Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. January 31, 2005

Newsletter Text V199        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
January 31, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (1-31-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Iraqi Election   January 30, 2005
Aushwitz Remembered   January 27, 2005
Kennedy Finds Voice   January 27, 2005
Assault On Malpractice Victims & Medical Privacy January 27, 2005
Train Wreck Fiasco   January 27, 2005
Gonzales Nomination Passed On  January 26, 2005
Rice Confirmed January 26, 2005
"Presidential" News Conference   January 26, 2005
More Blood Money    January 25, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Iraqi Election   January 30, 2005

At first blush, an approximate 60% voter turnout in Iraq is spectacular, no?  "President" Bush wasted no time crowing about it.  Why?

Ole' George neglected to mention a few facts in his hastily broadcast speech shortly after polls closed.  First, Moslem clerics "ordered" people to vote by religious edict.  Made it clear to followers voting was absolutely required, theologically.

Second, Iraqi political advertising was exceptionally slick prior to the election.  Voters were repeatedly and cunningly bombarded with a most clever inference: the more massive the vote, the quicker American occupiers would leave.  Interesting, isn't it?

While the "President" crows about the courage of Iraqi voters, where were these very same voters the last two years since the invasion?  Sadly, there is absolutely no way insurgents could have operated so effectively without widespread support of the Iraqi public.  Why didn't these supposedly courageous people turn in massive numbers of insurgents to authorities?

While voters were indeed threatened with death by insurgents, rebels were apparently smart enough to know had they followed through, it would have been counter productive.  Leading to a loss of support.  Foolishly, the "President" still underestimates the strength, determination, intelligence, and cunning of the enemy, however.

There is no way to know exactly all ramifications of the election, immediately.  It will be quite some time before the full effect is understood.  Hopefully, it will be the beginning of a truly democratic process, as claimed by the "President."

Amusingly, Mr. Bush cowardly lowered the bar regarding the outcome of the Iraqi election over the last several months.  Gutlessly, the "President" repeatedly inferred the election alone is a massive victory for "democracy and freedom."  He deliberately played down the results, since the possibilities are not all good for the United States.

Shiites have clearly indicated, as a majority, they will quickly force departure of occupying American troops.  Worse, Islam is the state religion of Iraq, according to documents agreed upon earlier.  Should this stand, as it probably will, Iraq could be well on its way to becoming a theocracy similar to Iran.  ... Frightening from the standpoint of the U.S..

There is still the possibility of civil war in Iraq.  Particularly ominous is the failure of Sunnis to fully participate in the election.  Will be interesting to see how all this plays out.  ... Will the Shiites allow full participation by Sunnis and Kurds?

At the same time, the insurgency will continue its deadly attacks.  ... As it did on the day of the election.  Iraqis, American troops, and British forces were killed today.  Fortunately, not as many as anticipated.  Certainly, a small victory, no?

Aushwitz Remembered  January 27, 2005

Today is the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Aushwitz by advancing Soviet troops, several months before the end of the Second World War, European Theatre.  Why is the liberation of this horrendous death camp and several others so extremely important?  Six million people, mostly Jews, were savagely murdered by the Nazi bastards of the Third Reich.

The murder of so many was the "crowning" "achievement" and perverse "jewel"of the sick fascists who ruled Nazi Germany, -- and most of Europe until the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944.  Adolph Hitler and his henchmen perversely, but brilliantly, created the most efficient state that had ever existed, -- before or since.  ... At a cost of countless millions of lives and the utter destruction of Europe.

What made the Nazi state so efficient, so powerful, so seemingly invincible in the early 1940's?  Was it simply the rise of a perverse, charismatic leader?  Aggressive stupidity of the German people?  Genetic superiority falsely claimed by Hitler and his anti-Semitic, homophobic, Aryan arrogant bigots?

Hitler brilliantly blended government, industry, and religion.  -- Religion used to perversely "justify" nationalistic goals and ambitions.  Sound familiar?  Wake up, friends.  Sadly, history is repeating itself.

While the United States has not yet progressed to the level of the Nazi death camps, the political atmosphere here is remarkably reminiscent of early 1930's Germany.  Habeas corpus has been eviscerated nationwide.  American citizens languish weeks and months in jail before trial.
... Especially, here in Texas.  Evidence by defense attorneys is often excluded by "judges" sympathetic to the prosecution.  Terrorist "detainees" are indefinitely imprisoned with no access to attorneys and the courts.

Police departments are militarizing across the nation, and are being equipped with heavily armored vehicles.  Remember?  -- Tanks were provided by the Army for use against a religious sect in Waco over ten years ago.  Law enforcement, in a growing number of cases, no longer needs a court warrant to access electronic forms of communication, such as email.  "Administrative" orders by law enforcement thugs are sufficient.  Reading habits of the American public are fair game for government goons.  ... If a  librarian informs the patron, he or she can be prosecuted.  In Nazi America.

Secret (FISA) courts, are not open to the public.  The list can go on.  Look elsewhere in this publication for additional examples.  Sadly, as things now stand in the United States, the dream of freedom and liberty is increasingly jeopardized and relentlessly under vicious assault by all levels of government, -- particularly the fascist occupying the White House and his henchmen.

Mr. Bush has brilliantly, if not knowingly, emulated the late Nazi Fuhrer.  Successfully, blended government, big business, and religion.  Perversely, the "President" has announced a "messianic" mission for the United States.  -- The promotion of "freedom" and "peace" throughout the world.  ... A "messianic" message chillingly reminiscent of Hitler some 70 years ago.  When will the aggressively stupid and gutless American public finally wake up?

Just as importantly, when will the Israelis awaken?  Suffering horrendously during the Holocaust at the hands of Nazi bastards, who better to know the most tragic effects of oppression?  Yet, they deny Palestinians a home state.  Won't withdraw to pre-1967 borders.  Refuse to remove all settlements in Palestinian territory.

Assassinate Palestinian leaders.  Drop 2000 lb. bombs from American-made F-16's in violation of American export laws, -- in highly-populated civilian areas.  ... While a fascist U.S. "President" conveniently looks the other way, fueling the spread of terrorism.  ... While perversely assuring the American people he's promoting "freedom" and "peace."  ... As "Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney, a bona fide fascist, sickeningly represents the United States at the Aushwitz memorial.  ... Anything wrong with this picture?

Kennedy Finds Voice   January 27, 2005

Sen. Edward Kennedy, cowered for years by relentless criticism coming from the Fascist Right, has finally found his voice.  Commenting on the fiasco in Iraq, this former icon of the Democratic Party called for immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.  ... Hey, Ted?  What took so long?  When are you and your Democratic colleagues finally going to take on the Republicans and their shills in the Fascist Right?

Sadly, however, Kennedy's demand of troop withdrawal is not shared by his cowardly Democratic colleagues.  Apparently, they're afraid of the political consequences to the Democratic Party.  ... Gutless fear rules, rather than principle.  -- Should the Democratic Party become extinct, it will not be because it is not in lockstep with an increasingly fascist public.  It will be doomed because it's lost its courage and ability to articulate principle.

Mr. Kennedy has been silent for years, cowered and intimidated by continuous excoriation coming from hypocritical, self-righteous, church-going "Christians" fervently belonging to the "Religious" Right.  While the Senator has a reputation for "womanizing" and excessive consumption of alcohol, who the hell are these Nazi bastards to pass judgment on him and his late brothers?

Regardless, the Senator is correct in his contention the Iraq war is a catastrophic mistake, and troops should be removed in an orderly fashion after the election on Sunday.  Sadly, Mr. Kennedy and his family have been under continuous vicious assault for years, not only for their political views, but for how they've conducted their private lives.

Self-righteous, not-so-Christian, Nazi bastards have severely distorted reality and savaged him for his personal life, and supposedly "socialist" views.  Who the hell cares?  Mr. Kennedy and his two late brothers have made enormous contributions to liberty, civil and constitutional rights, and have selflessly served their country. For decades.  At enormous personal cost.

What irks the Nazi Right is that all three were born to wealth, yet placed public service and concern for have-nots before personal gain.  ... Altruism, fascists do not understand.  Not-so-Christian Nazis are content to get down on bended knee each Sunday, thanking the Creator for their good fortune.  Yet, the hell with everyone else.  Each man for himself.  ... Take whatever you can get and let the "Good Lord" sort it out in the end, right, Boys?

Respectfully, Senator, its time to find your voice.  Aggressively take on the fascists pervasive in the Republican Party.  If you and your Democratic colleagues do not do so, no one will.
... Fascism must be fought, not appeased as clearly indicated by the Second World War.

While fascism in the United States has progressed nowhere near the level of the death camps of Nazi Germany and elsewhere, this country is politically, where Germany and Italy were in the early 1930's.  The pernicious and deliberate blend of government, business, and religion is dangerously reminiscent of the early Third Reich, and a harbinger of the loss of liberty.

While the death camp at Aushwitz was liberated sixty years ago today by the Russians, it is time to wake up and appreciate the growing threat in our own once great country.  While fascists lambaste the Kennedys for their indiscretions and excesses, they conveniently ignore their own.  As the "President" does when he downplays his drunk driving conviction.

... While Sen. Kennedy may have contributed to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, First Lady Laura Bush ran a stop sign years ago, killing a 17-year-old classmate.  Was never charged with manslaughter, not even given a ticket for running the stop.  Refuses to discuss the "incident" to this very day.  ... "He, who is without sin..."

Assault On Malpractice Victims & Medical Privacy   January 27, 2005

The "President" continues to publicly campaign for limiting the right of victims of healthcare butchers to sue for damages.  Worse, he wishes to computerize all medical records.  ... Without considering the fact such records will easily wind up in the hands of law enforcement, prosecutors, as well as employers.  ... Deliberately, further killing privacy, falsely discriminating against employees, making it easier for corrupt and abuse prosecutors and police to harass innocent citizens.

Train Wreck Fiasco   January 27, 2005

Tragically, 11 people died at a train wreck Jan. 26 in Glendale, California.  The wreck was caused by a deranged 25-year-old man, Juan Alvarez, who parked his car across the tracks in a failed effort to commit suicide.  Changing his mind at the last moment, Alvarez ran from his SUV before impact.

Despite a history of suicide attempts, drug use, and a recent failed relationship prior to the tragedy, prosecutors have charged this mentally ill man with 11 counts of murder.  -- With "special circumstances" so he may be executed if found guilty.  ... Another sad day in Nazi America.

Gonzales Nomination Passed On    January 26, 2005

The Senate Judiciary Committee along partisan lines, 10-8, passed on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales as U.S. Attorney General to the full Senate.  Mr. Gonzales is directly responsible for "legally" "justifying" the "Administration's" policy of denying "detainees" prisoner of war status and application of the Geneva Conventions of War.  Also, cleverly "justified" the employment of torture, leading to the atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.  Mr. Gonzales is destined for the U.S. Supreme Court, if the Bush "Administration" gets its way.  -- Sadly, a fascist who not only believes the Geneva Conventions to be "quaint", but civil rights and liberties as well.

Rice Confirmed   January 26, 2005

Once again proving there is no substantive difference between both major political parties, the Senate voted 85-13 to confirm former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State.  Dr. Rice is not qualified for the following reasons:

First, Ms. Rice is one of the principal architects of the "President's" failed Iraq policy and "pre-emptive" war.

Second, Ms. Rice repeatedly lied about the reasons for launching an unprovoked attack on Iraq.

Third, Ms. Rice is a fascist who supports and defends the USA "Patriot" Act, Homeland "Security" Act, other equally unconstitutional Executive Orders that have eviscerated the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.

Fourth, Ms. Rice supports "Rendition", an exclusive CIA policy designed to circumvent the "Administration's" supposed humane treatment of prisoners directive.  Prisoners to be "interrogated" are flown to countries that deliberately horrendously mistreat and employ torture.  Conveniently and cowardly, Ms. Rice has not condemned "Rendition" and has, sadly, become part of the problem.

Fifth, Ms. Rice supports the indefinite imprisonment of "detainees" without access to attorneys and the courts.

Sixth, Ms. Rice is a lapdog of the "President" and does not have the independence to be an effective Secretary of State.

While the list can go on, the ludicrously lop-sided Senate confirmation of Dr. Rice clearly demonstrates the unwillingness of Democrats, despite some sporadic hot air, to effectively challenge the entrenchment of fascists and their perverse ideology throughout government.

Crowing after Senate confirmation, the "President" perversely assured the public he and Rice would work hard together on "freedom" and "peace."  ... Too late, George.  You've already eviscerated both.  ... Indeed, Hitler would have been proud.

Upon arriving at the State Department on January 27, Dr. Rice advised employees:  "History is calling."  ... Is that right, Ms. Rice?  ... Share the same messianic and deluded views of reality and destiny common to Mr. Bush, -- and Adolph Hitler?

"Presidential" News Conference   January 26, 2005

Mr. Bush was most uncomfortable during the first news conference of his second term.
... Appeared noticeably anxious, grumbling about the failure of the media to give his programs a fair chance.  Tough, isn't it?

Laughably, he assured listeners he would fervently promulgate "democracy" and "freedom" with foreign leaders.  ... Hey, George?  What about here?  Liberty has already been cleverly abrogated by the USA "Patriot" Act, Homeland "Security" Act, militarization of police departments, abrogation of habeas corpus nationwide, equally unconstitutional Executive Orders, etc..

Not surprisingly, he failed to answer a pointed question about the CIA's exemption from the "Administration's" updated policy of humane treatment of prisoners and proscription of torture.
... Disclosed by U.S. Attorney General-Designate Alberto Gonzales in response to written questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Readers are reminded the United States government engages in a policy called "Rendition."  That is, CIA operatives fly prisoners facing "interrogation" to Egypt, Syria, and other places where there are no proscriptions against torture.  ... This originating from a glaringly fascist "President", who conveniently and phonily wears "religion" on his sleeve.  ... Is "Rendition" an example of "Christian" "charity", Mr. "President?"

Mr. Bush also claimed during the news conference he had instructed Cabinet members not to lavish money on media commentators.  Readers are reminded "conservative" radio talk show host Armstrong Williams was paid $240,000 of taxpayer funds by the Department of Education to promulgate "Administration" policies.

... Supposedly, unbeknownst to Mr. Bush and his henchmen.  -- Your taxdollars squandered by a supposedly "conservative" "Administration."  -- Apparently, only the tip of the iceberg since there is an "investigation" being conducted.  ... Seems Maggie Gallagher, a Washington Post columnist, received in excess of $40,000 to say nice things about the "Administration's" "family" policies.  There may be others.

Both Gallagher and Williams conveniently have memory problems in regard to not ethically informing readers and listeners.  ... Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?

... Hey, George?  Why bribe the media?  After all, most of it is Right Wing and sympathetically fascist.  -- Particularly, FOX.  This time, you did win the election, Mr. "President."  ... Time to finally deliver, however, instead of bribing media to speak kindly of your perverse ideology and policies, sir.

Amusingly, the "President" claimed to be optimistic about the advance of "freedom" abroad.  Hey, George, how so?  Where?  Again, it's already under vicious assault by you and your equally fascist henchmen right here.  How can you implement it abroad while eviscerating it domestically?  How?

Also, Mr. Bush had little comment about the loss of 30 Marines and a Navy sailor earlier in the day, on board a downed CH53E Super Stallion helicopter in Iraq.  The number of service personnel killed in action in Iraq now exceeds 1,400. With no end in sight.  ... A war fought on the basis of false pretenses having nothing to do with liberty, -- only the political saving of the "President's" sorry ass and fascist legacy.

The "Chief Executive" claims he will reduce the national deficit, -- eventually.  His estimate of the deficit, with the newly requested $80 billion for the war included, is $427 billion.  The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates $453 billion.  Regardless, Mr. Bush, supposedly a "conservative" and loyal Republican, is the biggest spender of all time.  Bar none.

More Blood Money   January 25, 2005

The "President" and his henchmen are asking Congress for an additional $80 billion for Afghanistan and Iraq.  -- The total nearing $300 billion to date. ... $105 billion this fiscal year alone.  What have the taxpayers gotten for approximately a third of a trillion?  A bastion of terrorism in Iraq that did not exist prior to the American invasion, and occupation under false pretenses.  The "Administration", initially estimated the number of insurgents at 5000.  To date, 9000 have been "detained".  How many killed?  No one knows.

Mr. Bush hails the coming election in Iraq as a "victory."  How so, George?  Candidates do not publicly campaign.  Only friends and families are aware of their identity.  Polling places will not be announced until the election.  The majority of Iraqis when polled indicate they believe they're voting for a national leader.  They're not.  They're voting for individuals who will create and enact a constitution.  More temporary government.  ... Headed by a puppet beholden and installed by the Bush "Administration", "Interim Prime Minister" Ayad Allawi.

With Iraqi police and military deliberately killed in mass on a daily basis, and the Iraqi public informed they will be killed at polling places, think voter turnout will be representative and truly demonstrative of "democracy?"  Certainly, hope so.  Regardless, the fiasco will indefinitely be funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars.  How much more will be thrown down the Iraqi rathole?  Apparently, unlimited cash, -- until the aggressively stupid American public finally wakes up.  More importantly, how many more of our young men and women will be killed or maimed sadly covering the "President's" sorry ass?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609