The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V178        ©2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
November 25, 2002

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Furthermore, desperately need an additional laptop or desktop computer as back-up to a failing Dell Latitude notebook currently being used.  Got one gathering dust in the closet?  Care to donate? While conveniently accessing these webpages "free" of charge, never forget this publication remains non-profit and depends entirely on nearly non-existent community support. At the same time, The Ledger is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.  … Right, "Judge"?  T.C. 11-24-02.

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review
Another Black Day In American History
Total Information Awareness
Kangaroo Justice
Terror Warnings
Abd Al-Rahim Al-Nashiri Captured
Guantanamo Detainees Challenge Rejected
"President's" Unappeased Appetite For Blood
"What A Moron"
"President" Relaxes Clean Air Rules
Church-State Separation
Healthcare Crisis
Harvey Klee
More On Dell
Follow-Up To Dell Corporation Fiasco
Letter To Dell CEO
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review

November 18, another black day in American history.  An unconstitutional ruling, further eviscerating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.  As background, the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review was appointed by Nazi U.S. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist.  It consists of a panel of three "judges": Laurence H. Silberman of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Ralph B. Guy of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and Edward Leavy of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  All three are fascists in the mold of Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas.

This outrageous Nazi Court of Review conveniently and unconstitutionally gave U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft carte blanche to use information developed from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) wiretaps in criminal prosecutions.  A direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.  Why?  FISA taps, unlike ordinary criminal wiretaps, require no probable cause any crime had indeed been committed.  None.  The only requirement of FISA taps is law enforcement thugs must have "reasonable suspicion" the target is an agent of a foreign power.

How does this benefit Nazis occupying the "Justice" Department and White House?  Again, it provides the Attorney General and his equally fascist "prosecutors" unprecedented power to use information garnered from unconstitutionally-authorized taps that required no probable cause of any crime.  In other words, Nazis in the "Justice" Department are now free to go on fishing expeditions, using whatever they find against anyone they choose.

It is now "lawful" for federal goons to tap anyone's phone, access anyone's computer, -- with no probable cause.  In direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.   Have done so, repeatedly.  Abusively.  Severely violated the rights of innocent citizens falsely in the name of "national security."  Have done so many years with impunity anyway prior to the ruling.  Now, with rubberstamp approval of a Nazi Court of Review panel of three "jurists."  Appointed by the Nazi Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  ... Adolph and Benito would have been proud.

Nothing is sacrosanct to these lying, abusive, corrupt, fascist bastards.  … Even installed a bug in the bedroom of a couple and listened to their conversations for well over a year.  Must have gotten an earful, no?  ... Get your cookies off, boys?  For months, monitored cell phone conversations of a completely innocent citizen who had the misfortune of being assigned the telephone number of a target eavesdropped earlier.  Have done the same to intercepted emails.

Readers, do you understand?  This court decision outrageously reinforces and increases the authority of government thugs to eavesdrop on all telephone calls, emails, as well as conduct private property searches of innocent citizens without their knowledge.  With no criminal warrant necessary.  In the name of "national security."  Breaking in homes and businesses to do so.  Doing so repeatedly as "required."  Conveniently, interminably delaying or never telling the target.  Can only wonder when the first government goon will be met with unexpected stiff resistance of the severest kind during a "legalized" break-in.

The Court of Review in effect outrageously pissed on the Fourth Amendment in its zeal to enable the "President" to consolidate power and eviscerate all constitutional rights, -- in the name of "national security."  It overruled a lower court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, that had recently ruled against the "Justice" Department, as reported earlier in this publication and elsewhere.  The Court of Review is no more than a rubber stamp for the "President" and Attorney General.

Ashcroft was quick to crow: "This is a giant step forward. This revolutionizes our ability to investigate terrorists and prosecute terrorist acts."  Does far more than that, Johnny.  … Why be so disingenuously modest, sir?  It enables you and your goons to go on fishing expeditions, with no requirement a crime had to have been committed before outrageously and unconstitutionally invading the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.

... Then again, you Nazis on the Right recognize no right to privacy, do you, Johnny?  The Attorney General falsely declared: "We have no desire whatever to, in any way, erode or undermine the constitutional liberties here."  ... A laughably false, galling statement.  Coming from a hypocritical Nazi, who gutlessly wears "religion" on his sleeve.  Yet, lies like hell for political expediency.  To implement his exceptionally fascist agenda.

Indeed, Mr. Ashcroft is a liar.  Despite phony assurances to the contrary, has already repeatedly and glaringly eviscerated constitutional rights and liberties.  Since passage of the "Patriot" Act at the very least.  Neither he, nor the Nazi occupying the White House have any regard or understanding of the Bill of Rights.  Absolutely, no conception of liberty and rights.  None.

No fascist does.  The United States government has become the enemy.  Far worse, than the bastards responsible for 9/11.  Why?  The government has eviscerated liberty in the name of "national security."  Provided al Qaeda a victory it never could have achieved on the battlefield.  Your outrageously corrupt and abusive government has severely betrayed your trust, and most of you are too aggressively stupid to realize.

Readers are reminded the Court of Review "hearing" was exceptionally demonstrative of kangaroo justice at its very worst.  No one, but goons from the "Justice" Department were allowed to attend.  Consequently, no one else has standing to appeal this outrageous ruling to a higher court.  Apparently, not even the American Civil Liberties Union and National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers who filed friend-of-the-court briefs.  Riveting, isn't it?  The perfect rubberstamp for a Nazi "President" and Attorney General.

The Court of Review conveniently agreed with the Attorney General's assertion the "Patriot" Act indeed allows mixture and sharing of intelligence and criminal information gathered from FISA wiretaps.  Specifically allows sharing of such information between intelligence officers and criminal prosecutors.  In direct violation of the Fourth Amendment requirement of probable cause.   Also argued the lower FISA court erred in requiring such separation since the 1978 enactment of the FISA statute.  Fascinating, isn't it?

Readers, do you understand?  The United States Constitution has been eviscerated by the Nazis occupying the White House and "Justice" Department, via their stooges in the "Judiciary."  A "Judiciary", that is no more than a rubberstamp.  … That has betrayed its oath of office and the people of the United States.   Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.  … Right, Mr. "President?"

Another Black Day In American History

Senate fascists in both parties cowardly handed the Nazi occupying the White House, Tuesday, November 19, a major tool to eviscerate what's left of the Bill of Rights.  Passed Homeland Security legislation in a lopsided 90-9 vote.  Truly indicative, the vast majority of legislators have no business in government and have outrageously ignored their oath of office, -- requiring them to protect and defend the Constitution.  Not to be, in Nazi America.  Where fear rules and fascism reeks.

Ironically, the idea for this fascist consolidation of power originated from Connecticut Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman, -- not the appointed "President" of the United States.  It took the jackass occupying the White House, however, some eight months to get on board and realize what Democrats were cowardly and foolishly offering him:  consolidation of power in the "Chief Executive" and establishment of a fascist police-state.  Riveting, isn't it?  Apparently, the Nazi occupying the Oval Office could not believe his good fortune.  … Coming from Democrats.

Carefully consider what this legislation will accomplish.  First, it will create another huge federal bureaucracy.  -- This, with the blessing of Republicans who in the past strongly condemned expansion of federal power.  Strongest opposition has come from one of the most unlikely of sources, -- West Virginia Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd.  This elderly legislator has fought these Nazi bastards tooth and nail.  Rightfully, recently asserted: "The people are being offered a bureaucratic behemoth."  No question, Senator.  Be interesting to see exactly how expensive it becomes.  Whose pockets are ultimately lined.  Despite untold billions, the financial cost is the least of it, however.

Of far greater concern is the loss of constitutional rights and liberties to come.  The legislation contains additional carefully concealed provisions that will further eviscerate rights and liberties already severely jeopardized by the "Patriot" Act.  Provisions regarding Internet wiretapping, that have not been carefully considered by Congress.

Internet service providers such as AOL, Microsoft Network, Yahoo, etc., have been granted additional legal protection from subscribers, should these providers give government thugs their customers' emails and other personal information without a warrant.  … If these corporations believe "in good faith", there is impending risk to human life.  Fascinating, isn't it?  This legislation apparently grants such corporations carte blanche to release your personal information to government goons who have no warrant.  With impunity. Apparently won't be a damn thing you can do.  … For the sake of "national security", you understand.

Any Nazi government thug can manipulate any provider they choose regarding any target.  Falsely claim there is danger to life and limb.  Again, with impunity.  Subsequently and consequently, elicit personal information about innocent subscribers from Internet providers in the name of "national security."  … On no more than a fishing expedition.  Are then legally protected from your wrath, should you be so violated.  This is what our legislators have willingly passed in both Houses of Congress.  In your best interests, no?   Isn't that special?

That's not all.  New power will be provided to government thugs to trace Internet traffic, including emails, during "an immediate threat to national security."  As well as during an attack on a "protected computer."  … U.S. law considers all computers on the Internet "protected."  To cover their Nazi asses, writers of this outrageously unconstitutional legislation included a provision requiring government thugs to obtain a "judge's" approval within 48 hrs..  … Knowing full well, a "judge" will not deny a request made by an "investigator" who falsely claims the information sought is "relevant" to an ongoing "investigation."  Makes no difference, is in fact irrelevant, if the law enforcement thug lied.

Worse, the legislation just passed allows any government official to be privy to your personal information, not just law enforcement goons.  Do you understand, readers?  Have any conception of what is going on?  … How severely threatened constitutional rights and liberties are?  Directly, at the hands of a Nazi appointed "President" and his henchmen in the "Justice" Department and "Judiciary?"

Not only is the "President" issuing false security warnings to secure the election two years from now, he is doing so to enable Nazi law enforcement thugs to more easily pressure Internet providers and others to grant access to your personal information and correspondence without a warrant.  All, falsely in the name of "national security."  When will you wake up?

In a glaring attack on open government and sharing of information belonging to the people, Congressionally-passed Homeland Security legislation also includes broad exemptions for Freedom of Information Act requests.  -- Nazi government doing no more than covering its exceptionally corrupt and abusive collective ass.  … Doesn't want you to know what is truly going on.

Didn't stop Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, however, from voting for this outrageously unconstitutional bill.  The Senator disingenuously declared: "This isn't good government.  This is an embarrassment.  This bill needs work."  Then, why in hell did you vote for it, Senator?  Gutless, sir?  Time to retire, Tommy.  You’re an outrageous "embarrassment" yourself, -- and a coward.  Worse, as your GOP friends, you've betrayed your oath of office and have disgraced yourself.  … All, supposedly in the name of "national security." Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.  … Right, Mr. "President?"

Total Information Awareness

Not all Republicans are Nazis.  A few even challenge the "Administration's" plans to eviscerate all privacy.  Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley is not a happy camper.  Particularly peeved, with a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency pet project affectionately known as Total Information Awareness.  Nazis plan to amass a huge database of private citizen information.  Why?  Supposedly, to track down "terrorists."  While destroying all vestiges of citizen privacy in the name of "national security."  Isn't that special?  Exceptionally, thoughtful? All your medical, financial, business, email, web-surfing, telephone, personal data and habits, etc. will reportedly be stored on government supercomputers.  The Defense Department apparently plans to become another domestic law enforcement agency.  In direct violation of the Constitution and federal statutes.  … As if, we're not already over-"policed."


Army recruiters promised World War II and Korean War veterans they would receive lifetime medical care if they remained in the service twenty years.  The Defense Department has reneged.  Worse, has been outrageously backed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in a recent ruling.  These men made enormous sacrifices for their country.  At horrendous personal cost.

Now, they've been unconscionably shafted by the Nazi appointed "President" and his shills in the Department of Defense.  … At a time, when the "Commander In Chief" is beating war drums for an unprovoked "preemptive" attack against Iraq.  -- A "President", who cowardly joined the Texas Air National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam.

Kangaroo Justice

Having trouble with a case?  Move the goalposts.  Pile on.  Do whatever is necessary to win any way you can.  … Including, conducting a hearing in secret, -- where the defendant and his attorney are not allowed to attend.  Only in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union?  Hell, no.  Right here, in fascist America.  … Courtesy of Nazis occupying the White House, "Justice" Department, and their stooges in the "Judiciary."

Mohamd el-Atriss had already been charged with 26 criminal counts for allegedly providing false IDs to two of the 9/11 hijackers.  Bail had been set at $250,000.  Government goons, apparently not satisfied, conducted a secret hearing in front of Nazi Superior Court Judge Marilyn C. Clark, November 19.  In direct violation of her oath of office, this fascist "jurist" heard "testimony" in secret from a sheriff's "detective" and unidentified "witness."  The defendant was outrageously denied his Sixth Amendment right to confront his accusers.  … Isn't that special?  Think it couldn't happen to any of you?  In Nazi America?

Nazi "prosecutor" Steven Brizek defended such Gestapo techniques, declaring them necessary should information disclosed "prejudice the investigation or in some other way be problematic if made known."  Convenient, isn't it?  Glaringly, unconstitutional, however.  Precisely, what the Founders were so determined to avoid.  "Problematic" because the government is obviously having problems making its case.  What to do?  Eviscerate constitutional rights to accomplish their purposes.  To make phony charges stick.  Cowardly and conveniently, blame it on "national security."

Probable cause?  Right to access and confront all evidence and witnesses against you, obtain witnesses on your behalf?  Why?  In Nazi America?  What for?  Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments?  Needless technicalities, no?  Why inconvenience government?  ...Right?  Government never falsely accuses anyone anyway, does it?  Would certainly never falsely accuse any of the readers of this publication, would it?

Ninety minutes of kangaroo court.  Result?  Bail was doubled for el-Atriss.  Flight risk, you say?  How?  The bastard was in Egypt the day federal thugs raided his house and offices, July 31. Returned to this country in August.  Voluntarily.   Apparently, mistakenly and falsely assumed justice would prevail in Nazi America. Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.  … Right, Mr. "President?"

Terror Warnings

Stung by intense criticism regarding "Chicken Little" terrorist warnings, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft recently piously pontificated the warnings will continue: "We think that sharing information is important. We think that the American people, law enforcement officials and the private sector do a better job of assisting in thwarting terrorism when they have information, even if it's piecemeal and sketchy.  So we're going to trust the American people and the American community to take the information and do a good job with it."  -- Conveniently patronizing, isn't it?

… Hey, Johnny?  "Sharing information is important?"  If so, why so vigorously refuse to release the names of all those unconstitutionally "detained" in American jails since 9/11.  "Detainees", who have been outrageously denied access to attorneys and the courts.  … As you and the Nazi appointed to the White House continue to consolidate power and impose a fascist police-state.

The continuous warnings, based on no solid evidence or intelligence, have luckily to date been devoid of substance.  The extreme danger in falsely crying wolf, however, is the fact Americans will ignore a true warning when it finally comes.  Why would this "Administration" so callously manipulate the public?  Why not?

Americans are stupid.  Don't realize the scam. Die Fuhrer is cleverly maintaining intense pressure regarding terror to ensure his victory in the presidential sweepstakes two years from now.  How else could a man of no substance or character prevail?  Could care less about casualties.  Only his election.  Has deliberately violated his oath of office to secure and consolidate power.  Should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.  Should then be criminally prosecuted.  What has happened over the last two years is a bloodless coup.  The people are too cowardly and stupid to understand.

Abd Al-Rahim Al-Nashiri Captured

The United States government has finally released the identity of the high-level al Qaeda leader captured earlier this month.  … Only after several news organizations had indicated they would do so.  Chillingly, ABCNEWS, although knowing his identity for quite some time, sat on it.  In response to a request by federal thugs.

… So much for an independent press.  … So much for a supposedly "liberal" media.  No question, they're in the pocket of the "President."  Sadly, have clearly bought the propaganda of their government, hook, line, and sinker.  Indeed, a "tribute" to the exceptional duplicity, dishonesty, and cleverness of the "Chief Executive" and his cronies.

… Government, they're supposed to be constantly and carefully probing, investigating.  As a check and balance against corruption and abuse.  -- The function of a supposedly "free" press.  There has been absolutely no questioning, however, of the most corrupt and abusive "Administration" since Richard Nixon.  None.  Consequently, the cowardly and aggressively stupid citizenry has not been well-served.  Why such glaring lack of aggressiveness?  It's the money stupid.  Advertising income dries up.

Incredibly, media has not questioned statements made by government thugs regarding information supposedly provided by captured prisoners.  … Why would militarily well-trained guerillas willingly supply truthful information to American interrogators?  … Exceptionally dedicated terrorists, carefully instructed, as U.S. military personnel, to provide false information even when severely pressured, abused, drugged, and/or tortured?

Yet, a compliant, soft, self-serving media has accepted "Administration" propaganda at face value.  Why?  How are the people served?  It is outrageously unpatriotic not to aggressively and vigorously question corrupt and abusive government every step of the way.

Guantanamo Detainees Challenge Rejected

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in rubberstamp support of the Nazi occupying the White House, threw out a law suit filed by the Coalition of Clergy, Lawyers and Professors questioning the detention of approximately 600 Taliban and al Qaeda prisoners held in Cuba and elsewhere for over a year.  --  Prisoners who have allegedly been denied due process and held in violation of the Constitution.  The court gutlessly would not rule on the allegations.  Only the lack of standing of the group filing suit.  Interesting, isn't it?  Another rubberstamp for the Nazi appointed "President."

"President's" Unappeased Appetite For Blood

The saber rattling continued at the NATO meeting in the Chech Republic last week.  The "President" of the United States shamelessly continued to try to garner support for his unprovoked attack on Iraq.  Be interesting to see how ultimately successful, no?  On the eve of the summit, Ole' George "The Tush" bellowed: "We now call an end to that game of deception and deceit and denial. Saddam Hussein has been given a very short time to declare completely and truthfully his arsenal of terror.  Should he again deny that this arsenal exists, he will have entered his final stage with a lie, and deception this time will not be tolerated.  Delay and defiance will invite the severest consequences."  … Hey, George?  Will you launch a "preemptive" attack if the weapons inspectors find nothing?  In direct violation of the UN resolution?

Regarding the prospects of war, the "Chief Executive" falsely declared: "I hope we can do this peacefully."  The "President" is a liar.  Indeed, this man, who hypocritically wears "religion" on his sleeve, desperately wants war.  How better to avenge Daddy's dismal failure to resolve the issue twelve years ago, ensure his presidential ambitions in the election two years from now, line the pockets of his cronies in the defense and energy industries, and most importantly, immorally get his cookies off exercising the power of life and death?  Would indeed be laughable if lives were not at stake.

The "President" has falsely manufactured a non-existent crisis.  Has provided absolutely no proof, no evidence, of any impending threat from Iraq.  None.  Should the "President" proceed with plans to murderously "preemptively" attack and Saddam responds with weapons of mass destruction against American invaders and Israelis, the appointed "Commander In Chief" can then disingenuously, falsely, and phonily claim:  "See. I told you so."  Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  America Uber Alles.  Right, Mr. "President?"

"What A Moron"

That's right.  Exactly what the spokeswoman for Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien thinks of "President" Bush.  Expressed the view privately at the NATO summit.  Amusingly, raised howls of protest by "conservatives" back home in our neighbor to the north.  -- Profoundly chagrined, since the Prime Minister refused to fire her. Why?  For stating the obvious?  Telling the truth?  Indeed, Francoise Ducros contritely offered her resignation, but was politely and wisely refused.

The Prime Minister felt compelled, however, to declare:  [Mr. Bush] "is a friend of mine, he is not a moron at all."  ... He isn't?  While the "Administration" publicly shrugged it off, certainly didn't help strained relations.  Tough, isn't it?  Especially, since Bush and his cronies reportedly privately refer to Mr. Chretien as "Dino."  … Short for dinosaur.  -- Fascists in the "Administration" are not particularly happy the Prime Minister has not gone along with the "President's" unprovoked murderous plans to "preemptively" attack Iraq.  Mr. Chretien isn't apparently too happy either with Die Fuhrer's intention to fingerprint Canadian visitors to our country.

"President" Relaxes Clean Air Rules

As payback to his cronies in the energy industry, the Nazi occupying the White House plans to permit refineries and power plants to avoid new pollution controls at time of expansion.  Thoughtful, isn't it?  Several Northeastern states and environmentalists intend to immediately sue.

Church-State Separation

U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson ordered Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore to remove a 5,300 lb. granite Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of an Alabama judicial building.  About time, Judge.  What the hell took so long?  The monument promoted the faith of the Alabama Chief Justice in direct violation of the First Amendment.  Southern Poverty Law Center attorney Danielle Lipow rightfully argued during trial: "This is a question of whether the politically powerful can impose their views on others."  Indeed.  Certainly is, Counselor.  Moore intends to appeal.

Healthcare Crisis

The National Academy of Sciences was asked by the Bush "Administration" for a study proposing solutions to the growing healthcare crisis in the United States.  The Academy responded November 19 with a suggestion the "Administration" test two possible solutions in a small sample of states.  Stunningly, the first is universal insurance coverage. Where have we heard this before?  Think hard, dear readers.

… Remember the "Bill and Hillary" plan shot down by Republicans some ten years ago?  … By shameless distortion and demagoguery by the Nazi Right?  Incredibly, "Administration" sources are claiming the "President" and Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson will resurrect some version of the earlier plan, -- to be tried in a handful of states.  Absolutely riveting, isn't it?

The second possible solution proposed by the Academy and supposedly to be considered by the "President" is no-fault payment for medical malpractice.  Not at all clear, exactly how that will be implemented, but will be exceptionally interesting to see, won't it?


Date:  Thu, 21 Nov 2002 16:59:14 -0500
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Subject:  OUCH! (#107--Excess Profit Security)
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               OUCH! A Regular Bulletin on How Money in Politics Hurts You

 #107                                          Public Campaign                    November 21, 2002

Rushing to adjourn for the year, the lame-duck Congress has just given an early indication of what to expect next year: brazen boodling on behalf of the biggest contributors to their campaigns. This time, it comes in the guise of “homeland security” and “terrorism insurance.”

Start with the new Department of Homeland Security. While this massive government re-organization may ultimately result in better coordination among the far-flung bureaucracies tasked with protecting U.S. borders, waters, crops, imports, airports, and politicians, one might ask why House legislators felt it necessary to take the straightforward bill they passed earlier this year and tuck a host of unrelated provisions into the version they sent to the Senate—in “take it or leave it” fashion—this past week.

The revised bill will limit legal liability for companies that produce vaccines, a sop to drug manufacturer Eli Lilly, which faces lawsuits from families touting new research connecting thimerasol, a preservative used in vaccines, to autism. Pharmaceutical companies gave over $19 million to federal candidates and parties in the last election, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Of that, the number one giver was Eli Lilly, which provided at least $1.6 million, 79% to Republicans. These totals don’t include the estimated $30 million spent by drug makers on TV ads backing Republican candidates from front groups with innocuous sounding names like “United Seniors Association” and “Citizens for Better Medicare.” (The final total will be higher, as these figures don’t include the last two weeks of the election.)

Another provision that sailed through the House, and ultimately the Senate, will undo a ban originally sponsored by the late Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) on any government contracts related to homeland security going to companies that use foreign tax havens to avoid U.S. taxes. A bi-partisan Who’s Who of ex-elected officials turned mercenaries lobbied for the amendment, including former Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, former House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Archer (R-TX), Bush family confidant Charlie Black, former House Appropriations Committee chairman Robert L. Livingston (R-LA), and former Keating Five Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ.). Among the companies seeking the measure: Accenture, the Arthur Andersen spin-off; scandal-ridden Tyco International, and toolmaker Ingersoll-Rand.

When these and other special-interest provisions came to light, many Senators complained vociferously and Democrats, along with Republican maverick John McCain (R-AZ), tried to get them excised. But they lost that fight after the White House and Republican leaders promised to tone down the offending provisions with corrective legislation sometime next year. Don’t hold your breath: House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) has already stated that he only agreed to “consider” any such changes.

At almost the same time, Congress gave final approval to a bill demanded by the insurance and real estate industries providing up to $100 billion over three years to cover 90 percent of future terrorism-related insurance claims. Government aid would kick in if terrorism-related losses exceed minimum levels of an insurance company's premiums, which in some cases could mean that taxpayers will be liable from an insurer’s first dollar of losses. In addition, insurers would be required to repay very little or no federal assistance. This approach is a marked departure from the original House bill, passed last winter, that would have required insurers to cover the first $1 billion cost of a terrorist attack, with the federal government offering long-term loans to help pay for the rest. But the insurance industry wanted direct aid and lobbied hard for the Senate version promoted by Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT), that would have insurers pay for the first $10 billion of an attack out-of-pocket but then put taxpayers on the hook for the rest.

The Consumer Federation of America, an opponent of the measure, points out that the industry can afford to pay far more, having reported a 66.4% increase in profits in the first half of 2002. And it argues that the huge government safety net will remove the incentive for insurance companies to require better security measures from the businesses they insure, perversely making Americans less safe, not more.

The insurance and real estate industries are among the biggest contributors to political campaigns, having supplied $27.5 million and $42 million in just the 2001-02 cycle alone. Senator Dodd has received $562,000 from the insurance industry during his career in the Senate, putting him at #7 among all his colleagues in takings from that lucrative source. He called the final bill a vital “safety net” for the insurance business.

Meanwhile, the two million Americans whose unemployment benefits are expiring in the next few months won’t see their safety net extended anytime soon. Congress’s adjourning means the death of a $4.5 billion Senate proposal that would have extended the current temporary unemployment insurance program passed earlier this year. Many will lose their benefits just before Christmas. The Senate had hoped to another 13 weeks of benefits to people whose unemployment checks run out after December, with 26 weeks for workers in high unemployment states. Alas, these average folks don’t have the cash to Bob Dole or Chris Dodd to look after their interests.
OUCH! is a regular e-mail bulletin on how private money in politics hurts average citizens, published by Public Campaign, a non-partisan, non-profit organization devoted to comprehensive campaign finance reform. Every day, we pay more as consumers and taxpayers for special interest subsidies and boondoggles because of our system of privately financed elections. It's time for a change.

Want to take action? Go to to send an instant message to your representatives in Congress. And help spread the word! Send copies of this message to your friends and join the growing movement for real campaign finance reform. If you would like to add yourself to the OUCH! listserv, send an e-mail reading ‘subscribe’ to or go to

Want more info about Public Campaign? Visit or write to You can also help support our work by making a credit card contribution on our website. This bulletin may be reposted to newsgroups as long as it is printed in its entirety.

Harvey Klee

Mr. Klee recently informed this writer he's once again considering running for the Llano Independent School District Board.  Rightfully and tirelessly, has been highly critical of waste and corruption in the District for many years.  While willing to do whatever is necessary regarding public appearances, writing of campaign literature, etc., he desperately needs financial backing and assistance with the "grunt" work.

Tasks, such as placement of signs, distribution of fliers, and similar legwork.  Readers are reminded the Board is not paid.  Pointedly, only get what they can steal or receive in bribes.  -- While slapping the Good Ole'Boy occupying the Superintendent's office hard on the back, sharing in the wealth.  Looted taxpayer money.  Time for a breath of fresh air.  Klee could and would do some good, rattling a few cages in an effort to force badly-needed change.

LISD is suffering severe financial distress due to years of neglect, greed, theft, misuse of taxpayer money, etc..  From launch of this publication until recently, has always been aggressively targeted on this website.  No one would listen, however.  Sadly, the chickens are finally coming home to roost.  Tough, isn't it?

LISD Superintendent Jack Patton has a history of financial disaster and problems left behind in both Menard and Hereford.  They were glad to get rid of him, according to a former board member and newspaper editor from both communities contacted by this writer about a year and a half ago.  Has done no better here. This outrageous jackass has deliberately run the District into the ground.

If you support badly-needed change and a fresh point of view on the Board, why not contact Mr. Klee at  Should the Superintendent and current Board continue unchallenged, expect the tax burden to become far more severe.  Sadly, these white-collar thugs will never get enough, and will continue to mercilessly loot, picking your pockets clean, until you courageously take action and put an end to it.  … Should you insist on remaining deafeningly and cowardly silent, however, you get precisely what you richly deserve.

More On Dell

Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 20:31:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tim Chorney" <> | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: AT20020803_0000009749 Site Problem or Error

Dear Mr. DeRosier,

Apparently, quick exposure of earlier IP address
spoofing and illicit signing up of this publication
for unrequested "services" has not deterred you from
renewed spamming activity and additional squandering
of company time and good corporate image.

-- Stupidly, using the same spoofed Yahoo.Com server
IP address a second time to retaliate against ongoing
posting of extremely unflattering material on The
Ledger website, regarding outrageously poor Dell
support.  Tough, isn't it?

Couldn't at least use a different spoofed IP address
to make things a little less boring?  ... Be a bit
more creative, Mr. DeRosier.

Thought others at Dell needed to be aware of what is
going on, and took the liberty of sharing our ongoing
message exchange with them.  Thanks for the additional

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

Follow-Up To Dell Corporation Fiasco

Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 17:26:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tim Chorney" <> | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: AT20020803_0000009749 Site Problem or Error

Dear Mr. DeRosier,

Don't you think it a bit juvenile and in fact
aggressively stupid to use a Yahoo.Com server address
to spoof and illicitly sign this publication up for
unrequested "services"?  ... To both email addresses
listed on the header of the last message sent on
Sunday?  Think Mr. Dell would approve of such waste of
company time and tactics?  Think the U.S. Attorney or
Yahoo would be as amused as this writer?  Regardless,
thanks for the laugh and additional fodder for the
website.  Am deeply grateful.  ... Never a dull

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 20:46:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tim Chorney" <> | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: AT20020803_0000009749 Site Problem or Error

Dear Mr. DeRosier:

The following ignored snail-mailed letter to Mr. Dell
has been published in the last two editions of The
Llano Ledger.  Readers are entitled to know precisely
how Mr. Notebook and Dell Computer do business.
Indeed, a public service.  Will continue to be posted
weekly for months.  -- Until I get tired of it.

At that time, a new webpage on The Ledger website will
be created.  All correspondence between Mr. Notebook
as well as Dell "Support" and this writer will be
posted.  -- Again, the readership has the right to know
exactly how both companies operate.  … Particularly,
how poor "support" is at both firms.

Should your attorneys decide to sue, by all means do
so.  With an exceptionally corrupt and abusive court
system, Dell indeed would likely prevail.  Regardless
of the truth.  After all, your multi-billion dollar
corporation can easily financially impose its will.
Would be an empty victory for several reasons,

First, would fully publicly demonstrate precisely how
abusive and repressive a powerful corporate entity can
be, -- ultimately costing market share.  After all,
why buy Dell when you can purchase HP, -- a company
far more attentive to customer concerns and

Second, would certainly publicly expose Dell "Support"
for being inept, unresponsive, and profoundly
obfuscating.  Sadly, -- the number one problem in the
view of product users.   … Again, costing market

Third, a suit would bring this publication additional
recognition nationally.  With readership exponentially
expanding, can only further aid and assist, no?

Fourth, should Dell prevail, this publication has no
assets, -- other than the piece of trash this message
is typed on.  Remember?  The supposedly "factory
refurbished" Latitude Mr. Notebook fraudulently sold
as rebuilt?

Fifth, this writer has no assets. Certainly, "judgment
proof", so to speak.  The truth regarding this entire
fiasco would come out in court for all to see,
regardless of whether or not Dell uses its
considerable assets to buy a favorable, self-serving

So, should your legal beagles choose to file suit,
bring it on.  … Hardball?  You bet.  Can only wonder
how many others have had to put up with this same
crap, or worse.  While they had no options, this
publication certainly does.  Can indeed expose it to
the light of day.

Bottom line, Mr. DeRosier, is the fact the office of
the CEO has not had the courtesy nor seen fit to
answer the enclosed letter, preferring to stonewall.
-- Or possibly never received the letter at all.

… Could have been conveniently intercepted by a crony
in the Dell mail department?  After all, you knew full
well it was coming.  Nothing less than a response from
the office of the CEO is acceptable.

If his office indeed received the correspondence, it
is glaringly indifferent to unresolved customer
complaints.  Has apparently refused to right the wrong
regardless of legal culpability or lack thereof.

Certainly, aggressively stupid since you've already
likely lost more in sales than it would have cost to
correct the problem.  Corporate image is priceless,
isn't it, or has Dell Computer indeed grown too fat
and complacent to care?  -- Or is this merely a matter
of one Dell employee desperately trying to cover his
ass and/or that of his department?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

Letter To Dell CEO

Michael Dell
Chief Executive Officer
Dell Computers
One Dell Way
Round Rock, TX  78682

August 18, 2002

Dear Mr. Dell:

A Dell factory refurbished Latitude was purchased from Mr. Notebook by [redacted] of [redacted] and donated to this non-profit publication about a year ago.  Despite a nearly $900 expenditure, this machine has been a piece of trash since purchase.  Support from Mr. Notebook was non-existent.  Sadly, Dell Support was not much better.

Clearly, after a year's worth of problems, factory "refurbished" does not mean factory "rebuilt".  Apparently, the hard disk, floppy, and CD drives were never replaced.  -- The most likely sources of product failure.  In addition, the supposedly replaced lithium-ion battery module has a design flaw.  Although the machine has always been run on AC power and the battery maintained at 100% charge, intelligence circuitry in the module failed, rendering the battery worthless.  -- Coincidentally occurred during the latest email foray with Dell Support regarding floppy disk failure.  … Aren't I lucky?  Incredibly blessed?

All that was requested from Dell Support this time around, however, was a pointer to diagnostics that would have pinpointed the problem with the floppy drive.  … Not absolutely sure yet whether the failure lies only in the drive itself, or may also involve the socket and possibly bugs in drivers common to both the floppy and CD ROM drives.  Sadly, the CD ROM has never worked flawlessly either and has had occasional problems of reliability.  … At least, it's still working, however.  Unlike the floppy.

While Dell Support indeed provided a pointer to diagnostics, the download ironically requires use of boot disk and floppy.  Indeed, a problem of not being able to get from here to there.  When pointed out to Support, received no further assistance, -- just an outrageous run around.  … Despite assurances on the Dell website such email support supposedly exists for life of the product.

Mr. Dell, I can certainly understand you cannot be aware of all problems within a large corporation.  You do, however, have unaddressed flaws with "refurbished" machines sold by disreputable vendors fraudulently and phonily invoking Dell corporate name, image, and prestige, and more importantly, horrendous problems with a totally unresponsive Dell Support division.  No question, it is doing damage to corporate public image and reputation.  Sadly, although your machines are extremely popular, the greatest problem I've heard from users is lack of support.  Can certainly attest to that from personal experience.

Support outrageously refused to provide an email address for your office, -- unlike HP and other corporations more responsive to unresolved customer problems and complaints.  … An email address would have certainly provided an easy practical way of sending the entire email exchange over the last year.  Would have sorely indicated glaring obfuscation, non-responsiveness, and interminable intentional delay.  Hard to believe you're unaware.  Than again, Dell Corporation could apparently care less.

Mr. Notebook sold the Latitude as a Dell factory refurbished machine, supposedly tested by Dell-trained technicians, clearly so indicated on the bottom of the computer.  Again, the floppy, CD, and hard drives apparently were never replaced.  The most likely components to fail.   Since factory refurbished clearly does not mean factory rebuilt, the computer is no more than a used machine.  … A machine that could have been bought for half the price at a resale shop.  Even less if purchased privately.  With the price of new notebooks precipitously dropping recently to the $900 range and technically capable of running circles around this dinosaur, assuredly have no intention of dumping additional money into this piece of trash.

Mr. Notebook, on the day of purchase, claimed this machine to be factory refurbished.  Repeatedly made the claim.  Clearly, it was not.  Mr. Notebook quickly washed its hands of this lemon, failing to answer follow-up correspondence from this publication regarding product failure shortly after purchase.  Have no intention of wasting additional time and effort haggling further with Mr. Notebook, -- other than to publish an investigative article exposing this entire fiasco.  After all, the public is entitled to know exactly how business was done.

Due to several serious problems never corrected by Dell or Mr. Notebook since purchase of this falsely alleged Dell factory refurbished product, however, can honestly say at this point I would never again purchase a Dell computer, -- new, used, or "factory refurbished".  From anyone.  Certainly would never encourage others to purchase Dell either.  Indeed, why take the risk and put up with the hassle?

Regardless of whether or not Dell Corporation is technically or legally responsible for fraudulent claims made by a vendor of Dell machines, the damage done to corporate image is indeed severe nonetheless.  The lack of competent support and assistance from Dell Corporation in the matter is stunning.  Certainly, costly in terms of good faith and product loyalty lost.  Regardless of legal responsibility.

Have enclosed the last few emails from Support upper management refusing to provide an email address for your office and highly indicative and glaringly demonstrative of ongoing obfuscation over the last year.  Little more than canned, computer-generated messages containing phony platitudes and false concern designed to obfuscate and stonewall rather than provide technical assistance or resolution.  Apparently, the problem is top-down, since tone and substance of upper management Support is no different than that of lower level techs.  Although unquestionably a public service, have held off publishing an investigative article until I hear from your office.


Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

From: | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: AT20020803_0000009749 Site Problem or Error
Date: Tue 06 Aug 2002 08:39:05 CDT

Please include the following line in all replies.
Tracking number: AT20020803_0000009749

Dear Mr. Chorney,

Thank you for the additional information.  Please accept my apologies
for this inconvenience.  Please be advised that Mr. Dell does
not have an e-mail address for customer inquiries.  Anything
you wish directed to him must be done through standard letter

If there is anything else I can do for you, please advise.


M. C. DeRosier
Dell DHS Customer Care
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday

If responding to me, please use the *REPLY* function of your
e-mail program.  This will keep the SAME SUBJECT LINE as our
e-mail.  Otherwise, your message may be delayed or lost.
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Visit the NEW Customer Care Website!
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Visit the Dell T@lk Support Forum!
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Visit Dells Technical Support Center!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Tim Chorney" <>
> Sent: 05 Aug 02 20:26
> To:
> Dear Mr. DeRosier:
> You still have not answered my question regarding the
> email address of the office of the CEO.  While the
> nature of my business with that office is none of
> yours and your comments a bit presumptuous, suffice it
> to say the sheer volume of material I wish to send
> regarding this and earlier related matters make doing
> so electronically far more convenient.  To the point,
> are you refusing to provide this publication with an
> email address for Mr. Dell's office?  ... This is not
> the end of the matter, Mr. DeRosier, only the
> beginning.
> Tim Chorney, Publisher
> The Llano Ledger
> P.O. Box 997
> Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609
> --- wrote:
> > Please include the following line in all replies.
> > Tracking number: AT20020803_0000009749
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. Chorney,
> >
> > Thank you for contacting Dell Customer Care.  I
> > apologize for
> > any inconvenience this issue may have caused.  In
> > looking through
> > your history, my understanding is that this issue
> > revolves around
> > the floppy drive and battery malfunction.  The
> > on-line service
> > technician made the presumption that your unit was
> > still under
> > warranty and asked for the system Service Tag.
> >
> > Unfortunately, since this unit was not purchased
> > from Dell, we
> > are not obligated to offer warranty service.
> > Therefore, you
> > must seek repair or replacement through Mr.
> > Notebook.
> >
> > To answer your question, Mr. Michael Dell is our
> > CEO.  Our address
> > is as follows:
> >
> > Dell Computers
> > One Dell Way
> > Round Rock, TX  78682
> >
> > Once again, I apologize and truly regret any
> > inconvenience or
> > frustration this matter may have caused. We value
> > you as our
> > customer and your satisfaction is very important to
> > us.  If I
> > can be of further assistance, please advise.
> >
> > Respectfully,
> >
> > M. C. DeRosier
> > Dell DHS Customer Care
> > DTG0368
> > 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
> > Monday through Friday
> >
> > If responding to me, please use the *REPLY* function
> > of your
> > e-mail program.  This will keep the SAME SUBJECT
> > LINE as our
> > e-mail.  Otherwise, your message may be delayed or
> > lost.
> >      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > Visit the NEW Customer Care Website!
> >
> >      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > Visit the Dell T@lk Support Forum!
> >
> >      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > Visit Dells Technical Support Center!
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: "Tim Chorney" <>
> > > Sent: 03 Aug 02 21:05
> > > To:
> > >
> > >
> > REPLYING * * *
> > > * * * This is a feedback Message from the Dell
> > Online Communications Center. * * *
> > >
> > > Customer Information:
> > > ************************************************
> > > Name: Tim Chorney
> > > Email:
> > > Service Tag:
> > > ***********************************************
> > > Topic: Site Problem or Error
> > > Customer Referring URL:
> >
> > > Problem Description: Have some correspondence to
> > send Mr. Dell and was not able to find an email
> > address for the office of the CEO.  Can you kindly
> > supply one, please?
> > > Tim Chorney, Publisher
> > > The Llano Ledger
> > >
> > > P.O. Box 997
> > > Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609
> > > ***********************************************
> > > Sent to:
> > > Referring URL:
> >
> > > Remote Address:
> > > Remote Host:
> > > HTTP User Agent:
> > > Date submitted: 8/3/2002 9:05:01 PM

Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

A letter To Burnet County Sheriff Joe Pollock has been posted recently.  Access it by clicking here.

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 82 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609