The Llano Ledger

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August 12, 2002

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Bush Judicial Nomination Battle Heats Up
Medical Records Privacy Obliterated By "President"
Abortion Rights Denied
Florida Not Supportive Of Adoption
Church-State Wall Attacked By "Religious Right”
Day Is Night…
Ethics Violations Ignored
Texans For Public Justice
Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

Bush Judicial Nomination Battle Heats Up

Unquestionably, the Right Wing fully understands the cultural war for imposition of its fascist agenda lives or dies in the judiciary.  When glib extremist shills whine about moderates such as Souter or Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court and their supposed "mediocrity", it becomes quite clear the "Religious" Right will settle for nothing less than a fully activist court with all nine justices in the mold of Scalia, Rehnquist, and Thomas.  -- Bona fide fascists who, despite phony disingenuous claims to the contrary, have clearly "legislated" their perverse "religious" and "moral" views from the bench.  Extremists who have glaringly interpreted the Constitution and law not as it is, but as they wish it to be.

Make no mistake, dear readers, the Right remains committed to loading the judiciary with activist "judges".  Precisely why it desperately tries to ram through the confirmation process glaringly unqualified fascist candidates determined to impose currently chic principles of National Socialism remarkably similar to those of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Dishonestly, the Fascist Right cleverly and slyly claims it's only seeking "judges" who will be "strict constructionists".  Sadly, "strict constructionism" is no more than a euphemism for fascist activist "jurists" who, with enormous personal bias, extremely perversely  narrowly interpret the Constitution and judicial precedent.  Far from any semblance of impartiality, they shamelessly impose their equally narrow views of liberty, constitutional rights, and appropriately "acceptable" principles of "religion" on the rest of us through their rulings.  Readers should clearly understand fascists have tunnel vision when it comes to personal freedom.  The contemporary American fascist does not and cannot accept the concept of personal liberty, preferring a collective one remarkably similar to that embraced by Hitler and National Socialism.

The Nazi element, masquerading as "conservatives" in the United States, has continuously and deliberately bastardized and eviscerated the true meaning of the word "liberal".  Desperately and successfully trying to turn it into a dirty word.  -- Conveniently, demonizing the label and its root in freedom.  … Liberty, a concept the extremist does not comprehend or accept.  Indeed, fervently fears.   -- Falsely, they accuse "liberals" of mercilessly looting all taxpayers.

Fascists know this is not the case, yet disingenuously claim otherwise to conveniently, cowardly, and hypocritically hide, or at least divert attention from, egregious lining of their own infinitely deep pockets through corporate welfare and governmental financial support of small business.  -- Carefully concealing corporate welfare in appropriations bills that conveniently finds its way back into the pockets of these very same outrageously greedy extremists.  ... Costing taxpayers and those on the bottom of the food chain far more than AFDC by orders of magnitude.  Despite recent exposure of enormous corruption and abuse within Corporate America, there is absolutely no demand for the end of corporate welfare.  None.  Sadly, the American people are too aggressively stupid.

In stark contrast to insatiably greedy fascists, bona fide "liberals", -- "socialists" in the eyes of the Nazi element, only wish to see looted corporate funds returned to their rightful owners, the people at the bottom of the financial pecking order.  The people who work for a small fraction of what they're really worth.  The people truly responsible for creation of all wealth.  … Without whose labor, the financial system would immediately collapse.  The fascist, however, does not want a minimum wage, never mind a livable one.  How else could they line their pockets, laugh their portly asses off all the way to the bank, and hypocritically get down on bended knee every Sunday thanking God for THEIR great looted fortune?

Adding insult to injury, they disingenuously and falsely claim the minimum wage to be only "entry level" compensation reserved for young people and newly hired workers.  Absolute nonsense.  Unadulterated bullsh-t.  There are millions of long term employees throughout this country working for minimum wage, or a dollar or two above, -- with no healthcare or other benefits.  Regardless, why should business be allowed to loot entry level personnel by not paying a livable wage?  Essentially engage in what amounts to indentured servitude?  Thinly disguised legalized slavery.  Then again to the fascist, day is night, night is day, manure smells sweet, and insatiable greed rules.   "Greed is good", no?

Brilliantly, the GOP also successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of an aggressively stupid public regarding tax rebates, -- tax breaks, most of which went to the rich.  Now, the budget is again in severe deficit and the economy in shambles.  Not only due to the war effort and greedy profiteering, but also to billions in corporate welfare cleverly concealed in appropriations bills.  While the rebates are not the root cause of the present economic situation, they certainly contributed to the problem.  ... Like increasing your family's disposable income and spending habits when neither spouse has received a raise and in fact has taken a cut in pay.  A classical example of what former President Bush would have considered "voodoo" economics back in 1980 when running for president against Ronald Reagan.  When will people finally wake up?

Sadly, the fascist element falsely whines resistance to the "President's" nomination of extremists to the judiciary is based on a wish to seat only extreme Left Wing candidates.  Such hyperbole betrays the moral bankruptcy of the Right, -- and their increasingly growing desperation.  More importantly, it doesn't jive with reality.  First, there is no "liberal" judiciary in the United States.  None.  Nowhere close.  It's been eviscerated over the last 35 years.  When the Nazi element bitterly complains of a supposedly "liberal" judiciary in reality quite right of center, it is glaring indication of just how desperately they wish to move already fascist "jurists" even further to the extreme right.

Second, and amusingly, there is an occasional exception such as the California appeals court panel which recently correctly interpreted the First Amendment Establishment Clause and courageously ruled the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.  -- To the profound chagrin of the Fascist Right.  Tough, isn't it? Needn't worry, however.  An already Nazi judiciary will overrule the "errant" panel on appeal.  Count on it.  No question the "idiot" (in the considered opinion of one Owen shill) who wrote the ruling will be properly put in his place.

Fascists will not be satisfied, however, until they're successful in establishing a Christian theocracy.  Precisely why they're so opposed to removal of religion from public affairs, -- this time monotheism from the Pledge.  Exactly why they're equally determined to mix church and state.  … Conveniently forgetting this country was founded to avoid such religious tyranny.  … Conveniently ignoring as well the bigotry and abuse imposed by peers of any child unwilling to recite the Pledge.

Fascists can't comprehend the First Amendment was designed to protect unpopular speech and guard against religion being forced on people.  Precisely what happens to an agnostic, atheist, or non-monotheistic child forced to recite the Pledge in public schools as currently written.  Yes, forced.  … Make no mistake.  The pressure to recite is enormous.  Otherwise, the kid will face relentlessly cruel treatment from other students, -- particularly those claiming to be "Christian".  Wonder where it originates?  … Couldn't be from outrageously bigoted parents and preachers, could it?  Certainly couldn't have developed on its own.  Had to come from an adult somewhere.  … Sadly, a tragic fact of life in fascist America.

Considerable time has been spent on this website exposing the "President's" extremist judicial nominations for the fascists they truly are.  -- Particularly, one of the worst, Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen.  A bona fide Nazi in the image of Robert Bork.  While readers can review earlier posted material, further commentary is necessary.  Shills for this glaringly unqualified "jurist" are growing increasingly desperate to seat this outrageous Nazi, determined to legislate her fascist agenda from the bench.  Apologists and supporters lamely point to her supposedly stellar background as an attorney for the oil industry, awards supposedly "earned" and granted, as well as charitable activities engaged in over a lifetime as evidence of qualification.

Make no mistake, readers.  The fascist element spends years cleverly accumulating glossy occupational experience, awards, citations, educational seminars, appropriate religious and church affiliation, and financial support.  None of it qualifies a candidate for judicial appointment, however.   None of it.  A jurist is far more.  Or at least should be.  Certainly must have the personality, character, temperament, independence, and most importantly, the impartiality.

Certainly doesn't get it from backslapping "professional" gold-plated societies and organizations cleverly designed to groom fascists for the trip up the pecking order. -- Phony institutions that shamelessly employ regally pompous protocols requiring young hopefuls to properly kiss appropriate ass and display groveling deference as condition for advancement up the food chain.

Sadly, despite the supposedly glowing resume and background, Owen is seriously lacking and glaringly unqualified.  Her shills conveniently and self-servingly ignore case after case where she imposed her extremist biases and views in judicial decisions.  She's outrageously accepted corporate funds and then ruled favorably when cases involving these donors came before her.  … Enron, for one.  Access earlier editions of this publication for details.

Furthermore, "Justice" Owen has glaringly imposed her perverse "religious" views in her rulings as a Texas Supreme Court Justice, coming out strongly against reproductive and women's rights.  Demonstrative of her extreme fascist views, she has ruled against consumer rights as well as civil and constitutional rights.  Her performance in the area of discrimination, sexual harassment, employee rights, and public information rights are equally abominable.  Precisely what so endears her to the Fascist Right.

Even the "President's" White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, as a colleague of hers on the Texas Supreme Court, accused her of judicial activism in an abortion case involving a teenager.  That's right, Bush's right hand man and fascist henchman.  Yet, Mr. Gonzales now cowardly and conveniently downplays his earlier candidly telling, biting remarks.

Nonetheless, glib shills of this fascist "jurist" falsely and disingenuously downplay Owen's extreme opposition to abortion rights, phonily asserting she merely wanted to strictly enforce the law regarding parental notification when "girls" seek abortions.  First, the statute is outrageously unconstitutional and no more than a cynical pathetic attempt to chip away at Roe v. Wade.  Wake up, readers.  Where's the supposedly "liberal" judiciary? Or preferably, one rooted in the Center?  If truly existent, either would have long since thrown out this glaringly unconstitutional parental notification statute, cunningly created by the fascist element fiercely determined to impose its perverse religious views on all.

Second, this outrageous law does not "protect" "girls".  It craftily protects the interests of abusive parents who would further abuse a young woman already in a desperate situation.  Shills conveniently ignore the fact the "girl" would have already approached her parents had she thought it possible, wise, and in her best interests.  These mindless apologists for Owen are the same fascists who staunchly defend the right of parents to physically assault their children, euphemistically labeling such violence "discipline", "spanking", or most perversely of all, indicative of parental "love".

For the fascist element to think a pregnant young woman under 18 incapable of making such a life altering decision on her own is extremely condescending and outrageously Aryan arrogant.  After all, she was old enough to spread her legs and get pregnant.  … Knowing full well the possible consequences.  The parental notification statute is also glaringly indicative of the fact those under 18 have literally no constitutional rights, -- other than the right to do what they're told.  … And pee in a bottle or provide a clipping of hair when so ordered.   Precisely why young people run away or leave home before it's time, -- to escape the tyranny of parents who have no clue.

Third, and in direct contradiction to shills minimizing her radical anti-abortion bias, Ms. Owen did far more than attempt to strictly enforce a parental notification law.  This Nazi, in direct violation of First Amendment mandated church-state separation, essentially wants young women seeking abortions to endure religious counseling on the moral implications, -- prior to receiving an abortion.

In fact, she voted to deny the teenager the right to an abortion for exactly that reason.  She did not believe the young woman had fully considered the religious implications.  At no point has the court ever made such religious considerations a requirement.  Doing so would have flown directly against First Amendment church-state proscriptions.  Didn't stop Owen from introducing her own perverse religious biases into the case, however.

Shills for Owen mourn the "President's" failure to enter the fray early enough in the Pickering fiasco.  Tough, isn't it?  Joking aside, Bush clearly knew his involvement would have even more quickly brought about the failure of the nomination.  Can only hope the jackass appointed to the White House by a fascist Supreme Court will foolishly succumb to pressure and enter the Owen fray much earlier this time.  Would certainly spur on opposition, usefully prodding those rightfully and strongly opposed to the nomination to publicize every shred of considerable evidence against this outrageous fascist, using her extremist rulings to hang her in the court of public opinion.

… Evidence of outrageous bias, -- her own words undistorted by detractors, that the Fascist Right would be forced to defend.  Why shouldn't debate be ferocious, pointed, and highly probing?  After all, this fascist is only 47 and being considered for a lifetime appointment.  An appointment which could conceivably last forty years or longer, -- in view of rapidly improving healthcare and lifespan.

Contrary to claims by her fascist shills and their demonization of all opposed to this Nazi "jurist", the "demagoguery", "distortions", and outrageous "deceptions" are in reality coming from the "Religious" Right.  Not from the Center or Left.  -- Extremists who desperately fear they're losing the cultural war, a war that has been going on since early Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, briefly interrupted by the Second World War.  ... The pot, hypocritically, calling the kettle black.  Sadly, Owen herself has given critics enormous ammunition. -- Her rulings, themselves.  Unquestionably and ironically based in deception, distortion, and demagoguery.  --As hot air coming from blowhard defenders.  Exactly what's expected from the fascist element.  Soundly justifying aggressive challenge of her qualifications and fitness for judicial office by those rightfully strongly opposed.

Many of the old fascist guard in the United States came of age during the McCarthy era and emergence of the John Birch Society some fifty years ago.  Now, these elderly Nazis revel in the currently chic embrace of fascism by the young and middle-aged.  Precisely why they so strongly endorse Priscilla Owen.  While these "old dogs don't hunt" any longer, they're still remarkably effective and glib.  Polished and exceptionally skilled in deception and egregious distortion of reality.  Slickness that puts Bill Clinton to shame.  Certainly masterful in their seemingly innocuous promotion of what amounts to no more than National Socialism.  Indeed, "wolves in sheeps' clothing".  Adolph and Benito would have been proud. Their sick and perverse legacy lives on.  During the 20s and 30s, this insidious cancer was foolishly ignored.   ... At tremendous cost, resulting in the loss of millions of lives.  No way in hell will history repeat itself in deafening silence.

Medical Records Privacy Obliterated By "President"

That's right.  The jackass occupying the White House has followed through on a decision to set aside medical privacy rules proposed by the Clinton Administration.  Your medical records as of next April 12 will now be shared without your consent with insurance companies, HMOs, and other healthcare professionals.  Apparently, the "President" wants providers to be able to more easily deny coverage and procedures exceptionally costly to the bottom line.  Another ultimate aim of privacy evisceration is apparently the ultimate passing of all records to employers who will be able to use this information to discriminate against prospective hires and long-term employees.  Make no mistake, it's already happening.

Shamelessly lying in defense of the "Administration", Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson declared the earlier rules: "would have forced sick or injured patients to run all around town getting signatures before they could get care or medicine."  Again, the Secretary is a liar, has absolutely no respect for your intelligence, and thinks government knows best.  -- In stark contrast to GOP claims to get government out of your hair and allow you to make decisions for yourself.

The new rules require providers to inform patients of privacy policies and make a "good faith effort" to get acknowledgement in writing from you.  If they don't, no problem.  They needn't worry.  Their ass is covered, yours is not.  While the Bush "Administration" is one of the most closed in recent history and desperately tries to operate in total secrecy, your privacy is of absolutely no concern to Ole' George "The Tush".  None.

Sadly, medical records are no longer privileged information.  Haven't been for quite a few years.  Now, the flow of information will be further facilitated by the jackass occupying the White House in payback to his cronies in the insurance industry.  Be extremely careful with any information given to healthcare professionals.  It could come back to bite you hard on the ass.  Only a matter of time before it could be used against you by your employer.  Apparently, Democrats are not planning to take this latest invasion of privacy lying down.  Senator Kennedy has indicated he will introduce legislation reversing the "President's" directive.

While Corporate America is effectively allowed to use your medical information against you, the "President" and his equally fascist "Vice President" remain strongly opposed to releasing any information regarding "Administration" wheeling and dealing with corrupt and abusive energy companies.  -- Or unconstitutionally held "detainees" denied due process.  At least two of whom, American citizens.  … Dear readers, if you continue to support the "President", you get what you so richly deserve.

Abortion Rights Denied

On July 31, Tanya Meyers was slapped with a court order temporarily barring her from terminating a pregnancy.  Outrageously, it took nearly a week for this glaringly unconstitutional ruling to make national news.  Fortunately, Pennsylvania Common Pleas Judge Michael Conahan finally came to his senses and dissolved the injunction August 5, dismissing the lawsuit filed by John Stachokus.  -- A suit that attempted to force his former girlfriend to carry the fetus to term.  Roe v. Wade is long-settled law, -- as admitted even by our Nazi Attorney General.  Yet, these outrageous unconstitutional abuses of the Fourth Amendment continue to flourish, -- perpetrated by the "Religious" Right in its determined effort to impose its fascist principles.

Conahan ruled the right to abortion "is not subject to being vetoed by a woman's husband or partner…Neither an ex-boyfriend nor a fetus has standing to interfere with a woman's choice to terminate her pregnancy."  That's right, Judge.  About time you finally got it right.  What the hell took so long?  This outstandingly unenlightened "judge" had delayed action nearly a week, -- in direct violation of the woman's constitutional right to abort.

Meyers was nine weeks pregnant at the time of the injunction and had filed for a protective order against Stachokus the same day.  Had claimed he had threatened and harassed her since their July 22 breakup.  In response to the breakup, Stachokus apparently filed the lawsuit and sought an injunction forcing her to carry the fetus to term.  … What a guy.  A prince of a man.  Outrageously, the hearing for the protective order had been delayed until AFTER the injunction had been lifted.  According to legal experts, the unconstitutionality of the suit brought by the ex-boyfriend was a no-brainer.  Why in hell has there been no effort to investigate and impeach both "jurists" involved?

American Coalition For Fathers And Children Executive Director Dianna Thompson, in response to Meyers' restoration of constitutional right to abort, disingenuously opined: "I see it as a very sad case.  The woman has the right to choose, which means the child has no right to live and the father has no right to raise this child."  First, Ms. Thompson, the case had nothing to do with the "father's" supposed right and wish to raise the child.  Rather, it had everything to do with power and control exerted by this glaringly abusive "dad", -- whose only claim to "fathership" apparently had nothing to do with qualification and love.

... But more appropriately attributed to the "skill" and "ability" of the jackass to accurately aim, fire, and successfully impregnate. -- Certainly far more adept at thinking with the head of what hangs between his legs, than the brain allegedly implanted in his head. Takes one hell of a lot more to be a "father" or husband, madam.

Second, you're quite right.  The woman has the right to do with her uterus as she damn well pleases.  Indeed, that constitutional right takes precedence to any secondary rights of the fetus to survive or the father to raise the child.  Goes right to the heart of personal liberty, Ms. Thompson.  … A principle the Fascist Right does not understand or accept.  A sad trade-off for sure.  But a necessary one.  One of many made every day on a variety of different issues.

The contemporary American fascist does not accept the concept of personal liberty, preferring a collective one remarkably similar to that embraced by Hitler and his view of National Socialism. Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Amazing the level of hypocrisy regarding the taking of life.  While the Right condemns the right of a woman to do as she pleases with her uterus, they staunchly support the legalized murder of prisoners by the state, phonily labeling it "justice".  Readers, kindly take a moment to consider the exceptional perverseness of the "Christian" Right as exemplified by the "President".

Recently, Mr. Bush, in response to legislation signed August 5 and ultimately designed to restrict abortion declared: "Today, through sonograms and other technology, we can see clearly that unborn children are members of the human family… They reflect our image, and they are created in God's own image…The Born Alive Infants Protection Act is a step toward the day when every child is welcomed in life and protected in law…It is a step toward the day when the promises of the Declaration of Independence will apply to everyone, not just those with the voice and power to defend their rights."

First, the "President" cares absolutely nothing of civil and constitutional rights and liberties having signed the glaringly unconstitutional "Patriot" Act and unconstitutional Executive Orders eviscerating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.  His outrageously hypocritical and phony embrace of the Declaration of Independence and glaringly un-American behavior to date are laughable and amount to no more than spitting on liberty, constitutional rights, and all the Founders stood and died for.

… Rights and liberties bought and paid at tremendous cost by millions of casualties in all the wars our soldiers fought, bled, and died in during the history of this once truly great nation.  Sadly, this glaring fascist has done more damage and eviscerated more rights and liberties than all his predecessors combined in the last 35 years.  -- Indeed, the moral equivalent of burning the Flag he cynically, hypocritically, and phonily wears prominently on his lapel.  Knowingly and willingly, egregiously eviscerating civil liberties and rights, the "President" has ceded to terrorists what no enemy could have ever won on the battlefield. Where's the outrage of the American Legion, VFW, and other fine veterans organizations who were more than rightfully willing to criticize Clinton for activity far less treasonous?  Worse, the cowardly aggressively stupid American people remain deafeningly silent and compliant in this ongoing atrocity.

Second, Mr. Bush in reality truly cares little for life as demonstrated by his performance as Texas governor in presiding over execution after execution.  -- At least some of whom innocent and railroaded by corrupt and abusive government.  The "President" also demonstrated his glaring indifference to Israeli state-sponsored terror and assassination, refusing to enforce federal export law proscribing use of American weapons for other than defensive purposes.

Equally disturbing and highly indicative of his indifference to life are hundreds of innocent Afghan civilians killed during the war.  Also demonstrative of his cheap view of human existence is his staunch determination to bloodily overthrow the government of Iraq and install one more favorable and compliant to American interests and wishes.  -- Without a Congressional Declaration of War, support of our allies in Europe and the Middle East, or most disturbingly, that of the military brass.  The "President's" glaring refusal to listen to military commanders is highly indicative not only of profound aggressive stupidity, but highly demonstrative of deep-seated Aryan arrogance.

This fascist cowboy will go it alone if necessary.  -- Outrageously willing to spill the blood of your sons and daughters to fulfill his own extremely narrow political purposes.  Carefully consider the obvious, dear readers.  Saddam has been a pain in the ass and an irritant to the United States for many years.  Why is he suddenly now an imminent threat to American security?  Former President Bush clearly saw no need to topple him before ending the Gulf war, however.  Why?  Was the former President egregiously naïve and stupid?  Or indeed, sly as a fox?  The answer is still unclear.

Daddy Bush, however, knew Saddam had been successfully contained and, equally importantly, deprived of formerly great oil income used to finance the Iraqi military.  The former President possibly decided the cost in terms of American casualties could have been needlessly horrendous, -- if indeed forced to fight an urban war, house to house, in an effort to capture or kill the Iraqi dictator.

Indeed, it is unacceptable for Saddam to have weapons of mass destruction.  It's even worse if he uses them.  Without question, would certainly happen if the United States attacks with no provocation.  Those weapons would not only be used against invading U.S. military forces, but also against Israel.  The Iraqi dictator would have absolutely nothing to lose under such conditions.  After all, he's dead either way.  Highly unlikely, he would do so unprovoked, however.  He knows first-use of weapons of mass destruction would result in immediate nuclear obliteration of his country.  If nothing more, the Iraqi thug is a survivalist and understands what first use of weapons of mass destruction would mean for his regime.

There is also the possibility the "President" has absolutely no intention of invading Iraq.  Could be Ole' George is merely bluffing, cunningly using the sabre rattling to intimidate Saddam into making concessions and allowing weapons inspectors back into the country.  If so, the idea didn't originate with Mr. Bush.  ... Pointedly, the son doesn't have the brains and intellectual capacity of his father.

Now, the tables have remarkably turned on the current occupant of the White House.  The "President" is desperately afraid history will repeat itself and he'll get dumped as Daddy was in 1992.  Particularly, since the economy has decidedly headed south, and Ole' George is directly in the eye of the storm.  From the standpoint of the jackass occupying the White House, the political future currently looks bleak since people are finally beginning to wake up and realize the "President" and "Vice President" were certainly part of the problem when in the business community.

Most bloodcurdling of all, however, and an exceptionally useful insight into the "President's" indifference to human life and "religious" views including his perverse bastardization of Christianity, is Mr. Bush's handling of the Carla Faye Tucker execution.  Readers will recall Ole' George "The Tush" cynically mimicked Ms. Tucker shortly before her legalized murder by the State of Texas.  -- A remarkable display of "Christian" "charity" and "love" by the fascist jackass now occupying the White House.  ... Do "religious" fascists sincerely think Christ was laughing or would have thought it funny?

While Tucker should have remained in prison without chance of parole for the rest of her life, at least she died trying to atone for the murderous atrocity she committed.  Mr. Bush and his equally fascist defenders conveniently forget Ms. Tucker and all others condemned for capital crimes, before birth, were exactly the same "unborn children", "members of the human family" who "reflect our image" and are "created in God's own image" as strongly asserted by the "President" during his signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.  Ole' George's false and phonily feigned moral superiority is laughable and truly indicative of how perversely he's conveniently bastardized Christianity for his own political purposes.

Want to see Satan?   Ultimate obscenity?  Look in the eyes of the "President" and those who "think" like him.  No one in recent history has done more to eviscerate and bastardize Christ's message and exceptionally loving philosophy.  No one.  In direct opposition to Christ's example, this glaring fascist, appointed "President", has worn "religion" on his sleeve and outrageously attempted to force his perverse principles on others.

In poignant irony and subsequently to writing this article, Ms. Meyers lost her baby through miscarriage.  More than likely due to the enormous stress placed on this young woman by fascists more interested in imposing their perverse "religious" agenda than in the welfare of mother and fetus.

Florida Not Supportive Of Adoption

That's right.  Who'd a 'thunk' it, no?  Incredibly, an adoption law went into effect last October in Florida that discourages women from putting unborn unwanted children up for adoption.  Any pregnant woman considering adoption, not sure of the identity of the father, must advertise in local newspapers when, where, with whom, and under what circumstances she had sex.  … Supposedly in an effort to get the father to come forward and exercise parental rights as part of the adoption process.  No joke.  They actually passed the law.

The lunatics in the Florida legislature enacted a statute that for all practical purposes forces a woman to choose abortion over adoption.  Apparently, the brilliant idea was to "shame" unmarried women into not having sex.  Profoundly enlightened, no?  … Like asking a person not to breathe, eat, drink, sleep, urinate, defecate, etc..  Every time this writer thinks he's finally seen the epitome of aggressive stupidity and profound ignorance, somebody always comes along and incredibly raises the bar.  … Then again and at the risk of egregiously understating the obvious, the Fascist Right is not particularly known for its brilliance.  -- Just insatiable greed, intractable intolerance, and a perversely narrow view of liberty.

Church-State Wall Attacked By "Religious Right”

As reported earlier, the "Religious" Right remains determined and resolute in its effort to distort and re-write history in a manner consistent with its fascist agenda.  Latest outrageous fiasco?  American University Professor Daniel Dreisbach is strongly questioning Thomas Jefferson's "wall of separation" between church and state.  Seems to think Jefferson never intended the supposed "iron curtain" he (Dreisbach) claims it to be today.  Outrageously, now blames Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black and his 1947 ruling regarding the First Amendment Establishment Clause.

Sadly, the fascist element in the United States cannot accept the First Amendment's guaranty of freedom of, -- as well as freedom FROM religion.  Doesn't fit with their agenda of establishing a Christian theocracy.  Should American Nazis, masquerading under the "conservative" label, be ultimately successful in establishing Christianity as state religion, the United States will suffer exactly as its client-state, Israel, does to this very day.  Israeli government severely discriminates against its own Arab citizens. Note these are Arab Israelis spoken of.  Not Palestinians.

Israeli officials are now considering a new statute designed to legalize housing discrimination against Israeli Arabs by Israeli Jews.  The Israeli people to their great credit, however, fortunately have not kindly accepted the idea as reported in an earlier edition of this publication.  Currently, Israeli officials are desperately considering removing Israeli citizenship from any Israeli Arab who engages in violence.  Aggressively stupid as the "President" of the United States, Israeli officials simply do not understand or cannot accept the fact the only way to end terror is return all captured Palestinian land.

Sadly, the extremist element in our once formerly great country is as much a threat to liberty and rights as its counterpart in Israel.  Religious fascists in the United States will settle for nothing less than full implementation and imposition of their glaringly perverse philosophy on the rest of us.  Precisely why this cancer must be strongly opposed and aggressively battled.  It was not in early Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.  With disastrous results.  That mistake will not be repeated.

Day Is Night…

To date, the government has released no evidence indicating Zacarias Moussaoui was directly involved in the September 11 catastrophe.  Absolutely none.  In fact, there have been grumblings within the "Justice" Department the supposed "20th hijacker" apparently had no knowledge of the events and was not involved.  Didn't stop the Nazi at the helm of the DOJ, however, from securing indictments which could result in the death penalty.  Demonstrative of exactly how convoluted, depraved, and perverse the criminal "justice" system has become, prosecutors now assert they don't have to prove Moussaoui was directly involved at all.  Supposedly, the fact he is a member of al Qaeda is enough to convict and execute the bastard.  Think they'll ultimately do the same to hundreds held in Guantanamo Bay?  Stunning reasoning, isn't it?  … Like convicting and executing an innocent police officer simply because fellow officers often with no justification wantonly, unlawfully, and with impunity kill during performance of their duties.  … Only in fascist America.

Ethics Violations Ignored

Numerous continuing ethics violations by both Republicans and Democrats are conveniently being ignored by both houses of Congress.  The legislative branch has the constitutional duty to discipline its members, but has quietly come to agreement to do nothing unless a member is prosecuted.  Neither party wants to open a can of worms.  Precisely why it's time to dump all incumbents.  Every damned one of them.

Texans For Public Justice

Date:  Mon, 05 Aug 2002 16:39:04 -0500
From:  Texans for Public Justice <> [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  Perry, Cornyn should return Farmers Insurance contributions

  Text Size:  smalldefaultlargeextra large

NEWS RELEASE: Contact Andrew Wheat, (512) 472-9770

For Immediate Release

Perry, Cornyn Urged To Return $110,000

In Farmers Insurance Contributions

AUSTIN, TX: Texans for Public Justice applauded the State of Texas'
belated response to the state's insurance crisis, after Governor Rick
Perry and Attorney General John Cornyn held a press conference today to
announce that the state has filed a lawsuit against Farmers Insurance.

To avoid mixed messages and the appearance of a conflict of interest,
however, Texans for Public Justice urged these politicians to follow
their Enron precedents by returning the large amount of money that they
have taken from Farmers in recent years.  Since 1998, Perry took $70,000
from this insurer; Cornyn took $40,000.

"After accusing Farmers Insurance of discriminatory and deceptive
business practices, Perry and Cornyn should follow the Enron etiquette
and set aside the $110,000 that they have taken from Farmers in recent
years for victims of corporate abuse," said Texans for Public Justice
Research Director Andrew Wheat.

Cornyn, who is unable to spend his state attorney general war chest
directly on his current U.S. Senate race, recently transferred $3.1
million from that account to the Republic National Committee. Cornyn
should ask that fund to direct the $40,000 he received from Farmers into
the victims fund of his choice.

Both Enron and Farmers Group appeared on a list of George W. Bush's top
10 "Career Patrons" in the Center for Public Integrity book, The Buying
of the President 2000. Enron was No. 1 on the list, after given Bush
$550,025. Farmers ranked No. 8, after giving Bush $223,500 (Perry
opponent Tony Sanchez ranked No. 2, with $320,150).

Perry's Farmers Donations

Donor    Date   Amount

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 12/4/98 $20,000

Robert Huxel (Farmers Dir. of Gov. Relations) 10/1/99 $10,000

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 9/8/00   $25,000

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 9/7/01   $5,000

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 9/20/01 $10,000

TOTAL:  $70,000

Cornyn's Farmers Donations

Donor    Date   Amount

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 5/1/98   $5,000

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 6/5/98   $2,500

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 9/25/98 $5,000

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 6/24/99 $5,000

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 9/30/99 $7,500

Farmers Employee & Agent PAC 10/24/00 $15,000

TOTAL:  $40,000

Texans for Public Justice is a non-profit, non-partisan research

that tracks the role of money in Texas politics.

# # #

Texans for Public Justice

609 W. 18th Street, Suite E, Austin, TX 78701


Date:  Tue, 6 Aug 2002 16:58:48 -0600
From: [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  OUCH! (#103--FOOTING THE BILL)
To:  <>
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  Text Size:  smalldefaultlargeextra large


        OUCH! A Regular Bulletin on How Money in Politics Hurts You
 #103                                 Public Campaign         August 6, 2002


Imagine being a Member of Congress and having to sell the following bill of
goods to your constituents while you’re home on August recess. “Well, gee, I
know you’re out of work because of the collapse of Enron/WorldCom/[fill in
company name], and that you’re having trouble keeping up with your mortgage
and paying for the prescription drugs you need for your heart condition. I
know that you have to delay your plans to retire because you lost so much
money on the stock market. Nevertheless, my first priority when I get back
to Washington is to pass a law that will make it easier for credit card
companies to collect money from you when you are forced to file for personal
bankruptcy next month. You know those companies, right, the same
ones that sent you all those “pre-approved” mailings about how you could
borrow money from them, no problem, at exorbitant interest rates? The truth
is I owe them big time. After all, they are funding my campaign for

At the very same moment that major corporations that inflated profits with
fancy accounting tricks seem to be declaring bankruptcy on a weekly basis,
Congress is on the verge of approving legislation pushed by credit card and
banking companies that have bankrolled political campaigns to the tune of
$134 million since 1989. “Reforming the bankruptcy system will usher in a
new era of greater personal responsibility,” Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)
declared when he introduced the bankruptcy bill back in 2001. Of course he
neglected to mention that he counts MBNA, Bank of America, and Citigroup
Inc., among the nation’s top credit card issuers, among his most generous
political donors, and has taken $218,000 from the credit card and banking
industries throughout his career in Congress, according to the Center for
Responsive Politics. Meanwhile, Rep. George Gekas (D-PA), the lead sponsor
of the bankruptcy legislation on the House side, has taken $81,500, and MBNA
is on his list of top donors.

The fact is, the bankruptcy bill version of “personal responsibility” is to
get tough on ordinary people, while leaving plenty of loopholes for the
wealthy. It would make it easier for credit card companies to collect money
from people forced to file for bankruptcy, often because they are facing a
medical crisis, a divorce, or some other personal calamity—such as a
layoff—when the credit card industry has aggressively sought them out and
urged them to spend. Indeed, nine in ten bankruptcies are triggered by the
loss of a job, high medical bills, or divorce, according to the Consumer
Federation of America (CFA). Women are the hardest hit, forming the single
biggest group in bankruptcy. The bankruptcy bill would make life for them
much tougher, for example, by changing the rules so that women would be
pitted against banks when trying to collect child support from a former
husband who has filed for bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, the corporate executives who made millions while their companies
collapsed would get the soft treatment if they declare bankruptcy. For one
thing, say consumer groups, many would be able to keep their expensive
homes, which would be protected from creditors thanks to a “luxury home
loophole.” For another, executives with business debt wouldn’t have to meet
a means test for what they can afford to pay, while people with consumer
debt would.

The sad fact is that the current Congress and administration are in huge
debt to the credit card and banking industries, which might help explain why
the House voted 306 to 108, and the Senate, 82 to 16, to approve the
bankruptcy bill in 2001. The top ten credit card issuers in the country,
including Citigroup Inc., MBNA Corp., Bank One Corp., Bank of America, among
others, are also among their most generous campaign contributors, and are
together the source of more than $6 million for federal candidates and
parties in the current elections alone; overall, the banking and credit card
industries have already spent $13.8 million, two-thirds of that figure going
to the GOP, on the 2002 elections. MBNA was the top contributor to President
George W. Bush’s presidential campaign, and Citigroup Inc. was among his top
ten donors.

The only thing holding up the bankruptcy legislation for so long has been
disagreement over a controversial abortion provision inserted into the bill,
which lawmakers before recess made progress on resolving. Now the bill is on
the move again. But how will politicians explain to their constituents the
different value system Washington has for ordinary people filing for
bankruptcy versus large corporations? It’s a tough sell to make,
particularly when people have already over-extended their credit – and their

OUCH! is a regular e-mail bulletin on how private money in politics hurts
average citizens, published by Public Campaign, a non-partisan, non-profit
organization devoted to comprehensive campaign finance reform. Every day, we
pay more as consumers and taxpayers for special interest subsidies and
boondoggles because of our system of privately financed elections. It's time
for a change.

Want to take action? Go to to send an instant message to
your representatives in Congress. And help spread the word! Send copies of
this message to your friends and join the growing movement for real campaign
finance reform. If you would like to add yourself to the OUCH! listserv,
send an e-mail reading ‘subscribe’ to or go

Want more info about Public Campaign? Visit
or write
to You can also help support our work by making a
credit card contribution on our website. This bulletin may be reposted to
newsgroups as long as it is printed in its entirety.

Date:  Wed, 7 Aug 2002 09:18:52 -0600
From: [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  correction -- OUCH # 103--FOOTING THE BILL
To:  <>
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  Text Size:  smalldefaultlargeextra large

In Ouch #103--FOOTING THE BILL, sent yesterday, Rep. George Gekas (R-PA) was
incorrectly identified as a Democrat.

Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box 825
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609

Dear Fire Department Supporter,

Generous support of your Fire Department assures that we are there when you need us with the right equipment and training.  We all think of our Fire Department when we think of fire, but your Department is also equipped to provide emergency support in other areas ranging from responding to hazardous material spills to removal of the injured in auto accidents.  A recent training exercise used the 'jaws of life' to provide entry to a severely damaged vehicle.

Your Fire Department is currently staffed by 14 volunteers who are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  These members have jobs, family lives, social and civic responsibilities, and yet they manage to quickly respond to calls for aid regardless of time, day or night.  Your Firefighters need safe and effective equipment and training to continue to meet the expanding needs of our community.  Community population has increased by more than 54% between 1990 and 2000, and by another 16% between 2000 and 2002.

Through your support, and grant funding from LCRA, we have replaced our 1967 Pumper Truck with a much more capable 1987 Pierce Pumper.  We have also modified two surplus military vehicles to maintain and expand our brush truck inventory.  While we have upgraded our main Tanker in the last few years, our smaller 1969 Tanker is not reliable and requires replacement.

Our current planning includes replacing the old tanker, upgrading and expanding our breathing apparatus (for use in structure firefighting), and the addition of defibrillator capability.  Once again, we are requesting your assistance in meeting the needs of your Fire Department.  As always, we appreciate your contributions!

JUST THINK!  What if you had a fire and no one came?  We also have need of a few good people who are willing to help out their community.  We meet the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 PM at the Fire Barn on Hwy 261.


Sometime between 10 PM Tuesday night, 5/21/02 and Thursday, 2 PM, 5/23/02 the fire station was broken into and over $4000 of equipment was taken.  If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Buchanan Fire Department, 793-9085 or contact the Sheriff's office in Llano.



P.O. BOX 825

$5.00___$10.00___$25.00___OTHER $____




STATE____________  ZIP:______________



Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

A letter To Burnet County Sheriff Joe Pollock has been posted recently.  Access it by clicking here.

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 67 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609