The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V143
March 25, 2002

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Death-Grip On "Justice" Department
Bush Stonewalls Ridge Congressional Testimony
Airport Security Screening "Enhanced"
No Death With Dignity
Bush Solicitor General Argues For Government Deception
Fourth Amendment Again Under Attack
Bush Orders Deletion Of Public Information
Casualties Of Drug War
Big Brother Revisited
Rules For Military Tribunals
Investigation Of September 11 Catastrophe
Law Enforcement At Its Best
"President" Eviscerates Medical Privacy Rights
Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites
Klee's Kaleidoscope
Unbridled Fear

Death-Grip On "Justice" Department

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has tightened his grip on the Civil Rights Division, directing "conservative" political appointees to handle sensitive issues usually reserved for career "Justice" Department attorneys.  Apparently, Ole' Johnny Boy is hell-bent on imposing his fascist principles in the administration of civil rights statutes, employment discrimination, and voting rights.  Has even had his appointed henchmen meet privately with defendants without knowledge of career lawyers working on the cases.  In instances when they were, Ashcroft's cronies would not allow them to be present.  Interesting, isn't it?

The Attorney General is determined to satisfy the "Christian" Right and its view of how civil and constitutional rights should be enforced.  Career attorneys are complaining enforcement of statutes is consequently compromised.  The "Justice" Department has been politicized by the Bush "Administration", in contradiction to promises made by officials and the Attorney General himself.  It has caught the attention of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy, D-Vt..  Mr. Leahy sent Ashcroft a letter seeking information regarding administration of the Civil Rights Division.

He reminded Johnny Boy:  "You stated repeatedly at your confirmation hearing that it is an Attorney General’s duty to enforce the law as written, regardless of his or her personal beliefs," but the "considerable changes in the upper echelons of the Department’s career ranks raise concerns about the reasons for the changes and their effect on the Department’s important mission."

Apparently, the Attorney General also interfered with the investigation of Charles Pickering by Senate Judiciary Committee staff.  Readers will recall Pickering was recently not confirmed by the Senate.  Seems Assistant Attorney General Viet D. Dinh conveniently ordered one current Division attorney and six former ones not to provide information regarding "internal communications or deliberations" to Senate staffers looking into the doomed Bush nomination.

Bush Stonewalls Ridge Congressional Testimony

Interestingly, Mr. Bush has refused to allow Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge to testify on Capitol Hill.  Why?  The people have a right to know what the jackass occupying the White House is up to regarding national security.  Precisely why, National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice should be testifying as well on the Hill.  Citizens in the United States have the right to know what government is doing in our name.  Far too much unrelated to military matters has been deemed classified.  Why shouldn't the people be aware of "Administration" thinking on a variety of issues?

Henchmen for the "Chief Executive" have whined doing so would limit the quality and candor of advice given to the dolt currently ensconced in the Oval Office.  Nonsense.  Quite the opposite.  Advisors would be far more careful in their thinking and expression of options given to the "President".  Certainly be far less recklessness and aggressive stupidity should they need to concern themselves with public opinion as well as the judgment of history.   Die Fuhrer, however, has perfected the fine art of secrecy and insists on absolute loyalty.  Can only wonder how badly both have affected the quality of "advice" given to a jackass not qualified to be dog catcher.

Adding to the mix and making things more fascinating, Republican House Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Ernest Istook, R-Ok. informed the White House he'll block a $329 million Executive Office of the President appropriation if the "Administration" continues to prevent Ridge from testifying.  -- This coming from a fellow Republican.  Right on, Mr. Istook.  You're doing the right thing, sir.  The people have a right to know.  …  Stick it to 'em, Congressman.

Interestingly, Republicans howled like hell when former First Lady Hillary Clinton and her group were not forthcoming with information when they tried to establish national healthcare early in the Clinton Administration.  Unlike Ridge, however, Mrs. Clinton was not paid.  Since the Homeland Security Director heads an agency and is a government employee, why shouldn't Congress grill him?

Airport Security Screening "Enhanced"

Essentially ignoring numerous complaints of sexual assault by airport "security" screeners fondling flight attendants and female passengers across the United States, government is now testing a new scanning system known as Rapiscan Secure 1000 at Orlando International Airport.  The scanner is a low-level x-ray machine capable of producing life-like nude images.  … The Fourth Amendment?  What the hell's that?  Means nothing to cowardly Americans willing to give up all rights and liberties in return for ersatz "security".  To date, the new scanning procedure is "voluntary".   … Won't be much longer, however.

Florida Republican Rep. John Mica is leading the fight for this technology.  The congressman strongly asserts:  "We're facing a new type of terrorist.  We've found they're willing to blow themselves up and they can conceal explosives even within body cavities. So we're going to have to have equipment that will detect those explosives if we want people to be able to fly with security and safety."  … Hey, Johnny?  If so concerned with hidden body cavity explosives, why not be the first to volunteer for a cavity search the next time you fly, sir?

In the best traditions of fascism, Mica dismisses civil liberties concerns as political correctness:  "One of the problems we have is these folks who always want us to be so politically correct, both in security and intelligence matters.  They can do a lot of damage not only to the traveling public, left in these long lines, but also to the advancement of technology. We can get to the next stage but those folks can't always be saying no, no, no."

… Hey, Johnny?  Why not remove your head from a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day?  -- Particularly frightening an aggressively stupid cowardly public will go along and cooperate with such a travesty of rights and privacy, isn't it?  Then again, the Founders were quite correct when they strongly asserted anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither. … Working definition of fascism for new readers?  An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion.  ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

No Death With Dignity

As reported earlier in this publication, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has challenged Oregon's Death With Dignity Act.  This statute allows physicians to prescribe drugs used by terminally-ill patients to end their lives.  Ole' Johnny Boy's "Christian" principles apparently can't allow him to live with such compassionate legislation.  … Despite the fact it is a states' rights issue and a violation of the Ninth Amendment.  Possibly also a violation of the Tenth as well.

Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers filed suit against Ashcroft for essentially "sicking" the Drug "Enforcement" Administration on Oregon physicians.  Was able to attain temporary relief, however, from the fascist heading the "Justice" Department through a court order.  The case is now being heard in federal court.  Interesting, isn't it?

Apparently, there is no limit to the hypocrisy of Mr. Ashcroft.  Not only did he lie when swearing an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the land, he has reneged on a promise made during confirmation hearings to faithfully execute the duties of his office regardless of his personal beliefs.  … True mark of a bona fide fascist.

Johnny Boy is desperately trying to keep the terminally-ill alive, -- apparently to keep tax dollars flowing and shake whatever change he can out of their pockets and survivors for government coffers.  At the same time, he fervently and hypocritically enforces capital punishment.  Then again, fascists are never consistent.  Just brutally iron-fisted.  … Right, Johnny?

Bush Solicitor General Argues For Government Deception

On March 18, Nazism reared its ugly head once again in the United States Supreme Court.  This time, even the "Justices" themselves were taken back by the poignant case argued by Harvard Law School graduate Jennifer K. Harbury and opposing fascist officials of the Bush "Administration".

Ms. Harbury is the widow of Guatemalan rebel leader Efrain Bamaca-Velasquez.  Her husband was captured, tortured, and apparently needlessly killed by the Guatemalan military sometime after his disappearance, March 12, 1992.  His life could have possibly been saved if officials of the United States government had not deliberately lied to Ms. Harbury at the time.

She strongly claimed during argument had she been told the truth she would have gone to court to seek an injunction compelling the CIA to stop "requesting and paying for continued information being extracted by torture of a living prisoner."  -- Her husband.  Reportedly, the "Justices" were stunned by the strength and force of this extraordinary woman as she relentlessly attacked the integrity of lying United States government officials.

The Bush "Administration" was represented by Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson at the hearing.  This bona fide Nazi argued in defense of government deceit:  "It's easy to imagine an infinite number of situations where the government might legitimately give out false information.  It's an unfortunate reality that the issuance of incomplete information and even misinformation by government may sometimes be perceived as necessary to protect vital interests."  ... By whom, Mr. Olson?  Nazis like you, sir?

Adolph and Benito would have been proud.  Is this the type of government we wish to live under?  A government embracing absolute secrecy and justifying lying to achieve its ends?   Mr. Olson should resign in disgrace.  Readers are reminded he was instructed by the "President" and his equally fascist henchmen to argue the position he took during the hearing.  It was no mistake.  No miscalculation.  No fluke.  No unauthorized loose cannon taking his own initiative.  This is an attorney who was speaking for the jackass occupying the White House.  -- A man appointed by the Supreme Court, having successfully stolen a presidential election.  A man desperately consolidating power through deception and shamelessly attacking liberty by eviscerating the Bill of Rights through unconstitutional Executive Orders and the signing of The Patriot Act.

Clearly, the ends justify the means for outrageously corrupt and abusive government.  Not so, however, for the unwashed masses.  Should you lie to the FBI, you go to jail.  Not the other way around.  -- "Do as I say, not as I do."  Yet, the cowardly American public remains deafeningly silent as liberty continues to be chipped away and stolen by the Nazis occupying the White House and "Justice" Department.  Sadly, the greatest threat to this country does not come from foreign terrorists, -- despite the 9/11 catastrophe.  It comes from the United States government.  Sieg Heil.

Fourth Amendment Again Under Attack

The Founders must be rolling in their graves.  A fascist Supreme Court continues to shamelessly legislate its Right Wing principles and agenda from the bench.  It appears ready to rubber stamp a significant expansion of drug testing of public school pupils.  Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County, Ok. argues it has the right to drug test students involved in non-sports related extracurricular activities.

Once again, the Fourth Amendment is of no consequence to the fascists sitting on the Court.  From questioning and tone of the hearing, they appear able and willing to further eviscerate privacy rights.  Antonin Scalia, arguably the most Right-Wing extremist of the Court, apparently believes minors have no constitutional rights.  In response to an ACLU attorney, he caustically remarked:  "What I miss in your argument is any recognition that you're dealing with minors."  Fascinating, isn't it?  Yet, this unabashed fascist expects this country's youth to respect the judicial system and authority.  … Indeed, would be laughable if not so terribly sad and tragic.

Bush Orders Deletion Of Public Information

In further violation of open government, the Bush "Administration" on March 20 ordered all federal agencies to delete "sensitive information" on their websites.  Fascinating, isn't it?   This is the most secretive "Administration" in recent history.  It goes well beyond military information useful to terrorists, however.  Information being deleted has been available for years on the Net.  If so dangerous, why was it ever posted?  Why wasn't it deleted years ago?  What we have here is a "President" desperately trying to squelch the sharing of public information.  The threat to liberty is stunning.  Yet, the aggressively stupid public remains oblivious.

Casualties Of Drug War

Remember the shoot-down of a private plane by a Peruvian jet fighter last year?  The pilot and his controllers mistakenly thought it was running drugs and killed American missionary Veronica Bowers and her baby daughter, Charity.  In an effort to promote the "Presidential" trip to Latin America, however, the Bush "Administration" offered to financially compensate the family.  … Mighty generous of the dolt, no?  White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer disingenuously crowed:  "We offer our sincere condolences to the victims and their families."

Why is his comment so despicably dishonest and phony?  The "Administration" is pressing to renew the shoot-down policy previously in place, but suspended after the tragedy.  Moreover, the United States and Peru stopped short of an apology, accepted no responsibility, liability, or blame.  Although the doomed flight was tracked by the CIA, no consequences will be inflicted.  After all, "personal responsibility" is reserved for the unwashed masses.  Not government officials.  Corruption, abuse, and aggressive stupidity are nearly always rewarded.  -- Reverse Darwinism.  … Survival of the unfittest.

Big Brother Revisited

Big Brother is alive, well, and more and more entrenched in what is becoming a fascist police state.  The Bush "Administration" intends to install round-the-clock video surveillance in public areas around the FDR, Vietnam Veterans, Korean War, Jefferson, and Lincoln Memorials as well as the Washington Monument.  -- Despite no further terrorist violence since 9/11.  Interesting, isn't it?  The "Chief Executive" and his henchmen, although supposedly fearful of violence on the Mall, are apparently conveniently using such pretext to capture images of dissidents who frequently hold protests there.

Not all legislators are happy campers.  House Government Reform Chairperson Rep. Constance A. Morella, R-Md. rightfully remarked: "How long are they going to capture on these cameras every face of every person who is there? How long do they hold this material? Who will have access to it?"  Good questions, Congresswoman.  What are you and your colleagues on the Hill going to do about it?  Nothing?  How long will liberty and privacy be held hostage to the fascist occupying the White House via a stolen election?

Rules For Military Tribunals

On March 21 and in regard to the Pentagon's rules for military tribunals, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld falsely crowed: "It is balanced, it is fair, it is designed to produce just outcomes."  [It] "will speak volumes about our character as a nation".   --  You bet it will, Mr. Secretary.  It will demonstrate to the world justice is under serious assault in the United States.  It will also prove the Constitution applies only to Americans and not foreigners accused of crimes under our system of "justice".

Worse yet, it will offer the world clear evidence of kangaroo justice embraced by the Bush "Administration" and its shills, since hearsay evidence will be introduced, military personnel beholden to the government will sit in judgment, and appeals will only be allowed to another military lapdog in the pocket of the "Commander-In-Chief".  Worse yet, terrorist defendants will have no right to appeal their convictions, including death sentences, to the judicial system.

The "President's" henchmen will have the final say.  ... The kicker?  The Defense Department has strongly asserted prisoners acquitted after a military tribunal will be incarcerated indefinitely.  Regardless of being found not guilty.   Apparently, the United States has time-warped back sixty years.  Adolph and Benito would have been proud.  Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.

Investigation Of September 11 Catastrophe

The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee unanimously voted on March 21 to establish a commission with subpoena power to investigate the September 11 catastrophe.  Bi-partisanship at its best.  The Bush "Administration" is strongly opposed and does not want anyone looking into officials responsible for the egregious breakdown of security, -- as well as fascist government action to date in response.  Committee spokeswoman Leslie Phillips asserted the commission would carefully examine "any relevant legislation, executive order, regulation, plan, practice or procedure".

About time, Ms. Phillips.  What took the Senate so long?  Be interesting to see if the measure passes the House and is signed by the "President".  … Think pressure will be strong on the dolt?  Or will he get his way and continue to eviscerate civil liberties with no congressional opposition?  We'll see.  … Don't hold your breath.  Die Fuhrer gets what Die Fuhrer wants.

Law Enforcement At Its Best

Jack-booted federal thugs broke down doors of innocent Muslims in Virginia and Georgia on March 20, pointing weapons and handcuffing them for hours.   Aysha Unus claimed her 19-year-old daughter had a weapon pointed at her as government goons knocked down her door as she frantically called 911 for help.  No arrests were made in any of the raids.  None.  Her home was trashed, however.  Passports, bank account information, a computer, and credit cards were taken.  Apparently, nothing more than a highly abusive fishing expedition by lawless government thugs.  In the best tradition of Nazism, affidavits filed in support of search warrants were sealed.  The Founders must be spinning in their graves.

"President" Eviscerates Medical Privacy Rights

The "President" is no friend to privacy rights.  Medical or otherwise.  Mr. Bush is reversing patient privacy standards instituted by President Clinton and hailed by privacy advocates.  Things will soon change when patient information will be shared without prior consent for research, law enforcement, and public health purposes.  Information will also be provided to insurers without patient prior consent as well.  The jackass occupying the White House, after all, is in the pocket of Corporate America and will do their bidding regardless of the consequences to the community.

Fraudulent Deletion Of Ledger Websites

As promised, the letter of complaint sent to Burnet County Judge Martin McLean, regarding fraudulent Ledger Maxpages and Stormpages site deletions originating from the Burnet County Library System and resulting in the ejection of this writer from library computers, has finally been posted.  Readers are reminded this is not the end of the matter.  Just the beginning.  For ongoing coverage of the criminal attacks as well as the letter to the Judge sent in response, click here.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material. 

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 47 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609