Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. January 17, 2005

Newsletter Text V197        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
January 17, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (1-17-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Torturer Convicted   January 15, 2005
Taxpayers Duped   January 13, 2005
Rigid Sentencing Guidelines Overturned   January 12, 2005
Weapons Inspectors Quietly Withdrawn   January 12, 2005
Drug Firms Throw Bone   January 12, 2005
Homeland Security Nominee Michael Chertoff   January 11, 2005
CBS Axes Four In Bush Military Service Fiasco  January 10, 2005
"Administration" Bribes Talk Show Host   January 10, 2005
 Adoption Restrictions Upheld   January 10, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Torturer Convicted   January 15, 2005

Army Spc. Charles Graner, 36, was convicted of abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib.  ... The supposed "ringleader" of 7 who outrageously mistreated Iraqi prisoners, has been sentenced to ten years, reduced in rank to private, and will be dishonorably discharged.

While Graner is indeed guilty as hell, the problem goes all the way up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense and "President."  ... No one higher than Graner, however, will apparently be held criminally liable.  Convenient, isn't it?

Graner's trial is a classical example of kangaroo justice.  No senior officers were brought in to testify.  All had exercised their Fifth Amendment right to silence.  Graner claims to have been ordered to torture and abuse Iraqi prisoners of war by officers higher in the chain of command.  Yet, not one testified.

Worse, the setting for torture and abuse was cunningly established by the Bush "Administration" in its earlier (initial) revision of the definition of torture and abuse, as well as inadherence to the Geneva Conventions of war.  Conveniently, Graner is the scapegoat.
... Although responsibility extends all the way up the chain of command to our fascist "President" and his henchmen.

Apparently, Mr. Bush and his chums craftily left no trail.  ... A wink and nod sufficient to change policy and allow the unacceptable.  As American as Mom and apple pie, no?  Sadly, sets the stage for American military personnel to be similarly treated after capture.  -- Aggressive stupidity and mindless arrogance at its very worst.

Upon release from prison, Graner should seek a pardon, seek employment as a police officer, no?  After all, his "skills" as an MP would be invaluable to corrupt and abusive law enforcement, don't you think?  ... Especially, here in Texas.

Taxpayers Duped   January 13, 2005

Taxpayers were fleeced $115 million for hopelessly faulty Virtual Case File software used by the FBI to share data regarding potential terrorists with other agencies.  ... Many of these potential terrorists are innocent Americans harassed by government goons.  As a civil libertarian, can't help but shed a tear for these gutless, figuratively jackbooted thugs, no?

Rigid Sentencing Guidelines Overturned   January 12, 2005

Rigid federal sentencing guidelines were ruled unconstitutional, 5-4, by the U.S. Supreme Court on January 12.  Especially interesting, since the Court normally swings hard to the Extreme Right, "strict constructionist", point of view.  Not this time, however.  A rare failure to "legislate" from the bench its normally perverse "conservative" philosophy is indeed remarkable.

Weapons Inspectors Quietly Withdrawn   January 12, 2005

The Bush "Administration" was forced to admit on January 12 weapons inspectors were quietly withdrawn from Iraq late last year.  ... Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?  Apparently, the "Administration" wished to avoid needless attention.   No weapons of mass destruction were found.  ... Despite the fact Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld claimed before the war he "knew" exactly where they were.  Bluntly, Mr. Rumsfeld lied.  So did Mr. Bush and his henchmen, -- repeatedly.

Weapons of mass destruction were used as a ruse to unjustly invade a sovereign nation, and depose the admittedly brutal dictator that ran it.  The "President" was quite aware the removal of Saddam alone would never have flown with the American public as justification for war.  Despite knowing for months Mr. Bush had indeed lied, they nonetheless returned him to office on November 2, 2004, -- an office he had earlier stolen in 2000.

The gullibility and aggressive stupidity of the American public is indeed staggering.  The Right still maintains there are weapons of mass destruction, that either have not been found or were moved out of country.  Amazing, isn't it?  Mr. Bush, having gone to war under outrageously false pretenses, has the blood on his hands of all those killed and maimed on both sides.  Worse, this exceptionally ignorant and arrogant "leader" has created a bastion of terrorism in Iraq that did not exist before the war.

Although the United States will likely be forced to leave Iraq with its tail between its legs, as earlier in Vietnam, the enemy needlessly nurtured and created in Iraq will have to be fought elsewhere.  Sadly and dangerously, the terrorists have seen their ranks swell and power strengthened.  -- Due to the aggressive stupidity and Aryan arrogance of our fascist "President."  How many more will be killed or maimed on both sides before Mr. Bush and the Right finally wake up?

Exit polls after the November election indicated "moral values" a high priority of Republican voters.  How in hell is a man who lied to the American people, went to war under false pretenses, and is responsible for the death and maiming of thousands on both sides moral?  Sadly and perversely, in Nazi America, day is night, night is day, and manure smells sweet.

The "President's" spokesman, Scott McClellan, reacting ludicrously to failure of inspectors to find weapons of mass destruction, blandly asserted Mr. Bush would have still gone to war "to protect the American people."  -- Nothing quite like moving the goal posts, and shamelessly distorting reality, no?

Sadly, Mr. Bush and his equally out of touch henchmen still don't get it.  ... Hey George?  How in hell are the American people safer, sir?  ... In view of the fact the enemy has increased in number, power, -- and has ominously secured growing support among Iraqis?  Then again, don't confuse a fascist with the truth.

The fact this "President" has not been held accountable for the weapons of mass destruction fiasco is highly demonstrative of the immense value of exceptionally clever propaganda.  Mr. Bush and his equally deceptive cronies masterfully pulled the wool over the eyes of an extremely gullible public.

... So much so, the aggressively stupid among us still blindly accept the "President" at his word, -- despite the death, maimings, property destruction, and billions expended.  ... For absolutely nothing more than the strengthening of our enemies.  Hail to the "Chief."  Stupidity and ignorance rule.

Drug Firms Throw Bone   January 12, 2005

That's right.  Pharmaceutical houses threw the peasants a bone on January 11.  The uninsured earning under $30K will be graciously allowed to apply without charge for a discount card on prescription purchases, resulting in  approximately a 20%-40% reduction.  Generous, isn't it?  Most uninsured can't afford to pay 5% of the full price.  Worse, the gesture rings hollow and is the perfect Catch-22.  ... How in hell do you get a prescription if you're uninsured?  Most go without care because they can't afford a trip to a doctor.

Why such a meaningless policy?  The Bush "Administration" and the pharmaceutical industry desperately want to stop Americans from going to Canada and Mexico for cheaper drugs.
... The same drugs, sold here at much higher cost.  Interestingly, most looking overseas for radically less expensive pharmaceuticals are insured.  This new drug program will not effect them.  ... Again, as Rush might whine, symbolism over substance.

Homeland Security Nominee Michael Chertoff    January 11, 2005

"President" Bush has nominated U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Michael Chertoff to be Homeland Security Secretary.  Interesting, isn't it?  Chertoff, a former prosecutor and U.S. Assistant Attorney General, has an appalling record on constitutional rights and liberties.  With one exception, Moussaoui, he strongly supports the indefinite detention of "detainees" without access to attorneys and the courts.  Disturbingly, this exceptionally partisan Republican fascist gutlessly helped former Attorney General John Ashcroft craft the USA "Patriot" Act, eviscerating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.  ... In Nazi America.

CBS Axes Four In Bush Military Service Fiasco   January 10, 2005

Four CBS employees received the boot for a 60 Minutes Wednesday story aired last fall regarding the "President's" military service in the Texas Air National Guard.  Supporting documents had not been checked for authenticity.  The anchor of the segment, Dan Rather, was not fired however, apparently due to the fact he is about to conveniently retire.  -- Earlier announced, shortly after the fiasco blew sky-high.

While the story never should have aired as it did, its substance may in fact be true.  Sadly, CBS, nor its competitors, have yet to determine the truth behind the "President's" military service.  There are gaps in the records indicating Bush may not have lived up to his obligations, yet received an honorable discharge, regardless.

Strong assertions, made on the CBS Evening News by an elderly retired secretary to one of Bush's commanders after the story broke on 60 Minutes, allege the substance of the documents is true.  After years of this ongoing unresolved Bush military service fiasco, when will the news media finally properly investigate the matter and accurately determine whether or not Mr. Bush did in fact fulfill his military obligations?  ... Is the art of proper investigative reporting dead?

Sadly, the "Independent" Review Panel created by CBS missed an opportunity to get to the bottom of the issue. Why?   Apparently, CBS capitulated to enormous pressure coming from the Fascist Right.  ... Extremists who amusingly do not easily tolerate questioning of their sad excuse for a "Commander In Chief."

This extraordinarily bungled attempt at "investigative" reporting by CBS is indicative of a glaring lack of willingness of news organizations to carefully and completely look into issues crucial to the republic.  ... Such as whether a sitting "President" is corrupt, abusive, engaging in unconstitutional usurpation of power, lying to the public, eviscerating rights, etc..

In fairness, CBS is not the only offender.  ABC and NBC have their problems.  Sadly and comically, however, FOX is in the pocket of the Bush "Administration" and the Republican Party.  Extremely amusing, since the Right bristles at the allegation.

Amusingly, fascists on the Right accuse the media of being strongly biased to the Left.  The truth lies somewhere between.  Without question, the media is certainly right of center compared to thirty years ago, -- nowhere near extreme enough, however, for the Right, however.  ... Even, FOX.

Why is the issue of the "President's" military service so important?  It goes to character, -- a quality sadly lacking in a Right Wing extremist.  ... An abashed fascist desperately trying to force his perverse views on the rest of us.

"Administration" Bribes Talk Show Host   January 10, 2005

The Bush "Administration", under guise of the Education Department, bribed "conservative" radio talk show host Armstrong Williams $240,000 to promote and promulgate the No Child Left Behind Program.  Not only was Williams to influence his listeners, but also other radio talk show hosts as well.  While apparently not illegal, certainly unethical.  To date, Williams has not been fired.  Apparently, the motivation of the "Administration" was to ease stinging criticism by Democrats of inadequate program funding.

Adoption Restrictions Upheld   January 10, 2005

On January 10, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a case challenging a Florida law restricting adoption of children by gays.  ... Further indication the "strict constructionist" fascists sitting on the Court are indeed legislating their perverse views from the bench, and may be hopelessly homophobic.

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609