The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V167        ©2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
September 9, 2002

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.

Publisher's Note: This publication receives no financial support through advertising.  Although shaken down, looted, and abused by corrupt government, area businesses remain unwilling to stand up.  Locals are too gutless to donate financially, cowardly fearing retribution.  For this publication to survive, national readers need to contribute.  Furthermore, desperately need an additional laptop or desktop computer as back-up to a failing Dell Latitude notebook currently being used.  Got one gathering dust in the closet?  Care to donate? While conveniently accessing these webpages "free" of charge, never forget this publication remains non-profit and depends entirely on nearly non-existent community support. At the same time, The Ledger is, has been, and will always remain beholden to NO ONE. -- Precisely why there is no financial assistance.  ... From day of launch and certainly a no-brainer to this very day, firmly resolved to walk away first rather than compromise principle. -- To the chagrin of many and delight of few.  … Right, "Judge"?  T.C. 9-8-02.


Absolute Secrecy
"Faith-Based" End Run Around Congress
Labor Day Sham
Healthcare Fiasco
Mindless Prosecution
September 11 Anniversary
Priscilla Owen Judicial Nomination Shot Down
Christian Coalition
Getting In Bed With The Enemy
Palestinian Expulsions Approved
Planned Parenthood
Texans for Public Justice
Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

Absolute Secrecy

From the moment of assuming power, the "President" of the United States was determined to make his "Administration" the most secretive in history.  9/11 made it considerably easier, allowing the "Chief Executive" to conveniently use the guise of "war on terror" as an excuse and rationale to obliterate open government.  Openness is not conducive to imposition of fascism and consolidation of power.  … Had the aggressively stupid public truly understood the "President's" agenda, resistance would have been strong and swift.

Information is dispensed on a "need to know" rather than "right to know" basis.  Ole' George "The Tush" reversed decades of progress  making government far more accountable after the Nixon debacle.  The "Administration" has removed a considerable amount of information from the public domain.  Much of it irrelevant to the war.  Has repeatedly refused to supply information to Congress and the courts.  Has exponentially increased the power of law enforcement, ominously allowing it to conduct business abusively in the shadows.

The Nazi occupying the Oval Office cannot ascribe the geometric increase in secrecy only to the war.  Prior to 9/11, the "Administration" interminably delayed the release of Reagan's presidential papers.  Refused to release the names of corporate cronies sitting on "Slick Dick" Cheney's energy task force.  Recently, wouldn't even release Clinton's paperwork on presidential pardons.  Is certainly more secretive than the most corrupt president in recent history, -- Richard Nixon.

The "President" even instructed the Nazi at the helm of the "Justice" Department to eviscerate and bastardize the Freedom of Information Act.  Consequently, information requests are ignored.  White House Chief of Staff Andy Card advised all government agencies in a March 19 memo to stonewall release of "sensitive but unclassified" information.  … The mark of a tyrant.

In further consolidation of power, Mr. Bush is determined to create the Department of Homeland Security.  This proposed outrageously fascist entity will conveniently be empowered to further eviscerate civil rights and liberties.  Desperately, the "President" does NOT want it subject to the Freedom of Information Act.  Democrats are rightfully offering stiff resistance.  Mr. Bush demands power to ignore civil service rules in treatment of employees of the proposed department.  No whistle-blower protection.  Why?  Whose ass is being covered?

Judiciary Committee Chairman Vermont Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy rightfully declared:  "The administration is asking us to put this new department above the law and outside the checks and balances these laws are put there to ensure."  Yet, the aggressively stupid public cowardly sleeps on in profound ignorance.  As frequently belabored in edition after edition, the Patriot Act has empowered government to search homes, repeatedly if necessary, without informing owners until years after the fact if ever.  Can legally intercept phone and email of innocent citizens NOT under suspicion of committing a crime.

Can freely investigate anyone for attending a political rally, church, temple, mosque, or writing a letter to the editor.  Can force libraries and bookstores to provide government access to what publications you borrow or purchase.  We live in a fascist police-state that freely engages in Nazi Gestapo tactics.  People are indefinitely detained on no charges.  Not only foreigners.  At least two American citizens, -- we know of.  The "President" of the United States has egregiously violated his oath of office, should be impeached in the House, convicted in the Senate, and removed from power.  Should then be criminally prosecuted for the white-collar thug he is.

The House Judiciary majority and minority leadership, James Sensenbrenner and John Conyers respectively, strongly asserted "Administration" secrecy is "an open invitation to abuse of government power."  No question, gentlemen.  When will you courageously do something?  Before revolution becomes inevitable.  Other judges and even the normally exceptionally fascist FISA court have voiced increased concern and alarm at unconstitutional "Administration" abusive tactics.

Readers are reminded criminals and tyrants desperately seek secrecy, avoiding sunlight like the plague.  Precisely why Nixon craved and perfected it, -- indeed raised it to an art and science.  Was allowed to operate for years, however, before successfully driven from office.  Fortuitously, caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  Abused the sh-t out of the constitutional process and his oath of office.  Was never criminally prosecuted, however, due to a presidential pardon from his appointed successor, President Ford.  ... A man he chose himself.  Rubberstamped by Congress.  Although Ford denied any quid pro quo, he legally and deliberately allowed this outrageous white-collar criminal to elude justice.  Can only wonder how long Mr. Bush will be permitted to operate with impunity.

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

"Faith-Based" End Run Around Congress

"Religion" is extremely important and critical to the success of a fascist.  Precisely how the Nazi element justifies National Socialist philosophy.  … Eviscerating and bastardizing Christian principles to secure its boot-heel on the throat of liberty and the masses.  Precisely why the "President" is desperately trying to fund churches with taxpayer money.  Sadly, Mr. Bush is profoundly convoluted, deceptive, too much of a liar to admit it.  Disingenuously, Ole' George "The Tush" and his equally fascist henchmen euphemistically label it "faith-based" initiatives.

Chagrined indeed "faith-based" legislation is going nowhere in Congress, the "President" and his cronies are aggressively determined to do an end run around the Legislative Branch.  How else can they eviscerate and bastardize the First Amendment, destroying church-state separation?  Absolutely required, -- if Mr. Bush and his friends are to be successful imposing fascism.  Precisely how National Socialists justify autocratic government.  … Perversely, in the name of God.

Outrageously, the "Administration" is planning to waste taxpayer funds conducting seminars across the nation for the next seven months, instructing 5,000 religious organizations how to successfully get around current statutes and win federal funding.  -- Part of the "President's" agenda to create a "Christian" theocracy.  Religious groups will be instructed not to spend federal funds directly on Bibles or proselytization.  Astute, no?  They won't have to.

The outrageously deceptive fascist occupying the White House, however, cannot get around the fact the intended benefit and true purpose of taxpayer funding of "religious" "charitable" activities is to free churches to use monies already looted from believers specifically for that purpose, -- i.e. proselytization and imposition of fascist principles.  Ludicrously, why spend church funds aiding the poor if you can legally loot taxpayers to do the same and fortuitously line church coffers in the process?  After all, government funds are ALWAYS improperly siphoned off.  No matter the program.  No matter the recipient.  No matter the cause.  Greed rules.

... All courtesy of a fascist "President" determined to break down church-state separation, establishing a "Christian" theocracy.  Brilliant, isn't it.  Stunningly inspired.  Craftily freeing looted believers funds to propagandize "charitable" recipients at the same time.  Two birds with one stone.  … Immensely clever sleight of hand.  What amounts to no more than a federal handout to churches.  Legalized welfare to religious organizations.  Courtesy of looted taxpayers.  Preachers are salivating in anticipation.  Why shouldn't they?  Could turn into the golden goose.  Not only do they get to loot their own, they get to loot taxpayers.  Magnificent.

An unconstitutional and illegal shell game, the Nazi occupying the White House intends to help churches perfect.  The desperately sought end result of the "President's" faith-based initiatives is outrageously simple: taxpayer funds WILL be used to fund religion, -- albeit craftily and indirectly.  Conveniently providing disingenuous, phony "plausible deniability" to church officials and their government masters..  … A tactic perfected by corrupt and abusive government bureaucrats and politicians for years.

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer justified such chicanery declaring:  "Particularly in a time of a soft economy, it’s even more important to take action to help those in need."  Mr. Fleischer is a liar.  Neither he nor his boss could care in the least about the level of suffering.  Had they, the GOP and Democrats would not have eviscerated welfare and foodstamps, -- greedily laughing their portly asses off all the way to the bank.

Although too disingenuous and dishonest to admit it, the "President" is glaringly determined charitable aid will only come in return for religious indoctrination.  -- Another prong in the "Chief Executive's" agenda to create a "Christian" theocracy.  Bottom line?  Hungry?  Need a bowl of soup?  No problem.  Attend Bible class first, sucker.  ... At least, listen to a mini sermon before breaking bread.

Christ himself would have been appalled.  If overturning tables and cracking the whip in the temple is any indication, would have certainly condemned the corrupt and abusive behavior of these hypocritical sons of bitches.  Why is a "Christian" theocracy so critical to the "President" and his henchmen?  Perversion and bastardization of religion is the only way National Socialists can justify imposition of fascism on a formerly free citizenry.

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Labor Day Sham

Ole' George "The Tush" put on quite a show Labor Day at a United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America picnic.  … Just one of the good ole' boys, right, George?  Made a point of expressing gratitude to "all those who work hard to make a living in America."  Is that what you call it, Mr. "President"?  The "Chief Executive" conveniently forgets millions of Americans earn a minimum wage or dollar or two above without benefits.  Certainly, not a "living".

Desperately struggling not to appear aristocratically detached as Daddy years ago, the "President" took pains to acknowledge growing unemployment, piously declaring:  "I know the statistics and all that business, but what I worry about is when I hear stories about people who can’t find work."   Is that right, Mr. "President"?  … Conveniently forget you're one of the reasons unemployment skyrocketed since stealing office, sir?

The "President's" henchmen are self-servingly striving to divide labor, desperately hoping to drive a wedge and finally air hammer the last nail into the coffin of unionism.  White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer craftily remarked:  "When you look at rank-and-file union workers, there is increasing support for President George W. Bush.  They are not in lockstep with some of these older-line liberal labor leaders. There’s splits in the labor movement."

There certainly are, Ari Baby.  Certainly, are.  Not surprisingly, labor is highly reflective of the country, -- aggressively stupid as the rest of the population who continues to support the Nazi occupying the White House.  Better wake up before it's indeed too late, -- and liberty, civil, and constitutional rights are permanently gone.

The "Chief Executive" disingenuously struggled to appear as just an old Joe at the carefully organized orchestrated picnic.  -- Sawing wood and demonstrating carpentry skills to reporters and others mesmerized by his charismatic charm.  The "Administration" deliberately chose a union that had recently broken away from the AFL-CIO.  A carpenters union led by Douglas J. McCarron, who has his head so far up the "President's" ass, he's got ring around the collar.  … Pull it out, Dougie.  You can do it, sirGive the laundry lady a break, fool.

The "President" gutlessly chose to speak before a union hardly representative of labor.  To several hundred union members carefully chosen by invitation only.  The cowardly jackass didn't have the courage to address the AFL-CIO, -- where he would certainly have received a far more spirited and hostile reception.  Would have fallen flat on his face had he been forced to answer pointed hardball questions that conveniently never came his way at the carefully orchestrated picnic.

Healthcare Fiasco

Every now and then a patrician "President" needs to toss a bone to the hungry masses.  Recent case in point?  An "Administration" prescription discount card plan for Medicare recipients.  … Who'd a 'thunk' it, no?  Joking aside, the proposal is no more than use of a garden hose to put out a raging forest fire.  The elderly would see about a 13% reduction in drug expenditures.  A proverbial piss-hole in the snow.

Chicago residents Ray and Gayley Andrews spend some $12,000 annually on prescription drugs.  Are forced to sell their house to compensate greedy drug companies.  The discount card would only save them some $1500 yearly.  -- Nowhere near enough to retain their home.

Senior citizens routinely travel to Canada and Mexico to purchase American-made drugs at a fraction of their cost here.  Yet, the jackass appointed "President" by a fascist Supreme Court refuses to hold American pharmaceutical corporations accountable for price gouging.  Instead, throws a dog biscuit to the elderly suffering the brunt of insatiable corporate greed and avarice.

Mr. Bush is NO friend to healthcare recipients.  Every action taken is carefully designed to benefit Corporate America.  The drug discount card will not be funded by greedy pharmaceutical companies but by drug stores.  Precisely why they're so firmly opposed.  The "President" has permanently obliterated patient medical records privacy to benefit greedy healthcare providers.  Sen. Kennedy has promised to introduce legislation correcting this egregious problem.

Permanent easing of medical records privacy will ultimately enable healthcare providers to deny coverage. Private medical information will circuitously finds its way to employers who will use it to discriminate against current and future employees.  Precisely, what our fascist "President" desperately seeks.

The "President" has also deliberately attempted to destroy your right to sue and prevail against shoddy doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers.  Certainly does not want you compensated when outrageously aggrieved by providers, -- in many cases no better than quacks.

Greedy fascists falsely labeled the Clinton healthcare program socialized medicine.  Desperately wanted to maintain the status quo.  In fact, what Ole' Bill and Hillary proposed was far from socialized medicine.  Would indeed have left many with inadequate care for years.  Was, however, a start in the right direction.

Sadly, lack of attention to this exponentially growing problem has resulted in near bankruptcy of Medicaid nation-wide, many hospitals forced to close, increased improper use of emergency rooms for primary care, and presentation of patients for treatment in advanced states of disease when it is far more expensive or impossible to treat or cure.  … While greedy fascists get down on bended knee every Sunday thanking God for their great looted fortune and laughing their portly asses off all the way to the bank.  Praising the Lord.

Bottom line?  Due to lack of action, the United States is sadly closer to socialized medicine than ever before.  A terrible reality that could have been avoided had greedy healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies been wisely reined in years ago.  No way in hell will the public tolerate lack of treatment.  Should that happen, there will be blood spilled.  Will certainly become a campaign issue as the presidential election approaches.  Precisely why Ole' George "The Tush" is shamelessly throwing the elderly a bone.  Think they'll bite?  What about the over forty million of us who have no healthcare coverage at all, Mr. "President"?

Mindless Prosecution

Whoever claimed justice should be blind had no idea how right the concept turned out to be, -- not as originally intended, however, perversely so.  … Not only blind, but dumb and exceptionally aggressively stupid as well.  Long-term readers will recall this publication has repeatedly skewered corrupt and abusive "prosecutors", starting first and foremost with the 33rd Judicial District.  While District Attorney Ole' Sam "The Sham" Oatman has more than deserved the hammering received, others have also been similarly treated.  … Why discriminate?  Call it like it is.  Shine a spotlight and amusingly watch the gutless cockroaches scatter.

As horrendous as prosecutorial abuses are across the United States, one glaring example stands head and shoulders above the rest.  The November 26, 2002 murder of Floridian Terry King, 40, was extremely brutal.  Mr. King was mercilessly beaten with a baseball bat while asleep. The house was set on fire in an effort to conceal the crime.  Nazi prosecutor David Rimmer and law enforcement thugs apparently had no clue as to who was responsible.

Desperate to add another notch on his prosecutorial belt, however, Rimmer brought charges against family friend Ricky Chavis, 40, and the victim's sons Derek and Alex.  Tried Chavis and the boys separately to unethically and unconstitutionally maximize convicting someone, anyone.  Justice?  What the hell's that.  Doesn't matter any longer to prosecutors in the United States.

Rimmer knew he had no case against Chavis, essentially admitting so in a pretrial hearing.  -- Claimed he did not want to prosecute anyone innocent.  Having conferred with his handler, however, DID SO anyway.  In direct violation of oath of office.  Legal experts strongly questioned the ethics of trying Chavis and the boys before different juries for the same crime.  Stunning, isn't it?

Compounding the situation, Chavis reportedly sexually molested one of the boys, Alex, and will apparently be prosecuted on the charge.  The boys, 12 and 13 at the time of the murder, were tried as adults.  Although too young to sexually consent, drink, smoke, own real estate, sign contracts, die for their country, or even vote, they were indeed old enough to be treated as adults.  Interesting, isn't it?

Chavis was tried first for the murder of Mr. King.  Incredibly, both boys were allowed to testify against him before going to trial themselves.  Prosecutors consequently gained the advantage of being able to use whatever they said against them subsequently in the second trial.  … Adolph and Benito would have been proud.  Worse, the Nazi prosecutor, swinging wildly, shamelessly offered two totally different contradictory theories of the murder before each jury.  Clearly, did not bother to fully investigate and determine who was responsible before prosecuting.

The outrageously fascist prosecutor did not even ask the Chavis jury to convict the defendant.  That's right.  Rimmer did NOT ask the jury to convict Chavis.  Told them they had to decide precisely when the boys were lying, -- earlier confessing to the crime at Chavis' urging or when later blaming Chavis at trial for the crime.  The Nazi bastard went so far as to instruct the jury:  "I don't have a dog in this fight."  … Hey, Counselor?  If you had no "dog in this fight", why did you prosecute Chavis?  Glaringly abusing your prosecutorial power?

Readers should understand this murder case was far more complex than just briefly covered.  Bottom line?  The boys were convicted of second degree murder and arson September 5 and will be sentenced October 17.  Conveniently, the jury in the Chavis case returned a verdict a week before.  The Nazi judge in the case sealed it, however, until the King boys were convicted.  Giving the prosecution a glaring advantage in the second prosecution.  Ensuring the second jury would not learn prior to deliberation how incredibly badly the government had botched the first trial and abused its power.  In egregious violation of the public's right to know and everything the Founders of this once great country stood for.  Akin to Gestapo tactics employed in Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.

Chavis was found not guilty and had to wait approximately a week to learn his fate.  Prosecutors are not finished with the son of a bitch, however.  Will rightfully try him on molestation charges.  Will also unconstitutionally try him again on an accessory to murder charge, -- since he was found not guilty of the murder.  Directly violating double jeopardy.  -- Constitutional rights no longer exist in our formerly free country.  "Judges" and legislators have successfully eviscerated and bastardized the Bill of Rights.

Sadly, justice was not done.  Not by a long shot.  King jury forewoman Lynn Schwarz strongly asserted her panel thought Chavis was guilty of the murder and would have found so had he been tried at their trial.  According to Schwarz, the King boys were found guilty of second degree murder because they opened the door and allowed Chavis into the house.  She said her panel did not believe the boys had swung the baseball bat.  Interesting, isn't it?

Rimmer reacted incredulously, accusing the jury of ignoring allegations regarding use of the bat.  Despite the convictions, strongly believes the King jury gave the boys a free ride, asserting:  "That's a jury pardon. That's OK, I don't have a problem with that.''  In the perverse world of the fascist, night is day, day is night, and manure smells sweet.  The Nazi prosecutor was seen leaving court with a smile on his face.  ... The grin of great evil?  -- Or that of a clueless idiot?  ... Both?

September 11 Anniversary

While exceptionally cowardly Americans wring their hands as 9/11 approaches, they conveniently ignore the horrendous cost of the catastrophe.  Thousands lost?  Much more than that.  The victims are dead and gone.  Their suffering is over.  While families mourn and will never recover, something far more precious was lost that day.  Americans are too aggressively stupid to understand.

Over the last year, an outrageously corrupt and abusive "Administration" ceded to the enemy what NEVER could have been lost on the battlefield.  Civil liberties and constitutional rights.  Falsely in the name of "national security".  In reality, a convenient ruse by the jackass appointed "President" by a Nazi Supreme Court to impose a fascist police-state.  The people have ignorantly forgotten THEY indeed ARE the government in a democratic republic.  Not the fascist, appointed by a Nazi Supreme Court.

When you get up in the morning and take that first look in the mirror, ask how you so cowardly allowed the jackass occupying the White House to betray his oath of office.  Conveniently and gutlessly ignoring the blood of thousands who courageously died on the beaches of Normandy, the sands of Iwo Jima, and every other battlefield during the last 226 years since this once great nation was founded.  The Founders must indeed be spinning in their graves.  Ashamed at the cowardly direction their legacy has taken.

Priscilla Owen Judicial Nomination Shot Down

The "President" lost a big one Sept. 5.  Fascist judicial nominee Priscilla Owen was rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee, 10-9.  Tough, isn't it?  The "President" isn't a happy camper, declaring:  "Washington is a tough and ugly town at times… we saw that today in the United States Senate…A handful of senators distorted her record. A handful of senators ... would not let this good woman's name go forward…Treating a fine woman this way is bad for the country, it's bad for our bench. And I don't appreciate it one bit, and neither do the American people."

Wake up, you jackass.  Ms. Owen is a flaming fascist and would have continued to eviscerate liberty and civil and constitutional rights on the federal bench.  -- As she's done the last eight years here as a Texas Supreme Court "Justice".  Her defeat in the Judiciary Committee is indeed a blessing.  Her "record" was in no way distorted.  Had the nomination continued to the full Senate, opponents would have fully aired her exceptionally sordid history of "rulings" legislating her "religious" and personal views from the bench.

… Hey, George?  Instead of stamping your feet in frustration, why not submit mainstream candidates rather than National Socialists in the vein of Pickering and Owen?  Among many other glaringly fascist principles you shamelessly seek to impose, who the hell are you to load the judiciary with Nazis firmly believing they own a woman's uterus and claiming the right to tell her what she can and cannot do with it?  Doesn't fly, Mr. "President".  Never will.

Owen has a history of making law from the bench as reported in several earlier editions of this publication.  -- A "strict constructionist" who conveniently distorts the Constitution, law, and judicial precedent in a concerted effort to impose her personal philosophy and religious beliefs.  Extremely dangerous and glaringly unacceptable in a supposedly "free" country.

Christian Coalition

Amazing how "Christians" from the Fascist Right conveniently ignore the fact gays seek no more than the same rights the rest of us take for granted.  Interestingly also, history has a way of repeating itself.  Certainly is in Miami.  Remember the controversial gay rights repeal election back in 1977 spearheaded by former Miss America and Florida orange juice spokesperson Anita Bryant?

On September 10, a remarkably similar referendum will again be decided by Miami-Dade voters.  Interesting, isn't it?  This time, however, these fascists appear poised to lose.  Apparently why, a desperate Miami-Dade Christian Coalition President Anthony Verdugo and three of his petition workers were recently arrested on voter fraud charges involving phony signatures on the petitions.

Fanatically determined to impose their fascist principles on others, they apparently willingly and conveniently violated election law.  Haven't these incredibly intolerant, unloving, uncharitable, glaringly bigoted "Christians" learned "Thou shalt not bear false witness"?  Sadly, these fascist extremists have outrageously sullied the reputation of mainstream Christians who do not ascribe or condone their tactics.

End result of homophobic bigotry rooted in sick "religion"?  One recent outrageous example?  Treve Broudy and Edward Lett had dinner together about a week ago.  Shortly after midnight Sept. 2, both were beaten by a man with a metal pipe and baseball bat.  -- After embracing each other on the street in the West Hollywood, Ca. gay and lesbian district.  Broudy is in a coma.  Suffered severe brain injury, underwent two surgeries, and may not survive.  Lett is recovering from minor injuries.  For what?  Embracing.  The sick bastard responsible for the atrocity is being hunted by police.

For you homophobic Nazi bigots out there perversely professing your distorted views of Christianity, think Christ would have approved?  If in fact the son of God as you firmly preach and fervently believe, wouldn't the man have had at least something to say publicly about homosexuality if indeed it was so important and critical?  Nowhere in the four Gospels did Christ address the issue.  Nowhere.  Where in hell do you get off forcing your exceptionally perverse and narrow views of morality on others, conveniently and gutlessly bastardizing and eviscerating Christianity and its truly loving message?  ... So insecure in your own sexuality you feel sickly compelled to condemn homosexual preferences and tendencies in others you profoundly feel yourselves.

Getting In Bed With The Enemy

Interesting how convoluted national policy becomes when convenience and political expediency take center stage front and center to "leadership" lacking intellectual capacity and prowess.  The United States has declared Syria a state sponsor of terrorism.  Yet, Syrian and American officials exchange information and pleasantries.  Interesting, isn't it?

In fact, there is a fascinating quid pro quo in place.  In exchange for information on terrorists, the United States conveniently and cowardly looks the other way as Syria illegally imports Iraqi crude, -- 200,000 barrels a day.  At a bargain basement price, $14/barrel.  Saddam enjoys an illicit $3 billion annual slush fund as a result.  Money that will be used to kill Americans and Israelis.

Especially useful to Mr. Hussein now that the jackass occupying the White House ponders an invasion.  -- Unilateral military action NOT supported by allies, Democrats, an increasingly growing number of his own party, the military brass, or the American people.  Worse, the "President", although claiming to have secret evidence, to date has not publicly disclosed any new evidence supporting his claims.

In fact, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer disingenuously and falsely crowed: "The president believes that the evidence that we have already seen is sufficient to require regime change…Based on the evidence that has already been discussed, there is a bipartisan sentiment for a regime change."  … Hey, Ari?  Head so far up your ass circulation to the brain's cut off?  Wake up, sir.  The direct opposite is occurring, you jackass.  -- Glaringly increasing opposition and questioning arising in Congress.  To say nothing of what the military brass is thinking.

Why is Syrian information so valuable to Mr. Bush?  The Syrians torture prisoners to brutally elicit information.  Although anything obtained through such tactics is notoriously unreliable historically, the jackass occupying the White House apparently believes otherwise.  While Ole' George "The Tush" conveniently and hypocritically wears "religion" on his sleeve, he's gotten into bed with the devil.

… In glaring violation of self-professed "Christian" principles.  ... Has also deliberately, treasonously, and traitorously violated the best interests of the American military knowing full well the $3 billion illicit Iraqi oil income will be used to kill American soldiers should he ultimately invade.  For political expediency and highly unreliable ill-gotten information.  Remove your head from your ass, Mr. "President".  Aggressive stupidity is unbecoming, sir.

Subsequently to writing this article, British Prime Minister Tony Blair met with Bush on Saturday, Sep. 7 for a three-hour pow wow to shore up the "President".  Both men falsely claimed a UN satellite photo indicative of Iraqi development of weapons of mass destruction.  UN officials quickly claimed the "President" and Prime Minister had misinterpreted the photography.  Interesting, isn't it?


The Zacharias Moussaoui fiasco goes on.  Former French Interior Minister Daniel Vaillant recently interviewed by ABC NEWS disclosed FBI and CIA agents received a full Moussaoui briefing by French agents September 5, 2001.  … Six days before the catastrophe.  The French assert he was NOT involved in 9/11, but was apparently part of a planned future attack.  While the FBI admits to a meeting, it claims no specific information was received.  Yet, the very same information reportedly is contained in the Moussaoui indictment.  -- An indictment phonily alleging 9/11 involvement.  Interesting, isn't it?

Palestinian Expulsions Approved

In utter disregard of international law, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled Sept. 3 Israeli military goons can expel relatives of Palestinian terror suspects. This amounts to no more than collective punishment, remarkably similar to Gestapo tactics employed during the Second World War.  Israel has already bulldozed over two dozen homes of relatives of suspects.  Has only reinforced Palestinian determination, however.  Relatives of suicide bombers have already sadly dedicated newborns to the struggle.

The ruling will conveniently facilitate transfer of occupied Palestinians from the West Bank to Gaza.  In violation of international law.  May enable Israeli military goons to be tried for war crimes in the International Criminal Court, however.  Precisely why Israel and the United States are so opposed to this new judicial body.  While this writer is also strongly opposed to this court for a variety of reasons and views it as a threat to national sovereignty, what other way is there to bring intransigent war criminals to justice?

Planned Parenthood

Readers will recall the recent attack by Nazi prosecutor Phil Havens, Iowa Buena Vista County Attorney, on Planned Parenthood reported in a recent edition of this publication.  Mr. Havens has been temporarily wisely muzzled by the Iowa Supreme Court.  A hearing is scheduled Dec. 9, sparing Planned Parenthood executives jailing Aug. 17 for refusing to turn over confidential medical records to this outrageous attack dog.

Texans for Public Justice

Date:  Thu, 05 Sep 2002 12:00:34 -0500
From:  Texans for Public Justice <> [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  Owen Nomination Defeated

  Text Size:  smalldefaultlargeextra large

Earlier today the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected the nomination of Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen for a seat on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.  A statement from TPJ follows.

Statement of Craig L. McDonald,  Director, Texans for Public Justice
Contact:  512-472-9770, 512-923-1733

“Priscilla Owen’s rejection by the Senate Judiciary Committee is a major victory for women, workers, minorities and consumers.  It is also a signal to President Bush that ideological court packing will not be tolerated.  Judges who view the bench as a vehicle for their own political agendas do not merit promotion.

"Some pundits will argue that partisan politics prompted Owen’s rejection. But many Republican jurists within the ideological mainstream have and will continue to win Senate confirmation. Senators rejected Owen because of her record as an activist Texas Supreme Court justice who repeatedly ruled against reproductive rights, open government, environmental protection and workers and consumers. Simply, Owen too often used the power of the bench to promote her own ultra-conservative, pro-corporate views.  Owen is a jurist out of the mainstream, even by Texas standards."

"We encourage President Bush to nominate a mainstream jurist to serve on the Fifth Circuit.”

Texans for Public Justice (TPJ) is a non-partisan research and advocacy organization that monitors money in Texas judicial campaigns and supports fundamental judicial selection reform in Texas.  TPJ has been a leading opponent of Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen’s confirmation to serve on the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court.  For TPJ reports, fact-sheets, etc on Owen, visit

Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box 825
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609

Dear Fire Department Supporter,

Generous support of your Fire Department assures that we are there when you need us with the right equipment and training.  We all think of our Fire Department when we think of fire, but your Department is also equipped to provide emergency support in other areas ranging from responding to hazardous material spills to removal of the injured in auto accidents.  A recent training exercise used the 'jaws of life' to provide entry to a severely damaged vehicle.

Your Fire Department is currently staffed by 14 volunteers who are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  These members have jobs, family lives, social and civic responsibilities, and yet they manage to quickly respond to calls for aid regardless of time, day or night. Your Firefighters need safe and effective equipment and training to continue to meet the expanding needs of our community.  Community population has increased by more than 54% between 1990 and 2000, and by another 16% between 2000 and 2002.

Through your support, and grant funding from LCRA, we have replaced our 1967 Pumper Truck with a much more capable 1987 Pierce Pumper.  We have also modified two surplus military vehicles to maintain and expand our brush truck inventory.  While we have upgraded our main Tanker in the last few years, our smaller 1969 Tanker is not reliable and requires replacement.

Our current planning includes replacing the old tanker, upgrading and expanding our breathing apparatus (for use in structure firefighting), and the addition of defibrillator capability.  Once again, we are requesting your assistance in meeting the needs of your Fire Department.  As always, we appreciate your contributions!

JUST THINK!  What if you had a fire and no one came?  We also have need of a few good people who are willing to help out their community.  We meet the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 PM at the Fire Barn on Hwy 261.


Sometime between 10 PM Tuesday night, 5/21/02 and Thursday, 2 PM, 5/23/02 the fire station was broken into and over $4000 of equipment was taken.  If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Buchanan Fire Department, 793-9085 or contact the Sheriff's office in Llano.



P.O. BOX 825

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Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

A letter To Burnet County Sheriff Joe Pollock has been posted recently.  Access it by clicking here.

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 71 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609