The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V153        ©2002, 2001, 2000, 1999  All Rights Reserved
June 3, 2002

Welcome To The New Llano Ledger Website.

A Heartfelt Thanks To All For Having Followed This Publication From Maxpages To Stormpages And Finally Now, To This New Commercial Site.  Kindly Be Patient As Llanoledger.Com Is Created And This Fledgling Webmaster Not-So-Humbly Climbs The Learning Curve. ... Hopefully, Quickly.

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Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609.


FBI Goons Granted Additional Powers
Children's Internet Protection Act Dumped
A Barbaric State Of Affairs…
Abortion Rights Abridged
Opposition To Morning-After Medication
Face Recognition Hardware
A Tad Touchy
Out Both Sides His Mouth
Second American Taliban Awarded Counsel
Kangaroo Justice
Justice Denied
Department Soft On Alcoholic Officers
Ban On Closed Deportation Hearings
Suicide Attacks Proliferate
Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
An Honest Business
Unbridled Fear

FBI Goons Granted Additional Powers

The Nazi occupying the Attorney General's office once again greatly expanded FBI power May 30.  An outrageously unconstitutional statute known as the "Patriot" Act is apparently not enough for fascist Attorney General John Ashcroft.  Additionally, "Johnny Boy" granted corrupt and highly abusive government goons the "right" to monitor libraries, churches, political parties, public gatherings, and Internet sites.  -- Like the good old days some 35 years ago.  Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini would have been proud and must be broadly smiling from their fiery perches.

Ashcroft clearly does NOT believe there have been previous abuses of authority such as that suffered by Dr. Martin Luther King and many others:  "The abuses that once had been alleged about the FBI about the keep of files or records about the prominent figures of this country would not be allowed."  … Far more than "alleged", Johnny.  This outrageous jackass will not admit the utterly sordid past of an extremely tarnished law enforcement agency.  … Although living through it as the rest of us decades ago.

Bluntly, the Attorney General is a liar.  Has shamelessly given government goons a green light to further abuse and abrogate Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendment rights, -- in direct violation of his oath of office.  Ashcroft has not done so on his own, however.  The Supreme Court-appointed "President" of the United States recently authorized and sanctioned further evisceration of rights initiated by an unconstitutional "Patriot" Act and earlier Executive Orders.

Bush has egregiously violated his oath of office and should be removed from power via impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate. In shamelessly hypocritical defense of abusive change, Ole' George falsely crowed: "We intend to honor our Constitution and respect the freedoms we hold so dear."  Like hell, Mein Fuhrer.  Indeed, the "President" is a liar.  Has done exactly the opposite.  Repeatedly, since 9/11.

Recent "meum culpas" coming from FBI Director Robert Mueller certainly provided Bush and Ashcroft a convenient opportunity to further eviscerate civil liberties and rights.  -- Mueller going so far to speculate better use of information by agents might have prevented 9/11.  Translation?  Government goons and their superiors in management are guilty as hell, only trying to deflect criticism and take advantage of the current crisis to further eviscerate freedom.  -- Certainly, don't want the sleeping public to awaken and overthrow the established order.  … Not to worry, Boys.  The people are too stupid.

The Nazi occupying the Oval Office is determined to resume domestic spying as practiced during the Fifties and Sixties, -- with disastrous results.  Should government stormtroopers be spotted at public gatherings, they should be immediately pointed out to the group and their identities sought and exposed.   Nothing like sunlight and glare of the public spotlight to quickly send these thugs scurriedly on their way.  Sadly, the enemy is not the terrorist element alone.  Not by a long shot.  Far more dangerously, it has become those sworn "to protect and serve".  ... The fascist element securely in power.  Working definition of fascism for new readers? An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Rather than investigate and correct egregious failures by law enforcement and other government spy agencies to prevent another 9/11, government goons have been given additional powers to further eviscerate rights and liberties.  What no terrorist could secure on the battlefield, the "President" and his equally fascist Attorney General have conveniently and readily ceded to the enemy, -- liberty, constitutional rights, and confidence in government.  … An act of treason unparalleled in recent history.  Sadly, fascism is alive and well in this once formerly great country.  Now, the stench of Nazism reeks from the White House and "Justice" Department.

Children's Internet Protection Act Dumped

The Children's Internet Protection Act was struck down by a three-judge panel May 31.  This law was the latest of three such statutes that have been ruled unconstitutional.  It would have forced public libraries to install filtering software in violation of First Amendment rights, -- or lose funding.  Who the hell are a group of Right Wing "religious" fascists to dictate to adults what they can and cannot access at a public library?

Filtering software is extremely unreliable, allowing most "objectionable" material to pass while denying access to sites totally unrelated to porn such as breast cancer, other health issues, politics, science, and many other "legitimate" areas of interest.

Family Research Council President Ken Connor is not a happy camper whining:  "These groups are more concerned with providing access to smut than they are protecting child patrons and employees."  Mr. Connor, your comment demonstrates outrageous ignorance of the First Amendment and free speech rights.  Who the hell are you and others like you to impose your perverse "religious" views on the rest of us?  Who are you truly protecting?  Your own insensitivities and insecurities?

First, one person's "smut" is another's art.  Second, what are you protecting children from with this software?  An image of the nude human body?  Think they haven't seen one before?  Far more importantly, what should concern you greatly is the problem of pedophiles on the Net.  Filtering software is absolutely useless, nowhere up to task.  Easy access of children to bomb-making and other terrorist-related issues should equally concern you.  Recipes for production of methamphetamine and other drugs are also a problem.  Regardless, it is up to parents to monitor what their children are exposed to on the Net.  NOT the libraries.

Why should adults be denied access to anything on the Internet simply because children may also use the same machines?  Mr. Connor, your assertion employees need "protection" from porn sites is laughable, -- particularly since the American Library Association was strongly opposed to the law.  Wake up, sir.  Your ignorance is stunning.  Again, what are you so afraid of?  Your own sexuality and insecurities?

A Barbaric State Of Affairs…

In the name of the people, the State of Texas secured its pound of flesh May 28.  Execution of children who commit capital crimes is lawful in the Lone Star State.  While 17-year-olds cannot legally consume alcohol, own property, vote, enter contracts, etc., they are considered adults should they murder.  In violation of international law and civilized societal norms, fascist courts in the United States sanctioned the legalized murder of Napoleon Beazley.  Texas once against stooped to a level of barbarism embraced by only one remaining supposedly "civilized" country, -- the United States.  Sieg Heil.

Gov. Rick Perry, having promised in a campaign commercial to impose Texas "values", refused to temporarily block the execution for thirty days declaring: "To delay his punishment would be to delay justice."  No, Governor.  It had absolutely nothing to do with "justice", sir.  Everything to do with revenge.  … As you hypocritically drop to bended knee every Sunday, thanking the Lord for your good fortune, and laughing your financially portly ass off all the way to the bank.  Right, Governor?

In a remarkably similar case, however, the Supreme Court issued a stay for Christopher Simmons, 26, of Missouri.  … While refusing to do the same for Beazley.  Once again nauseates this writer as both a Texan and American.  Time for a change in the Governor's office.  While highly unlikely to be any better, Sanchez should be given an opportunity.  After all, anything is better than the status quo.  Would certainly be a breath of fresh air at the very least.

Abortion Rights Abridged

The Fascist Right is desperate to deny women the right to do as they damn well please with their uterus.  Women of all ages.  While these "religious" hypocrites have no problem executing teenage murderers, they refuse to accord sexually-active teens the same rights as adults.  Worse yet, these outrageous bastards attempt to entrap abortion providers by drawing them into violation of sexual abuse of a minor reporting laws.  These Nazis strongly oppose any confidentiality granted to teenaged women.  … While teenagers are old enough to be murdered by the state, they're not old enough to consensually spread their legs and have sex with someone their own age.  Interesting, isn't it?

These outrageous sons of bitches are having adult stooges pose as pregnant teens seeking treatment.  Worse yet, are posting pictures on the Internet of women of any age seeking abortion services.  Are manipulating abortion provider staff members into releasing confidential medical information.  Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Gloria Feldt declared:  "Their attacks are trying to damage Planned Parenthood, and also eliminate reproductive health services in this country.  They'll use any tactics they can."

That's right, Ms. Feldt.  These criminals do no believe in liberty, only in imposing their distorted perverse "religious" beliefs on others.  While no one is forcing them to abort or in any way telling them what they can and cannot do with their wombs, they shamelessly deny other women the constitutional right to do with THEIR reproductive organs as they damn well please.  Ladies, according to these outrageous hypocrites, you don't own your bodies.  These Nazis think THEY do.

Opposition To Morning-After Medication

Nazism reared its ugly head once again in California.  A pro-life nurse was awarded $47,000 for being fired after refusing to dispense morning-after medication to end a pregnancy.  What the hell is wrong with this picture?  Why didn't this "religious" zealot do the right thing and resign?  Patients are entitled to legitimate lawful medical treatment.  Including family planning, abortion, and morning after medication.

Who is this "nurse" to impose her perverse "moral" standards on patients?  Where will these fascists draw the line?  Many of them do not believe in vaccines.  When one refuses to inoculate a child and is fired, will a g-ddamned jury award cash damages to the perpetrator?  Should the child refused preventative treatment by vaccine later die, will the perpetrator be tried for murder?

Face Recognition Hardware

People lined up like sheep and submitted to a gross invasion of privacy at the Statue of Liberty over the Memorial Day weekend.  Big Brother at his very worst.  ... Face recognition technology ineffective and a violation of the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.  One aggressively stupid jackass, who apparently has never read the Bill of Rights, crowed:  "I’ve got nothing to hide, and neither should anyone else.  Life changed on Sept. 11, and we’re going to have to give up some freedoms so that we can continue to have freedoms."

This glaringly ignorant coward does not understand it is not a matter of having anything to hide.  It is a matter of privacy.  Would this individual willingly empty his pockets for an officer who had no probable cause?  Would he welcome police into his house to search without a warrant?  Since he has "nothing to hide", is he willing to have government inject a chip under his skin so law enforcement thugs will be able to track his every move?

Giving up freedom to have freedom is unadulterated nonsense.  Delusional.  Only gives government permission to strip away whatever few liberties remain.  The Founders wisely knew anyone willing to give up freedom for security deserves and winds up with neither.  The aforementioned coward deserves whatever he gets.  Too bad the rest of us will also pay the price for his aggressive stupidity, cowardice, and extreme shortsightedness.

A Tad Touchy

The jackass occupying the White House does not like or easily tolerate criticism.  Tough, isn't it?  During a press conference in France attended by both Mr. Bush and French President Jacques Chirac, NBC News White House correspondent David Gregory asked Ole' George:  "I wonder why it is you think there are such strong sentiments in Europe against you and against this administration?  Why, particularly, there's a view that you and your administration are trying to impose America's will on the rest of the world, particularly when it comes to the Middle East and where the war on terrorism goes next?"  Gregory then turned to Chirac and in French said: "And, Mr. President, would you maybe comment on that?"

George, -- tired and obviously bitchy from jetlag and street demonstrations, whined: "Very good…The guy memorizes four words, and he plays like he's intercontinental."  … What's the matter, Mr. "President"?  -- A little touchy sir?  The reporter retorted: "I can go on."  The "Chief Executive", incapable of leaving well-enough alone, cracked: "I'm impressed — que bueno.  Now I'm literate in two languages."  Like hell, George.  Certainly can't even properly speak the English language at the very least, sir.

All joking aside, Mr. Bush has not received the same reception in Europe he enjoys here.  Europeans have grown wise to the fascism and Aryan arrogance of our "Commander In Chief".  -- A big mistake to let them see you sweat, George.  … If there was no substance to the reporter's questions, why not let it slide?  Why give credence to a viewpoint you don't accept?  Aggressively stupid, no?  … Nah.  -- Just George being George.  An inept, outrageously ignorant jackass.

Out Both Sides His Mouth

Amazing how the "Chief Executive" talks out both sides his mouth.  Earlier criticizing his predecessor for too much of a hands-on approach in the Middle East, Mr. Bush conveniently praises Mr. Clinton when useful.  Dumping again on Arafat, the "President" crowed:  "He hasn’t delivered.  He had a chance to secure the peace as a result of the hard work of President Clinton, and he didn’t.  He had a chance to fight terrorism and he hasn’t."  Is that right, George?

Other than putting a Band-Aid on an arterial wound, what have you done to fight the root cause of terror?  Contrary to your grossly oversimplified assessment, it isn't hatred towards this country or distaste for freedom.  Such thinking ignores the true source of Middle Eastern consternation and conflict with the United States.  It is outrageous lack of even-handedness in a perpetually volatile environment made so by glaringly shortsighted U.S. policy.

Unlimited American treasure and sophisticated weapons used to kill innocent Arabs are certainly a large part of the problem.  Wake up, Mr. "President".  Your remarkable level of ignorance is stunning.  Until that changes and despite the valiant effort of our military, terrorism will remain a problem.  Pointedly, it is outrageous injustice perpetrated against Arabs that fuels the crisis.  When will you "get it", George?  More importantly, when will the public finally achieve even minimal understanding of glaring American arrogance so despised by foreigners?

Interestingly, the "President's" Aryan arrogance was vividly displayed in a speech given at West Point recently.  For the first time, the "Chief Executive" reserved the right to pre-emptively first strike.  Against whom, George?  North Korea?  Or other members of your "axis of evil"?  Should China intervene in response to a direct attack on North Korea, what then, Mein Fuhrer?  Pointedly, sir, where is the Congressional Declaration of War?

Second American Taliban Awarded Counsel

U.S. District Judge Robert Doumar ruled May 29 Yaser Hamdi is entitled to an attorney and can meet privately with no government eavesdropping.  Doumar, although only enforcing the Sixth Amendment, outrageously gave government goons until 1PM June 1 to appeal.  Where are your guts, "Judge"?  Why give the Nazis any leeway at all?

Kangaroo Justice

Extraordinarily poor legal representation is not a mitigating factor or reason to throw out a death sentence according to fascists enthroned on the U.S. Supreme Court in an 8-1 vote.  Nor is mental instability of the defense attorney.  Nazis on the Court upheld death for Tennessee convict Gary Cone.  Cone's defense attorney, John Dice called no defense witnesses at trial, made no final argument at sentencing.  The Sixth Amendment right to competent counsel means nothing to extremists on the Court.  All that matters is one more notch on the belt of an inept, corrupt and abusive judiciary. Indeed, indicative of absolutely no separation between the judiciary and law enforcement.  The Founders must be spinning in their graves.  Sieg Heil.

Justice Denied

John Walker Lindh continues to be denied Fifth Amendment due process and the Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses against him as well as access to exculpatory witnesses in his favor.  Defense attorneys have been prevented from interviewing fellow Taliban and al Qaida prisoners.  In a blinding act of kangaroo justice, U.S. District "Judge" T.S. Ellis III is requiring defense lawyers to submit questions to military interrogators.  … Nothing quite like having the fox guard the chicken coop, no?  Should the charade of a trial continue, any verdict will be meaningless and a black eye on the United States.  -- The case must indeed be quite weak for counsel to be so outrageously denied constitutionally-mandated access to witnesses.

Department Soft On Alcoholic Officers

Readers will recall the recent conviction of former New York police officer Joseph Gray and his sentencing of 5 to 15 years on manslaughter charges in the deaths of four Herrera family members.  A $200 million suit was filed May 29 against the Department, fellow drinking-buddy officers, the topless club frequented later that day, as well as the Patrolman's Benevolent Association.  During trial it was determined there had been a cover-up and effort by fellow officers to help the guilty son of a bitch pass an alcohol examination administered after the family was killed.  This is the first of what will be at least two suits filed in connection with the case.  Be interesting to see whose ass gets kicked after the smoke clears.

Ban On Closed Deportation Hearings

Chief U.S. District Judge John W. Bissell ruled May 29 in a preliminary injunction deportation hearings must be public and can only be closed by the presiding judge.  -- Another direct kick in the ass of fascist Attorney General John Ashcroft.  Be interesting to see if there is any appeal.  Sadly, closed hearings are nothing more than kangaroo justice reminiscent of Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.

Apparently, a few judges are beginning to wake up.  Bissell wrote:  "Without an injunction, the government could continue to bar the public and press from deportation proceedings without any particularized showing of justification. This presents a clear case of irreparable harm to a right protected by the First Amendment."  That's right, Judge.  About time someone in the judiciary made a stand.

Suicide Attacks Proliferate

In retaliation for recent Israeli barbarism in Jenin, there have been five Palestinian suicide bombings in a little over a week.  What did the Israelis expect?  Militants to roll over and acquiesce to Israeli terror and butchery?  Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Dalia Rabin-Pelossof opined: "Without a doubt, Operation Defensive Shield hit the terrorist infrastructure hard, but it is clear motivation has risen as a result and more suicide bombers have been created."  Duh.  What in hell did you expect?  You geniuses have any more bright ideas?

… Couldn't have hit the "terrorist infrastructure" that hard, however.  After all, access to bombs and ample volunteers is clearly no problem, right?  Wake up, jackass.  Until Israel withdraws to pre-1967 borders and allows creation of a Palestinian state, there will be no peace.  No end to terror.  Terribly tragic and short-sighted.  Then again, with unabated American weapons and treasure, Israel has no incentive.  None.

Buchanan Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box 825
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609

Dear Fire Department Supporter,

Generous support of your Fire Department assures that we are there when you need us with the right equipment and training.  We all think of our Fire Department when we think of fire, but your Department is also equipped to provide emergency support in other areas ranging from responding to hazardous material spills to removal of the injured in auto accidents.  A recent training exercise used the 'jaws of life' to provide entry to a severely damaged vehicle.

Your Fire Department is currently staffed by 14 volunteers who are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  These members have jobs, family lives, social and civic responsibilities, and yet they manage to quickly respond to calls for aid regardless of time, day or night.  Your Firefighters need safe and effective equipment and training to continue to meet the expanding needs of our community.  Community population has increased by more than 54% between 1990 and 2000, and by another 16% between 2000 and 2002.

Through your support, and grant funding from LCRA, we have replaced our 1967 Pumper Truck with a much more capable 1987 Pierce Pumper.  We have also modified two surplus military vehicles to maintain and expand our brush truck inventory.  While we have upgraded our main Tanker in the last few years, our smaller 1969 Tanker is not reliable and requires replacement.

Our current planning includes replacing the old tanker, upgrading and expanding our breathing apparatus (for use in structure firefighting), and the addition of defibrillator capability.  Once again, we are requesting your assistance in meeting the needs of your Fire Department.  As always, we appreciate your contributions!

JUST THINK!  What if you had a fire and no one came?  We also have need of a few good people who are willing to help out their community.  We meet the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 PM at the Fire Barn on Hwy 261.


Sometime between 10 PM Tuesday night, 5/21/02 and Thursday, 2 PM, 5/23/02 the fire station was broken into and over $4000 of equipment was taken.  If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Buchanan Fire Department, 793-9085 or contact the Sheriff's office in Llano.



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Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

An Honest Business

A rare commodity, honest businesses need a plug.  Although this publication receives no financial remuneration or funding of any kind from Mike's Transmission, this writer has personally known the owner of this new business quite some time and has enormous respect for his integrity.  Mike has had years of experience working on transmissions, -- foreign and domestic, standard and automatic.  This guy has heart and takes enormous pride in his work.  Give him a call at 915-423-1694.  The business is in the process of being launched.  If you like the quality of service, let me know.  Better yet, ask him to send a donation to the Ledger.

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 57 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609