Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. February 7, 2005

Newsletter Text V200        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
February 7, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (2-7-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Rumsfeld Dances   February 6, 2005
Iraq Election Aftermath   February 4, 2005
Rice Turns Sights On Iran  February 4, 2005
First Amendment Under Assault   February 4, 2005
Gonzales Confirmed  February 3, 2005
Bush State Of Union Speech  February 2, 2005
Guantanamo "Detainees" Denied Rights   January 31, 2005
Iraqi Election Buzz   January 31, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Rumsfeld Dances  February 6, 2005

Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld made the rounds of the Sunday talk show circuit today.
-- See him on Meet The Press and Face The Nation?  On the former, was separately interviewed with Sen. Ted Kennedy.  Sadly, both men did not confront each other, directly.  Why not?  Would have made a most interesting encounter.

Each was ill at ease.  Engaged in sophistry and abuse of semantics to make points.  ... Proof positive the substance behind their arguments was seriously lacking.

Rumsfeld enjoys playing games with statistics.  -- Claimed exactly a year ago there were 210,000 Iraqi "security forces" in place.  Now, cops to 40,000.  Not surprisingly, failed to fully explain the discrepancy.  Amusingly, however, Ole' Donny unequivocally claims  Sen. Biden is wrong, -- with his 4000 figure.  ... Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?

Further disingenuously claimed:  "Talking numbers is not terribly useful."  ... Bet it's not, Mr. Rumsfeld.  Especially, since the U.S. is getting its ass kicked.  Regarding the number of U.S. combat troops needed, this extraordinary master of sophistry pontificated we "need as many security forces as needed."  Brilliantly, enlightened, no?

Interestingly, Mr. Rumsfeld creatively minimized the effect the war is having on recruitment and retention of military personnel.  ... No problem, anyway, since only 40% of the Guard and Reserves have been activated so far.  ... Nero fiddled as Rome burned.  ... Look out guys and gals.  -- By the time this fiasco is over, you may all be called.

Incredibly, the Secretary believes the number of troops in Iraq is sufficient.  -- Despite over 1450 killed in action, and over 10,000 maimed.  ... Generous of the fascist bastard, don't you think?  Especially, in view of the fact Mr. Rumsfeld's "heart breaks when you see limbs off."  Remarkably, touching, isn't it?

Rubbing salt in the wound, ... so to speak, dear Ole' Donny doesn't want American troops to be an "irritant" to the Iraqis, -- or considered occupiers.  Too late, Mr. Secretary. Why do you think the number of insurgent attacks has been as great as it's been?  Respectfully, sir, your ignorance is stunning.

Ignoring ultimate responsibility of extremely high-level "Administration" officials for the torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib, Mr. Rumsfeld believes "senior officer checks" in the middle of the night will prevent a repeat.  ... You think?

Laughably, this sad excuse for a human being believes what's happening in Iraq is "thrilling" and "amazing."  Referring to the struggle in Iraq, Mr. Rumsfeld had the gall to describe it as an "amazing thing that's happening in our world."  Certainly is, Mr. Secretary.  Certainly is.

Sen. Kennedy's lackluster, anxious performance on Meet The Press was far more pathetic.  He did, however, rightfully point out Rumsfeld is "making it up as you go along."  Certainly, evident from Rumsfeld's use of sophistry and abuse of semantics as he continued to move the goal posts, -- not only during the interview, but also painfully evident in the day to day progression of changes in the "Administration's" Iraq policy.

The Senator also rightfully claimed the war is a fraud, manufactured by Bush for political purposes.  There is no question.  -- Amusingly, the "President" himself has continuously moved the goal posts as the need has arisen.

Comically, the use of sophistry and abuse of semantics by Rumsfeld continued right to the end of the interview.  Engaging in disingenuous double talk, the Secretary of Defense claimed in regard to the insurgents and their death struggle with the current U.S. imposed Iraq government, it is "not necessary to defeat them."  ... It's not, Donny?  If not, what the hell are we still doing there?

... Became equally enlightening and outrageously amusing when he responded to a question referencing Mr. Bush's thinking, state of mind, frame of reference, etc.:  "Life isn't that complicated."  -- Amusingly but clearly, the hallmark of a bona fide fascist. 

Iraq Election Aftermath   February 4, 2005

Sadly, violence has resumed full-scale in Iraq.  The number of GIs killed in action has reached 1448.  Election irregularities are seriously mounting as ballot boxes are counted.  Shiites are dominating returns, -- an indication Iraq may indeed become an Islamic theocracy similar to Iran.

Rice Turns Sights On Iran   February 4, 2005

Wasting no time, newly anointed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice immediately targeted the mullahs of Iran during a European trip designed by the "Administration" to supposedly "mend fences."  Rightfully accusing despots of human rights abuses, Dr. Rice conveniently ignores, however, egregious rights abuses right here in the United States.

Habeas corpus abuses run rampant nationwide in our once great country.  Especially, in Texas.  The imprisoned accused languish weeks and months in jail before trial.

Worse, "terrorist" suspects, including Americans "detained" by Bush "Administration" goons, are indefinitely imprisoned with no access to attorneys and the courts.  -- In direct violation of a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

Police brutality, including murders and severe beatings, is nearly always overlooked.  Seldom investigated.  Offending officers are no billed by grand juries carefully selected by local authorities.  Prisoners are beaten and killed in the prison system.  ... Not only by other prisoners, but also, corrections officers.  Prison officials are nearly always not held accountable.

Police departments are militarizing and using aggressive military tactics against civilian "lawbreakers."  High speed police chases too often result in the deaths of innocent bystanders.  -- Chases initiated, due to failure of motorists to stop because of outstanding traffic warrants or other minor crimes.

The list can go on, and on, and on.  Yet, Dr. Rice phonily and hypocritically points to human rights abuses in Iran.  Wake up, Madam Secretary.  Your ignorance of abuses right here, at home, is appalling, -- and indicative of the "Administration's" true agenda.  Fascism.

First Amendment Under Assault   February 4, 2005

Sadly, the First Amendment is under increasing attack in the United States.

Seems Marine Lt.Gen. James Mattis made a few politically incorrect statements regarding killing of the enemy.

Worse, University of Colorado Prof. Ward Churchill made outrageous remarks about victims of the 9/11 catastrophe.

Not to be outdone, "conservative" radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh continues to make disparaging remarks about Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb.  Many consider the comments to be racist.

The general has been excoriated.  So has Churchill.  ... May even lose his job, if the outraged get their way.  Ole' Rush is feeling the heat.  Tough, isn't it?

Amusingly, the Right, to its great chagrin and enormous pique, has been saddled for years with the racist label.  Sadly, rightfully so.  While bigotry is no longer covert as decades earlier, it's become far more insidious, extremely difficult to combat, -- closet bigotry.  Well hidden.  Cleverly, rationalized.  Aryan arrogance at its worst.

For years, Limbaugh and other white middle-aged males have bristled at Affirmative Action and other breaks for minorities and women.  -- "Conservatives" violently opposed to any leveling of the playing field.

Amusingly, these fascists are increasingly upset their formerly privileged positions are "threatened" and jeopardized by minorities and women they claim to be inferior and unqualified.

... Tough, isn't it?  Get used to it, Boys.  ... The times are indeed a' changin'.

Regardless, verbal or written comments are without question a reflection of the source.  For better or worse.  Right or wrong.  This writer included.

Although no fan of the three discussed, too bad each has been called on the carpet for exercising the right of free speech, not the substance of their statements.  If denied the right to free speech, who's next?  ... Think you can't or won't be muzzled yourself if others are?  Precisely, why free speech is protected by the First Amendment.  ... Not the last.

Excoriate substance.  Excoriate offenders personally if you must, but never, never, ever forget protected speech is guaranteed.  Even, in Nazi America.  ... Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells sweet.  -- Often, perversely, so.  ... Right, Rush?  George?  Condoleezza?  Alberto?

Gonzales Confirmed    February 3, 2005

Alberto Gonzales was confirmed, 60-36, by the United States Senate to be the next U.S. Attorney General.  This shameless fascist does not embrace the Geneva Conventions and proscriptions against torture, believing not only them to be "quaint", but civil liberties and constitutional rights as well.

Why wasn't his confirmation rightfully filibustered by gutless Democrats?  As in the Rice fiasco, the answer is amusingly simple, -- political correctness.  Had both been blocked, fascists on the Right would have immediately and falsely howled "racism."  Cowardly Democrats did not have the stomach.

Gonzales claims the war on terrorism will be conducted in a way "consistent with our values."  ... Is that right, Al?  What values?  The principles of right wing fascism?  Apparently so.  Wasting no time after taking office, this sad excuse for a human being immediately called for the renewal of the USA "Patriot" Act, a law that has eviscerated the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution.  In Nazi America.

Bush State Of Union Speech   February 2, 2005

The "President's" State of the Union Speech was well written and delivered.  Contained little substance and much distortion of reality, however.  The Democratic response was even worse, further proof the Democrats have no message, no willingness to creatively respond and fight the fascists currently occupying the White House and both houses of Congress.

The "President's" speech, however, was more notable for what it didn't address, rather than for what it did.  While Mr. Bush disingenuously crowed about the "creation" of jobs in the last four years, he neglected to mention the fact there has barely been a nominal net gain during his first "Administration."  ... When January job figures are included.  Worse, the service jobs created pay far less and in most cases have no healthcare benefits.

The "President" claims he'll cut the deficit in half by 2009.  He didn't say how, however, and conveniently neglected to mention the fact he inherited a budget surplus from the Clinton Administration.  -- Even with the cost of the "War On Terror" discounted, Mr. Bush is the biggest spender of all time.  By far.  Amusingly, when it comes to spending, the "President" is indeed a liberal.

Ole' George went on to decry the number of "junk" lawsuits.  Tough, isn't it?  The "President" clearly does not want butcher doctors to be held accountable for removing the wrong leg, eye, kidney, etc..  ... Think such a loss worth only $250,000 in pain and suffering?

Not surprisingly, Mr. Bush wants to "reform" the tax system.  Translation? ... How do we make it friendlier to the rich and big business?

Wants temporary guest workers approved by Congress.  ... Hey, George?  They're already here, and will remain.  -- Doing work Americans won't do, -- mainly due to the fact grossly unfair wages are being paid by greedy business owners and growers.

Social Security reform drew jeers from Democrats.  ... Sounded remarkably like the British Parliament in session.  Mr. Bush is indeed correct in calling for reform.  His statistics wildly differ from those of Democrats, however.  The truth is likely somewhere between both extremes.

Again, what was notable was what was not mentioned by the "President."  Bush conveniently neglected to remind viewers of the fact government has been borrowing from Social Security fund accounts for years, -- in effect, replacing FICA moneys with IOUs.  Had those funds not been "borrowed" to pay other governmental expenses and been properly invested, there would be little concern today, and certainly no "crisis" as falsely claimed by the "President."

While there is indeed a need for change, no clear plan has been articulated either by the "President", or both major parties.  Highly unlikely, Mr. Bush will get his way any time soon.  Democrats will excoriate any changes, labeling them a boon to greedy Wall Street tycoons.  Republicans will drag their feet, knowing full well Social Security is indeed the third rail of American politics.  Too bad, there is no real desire by either side to come up with a viable solution fair to all.

Laughably, Mr. Bush immediately intends to set out on a five state, two-day political junket to promote his ideas of reform.  ... At taxpayer expense.  The forums will be "town hall", -- with attendees carefully chosen by the "Administration."  ... Like everything else Bush does, conducted phonily.  ... Like paying media members to promote his ideas.  Apparently and rightfully, Mr. Bush has amusingly little real faith in his agenda.

Again demonstrating shameless homophobic bigotry, the "President" once again called for a constitutional amendment, "protecting" traditional marriage.  ... Hey, George? Too late.  Sixty percent of all new marriages fail, 50% overall.  Statistics, which have changed little in the last thirty years or so.  ... Think the fascist would be more concerned with this, than imposing his perverse and phoney "religious" views on others, wouldn't you?

The "culture of life" was phonily stressed by the "President."  Seems Ole' George is concerned with sale of body parts, body parts grown from embryos.  ... Wake up, sir.  There are already laws against this.  If you're so concerned with life, why did you execute hundreds as Texas governor?  Why go to war under false pretenses in Iraq?

Your hypocrisy is stunning, Mr. "President."  ... Proposed aid to capital defense attorneys is a bit too late, -- and far too little.  What about those who have been falsely executed and their families?  "Freedom", substituted for unfound weapons of mass destruction, is no "justification" for launching an unprovoked, unjust war in Iraq.

Determined to blend church and state, Mr. Bush renewed his call for faith-based initiatives, including anti-gang programs to be headed by his wife, the First Lady.  -- Hillary Clinton was eviscerated by the GOP and the Fascist Right when she was asked by President Clinton to be in charge of healthcare reform.  Yet, Nazis on the Right remain hypocritically silent in regard to Mrs. Bush's new tasks.  Why?  ... What's good for the goose...

In an effort to achieve peace in the Middle East, Mr. Bush has proposed $350 million for Palestinians.  ... Think that'll buy 'em, George?

Most shameless of all, however, was the use, for crass political purposes, of the parents of a dead Marine and a visiting Iraqi national to promulgate and promote his war in Iraq.  Apparently, the "Administration" had the grieving parents deliberately seated, directly behind the First Lady and the Iraqi woman seated next to Mrs. Bush.

At just the right time, the "President" called attention to the parents.  The Iraqi then hugged the dead Marine's mom for quite some time, -- to thunderous applause by the audience.  A standing ovation that went on for minutes.  ... With our Nazi "President" teary-eyed and extremely emotional.  Not only is the shameless bastard responsible for the Marine's death, he had the gall to use the death for political advantage.  Yet, the aggressively stupid American people remain gutlessly silent.

Guantanamo "Detainees" Denied Rights   January 31, 2005

Ninth Circuit District Judge Joyce Greene ruled 50 Guantanamo prisoners have been denied 5th Amendment rights by insistence of "Administration" officials that "detainees" be "tried" in military tribunals.  Interesting, isn't it?

Mr. Bush and his compadres slickly implemented an end-run-around an earlier U.S. Supreme Court decision, ruling "detainees" are indeed entitled to attorneys, the courts, and due process.  Military tribunals are kangaroo justice, assuring government a conviction in nearly all cases.  Why?  Five major reasons:

First, the decision by jurors does not have to be unanimous.  Second, defendants can and are conveniently denied witnesses for their defense.  ... "National 'Security'", you understand.  Third, all tribunal decisions are final after review, and cannot be appealed through the court system.  Fourth, hearsay is allowed.  Five, jurors are not impartial, since they're all members of the military.  ... A military that captured the "enemy combatant" defendant in the first place, under hostile conditions.

The list can go on.  There is no question justice is not meted out fairly and impartially in tribunals.  They're cleverly designed to quickly rubberstamp the wishes of government.  Hypocritically, the "President" intends to "try" all "detainees" at tribunals, while denying them prisoner of war status and benefits of the Geneva Conventions.  Many, if not most, "detainees" at Guantanamo have not been "captured" in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Rather, they've been "captured" all over the world.

Mr. Bush and his henchmen claim and exercise the "right" to "capture" anyone, anywhere, they believe to be a "terrorist."  AnyoneAnywhere.  When forced by exceptionally rare court action requiring the government to present "detainees" and/or defense witnesses in court, however, they release prisoners rather than comply.  Has already happened to "captured" British and Australian prisoners.

Our fascist government has no case, yet continues to hold indefinitely hundreds of "detainees" without benefit of access to attorneys and the courts.  Mr. Bush and his henchmen consider themselves above the law and U.S. Constitution.  After all, they're doing it for the people, aren't they?  And national "security."  Right?  Be interesting to see how much longer the courts continue to tolerate this egregious abuse of power.  ... Sadly, the American people are too aggressively stupid and cowardly to care.

Iraqi Election Buzz   January 31, 2005

The Right claims the "successful" Iraqi election vindicates the "President."  How?  Why? Violence continues unabated.  Four more U.S. Marines were killed today.  The military is wisely anticipating a rise in insurgent activity in response to the election.

Again, what vindication?  The "President" went to war under false pretenses.  No weapons of mass destruction were found.  The Right, however, shed a tear watching "courageous" Iraqis making their way to the polls.

Where were, and are these very same "brave" Iraqis when an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) is planted by insurgents?  It takes time to place explosives.  Nearly always, someone is watching.  Yet, extremely few calls have been made to authorities.  Why?

Over 1400 military personnel have been killed, -- many of these deaths could have been avoided had Iraqi citizens properly tipped off the "Coalition."  In excess of 10,000 have been maimed.  Where were, and are, "grateful" Iraqis who should and could have prevented some of them?

Laughably, the Right extrapolates a "successful" election to the quick and certain rise of "democracy", not only in Iraq but throughout the Middle East.  Why?  How?  Again, the Right is engaging in wishful thinking.  They believe the rise of "democracy" in Iraq is indicative of a reverse "Domino Theory", in which despotic governments will topple one by one.  ... Replaced with "democracies."

Sadly, the Right engages, as usual, in over simplistic analysis of enormously difficult problems.  Offers overly simplistic "solutions."  Interestingly, the Right created the "Domino Theory" fifty years ago in regard to communism.  ... If Korea falls, so will the rest of Asia.  The same line of "thinking" resulted in the quagmire of Vietnam.  Yet, no one learned.  No one wised up.

The fiasco in Korea was fought to a draw and resulted in the deaths of approximately 40,000 Americans.  Vietnam was lost at a cost of some 58,000.  Despite the Chicken Little philosophy, Asia didn't succumb to communism.  Now, the Right is recycling the same old tired thinking and "creatively" applying it to "democratization" of the Middle East.  -- A reverse, "Domino Theory."

What a marvelous world it would indeed be if democracy could suddenly catch fire ubiquitously.  Won't happen.  Hopefully, it will eventually.  -- Not the brand of "democracy" promulgated by Bush and his fascist compadres, however.

"Democracy" is not democracy when the Bill of Rights is eviscerated by egregiously unconstitutional statutes such as the USA "Patriot" Act and National "Security" Act. Not democracy, when "detainees" are indefinitely held without access to attorneys and the courts.

How can a fascist American "President" credibly  preach "democracy" and "freedom" to Iraqis and others when he denies these very same individuals rights and liberties guaranteed by the Creator to all mankind?

... Rights originating with the Creator, not government, -- a principle, supposedly embraced by Bush and other fascists in his "Administration."  'Ain't' hypocrisy and BS grand?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609