The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V155        ©2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
June 17, 2002

Welcome To The New Llano Ledger Website.

A Heartfelt Thanks To All For Having Followed This Publication From Maxpages To Stormpages And Finally Now, To This New Commercial Site.  Kindly Be Patient As Llanoledger.Com Is Created And This Fledgling Webmaster Not-So-Humbly Climbs The Learning Curve. ... Hopefully, Quickly.

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Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.


American Citizen Egregiously Denied Constitutional Rights
Shakel Conviction
Flaws In Proposed Domestic Security Agency
Fleischer Admits "President" Lied
Further Evisceration Of Fifth Amendment
"President" Asserts Mid-East Not Ready For Peace Conference
First Amendment Defended
Frozen Global Relief Funds Ruled Constitutional
Charity & Tolerance
Bishops Rule Out Zero Tolerance
Identities Of "Detainees" To Remain Secret
Relaxed Utilities Pollution Rules Proposed
Free Exercise Clause Affirmed
Kangaroo Justice
Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

American Citizen Egregiously Denied Constitutional Rights

U.S. citizen Abdullah Al Muhajir is being held as an "enemy combatant" in a Navy brig.  … An American citizen.  In glaring violation of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.  The "President" and his equally fascist Attorney General have no respect or regard for rights and civil liberties.  Absolutely none.  Al Muhajir will be held indefinitely without benefit of legal counsel.  Habeas corpus?  What's that?  He will also be aggressively questioned with no lawyer present to protect his constitutional rights.  Seriously raises questions whether or not the government indeed has a strong case against him.  If they did, they should have been more than willing to prosecute him in federal courts.

This development is particularly alarming because the accused is an American citizen.  What has happened to him can happen to any of us.  What is also interesting is the timing of the announcement by the Nazi heading the "Justice" Department.  Al Muhajir was captured in Chicago back in May.  Why did our increasingly abusive government neglect to mention it until AFTER the "President" announced a proposal for a security superagency designed to further eviscerate rights and civil liberties?

Why is the "Administration" deliberately stoking fears of another attack by continuous security alerts, thankfully as it turns out, with no substance?  Why are they constantly enflaming the irrational fear of the aggressively stupid American public?  To what end?  Even should an attack occur, what good is the stoking of fear?  What is the ulterior motive of the fascist occupying the White House and his cronies? Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Taking advantage of the war to raise political funds in Kansas City, Mr. Bush disingenuously declared:  "We seek justice."  No, Mr. "President", you don't.  "Justice" is not on the radar screen.  If it was, you would not be illegally holding "detainees", at least two of them American citizens (al Muhajir and Hamdi), and would not have eviscerated the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments by enactment of an outrageously unconstitutional "Patriot" Act and other Executive Orders.

Readers are reminded the "Patriot" Act authorizes federal stormtroopers to enter your home or business without your knowledge, access your computers and other records, leave with whatever they want, -- without having to tell you they were ever there, -- subject to continuous review by a "judge".  They can come back whenever they wish. These provisions of the law do not sunset four years down the road and will be with us forever unless Congress removes them.  Unadulterated Nazism, in the name of "security".

Al Muhajir had been held as a material witness until now.  The "President" may have moved him into military custody since Judge Shira A. Scheindlin recently ruled the material witness law does not allow for indefinite holding of suspects in criminal investigations.  Apparently, Mr. Bush was desperate to avoid the letter of the law.  Consequently, the "President" and Nazi Attorney General have deliberately labeled an American citizen an "enemy combatant" to avoid habeas corpus and deny the suspect Constitutional rights.  Who's next?  In action similar to that in Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union, the "Chief Executive" has successfully managed to outrageously hold at least two American citizens incommunicado in violation of everything the United States used to stand for.

The Attorney General falsely claimed June 11: "The fight against terrorism is a fight to secure civil liberties. Security secures something and what we're securing is freedom.  It is the terrorist who threatens liberty, freedom, equality, human dignity and even the existence of humanity."  No, Johnny.  It is fascists like you and the appointed "President" who threaten the U.S. Constitution and rule of law.  In the world of the Nazi, day is night, night is day, and manure smells sweet.  The "existence of humanity" is not threatened, you jackass.  Rather,  ...  liberty, freedom, and hard-fought rights have been eviscerated by a bloodless coup perpetrated by the Bush "Administration" and its shills in Congress.

Further shamelessly lying, Mr. Ashcroft crowed: "Our effort is not to impair civil liberties but to save them…We can think outside the box, but we can never think outside the constitution and, in the U.S., the constitution defines the important civil liberties and guarantees that no governmental action can infringe those liberties…Nothing that we have done in any way infringes the civil liberties which we think are extremely important…Frankly, we are seeking to defend liberty. That's why we have such an aggressive fight against terrorism."

Sadly, the direct opposite is the truth.  Ole' Johnny Boy is either a bold-faced liar or sincerely believes his unadulterated bullsh-t and perverse distortion of reality.  … Hey, Johnny?  What no enemy could ever secure on the battlefield, you and the "President" have cowardly ceded to al Qaeda.  Both of you have glaringly violated your oaths of office and should be constitutionally removed from power.

Donna Newman was al Muhajir's court-appointed attorney before he was abruptly turned over to the military.  She has now been gagged by court-order about what she can and cannot say regarding her client.  She also strongly asserted that while she has been muzzled, the government is and continues to be free to condemn al Muhajir in public: "My client's voice, through me, is impeded, is hushed."  Wake up, readers.  This is pure Nazism.  -- A "President" and Attorney General callously taking advantage of the 9/11 catastrophe to destroy liberty and constitutional rights.

In comments demonstrating absolutely no regard for the Bill of Rights and extraordinary ignorance, New York Democratic Sen. Charles E. Schumer stated:  "If you aid and abet the enemy, whether you're a citizen or not, you're not entitled to the right of due process.  We don't give prisoners of war due process. There's the Geneva Convention and other rules. With this terrorism, that man is like a prisoner of war."  Outrageously, the Senator has never read the Constitution or has absolutely no understanding of it at all.  … Hey, Chucky?  Remove your head from your ass, Senator.  You're a disgrace and an embarrassment.

First, the Constitution and rights were meant for EVERYONE.  -- Not just those determined to be so deserving by fascist jackasses in Congress, the White House, judiciary, and "Justice" Department.  Sadly, the courts have bastardized and eviscerated this most precious document over the years.  --With support of the aggressively stupid citizenry who has no clue.

Second, none of the "detainees" are being held as prisoners of war.  Not one of them.  Consequently, they have been denied rights afforded by the Geneva Convention.

Third, "that man", a United States citizen, is not being held as a prisoner of war by the "President".  He is unlawfully being held and intentionally denied constitutional rights by an appointed jackass occupying the White House and the Nazi at the helm of the "Justice" Department.  For their own political purposes.  … Hey, Chucky Baby?  Who's next?

Shakel Conviction

… Increasingly disturbing, the effects of 9/11 on thinking of jurors.  Simply can't seem to separate gut-wrenching fear and ability to judge guilt or innocence.  Case in point?  The Moxley murder case.  Michael Shakel was recently convicted of murdering Martha Moxley October 30, 1975.  No physical or scientific evidence.  No eyewitnesses.  A case barely circumstantial.  Only motive and opportunity established at trial.  Highly questionable "confessions" made supposedly to third parties.  Reasonable doubt?  Apparently, means nothing to this snapshot of the cowardly American public sitting on the jury.  A portend of the kangaroo justice to come as fear continues to increasingly dictate the quality of "justice" in this once formerly great nation.

Flaws In Proposed Domestic Security Agency

Already, Senators are beginning to criticize the "President's" proposed security superagency.  With good reason.  Interestingly, the criticism is bi-partisan.  Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla warned:  "If the administration takes the stonewall position that every word in their plan is biblical and if you change it you're unpatriotic, I think that will be a very serious error."  The committee's top Republican, Sen. Richard Shelby, declared:  "As this investigation unfolds, you are going to see more and more problems in the intelligence community…We're going to need the help of this administration to change a lot of things structurally and otherwise with these huge bureaucracies that I believe are not agile and do not, on all occasions, serve us well today."

Not surprisingly, Mr. Bush continues to stonewall all questions regarding culpability of federal officials. -- Protecting his own at the expense of the public.  Placing the nation at risk of future attack, since he has refused to determine the exact nature of the intelligence failure.  There is a glaring need of an independent investigation unbeholden to Ole' George and his cronies.  Support in Congress is marginal due to a cowardly lack of public interest.  Sadly, political expediency outranks justice and prevention of future attacks.  Yet, the aggressively stupid public sleeps on.

Fleischer Admits "President" Lied

Remember Mr. Bush's scorn for the global warming report recently published by the "Administration"?  The "Chief Executive" falsely declared: "I read the report put out by the bureaucracy."   Not so, according to White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer when asked at a press briefing.  He then joked about his frankness possibly costing him a job saying:  "I've enjoyed working, thank you."  Interesting, isn't it?  In Clinton style, Fleischer went on to state:  "Whenever presidents say they read it, you can read that to be he was briefed."  Apparently, Ole George has problems of parsing the truth as his predecessor.  Outrageously, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christie Whitman, by her own admission, hadn't even read the report.  … Who the hell is in charge, Ms. Whitman?

Further Evisceration Of Fifth Amendment

In another stunning indication of exactly how fascist the U.S. Supreme Court has become, it recently ruled 5-4 sexual offender inmates can be forced to admit crimes during rehabilitation, evidence that can then be used in future prosecutions, -- or face loss of privileges.  The Fifth Amendment means nothing to the five who voted in favor:  Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, and O'Connor.  ALL offenders should be strongly and aggressively prosecuted.  The Bill of Rights, however, takes precedence.  If sex offenders are denied constitutional rights, who's next?

"President" Asserts Mid-East Not Ready For Peace Conference

In a glaring display of Aryan arrogance, the "President" declared June 10, the Middle East is not ready for a peace conference due to the intransigence of Palestinian Chairman Arafat.  No, George.  It is your unwillingness to pressure the Israelis with loss of $3 billion in U.S. treasure yearly and weapons systems that is the problem.  It is your intransigence and resistance to forcing them from occupied Palestinian land since 1967 that continues to fuel the suicide bombings and other terroristic activities by al Qaeda.  Wake up, George.  You are a disgrace and embarrassment to this country.  … Despite the fact the American people continue to sleep and are aggressively stupid in their 70% support of you and your outrageously unconstitutional measures.


Darryl Cherney and the late Judi Bari won a judgment of $4.4 million June 11 against the Oakland Police Department and FBI.  Both police organizations had falsely accused and framed both Earth First! Activists in the bombing of their car May 1990.  In an anonymous letter police conveniently ignored, the writer declared the bomb was allegedly placed in their vehicle by "The Lord's Avenger", -- for Bari's participation in an anti-abortion demonstration.  Yet, despite abuse after abuse, the aggressively stupid public remains sound asleep.

First Amendment Defended

In a blow to Ole George "The Tush" Bush and his cronies, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan June 10 ruled the judiciary does indeed have a right to review Executive Branch determinations regarding classifying information: "The government has asked this Court to take the extraordinary step of insulating its actions from judicial review and from constitutional challenge…This court will not allow the government to cloak its violations of plaintiff's First Amendment rights in a blanket of national security."

The plaintiff is retired Los Alamos National Laboratory Chief Intelligence Officer Danny Stillman who wrote a book about the Chinese nuclear weapons program.  Some 20% of his manuscript is being censored by the Bush "Administration" in its zeal for secrecy.  Government legal beagles assert the "President", constitutionally, has total authority to control access to classified material.

Sullivan blistered that assertion declaring: "The implications of the arguments put forth by the government are stunning."   -- Went on to say had they been true, the Freedom of Information Act would have been unconstitutional and the Pentagon Papers would never had been released.  That's right, Judge.  The Nazi occupying the White House is deliberately and concertedly usurping the Constitution.  Thanks for standing up.

Frozen Global Relief Funds Ruled Constitutional

In a glaring example of Nazi justice, U.S. District Judge Wayne Anderson recently ruled the government's freezing of Global Relief funds constitutional.  -- Despite the fact, the agency's attorneys were denied access to evidence.  This sad excuse for a jurist crowed: "We have reviewed materials furnished by the FBI to us and have concluded that they are relevant to the ongoing investigation and that their disclosure to Global Relief, while the investigation is pending, could undermine this investigation and others of national interest."

… Don't 'cha love the royal "We"?  Due process means nothing to this Ashcroft shill and apologist.  Readers?  Do you understand what this ruling means?  Anyone the government does not like can be declared a terrorist and their funds seized. Their attorneys, if they're even left with sufficient funds to hire a lawyer, can then be denied access to evidence by a "judge" in the pocket of the "President" or any other government goon.  The Founders must be rolling in their graves.  Global Relief will appeal.  God help us all, if this incredible spectacle of kangaroo justice continues unabated.

Charity & Tolerance

Rev. Jerry Vine, pastor, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fla. declared June 10: "Islam was founded by Muhammad, a demon-possessed pedophile who had 12 wives — and his last one was a 9-year-old girl. And I will tell you, Allah is not Jehovah either. Jehovah's not going to turn you into a terrorist that'll try to bomb people and take the lives of thousands and thousands of people."  … Nothing quite like Christian charity and tolerance, no?  Warms the cockles of the heart, doesn't it?

Bishops Rule Out Zero Tolerance

Outrageously, U.S. Catholic bishops ruled out zero tolerance for pedophile priests at a national conference ending June 15.  There will be no mandatory defrocking of offenders.  The decision affects only diocesan (parish) priests, not priests who are members of religious orders, -- about half the total number of clergy.  Disturbingly, it is members of religious orders who are primarily responsible for teaching at Catholic schools.  Particularly, high schools and colleges.  The bishops, however, indicate this problem will be addressed and members of religious orders will have to comply.   In fact, already are according to Bishop Wilton Gregory, the chairman of the conference.

Bottom line?  Apparently, Catholic bishops were more concerned with protecting their own rather than the best interests of the victims.  Pitiful.  Equally pointedly, two-thirds of them (bishops) have previously aided, abetted, and ensured offenders were kept from harm's way.  Culpability of the bishops themselves was not addressed at the conference, however.  How could it be?  ... Like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop.  In fact, when Bishop Gregory was specifically asked on Meet The Press June 16, he laid the responsibility on the Pope who appoints all bishops.  Convenient, no?

Interestingly, the results of the conference must be presented to the Vatican for approval.  Highly unlikely it will be accepted without modification.  After all, the Church thinks in terms of centuries, -- not in the present.  It may not be willing for Church personnel to freely share information with local law enforcement and prosecutors as required by the document approved by the bishops.  It also may not accept the decision to remove offending priests from active duty, thus violating a long-term Church principle of forgiveness.  Be interesting to see where all this goes.  Already, victims' groups are not happy.  Nor should they be.  The bishops did not go far enough.

Identities Of "Detainees" To Remain Secret

In further support of a fascist police state, a N.J. three-judge appeals panel ruled June 12 "detainees" ' identity may be kept secret.  Not surprisingly, the decision will be appealed.  Government thugs have been granted carte blanche to arrest anyone they please, hold them indefinitely, and not release their identities.  Smacks of Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.

Relaxed Utilities Pollution Rules Proposed

Not surprisingly, the "President" is again shamelessly supporting cronies in the energy industry.  The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing relaxed pollution rules on utilities burning coal.  … Who'd a 'thunk' it, no?  At the same time, expensive new auto emissions standards and inspections will be imposed on motorists in the state of Texas.  You will pay.  The utilities will not, but will certainly benefit from the looting.  Enjoy.  You get what you deserve.

Free Exercise Clause Affirmed

New York City Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church deservedly won a big one.  The City had removed homeless people sleeping on church property.  --People sleeping there WITH permission.  The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals June 10 affirmed a lower court injunction declaring: "The church has demonstrated ... that its provision of outdoor sleeping space for the homeless effectuates a sincerely held religious belief and therefore is protected under the Free Exercise clause."  (Of First Amendment)

Kangaroo Justice

Despite a delusional diatribe several weeks ago, Judge Leonie M. Brinema ruled Zacarias Moussaoui competent to act as his own attorney.  Stunning, isn't it?  The dear ole' "Judge" is apparently in the pocket of prosecutors who wanted the same.  After all, their case appears weak, and it will be much easier for them to execute the son of a bitch.  Moussaoui will NOT have access to a law library, NOR will we have access to "classified" "evidence" used against him.  -- Nothing more than a glaring example of kangaroo justice in a country growing increasingly fascist.  Should Moussaoui ultimately be executed, will be nothing more than legalized murder with absolutely no due process or other constitutional rights.  Kangaroo justice at its very worst.

Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box 825
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609

Dear Fire Department Supporter,

Generous support of your Fire Department assures that we are there when you need us with the right equipment and training.  We all think of our Fire Department when we think of fire, but your Department is also equipped to provide emergency support in other areas ranging from responding to hazardous material spills to removal of the injured in auto accidents.  A recent training exercise used the 'jaws of life' to provide entry to a severely damaged vehicle.

Your Fire Department is currently staffed by 14 volunteers who are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  These members have jobs, family lives, social and civic responsibilities, and yet they manage to quickly respond to calls for aid regardless of time, day or night.  Your Firefighters need safe and effective equipment and training to continue to meet the expanding needs of our community.  Community population has increased by more than 54% between 1990 and 2000, and by another 16% between 2000 and 2002.

Through your support, and grant funding from LCRA, we have replaced our 1967 Pumper Truck with a much more capable 1987 Pierce Pumper.  We have also modified two surplus military vehicles to maintain and expand our brush truck inventory.  While we have upgraded our main Tanker in the last few years, our smaller 1969 Tanker is not reliable and requires replacement.

Our current planning includes replacing the old tanker, upgrading and expanding our breathing apparatus (for use in structure firefighting), and the addition of defibrillator capability.  Once again, we are requesting your assistance in meeting the needs of your Fire Department.  As always, we appreciate your contributions!

JUST THINK!  What if you had a fire and no one came?  We also have need of a few good people who are willing to help out their community.  We meet the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 PM at the Fire Barn on Hwy 261.


Sometime between 10 PM Tuesday night, 5/21/02 and Thursday, 2 PM, 5/23/02 the fire station was broken into and over $4000 of equipment was taken.  If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Buchanan Fire Department, 793-9085 or contact the Sheriff's office in Llano.



P.O. BOX 825

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Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

A letter To Burnet County Sheriff Joe Pollock has been posted recently.  Access it by clicking here.

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 59 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609