Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  Until return to online publication, the format will remain as follows.    T.C. January 10, 2005

Newsletter Text V196        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
January 10, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (1-10-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Andrea Yates Revisited   January 6, 2005
Gonzales Interrogation   January 6, 2005
Malpractice "Reform"   January 5, 2005
Scott Peterson Fiasco   January 5, 2005
"Administration" Asked To Hold Prisoners For Life   January 4, 2005
Special Treatment Denied Rep. Tom De Lay   January 4, 2005
"President" Plays Catchup On Tsunami   January 3, 2005
Torture Policy "Revised"   January 3, 2005
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Andrea Yates Revisited   January 6, 2005

The Texas First Court of Appeals on January 6 threw out the capital murder conviction of Andrea Yates.  Readers will recall Ms. Yates had been convicted of murdering three of her five drowned children, and had been sentenced to life in prison.  The appeals court ruled an error, false testimony of a prosecution psychiatric witness, entitled Yates to dismissal.

The psychiatrist and prosecutors had outrageously and falsely inferred Yates had been influenced by, and copied, the criminal behavior of a similar case on the television series Law And Order.  Problem?  The episode didn't exist and was never shown.  Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?  Prosecutors and witnesses never lie, do they?  With the jury hopelessly tainted, the trial judge erred in allowing the case to proceed.

Unsurprisingly and rightfully, Yates will, most likely, be re-prosecuted if the ruling stands.  This legal fiasco is directly due to two problems.  First, prosecutors and law enforcement rushed to prosecution, pressured by an outraged and frightened, cowardly public.  Second, Texas needs to revise statutes regarding the insanity defense.

No one should ever be found not guilty by reason of insanity.  Guilt is guilt.  Insanity should only come into play after conviction.  Then, if insane, there should be the option of sentencing to a mental institution for life, with no chance of release.  Ms. Yates permanently belongs in a mental institution, not a prison psychiatric unit.  Then again, in our increasingly fascist country, don't be surprised if she's executed after a second trial.  After all, the public is deliberately ignorant of mental illness and believes it has no bearing on outrageously sick behavior.  Enlightened, isn't it? 

Gonzales Interrogation   January 6, 2005

Alberto Gonzales, U.S. Attorney General-Designate, was interrogated by Senators at his confirmation hearing today.  As expected, questioning by Republicans was light, deliberately soft ball, and sickeningly patronizing.  Democrats, however, were far more pointed, accusing the nominee of failure to answer questions, -- cleverly dodging, weaving, and disingenuously not telling the "whole truth."

Sadly, Mr. Gonzales, however, raised his hand, swore to tell the truth, and then deliberately lied to questioners regarding his views of torture and the Geneva Conventions.  As reported earlier in this edition, Mr. Gonzales' radical views of both were used as an excuse in Iraq and elsewhere to employ torture and conveniently deny captured combatants prisoner of war status.

Falsely, he claimed the "President", his "Administration", and he, himself if confirmed, would never embrace torture.  Too late.  Already, happened.  Remarkably, he also believes efforts to extract information from prisoners should not be constrained.  A contradiction.  ... Can't have it both ways, Alberto.  Also, cleverly refused to categorically rule out the employment of torture when questioned by Senators.  This fine, fine, young, enlightened attorney believes the Geneva Conventions are "quaint" and "obsolete" as expressed earlier in a memo.

Sadly, Mr. Gonzales doesn't understand torture is ineffective, counter productive, producing false information and what the torturer wants to hear rather than the truth.  His uninformed views on torture and disdain for the Geneva Conventions are particularly dangerous to U.S. service personnel since the enemy will employ such savagery in the future against Americans, not only in the current conflict but future ones as well.

Despite lying under oath during the hearing, and his extreme right wing views on torture, the Geneva Conventions, and other issues, his confirmation does not seem to be in danger.  Once again, proving there is little difference between both political parties.

Malpractice "Reform"   January 5, 2005

Fresh from Christmas vacation in Crawford, "President" Bush made time to take a political junket to Madison County, Illinois on January 5.  -- To address cronies in the healthcare industry desperate for malpractice "reform."

Mr. Bush, his physician chums, other healthcare providers, pharmaceutical corporations, and their shills in the insurance industry want pain and suffering awards limited to $250,000 as they are now in Texas.  Imagine that.  Should a butcher mistakenly remove the wrong arm, leg, foot, kidney, eye, etc., think your pain and suffering worth no more than $250K?

At the same time, the "President" and his Republican cohorts conveniently turn a blind eye to corruption and abuse, not only in the healthcare industry, but in the insurance arena as well.  Mr. Bush couldn't care less about patients, -- despite disingenuous, dishonest assertions to the contrary.

His glaring indifference to outrageous price gouging by healthcare providers, pharmaceutical houses, and the hopelessly greedy insurance industry speaks volumes.  Why won't this shameless shill for unlimited avarice call for independent investigation of healthcare providers perversely profiteering off the misery of the sick and dying?

Can't have that now, can we?  What about those that are double and triple billing Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance programs?  What about insurance companies who are falsely manipulating statistics to "justify" spiraling premiums, not only of healthcare policies, but also of malpractice insurance?

Mr. Bush has no interest in any of this, -- only in aiding and abetting the lining of his pockets and those of his political cronies.  ... Not just a Republican problem, but a Democrat one as well.  Kicker?  Bush not only wants to limit liability exposure for the parties listed, but also for asbestos manufacturers and even the makers of Vioxx and other painkillers under present scrutiny.  Generous, isn't he, at your expense?  ... Couldn't be, could it?  Nah.  A deeply "religious" man would never f**k the citizenry, would he?  Nah, no way.

Scott Peterson Fiasco   January 5, 2005

See Amber Frey on the boob tube over the last few days?  Still comfortable with the jury verdict in the Laci Peterson murder trial?  Think they did the right thing, -- despite Scott Peterson's obvious guilt?  The Founders of this once great nation must be spinning in their graves.  We seem to have forgotten an inference of guilt, albeit brilliant and strongly compelling, is not proof.  -- As demonstrated by the "Religious" Right and their objections to Darwin and the Theory of Evolution.  ... Not exactly a perfect comparison, however, since scientific evidence in support of evolution far outweighs that provided by prosecutors in the Peterson case.

Prosecutors, without question, were absolutely sensational in proving the defendant was a liar, cheat, cad, etc..  They did not, however, prove he committed murder.  There was no shred of physical evidence linking him to the crime.  The cause of death of Laci and her fetus were not determined.  A hair found in the boat is inconclusive.  ... To this very day, this writer occasionally finds a strand of his ex-wife's hair in personal belongings.  Despite having not lived with her for nearly 17 years, and constantly cleaning the residence.

Prosecutors, however, secured a conviction, based nearly entirely on 12 hours of taped telephone conversations between Amber and Scott.  Not once, did the defendant admit guilt.  Yet, he egregiously lied over and over and over again to Ms. Frey.  Still, no proof, not a shred, he killed his wife and her unborn fetus.

Sadly, the jury extrapolated his cheating, lying, cad behavior to murder.  Chillingly, amazing.  In Nazi America, -- where "justice" hinges, all too often, on no more than planted or "circumstantional" "evidence."  ... Manufactured by corrupt police.  ... Or invented by criminal informants, felons who are bribed by prosecutors and law enforcement with lower charges and sentences to give false testimony.

Interestingly and despite the lack of proof, this writer, however, believes Peterson is guilty.  Belief is not proof, though.  Far from it.  Prosecutors rushed this case to trial for political reasons.  Sadly, a sensational crime overpowered what should have been the better judgment of police and the prosecution.  Politically, however, they could not withstand public pressure and the desperate need of a conviction.

There is no statute of limitations on murder.  Authorities could have kept relentless pressure on a publicly exposed prime suspect until a solid case was built, and the defendant then properly brought to trial.  Has happened repeatedly in the past in other cases when government had insufficient evidence to quickly proceed.  Why the rush?  Why the kangaroo justice?

This man posed no immediate public threat such as the snipers in the Washington area.  Could have been carefully watched and immediately informed of ongoing scrutiny to prevent successful flight.  -- Instead of coyly playing cat and mouse, resulting in Scott's pathetically amateur attempt to abscond after initially talking to authorities.

Rather, authorities caved in to pressure from a cowardly, frightened, aggressively stupid public.  A public, who fails to understand this rush to prosecution has made it much easier for any of us to be falsely prosecuted for crimes we did not commit.  Again, as one of the Founders of this formerly great nation wisely asserted, anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.  -- Those that boisterously cheered outside the courthouse after conviction are the very same individuals who would squeal the loudest if unjustly arrested for a crime they did not commit.

Inference was conveniently manipulated and distorted to a new low with speculation that Scott was on his way to kill Amber when arrested.  How do they know?  Objects found in his vehicle may or may not have been indicative of murderous intentions.  Fishermen, hunters, campers, etc. may have rope, a shovel, knives, etc. in their vehicles.  So may others.  Directions to her office indicative of murderous intentions?  Maybe, maybe not.  Only Scott knows for sure.  Yet, many in the public "know" Scott was on his way to murder Amber.  They're sure of it.

There were problems with dismissed jurors and other legal issues during trial.  What happens if a "liberal" judge on appeal "legislates" from the bench and releases a guilty defendant?  Conversely, what happens if a fascist judge, "strict-constructionist", "legislates" from the bench and allows an innocent man to be executed for a crime he did not commit?  Interesting and deadly conundrum, no?  Could have been avoided had authorities been more cautious and delayed prosecution until truly ready.

"Administration" Asked To Hold Prisoners For Life   January 4, 2005

That's right.  The Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department have asked the Bush "Administration" to consider formal adoption of a policy allowing indefinite incarceration of terrorists for life without benefit of access to attorneys and courts.  When asked for confirmation on Meet The Press on January 2, Secretary of State Colin Powell disingenuously claimed to have no knowledge, -- despite the fact the State Department has been involved in negotiations.  Sadly, Mr. Powell is either grossly uninformed, or an egregious liar.  Worse, the aggressively stupid American public couldn't care less.  ... Until applied to them.  ... When it's too damned late.

Despite a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling affirming the rights of Guantanamo prisoners to attorneys and U.S. courts, government thugs are dragging their feet.  ... Including forcing attorneys to indefinitely leave notes of their meetings with prisoners in the hands of prison officials for scrutiny.  Thus, giving prosecutors and their goons a chance to tamper with and/or intimidate defense witnesses, as well as a heads up on defense strategy.  Also, attorneys of prisoners are forbidden to disclose any information from clients indicating they were tortured by their keepers.  ... In Nazi America.  Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?

Sadly, FBI agents were sent to Grantanamo to determine if prisoners were, in fact, being properly treated.  They're not, according to reports of these agents.  Yet, the Bush "Administration" continues to stonewall and cover up the fiasco.

Special Treatment Denied Rep. Tom De Lay   January 4, 2005

In reversal of earlier action, the GOP contingent in Congress voted to deny Texas Rep. Tom De Lay special treatment in event he is indicted by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle.  If indicted, he will not be allowed to retain his position as majority leader.  Earlier, Republicans had opined he needed "special protection", since Earle and the Democrats were out to "get him."  ... Interesting, isn't it?  Reversed themselves, however, when it became a hot political issue, -- and caustically reminded it was similar corruption that led to the GOP "revolution" of 1994, resulting in Republican majority status.  ... How soon they forget...   ... Still believe both parties have not become one and the same?  ... At least in terms of corruption...

"President" Plays Catchup On Tsunami   January 3, 2005

Stung by criticism he was slow to respond to the Asian disaster, the "President" has appointed Daddy and President Clinton to spearhead fundraising for the tsunami disaster.  ... "Symbolism over substance", as Rush might whine, no?  Especially, since the public and corporate America had already risen to the occasion and plan to do much, much more.

Mr. Bush apparently still doesn't "get it", however.  While vacationing in Texas, he took three days to publicly address the Asian catastrophe.  Finally forced to do so, after the U.S. was accused of being stingy by foreigners.  ... Imagine that?  Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?

Adding insult to injury, under $20 million was initially pledged.  Especially amusing, since the GOP plans to spend twice that on the inaugural gala alone.  When will the "President" of, and for, the rich and big business finally "get it?"  ... Then again, dear ole' Daddy, Bush The First, didn't know groceries are scanned in supermarkets, -- while running for office years ago.
... Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Torture Policy "Revised"   January 3, 2005

Cunningly preparing the way for Senate hearings on the appointment of Alberto Gonzales as U.S. Attorney General, the Bush "Administration" "revised" its policy on torture by expanding the definition of this highly ineffective and counter productive tactic, recently used in Iraq and elsewhere to obtain information from prisoners.  Mr. Gonzales, the "President's" attorney, is responsible for earlier asking the "Justice" Department for an opinion favorable and supportive of its use in Iraq.

Sadly, Mr. Bush, Gonzales, and others in the "Administration" are outrageously ignorant of its pitiful inefficacy and track record in obtaining accurate information.  Worse, they ignore the fact the enemy will use such policy as an excuse to torture captured American service personnel in the future.  Yet, Bush wisely and expediently changed the policy to ease intensity of questioning by Senators of Mr. Gonzales during confirmation hearings.  ... Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?

The question remains, however, do we want a fascist, believing in torture and indifferent to the Geneva Conventions, at the helm of the "Justice" Department?  ... Another Nazi similar to his predecessor, John Ashcroft?  Sadly, the United States continues to send captured terrorists to countries still employing torture.  Then, we wonder why we're so hated abroad.  ... As American as Mom and apple pie, no?

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609