Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. January 24, 2005

Newsletter Text V198        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
January 24, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (1-24-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

"Presidential" Inauguration   January 20, 2005
Gonzales Responds  January 19, 2005
Harvard Neanderthal  January 19, 2005
Condi Rice Grilled   January 19, 2005
"President's" Legacy    January 18, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

"Presidential" Inauguration   January 20, 2005

Disingenuously, "President" Bush has chosen "freedom and liberty" as the theme for his second inauguration.

... Particularly galling, since Ole' George indefinitely "detains" foreigners and American citizens "suspected" of terrorism, without access to attorneys and courts.

... Particularly galling, since at the same time Bush and his henchmen call for the end of tyranny, they grant carte blanche to CIA operatives to "render" "detainees" to Syria, Egypt, and elsewhere to be tortured.

... Particularly galling, since Mr. Bush, his henchmen, and Congress have eviscerated the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments via the USA "Patriot" Act.

... Particularly galling, since Americans now live in a fascist police state, courtesy of the Homeland "Security" Act, USA "Patriot" Act, and other equally unconstitutional Executive Orders.

... Particularly galling, since the "President" went to war in Iraq under false pretenses, removed an admittedly brutal dictator, and replaced him with an unwanted, puppet government beholden to the United States and not supported by the majority of the Iraqi people.  Precisely why, the terrorists are sadly winning in Iraq, and have created a heretofore inexistent bastion of terrorism there.  No question, government based on democratic principle is the very best.  Equally true, when forced on others it becomes no more than imperialism.

... Particularly galling, since the "President" has arrogantly turned his back on recalcitrant European allies, who correctly opposed the invasion and are exceptionally terrified of the enormous threat to freedom posed by an arrogantly self-righteous USA determined to go it alone via "pre-emptive" war.

... Particularly galling, since the "President" and his fascist henchmen are determined to abrogate a woman's right to do with her uterus as she damn well pleases.

... Particularly galling, since the "President" and his fascist henchmen are determined to abrogate the rights of gays by constitutional amendment, -- rights the rest of us take for granted.

Think we don't live in a fascist police state?  Try going through "security" at our airports.  Watch the Inaugural?  Washington went literally under lockdown on Inauguration Day.  Police departments all over the United States are militarizing and acquiring armored military vehicles and other equipment.  Habeas corpus is abused nationwide by the police.  Innocent people are exonerated and released from death row years after the fact by DNA evidence, -- many of whom came dangerously close to execution.  Undoubtedly, some were.

First Amendment right to free expression is stifled by police as the "President" and other government "dignitaries" are conveniently "protected" from peaceful dissenters at political and/or government events.   Day after day, civil rights and constitutional rights and liberties have been slowly eviscerated at the hands of all levels of government.

Public Information and Freedom of Information Acts have been watered down and ignored.  FBI thugs have the right to access library patron reading habits.  Government goons have been granted easier and easier access to email and other electronic forms of communication, through "administrative" rather than court-ordered warrants.

The list can go on and on.  Yet, the American people, like a frog immersed in a pot of water being gradually heated, are oblivious.  The "President" and Republicans want "unity."  How?  Why?  Fascism must be fought, not appeased.  It is the duty of Democrats to aggressively challenge and fight Republican fascists currently in power.  Otherwise, they're no different.  No better.

Sadly from the inaugural speech, Mr. Bush and his henchmen perversely equate "freedom and liberty" with imperialism.  -- An entrenched perception widely held both in the Moslem world and Europe.  Remarkably, the war in Afghanistan was the first "just" war since the end of the Second World War, and was initially brilliantly waged by Bush and his henchmen.  Tragically, Bush took his eye off the ball, however, and failed to aggressively pursue, capture, or kill bin Laden.  Instead, the "President" foolishly created a haven of terrorism in Iraq.

Our fascist "President" perversely distorts reality, brilliantly turning "freedom and liberty" into enslavement.  Day becomes night, night becomes day, and manure smells sweet in Mr. Bush's sick world.  Stunningly, the majority of the American people have bought the "President's" masterful propaganda.  ... Hook, line, and sinker.

Sadly, remarkably reminiscent of early Nazi Germany.  Delusions of grandeur.  Messianic.  Particularly chilling, since Hitler falsely and cunningly used "religion" and ersatz "nationalism" to deliver his perverse message, -- as does Mr. Bush.  Adolph would have indeed been proud of our domestically grown Fuhrer.

Mr. Bush declares he wishes to end "tyranny" around the world.  What about here, sir?  Look in the mirror, first, Mr. "President."  There is enormous evil, right here and now.  Perversely perpetrated by you and your henchmen under the deliberately distorted guise of "freedom and liberty."

Arrogantly and hypocritically, Mr. Bush claims the United States should present a "moral choice" to foreign dictators.  Again, Mr. "President", look first in the mirror.  Aryan arrogance is truly unflattering, unproductive, and exceptionally irritating to the rest of the world.

Height of hypocrisy?  At the same time Bush and his henchmen call for the end of tyranny, they grant carte blanche to CIA operatives to "render" "detainees" to Syria, Egypt, and elsewhere to be tortured.

Sadly, the most dangerous "enemy" remains unchecked right here, --  corrupt and abusive government at all levels, not al Qaeda, other terrorist groups, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..  ... The United States could quickly take the wind out of the sails of terrorism by immediately implementing an even-handed approach to the Middle East and independence from Arab oil.

... Although fanatics would have to be hunted, captured, or killed for quite some time.  There is absolutely no appetite in the "Administration", however, to force change and rein in Israel.  Consequently, the war on terror will extend indefinitely.  ... Also,  will be exceptionally costly financially, -- and bloody.  Exactly, what defense contractors desperately want.

As in 2001, history repeated itself in 2005 as "Slick Dick" Cheney and Ole' George "The Tush" Bush perversely lied, again phonily swearing an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
... Evilly lying, with a hand on the Bible.

While President Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about his personal sex life, Mr. Bush has been returned to office.  ... Despite repeatedly deceiving the American people about his "reasons" for going to war in Iraq, and earlier eviscerating the Bill of Rights.

Constantly and conveniently, lies and distortion are now perversely championed and embraced as "freedom and liberty" in our once great country.  Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.

Gonzales Responds    January 19, 2005

U.S. Attorney General-Designate Alberto Gonzales, responding to written follow-up questions by the Senate Judiciary Committee, indicated the Bush "Administration" humane treatment of prisoners policy does not apply to the Central Intelligence Agency.  Bluntly, CIA operatives have carte blanche, via a special exclusive policy called "Rendition", to abuse and/or torture "detainees."  Precisely, why prisoners have been flown to Egypt, Syria, and elsewhere, -- where there are no proscriptions against torture and abuse.  ... Perversely, as American as Mom and apple pie, no?

Harvard Neanderthal   January 19, 2005

Harvard's embattled president, Larry Summers, is still under assault for outrageous comments made at a conference, alluding to the supposed lack of wherewithal of women to excel in math and the sciences.  This individual, to date, has refused to be interviewed by network news.  Interesting, isn't it?

Had such comments came from a professor, they could have been merely dismissed as an example of aggressive stupidity, and exercise of free speech.  When they come from an individual directly responsible for workplace hiring, they take on exponential significance.  Currently, Harvard has an approximate faculty male to female ratio of four to one.  Enlightened, no?

... Another indication of exactly how far equality for women has yet to go, -- despite progress over the last forty years.  With the country rapidly moving further and further to the Right,  however, this problem will only worsen.  After all, the Fascist Right desperately wants women barefoot, subservient, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

Condi Rice Grilled   January 19, 2005

Unsurprisingly, Secretary of State-Designate Condoleezza Rice was excoriated by Democratic senators during two days of confirmation hearings.  ... Particularly pointedly, by California Sen. Barbara Boxer.  Conversely, Republican senators were all sweetness and light.  -- Remarkably and condescendingly, patronizing to one of the "President's" leading henchmen.  Senators from both parties agree, however, she will be ultimately confirmed by the full Senate.  ... Once again, proof there is little difference between Democrats and the GOP.

Bluntly, Dr. Rice, despite common belief, is unfit for the job.  Why?  She is a warrior, not a diplomat.  This highly gifted fascist is one of the principal architects of Bush's failed Iraq policy.  Worse, she is a strong proponent of the USA "Patriot" Act, and shares responsibility for the egregious loss of civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

As National Security Advisor, Dr. Rice determinedly, blindly, and blandly articulated the "President's" perversely implemented doctrine of pre-emptive war against all enemies, real or imagined.  She asserted under oath the Iraq policy is right and working.  Ms. Rice is either hopelessly deluded, -- or a liar.

... Whatever the hell you do, don't confuse her with the truth.  Regardless, she is one of Mr. Bush's most loyal and devoted lapdogs.  Precisely why as Secretary of State, it will be exceptionally difficult, if not impossible, for her to establish sufficient independence to be effective.

Worst of all, Dr. Rice has an enormous problem with telling the truth.  Sen. Boxer rightfully accused her of lying about the false link between al Qaeda and Saddam's regime.  In fact, the testiest exchanges both days came from Sen. Boxer.  Clearly, the Senator had managed to secure Ms. Rice's ire.  Tough, isn't it?

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to pass on the nomination, 16-2, to the full Senate.  Two senators had the guts to stick it to this exceptionally poor choice.  Sadly, only Barbara Boxer and John Kerry were willing to stand up and vote on principle, rather than tawdry politics and political correctness.  Although extremely gifted as an academician and scholar, Dr. Rice is unfit for service as the nation's chief diplomat due to her lack of independence from our fascist "President" and her exceptional ability to white wash and distort the truth.

"President's" Legacy   January 18, 2005

Interviewed by CBS News shortly before his second inauguration, "President" Bush claimed his legacy should be spread of freedom both here and abroad.  Is that right, George? How, sir?

... By eviscerating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments via the USA "Patriot" Act?
... By "detaining" U.S. citizens and foreigners "suspected" of terrorism indefinitely with no access to attorneys and the courts?  In the perverse view of a fascist, is that "freedom", George?

Equally pointedly, how so abroad, sir?  ... By installing a puppet government in Iraq and imposing democracy on people who don't want, are not ready for it, and do not think like Americans?

While Mr. Bush is eviscerating civil and constitutional rights at home and imposing his perverse ideology of government in Iraq, he has ordered military planners and intelligence operatives to assess targets in the next country he wishes to invade and conquer, -- Iran.

Wasting no time to respond, the Iranian government has figuratively urged Mr. Bush to bring it on.  Where will the Fuhrer strike after conquering Iran and successfully removing its leadership?  Syria?  North Korea?  Communist China?  ... The Chinese, one of our largest trading partners and capable of inflicting horrific damage?  While the U.S. military is sadly getting its ass severely kicked in Iraq, think future targets of conquest will be any easier?

Complicating military planning and defense is longterm damage Mr. Bush is indeed doing the military.  Reservists and Guardsmen are involuntarily held beyond terms of enlistment.  How many will re-sign?  What effect will violation of enlistment contracts ultimately have on recruitment?

Sadly, our troops are not dying for liberty.  They're fighting, dying, horribly maimed to support, defend, and save the cowardly ass of an unabashed fascist, -- returned to office by an aggressively stupid, propaganda susceptible, gullible public.  Then again, so what else is new?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609