The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V145
April 8, 2002

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A License To Kill
Social Engineering
"President" Forced To Take "Action"
Secret Evidence
Wartime Propaganda
Court-Ordered Preservation Of Evidence
Voluntary Ergonomics
Unfairly-Treated Judicial Nominees
Airport Security Screening
Postal System Blues
Unhappy Campers
Center For Information Policy Leadership
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
Unbridled Fear

A License To Kill

That's right.  A badge and a gun are a license to kill in a country quickly becoming a fascist police state.  No question.  No argument.   … Deeply entrenched systemic evil the aggressively stupid public conveniently ignores.  -- All over the United States, not just here.  Especially after 9/11.  … We do live here though, and sure as hell ought to take notice of what goes on in the proverbial "neighborhood".  Especially when the "hood" is a stone's throw away, -- Austin.  Then again glaringly, the vast majority of us could care less.  Precisely why police officers literally get away with murder.

Media, driven only by money and the bottom line, cowardly bury atrocities committed by outrageously corrupt and abusive law enforcement.  Certainly won't engage in investigative reporting of even the most rudimentary kind.  Why?  Two reasons.  First, the public could care less, and second, advertising income dries up when these bastards are exposed.

Precisely why The Austin American-Statesman cowardly buried such an atrocity on the bottom of the April 4, 2002 Metro & State first page rather than running it as a banner headline on the front page, Section A.   Apparently, The Statesman does not think a murderous officer let off the hook is newsworthy enough, -- or would have afforded the story better treatment.

A homicidal government goon employed by the Travis County Sheriff's Department was outrageously coddled and protected by the Travis County Grand Jury.  -- Who'd a 'thunk' it, no?  Deputy Derek Hill shot and killed a 19-year-old boy named Tony Martinez during a Dec. 20, 2001 drug raid.  Martinez was asleep and NOT armed when the thug fired a round into him.  That's right.  Asleep and unarmed.

Yet, the bastards on the grand jury no billed the officer.  He remains a free man.  Free to kill again in the name of the people.  Interestingly, Hill had been a raiding officer during the botched Feb. 2001 "dynamic entry" assault on the home of Edwin Delamora.  Delamora, fearing for his life, shot and killed Travis County Sheriff's Deputy Keith Ruiz.  Delamora, however, has been charged with capital murder for reportedly killing the officer in self-defense.

"Justice" in Fascist America doesn't work both ways.  While Delamora is being held responsible, Hill is not.  Fascinating, isn't it?  Since Hill was present during the earlier botched raid, the more recent killing might have been payback.  -- Or the cowardly action of an "officer", frightened and/or trigger-happy.  We'll never know, however.  The Grand Jury protected and coddled the bastard.  … Hope Mr. Hill sleeps nights.  Hope all citizens do as well.  After all, the public is at risk when officers wantonly kill with impunity.  Then again, as American as mom and apple pie.

Social Engineering

Whatever happened to the "conservative" goal of getting and keeping government out of the lives of people?  Barry Goldwater conservatism?  Apparently, it's dead and has been replaced with fascism a la the "Religious" Right.  True conservatives, such as the late senator, insisted government not be used to promote social change.  -- And skewered liberal Democrats shamelessly doing so for years.

Presently when the Right conveniently does the same, it's okay.  … Provided it's THEIR principles.  Somehow makes it acceptable now.  The hypocrisy is stunning.  Case in point?  The "President's" insistence on including promotion of marriage as part of welfare reform up for renewal this year.  Why is this such a problem?  … Who the hell is the government to impose its views and values on a supposedly free people?  Whatever happened to liberty?  Choosing for oneself?  Apparently, Mr. Bush thinks Americans are incapable of deciding, -- and he will do so for us.  Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.  "The Leader" knows best, doesn't he?

While no one is suggesting good marriages are not desirable, it is certainly true the definition of family has been greatly expanded to include many different types of living arrangements: unmarried couples both heterosexual and gay, groups of friends sharing expenses and a life together, single parents with children, etc..  Once government decides and imposes what it considers to be proper via law and/or administrative fiat, alternative living arrangements become stigmatized and subject to prejudice and harassment, -- both from government as well as from a judgmental, aggressively stupid public.

Precisely why the "President's" insistence on spending $300 million on programs promoting marriage to those on welfare is so dangerous and a hidden threat to liberty.  It also ignores the fact millions of children grow up successfully in non-traditional households, i.e. those not limited to just a married father and mother.  Also ignores the fact there is something terribly wrong with marriage in the United States as attested to by the fact the divorce rate has remained steady for the last 30 years at approximately some 50% overall and 60% of new marriages.

The jackass occupying the White House would be well-advised to concern himself more with that then trying to impose "religious" values strongly embraced by the Fascist Right.  Working definition of fascism for new readers?  An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion.  ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Consider the language sought by the "Chief Executive" in new welfare legislation.  Ole' George "The Tush" wants the states to provide the federal government with "explicit descriptions of their family-formation and healthy-marriage efforts."  How is this "conservatism"?  More importantly, why is it nothing more than "social engineering" strongly condemned by the Right for decades?  At taxpayer expense no less.  How is it not an infringement on states' rights so strongly championed by the Fascist Right for years and a violation of the Ninth Amendment?  Apparently, it's okay when the federal government imposes its views, -- provided they're fascist in nature and in agreement with those of the "Religious" Right.

The "President" also is demanding the wording in the legislation be changed to include an amendment in the basic purpose of the program to promote "healthy, two-parent married families."  Who the hell is this "religious" fanatic to impose his distorted, perverse view of what is "healthy" or acceptable on a population widely diverse in beliefs and values?  What about the increasing number of women who have been physically assaulted by their partners?  … Is that "healthy", Mein Fuhrer?  The promotion of marriage will make it even more difficult for these women to get the hell out of abusive relationships.

Disturbingly, at the very heart of the "President's" proposal is the false assumption the lack of marriage, successful or otherwise, is at the root of poverty in the United States.  The assumption would be laughable if not so glaringly tragic and shortsighted.  Then again, fascists eagerly engage in oversimplistic analysis of problems and imposition of equally infantile solutions.  …  While conveniently ignoring the fact the accumulation of wealth in the United States has become a zero-sum game, notwithstanding claims to the contrary by fascist blowhards such as Rush Limbaugh.

Pointedly, if the "President" is serious about reducing poverty, he would be better advised to attack the lack of educational opportunity and a liveable wage in large segments of society.  … Then again, wouldn't want to confuse the "Chief Executive" with the truth.  Might interfere with his fascist agenda.  An agenda involving not only complete control, but vast accumulation of wealth by the privileged few off the backs of the unwashed masses.

Sadly, Mr. Bush is focused on and enamored with the "magic moment" purportedly occurring at the time of birth.  Supposedly a golden time to coach and encourage unmarried couples to tie the knot.  The "President" falsely assumes all women are in love at the time of conception and throughout pregnancy.  -- And their knight in shining armor will somehow do the "right thing" at the time of birth.  Again, would be laughable if not so damned naïve.  -- A retro time warp to the Fifties and a Cleaver family mentality that never existed in reality.  Bottom line is the deep insecurity of the fascist to anything less than rigid top-down structure.  It's how the extremist derives power.  Precisely why living arrangements not limited to one father, mother, and offspring are so offensive and threatening to the Nazi element in this country.

Should promotion of marriage become part of welfare reform, will the government select suitable marital partners or force women to remain in abusive relationships?  Why not?  Doesn't government know best?  Why not penalize those not married since we all "know" marriage is the supreme social institution and the force of law is always productive?  This is not in any way to condemn marriage, but to excoriate the dolt in the White House for putting his g-ddamned nose into something that's none of his business or that of government.  -- Something that will ultimately backfire as more women are forced into as well as remain in unwanted abusive relationships, as more gays are bashed, beaten, and killed, as more singles are discriminated against.  Then again and not surprisingly, Mr. Bush is incapable of seeing that far ahead.  Perhaps, it's nothing more than how he secretly and sickly gets his cookies off.  … While piously and falsely wearing "religion" on his sleeve.

If the "President" and the Right were truly concerned with pregnancy out of wedlock, they'd promptly remove their heads from a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day and finally smell the coffee.  Glaringly oversimplistic reliance on "just say no" and abstinence would be laughable if not so damned tragic, short-sighted and most importantly, counter-productive.  -- Like telling someone not to eat, sleep, breathe, urinate, defecate, or engage in any other biological function.  We somehow conveniently and pompously forget we're animals, with not only spiritual but physical needs as well.

… Hey, George?  Truly, want to do something about "illegitimate" births?  Support Planned Parenthood and other contraceptive and abortion providers.  Expand sex education in the schools to include but not be limited to abstinence.  … Not a snowball's chance.  The fascist's vision is too limited by his fanatically zealous "religious" views.

"President" Forced To Take "Action"

Since the day the "President" was installed in the Oval Office, Ole' George has refused to take an active interest in the Middle East, preferring a "hands-off" approach.  -- Unlike his predecessor, conveniently and relentlessly accused of taking far too much initiative by the Fascist Right.  Sadly refusing to take personal responsibility, Mr. Bush continues to blame his predecessor for causing the current crisis in the Middle East:  " The only time that's appropriate for a U.S. president to call a summit, when it looks like something can get done… The problem is, the American president, when he calls a summit, better get it right…If a summit fails, if the president ... lays it out there and nothing happens, generally the ... follow-up is worse than the status quo…Someday you may say, `I remember when I talked to old Bush, and there he is, sitting there with a big summit.' But now is not the time for one. I've got a different strategy.''

What "strategy", George?  More of the same?  Doing nothing other than talking from both sides of your mouth?  Apparently, the "Chief Executive" will not involve himself directly unless he's guaranteed success.  Blaming Clinton is another illustration of the Fascist Right's inability and/or refusal to take personal responsibility.  For anything.  … While hypocritically reserving it for the unwashed masses.

The glaring lack of substance displayed by Mr. Bush will only ensure the conflict continues.   Consequently, turmoil there has exponentially increased since Jan. 20, 2001.  Up until several days ago, Mr. Bush was content to allow events to proceed without direct, aggressively active involvement by the United States.  -- Other than American-supplied weapons and treasure to Israel.

With criticism and pressure mounting from Congress and foreign governments, however, the jackass occupying the White House was forced to take a more active interest and decided to send Secretary of State Colin Powell to the area.  Despite assertions to the contrary, delay in departure of Powell for several days is apparently intended to give the Israelis additional time to continue their murderous offensive with impunity.

Sadly, the text of a statement made by Mr. Bush in the Rose Garden April 4 indicates a glaring lack of understanding of the issues behind the conflict.  Worse, the "Chief Executive" arrogantly and oversimplistically refuses to acknowledge the link between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the September 11, 2001 catastrophe.  Consequently, the war against terrorism will continue even longer and be far more costly than necessary.

Mr. Bush also apparently thinks young suicide bombers are merely "induced" to commit their dastardly deeds.  -- That they're only manipulated and used by Arafat, Sadam, and others.  That they don't deeply appreciate and believe in their cause.  … Tragically misguided as their tactics may be and are.  Such underestimation of Palestinian intent, however, is aggressively stupid and dangerous.  While Israel has far greater military superiority, Israelis are drastically outnumbered by Arabs and can literally be bled dry by their enemies.

The Israeli public apparently understands this far better than the leadership.  A percentage of soldiers have refused service in what they consider an immoral occupation and have gone to jail rather than participate in the atrocities.  -- Atrocities reportedly including storming innocent Palestinian homes, physically abusing and even killing the occupant(s), urinating on their floors to intimidate them, etc..   Precisely why the Israeli military has cracked down on all media coverage.  ... Certainly doesn't want the world aware of their Nazi tactics and barbaric behavior.

Such behavior only ultimately strengthens Palestinian resolve and determination to rid their territory of these barbarians.  Precisely why they kill as many Israelis as possible.  Since they cannot compete with a vastly superior military, they send suicide bombers.  While there is no justification, there is a reason.  Until the dolt in the White House and the majority of Americans understand this, there will be no end to the conflict and the atrocities committed by both sides.

The level of ignorance displayed by the "President" is stunning:  "Terror must be stopped. No nation can negotiate with terrorists, for there is no way to make peace with those whose only goal is death."  Such thinking ensures there will be no peace.  Yes, indeed, terror must end, Mr. "President".  Now.  Ole' George "The Tush", however, glaringly fails to understand the only way to make peace is to negotiate with your enemies, -- or brutally vanquish them.  The only way.  Alternative?  Continue the violence.

If the Israelis were capable of vanquishing the Arabs, they would have already done so.  Decades ago.  Refusing to negotiate signifies no more than an eagerness to continue the violence.  Nothing more, nothing less.  While the "President" of the United States says one thing, he does another. Equally pointedly, he talks out both sides of his mouth.  While urging the Israeli government to "show a respect for -- and concern about -- the dignity of the Palestinian people", he endorses the right of Israel to "defend" itself.  Which is it, George?  The Israelis are either properly defending themselves, -- or committing barbaric acts.  Can't have it both ways, you jackass.

The dolt occupying the White House has also made excuses for the failure of the Israelis to immediately withdraw from the current offensive, as he has asked them to do.  More importantly, when will he do the right thing himself and remove all financial assistance and refuse to supply weapons to these barbarians?  Worse yet, he foolishly dismisses the cause fought by terrorists, oversimplistically rejecting it as being one "whose only goal is death".  Not so.  It's far more than that.  Precisely what frightens the "President" and his shills the most.  … Glaringly demonstrating in response his egregious lack of appreciation of Palestinian suffering imposed by unquestioned mindless support of the Israeli state through unlimited supply of American weapons and treasure.

Ironically, he and his supporters, some 85% of the American public, then ask why we're so hated by the Muslim community.  … Apparently, enough to outrageously excuse the atrocities committed September 11.  Moreover, this heartless support of the catastrophe and refusal to condemn it further infuriates the American public.  A vicious cycle with no end, simply because the United States can never seem to understand how its actions, or lack thereof, seriously impact others.  … Or, arrogantly doesn't care.  Precisely why we're derisively accused of "imperialism".

Secret Evidence

Nazism once again reared its ugly head in the judicial system April 5. Readers will recall the "President" recently signed the "Patriot" Act into law eviscerating the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.  Using the Act, the federal government lawfully froze the assets of Global Relief Foundation, an Illinois charitable group, last December.  U.S. District Judge Wayne Anderson ruled Friday it was permissible for government goons to deny the organization's attorneys access to secret evidence used against it.

Should send a chill up the spine.  Then again, the American people are too aggressively stupid to understand the ramifications.   The group sent in excess of $4 million in humanitarian aid overseas in 2000 and doesn't understand why the government blocked its accounts.  Since it cannot see the evidence, how does it defend itself against federal goons?  Conveniently, the fascist sitting on the bench, U.S. District Judge Wayne Anderson, will be privy to it, however.  … Sounds like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, no?

Mr. Simmons rightfully asserted: "I think you've seen the first step forward in the new American tyranny. "You don't have the adversary system working any more."  That's right.  What we have here is kangaroo justice, courtesy of the Congress and jackass occupying the White House.  Raw Nazism.  Not surprisingly, government attorneys had no comment regarding Simmons' assertion.  … What the hell could they say?  -- Sieg Heil?

Wartime Propaganda

See Bush "Administration" anti-drug commercials on the boob tube?  Ole' George "The Tush" and his henchmen equate and link drug use to support of terrorism.  … Hey, George?  Wake up and smell the coffee, sir.  Drug task forces across the United States are in the drug business, you jackass.  Case in point?  The 33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET).  They're manufacturing and distributing methamphetamine, Mr. "President".  Scores of citizens have strongly asserted so, but are too cowardly to allow publication of their names.  Consequently, the corruption will go on.  -- And you, sir, will continue to deceive and delude the aggressively stupid public with propaganda that simply is not true.  … As well as eviscerate the Bill of Rights through legislation such as the "Patriot" Act and Executive Orders you have signed, severely threatening liberty.  Then again, part of the fascist agenda, right, Mr. "President"?

Court-Ordered Preservation Of Evidence

Although denying the defense access to all government evidence against him, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III ordered materials germane to the John Walker Lindh case be preserved.  About time.  What took him so long?  Apparently, government goons may have already destroyed exculpatory records generated during his interrogation.  Certainly been allowed sufficient time by the judiciary to do so.  It is critical the American Taliban be afforded a fair trial with no hint of kangaroo justice.  Should that not occur or the case be compromised in any way, the judgment of history will not be kind.  Already, access to all evidence is being denied and some of it may have been already destroyed  … See the media photo of Lindh, nude, blindfolded, and strapped securely in several places on a gurney with his hands tied across his abdomen?  At a time he was recovering from bullet wounds?

Voluntary Ergonomics

The "President" once again demonstrated he, his henchmen, and the GOP are indeed the party of the rich and big business.  Readers will recall a Republican-dominated Congress, with strong encouragement of the jackass occupying the White House, repealed a little over a year ago Clinton Administration ergonomic regulations designed to reduce in excess of some 1.8 million yearly workplace injuries.  … Can't have that now, can we?  -- Might cost greedy corporations a few bucks.  Reduce a few stock options, etc..

Now, Ole' George "The Tush" is making the regulations voluntary.  Amusing, isn't it?  Without the force of law, corporate greed will dictate nothing be done.  Exactly, what the "President" and his shills desperately want.  Workers should remember Mr. Bush and the GOP at election time.  … Not that the Democrats are any better.  -- Just a little less hypocritical.

Unfairly-Treated Judicial Nominees

Republican Senators are increasingly whining about the treatment of Bush judicial nominees.  … Tough, isn't it?  Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Rick Santorum complained of a new "McCarthyism".  Comparing current GOP problems to fifty years ago, Santorum crowed: "Are you now or have you ever been a conservative or a member of a conservative organization?  That's it; you are disqualified. It's just a different C word."

No Senator, it's not.  Not by a long shot, sir.  Fifty years ago, innocent private citizens were accused of being communists, resulting in the ruin of careers and lives.  Untrue allegations that destroyed innocent people.  The present situation is in no way similar, Mr. Santorum.  The "President" has nominated extreme Right Wing judicial appointees whose record clearly indicates they've embraced fascism.

They are not innocent private citizens drawn into a perverse web spun by Nazis like the late Sen. Joe McCarthy.  Unlike his victims, Bush nominees have willingly presented themselves as candidates for the bench to the United States Senate.  The Senate is constitutionally entitled to advise and consent.  Should you not like the atmosphere, urge the jackass occupying the White House to nominate less extreme candidates.

Airport Security Screening

In addition to sexual assault by security screeners groping female passengers, these same stellar officials apparently forced a 14-year-old Pennsylvania boy, Elliot Gosko, to drink some creek water he collected for a biology class.  … As a "security precaution".  The sample contained giardia, a parasitic organism capable of inducing life-threatening intestinal problems.  Gosko became nauseated.  … Fortunately, the kid and his family received an apology from a Federal Aviation Administration official.  Mighty thoughtful and generous, no?    … What they ought to do is personally sue the living sh-t out of the security goon responsible.  Then again, if he's a government employee, he's more than likely coddled and protected by sovereign immunity statutes.

Postal System Blues

Time to amend the Constitution and allow privatization of First Class Mail.  The Postal System is seeking yet another raise in the price of a stamp.  -- This time another three cents, raising the cost of mailing a letter to $.37.  Officials whine the drop in business warrants the increase.  … Hey, Boys?   One of the reasons business has dropped is precisely DUE to the continuous increases.  Service, similarly has dropped in quality.  Serious consideration is given to closing unproductive offices and reducing mail delivery to five days a week.  Time to privatize.  The business community can certainly do no worse.  Might even do better. Competition would certainly raise the bar.

Unhappy Campers

The National Governors' Association apparently doesn't support the "President's" welfare proposals and considers them not realistic according to a poll of the group.  Governors think the "Administration's" plan would force the poverty-stricken into unproductive menial jobs to satisfy work requirements.  Duh.  … Jobs that would provide no healthcare or other benefits, paying a minimum wage.  Make-do work.  In Texas, any welfare recipient working only 24 hours a week would no longer qualify for cash assistance.  Generous no?  What welfare state?  -- At least not here in Texas, one of the least compassionate or generous in the union.  Despite the howling and protests of the Fascist Right.  … While the insatiably greedy "haves" laugh their portly asses off all the way to the bank.  Bottom line?  When you're determinedly stupid, you get precisely what you richly deserve.  Shafted.

Center For Information Policy Leadership

Top financial corporations are working together to use personal information such as whether you own a car, home, have a job, or even subscribe to specific magazines to help themselves financially, and the government in its quest to root out terrorists.  In six months, they will conveniently provide federal goons with results of their efforts.  Possibly, a compiling of data bases.  Be interesting to see how long it will take an aggressively stupid public to finally wake up.  The first meeting of the Center For Information Policy Leadership occurred April 3.  IBM and Earthlink are considering joining the consortium.  Far-sighted and visionary, no?

Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material. 

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 49 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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