The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V154        ©2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
June 10, 2002

Welcome To The New Llano Ledger Website.

A Heartfelt Thanks To All For Having Followed This Publication From Maxpages To Stormpages And Finally Now, To This New Commercial Site.  Kindly Be Patient As Llanoledger.Com Is Created And This Fledgling Webmaster Not-So-Humbly Climbs The Learning Curve. ... Hopefully, Quickly.

Got guts? Tired of being lied to? Like an alternative source of information truly independent and free of government propaganda? Want
this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997,
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.


Letter To Burnet County Sheriff
GOP Silence Broken
A Rush To Judgment
Employees' Right To Sue Abrogated
Moral Absolutes
Federal Funding Of Abortion
Federalizing Local Police
Not-So-Happy Endings
Increased Imprisonment No Deterrent
Swinging In The Wind
Sleeping At Trial
False Incarceration
Welfare Reform
Encouragement Of Marriage
Global Warming
Stonewalling Enron Investigation
Ashcroft Wants Arabs Mugshotted and Printed
Right To Abortion Abridged By Corrupt Judge
One Free Chance To Sexually Abuse
Prosecutors Desperately Want Lindh Tried In Virginia
Adolescent Problems Fostered
Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

Letter To Burnet County Sheriff

Publisher's Note:  All parties cc'd or mentioned in the body of the following letter have at the least marginally aided and abetted obstruction of justice.  At the very worst, are glaringly guilty of obstructing justice and the prosecution of an egregiously corrupt and abusive police "officer".  In addition, all have willingly and knowingly violated First Amendment rights of this writer via an unwarranted ejection from the Burnet County Library System.  -- A pathetic and unsuccessful attempt to silence this publication.  Although repeatedly asked, not one of these cowards would provide justification in writing.  Again, expected from the fascist element in this country, sadly devoid of substance and character.  -- A glaring cancer, at all levels of government.  As previously asserted repeatedly, this is not the end of the matter.  Only the beginning.  Much more to be posted.  ... At a time and choosing of this exceptionally patient writer.  T.C. 6-9-02

Sheriff Joe Pollock
Burnet County Sheriff
Burnet County, Tx. 78611
(Hand Delivered)

June 6, 2002

Dear Sheriff:

On March 5, 2002, this writer was summarily ejected from the Burnet County Library System after a letter of complaint was sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean regarding five fraudulent criminal deletions of three Llano Ledger websites, perpetrated by Burnet County Deputy Bill Featherston.  Featherston moonlights as a computer technician in the Library System and has fully authorized unrestricted access to the machines,  -- past security software.  Certainly, at the very least, raises serious ethical issues that a police "officer" has such intimate authorized access to computers used by the public.

Ledger site passwords were stolen by this outrageously corrupt and abusive officer through surreptitiously and illegally installed key-sniffing software.  The last site deletion occurred Sunday, Feb. 3, from a Herman Brown Free Library IP address.  The library is closed to the public Saturdays and Sundays.  The sites were repeatedly deleted by this officer in a glaring attempt to deny this writer and non-profit publication First Amendment rights and privileges accorded the press.

No criminal charges have been filed locally against this sad excuse for an "officer", nor will be.  Nor will this publication cooperate with any and all local officials.  Pointedly, the equally corrupt, abusive, and inept District Attorney and his henchmen are incapable of prosecuting one of their own.  Any "investigation" or "findings" by Mr. Oatman wouldn't be worth the paper they were written on.  Sadly, the County Attorney is no better, nor are the District and County Judges.   Glaringly, the Good Old Boy system and kangaroo justice are alive and well.

Should federal officials refuse to investigate and prosecute Mr. Featherston, however, he will be the first "officer" featured on a new Llano Ledger Rogues' Gallery webpage exclusively dedicated to exquisitely corrupt and abusive officers.  Every bit of personal, employment, financial, educational, criminal, etc. history found on this corrupt and abusive officer will be posted.  As a public service, his life will become an open book.  After all, local citizens have the right to know exactly who and what "protects and serves" the public.


Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

Cc:  Bill Featherston
Cc:  Llano Ledger website
Cc by e-mail: Paula Harris, Burnet County Librarian;
Cookie Wallace, Herman Brown Librarian;
District Attorney Sam Oatman

GOP Silence Broken

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis. broke near total GOP silence on expanded powers recently given the FBI: "I believe that the Justice Department has gone too far."  No kidding, Congressman.  Where have you been?  The House and Senate passed the "Patriot" Act last year, decimating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.  Where was your outrage and that of your cronies?

Readers are reminded this outrageously unconstitutional statute allows FBI goons to enter your home or business without your knowledge, access your computers and/or other records, and then leave without informing you the sons of bitches were ever there, -- indefinitely subject to review by a "judge".  If government jackbooted thugs don’t find what they're looking for the first time, they're free to come back again as many times as necessary.  These provisions of the law are permanent and are not subject to sunset four years down the road.  Unadulterated Nazism, courtesy of the "President" and our senators and representatives.  -- Nearly all of whom supported this outrageous attack on liberty and rights.

A Rush To Judgment

Before start of hearings, Democratic Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy defended FBI Director Robert Mueller June 2 declaring: "He's been doing everything to try to correct all the mistakes that were made leading up to September 11."  How do you know, Senator? You haven't heard any testimony yet, have you?  While the Director took office only days before 9/11, the strong possibility of a cover-up must be closely examined.  Apparently, Leahy has already made up his mind.  Before hearings.  Interesting, isn't it?   … Highly indicative of no substantive differences between both major political parties.

The hearings turned out to be no more than a lovefest between legislators, the FBI Director, and whistleblower Rowley.  -- Glaring, further indication of no substantive differences between the GOP and Democrats.  Rather than hold anyone responsible for the 9/11 intelligence fiasco, both parties and the jackass occupying the White House have essentially agreed to elevate Homeland Security to cabinet level status.  Interesting, no?  Not one head rolled.  Not one.  The "President", his henchmen in the White House, as well as his cronies in Congress, both Republican and Democrat, have successfully to date managed to avoid all responsibility, accountability, and culpability for the September 11 catastrophe.  Stunning, isn't it?   ... Political expediency at its very worst.

Worse yet, the "President" has been given the green light by both cowardly political parties to further consolidate abusive government power and tacitly impose fascism by centralizing Homeland Security in a new cabinet level bureaucracy, apparently to be vested with enormous authority to further decimate civil liberties and rights.  Reportedly, the "President" had initially toyed with the idea of including the FBI in this superagency, but declined fearing it would make it look too similar to a Soviet-era spy organization.  ... No, George.  It would have made it look exactly like what it will be, -- a fascist bureaucracy remarkably akin to that imposed by Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini in the Thirties.  Yet, the aggressively stupid American people sleep on.  As the Founders repeatedly asserted, anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.

Employees' Right To Sue Abrogated

On May 30, the Texas Supreme Court severely restricted the right of workers to sue their employers.  In a 9-0 decision this fascist excuse for a "court" ruled employers may force employees to give up their right to sue and force binding arbitration.  If the employee refuses, he can quit.

The Nazis on the Court do no believe workers have rights with one exception, -- the "right" to do what they're told.  Texas Watch Director Dan Lambe asserted:  "The Texas Supreme Court has opened the floodgates for Texas employers to arbitrarily and unfairly strip rights and protections from hard-working Texas families.   … Doesn't matter, Mr. Lambe.  Not to fascists interested in lining their pockets while getting down on bended knee in church Sundays to thank God for their good fortune, -- while laughing their portly asses off all the way to the bank.  Not relevant either in a state that does not believe in unions or the protections offered by them.

The Texas Association of Business crowed, however, the decision will save corporations litigation expenses and ultimately will benefit both workers and employers.  How?  Employees will have absolutely no redress should binding arbiters loyal to their corporate masters rule against them.  Nazi "justice" coming from a "right to work" state.  Sieg Heil.

… Shills for the Court shouldn't rejoice too heartily, however.  Binding arbitration is being imposed by an increasing number of businesses to protect themselves against consumer litigation.  Remember that the next time a business fails to honor its promises and unjustly relieves you of your money.  Then again, when you're aggressively stupid you get exactly what you deserve.


As reported earlier, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) some twenty years ago allowed for creation of a closed to the public kangaroo "court" in a windowless room in the basement of the "Justice" Department.  This "court" rubberstamps nearly all requests for "warrants".  … Clearly another indication there is absolutely no separation between the judiciary and law enforcement.  Now, apparently, there has been a change in how these "warrants" are to be sought.  Should a lower level FBI goon reject the request, it will be quickly routed to the Director himself.  Sieg Heil.

Moral Absolutes

The "President" of the United States, as all extremists, sees things extraordinarily simply.  Black or white.  No shades of gray. Certainly, no brilliant hues of color.  Capable only of oversimplistic analysis and solutions to enormously difficult problems.  The mark of a fascist. Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

In a speech delivered to graduating cadets at West Point, the "President" declared:  "Some worry that it is somehow undiplomatic or impolite to speak the language of right and wrong; I disagree.  By confronting evil and lawless regimes, we do not create a problem; we reveal a problem, and we will lead the world in opposing it."

Is that right, George?   First, things are seldom black or white, -- especially in an extremely complicated world.  Sadly, only clear-cut to a fool incapable of fully thinking things through.  A particularly dangerous quality in a "Chief Executive" of a superpower.  … Appointed or not.

Second, it is not a question of being "undiplomatic" or "impolite" in striving desperately to oversimplify and reduce enormously difficult issues to simple "right" and "wrong."  It is a question of intellectual competence and ability to fully appreciate extremely difficult issues and quickly respond properly.  A fascist does not have that ability.  -- No question, George, you're proof positive of that, sir.

Third, the Supreme Court-appointed "President" has not only created a problem with imposition of fascist principles during his tenure, he has directly and glaringly become THE problem.  Through evisceration of civil liberties and constitutional rights, Mr. Bush himself is demonstrably evil and his regime lawless and unconstitutional.  Yet, the aggressively stupid population sleeps.

Fourth, his promise to combat "evil" and "lead the world in opposing it" is chillingly reminiscent of Adolph Hitler and his megalomaniac musings in Mein Kampf, -- My Struggle.  Sadly, the "Chief Executive" has delusions of grandeur, that under other circumstances, would be extremely entertaining and amusing.  People mistakenly and tragically laughed at Hitler.  At tremendously enormous cost.  The same mistake should not be repeated here.  As Hitler, Ole George has an uncanny ability to mesmerize the masses.  Precisely why, despite a treasonous attack on liberty and rights, the aggressively stupid public continues to support this jackass with approval ratings over 70%.

Federal Funding Of Abortion

U.S. District Court Judge Nancy Gertner ruled May 30 the U.S. military must pay for a 1994 abortion for Maureen M. Britell.  Her husband was in the military at the time.  The fetus had suffered anencephaly, a tragic condition where there is no brain.  Normally, CHAMPUS only pays for an abortion when the mother's life is in danger.  Federal law bans federal funding of most abortions.  -- Particularly outrageous, since abortion is legal and constitutional.

Ludicrously, government attempted to renege on payment in this case, citing moral grounds.  Ridiculous for two reasons.  First, as just stated, abortion is lawful and constitutional.   Second, the First Amendment guarantees church-state separation.  How can government object on moral grounds when it is not a "religious" organization, has no ties to "religion" by constitutional mandate, and is responsible for enforcing abortion statutes?  In other words, government is NOT a moral authority in or of itself.  It merely enforces and executes the law.  No more, no less.

... Not that organized "religion" in this country any longer has even marginally legitimate claims to moral authority.  -- Especially after the bastardization and perversion of long-held principles for the sake of political expediency and outrageous personal economic gain.

Most tragic of all is the fact the Fascist "Religious" Right has been successful for thirty years in denying federal funding of abortion.  A legal and constitutional medical procedure.  Why have these hypocritical Nazis been allowed to impose their perverse "religious" beliefs on the rest of us?  With impunity?

Federalizing Local Police

The Nazi heading the "Justice" Department wants to "federalize" local police in an effort to hunt down illegal immigrants.  … To fight terrorism, you understand.  … Hey, Johnny Boy?  Local police don't want the added responsibility and fear illegal immigrants will no longer provide useful crime-related information.  They're right, you jackass.  Worse yet, General, we don't need a further expansion of the fascist police state we're already living under.

Not-So-Happy Endings

The Associated Press recently conducted a study of 110 inmates released after vindication by DNA tests.  These men had spent over 1100 collective years wrongfully imprisoned.  None of them are doing well.  To date, apparently no corrupt and abusive police officer or prosecutor has been held accountable.  Doesn't happen in a country growing increasingly fascist by the day and believing only in locking up "criminals", throwing away the key.  Certainly doesn't matter whether they're guilty or innocent.  … As long as a son of a bitch government goon gets another notch on the belt.

Some of these stories are extremely sad.  Remember the case of Richard Danziger falsely convicted of rape in Austin and imprisoned for 11 years.  -- For a crime he didn't commit.  … Don't give a damn?  Think again.  He had his head bashed in by another convict and is seriously brain-damaged.  According to a sister entrusted with his care, Barbara Oakley: "He basically gets up, watches TV, goes to the park, and that’s the extent of his day."  … For a crime he did not commit.  Sadly, as American as mom and apple pie.  Yet no officer, no prosecutor is held responsible.  Sieg Heil.

Increased Imprisonment No Deterrent

A "Justice" Department study released June 2 indicates the prison boom of the last decade has been no deterrent to crime.  Despite extraordinarily long sentences, prisoners are re-offending at an alarmingly increasing rate.  Duh.  Why should that come as any surprise?  Only 15% of inmates are currently enrolled in rehabilitation or academic classes.  Why?  There is no money.  Apparently, prison officials couldn't care less about what happens after their charges are released.  Then again, Right Wing fascists don't care about rehabilitation or what transpires after release.  … Sadly, they can't think that far ahead.  -- Might require some intellectual effort.

Swinging In The Wind

While the FBI seeks to recruit foreign informants in the war against terror, its treatment of them apparently leaves much to be desired.  Recently, Assam Al Ridi, an Egyptian-American pilot, voiced complaints the U.S. did not honor promises to protect him against reprisals.  Al Ridi was instrumental in aiding prosecutors penetrate al Qaeda and convicting bin Laden's former personal secretary for his involvement in the bombing of two American embassies in Africa.

On a trip to Cairo last year, however, Al Ridi was held and physically abused for approximately 24 hours.  He also lost his job with a Middle Eastern airline, suddenly considering him to be a security risk.  … He is, isn't he?  Nearly broke, Al Ridi is in dire need of funds. FBI agent Robert Miranda twice asked headquarters to forward $50,000 to Al Ridi.  He has received nothing complaining: "I am at the end of my rope…The government and I had a gentleman's agreement: Help us, they told me, and we won't forget you. But they have forgotten me, except when they need information."

Not surprising, is it?  As American as mom and apple pie.  Al Ridi is not a criminal and has never been a member of al Qaeda.  Just an informant.  While this writer strongly condemns all government use of paid informants, it is critical FBI actions in this case be aggressively investigated.  … What was promised?  When was it promised?  Why wasn't it delivered?  Already suffering from a glaring lack of credibility, this issue stokes the firestorm and will only make future recruitment far more difficult.

Sleeping At Trial

The fascist element in Texas was denied its pound of flesh, courtesy of a Supreme Court ruling June 3.  Justices refused to reinstate a murder conviction and capital punishment in the case of Calvin Jerold Burdine.  Interestingly, his court-appointed lawyer slept through much of the trial.  The Sixth Amendment, however, guarantees the right to competent counsel.

"Conservatives", however, apparently think defense attorneys sleeping during trial is not a problem and are not happy campers the defendant's life was spared.  Tough, isn't it?  Texas will either have to retry Burdine or let him go.  … A tad inconvenient for corrupt and abusive prosecutors, no?  Should have just killed the son of a bitch, right?  After all, he's guilty as hell, no?

Interestingly, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg declared last year:  "People who are well represented at trial do not get the death penalty."  That's right, Judge.  When the hell will you and your colleagues finally do something about this outrageous, home-grown, glaringly un-American nearly daily atrocity?  Particularly appalling since the United States is the last supposedly civilized country to indulge in legalized murder.  How do you and your cronies sleep nights?

False Incarceration

Imagine being held for more than an additional two years after a judge orders your release?  Impossible in the United States?  Think again. U.S. District Judge Howard Sachs signed an order for the release of Reynaldo Tovar-Valdivia in January 2000, throwing out his conviction.  The judge finally got a very respectful letter from the prisoner this March asking him again to invalidate the conviction and order his release.  He was finally freed April 4.  No one has been held responsible.  No one.  Again, as American as mom and apple pie.  Sieg Heil.

Welfare Reform

During a political trip to Arkansas the "President" in reference to welfare reform crowed: "It's important for the Congress to recognize that this has been an incredibly successful piece of social policy."   … "Successful", George?  How so?  Infliction of enormous suffering your idea of "Christian" charity, sir?

Recipients have not gone off the dole because they found jobs paying a livable wage with health and childcare.  -- Precisely why most make minimum wage with no benefits.  Also exactly why Medicaid is essentially bankrupt throughout the United States.

A minimum wage your idea of the American dream, sir?  … As you get down on bended-knee every Sunday thanking the Creator for your good fortune, -- while laughing your financially portly ass off all the way to the bank, Mr. "President"?

The "Chief Executive" went on to declare: "We should not weaken the work requirement in welfare…Work is work…We can play like it's not work, but that doesn't help people we're trying to help."  … How so, George?  How are you "helping" people, Mr. "President"?  How does it "help" a mother to be forced to work a minimum wage with no benefits, no one to take care of her children?  How is it "family friendly", George?  How does she pay for babysitting on a minimum wage, you jackass?

No, Mr. "President", it is you and fascists who think like you who are "helping" THEMSELVES to the wealth generated by the people on the bottom of the food chain.  -- While doing absolutely nothing to ensure a livable wage.  How else can Nazis like you line your pockets, right, sir"?

Ole George went on to falsely and disingenuously crow: "The bill I've submitted that passed the House is a bill that's got adequate funding. It's got high standards and that's what we want. If you lower the bar, and lower the standards, you're not going to get the results you want in society."  The "results" this fascist seeks amount to slave labor.  It is the only way "haves" in this country can retain their opulent lifestyles, -- off the backs of the people on the bottom.  Contrary to fascist blow-hards like radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, it is a zero-sum game.  Winner takes all.  Theft has been legalized.  Sieg Heil.

Encouragement Of Marriage

Interestingly, a monkey wrench has been thrown into GOP plans to encourage marriage of welfare recipients.  Two rigorous studies conducted in Connecticut and Iowa provide hard evidence stricter welfare rules discourage marriage.  Why?  Very simply, women who successfully move off welfare have no financial need of a man and will not settle for an abusive Neanderthal.  Secondly, for women who are exposed to strict work requirements at less than a livable wage, there is no income, energy, time, etc. to nourish a relationship or even attract a partner.  Duh.

Republicans are stunned.  What did they expect?  Social engineering did not work for Democrats.  What made them think they'd be any more successful?  Especially since they're far greedier and more concerned with accumulation of wealth.  Worse yet, there is the growing perception among American men that even under the best conditions, marriage has become little more than legalized prostitution in this country.  Sadly, they're right.  Precisely why many men, right or wrong, will not date welfare women with children.  ... A sad reflection on the state of human relations in a formerly great and selfless nation.  Indeed, tragic.

Global Warming

Talking out both sides its mouth, the Bush "Administration" changed its position on global warming.  While insisting some of the changes may be natural, it has now taken the view greenhouse gas emissions will significantly rise over the next twenty years due to human activity.  … Has absolutely rattled the cage of Corporate America, fearing they may be ultimately forced to clean up their act and expend considerable cash in the process.  Tough, isn't it? When asked about the report, the "President" dismissively responded: "I read the report put out by the bureaucracy."  He further stated he still opposes the Kyoto treaty.  Fascinating, isn't it?

Stonewalling Enron Investigation

The White House is continuing to stonewall release of documents regarding "Administration" contacts with Enron Corp., insisting there be an agreement restricting public release.   Why George?  What are you hiding, sir?  This is public information, Mr. "President".  The people have a right to know exactly how you and your cronies do business.  If everything was indeed on the up and up, why continue to stonewall?

Ashcroft Wants Arabs Mugshotted and Printed

That's right.  The Nazi occupying the "Justice" Department wants all Muslim and Middle Eastern visa holders treated like criminals, -- photographed and fingerprinted.  Ole Johnny Boy declared: "There is nothing un-American about requiring visa-holders to register and be fingerprinted."  … He's right.  --Certainly no longer considered un-American in a fascist police state imposed by the "President" and his henchmen.

Right To Abortion Abridged By Corrupt Judge

Former Cleveland "Judge" Patricia Cleary improperly jailed Yuriko Kawaguchi for six months in a glaring effort to deny her access to abortion services.  The "judge" lost the right to practice law after the Cleveland Bar Association accused her of bias.  Fortunately, she was not re-elected.  As a result of a lawsuit, Kawaguchi was awarded $1000 by the county.  Mighty generous, no?  Time to change sovereign immunity statutes.  Why shouldn't the county and former "judge" pay the entire cost of raising her child?  Had her right to abort not been abridged, there would have been no issue.  Nor child-rearing expenses.  Any "religious" fascist dictating to a woman what she can and cannot do with her uterus should be forced to pay the entire cost of this outrageous denial of liberty.

One Free Chance To Sexually Abuse

The Catholic Church still cannot seem to get its act together regarding pedophile priests.  … Still insists those with one past incident of abuse not be defrocked.  Fascinating, isn't it?


No longer any difference between both major political parties.  Democrats and Republicans are joining forces to allow FBI thugs to profile Muslims and Middle Easterners.  These outrageous fascists, cowards to the core, have glaringly forgotten anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.  … The prevailing attitude in the United States has become the hell with civil liberties, rights, and constitutional guarantees.  Sieg Heil.  Ole' Adolph and Benito must be beaming from their fiery perches.

Prosecutors Desperately Want Lindh Tried In Virginia

Why not?  After all, Alexandria has a reputation for being the "rocket docket", where defense attorneys are not allowed sufficient time to prepare.  More importantly, it is the heart of Pentagon country, ensuring a jury pool sympathetic to government thugs.  The fascist sitting at the helm of the "Justice" Department has repeatedly made public statements regarding the guilt of Lindh in an attempt to outrageously manipulate potential jurors.  Yet, his prosecutors have falsely and hypocritically accused the defense of seeking "to use the media to alter public opinion".  … If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullsh-t."   -- Right, Johnny Boy?  With defense access to witnesses denied to date, the trial will apparently be no more than a sham and kangaroo justice at its very worst.

Adolescent Problems Fostered

Although there is now clear evidence adolescent children of women who work suffer from an ensuing lack of parental supervision, the GOP still insists welfare mothers work.  Particularly interesting, however, since Republicans consider themselves the party of the family.  -- And family values.  Then again, don't confuse a fascist with the truth.  He or she can't handle it.


Date:  Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:59:21 -0400
From: [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  Your OUCH! SubscriptionOUCH! (#99--Welfare and Work)
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         OUCH! A Regular Bulletin on How Money in Politics Hurts You
 #99                                      Public Campaign                       June 3, 2002

· Number of U.S. laws that expressly require the temporary suspension of government contractors from doing business with the government, if they are violated: 9

· Number of top government contractors that have ever been suspended or barred from receiving government business: 1

· Name of that company: General Electric

· Length of its suspension: 5 days

· Number of criminal violations for which General Electric has paid fines, 1990-2002: 63

· Date that Clinton Administration issued an anti-scofflaw rule that would have given federal contracting officials the authority to deny contracts to corporations that are repeat law-breakers: January 19, 2001.

· Date that the Bush Administration suspended implementation of that rule: January 20, 2001

· Number of states that penalize families, on the first violation, if a recipient of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) refuses to engage in required work: 19

· Number of families kicked out of the program in 1999 because they refused to work or committed other violations: 156,000

· Total corporate tax welfare received by General Electric on $51 billion in profits from 1996-2000: $12 billion

· Total cash welfare distributed to poor families in 2000 under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program: $10.8 billion

· Estimated cost to the states of implementing the new, more stringent work requirements called for by the just-passed House reauthorization of TANF: $11 billion for work programs and child care, over the next five years

· Amount in additional TANF funding actually called for by the House bill: $1 billion for child care, over the next five years; none for work programs

· Federal campaign contributions by General Electric, 1989-present: $7.1 million

· Number of days a welfare recipient making the minimum wage would have to work in order to pay to attend one of President Bush’s $1000-a-plate fundraisers: 25

For more information (and for detailed sourcing on these statistics) go to
OUCH! is a regular e-mail bulletin on how private money in politics hurts average citizens, published by Public Campaign, a non-partisan, non-profit organization devoted to comprehensive campaign finance reform. Every day, we pay more as consumers and taxpayers for special interest subsidies and boondoggles because of our system of privately financed elections. It's time for a change.

Want to take action? Go to to send an instant message to your representatives in Congress. And help spread the word! Send copies of this message to your friends and join the growing movement for real campaign finance reform. If you would like to add yourself to the OUCH! listserv, send an e-mail reading ‘subscribe’ to or go to

Want more info about Public Campaign? Visit or write to You can also help support our
work by making a credit card contribution on our website. This bulletin may be reposted to newsgroups as long as it is printed in its

Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box 825
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609

Dear Fire Department Supporter,

Generous support of your Fire Department assures that we are there when you need us with the right equipment and training.  We all think of our Fire Department when we think of fire, but your Department is also equipped to provide emergency support in other areas ranging from responding to hazardous material spills to removal of the injured in auto accidents.  A recent training exercise used the 'jaws of life' to provide entry to a severely damaged vehicle.

Your Fire Department is currently staffed by 14 volunteers who are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  These members have jobs, family lives, social and civic responsibilities, and yet they manage to quickly respond to calls for aid regardless of time, day or night.  Your Firefighters need safe and effective equipment and training to continue to meet the expanding needs of our community.  Community population has increased by more than 54% between 1990 and 2000, and by another 16% between 2000 and 2002.

Through your support, and grant funding from LCRA, we have replaced our 1967 Pumper Truck with a much more capable 1987 Pierce Pumper.  We have also modified two surplus military vehicles to maintain and expand our brush truck inventory.  While we have upgraded our main Tanker in the last few years, our smaller 1969 Tanker is not reliable and requires replacement.

Our current planning includes replacing the old tanker, upgrading and expanding our breathing apparatus (for use in structure firefighting), and the addition of defibrillator capability.  Once again, we are requesting your assistance in meeting the needs of your Fire Department.  As always, we appreciate your contributions!

JUST THINK!  What if you had a fire and no one came?  We also have need of a few good people who are willing to help out their community.  We meet the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 PM at the Fire Barn on Hwy 261.


Sometime between 10 PM Tuesday night, 5/21/02 and Thursday, 2 PM, 5/23/02 the fire station was broken into and over $4000 of equipment was taken.  If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Buchanan Fire Department, 793-9085 or contact the Sheriff's office in Llano.



P.O. BOX 825

$5.00___$10.00___$25.00___OTHER $____




STATE____________  ZIP:______________



Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

A letter To Burnet County Sheriff Joe Pollock has been posted recently.  Access it by clicking here.

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 58 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609