The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V164        ©2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
August 19, 2002

Welcome To The New Llano Ledger Website

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Planned Parenthood
No Due Process
Unlimited Prosecutions
Government Double-Speak
Two Systems Of Criminal Justice
Sexual Harassment Reinforced
Raising The Bar
Nazi "Justice"
Waco Economic Forum
Mexican Snub Of "President"
Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

Planned Parenthood

The Fascist Right has been at war with Planned Parenthood for years.  Has its head so far up its ass it laughably thinks this fine organization promotes unmarried sex.  … Particularly sad and ironic, since many of THEIR kids are already having unprotected sex, making them even more susceptible to pregnancy and diseases.  The parents are in abject denial.  Worse, the Right promotes the myth condoms are totally ineffective against HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases.  Deadly distortion of reality.  Truly criminal.  Never confuse a fascist with the truth, however.  They're too damned stupid.

The August 14 edition of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) features a new University of Wisconsin study providing interesting results of a poll of sexually active Wisconsin girls under 18 who received sexual healthcare at Planned Parenthood.  Interestingly, a number of states have been considering legislation that would require healthcare providers to disclose to parents anyone under 18 trying to get prescribed contraceptives.  So is Congress.  Incredibly enlightened, isn't it?

Of the girls in the study, 59% asserted the threat of parental notification would lead them to "stop using all sexual health-care services, delay testing or treatment for HIV or other STDs [sexually transmitted diseases], or discontinue use of specific sexual health-care services".  At this point, fascists must be applauding, urging parental notification.  Clap a little harder, fools.  Will only demonstrate profound aggressive stupidity.  Why?

Incredibly, simple.  Should come as no surprise, 99% of those same young women asserted they would continue to have sex REGARDLESS.  Duh.  Wake up.  Your aggressive stupidity and ignorance can kill your kid.  While your head is conveniently up your ass due to outrageous manipulation and distortion of reality by the "Religious" Right and phony preachers, your children are indeed engaging in sexual activity, -- without your knowledge, often without protection or healthcare.

Sadly, unwanted pregnancy is the least of it.  Your child can die of AIDS, facilitated through transmission of HIV through failure to use a condom.  Yet, you criminally deny sexually active teenagers access to condoms, foolishly, irrationally, insanely claiming such distribution contributes to sexual activity.  A circular argument glaringly based in myth and outrageously perpetrated by perversely immoral and controlling preachers, desperately trying to impose their fascist agenda.

Interestingly, Planned Parenthood is on the forefront of a legal battle involving evisceration of privacy rights regarding medical records of thousands.  Nazi prosecutor Phil Havens is attempting to force Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa to release all medical records of its clients to determine the identity of the mother of a dead baby.  This outrageous fascist disingenuously argues privacy is not an absolute right: "If the rights of society are greater, then those rights should prevail ... We have a dead baby and there is no way we can investigate the crime without knowing who the mother is."

First, Counselor, the identity of the mother is your problem and that of your equally corrupt and abusive cronies.  --Not that of Planned Parenthood or the thousands of women who receive medical services.  The ends don't justify the means. The need of the state to prosecute one offender does not come before privacy rights of literally thousands of innocent women.  You're on a fishing expedition, Mr. Havens.   Your own investigators concede the mother may not have gone to Planned Parenthood.  You don't even know whether the infant was born dead or alive, or that a crime was indeed committed.

Second, Counselor, your assumption the rights of society are greater than those of the individual is glaringly false and outrageously Nazi.  It is precisely due to such disingenuous, outrageously self-serving, and abusive reasoning, the Founders wrote the Bill of Rights.  -- To protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority.  Wake up, Mr. Havens.  Your profound ignorance and embrace of fascism are stunning and demonstrative of exactly how corrupt and abusive law enforcement and prosecutors have become in this once great nation.

Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

For the last two hundred years, outrageously abusive law enforcement, prosecutors, and a corrupt judiciary have continuously chipped away at constitutional rights.  In outrageous violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, citizens have been forced to give up nearly all privacy and the right not to self incriminate.  How so?  Matters not whether guilty or innocent, anyone accused falsely or in good faith, with or without genuine probable cause, must provide fingerprints, blood, hair, handwriting, voice, or any other samples corrupt and abusive prosecutors want.

The government is not required to independently develop evidence, but forces citizens guilty or innocent to convict themselves.  If the results always ensured the guilty were properly convicted, there would be no issue.  Too many times, however, the opposite occurs.  Corrupt prosecutors and police could care less as long as they secure a conviction, another notch on the belt.  Doesn't matter at all any longer whether their victims are guilty or innocent.  As long as they nail someone, anyone.

The alleged needs of the many take precedence over the rights of the few.  The Founders clearly thought the opposite and sought to make it extremely difficult for government to criminally convict.  Why?  To prevent exactly the egregious prosecutorial and law enforcement abuses pervading all levels of government today.   Precisely why innocent people on death row are released 15 to 20 years after conviction by corrupt and abusive courts.  -- People convicted on trumped up, phony "evidence".  Yet, the bastards responsible are protected and coddled by sovereign immunity statutes and free to continue their outrageously criminal behavior.

Sadly, the greatest threat is not from the criminal element in society and terrorists, but from glaringly corrupt and abusive prosecutors and police.  Yet, the "Religious" Right insists on accelerating the execution process, risking legally murdering additional innocent death row inmates at a quicker pace.  If it takes 20 years to exonerate so many of the innocent, what chance does someone have if executions come several years at most after conviction?

Planned Parenthood officials are courageously willing to go to jail to protect the privacy of clients.  … Hey, Counselor?  Should they cowardly capitulate to the Nazi "judge" and you get the records, what then?  Intend to incarcerate women who tell you to go to hell and refuse to produce infants for your inspection?  Or intrusively canvass their neighbors and family members?  Or will you seek DNA samples from thousands of Planned Parenthood "suspects"?

Wake up, readers.  This fascist prosecutor has made the same phony argument our Nazi "President" and Attorney General have made in their evisceration of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments, -- through enactment of an outrageously unconstitutional "Patriot" Act, equally unconstitutional Executive Orders, and other administrative fiats.  The war on terror and "needs" of corrupt and abusive prosecutors and law enforcement do not justify evisceration of civil and constitutional rights.  Our "leaders" are conveniently taking advantage of 9/11 and the cowardice of the citizenry to consolidate power and impose a fascist police state.

No Due Process

Earlier this year, Nazi Attorney General John Ashcroft shamelessly lied at a press conference, falsely accusing American citizen Jose Padilla of actively "plotting" to explode a radiological bomb in Chicago.  A bold-faced lie.  No question, there were high level doubts in the intelligence community and "Justice" Department prior to and after announcement.  Didn't stop the "President", however, from quickly signing a "finding" Padilla an "enemy combatant".  The prisoner was immediately denied access to his court-appointed counsel and moved to a navy brig.  Has been held incommunicado since.  In glaring violation of the United States Constitution.

The government has no evidence against Padilla and does not want to charge him.  Intends to hold him indefinitely, however, until he provides information.  -- One "Administration" official reportedly declared: "If this guy thinks he might be there for 20 years with no recourse, he might just say, ‘OK, let’s talk’."  Readers, this is raw Nazism.  Wake up.  What no enemy could have achieved on the battlefield, our treasonous "President" has ceded to terrorists.

… Hey, George?  Such abusive tactics were routinely used in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.  This country used to be better.  No more.  Nazi Solicitor General Theodore Olson argues our fascist, appointed "President" has wide-ranging powers to arrest and detain ANYONE he suspects of terrorism, including U.S. citizens, --indefinitely with no access to attorneys and courts.  Outrageously, the government has arrogantly told the judge in the Hamdi case he has no right to review actions by the "Commander in Chief".  Wake up, readers.  Your government has been hijacked by a Nazi appointed by the United States Supreme Court.

The Bush "Administration" has also appealed the district court order to release names of all "detainees" held in the United States.   All these glaringly unconstitutional fascist actions by Mr. Bush and his henchmen will ultimately be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court, -- after they work their way through the court system.  The "President" of the United States has glaringly betrayed his oath of office and the people of this once great country.  Should the High Court go along, the Bill of Rights and rest of the Constitution will no longer exist.  Demanding and justifying revolution:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

The Founders were quite right.  … It's not only the right, but the duty of the people.  Sadly, we are but a small hollow shell of what we used to be.  Cowardly sheep.

Unlimited Prosecutions

Apparently, there is no limit to willingness of corrupt and abusive prosecutors to prosecute innocent third-parties in misdemeanor and felony cases.  This is not to say there is no civil liability, but highly questionable whether most of these individuals should be charged and tried criminally.  More importantly, these prosecutions seem intended to divert attention from truly guilty parties, -- perpetrators and incompetent police.   Example?  An extremely sad case recently prosecuted in New Jersey.

On August 9, Kenneth Powell was acquitted of manslaughter.  Navy Ensign John Elliot died in a horrendous car wreck involving alcohol in July 2000.  Powell was NOT the drunken driver.  Michael Pangle was.  Powell, however, may have facilitated the death.  So did New Jersey State Police.  How so?

Pangle had been arrested for drunken driving earlier that evening, -- before the fatal collision.  That's right.  Before the fatal collision.  Incredibly, New Jersey State Police called Powell on the phone and asked him to pick the drunken driver up and take him home.  Stunning, isn't it?  Pangle wasn't jailed despite the fact his blood alcohol stood at .21, over twice the legal limit.  Worse, he remained extremely intoxicated, abusive, belligerent, and loud when Powell arrived at state police barracks.

Troopers allegedly told Powell to take him home and not to his car.  … Despite giving the drunk the keys to his vehicle.  That's right.  Officers incredibly gave Pangle the keys.  The police could have towed the vehicle at the time of arrest, but failed to do so, apparently due to the amount of paperwork required.  Powell subsequently returned Pangle to his vehicle.  … From directions given by police.  That's right.  The police gave Powell directions to the vehicle.  An hour later, the son of a bitch drunk arrested earlier hit the car containing Elliot and his girlfriend head on, killing Elliot and injuring his passenger.

During autopsy, Pangle's blood alcohol content was determined to be .26.  -- Drunker than he was at the time of original arrest.  … Had continued drinking after returning to his vehicle.  As stated earlier, Powell was acquitted of manslaughter.  Rightfully, so.  Criminal responsibility lies with the dead drunken driver and negligent state police.  Not an innocent third-party forced to deal with an abusive belligerent drunk.  Apparently, police wanted and forced Powell to do their jobs for them.  The jury hung on lesser charges.  Incredibly, he'll be prosecuted again.  … It is extremely outrageous prosecutors are allowed and encouraged to pile on charges, hoping to score a direct hit on at least one of them.  Retrying when they don't.  Exquisitely indicative of how fascist and incredibly perverse the criminal "justice" system has become.

What we have here is scape-goating of the worst kind.  Deliberate diversion of attention and blame from where it truly belongs, -- criminals and negligent police.  No question, should Powell be finally convicted of any charges, the floodgate of malicious prosecutions of innocent people will skyrocket.  Exactly what Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) apparently desperately seeks.  Apparently also, they wish to extend criminal culpability in drunk driving to the ends of the universe.

… Liquor store owners better start asking for keys of customers they suspect of drinking, -- or those they think may start drinking in their vehicles immediately after purchase of alcohol.  Otherwise, if there's later a deadly wreck, they could be prosecuted.  … If you see a driver you suspect may have been drinking, better report it.  If you don't, you could possibly later be hauled into court if he kills somebody.  Same goes for tollbooth clerks, bridge toll takers, gas station attendants, convenience store operators, etc..  Sadly, the list can go on and on.  … Better become skilled "crime" observers and mind readers, otherwise the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches will lock you up and haul your sorry ass into court.

Nazis in government and groups such as MADD want to turn this country into a nation of spies and snitches.  That is not to say, however, people should not do their civic duty and report suspicious activity.  To prosecute those who don't, however, is another matter and smacks of Big Brother and 1984.

Bottom line?  We're living in a fascist police state where apparently there is no end to malicious prosecutions.  This is not to say there is no civil liability, or grounds for civil litigation in these cases.  The Elliot family chose not to sue, however.  Why?  Seems to have been an egregious mistake.  No question, a civil jury should have determined whether or not Powell was indeed liable for driving Pangle to his car.  … May not have been since Pangle was extremely drunk and belligerent.  -- Possibly far more than Powell may have reasonably been expected to handle.  The true liability in this terribly tragic case appears to lie with New Jersey State Police who did not jail Pangle or at least impound his vehicle.  Seems either avenue would have prevented needless death and injury.  A civil jury should have at least had the opportunity to so determine.

Government Double-Speak

Readers will recall New York defense attorney Lynne Stewart had been indicted by the "Justice" Department for allegedly helping relay messages for Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman.  A client.  In reality, the indictment is no more than a blatant attempt to intimidate attorneys representing defendants accused of terrorism.  … An outrageous attack by Nazi U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and the "President" on the constitutional right to counsel.  In direct opposition to the Bill of Rights, the government has conveniently authorized itself to monitor privileged conversations between attorneys and clients.  … Think that information will not be used by corrupt and abusive fascist prosecutors?  If not, there's a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.  Some oceanfront in Arizona.

In a remarkable "Catch-22", a Nazi U.S. District Judge Koeltl refused to disclose to Stewart whether or not her conversations with clients continue to be monitored by law enforcement goons, declaring she had not provided any rationale as to how government's "legitimate interest in engaging in covert investigations of ongoing criminal activity or for foreign intelligence purposes could be maintained if the government were required to disclose any such investigations in advance.''  Amusing "double-speak", coming from a jackass unfit to be dog catcher, never mind preside over a case no more than a classical example of kangaroo justice.  The government maintains if there is indeed any impropriety by law enforcement thugs and outrageously corrupt "prosecutors", it will be taken care of later.  Mighty convenient, no?  Unadulterated bullsh-t.

Two Systems Of Criminal Justice

No question, there are two levels of criminal "justice" in the United States, -- one for the "haves", one for the "have-nots".  Latest egregious example?  The case of Clara Harris, 44, of a posh Houston suburb.  Ms. Harris is accused of killing her husband, David, also 44, after catching him with another woman at a Houston-area hotel July 24.  Both husband and wife were successful dentists with separate practices.

Had delayed posting this story for two reasons.  First, the dust had to settle.  -- Events involved are so bizarre, wanted to make absolutely sure what was initially alleged had truly happened.  Second, considering the substance of the material and its deeply disturbing nature, the story was incredibly painful to write.

Seems, Ms. Harris suspected her husband of having an affair.  Had just hired a private investigator that very day to trail her errant hubby.  According to witnesses in the hotel lobby, there was one hell of a confrontation.  -- Ms. Harris going so far as to rip the shirt off the back of her husband's employee and new love interest, Gail Bridges.  Hotel employees successfully managed to get all three out the lobby and into the parking lot.

Mr. Harris tried to get his companion into her car and on her way, when Ms. Harris ran to her Mercedes.  Tires screaming, hotel employees pounded on the hood of the car in an unsuccessful effort to get her to stop. This incredibly "loving" wife drove into her husband with sufficient force to throw him 25 feet.  Not finished, she circled the lot and ran over him three times.  Still in a rage, she backed the vehicle on top of him and parked it.

When questioned by reporters, she responded it was an "accident".  What makes this killing particularly chilling, tragic, absolutely heartrending, is the fact Mr. Harris' 16-year-old daughter from an earlier marriage was a witness to the entire series of events.  In fact, an active participant in the hotel lobby where she struck her father with a purse repeatedly, screaming at him: "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."  She was also in the car when Ms. Harris killed her husband.  Witnesses claim after the vehicle was finally parked, she punched Harris in the face.

According to a witness, Harris responded by looking in the direction of her husband yelling: "I'm so sorry! I love you! Keep breathing!" Nassau Bay police Lt. Joe M. Cashiola told the Houston Chronicle: "She jumped the median and ran over him three times…I saw the daughter lying on the ground, crying uncontrollably and sobbing.  She had to watch her dad 5 feet from her, underneath the car, while they're putting her mom in handcuffs."

Can you understand and appreciate what this young woman will have to live with the rest of her life?  The gut-wrenching guilt and indescribable incredible never ending pain?  For a series of events ultimately leading to murder, -- terrible circumstances originating with two clueless "parents" for which she was not at all in any way responsible?  At the tender age of 16.  Can you imagine having to relive that terrible ordeal over and over and over again until the day she dies?  Knowing one of the last things her father heard was his daughter screaming: "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."?  Think therapy has a snowball's chance of restoring this young woman to any semblance of normality?  Certainly will never return to what she was before that horrendous day.

What would drive a "loving" wife to kill a husband she still apparently "loved", despite his philandering? … Readers are reminded, remarkably after killing him, she screamed: "I'm so sorry! I love you! Keep breathing!"  Fascinating, isn't it? Insecurity, fear of rejection at the root of this exceptionally cruel abominable act?  Hardly.  Millions in this country know what it's like to deal with infidelity, including this writer.  Yet, extremely few of us respond viciously.  Most, just wisely move on, chalk it up as valuable learning experience, and get on with things.

What would motivate an affluent young dentist with the world in her hands to not only kill her husband, but utterly and permanently destroy her life in the process?  Was the son of a bitch worth it?  What feeds this insanity, ultimate irrationality, indescribable horror?  Ms. Harris could have wisely taken the philandering bastard to the cleaners, relieving him of all he was worth in divorce court, but chose not to.  Why?  Indeed, could have ultimately had the last laugh, trading him in for a new younger model.  An improved version.  One that would have treated her far better.  Without doubt, women continue to enjoy a lop-sided advantage in court.  Why not wisely take advantage of it?

No question, the green-eyed monster is infinitely more powerful than reason, judgment, affluence, and power.  What lies at the root of this insane jealousy?  -- What irrational assumption so blatantly false, but powerful enough to drive an ordinarily sane person to insanity?  Simple.  We think our significant other, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. "belongs" to us.  This concept of "belonging" conjures a deep feeling of possessiveness and ownership.  -- Glaringly false and arrogant belief we actually "own” another human being, --including his or her genitals.  … "Your cookies are mine, Honey."  Ludicrous as it sounds and is, that's exactly how most of us for all practical purposes insanely approach issues of "fidelity".  We treat human relationships as no more than chattel.  A commodity, we arrogantly think we can control and use as seen fit.

Apparently, Ms. Harris truly believed her husband "belonged" to her.  -- "If I can't have him, no one will."  When that false concept was sorely threatened, she not only assaulted the other woman, but killed her husband, -- a man she claimed to have "loved".  In front of his daughter.  While this writer in no way defends the philandering bastard, it is necessary to expose the fallacy in thinking and feeling that led to his killing, -- a punishment that in no way fitted the "crime".

In the United States, we have deeply conflicted and perverse views of sexuality and human relationships.  Often, making incredibly impossible demands on one another.  Example?  Two people marry at an early age, demanding sexual fidelity for the rest of their lives.  At 20, 25, 30, or older, what assurance do you have you'll have sexual interest in one another five years down the road, never mind a lifetime?  Precisely why, among many other reasons, the divorce rate is some 50% overall, and some 60% of new marriages.

… What is your favorite food?  Whatever it is, wouldn't you quickly grow tired of it,  -- especially if that's all you had meal after meal?  Why should sex be any different?  Have known people married for many years who deeply love one another and treat each other extremely well.  Yet, if one strayed, the marriage was immediately over.  Why?  Why would someone give up years of a loving relationship, because one or the other or both strayed?

We seem to forget sex is a biological act and need akin to eating, breathing, sleeping, urinating, defecating, etc..  Yet, we turn it into much more.  Much, much more.  Why?  Simple.  It's indeed an extremely effective way of controlling people.  Something the "Religious" Right conveniently learned many years ago and cunningly employs to this very day.  Using guilt as extreme leverage.

The fascist mentality requires an iron-fisted pecking order starting at the family level.  Precisely why the only "legitimate" families to the fascist are married ones containing a man and a woman, -- with the man in charge.  When you rigidly control sexuality, -- define when, where, how, with whom, and under what conditions it's permissible, you maintain a death grip on the throat of those so subjugated.  Exquisite control.  Remarkably effective.  … Until relationships implode.

Ludicrously, there are men, who despite having strayed on their wives many times, immediately file for divorce if they catch them once being "unfaithful".  True faithfulness, however, has far more to do with how honestly couples relate and treat one another on a daily basis than what is done with genitals, inside or outside marriage.  Sadly, the Right has no understanding or comprehension.  No clue.

Amusingly, there are couples in this country who have a tacit understanding, indeed look the other way when straying occurs as long as the straying partner remembers who and where home is.  Both playing the game, absent the hypocrisy of other more conventional marriages.  Abiding by their own rules.  While their definition of "fidelity" is far from mainstream and appalling to the "Religious" Right, their marriages work.  They otherwise treat each other well, love one another.  Unlike those who wind up as divorce statistics.  Marriage, as everything in life, is indeed a game.  A game that must be very carefully played, -- with true compassion and understanding,  … A concept foreign to the Fascist Right.

Adding insult to injury, Ms. Harris has not been treated as an ordinary criminal thug.  Not subsequently incarcerated as others with far less standing in the community would have been.  Despite being extraordinarily dangerous, she is free on $30,000 bail.  Incredibly, state District Judge Carol Davies ordered Harris to stay 200 feet away from her dead husband's girlfriend.  -- A woman, Ms. Harris criminally assaulted before killing Mr. Harris in the parking lot.  … Hey, "Judge", remove your head from your ass, you outrageous jackass.  Why is this woman free on bail?  She apparently committed a heinous violent crime recorded on camera by the private detective she hired, and remains a continuing threat to Gail Bridges.  Yet, because of her status in life, you free her on bail?  Wake up.  Your level of aggressive stupidity is indeed appalling.

Sexual Harassment Reinforced

Amazing how the good ole' boy system takes care of itself, no?  At the height of the Monica Lewinsky fiasco, now retired State University of New York at New Paltz professor Alex Young repeatedly called student Inbal Hayut "Monica Lewinsky".  Not only did this Neanderthal continually address her as such, he repeatedly made crude comments such as "How was your weekend with Bill?", "Be quiet, Monica, I will give you a cigar later."  Hayut's grades were affected and she was forced to transfer.

Despite continuously running abusive commentary, crude and vulgar remarks and sexual innuendo, Nazi U.S. District Judge Howard Munson conveniently ruled July 30 Hayut failed to demonstrate in her suit sexual harassment occurred with sufficient degree of frequency and threw out the case.  -- One good ole' boy taking care of another.  Boys will be boys, no? No problem, right?  Isn't that special?  The jackass further pontificated from the bench: "Even though professor Young's conduct is highly offensive and obviously inappropriate, it does not rise to the level of actionable sexual harassment."  Is that right, "Your Honor"?  What does?  … Head so far up your ass your judgment's gone? No longer see the light of day?  Or just plain stupid, "Judge"?

Sadly, sexual harassment is frequently rewarded within the United States.  Can even secure an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Right, Clarence?  Readers are reminded Clarence Thomas was nominated and confirmed to the highest court of the land.  Despite repeated sexually offensive comments made to Anita Hill involving Long Dong Silver and pubic hair on a can of Coke.  Yet, this outrageous buffoon continues to impose his glaringly perverse fascist views and philosophy on the rest of us through remarkably convoluted "rulings".

Hayut and counsel are considering appealing.  Can only hope so.  … Hey, Al?  Howie?  Know what you can do with the cigar, boys?  … Preferably, light it first.

Raising The Bar

Every time this writer thinks he's seen the epitome of aggressive stupidity, someone comes along and raises the bar.  A nursing mother, Elizabeth McGarry, 40, was forced by a security guard at JFK International Airport to drink her own breast milk from three containers she had in her baggage.  The rationale of the "guard" was apparently to make sure there was no threat from the liquid to other fliers.  Incredibly remarkably enlightened, no?   The incident dates back to April 2.  The government inexplicably waited until June 24 to change the policy.  Why?  As reported earlier in this publication, a teenaged boy was similarly forced to drink a sample of creek water, resulting in illness.  … Only in fascist America.  … Where cowardice and aggressive stupidity reign supreme.


While the Fascist Right seeks to speed up executions, an increasing number of condemned prisoners are exonerated by DNA evidence 15-20 years after being on death row.  Are these falsely accused victims compensated?  Seldom.  The Innocence Project has secured the release of 109 through DNA exoneration.  Only 12 received reparations.  Pitifully, a few thousand bucks in most cases.  When in hell will sovereign immunity statutes be changed to hold those truly responsible accountable for the injustice?  Egregiously corrupt law enforcement and "prosecutors"?  It is time for the Nazi element to be held civilly and criminally liable for their outrageously deliberate abuses.  Now.

Nazi "Justice"

Remember the Secret Service agent who scribbled "Islam is Evil" and "Christ is King" on a Muslim prayer calendar belonging to Omar Shishani during a search of his home?  The Nazi officer was not fired, only suspended.  Will he be prosecuted?  Hell, no.  Nazi U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins has protected the criminal son of a bitch.  While Shishani is in jail with no bail, this "officer" has been let off the hook.  Will only remain suspended for six months and transferred.  Tough isn't it?  The Nazi "prosecutor" disingenuously and falsely declared the agent's punishment:  "tough and serious disciplinary sanctions."  -- Especially since the "officer" was supposedly crying when interviewed by this outrageously corrupt prosecutor.  Heartbreaking, isn't it?   … Hey,  Jeff Baby?  Head so far up your ass your vision's gone?  Never there in the first place?  Circulation cut off from the neck up?  Adding insult to injury, this Nazi "prosecutor" refused to release the identity of the agent.  Why is he being protected and coddled?  … When what he truly deserves is the boot and a jail cell.

Waco Economic Forum

Not surprisingly embracing symbolism over substance, the Bush "Administration" presided over an economic forum no more than a glitzy sham in Waco August 13, where the jackass occupying the White House heard exactly what he wanted to hear from 240 carefully chosen participants.  Outrageously American, no?  Remarkably, few Democrats were invited.  What the hell for?  Certainly, no one who would have challenged the exceptional ineptness of the Bush "economic team" and glaring absence of any economic policy was welcome.  The "President" certainly couldn't afford it.  Consequently, the event was nothing more than a beauty pageant, devoid of substance, with no new ideas or solutions offered to the nation's economic woes.  … What the hell do I want, the world or what?

Mexican Snub Of "President"

Mexican President Vicente Fox canceled an Aug. 26-28 visit to Texas and a meeting with Bush at the Crawford "White House".  -- A direct snub for the August 14 execution of Mexican national Javier Suarez Medina.  Interestingly, the "Administration" was surprised.  Why?  What in hell did they expect?  … Hey, George?  Believe it or not, there are quite a few countries appalled at the barbaric bloodthirst of the United States regarding capital punishment.  Mexico is just one.  Sadly, the U.S. is the last supposedly civilized country that engages in legalized murder.

Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box 825
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609

Dear Fire Department Supporter,

Generous support of your Fire Department assures that we are there when you need us with the right equipment and training.  We all think of our Fire Department when we think of fire, but your Department is also equipped to provide emergency support in other areas ranging from responding to hazardous material spills to removal of the injured in auto accidents.  A recent training exercise used the 'jaws of life' to provide entry to a severely damaged vehicle.

Your Fire Department is currently staffed by 14 volunteers who are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  These members have jobs, family lives, social and civic responsibilities, and yet they manage to quickly respond to calls for aid regardless of time, day or night.  Your Firefighters need safe and effective equipment and training to continue to meet the expanding needs of our community.  Community population has increased by more than 54% between 1990 and 2000, and by another 16% between 2000 and 2002.

Through your support, and grant funding from LCRA, we have replaced our 1967 Pumper Truck with a much more capable 1987 Pierce Pumper.  We have also modified two surplus military vehicles to maintain and expand our brush truck inventory.  While we have upgraded our main Tanker in the last few years, our smaller 1969 Tanker is not reliable and requires replacement.

Our current planning includes replacing the old tanker, upgrading and expanding our breathing apparatus (for use in structure firefighting), and the addition of defibrillator capability.  Once again, we are requesting your assistance in meeting the needs of your Fire Department.  As always, we appreciate your contributions!

JUST THINK!  What if you had a fire and no one came?  We also have need of a few good people who are willing to help out their community.  We meet the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 PM at the Fire Barn on Hwy 261.


Sometime between 10 PM Tuesday night, 5/21/02 and Thursday, 2 PM, 5/23/02 the fire station was broken into and over $4000 of equipment was taken.  If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Buchanan Fire Department, 793-9085 or contact the Sheriff's office in Llano.



P.O. BOX 825

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Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

A letter To Burnet County Sheriff Joe Pollock has been posted recently.  Access it by clicking here.

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 68 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609