Liberty In Peril

... Formerly

The Llano Ledger

This publication has been in suspension since March 2003 for reasons fully explained on the Home Page.  Much has happened in the United States, as well as the rest of the world, since the last edition.  ... Sadly, most of it disturbing.  The following edition was written from March 2003 to December 2004, most of it during 2004 -- and is a compilation of recent events.    T.C. January 1, 2005

Newsletter Text V195        ©2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
January 1, 2005

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Liberty In Peril is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.    T.C. (1-1-05).

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.
Absolute Belief In Absolute Authority
President Ronald Reagan
Unlimited American Sovereignty
Iraqi "Sovereignty"
Saddam "Trial"
A Blow For Habeas Corpus
9/11 Commission Fiasco
ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions
Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Absolute Belief In Absolute Authority

Sadly, indeed, much has happened since the last edition.  ... Most of it negative and a direct threat to liberty.  While court decisions over the last year do not bode well for freedom and rights in the United States, the most disturbing assault against liberty, interestingly, comes not from government, however, -- but the citizenry.  After all, we, the people, are the government of this formerly great Republic.

When rights are lost, liberty abrogated, we have ourselves to blame.  Abject fear, sadly successfully instilled by al Qaeda, permeates the United States.  Anyone foolish enough to deny the effectiveness of terror is grossly ignorant of disturbing changes in our once great country since 9/11.  ... Changes, imposed by our outrageously fascist "President" and his cowardly henchmen and women in Congress.  -- With the blessing of the aggressively stupid and gutless people. ... Who says terror doesn't work?

While the USA "Patriot" Act and equally unconstitutional Executive Orders have eviscerated the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments, the greatest threat to civil, constitutional, and human rights is indeed the aggressive stupidity of the gutless public.  The majority of which has chosen to ignore outrageous abuses, such as incarceration of "enemy combatants", including American citizens, with no access to courts, attorneys, and constitutionally guaranteed due process.

... Sadly, outrageous abrogation of rights during war dates back at least to President Lincoln and his virtual suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights during the Civil War.  -- All, supposedly in the best interests of the "Union."  Rights, also recently abrogated during the Second World War and sadly rubberstamped by the United States Supreme Court.

Worse, the people have foolishly bought our Supreme Court-appointed "President's" Iraq scam.  ... And a scam it is.  Dear ole' George repeatedly and falsely claimed the United States faced a dire and immediate "threat" from Iraq.  Centered directly on biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons.  Where are the weapons of mass destruction?  Flat and simple?  Mr. Bush misled the American people regarding the urgency of going to war.

Had there been legitimate intelligence of the existence of weapons of mass destruction prior to the war, the "President" had more than sufficient opportunity and time to point out their location to UN arms inspectors before onset of hostilities.  Amusingly, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld arrogantly claimed he "knew" where 30% of them were located.  30%.  Mr. Bush was directly challenged to disclose their location, not only by UN inspectors, but also by the Iraqi regime.  The "President" and his henchmen glaringly failed to provide that information. Why?  Mr. Bush also ignored a last minute series of peace overtures made by high Iraqi officials.  Why?

If weapons of mass destruction were ubiquitous and ready to use within minutes of an order, where are they?  Should have been easily and quickly found.  While Ole' George "The Tush" and his henchmen had the U.S. military quickly overrun Iraq, the "Administration" had no plan for what came after.  Absolutely, none.  Precisely, why the casualty count after major operations supposedly ended are as high as they are.  It's not only those killed in action, but many returning without arms, hands, legs, feet, etc..  ... At publication, over 1000 killed in action, thousands maimed.

Interestingly, these attacks exponentially increased after Saddam's capture.  To the great chagrin of Bush and his henchmen.  Sadly, the enemy brilliantly waged an extremely effective guerrilla insurgency.  The best trained and equipped military in the world became a hated occupier and easy target for insurgents.  Some 82% of Iraqis don't want us there.  Peace will require far more than continued determined efforts of U.S. troops.  The Iraqis, themselves, will have to cooperate and defeat former regime holdouts, and foreign al Qaeda fighters determined to kill Americans, other "Coalition" forces, and Iraqis.

While Mr. Bush was supposedly strongly opposed to "nation building" and critical of his predecessor's Bosnia policies during his first campaign for the Presidency, he's hypocritically attempting the same in Iraq.  Sadly, the "President" is desperately trying to shove democracy down the throats of people who clearly don't know yet what they want.  ... Other than a government with Islam as state religion.  Sickeningly, they're killing American soldiers and perversely desecrating the corpses of civilian contractors in the streets.

Hopefully, though, democracy will eventually flourish and a new democratic republic formed in a country that has only known many years of abject misery.  Hard too believe, however, that will happen with a government based on a state religion.  In all likelihood, Iraq will become an Islamic theocracy similar to Iran.  Interestingly, Saddam was considered an ally of the United States in the early 1980's when he used chemical weapons against Iranian forces during the Iraq-Iran war.  'Ain't' hypocrisy grand?

When the Nazi occupying the Oval Office found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, he conveniently moved the goal posts.  Now, propaganda coming from the White House amusingly asserts we launched an unprovoked attack again Iraq to remove an admittedly barbaric dictator from power.  -- Provide badly needed democracy to an area of the world desperately needing it.  What will likely occur, however, is a bloody civil war resulting in an Islamic theocracy as bad or worse than Saddam.  -- Not the noble end supposedly favored by Bush and his henchmen.

Sadly, we've turned into occupiers, not liberators.  Exactly, why we're fiercely hated there and elsewhere.  ... And justifiably feared.  We know best, don't we?  After all, we're Americans.  Sadly, this is the first time in American history, the United States has "preemptively" launched an unprovoked attack on so massive a scale against another sovereign nation.  Precisely, why we're so despised in the world and subject to intense criticism in Europe from people who were our allies and supporters for so many years.

Yet, we care nothing for their views.  Have absolutely no regard for their palpable fear of what is becoming a renegade nation willing to go to war, essentially alone and against the will of most of the world.  Again, we arrogantly know best.  They know nothing.  Aryan arrogance at its worst, courtesy of a fascist appointed "President."  Regardless of whether or not a democratic republic eventually takes root in Iraq, Mr. Bush intends to install a regime sympathetic to his interests.  ... Whether or not the Iraqi people ultimately embrace those interests.  A puppet government.

Our appointed "President" is a fanatic who insanely claimed God told him to invade Iraq.  Would indeed be laughable had this sick puppy not been directly responsible for the deaths of thousands and maiming of many more.  Sadly, on both sides.  A hypocrite, who conveniently wears "religion" on his sleeve and uses it to justify his perverse political ideology..  A fanatic who ignores reality and is incapable of admitting mistakes.  ... Only vows to continue his failed "mission", -- supposedly given him by God.  A man who, when repeatedly questioned during a press conference, could think of no mistakes he's made during his "Administration."  Imagine that.  Sad, isn't it?  Then again, we do get what we deserve, don't we?

The American invasion of Iraq is no more than a blatant act of imperialism.  No matter its subsequent "justification" by the Bush "Administration" and its shills, it will without question come back to severely haunt our formerly great country.  No matter how truly evil the former Iraqi dictator Saddam is and was, he is the problem of the Iraqi people.  The "President" of the United States, however, pretentiously made him his problem.  ... At the expense of the best and brightest of our young people fighting and dying there.

Regardless, ultimate victory of the invasion does not make it right.  Success does not justify an unprovoked attack on another sovereign nation.  ... An attack made under false pretenses by the "President."  Worse, Mr. Bush directly and deliberately created a problem that did not exist.  Iraq needlessly and foolishly become a focal point for the war on terror.  A most convenient place for al Qaeda to kill Americans.  Strategically and tactically, a brilliant ploy by the enemy.  Sadly, a costly mistake for ole' George and our country.  Yet, our gutless "President" and his henchmen are too aggressively stupid to understand and appreciate the tragic folly.

Unlike Afghanistan and elsewhere where our military brilliantly used guerilla tactics itself against terrorists successfully, American troops in Iraq have become an occupying force subject to easy target practice by terrorists.  Why?  Equally pointedly, how can a nation be rebuilt when combat has not ended?  Why continue pouring money into projects continuously sabotaged by the enemy?

Why do this before the country is truly pacified and hostilities end?  -- Precisely, why the rebuilding of Japan and Germany worked so magnificently after the end of the Second World War.  Hostilities had ended, paving the way for rebuilding and normalization of relations.  Not so, in Iraq.  Even, with Saddam gone.  Ironically, the dictator's capture seems to have fueled the insurgency.

The "President" is squandering money and precious lives of our best and brightest in Iraq for his own selfish political and personal reasons.  -- To ensure reinstatement to office later this year, and secure financial remuneration to his cronies in the defense and energy industries.  More importantly, what no terrorist could accomplish on the battlefield either here or abroad, the fascist occupying the White House and his henchmen in Congress outrageously, foolishly, and deliberately ceded to the enemy via the USA "Patriot" Act and equally unconstitutional Executive Orders.  -- Evisceration of the Bill of Rights and constitutional protections.  ... All falsely in the name of "national security."  All, a direct attack on liberty and hard-fought rights.  Rights, previously secured by the blood of millions of our servicemen and women.

Yet, the American people remain deafeningly and gutlessly silent.  -- The Nazi occupying the Oval Office still enjoys support of nearly half the population.  Interesting, isn't it?  ... Despite the fact the public is keenly aware of atrocities committed by our troops against Iraqi prisoners.  -- And the fact it appears to have been orchestrated by military intelligence, and most likely, originated at the highest level of government.

If ultimately successful in Iraq, where will Die Fuhrer strike next?  Syria?  Iran?  North Korea?  ... France and Germany after that?  After all, both had the audacity to aggressively resist Mr. Bush's planned invasion of Iraq.  -- And there's the rub the aggressively stupid people of our country simply do no understand: the world rightly views the U.S. as an imperialistic bully for its attack on Iraq.  Precisely, why this "victory" is so shortsighted and will be immensely costly in the long run.

Worse, Mr. Bush, as well as nearly the entire American population, does not understand the war on terror cannot be won solely on the battlefield.  Two other policy changes are desperately needed.  First, the United States must adopt an even-handed approach in the Middle East.  Sadly, for the last 56 years, American policy has leaned heavily on the Israeli side, -- at the expense of the Arabs.  Second, we must become energy independent and stop importing Saudi and other Arab oil.  Both policy changes would immediately substantially deflate al Qaeda's sails, and just as importantly, end much Arab resentment against the Saudi Royal Family and unbridled American corporate greed.

Enjoy high energy prices?  Hope so.  After all, where was your outrage when Ole' "Slick Dick" Cheney, with the "President's" blessing, refused to publicly release the names of his cronies in Big Oil who "generously" provided their "views" to the "Vice President's" energy commission?  More importantly, Ole' George "The Tush" did get precisely what he wanted after onset of hostilities in Iraq, -- obscene oil industry profits.  Outrageous profiteering and shameless gouging of the aggressively stupid American public.  ... At the expense of all the dead and maimed in Iraq.  Pitiful.  Obscenely traitorous.  Then again, as American as mom and apple pie.

Sadly, our "President", immensely fond of hypocritically wearing "religion" on his sleeve, is directly and ultimately responsible for all current carnage in Iraq.  Mr. Bush falsely and amorally started and executed this unjust war.  Sadly, with gutless rubber-stamp approval of Congress.  The world should henceforth be on notice the U.S. can and will launch hostilities against anyone it chooses, -- with or without justification, with or without world support.  Truly, frightening times. Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer. America Uber Alles.

President Ronald Reagan

Gratified to see Second World War veterans have finally received an extremely belated, long overdue, well-deserved Memorial in Washington.  … Should have happened 50 years ago, when most of the 16 million who served were still alive.

Hard to believe this is the 60th anniversary of Normandy.  … When so many heroically did the seemingly impossible at horrendous personal cost.  Sadly, our country is no longer what it used to be.

Ironically, the sick and aggressively stupid population perversely prefers to glorify Extreme Right Wing fascists such as "President" Bush and his recently deceased predecessor, Ronald Reagan.  Sickeningly, holds them up as idols and role models to be glorified and emulated.

Working definition of fascism? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.  -- Exactly, what happened in early Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

Can't believe the outrageous distortion of reality and history in the media since the late President's death.  … Amusingly and conveniently, ignoring tripling of the national debt during Reagan's reign.  -- Illegal trading of arms for hostages which should have resulted in impeachment and removal from office.  -- Shameless looting of the poor for the benefit of the rich and big business.  -- Further loss of liberty and constitutional rights to ever growing and intrusive government.  Sadly, the list can go on and on.

True conservatives don't triple national debt and increase government.  Fascists do.  -- While lining their pockets and those of their cronies in Corporate America.  Using "religion" to justify looting and repression of those on the bottom.  Perversely, wrapping themselves in the Flag, false patriotism, and the Cross.

Shamelessly laughing their financially portly asses off all the way to the bank, -- after properly giving thanks to the Creator each Sunday on bended knee for their good fortune.

Figuratively, spitting on the sacrifice of millions who bled and died for those rights.  Shamelessly, proving personal responsibility is reserved for the unwashed masses, -- not those in power.

Falsely, taking credit for something Reagan did not accomplish, -- the defeat of communism.  … Communism had been failing for decades.  -- Soviet consecutive Five-Year Programs, failing one after the other.  Grossly unable to feed themselves or take care of basic services.

Foolishly applauding Reagan's evisceration of the air traffic controllers union.  ...  While disingenuously ignoring the fact, had it not been for unionism in this country, unsafe and abusive working conditions would be far more rampant than they are now.  Worse, the minimum wage would be non-existent or $1/hr., -- while a loaf of bread could cost $10.  ... Unions raised average wages of all workers, not just union members.  To the chagrin of unenlightened management.

Sadly, ignorant fascists won't acknowledge many laid-off middle-class workers are permanently working in minimum wage jobs with no benefits.  ... While the "haves" are gleefully laughing their financially portly asses off all the way to the bank.

These very same "enlightened" fascists applaud Reagan's exceptionally narrow-minded stand against affirmative action.  ... Foolishly ignorant of affirmative action's true purpose, -- the leveling of the playing field in a formerly great nation still remarkably racist and bigoted.  ... Only, now, in the closet where mindlessly gutless prejudice is far harder to combat and defeat.

Perhaps most tragic of all, the Fascist Right ignores the fact there is no "free" market.  The market has always been controlled by those with the means, resources, power, and money to manipulate it.  Extreme recent case in point?  Enron.

Unions were, and are, no more than an attempt to forge power and control over working conditions and compensation.  While there have been abuses, the gains made have always been far greater.  ... This, from a writer who has never been a member of a union.

While he did avoid impeachment, conviction, and removal from office, Reagan could not escape Alzheimer's.  Feel terribly sorry for his wife and family, who were forced to watch such a tragic wasting away during what should have been his golden years.  Still does not negate, however, the enormity of the damage done by this fascist to liberty and rights during his term of office.

Sadly, American Aryan arrogance is exceptionally pervasive across the United States, -- especially here in Texas.  … The home of the buffoon who stole the Oval Office in 2000, -- with aid and support of an equally fascist U.S. Supreme Court which wouldn't allow the recount to continue in Florida.

Arrogance, which is precisely why the United States is feared and despised throughout the world, and even in Europe, -- liberated sixty years earlier by American blood and sacrifice.  Now, they fear us.  … Remarkable turn of events, no?  Hopefully, we'll finally wake up before it is too late.  Otherwise, we're destined to become a Third World nation.  Alone and isolated.

We no longer manufacture most of our necessities here.  White collar and engineering jobs are quickly moving overseas.  Service level jobs, with reduced or no benefits, remain.  Certainly, extremely fortunate not to be starting out today, -- as our young people.

Remarkable intolerance of the Fascist Right has recently been demonstrated in its amusing fit of pique regarding CBS pre-empting of all regular programming for an hour of former President Clinton's interview with Harry Smith and listeners, nearly two weeks after Reagan's funeral.  Tough, isn't it?  Ironic, as well.

Especially comical, since these fascists are staunchly unwilling to give Clinton an hour of radio time, -- after the nation was subjected to seven days of distortion of the late fascist's Presidency and life by a supposedly Leftist media, which glaringly and unprofessionally ignored Reagan's failures and attacks on personal liberties and rights.  ... While rightfully reporting the Fascist Right's eight-year attack on Clinton.  To their great credit.

Both major political parties are worthless, hopelessly corrupt and abusive.  ... In fascist America.  -- Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells sweet.


Earlier last year, the Religious Right was successful in ramming an unconstitutional partial-birth abortion bill through Congress, quickly signed into law by the fanatical fascist occupying the White House.  The law has already been challenged in the courts and enforcement stayed.  Rightfully, so.  This outrageous assault on personal liberty and the right of a woman to do with her uterus as she damn well pleases makes no provision for exceptions in the case of the mother's health.  ... Mighty considerate of the Nazi element in this country, no?

Sadly, since the last edition, the Right, led by "Christian" extremists, has continued its determined attack on control of a woman's uterus.  -- Embraced by Republicans, who supposedly champion individual rights and personal liberty.  This entire fiasco is no more than the deliberate imposition of their jadedly narrow, perverse, and immoral "religious" beliefs on the rest of us.

Even the distorted moniker, "partial-birth", given to this naked, blatant attack on liberty and personal rights was craftily designed by the Right to promote its twisted agenda.  How best to accomplish this end?  Disingenuously lobby lawmakers over the decades to legally force physicians to heroically save the life of a fetus considered viable outside the womb of its mother.  Precisely, why abortion doctors consequently, disturbingly, disgustingly insert scissors into the skull of the fetus, before its removal from the womb during late-term abortions.  To perversely ensure it is not viable outside the uterus.  To comply with law forced by abortion opponents.  ... Can only wonder if this result was deliberately intended by these "religious" fascists, -- or merely an unfortunate, unexpected consequence of their tireless fervor to force their twisted immoral views on the rest of us.

Had perverse legal pressure, however, not been placed on doctors, aborted fetal tissue would have simply expired, -- as any other tissue surgically removed from the human body.  The Fascist Right, however, fervently insists on non-existent constitutional rights for a fetus.  Rights, to date, never granted.  The courts, since Roe, have correctly and repeatedly determined  the right of the woman to do with her uterus as she damn well pleases supersedes any non-existent rights of the fetus.  Properly, so.  Pointedly, who is the state or churches to dictate otherwise?  Who are they to force a woman to bring a fetus to term?

The Right, however, is desperately dedicated to establishing constitutional rights for the fetus, -- and preserving its existence no matter what.  ... While hypocritically ignoring capital punishment, collateral damage deaths of innocent civilians during war, and the needless murders of innocent people during no-knock drug raids.  -- To say nothing of the enormous number of needless killings of citizens by officers during other arrests.

The Right, however, perversely asserts abortion is somehow different since the fetus is "innocent" life.  So what?  Innocent people have been executed.  Innocent people have been killed by police and the military.  Where is their outrage?  Why the deafening silence?  Sadly, fascists mindlessly support the exercise of strong authority.  Usually, no matter what.  Usually, no matter how abusive.  -- As long as it fits in with their perverse black and white views of "right and wrong."  Apparently, provides some equally perverse sense of "security" and order in their pathetically narrow lives.  Some would even currently employ ancient biblical principles, -- stoning gays, adulterers, and prostitutes to death.  Enlightened, no?

Amusingly, a few have even gallingly claimed since some of their brethren have regretted having had an abortion earlier in life and are supposedly suffering long-term consequences, abortions for all women should be outlawed.  Pitiful.  When the hell will they finally learn to mind their own damned business, live their lives as they see fit, -- without imposing their perverse and immoral "religious" views on the rest of us?

This is not to say all religion and spiritual beliefs in our country are perverse.  Most are not.  Fortunately, main-stream Christians are appalled and frightened by the radicalism of the Fascist Right.  Correctly, so.

Should Roe be eventually overturned by the Nazi element in this country, however, time to repeat history and overthrow repressive government.  After all, personal liberty and reproductive freedom would have been successfully destroyed by these mindless fascists.  ... Sadly, in the name of phony "religion."

Unlimited American Sovereignty

That's right.  American sovereignty now extends across the universe.  For quite some time, foreigners overseas, breaking U.S. law in their countries, were and are subject to prosecution in American courts.  Example?  Terrorists.  Sovereignty of other countries means little to nothing to the "religious" fanatic occupying the Oval Office.

Now, American sovereignty extends to Americans who break U.S. laws in foreign lands.  Example?  An American citizen who goes overseas with the intent of having sex with a minor will be prosecuted in the United States.  Immediately sounds good, doesn't it?

After all, who in their right mind can oppose prosecution of child molesters, no?  Aside from the matter of foreign governments having the ability to enforce their laws and exercise sovereign rights, there is a much larger issue at stake, however.  A much larger issue.

Where will the Nazi in the White House and his henchmen in Congress and the "Justice" Department draw the line?  That is, what about "mission creep?"  Suppose a cancer patient goes overseas to obtain medical treatment or pharmaceuticals outlawed in the United States.  Should he or she be prosecuted here?

Suppose the Fascist Right gets its way regarding its perverse moral views, and there is no second American revolution in response?  That is, what if laws go on the books making it a felony offense to engage in sex with a consenting adult other than one's spouse?  If someone unmarried goes overseas to have sex with a consenting adult foreigner, should they then be prosecuted here?

The list can go on and on.  Think about it friends.  This is no more than a cagey infringement on liberty and rights by an American government growing increasingly fascist and repressive.  ... If it truly cared about sexually abused children, it would permanently remove offenders from the streets and house them in mental institutions for the criminally insane for the rest of their lives, with no chance of release unless subsequently exonerated by a court of law.

-- Not routinely free them to re-offend after a few years of incarceration.  The "cure" rate for this outrageously criminal illness is slim to none.  Nearly all offenders have been sexually abused themselves as children.  Precisely, why they should be permanently warehoused, unless DNA subsequently proves their innocence, or victims truthfully recant under enforced penalties of perjury.  In a court of law.

Instead, government releases them back into society and lamely brands them sex offenders, ensuring they will remain unemployable and more likely to re-offend.  ... As Rush Limbaugh might disingenuously say, "symbolism over substance."  Sickening, isn't it?  Not to the Right Wing.  -- Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells sweet.  Nazi America.

Iraqi "Sovereignty"

American former viceroy of Iraq, Paul Bremer, immediately before leaving his post, signed over 100 directives to be implemented by the new Iraqi "government."  ... So much for "sovereignty", no?  New rulers, craftily installed by Mr. Bush and his henchmen, apparently amount to no more than a useful puppet of their American masters.  Sadly, security was, and is, so compromised, Bush felt compelled to turn "power" over two days earlier than planned to thwart any possible terrorist activity during festivities.

Think about it, friends.  Many of us were terribly disillusioned by Clinton.  ... So much so, the former President was impeached.  -- For lying under oath about engaging in oral sex with an intern.  ... A question that should never have been asked and was nobody's damned business, -- other than that of his wife and daughter.  Many of us feel just as strongly about the Nazi currently appointed to the Oval Office.

Obviously, for far different reasons.  ... Not the least of which, going to war under false pretenses, abrogating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments through the USA "Patriot" Act and other glaringly unconstitutional Executive Orders.

Regardless, the vast majority of Americans would fight like hell against any foreign occupation forces attempting to overthrow any American President.  For any reason.  Why should the Iraqis be any different?  Why do you think they're still killing collaborators, American military personnel, and contractors?  Duh.

Saddam "Trial"

Wasting no time after turning over "power" to the Iraqis, apparently the U.S. has pressured its newly installed "government" to quickly prosecute Saddam.  -- A hastily created "tribunal", since Iraq has no established judiciary other than kangaroo courts used by the outrageously abusive and brutal former dictator.

Why, the rush?  After all, new Iraqi rulers have yet to be granted physical custody of Mr. Hussein by their American masters, -- due to lack of security.  Amazing, isn't it?  Worse, they have no real control over the country, and won't for quite some time.  Maybe, never.  ... Sadly after all, the terrorists are winning.

Exactly, what are Mr. Bush's intentions?  ... A quick kangaroo trial and summary execution of the former dictator?  Again, in a country that has no established judiciary, and has known nothing but kangaroo justice for over thirty years.  Be interesting to see how well this sits with the Iraqis, no?  After all, they're not stupid and know they're still occupied by foreign troops.

A Blow For Habeas Corpus

To the great chagrin of the fascist occupying the Oval Office and his henchmen, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Bush "Administration" shortly before its summer break, -- regarding "Administration" denial of Habeas corpus to hundreds held without access to courts and attorneys.  Apparently, things will quickly change.  ... As prisoners and their attorneys litigate.  About time.  What took so long?  Clearly, the "President" went too far, -- even for an usually outrageously fascist Supreme Court.  Interesting, isn't it? Of course, it remains to be seen how well lower courts implement the ruling, and how quickly.  ... We'll see, won't we?

9/11 Commission Fiasco

Millions of taxpayers' dollars were wasted on a blue ribbon commission that provided little new information, worse, found no one personally accountable for the 9/11 catastrophe.  ... Who'd 'a 'thunk' it?  Apparently, personal responsibility is reserved for the unwashed masses, -- not those in the highest positions of power.  ... Enlightened, no?

Over fifty years ago, President Truman boldly declared the buck stopped with him.  Clearly, the current occupant of the White House refuses to be held to the same standard.  ... Knows this time, he will not be conveniently returned to office by an equally fascist Supreme Court, which outrageously and unconstitutionally rubber stamped his cowardly theft of the 2000 election.

The glaring gutlessness of Mr. Bush is remarkable and remains stunning, -- even after nearly four years of symbolism over substance, an unprovoked unjust "pre-emptive" attack on Iraq, and loss of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments through enactment of the USA "Patriot" Act and other equally unconstitutional Executive Orders.  Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.

ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

The following is a series of unedited email correspondence between the American Civil Liberties Union and this writer in regard to criminal deletions of Ledger websites over a year ago.  To date, no response, other than a canned autosponder message has been received from national ACLU headquarters to the latest complaint filed.  Apparently, ACLU no longer has any interest in First Amendment issues, -- or is wildly incompetent.  You decide.  ACLU-Criminal Website Deletions

Fraudulent Deletion Of Websites

Click Hacker Update for further information.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
  ... Formerly
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609