to the chagrin of the Right, fascists who offer over simplistic analysis and solutions to enormously difficult problems.

No question, the solution does lie with parents, however.  Sadly, they don't expect and demand better performance from their kids.  Quite the contrary.  They pressure teachers and administrators to pass on the lil' darlins'.  If a teacher rightfully fails the student, the spotlight is immediately focused on the teacher, not the kid.  Why?  If Johnny or Janie is not promoted, the district ultimately loses funding.  ... Despite the fact the system is not supposed to work that way.

Until this changes, along with parental attitudes, teachers will "teach the test."  At the expense of the future of our children.  With the Fascist Right in power at all levels of government, the burden now rests with them.  To date, surprise, surprise, they offer no solution, -- only more of the same.

Employers are the greatest beneficiaries of a well-educated workforce.  Yet, they provide remarkably little funding of the exponentially increasing cost of schooling.  Why the free ride?  Time for change.

Again with fascists in power, not a snowball's chance.  ... Their corporations, right or wrong.  Worse, they disingenuously argue only individuals pay taxes, corporations pass them on.  Why?  Incredibly, simple.  Cleverly protected by bought legislators, they're not taxed to the point where they couldn't afford not to pass them on.

Bush Betrayed    February 21, 2005

Despicably, the "President" was betrayed by a close confidante while governor of Texas and considering the race for the White House.  Was unknowingly but legally taped by a "friend", who has now released portions of the tapes.

Interestingly, they contain no new information.  ... Just confirmation of what was already known.  Two issues warrant brief commentary, however.

The "President" clearly used illicit drugs in his younger days.  So what?  Many did.  Sadly, he did not have the courage to admit it, choosing instead to decline public comment so as not to supposedly set a bad example for the nation's youth.  -- Candor and honest admonition to not follow in his footsteps, and the reasons why, would have set a far better example.  ... Then again, perverse fascists do not "think" in the same manner as the rest of the population.

Clearly as well, the "President" has a problem with homophobic hypocrisy.  When pressured by a "religious" zealot to ban gays from his "Administration," Mr. Bush lamely stated he would not fire homosexuals, supposedly not indulge prejudice.  Sadly, however, the "President", despite profound assurances to the contrary, is a "closet" bigot.

Attacks against Affirmative Action and equal rights for gays are two classic examples.  Fascists do not accept the fact racial bigotry remains a reality, and that Affirmative Action, correctly implemented, merely levels the playing field.

While Bush won't fire gays, he cleverly denies them the same rights the rest of us take for granted.  Precisely, why he is calling for an amendment to the Constitution banning gay marriage.

While the bigotry in both examples is not overt, it remains conveniently and comfortably in the closet.  Much harder to expose and attack.  Exactly, as the Fascist Right demands and intends.

Hillary Clinton Remake   February 21, 2005

Remarkably, the "President" has found a most unusual ally, Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Mrs. Clinton is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, -- and clearly running for President despite no formal announcement.

Interestingly, the Senator is re-defining herself and her public image.  Although the Clintons were successfully vilified by the Fascist Right as socialists, they're not.  Not close.  Not even "liberal."  ... What "liberal" would have agreed to eviscerate welfare?

Yet, they were shrewdly targeted, falsely defined and demonized.  Since Hillary desperately wants the Presidency, she seeks to re-invent herself as right of center.  -- Amusingly, changing code language used regarding the Iraq War, abortion, and other right wing issues in an effort to re-establish herself as "conservative."

Thus, supposedly more appealing to the American public.  Precisely, why she does not support or agree with fellow Democrats regarding quick exit from Iraq.  Sadly, if she gets her way and wins election as President, we'll see more of the same, -- exponentially increasing casualties and exploding deficits.  ... As Democrats become more like Republicans, and party differences totally disappear.  Tragically, the rhetoric from Iraq war supporters sounds remarkably similar to that of Vietnam in the mid-60's.

Sadly, Democrats don't seem to "get it."  ... The more they become like Republicans, the more elections they rightfully lose.  Amusingly, they've forgotten where they've come from, -- and where they ought to be going.  If they don't successfully stand up to the growing fascism in our once great country, they'll soon become more irrelevant than they already are, -- until the party becomes hopelessly extinct.

Legitimizing American Mistake In Iraq   February 21, 2005

The "President" is spending the week in Europe, desperately dictating to Europeans what they should and shouldn't  think and do in Iraq.  ... What better way to legitimize the colossal American mistake?  -- Can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.  Right, George?

Not only does Ole' George "The Tush" want European help to solve the fiasco he created, he desperately seeks NATO and UN assistance.  The "President" can't seem to understand their glaring ongoing lack of cooperation and profound reticence.

Hey, George?  Wake up, sir. Why should they?  It's a problem you created.  A problem you need to solve yourself, -- along with assistance of billions of additional U.S. taxpayer dollars.  The $300 billion already squandered is only a respectable down payment, Mr. "President."  You'll just have to spend a little more, sir.  After all, what the hell are a few hundred billion here or there?  ... Especially, from the biggest spender of all time.  More liberal than the "liberals" themselves when it comes to squandering taxpayer money.

Sarcasm aside, the European  community and UN were, and are, strongly opposed to Mr. Bush's unilateral decision to "pre-emptively" invade Iraq.  The "President's" desperate plea for assistance now, confirms the magnitude of the blunder foolishly made by our "Chief Executive."  Sadly, everyone knows and understands the enormity of the mistake except Bush himself and his sycophant defenders.

Why should Europeans and UN workers risk their lives in a country where there's ongoing war?   With no peace in sight?  Mr. Bush's deliberately premature announcement of end of major combat operations nearly two years ago was outrageously false.  They continue to this day.  Election or no election.  -- An installed puppet government with no true independence from its masters in Washington.  ... Severely getting its ass kicked by rag tag guerillas.

Of far greater concern, however, is the ultimate political objective of Mr. Bush and his cronies.  Ominously, the real agenda of the Bush "Administration" remains the imposition of fascism, both here and abroad.  ... The pernicious and abusive blend of government, big business, and "religion."  Sadly, justified by perversion of religion.

Frighteningly, Mr. Bush is the new "American" Fuhrer.  Although not exceptionally brutal as Hitler or Mussolini yet, the "President" is messianically determined to promulgate and impose his distorted views of "freedom" and "democracy", not only here but world-wide.

Claimed as much in recent Inaugural and State of the Union speeches, as well as at every recent public appearance.  Amusingly and sadly, expects Europeans and the rest of the "free world" to fall in lockstep.  ... Goose-stepping behind the American Fuhrer, the unquestioned leader of all that is supposedly good and right in the world.

... Amusingly, doesn't comprehend why there is so much continued foreign opposition to his "benevolent" vision of the world and what should be the established order.  Wake up, George.  Foreigners are not as stupid or shortsighted as you believe.  ... Neither is half the American population that strongly oppose the increasingly dangerous direction the United States is foolishly and determinedly heading.

Europeans and the rest of the world remain rightfully afraid of the United States.  After all, the U.S. can at any time "pre-emptively" attack and/or invade anywhere it pleases.  Do so unilaterally.  Do so in the name of "advancing the hard work of freedom."  ... As the "President" perversely now urges Europe to do.  Saddest of all, Mr. Bush openly talks out both sides of his mouth.  While assuring Europeans he has no plans to invade Iran, he claims "all options are on the table."  Which is it, George?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609